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2002-05-25 06:44:42 +04:00
* Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Module: plugfuncs.h
#include <dlist.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <options.h>
#include <enginestructs.h>
#ifdef ABI_EVMS_1_0
/* Maximum length of a user message. */
#define MAX_USER_MESSAGE_LEN 10240
* For all can_????() functions, the function returns 0 if "yes", else a reason code.
typedef struct engine_functions_s {
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Get the version of the plug-in API that this Engine provides.
void (*get_engine_plugin_api_version)(evms_version_t * version);
* Get a list of the user space plug-ins that are loaded, optionally
* filtering by type and flags. If the type parameter is not 0, only
* plug-ins of that type will be returned. If type is 0, all plug-ins will
* be returned. See common.h for the definitions of plugin_search_flags_t.
int (*get_plugin_list)(plugin_type_t type,
plugin_search_flags_t flags,
dlist_t * plugins);
* Get the plugin_record_t for a given plug-in ID.
int (*get_plugin_by_ID)(plugin_id_t plugin_id,
plugin_record_t * * plugin);
* Get the plugin_record_t for a given plug-in short name.
int (*get_plugin_by_name)(char * plugin_short_name,
plugin_record_t * * plugin);
* Get a list of volumes, optionally filtering by FSIM. If FSIM is
* specified, only volumes managed by that FSIM will be returned. If FSIM
* is NULL, all volumes will be returned.
int (*get_volume_list)(plugin_record_t * fsim,
dlist_t * volume_list);
* Get a list of objects, optionally filtering by object type, data type,
* and plug-in. See the object_type_t, data_type_t, and
* object_search_flags_t enums in common.h. If object_type is 0, objects of
* any type will be returned. If data_type is 0, objects of any data type
* will be returned. If plugin is NULL, objects managed by any plug-in will
* be returned.
int (*get_object_list)(object_type_t object_type,
data_type_t data_type,
plugin_record_t * plugin,
object_search_flags_t flags,
dlist_t * objects);
* Get a list of storage containers, optionally filtering by plug-in.
* If plugin is specified, only containers managed by that plug-in
* will be returned. If plugin is NULL, all containers will be returned.
int (*get_container_list)(plugin_record_t * plugin,
dlist_t * container_list);
* Issue an ioctl to the EVMS kernel block device. The Engine opens
* and locks the EVMS kernel block device. While the Engine is open
* for writing, no other application, not even Engine plug-ins, can
* open the EVMS kernel block device. Plug-ins use this service
* to have the Engine issue an ioctl to the EVMS kernel block device
* on their behalf.
int (*ioctl_evms_kernel)(unsigned long cmd,
void * arg);
* Allocate a storage_object_t for a logical disk structure.
int (*allocate_logical_disk)(char * name,
storage_object_t * * new_disk);
* Free a storage_object_t for a logical disk.
int (*free_logical_disk)(storage_object_t * disk);
* Allocate a storage_object_t for a disk_segment. The caller is
* responsible for putting the storage_object_t for the logical disk from
* which this segment comes into the child_objects list in the
* storage_object_t for the segment. Additionally, the caller must add the
* storage_object_t for the disk segment to the parent_objects list in the
* storage_object_t for the logical disk.
int (*allocate_segment)(char * name,
storage_object_t * * new_segment);
* Free a storage_object_t for a disk_segment.
int (*free_segment)(storage_object_t * segment);
* Allocate a storage_container_t structure. The caller fills in the
* objects_consumed and objects_produced lists in the container. The caller
* fills in the appropriate consuming_container and producing_container
* fields in the storage_object_t(s) that are consumed or produced by the
* container.
int (*allocate_container)(char * name,
storage_container_t * * new_container);
* Free a storage_container_t structure.
int (*free_container)(storage_container_t * container);
* Allocate a storage_object_t for a storage_region. The caller is
* responsible for putting the storage_object_t from which this region comes
* into the child_objects list in the storage_object_t for the region.
