
406 lines
13 KiB

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package QA::Util;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use Test::More;
use Test::WWW::Selenium;
use WWW::Selenium::Util qw(server_is_running);
use base qw(Exporter);
@QA::Util::EXPORT = qw(
# How long we wait for pages to load.
use constant WAIT_TIME => 120000;
use constant CONF_FILE => "../config/selenium_test.conf";
use constant CHROME_MODE => 1;
# Utility Functions #
sub _ok($$)
ok($_[0], $_[1]) or pause(1);
sub pause
my $i = $_[0] || 0;
my $c;
do { $c = [caller($i++)] } while ($c->[0] eq 'Test::WWW::Selenium' || $c->[0] eq 'WWW::Selenium' || $c->[0] eq 'QA::Util');
print STDERR "***PAUSED*** at ".$c->[1].":".$c->[2].". Press Enter to continue\n";
sub random_string {
my $size = shift || 30; # default to 30 chars if nothing specified
return join("", map{ ('0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z')[rand 62] } (1..$size));
# Remove consecutive as well as leading and trailing whitespaces.
sub trim {
my ($str) = @_;
if ($str) {
$str =~ s/[\r\n\t\s]+/ /g;
$str =~ s/^\s+//g;
$str =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $str;
# This originally came from CGI.pm, by Lincoln D. Stein
sub url_quote {
my ($toencode) = (@_);
$toencode =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
return $toencode;
# Setup Functions #
sub get_config {
# read the test configuration file
my $conf_file = CONF_FILE;
my $config = do($conf_file)
or die "can't read configuration '$conf_file': $!$@";
sub get_selenium {
my $chrome_mode = shift;
my $config = get_config();
if (!server_is_running) {
die "Selenium Server isn't running!";
my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
host => $config->{host},
port => $config->{port},
browser => $chrome_mode ? $config->{experimental_browser_launcher} : $config->{browser},
browser_url => $config->{browser_url},
error_callback => \&pause,
return ($sel, $config);
sub get_xmlrpc_client {
my $config = get_config();
my $xmlrpc_url = $config->{browser_url} . "/"
. $config->{bugzilla_installation} . "/xmlrpc.cgi";
require QA::RPC::XMLRPC;
# A temporary cookie jar that isn't saved after the script closes.
my $cookie_jar = new HTTP::Cookies();
my $rpc = new QA::RPC::XMLRPC(proxy => $xmlrpc_url);
return ($rpc, $config);
sub get_jsonrpc_client {
require QA::RPC::JSONRPC;
# A temporary cookie jar that isn't saved after the script closes.
my $cookie_jar = new HTTP::Cookies();
my $rpc = new QA::RPC::JSONRPC();
# If we don't set a long timeout, then the Bug.add_comment test
# where we add a too-large comment fails.
return $rpc;
sub get_rpc_clients {
my ($xmlrpc, $config) = get_xmlrpc_client();
my $jsonrpc = get_jsonrpc_client();
return ($xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $config);
# Helpers for Selenium Scripts #
# Go to the home/login page and log in.
sub log_in {
my ($sel, $config, $user) = @_;
$sel->open_ok("/$config->{bugzilla_installation}/", undef, "Go to the login page");
$sel->type_ok("Bugzilla_login_top", $config->{"${user}_user_login"}, "Enter $user login name");
$sel->type_ok("Bugzilla_password_top", $config->{"${user}_user_passwd"}, "Enter $user password");
$sel->click_ok("log_in_top", undef, "Submit credentials");
$sel->title_is("Bugzilla Main Page", "User is logged in");
# Log out. Will fail if you are not logged in.
sub logout {
my $sel = shift;
$sel->click_ok("link=Log out", undef, "Logout");
$sel->title_is("Logged Out");
# Display the bug form to enter a bug in the given product.
sub file_bug_in_product {
my ($sel, $product, $classification, $component) = @_;
$classification ||= "All";
$sel->click_ok("link=New", undef, "Go create a new bug");
my $title = $sel->get_title();
if ($title eq "Select Classification") {
ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
$sel->click_ok("link=$classification", undef, "Choose $classification");
$title = $sel->get_title();
if ($title eq "Enter Bug") {
ok(1, "Display the list of enterable products");
$sel->click_ok("link=$product", undef, "Choose $product");
else {
ok(1, "Only one product available in $classification. Skipping the 'Choose product' page.")
