.\" Copyright 1999 Andreas Dilger (adilger@enel.ucalgary.ca) .\" .\" This man page was created for libuuid.so.1.1 from e2fsprogs-1.14. .\" .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. .\" .\" Created Wed Mar 10 17:42:12 1999, Andreas Dilger .TH UUID_CLEAR 3 "@E2FSPROGS_MONTH@ @E2FSPROGS_YEAR@" "E2fsprogs version @E2FSPROGS_VERSION@" .SH NAME uuid_clear \- reset value of UUID variable to the NULL value .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "void uuid_clear(uuid_t " uu ); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .B uuid_clear function sets the value of the supplied uuid variable .I uu to the NULL value. .SH AUTHOR .B uuid_clear was written by Theodore Y. Ts'o for the ext2 filesystem utilties. .SH AVAILABILITY .B uuid_clear is part of libuuid from the e2fsprogs package and is available from http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libuuid (3), .BR uuid_compare (3), .BR uuid_copy (3), .BR uuid_generate (3), .BR uuid_is_null (3)