* Additionally, the caller must add the storage_object_t for the region to
* the parent_objects list in the storage_object_t from which this region
* comes.
int (*allocate_region)(char * name,
storage_object_t * * new_region);
* Free the storage_region structure.
int (*free_region)(storage_object_t * region);
* Allocate a storage_object_t for an EVMS object. The caller is
* responsible for putting the storage_object_t from which this EVMS object
* comes into the child_objects list in the storage_object_t for the EVMS
* object. Additionally, the caller must add the storage_object_t for the
* EVMS object to the parent_objects list in the storage_object_t from which
* this EVMS object comes.
int (*allocate_evms_object)(char * name,
storage_object_t * * new_object);
* Free a storage_object_t for an EVMS object.
int (*free_evms_object)(storage_object_t * object);
* engine_alloc is the generic memory allocation service provided by the
* Engine. For any memory that plug-ins return to the Engine, the plug-in
* must use the same malloc() that the Engine uses so that the Engine can
* properly free() the memory. To assist the plug-ins, the Engine provides
* a common allocation function which the plug-ins can use so that all
* memory allocations are managed by the same memory manager. Memory will
* be zero filled.
void * (*engine_alloc)(u_int32_t size);
* engine_free is the generic memory deallocation service provided by the
* Engine.
void (*engine_free)(void *);
* Check if there are any changes pending in the Engine.
BOOLEAN (*changes_pending)(void);
* Tell the Engine that there are changes pending, i.e., there is stuff to
* be committed to disk.
void (*set_changes_pending)(void);
* Check if the Engine is in the process of committing changes.
BOOLEAN (*commit_in_progress)(void);
* Write data to the Engine's log file.
int (*write_log_entry)(debug_level_t level,
plugin_record_t * plugin,
char * fmt,
* Calculate a 32-bit CRC for a buffer of a given size.
* On the first call to calculate_CRC() the CRC parameter must be
* 0xffffffff.
* calculate_CRC() can be called multiple times to get the CRC for an
* aggregate of buffers. To do so, subsequent calls set the CRC parameter
* to the resulting CRC that was returned from the previous call.
* To calculate a new CRC, the CRC parameter must be set to 0xffffffff.
u_int32_t (*calculate_CRC)(u_int32_t crc,
void * buffer,
u_int32_t buffer_size);
* Calculate a checksum on a buffer of given size. This Engine service
* actually issues an ioctl() to the EVMS kernel to use the kernel's
* checksum function so that checksums are consistent with the runtime
* code. An error code is returned if the ioctl to the kernel fails.
* "insum" is the initial checksum value, useful if you are doing a
* single checksum on a series of multiple data blocks.
int (*calculate_checksum)(unsigned char * buffer,
int buffer_size,
unsigned int insum,
unsigned int * outsum);
* Add sectors that are to be written with zeros to the Engine's Kill Sector
* list. Should only be called by device managers
int (*add_sectors_to_kill_list)(storage_object_t * disk, /* Disk on which the sectors reside */
lba_t lba, /* Sector number of the first sector */
/* to wipe out */
sector_count_t count); /* Number of sectors to wipe out */
* Tell the Engine that this volume should be rediscovered when the changes
* are committed. Call this function if you make changes to the volume's
* underlying objects, regions, etc. that will have to be discovered by the
* kernel runtime code in order to build the volume correctly.
* Set sync_fs to TRUE if you want the file system on the volume to
* be synced in a safe state before the volume is rediscovered.
int (*rediscover_volume)(logical_volume_t * volume,
BOOLEAN sync_fs);
* Check to make sure this name is valid and no other object has the same
* name.
int (*validate_name)(char * name);
* Register the name for an object. The Engine will make sure that there is
* no other object with the same name. If the name is not valid (e.g., it's
* too long) or another object has already registered the name, an error
* will be returned.
int (*register_name)(char * name);
* Unregister the name of an object.
int (*unregister_name)(char * name);
* Ask all the parent objects of this object if they can handle this object
* expanding by the specified amount. Parent plug-ins may modify the size
* according to any constrains they have. If the size has not been changed
* by any of the parents, the Engine will return 0. If all the parents
* don't return an error but the size has been updated, the Engine will
* return EAGAIN.
int (*can_expand_by)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * delta_size);
* Ask all the parent objects of this object if they can handle this object
* shrinking by the specified amount. Parent plug-ins may modify the size
* according to any constrains they have. If the size has not been changed
* by any of the parents, the Engine will return 0. If all the parents
* don't return an error but the size has been updated, the Engine will
* return EAGAIN.
int (*can_shrink_by)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * delta_size);
* Send a message to the user interface. This service can be used in three
* ways.
