
410 lines
10 KiB

#include <chrono>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <librados.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <system_error>
#include "mysignals.h"
#include "radosutil.h"
using namespace librados;
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
struct bench_settings
string pool;
string mode;
string specific_bench_item;
int threads;
int secs;
size_t object_size;
size_t block_size;
template <class T> static double dur2sec(const T &dur)
return duration_cast<duration<double>>(dur).count();
template <class T> static double dur2msec(const T &dur)
return duration_cast<duration<double, milli>>(dur).count();
template <class T> static uint64_t dur2nsec(const T &dur)
return duration_cast<duration<uint64_t, nano>>(dur).count();
template <class T>
static void print_breakdown(const vector<T> &all_ops, size_t thread_count)
T totaltime(0);
map<size_t, size_t> dur2count;
map<size_t, T> dur2totaltime;
T mindur(minutes(42));
T maxdur(0);
size_t maxcount = 0;
for (const auto &res : all_ops)
totaltime += res;
if (res > maxdur)
maxdur = res;
if (res < mindur)
mindur = res;
const auto nsec = dur2nsec(res);
size_t baserange = 10;
while (nsec >= baserange)
baserange *= 10;
baserange /= 10;
const size_t range = (nsec / baserange) * baserange;
const auto cnt = ++(dur2count[range]);
if (cnt > maxcount)
maxcount = cnt;
dur2totaltime[range] += res;
cout << "min latency " << dur2msec(mindur) << " ms" << endl;
cout << "max latency " << dur2msec(maxdur) << " ms" << endl;
const size_t maxbarsize = 30;
for (const auto &p : dur2count)
const auto &nsecgrp = p.first;
const auto &count = p.second;
const auto barsize = count * maxbarsize / maxcount;
auto bar = string(barsize, '#') + string(maxbarsize - barsize, ' ');
cout << ">=" << setw(5) << nsecgrp / 1000000.0;
cout << " ms: " << setw(3) << count * 100 / all_ops.size() << "% " << bar;
cout << " cnt=" << count << endl;
cout << "Average iops: " << (all_ops.size() * thread_count / dur2sec(totaltime)) << endl;
cout << "Average latency: " << (dur2msec(totaltime) / all_ops.size()) << " ms" << endl;
cout << "Total writes: " << all_ops.size() << endl;
if (thread_count > 1)
cout << "iops per thread: " << (all_ops.size() / dur2sec(totaltime)) << endl;
static void fill_urandom(char *buf, size_t len)
ifstream infile;
infile.exceptions(ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
infile.open("/dev/urandom", ios::binary | ios::in);
infile.read(buf, len);
// May be called in a thread.
static void _do_bench(
const unique_ptr<bench_settings> &settings,
const vector<string> &obj_names,
IoCtx &ioctx,
vector<steady_clock::duration> &ops)
// TODO: pass bufferlist as arguments
bufferlist bar1;
bufferlist bar2;
fill_urandom(bar1.c_str(), settings->block_size);
fill_urandom(bar2.c_str(), settings->block_size);
if (bar1.contents_equal(bar2))
throw "Your RNG is not random";
auto b = steady_clock::now();
const auto stop = b + seconds(settings->secs);
for (const auto &obj_name : obj_names)
while (b <= stop)
if (ioctx.write(
obj_names[rand() % 16],
(ops.size() % 2) ? bar1 : bar2,
settings->block_size * (rand() % (settings->object_size / settings->block_size))
) < 0)
throw "Write error";
const auto b2 = steady_clock::now();
ops.push_back(b2 - b);
b = b2;
static void do_bench(const unique_ptr<bench_settings> &settings, const vector<string> &names, IoCtx &ioctx)
vector<steady_clock::duration> all_ops;
if (settings->threads > 1)
vector<thread> threads;
vector<vector<steady_clock::duration>> listofops;
for (int i = 0; i < settings->threads; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < settings->threads; i++)
sigset_t new_set;
sigset_t old_set;
int err;
if ((err = pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &new_set, &old_set)))
throw std::system_error(err, std::system_category(), "Failed to set thread sigmask");
threads.push_back(thread(_do_bench, ref(settings), vector<string>(names.begin()+i*16, names.begin()+i*16+16), ref(ioctx), ref(listofops[i])));
if ((err = pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL)))
throw std::system_error(err, std::system_category(), "Failed to restore thread sigmask");
for (auto &th : threads)
