*: add metrics for grpc api

Xiang Li 2016-05-02 14:52:08 -07:00
parent a8139e2b0e
commit 063307ec0a
8 changed files with 204 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -12,64 +12,34 @@ The naming of metrics follows the suggested [Prometheus best practices][promethe
The metrics under the `etcd` prefix are for monitoring and alerting. They are stable high level metrics. If there is any change of these metrics, it will be included in release notes.
### http requests
Metrics that are etcd2 related are documented [here][v2-http-metrics].
These metrics describe the serving of requests (non-watch events) served by etcd members in non-proxy mode: total
incoming requests, request failures and processing latency (inc. raft rounds for storage). They are useful for tracking
user-generated traffic hitting the etcd cluster .
### gRPC requests
All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_http_`
These metrics describe the requests served by a specific etcd member: total received requests, total failed requests, and processing latency. They are useful for tracking user-generated traffic hitting the etcd cluster.
All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_grpc_`
| Name | Description | Type |
| received_total | Total number of events after parsing and auth. | Counter(method) |
| failed_total | Total number of failed events.   | Counter(method,error) |
| successful_duration_second | Bucketed handling times of the requests, including raft rounds for writes. | Histogram(method) |
| requests_total | Total number of received requests | Counter(method) |
| requests_failed_total | Total number of failed requests.   | Counter(method,error) |
| unary_requests_duration_seconds | Bucketed handling duration of the requests. | Histogram(method) |
Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etcd members):
* `sum(rate(etcd_http_failed_total{job="etcd"}[1m]) by (method) / sum(rate(etcd_http_events_received_total{job="etcd"})[1m]) by (method)`
* `sum(rate(etcd_grpc_requests_failed_total{job="etcd"}[1m]) by (grpc_method) / sum(rate(etcd_grpc_total{job="etcd"})[1m]) by (grpc_method)`
Shows the fraction of events that failed by HTTP method across all members, across a time window of `1m`.
Shows the fraction of events that failed by gRPC method across all members, across a time window of `1m`.
* `sum(rate(etcd_http_received_total{job="etcd",method="GET})[1m]) by (method)`
`sum(rate(etcd_http_received_total{job="etcd",method~="GET})[1m]) by (method)`
* `sum(rate(etcd_grpc_requests_total{job="etcd",grpc_method="PUT"})[1m]) by (grpc_method)`
Shows the rate of successful readonly/write queries across all servers, across a time window of `1m`.
Shows the rate of PUT requests across all members, across a time window of `1m`.
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_http_successful_processing_seconds{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_http_successful_processing_seconds{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(etcd_grpc_unary_requests_duration_seconds{job="etcd",grpc_method="PUT"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of read/write (respectively) event handling across all members, with a window of `5m`.
### proxy
etcd members operating in proxy mode do not directly perform store operations. They forward all requests to cluster instances.
Tracking the rate of requests coming from a proxy allows one to pin down which machine is performing most reads/writes.
All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_proxy_`
| Name | Description | Type |
| requests_total | Total number of requests by this proxy instance. . | Counter(method) |
| handled_total | Total number of fully handled requests, with responses from etcd members. | Counter(method) |
| dropped_total | Total number of dropped requests due to forwarding errors to etcd members.  | Counter(method,error) |
| handling_duration_seconds | Bucketed handling times by HTTP method, including round trip to member instances. | Histogram(method) |
Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etcd servers):
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_handled_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (method)`
Rate of requests (by HTTP method) handled by all proxies, across a window of `1m`.
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_proxy_events_handling_time_seconds_bucket{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_proxy_events_handling_time_seconds_bucket{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of handling of user requests across all proxy machines, with a window of `5m`.
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_dropped_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (proxying_error)`
Number of failed request on the proxy. This should be 0, spikes here indicate connectivity issues to etcd cluster.
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of PUT request handling across all members, with a window of `5m`.