* 1) Send a notification message to the user expecting no response.
* user_message(plugin_record, NULL, NULL, message_fmt, ...);
* 2) Ask a question and get one item selected from a list of two or more
* items.
* char * choices = {string1, string2, ..., NULL};
* user_message(plugin_record, &answer, choices, message_fmt, ...);
* The "choices" parameter is a NULL terminated array of strings that
* describe each of the choices. "*answer" *must* be initialized to the
* default response. The UI will present the message and the choices to
* the user. On return, *answer will contain the index of the selected
* choice string.
int (*user_message)(plugin_record_t * plugin,
int * answer,
char * * choice_text,
char * message_fmt,
* user_communication() uses the option_descriptor_t structures to convey a
* group of choices to the user. Use this service when you have a complex
* list of things to ask of the user, e.g., they are of several different
* types (strings, ints, etc), they have constraints on their selection, or
* they may have dependencies on each other.
* The Engine will create a EVMS_Task_Message task for the UI. The UI will
* use the task when calling the evms_get_option_descriptor(),
* evms_set_option_value(), etc. APIs for getting and setting options.
* Your plug-in will be called on its set_option() function with the task
* context. The action will be EVMS_Task_Message, the task object will be
* set to the object_instance parameter that you provide on the call to
* user_communication().
* The "message_text" will be treated by the UI as a title for the options
* that are presented. "options" is an array of option_descriptor_t
* structures. Each of the option descriptors *must* have an initial value.
int (*user_communication)(void * object_instance,
char * message_text,
option_desc_array_t * options);
* Can this object be renamed? The Engine will figure out if there are any
* restrictions that would prevent the object from being renamed, e.g., the
* object is the topmost object of a compatibility volume (the volume name
* will have been derived from the object) and the volume is mounted. The
* Engine won't allow a volume that is mounted to be renamed. If the
* object cannot be renamed, the Engine will return an error code that
* (hopefully) gives some indication as to why the rename is not allowed.
* Plug-ins call this Engine service before allowing their object name to
* be changed by a set_info() call.
int (*can_rename)(storage_object_t * object);
* Is this volume mounted? If you want to know the name of the mount point,
* specify a location in mount_name where the service will place a pointer
* to malloced memory that contains the mount point name. Remember to free
* the string when you are finished with it. If you do not want to know the
* mount point and not have the hassle of freeing the memory, specify NULL
* for mount_name.
BOOLEAN (*is_mounted)(char * volume_name,
char * * mount_name);
} engine_functions_t;
typedef struct fsim_functions_s {
int (*setup_evms_plugin)(engine_mode_t mode,
engine_functions_t * functions);
void (*cleanup_evms_plugin)(void);
* Does this FSIM manage the file system on this volume?
* Return 0 for "yes", else a reason code.
int (*is_this_yours)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Get the current size of the file system on this volume.
int (*get_fs_size)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t * fs_size);
* Get the file system size limits for this volume.
int (*get_fs_limits)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t * fs_min_size,
sector_count_t * fs_max_size,
sector_count_t * vol_max_size);
* Can you install your file system on this volume?
int (*can_mkfs)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Can you remove your file system from this volume?
int (*can_unmkfs)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Can you fsck this volume?
int (*can_fsck)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Can you defrag this volume?
int (*can_defrag)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Can you expand this volume by the amount specified?
* If your file system cannot handle expansion at all, return an
* error code that indicates why it cannot be expanded..
* If your file system can expand but cannot handle having unused
* space after the end of your file system, adjust the *delta_size
* to the maximum you allow and return 0.
* If your file system cannot fill the resulting size but your file
* system can handle extra unused space after the end of the file
* system, then do not change the *delta_size and return 0.
int (*can_expand_by)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t * delta_size);
* Can you shrink this volume by the amount specified?
* If your file system cannot handle shrinking at all, return an
* error code that indicates why it cannot be shrunk.
