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## [v3.2.18]( (TBD)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Improved
- Adjust [election timeout on server restart]( to reduce [disruptive rejoining servers](
- Previously, etcd fast-forwards election ticks on server start, with only one tick left for leader election. This is to speed up start phase, without having to wait until all election ticks elapse. Advancing election ticks is useful for cross datacenter deployments with larger election timeouts. However, it was affecting cluster availability if the last tick elapses before leader contacts the restarted node.
- Now, when etcd restarts, it adjusts election ticks with more than one tick left, thus more time for leader to prevent disruptive restart.
### Fixed: metrics
- Add missing [`etcd_network_peer_sent_failures_total` count](
## [v3.2.17]( (2018-03-08)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed: v2
- Fix [v2 proxy leaky HTTP requests](
### Fixed: v3
- Fix [server panic on invalid Election Proclaim/Resign HTTP(S) requests](
- Previously, wrong-formatted HTTP requests to Election API could trigger panic in etcd server.
- e.g. `curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3/election/proclaim -X POST -d '{"value":""}'`, `curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3/election/resign -X POST -d '{"value":""}'`.
- Prevent [overflow by large `TTL` values for `Lease` `Grant`](
- `TTL` parameter to `Grant` request is unit of second.
- Leases with too large `TTL` values exceeding `math.MaxInt64` [expire in unexpected ways](
- Server now returns `rpctypes.ErrLeaseTTLTooLarge` to client, when the requested `TTL` is larger than *9,000,000,000 seconds* (which is >285 years).
- Again, etcd `Lease` is meant for short-periodic keepalives or sessions, in the range of seconds or minutes. Not for hours or days!
- Enable etcd server [`raft.Config.CheckQuorum` when starting with `ForceNewCluster`](
### Security
- Compile with [Go 1.8.7](!topic/golang-announce/X7N1mvntnoU).
## [v3.2.16]( (2018-02-12)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed: v3
- Fix [`mvcc` "unsynced" watcher restore operation](
- "unsynced" watcher is watcher that needs to be in sync with events that have happened.
- That is, "unsynced" watcher is the slow watcher that was requested on old revision.
- "unsynced" watcher restore operation was not correctly populating its underlying watcher group.
- Which possibly causes [missing events from "unsynced" watchers](
## [v3.2.15]( (2018-01-22)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Prevent [server panic from member update/add]( with [wrong scheme URLs](
- Log [user context cancel errors on stream APIs in debug level with TLS](
## [v3.2.14]( (2018-01-11)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix [`mvcc/backend.defragdb` nil-pointer dereference on create bucket failure](
### Improved
- Log [user context cancel errors on stream APIs in debug level](
## [v3.2.13]( (2018-01-02)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Remove [verbose error messages on stream cancel and gRPC info-level logs]( in server-side.
- Fix [gRPC server panic on `GracefulStop` TLS-enabled server](
## [v3.2.12]( (2017-12-20)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix [error message of `Revision` compactor]( in server-side.
### Added: `clientv3`
- Add [`MaxCallSendMsgSize` and `MaxCallRecvMsgSize`]( fields to [`clientv3.Config`](
- Fix [exceeded response size limit error in client-side](
- Address [kubernetes#51099](
- In previous versions(v3.2.10, v3.2.11), client response size was limited to only 4 MiB.
- `MaxCallSendMsgSize` default value is 2 MiB, if not configured.
- `MaxCallRecvMsgSize` default value is `math.MaxInt32`, if not configured.
### Other
- Pin [grpc v1.7.5](, [grpc-gateway v1.3.0](
- No code change, just to be explicit about recommended versions.
## [v3.2.11]( (2017-12-05)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix racey grpc-go's server handler transport `WriteStatus` call to prevent [TLS-enabled etcd server crash](
- Upgrade [``]( `v1.7.3` to `v1.7.4`.
- Add [gRPC RPC failure warnings]( to help debug such issues in the future.
- Remove `--listen-metrics-urls` flag in monitoring document (non-released in `v3.2.x`, planned for `v3.3.x`).
### Added
- Provide [more cert details]( on TLS handshake failures.
## [v3.2.10]( (2017-11-16)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Replace backend key-value database `boltdb/bolt` with [`coreos/bbolt`]( to address [backend database size issue](
- Fix `clientv3` balancer to handle [network partitions](
- Upgrade [``]( `v1.2.1` to `v1.7.3`.
- Upgrade [``]( `v1.2` to `v1.3`.
- Revert [discovery SRV auth `ServerName` with `*.{ROOT_DOMAIN}`]( to support non-wildcard subject alternative names in the certs (see [issue #8445]( for more contexts).
- For instance, `etcd --discovery-srv=etcd.local` will only authenticate peers/clients when the provided certs have root domain `etcd.local` (**not `*.etcd.local`**) as an entry in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.