## etcd_debugging namespace metrics
@ -79,32 +49,32 @@ The metrics under the `etcd_debugging` prefix are for debugging. They are very i
| Name | Description | Type |
| proposal_durations_seconds | The latency distributions of committing proposal | Histogram |
| proposal_duration_seconds | The latency distributions of committing proposal | Histogram |
| proposals_pending | The current number of pending proposals | Gauge |
| proposal_failed_total | The total number of failed proposals | Counter |
| proposals_failed_total | The total number of failed proposals | Counter |
[Proposal][glossary-proposal] durations (`proposal_durations_seconds`) provides a proposal commit latency histogram. The reported latency reflects network and disk IO delays in etcd.
[Proposal][glossary-proposal] duration (`proposal_duration_seconds`) provides a proposal commit latency histogram. The reported latency reflects network and disk IO delays in etcd.
Proposals pending (`proposals_pending`) indicates how many proposals are queued for commit. Rising pending proposals suggests there is a high client load or the cluster is unstable.
Failed proposals (`proposal_failed_total`) are normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or longer duration downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster.
Failed proposals (`proposals_failed_total`) are normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or longer duration downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster.
### wal
| Name | Description | Type |
| fsync_durations_seconds | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal | Histogram |
| fsync_duration_seconds | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal | Histogram |
| last_index_saved | The index of the last entry saved by wal | Gauge |
Abnormally high fsync duration (`fsync_durations_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
Abnormally high fsync duration (`fsync_duration_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
### snapshot
| Name | Description | Type |
| snapshot_save_total_durations_seconds | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot | Histogram |
| snapshot_save_total_duration_seconds | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot | Histogram |
Abnormally high snapshot duration (`snapshot_save_total_durations_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
Abnormally high snapshot duration (`snapshot_save_total_duration_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
### rafthttp
@ -135,7 +105,8 @@ The Prometheus client library provides a number of metrics under the `go` and `p
Heavy file descriptor (`process_open_fds`) usage (i.e., near the process's file descriptor limit, `process_max_fds`) indicates a potential file descriptor exhaustion issue. If the file descriptors are exhausted, etcd may panic because it cannot create new WAL files.
[glossary-proposal]: glossary.md#proposal
[glossary-proposal]: learning/glossary.md#proposal
[prometheus]: http://prometheus.io/
[prometheus-getting-started]: http://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/getting_started/
[prometheus-naming]: http://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/
[v2-http-metrics]: v2/metrics.md#http-requests

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@ -1,46 +1,18 @@
# Metrics
**NOTE: The metrics feature is considered experimental. We may add/change/remove metrics without warning in future releases.**
etcd uses [Prometheus][prometheus] for metrics reporting. The metrics can be used for real-time monitoring and debugging. etcd does not persist its metrics; if a member restarts, the metrics will be reset.
etcd uses [Prometheus][prometheus] for metrics reporting in the server. The metrics can be used for real-time monitoring and debugging.
etcd only stores these data in memory. If a member restarts, metrics will reset.
The simplest way to see the available metrics is to cURL the metrics endpoint `/metrics` of etcd. The format is described [here](http://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/).
The simplest way to see the available metrics is to cURL the metrics endpoint `/metrics`. The format is described [here](http://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/).
Follow the [Prometheus getting started doc][prometheus-getting-started] to spin up a Prometheus server to collect etcd metrics.
The naming of metrics follows the suggested [best practice of Prometheus][prometheus-naming]. A metric name has an `etcd` prefix as its namespace and a subsystem prefix (for example `wal` and `etcdserver`).