* If your file system can shrink but the *delta_size is too much to
* shrink by, adjust the *delta_size to the maximum shrinkage you allow and
* return 0.
int (*can_shrink_by)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t * delta_size);
* Install your file system on the volume.
int (*mkfs)(logical_volume_t * volume,
option_array_t * options);
* Remove your file system from the volume. This could be as simple as
* wiping out critical sectors, such as a superblock, so that you will
* no longer detect that your file system is installed on the volume.
int (*unmkfs)(logical_volume_t * volume);
* Run fsck on the volume.
int (*fsck)(logical_volume_t * volume,
option_array_t * options);
* Defragment on the volume.
int (*defrag)(logical_volume_t * volume,
option_array_t * options);
* Expand the volume to new_size. If the volume is not expanded exactly to
* new_size, set new_sie to the new_size of the volume.
int (*expand)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t * new_size);
* Shrink the volume to new_size. If the volume is not expanded exactly to
* new_size, set new_size to the new_size of the volume.
int (*shrink)(logical_volume_t * volume,
sector_count_t requested_size,
sector_count_t * new_size);
* Return the total number of supported options for the specified task.
int (*get_option_count)(task_context_t * context);
* Fill in the initial list of acceptable objects. Fill in the minimum and
* maximum number of objects that must/can be selected. Set up all initial
* values in the option_descriptors in the context record for the given
* task. Some fields in the option_descriptor may be dependent on a
* selected object. Leave such fields blank for now, and fill in during the
* set_objects call.
int (*init_task)(task_context_t * context);
* Examine the specified value, and determine if it is valid for the task
* and option_descriptor index. If it is acceptable, set that value in the
* appropriate entry in the option_descriptor. The value may be adjusted
* if necessary/allowed. If so, set the effect return value accordingly.
int (*set_option)(task_context_t * context,
u_int32_t index,
value_t * value,
task_effect_t * effect);
* Validate the volumes in the selected_objects dlist in the task context.
* Remove from the selected objects lists any volumes which are not
* acceptable. For unacceptable volumes, create a declined_handle_t
* structure with the reason why it is not acceptable, and add it to the
* declined_volumes dlist. Modify the acceptable_objects dlist in the task
* context as necessary based on the selected objects and the current
* settings of the options. Modify any option settings as necessary based
* on the selected objects. Return the appropriate task_effect_t settings
* if the object list(s), minimum or maximum objects selected, or option
* settings have changed.
int (*set_volumes)(task_context_t * context,
dlist_t declined_volumes, /* of type declined_handle_t */
task_effect_t * effect);
* Return any additional information that you wish to provide about the
* volume. The Engine provides an external API to get the information
* stored in the logical_volume_t. This call is to get any other
* information about the volume that is not specified in the
* logical_volume_t. Any piece of information you wish to provide must be
* in an extended_info_t structure. Use the Engine's engine_alloc() to
* allocate the memory for the extended_info_t. Also use engine_alloc() to
* allocate any strings that may go into the extended_info_t. Then use
* engine_alloc() to allocate an extended_info_array_t with enough entries
* for the number of extended_info_t structures you are returning. Fill
* in the array and return it in *info.
* If you have extended_info_t descriptors that themselves may have more
* extended information, set the EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag
* in the extended_info_t flags field. If the caller wants more information
* about a particular extended_info_t item, this API will be called with a
* pointer to the storage_object_t and with a pointer to the name of the
* extended_info_t item. In that case, return an extended_info_array_t with
* further information about the item. Each of those items may have the
* EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag set if you desire. It is your
* responsibility to give the items unique names so that you know which item
* the caller is asking additional information for. If info_name is NULL,
* the caller just wants top level information about the object.
int (*get_volume_info)(logical_volume_t * volume,
char * info_name,
extended_info_array_t * * info);
* Apply the settings of the options to the given volume.
int (*set_volume_info)(logical_volume_t * volume,
option_array_t * options);
* Return any additional information that you wish to provide about your
* plug-in. The Engine provides an external API to get the information
* stored in the plugin_record_t. This call is to get any other
* information about the plug-in that is not specified in the
* plugin_record_t. Any piece of information you wish to provide must be
* in an extended_info_t structure. Use the Engine's engine_alloc() to
* allocate the memory for the extended_info_t. Also use engine_alloc() to
* allocate any strings that may go into the extended_info_t. Then use
* engine_alloc() to allocate an extended_info_array_t with enough entries
* for the number of extended_info_t structures you are returning. Fill
* in the array and return it in *info.
