
397 lines
12 KiB

# Bug change check predicates (originally CustIS Bug 68921)
# License: Dual-license GPL 3.0+ or MPL 1.1+
# Idea:
# - The user specifies a saved search.
# - Before or after each bug update, the saved search is executed on updated bugs.
# It is also possible to run the check when only the specific bug fields are updated.
# - If bug is matched by this saved search, we assume it is in an "incorrect" state,
# and show an error or a warning.
package Bugzilla::CheckerUtils;
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Checker;
use Bugzilla::Search::Saved;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
sub refresh_checker
my ($query) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my ($chk) = @{ Bugzilla::Checker->match({ query_id => $query->id }) };
$chk && $chk->update;
sub all
my $c = Bugzilla->request_cache;
if (!$c->{checkers})
$c->{checkers} = { map { $_->id => $_ } Bugzilla::Checker->get_all };
return $c->{checkers};
# Run a set of checks for a single bug. Checks are selected based on their flags,
# such that (<flags> & $mask) = $flags. I.e. check(..., CF_UPDATE, CF_FREEZE | CF_UPDATE)
# will select checks with CF_UPDATE, but without CF_FREEZE.
sub check
my ($bug_id, $flags, $mask) = @_;
$mask ||= 0;
$flags ||= 0;
$bug_id = $bug_id->bug_id if ref $bug_id;
$bug_id = int($bug_id) || return;
my $all = all();
my $sql = [];
my @bind;
my ($s, $i);
for (values %$all)
if (($_->flags & $mask) == $flags)
$s = $_->sql_code;
push @$sql, $s;
push @bind, $bug_id;
@$sql || return [];
$sql = join(" UNION ALL ", @$sql);
$sql = Bugzilla->dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
my $checked = [];
push @$checked, $all->{$i} while (($i) = $sql->fetchrow_array);
return $checked;
# Run checks and rollback changes to the last SAVEPOINT if there are failed ones.
# If only "soft" checks are failed and Bugzilla->request_cache->{checkers_hide_error} is false,
# the warning message with a "Do what I say" button is shown and the request is terminated.
# The function returns true if all checks passed, or if the user said "do what i say" for
# non-fatal checks, and sets $bug->{passed_checkers} to the same value.
sub alert
my ($bug, $is_new) = @_;
my (@fatal, @warn);
for (@{$bug->{failed_checkers} || []})
if ($_->triggers)
# Triggers never result in an error
elsif ($_->is_fatal)
push(@fatal, $_);
push(@warn, $_);
my $force = 1 && Bugzilla->input_params->{force_checkers};
if (!@fatal && (!@warn || $force))
# Either there are no errors or there are only non-fatal ones and the used clicked "DO WHAT I SAY"
$bug->{passed_checkers} = 1;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Some checks failed. Roll changes back.
$bug->{passed_checkers} = 0;
# bugs_fulltext is non-transactional...
if ($is_new)
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM bugs_fulltext WHERE '.$dbh->FULLTEXT_ID_FIELD.'=?', undef, $bug->bug_id);
# Rollback changes of a SINGLE bug (see process_bug.cgi)
if (!Bugzilla->request_cache->{checkers_hide_error})
show_checker_errors(freeze_failed_checkers([ $bug ]));
return $bug->{passed_checkers};
# Show check error message
sub show_checker_errors
my ($bugs) = @_;
$bugs ||= saved_failed_checkers();
return if !grep { !$_->{passed_checkers} } @$bugs;
# Recheck force/fatal for the case of mass update when show_checker_errors() is called once in the end
my $fatal = 1 && (grep { grep { $_->{is_fatal} } @{$_->{failed_checkers} || []} } @$bugs);
my $force = 1 && Bugzilla->input_params->{force_checkers};
if ($fatal || !$force)
if (Bugzilla->error_mode != ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE)
my $info = [
map { {
bug_id => $_->bug_id,
errors => [ map { $_->message } grep { !$_->triggers } @{$_->{failed_checkers}} ]
} }
grep { @{$_->{failed_checkers} || []} } @$bugs
ThrowUserError('checks_failed', { bugs => $info });
@{Bugzilla->result_messages} = ();
delete Bugzilla->input_params->{force_checkers};
Bugzilla->template->process("bug/process/verify-checkers.html.tmpl", {
script_name => Bugzilla->cgi->script_name,
failed => $bugs,
allow_commit => !$fatal,
}) || ThrowTemplateError(Bugzilla->template->error);
sub freeze_failed_checkers
my $failedbugs = shift;
$failedbugs && @$failedbugs || return undef;
return [
map { {
bug_id => $_->bug_id,
failed_checkers => [ map { {
name => $_->name,
is_fatal => $_->is_fatal,
is_freeze => $_->is_freeze,
message => $_->message,
} } @{$_->{failed_checkers}} ]