## [v3.2.9]( (2017-10-06)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed(Security)
- Compile with [Go 1.8.4](
- Update `` (see [golang/crypto@6c586e1](
- Fix discovery SRV bootstrapping to [authenticate `ServerName` with `*.{ROOT_DOMAIN}`](, in order to support sub-domain wildcard matching (see [issue #8445]( for more contexts).
- For instance, `etcd --discovery-srv=etcd.local` will only authenticate peers/clients when the provided certs have root domain `*.etcd.local` as an entry in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.
## [v3.2.8]( (2017-09-29)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix v2 client failover to next endpoint on mutable operation.
- Fix grpc-proxy to respect `KeysOnly` flag.
## [v3.2.7]( (2017-09-01)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix server-side auth so concurrent auth operations do not return old revision error.
- Fix concurrency/stm Put with serializable snapshot
- Use store revision from first fetch to resolve write conflicts instead of modified revision.
## [v3.2.6]( (2017-08-21)
See [code changes](
### Fixed
- Fix watch restore from snapshot.
- Fix `etcd_debugging_mvcc_keys_total` inconsistency.
- Fix multiple URLs for `--listen-peer-urls` flag.
- Add `--enable-pprof` flag to etcd configuration file format.
## [v3.2.5]( (2017-08-04)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Changed
- Use reverse lookup to match wildcard DNS SAN.
- Return non-zero exit code on unhealthy `endpoint health`.
### Fixed
- Fix unreachable /metrics endpoint when `--enable-v2=false`.
- Fix grpc-proxy to respect `PrevKv` flag.
### Added
- Add container registry ``.
## [v3.2.4]( (2017-07-19)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Do not block on active client stream when stopping server
- Fix gRPC proxy Snapshot RPC error handling
## [v3.2.3]( (2017-07-14)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Let clients establish unlimited streams
### Added
- Tag docker images with minor versions
- e.g. `docker pull` to fetch latest v3.2 versions
## [v3.2.2]( (2017-07-07)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Improved
- Rate-limit lease revoke on expiration.
- Extend leases on promote to avoid queueing effect on lease expiration.
### Fixed
- Use user-provided listen address to connect to gRPC gateway.
- `net.Listener` rewrites IPv4 to IPv6 [::], breaking IPv6 disabled hosts.
- Only v3.2.0, v3.2.1 are affected.
- Accept connection with matched IP SAN but no DNS match.
- Don't check DNS entries in certs if there's a matching IP.
- Fix 'tools/benchmark' watch command.
## [v3.2.1]( (2017-06-23)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Fixed
- Fix backend database in-memory index corruption issue on restore (only 3.2.0 is affected).
- Fix gRPC gateway Txn marshaling issue.
- Fix backend database size debugging metrics.
## [v3.2.0]( (2017-06-09)
See [code changes]( and [v3.2 upgrade guide]( for any breaking changes.
### Improved
- Improve backend read concurrency.
### Added
- Embedded etcd
- `Etcd.Peers` field is now `[]*peerListener`.
- RPCs
- Add Election, Lock service.
- Native client etcdserver/api/v3client
- client "embedded" in the server.
- gRPC proxy
- Proxy endpoint discovery.
- Namespaces.
- Coalesce lease requests.
- v3 client
- STM prefetching.
- Add namespace feature.
- Add `ErrOldCluster` with server version checking.
- Translate `WithPrefix()` into `WithFromKey()` for empty key.
- v3 etcdctl
- Add `check perf` command.
- Add `--from-key` flag to role grant-permission command.
- `lock` command takes an optional command to execute.
- etcd flags
- Add `--enable-v2` flag to configure v2 backend (enabled by default).
- Add `--auth-token` flag.
- `etcd gateway`
- Support DNS SRV priority.
- Auth
- Support Watch API.
- JWT tokens.
- Logging, monitoring
- Server warns large snapshot operations.
- Add `etcd_debugging_server_lease_expired_total` metrics.
- Security
- Deny incoming peer certs with wrong IP SAN.
- Resolve TLS `DNSNames` when SAN checking.
- Reload TLS certificates on every client connection.
- Release
- Annotate acbuild with supports-systemd-notify.
- Add `nsswitch.conf` to Docker container image.
- Add ppc64le, arm64(experimental) builds.
- Compile with `Go 1.8.3`.
### Changed
- Increased [`--snapshot-count` default value from 10,000 to 100,000](
- v3 client
- `LeaseTimeToLive` returns TTL=-1 resp on lease not found.
- `clientv3.NewFromConfigFile` is moved to `clientv3/yaml.NewConfig`.
- concurrency package's elections updated to match RPC interfaces.
- let client dial endpoints not in the balancer.
- Dependencies
- Update [``]( to `v1.2.1`.
- Update [``]( to `v1.2.0`.
- Rejects domains names for `--listen-peer-urls` and `--listen-client-urls` (3.1 only prints out warnings), since [domain name is invalid for network interface binding](
### Fixed
- Allow v2 snapshot over 512MB.