* If you have extended_info_t descriptors that themselves may have more
* extended information, set the EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag
* in the extended_info_t flags field. If the caller wants more information
* about a particular extended_info_t item, this API will be called with a
* pointer to the storage_object_t and with a pointer to the name of the
* extended_info_t item. In that case, return an extended_info_array_t with
* further information about the item. Each of those items may have the
* EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag set if you desire. It is your
* responsibility to give the items unique names so that you know which item
* the caller is asking additional information for. If info_name is NULL,
* the caller just wants top level information about the object.
int (*get_plugin_info)(char * info_name,
extended_info_array_t * * info);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Return an array of private actions that you support for this volume.
int (*get_plugin_functions)(logical_volume_t * volume,
function_info_array_t * * actions);
* Execute the private action on the volume.
int (*plugin_function)(logical_volume_t * volume,
task_action_t action,
dlist_t objects,
option_array_t * options);
* Generic method for communicating with your plug-in.
int (*direct_plugin_communication)(void * thing,
BOOLEAN target_kernel_plugin,
void * arg);
} fsim_functions_t;
typedef struct plugin_functions_s {
int (*setup_evms_plugin)(engine_mode_t mode,
engine_functions_t * functions);
void (*cleanup_evms_plugin)(void);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Can you apply your plug-in to the input_object? If yes, return the size
* of the object you would create.
* The Engine will only call this function on EVMS feature plug-ins.
* Other plug-ins may choose whether or not to support this API.
int (*can_add_feature)(storage_object_t * input_object,
sector_count_t * size);
* Can you delete this object?
int (*can_delete)(storage_object_t * object);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Can you unassign your plug-in from this object?
int (*can_unassign)(storage_object_t * object);
* Can you expand this object? If yes, build an expand_object_info_t and
* add it to the expand_points list. If you can't expand, but allow one of
* your children to expand, call can_expand on whichever child you will
* allow to expand. If you can not handle expanding below you, do not pass
* the command down to your child.
int (*can_expand)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * expand_limit, // a delta size
dlist_t expand_points); // of type expand_object_info_t,
* Can you allow your child object to expand by "size"? Return 0 if yes,
* else an error code. "size" is the delta expand BY size, not the
* resulting size. Update the "size" if your object would expand by a
* different delta size when your child object expanded by the given size.
int (*can_expand_by)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * size);
* Can you shrink this object? If yes, build a shrink_object_info_t and
* add it to the shrink_points list. If you can't shrink, but allow one of
* your children to shrink, call can_shrink on whichever child you will
* allow to shrink. If you can not handle shrinking below you, do not pass
* the command down to your child.
int (*can_shrink)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * shrink_limit, // a delta size
dlist_t shrink_points); // of type shrink_object_info_t,
* Can you allow your child object to shrink by "size"? Return 0 if yes,
* else an error code. "size" is the delta shrink BY size, not the
* resulting size. Update the "size" if your object would shrink by a
* different delta size when your child object shrunk by the given size.
int (*can_shrink_by)(storage_object_t * object,
sector_count_t * size);
* Can you move this object?
int (*can_move)(storage_object_t * object);
* Will you allow your object to be made into a volume? (We don't see
* any reason why you wouldn't.) Will you allow a volume to be reverted
* off the top of your object? The "flag" parameter says whether the
* volume is to be created (TRUE) or removed (FALSE).
int (*can_set_volume)(storage_object_t * object,
BOOLEAN flag);
* Claim objects by removing them from the list. Create a storage_object_t
* for the object you are discovering, fill in the appropriate fields and
* put the new object on the output_objects list. If you do not claim an
* object from the input list, then just copy/move it to the output list.