} } grep { @{$_->{failed_checkers} || []} } @$failedbugs
sub filter_failed_checkers
my ($checkers, $changes, $bug) = @_;
# Filter failed checkers by changes
my @rc;
for (@$checkers)
if ($_->triggers)
# Skip triggers
push @rc, $_;
my $e = $_->except_fields;
my $ok = 1;
if ($_->deny_all)
# Allow only changes of except_fields to except values
for (keys %$changes)
# If the field is not listed in except_fields, OR
# if there is a specific value in except_fields and our one is not equal
if (!exists $e->{$_} || (defined $e->{$_} && $changes->{$_}->[1] ne $e->{$_}))
$ok = 0;
# Forbid changes of except_fields to except values
for (keys %$e)
# work_time_date is a special pseudo-field meaning addition of backdated worktime
# the value of this pseudo-field is the date before which it is forbidden to fix worktime
# for example except_fields={work_time_date=2010-09-01} means forbid fixing worktime
# for dates before 2010-09-01
if ($_ eq 'work_time_date')
my $today_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime);
my $min_backdate = $e->{$_} || $today_date;
my $min_comment_date;
foreach (@{$bug->{added_comments} || []})
my $cd = $_->{bug_when} || $today_date;
if (!$min_comment_date || $cd lt $min_comment_date)
$min_comment_date = $cd;
if ($min_comment_date && $min_backdate gt $min_comment_date)
$ok = 0;
elsif ($changes->{$_} && (!defined $e->{$_} || $changes->{$_}->[1] eq $e->{$_}))
$ok = 0;
push @rc, $_ unless $ok;
@$checkers = @rc;
# Run triggers for bug $bug from $bug->{failed_checkers}
sub run_triggers
my ($bug) = @_;
my $modified = 0;
for (my $i = $#{$bug->{failed_checkers}}; $i >= 0; $i--)
my $checker = $bug->{failed_checkers}->[$i];
if ($checker->triggers)
# FIXME Only "add CC" and "clear flag" triggers are supported by now, but it's not that hard to support more
if ($checker->triggers->{add_cc})
for (split /[\s,]+/, $checker->triggers->{add_cc})
$modified = 1;
if ($checker->triggers->{clear_flags})
my %del_flags = map { $_ => 1 } split /[\s,]*,+[\s,]*/, $checker->triggers->{clear_flags};
for my $flag (@{$bug->flags})
if ($del_flags{$flag->name})
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flag($bug, {
id => $flag->id,
status => 'X',
requestee => $flag->requestee && $flag->requestee->login,
$modified = 1;
# FIXME Show information about the applied trigger (use result_messages)
splice @{$bug->{failed_checkers}}, $i, 1;
return $modified;
sub saved_failed_checkers
my ($create_if_not_found) = @_;
for my $msg (@{ Bugzilla->result_messages })
if ($msg->{message} eq 'checkers_failed')
return $msg->{failed_checkers} ||= [];
if ($create_if_not_found)
my $list = [];
message => 'checkers_failed',
failed_checkers => $list,
return $list;
return undef;
# hooks:
sub bug_pre_update
my ($args) = @_;
my $bug = $args->{bug};
# Run checks BEFORE updating the bug. These are "freezers" and triggers.
$bug->{failed_checkers} = check($bug->bug_id, CF_FREEZE | CF_UPDATE, CF_FREEZE | CF_UPDATE);
return 1;
sub bug_end_of_update
my ($args) = @_;
my $bug = $args->{bug};
my $changes = { %{ $args->{changes} } }; # copy hash
$changes->{longdesc} = $args->{bug}->{added_comments} && @{ $args->{bug}->{added_comments} }
? [ '', scalar @{$args->{bug}->{added_comments}} ] : undef;
# run checks AFTER updating the bug (normal "checkers")
push @{$bug->{failed_checkers}}, @{ check($bug->bug_id, CF_UPDATE, CF_FREEZE | CF_UPDATE) };
# filter by changes
if (@{$bug->{failed_checkers}})
filter_failed_checkers($bug->{failed_checkers}, $changes, $bug);
# complain and roll changes back if there are failed checks
if (@{$bug->{failed_checkers}})
# remember failed checks in result_messages
push @{saved_failed_checkers(1)}, @{ freeze_failed_checkers([ $bug ]) };
return 1;
sub bug_end_of_create
my ($args) = @_;
my $bug = $args->{bug};
# We don't filter anything by field changes when creating bugs!
$bug->{failed_checkers} = check($bug->bug_id, CF_CREATE, CF_CREATE);
if (@{$bug->{failed_checkers}})
alert($bug, 1);
# Triggers are ran in a separate UPDATE on bug creation.
if (run_triggers($bug))
return 1;
sub savedsearch_post_update
my ($args) = @_;
return 1;
# Refresh cached SQL code of checks at the end of checksetup.pl
sub install_before_final_checks
my ($args) = @_;
print "Refreshing Checkers SQL...\n" if !$args->{silent};
Bugzilla->request_cache->{user} = Bugzilla::User->super_user;
for (Bugzilla::Checker->get_all)
eval { $_->update };
if ($@)
warn $@;
return 1;