test_description="e2undo with tune2fs" if test -x $E2UNDO_EXE; then E2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIR=/tmp export E2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIR TDB_FILE=$E2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIR/tune2fs-$(basename $TMPFILE).e2undo OUT=$test_name.log rm -f $TDB_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 dd if=/dev/zero of=$TMPFILE bs=1k count=512 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo mke2fs -q -F -o Linux -b 1024 $TMPFILE > $OUT $MKE2FS -q -F -o Linux -I 128 -b 1024 $TMPFILE >> $OUT 2>&1 crc=`$CRCSUM $TMPFILE` echo $CRCSUM before tune2fs $crc >> $OUT echo using tune2fs to test e2undo >> $OUT $TUNE2FS -I 256 $TMPFILE >> $OUT 2>&1 new_crc=`$CRCSUM $TMPFILE` echo $CRCSUM after tune2fs $new_crc >> $OUT $E2UNDO_EXE $TDB_FILE $TMPFILE >> $OUT 2>&1 new_crc=`$CRCSUM $TMPFILE` echo $CRCSUM after e2undo $new_crc >> $OUT if [ $crc = $new_crc ]; then echo "$test_name: $test_description: ok" touch $test_name.ok else ln -f $test_name.log $test_name.failed echo "$test_name: $test_description: failed" fi rm -f $TDB_FILE $TMPFILE fi