* The input list can be modified at will. The output list must contain
* all the storage objects in the system after yours are discovered, i.e.,
* it is the input list, minus the objects you claim, plus the objects you
* produce.
int (*discover)(dlist_t input_objects,
dlist_t output_objects,
BOOLEAN final_call);
* Create storage_object_t(s) from the list of objects using the given
* options. Return the newly allocated storage_object_t(s) in new_objects
* list.
int (*create)(dlist_t input_objects,
option_array_t * options,
dlist_t output_objects);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Assign your plug-in to produce storage objects from the given storage
* object. This function makes sense mainly for segment managers that are
* assigned to disks (or segments).
int (*assign)(storage_object_t * object,
option_array_t * options);
* Delete the object. Free any privately allocated data. Remove your
* parent pointer from your child objects. Do any cleanup necessary to
* remove your plug-in from your child objects. Put your object's children
* from the object's child_objects dlist_t onto the dlist_t provided in the
* second parameter. Call the Engine's free_?????t() to free the object.
int (*delete)(storage_object_t * object,
dlist_t child_objects);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Unassign your plug-in from producing storage objects from the given
* storage object. This function makes sense mainly for segment managers
* that are assigned to disks (or segments).
int (*unassign)(storage_object_t * object);
* If the "object" is not the "expand_object", then your child is going to
* expand. Do any necessary work to get ready for your child to expand,
* e.g., read in meta data, then call expand() on your child object which
* will expand. Upon return from the call to your child's expand(), do
* any work necessary to adjust this object to account for the child
* object's new size, e.g., update the location of meta data.
* If the "object" is the same as the "expand_object", then this is the
* object targeted for expanding. Expand the object according to the
* input_objects given and the options selected.
int (*expand)(storage_object_t * object,
storage_object_t * expand_object,
dlist_t input_objects,
option_array_t * options);
* If the "object" is not the "shrink_object", then your child is going to
* shrink. Do any necessary work to get ready for your child to shrink,
* e.g., read in meta data, then call shrink() on your child object which
* will shrink. Upon return from the call to your child's shrink(), do
* any work necessary to adjust this object to account for the child
* object's new size, e.g., update the location of meta data.
* If the "object" is the same as the "shrink_object", then this is the
* object targeted for shrinking. Shrink the object according to the
* input_objects given and the options selected.
int (*shrink)(storage_object_t * object,
storage_object_t * shrink_object,
dlist_t input_objects,
option_array_t * options);
* Move the contents of the source object to the target object using the
* given options.
int (*move)(storage_object_t * source,
storage_object_t * target,
option_array_t * options);
* This call notifies you that your object is being made into (or part of)
* a volume or that your object is no longer part of a volume. The "flag"
* parameter indicates whether the volume is being created (TRUE) or
* removed (FALSE).
void (*set_volume)(storage_object_t * object,
BOOLEAN flag);
* Put sectors on the kill list. The plug-in translates the lsn and count
* into lsn(s) and count(s) for its child object(s) and calls the child
* object's add_sectors_to_kill_list().
* The Device Manager calls the Engine's add_sectors_to_kill_list service
* to put the sectors on the Engine's kill list.
int (*add_sectors_to_kill_list)(storage_object_t * object,
lsn_t lsn,
sector_count_t count);
* Write your plug-ins data, e.g., feature header and feature meta data, to
* disk. Clear the SOFLAG_DIRTY in the storage_object_t(s).
* Committing changes in done in several (two for now) phases. "phase"
* says which phase of the commit is being performed.
* Write your first copy of meta data during phase 1; write your second
* copy of meta data (if you have one) during phase 2.
int (*commit_changes)(storage_object_t * object,
uint phase);
* Return the total number of supported options for the specified task.
int (*get_option_count)(task_context_t * context);
* Fill in the initial list of acceptable objects. Fill in the minimum and
* maximum number of objects that must/can be selected. Set up all initial
* values in the option_descriptors in the context record for the given
* task. Some fields in the option_descriptor may be dependent on a
* selected object. Leave such fields blank for now, and fill in during the
* set_objects call.
int (*init_task)(task_context_t * context);
* Examine the specified value, and determine if it is valid for the task
* and option_descriptor index. If it is acceptable, set that value in the
* appropriate entry in the option_descriptor. The value may be adjusted
* if necessary/allowed. If so, set the effect return value accordingly.
int (*set_option)(task_context_t * context,
u_int32_t index,
value_t * value,
task_effect_t * effect);
* Validate the objects in the selected_objects dlist in the task context.