for (const auto &res : listofops)
all_ops.insert(all_ops.end(), res.begin(), res.end());
_do_bench(settings, names, ioctx, all_ops);
print_breakdown(all_ops, settings->threads);
static void _main(int argc, const char *argv[])
const unique_ptr<bench_settings> settings(new bench_settings);
// Default settings
settings->secs = 10;
settings->threads = 1;
settings->block_size = 4096;
settings->object_size = 4096 * 1024;
int ai = 1;
while (ai < argc)
if (argv[ai][0] == '-')
if (!strcmp(argv[ai], "-d"))
// duration
if (ai >= argc || sscanf(argv[ai], "%i", &settings->secs) != 1 ||
settings->secs < 1)
throw "Wrong duration";
else if (!strcmp(argv[ai], "-t"))
// threads
if (ai >= argc || sscanf(argv[ai], "%i", &settings->threads) != 1 ||
settings->threads < 1)
throw "Wrong thread number";
else if (!strcmp(argv[ai], "-b"))
// block size
if (ai >= argc || sscanf(argv[ai], "%i", (int*)&settings->block_size) != 1 ||
settings->block_size < 1)
throw "Wrong block size";
else if (!strcmp(argv[ai], "-o"))
// object size
if (ai >= argc || sscanf(argv[ai], "%i", (int*)&settings->object_size) != 1 ||
settings->object_size < 1)
throw "Wrong object size";
if (settings->pool.empty())
settings->pool = argv[ai];
else if (settings->mode.empty())
settings->mode = argv[ai];
else if (settings->specific_bench_item.empty())
settings->specific_bench_item = argv[ai];
if (settings->object_size < settings->block_size)
throw "Block size must not be greater than object size";
if (settings->pool.empty() || settings->mode.empty())
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [poolname] [mode=host|osd] <specific item name to test>" << endl;
throw "Wrong cmdline";
Rados rados;
int err;
if ((err = rados.init("admin")) < 0)
cerr << "Failed to init: " << strerror(-err) << endl;
throw "Failed to init";
if ((err = rados.conf_read_file("/etc/ceph/ceph.conf")) < 0)
cerr << "Failed to read conf file: " << strerror(-err) << endl;
throw "Failed to read conf file";
if ((err = rados.conf_parse_argv(argc, argv)) < 0)
cerr << "Failed to parse argv: " << strerror(-err) << endl;
throw "Failed to parse argv";
if ((err = rados.connect()) < 0)
cerr << "Failed to connect: " << strerror(-err) << endl;
throw "Failed to connect";
// https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/24114
auto rados_utils = RadosUtils(&rados);
if (rados_utils.get_pool_size(settings->pool) != 1)
throw "It's required to have pool size 1";
map<unsigned int, map<string, string>> osd2location;
set<string> bench_items; // node1, node2 ||| osd.1, osd.2, osd.3
for (const auto &osd : rados_utils.get_osds(settings->pool))
const auto &location = rados_utils.get_osd_location(osd);
// TODO: do not fill this map if specific_bench_item specified
osd2location[osd] = location;
const auto &qwe = location.at(settings->mode);
if (settings->specific_bench_item.empty() ||
qwe == settings->specific_bench_item)
// benchitem -> [name1, name2] ||| i.e. "osd.2" => ["obj1", "obj2"]
map<string, vector<string>> name2location;
unsigned int cnt = 0;
// for each bench_item find thread_count*16 names
// store every name in name2location = [bench_item, names, description]
cout << "Finding object names" << endl;
const string prefix = "bench_";
while (bench_items.size())
string name = prefix + to_string(++cnt);
unsigned int osd = rados_utils.get_obj_acting_primary(name, settings->pool);
const auto &location = osd2location.at(osd);
const auto &bench_item = location.at(settings->mode);
if (!bench_items.count(bench_item))
auto &names = name2location[bench_item];
if (names.size() >= (unsigned)settings->threads*16)
IoCtx ioctx;
if (rados.ioctx_create(settings->pool.c_str(), ioctx) < 0)
throw "Failed to create ioctx";
for (const auto &p : name2location)
const auto &bench_item = p.first;
const auto &obj_names = p.second;
cout << "Benching " << settings->mode << " " << bench_item << endl;
do_bench(settings, obj_names, ioctx);
catch (...)
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
_main(argc, argv);
catch (const AbortException &msg)
cerr << "Test aborted" << endl;
return 1;
catch (const char *msg)
cerr << "Unhandled exception: " << msg << endl;
return 2;
cout << "Exiting successfully." << endl;
return 0;