$sel->title_is("Enter Bug: $product", "Display form to enter bug data");
$sel->select("component", $component ? "label=$component" : "index=0");
# Go to admin.cgi.
sub go_to_admin {
my $sel = shift;
$sel->click_ok("link=Administration", undef, "Go to the Admin page");
$sel->title_like(qr/^Administer your installation/, "Display admin.cgi");
# Go to editproducts.cgi and display the given product.
sub edit_product {
my ($sel, $product, $classification) = @_;
$classification ||= "Unclassified";
$sel->click_ok("link=Products", undef, "Go to the Products page");
my $title = $sel->get_title();
if ($title eq "Select Classification") {
ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
$sel->click_ok("link=$classification", undef, "Choose $classification");
else {
$sel->title_is("Select product", "Display the list of enterable products");
$sel->click_ok("link=$product", undef, "Choose $product");
$sel->title_is("Edit Product '$product'", "Display properties of $product");
sub add_product {
my ($sel, $classification) = @_;
$classification ||= "Unclassified";
$sel->click_ok("link=Products", undef, "Go to the Products page");
my $title = $sel->get_title();
if ($title eq "Select Classification") {
ok(1, "More than one enterable classification available. Display them in a list");
$sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'editproducts.cgi?action=add&classification=$classification')]",
undef, "Add product to $classification");
else {
$sel->title_is("Select product", "Display the list of enterable products");
$sel->click_ok("link=Add", undef, "Add a new product");
$sel->title_is("Add Product", "Display the new product form");
sub open_advanced_search_page {
my $sel = shift;
my $title = $sel->get_title();
if ($title eq "Simple Search") {
ok(1, "Display the simple search form");
$sel->click_ok("link=Advanced Search");
$sel->title_is("Search for bugs", "Display the Advanced search form");
# $params is a hashref of the form:
# {section1 => { param1 => {type => '(text|select)', value => 'foo'},
# param2 => {type => '(text|select)', value => 'bar'},
# param3 => undef },
# section2 => { param4 => ...},
# }
# section1, section2, ... is the name of the section
# param1, param2, ... is the name of the parameter (which must belong to the given section)
# type => 'text' is for text fields
# type => 'select' is for drop-down select fields
# undef is for radio buttons (in which case the parameter must be the ID of the radio button)
# value => 'foo' is the value of the parameter (either text or label)
sub set_parameters {
my ($sel, $params) = @_;
$sel->click_ok("link=Parameters", undef, "Go to the Config Parameters page");
$sel->title_is("Configuration: Required Settings");
my $last_section = "Required Settings";
foreach my $section (keys %$params) {
if ($section ne $last_section) {
$sel->title_is("Configuration: $section");
$last_section = $section;
my $param_list = $params->{$section};
foreach my $param (keys %$param_list) {
my $data = $param_list->{$param};
if (defined $data) {
my $type = $data->{type};
my $value = $data->{value};
if ($type eq 'text') {
$sel->type_ok($param, $value);
elsif ($type eq 'select') {
$sel->select_ok($param, "label=$value");
else {
ok(0, "Unknown parameter type: $type");
else {
# If the value is undefined, then the param name is
# the ID of the radio button.
$sel->click_ok('//input[@type="submit" and @value="Save Changes"]', undef, "Save Changes");
$sel->title_is("Parameters Updated");
sub delete_bugs
my ($sel, $config, $bugs) = @_;
# Enable allowbugdeletion
set_parameters($sel, { "Administrative Policies" => {"allowbugdeletion-on" => undef } });
edit_product($sel, 'TestProduct', 'Unclassified');
$sel->click_ok("link=Edit components:");
$sel->title_is("Select component of product 'TestProduct'");
my $text = trim($sel->get_text("bugzilla-body"));
if ($text !~ /KillerComponent/)
# Create KillerComponent
$sel->type_ok("component", "KillerComponent");
$sel->type_ok("description", "Component killing bugs");
$sel->type_ok("initialowner", $config->{unprivileged_user_login});
$sel->type_ok("initialqacontact", $config->{unprivileged_user_login});
# Move bugs into KillerComponent
for (@$bugs)
$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", $_);
$sel->title_like(qr/^Bug $_/);
$sel->select_ok("product", "label=TestProduct");
$sel->select_ok("component", "label=KillerComponent");
if ($sel->get_title() =~ /Verify/)
$sel->title_is("Bug $_ processed");
# Delete KillerComponent and all bugs in it
edit_product($sel, 'TestProduct', 'Unclassified');
$sel->click_ok("link=Edit components:");
$sel->title_is("Select component of product 'TestProduct'");
$sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'editcomponents.cgi?action=del&product=TestProduct&component=KillerComponent')]");
$sel->title_is("Delete component 'KillerComponent' from 'TestProduct' product");
$sel->title_is("Component Deleted");
sub delete_flag_types
my ($sel, $config, $regexp) = @_;
$sel->title_is("Administer Flag Types");
for ('flag_types_bugs', 'flag_types_attachments')
my $flagtype_count = $sel->get_xpath_count("//table[\@id='$_']/tbody/tr");
for (my $i = 2; $i <= $flagtype_count; $i++)
my $flag_name = trim($sel->get_text("//table[\@id='$_']/tbody/tr[$i]/td[1]"));
if ($flag_name =~ /$regexp/)
$sel->title_is("Confirm Deletion of Flag Type '$flag_name'");
$sel->click_ok("link=Yes, delete");
$sel->title_is("Flag Type '$flag_name' Deleted");
my $msg = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
_ok($msg eq "The flag type $flag_name has been deleted.", "Flag type $flag_name deleted");
$flagtype_count = $sel->get_xpath_count("//table[\@id='$_']/tbody/tr");