* Remove from the selected objects lists any objects which are not
* acceptable. For unacceptable objects, create a declined_handle_t
* structure with the reason why it is not acceptable, and add it to the
* declined_objects dlist. Modify the acceptable_objects dlist in the task
* context as necessary based on the selected objects and the current
* settings of the options. Modify any option settings as necessary based
* on the selected objects. Return the appropriate task_effect_t settings
* if the object list(s), minimum or maximum objects selected, or option
* settings have changed.
int (*set_objects)(task_context_t * context,
dlist_t declined_objects, /* of type declined_handle_t */
task_effect_t * effect);
* Return any additional information that you wish to provide about the
* object. The Engine provides an external API to get the information
* stored in the storage_object_t. This call is to get any other
* information about the object that is not specified in the
* storage_object_t. Any piece of information you wish to provide must be
* in an extended_info_t structure. Use the Engine's engine_alloc() to
* allocate the memory for the extended_info_t. Also use engine_alloc() to
* allocate any strings that may go into the extended_info_t. Then use
* engine_alloc() to allocate an extended_info_array_t with enough entries
* for the number of extended_info_t structures you are returning. Fill
* in the array and return it in *info.
* If you have extended_info_t descriptors that themselves may have more
* extended information, set the EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag
* in the extended_info_t flags field. If the caller wants more information
* about a particular extended_info_t item, this API will be called with a
* pointer to the storage_object_t and with a pointer to the name of the
* extended_info_t item. In that case, return an extended_info_array_t with
* further information about the item. Each of those items may have the
* EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag set if you desire. It is your
* responsibility to give the items unique names so that you know which item
* the caller is asking additional information for. If info_name is NULL,
* the caller just wants top level information about the object.
int (*get_info)(storage_object_t * object,
char * info_name,
extended_info_array_t * * info);
* Apply the settings of the options to the given object.
int (*set_info)(storage_object_t * object,
option_array_t * options);
* Return any additional information that you wish to provide about your
* plug-in. The Engine provides an external API to get the information
* stored in the plugin_record_t. This call is to get any other
* information about the plug-in that is not specified in the
* plugin_record_t. Any piece of information you wish to provide must be
* in an extended_info_t structure. Use the Engine's engine_alloc() to
* allocate the memory for the extended_info_t. Also use engine_alloc() to
* allocate any strings that may go into the extended_info_t. Then use
* engine_alloc() to allocate an extended_info_array_t with enough entries
* for the number of extended_info_t structures you are returning. Fill
* in the array and return it in *info.
* If you have extended_info_t descriptors that themselves may have more
* extended information, set the EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag
* in the extended_info_t flags field. If the caller wants more information
* about a particular extended_info_t item, this API will be called with a
* pointer to the storage_object_t and with a pointer to the name of the
* extended_info_t item. In that case, return an extended_info_array_t with
* further information about the item. Each of those items may have the
* EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag set if you desire. It is your
* responsibility to give the items unique names so that you know which item
* the caller is asking additional information for. If info_name is NULL,
* the caller just wants top level information about the object.
int (*get_plugin_info)(char * info_name,
extended_info_array_t * * info);
* Convert lsn and count to lsn and count on the child object(s) and and
* call the read function of child objects.
int (*read)(storage_object_t * object,
lsn_t lsn,
sector_count_t count,
void * buffer);
* Convert lsn and count to lsn and count on the child object(s) and and
* call the write function of child objects.
int (*write)(storage_object_t * object,
lsn_t lsn,
sector_count_t count,
void * buffer);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Return an array of private actions that you support for this object.
int (*get_plugin_functions)(storage_object_t * object,
function_info_array_t * * actions);
* Execute the private action on the object.
int (*plugin_function)(storage_object_t * object,
task_action_t action,
dlist_t objects,
option_array_t * options);
* Generic method for communicating with your plug-in.
int (*direct_plugin_communication)(void * thing,
BOOLEAN target_kernel_plugin,
void * arg);
} plugin_functions_t;
typedef struct container_functions_s {
* Can you create a container from this list of data segments?
int (*can_create_container)(dlist_t objects);
* Can you destroy the container? You must check to be sure that no regions
* are exported from this container.
int (*can_delete_container)(storage_container_t * container);
* Can you add this object to the container?
