test_description="mke2fs with offset option (-E offset=N)" OUT="$test_name.log" echo "testing mke2fs with -E offset=524288 option" > "$OUT" yes a | dd of="$TMPFILE" bs=1k count=2048 2>/dev/null $MKE2FS -F -b 1024 -E offset=524288 "$TMPFILE" 1024 >> "$OUT" 2>&1 # compute crc of the first and last 512 1k blocks crc_first=`dd if="$TMPFILE" bs=1k count=512 2>/dev/null | $CRCSUM` crc_last=`dd if="$TMPFILE" bs=1k count=512 skip=1536 2>/dev/null | $CRCSUM` crc_exp=`yes a | dd bs=1k count=512 2>/dev/null | $CRCSUM` if [ "$crc_first" = "$crc_last" -a "$crc_first" = "$crc_exp" ]; then echo "$test_name: $test_description: ok" touch "$test_name.ok" else echo "$test_name: $test_description: failed" echo "crc_first: $crc_first" > "$test_name.failed" echo "crc_last: $crc_last" >> "$test_name.failed" echo "crc_exp: $crc_exp" >> "$test_name.failed" fi