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ext2ed - The extended-2 filesystem editor, version 0.1
This is version 0.1 of ext2ed - The extended-2 filesystem editor.
ext2ed's documentation consists of three documents:
1. The user's guide.
2. Technical overview of the ext2 filesystem.
3. The EXT2ED design and implementation document.
Those documents are available in the doc directory, in linuxdoc-sgml and
postscript formats.
The documentation is also available online at:
under the ext2ed section.
ext2ed requires the kernel sources and the readline and ncurses packages.
Please edit the makefile if you are using an "old" version of ncurses (See the
details below) or if gcc can't find the various header files and libraries.
To install, simply issue a 'make' command to compile and a 'make install'
command to install. I have also included an already compiled linux a.out
ext2ed and ncurses
ext2ed uses the ncurses library for terminal output. It is very important
that ncurses will be properly installed on your system:
1. Old versions of ncurses (around 1.8.5) need the OLD_NCURSES compile
time option in EXT2ED.
At least from 1.9.2c, this flag should not be used. I would recommend
upgrading the ncurses library to the newer versions.
2. ncurses uses its own terminfo database rather then the termcap file.
It is important that the terminfo database will be found by ncurses.
If this is not the case, you will see on startup some lines which
refer to /etc/termcap. This will mean that there is a problem with
the terminfo database.
3. Newer versions of ncurses (and the 1.3 series of the kernel) describe
the linux console in the entry 'linux' and not 'console', as it was
before. If you run ext2ed in the linux console, you should either
set your TERM environment variable to 'linux' or link
l/linux to c/console in the terminfo database.
4. The percompiled binary was linked with ncurses 1.9.4 and will search
for the terminfo database on /usr/local/lib/terminfo. If you are
using it, and your 1.9.4 compatible terminfo database is not on the
directory above, use the TERMINFO environment variable to specify
an alternate location.
Running ext2ed
For those of you who don't like reading lengthy articles, here are a few
basic guidelines:
1. Don't use ext2ed to change a mounted filesystem !
Using ext2ed in read-only mode on a mounted filesystem can be allowed
by using the configuration file option 'AllowMountedRead on'. However,
note that the displayed data will be unreliable.
2. ext2ed currently can't handle filesystems bigger than 2 GB. I am
sorry for the inconvenience. This will hopefully be fixed in future
3. Before running ext2ed, edit the configuration file
/var/lib/ext2ed/ext2ed.conf to suit your needs. The various
configuration options are documented there.
4. Use the 'setdevice' command to open an ext2 filesystem.
e.g. 'setdevice /dev/hda1'.
5. If the filesystem is an ext2 filesystem and ext2ed fails to
autodetect this, use the 'ForceExt2 on' configuration file option.
6. The filesystem will always be opened in read-only mode. Feel free to
experiment, but take care with the 'enablewrite' command.
Feel free to send me feedback with anything regarding to ext2ed.
Gadi Oxman <tgud@tochnapc2.technion.ac.il>
Haifa, August 23 1995