* Return 0 if you can, else return an error code.
int (*can_add_object)(storage_object_t * object,
storage_container_t * container);
* Can you remove this object from the container that currently consumes
* it? Return 0 if you can, else return an error code.
int (*can_remove_object)(storage_object_t * object);
* Create and fill in the container adding newly created unallocated objects
* produced as appropriate. The plug-in must claim the objects, as it does
* in discovery. Mark the container dirty. Must use allocate_container
* engine API to allocate the container structure.
int (*create_container)(dlist_t objects,
option_array_t * options,
storage_container_t * * container);
* Engine will remove the object from its current container before calling
* this API. Claim the object and add it to a container objects_consumed
* list. Mark the container dirty. Update/allocate the unallocated object
* that is exported from the container. If container is NULL, add the
* object to default (or unassigned) container.
int (*add_object)(storage_object_t * object,
storage_container_t * container,
option_array_t * options);
* Transfer the object from its current container to the specified
* container. Mark the container dirty. If container is NULL, transfer
* the object to the default (or unassigned) container.
int (*transfer_object)(storage_object_t * object,
storage_container_t * container,
option_array_t * options);
* Remove object from its current container. Make sure there are no
* allocated objects produced by the container that are using space in the
* object. Does not destroy segment.
int (*remove_object)(storage_object_t * object);
* Destroy the container. Make sure there are no allocated objects being
* produced by the container. Put your consumed objects from the
* container's objects_consumed dlist_t onto the dlist_t provided in the
* second parameter. Free any private data, then use the Engine's
* free_container() to deallocate the container object.
int (*delete_container)(storage_container_t * container,
dlist_t objects_consumed);
* Write any container meta data, to disk. Clear the SCFLAG_DIRTY in the
* container.
* Committing changes in done in several (two for now) phases. "phase"
* says which phase of the commit is being performed.
* Write your first copy of meta data during phase 1; write your second
* copy of meta data (if you have one) during phase 2.
int (*commit_container_changes)(storage_container_t * container,
uint phase);
* Return any additional information that you wish to provide about the
* container. The Engine provides an external API to get the information
* stored in the storage_container_t. This call is to get any other
* information about the container that is not specified in the
* storage_container_t. Any piece of information you wish to provide must
* be in an extended_info_t structure. Use the Engine's engine_alloc() to
* allocate the memory for the extended_info_t. Also use engine_alloc() to
* allocate any strings that may go into the extended_info_t. Then use
* engine_alloc() to allocate an extended_info_array_t with enough entries
* for the number of extended_info_t structures you are returning. Fill
* in the array and return it in *info.
* If you have extended_info_t descriptors that themselves may have more
* extended information, set the EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag
* in the extended_info_t flags field. If the caller wants more information
* about a particular extended_info_t item, this API will be called with a
* pointer to the storage_container_t and with a pointer to the name of the
* extended_info_t item. In that case, return an extended_info_array_t with
* further information about the item. Each of those items may have the
* EVMS_EINFO_FLAGS_MORE_INFO_AVAILABLE flag set if you desire. It is your
* responsibility to give the items unique names so that you know which item
* the caller is asking additional information for. If info_name is NULL,
* the caller just wants top level information about the object.
int (*get_container_info)(storage_container_t * container,
char * info_name,
extended_info_array_t * * info);
* Apply the settings of the options to the given container.
int (*set_container_info)(storage_container_t * container,
option_array_t * options);
#ifndef ABI_EVMS_1_0
* Return an array of private actions that you support for this container.
int (*get_plugin_functions)(storage_container_t * container,
function_info_array_t * * actions);
* Execute the private action on the container.
int (*plugin_function)(storage_container_t * container,
task_action_t action,
dlist_t objects,
option_array_t * options);
} container_functions_t;