The naming of metrics follows the suggested [Prometheus best practices][prometheus-naming]. A metric name has an `etcd` or `etcd_debugging` prefix as its namespace and a subsystem prefix (for example `wal` and `etcdserver`).
etcd now exposes the following metrics:
## etcd namespace metrics
## etcdserver
The metrics under the `etcd` prefix are for monitoring and alerting. They are stable high level metrics. If there is any change of these metrics, it will be included in release notes.
| Name | Description | Type |
| file_descriptors_used_total | The total number of file descriptors used | Gauge |
| proposal_durations_seconds | The latency distributions of committing proposal | Histogram |
| pending_proposal_total | The total number of pending proposals | Gauge |
| proposal_failed_total | The total number of failed proposals | Counter |
High file descriptors (`file_descriptors_used_total`) usage (near the file descriptors limitation of the process) indicates a potential out of file descriptors issue. That might cause etcd fails to create new WAL files and panics.
[Proposal][glossary-proposal] durations (`proposal_durations_seconds`) provides a histogram about the proposal commit latency. Latency can be introduced into this process by network and disk IO.
Pending proposal (`pending_proposal_total`) gives you an idea about how many proposal are in the queue and waiting for commit. An increasing pending number indicates a high client load or an unstable cluster.
Failed proposals (`proposal_failed_total`) are normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or longer duration downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster.
## wal
| Name | Description | Type |
| fsync_durations_seconds | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal | Histogram |
| last_index_saved | The index of the last entry saved by wal | Gauge |
Abnormally high fsync duration (`fsync_durations_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
## http requests
### http requests
These metrics describe the serving of requests (non-watch events) served by etcd members in non-proxy mode: total
incoming requests, request failures and processing latency (inc. raft rounds for storage). They are useful for tracking
@ -52,7 +24,7 @@ All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_http_`
| received_total | Total number of events after parsing and auth. | Counter(method) |
| failed_total | Total number of failed events.   | Counter(method,error) |
| successful_duration_second | Bucketed handling times of the requests, including raft rounds for writes. | Histogram(method) |
| successful_duration_seconds | Bucketed handling times of the requests, including raft rounds for writes. | Histogram(method) |
Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etcd members):
@ -66,21 +38,77 @@ Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etc
Shows the rate of successful readonly/write queries across all servers, across a time window of `1m`.
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_http_successful_processing_seconds{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_http_successful_processing_seconds{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(etcd_http_successful_duration_seconds{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(etcd_http_successful_duration_seconds{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m]) ) by (le))`
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of read/write (respectively) event handling across all members, with a window of `5m`.
## snapshot
### proxy
etcd members operating in proxy mode do not directly perform store operations. They forward all requests to cluster instances.
Tracking the rate of requests coming from a proxy allows one to pin down which machine is performing most reads/writes.
All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_proxy_`
| Name | Description | Type |
| requests_total | Total number of requests by this proxy instance. | Counter(method) |
| handled_total | Total number of fully handled requests, with responses from etcd members. | Counter(method) |
| dropped_total | Total number of dropped requests due to forwarding errors to etcd members.  | Counter(method,error) |
| handling_duration_seconds | Bucketed handling times by HTTP method, including round trip to member instances. | Histogram(method) |
Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etcd servers):
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_handled_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (method)`
Rate of requests (by HTTP method) handled by all proxies, across a window of `1m`.
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(handling_duration_seconds{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(handling_duration_seconds{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of handling of user requests across all proxy machines, with a window of `5m`.
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_dropped_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (proxying_error)`
Number of failed request on the proxy. This should be 0, spikes here indicate connectivity issues to the etcd cluster.
## etcd_debugging namespace metrics
The metrics under the `etcd_debugging` prefix are for debugging. They are very implementation dependent and volatile. They might be changed or removed without any warning in new etcd releases. Some of the metrics might be moved to the `etcd` prefix when they become more stable.
### etcdserver
| Name | Description | Type |
| proposal_duration_seconds | The latency distributions of committing proposal | Histogram |
| proposals_pending | The current number of pending proposals | Gauge |
| proposals_failed_total | The total number of failed proposals | Counter |
[Proposal][glossary-proposal] duration (`proposal_duration_seconds`) provides a proposal commit latency histogram. The reported latency reflects network and disk IO delays in etcd.
Proposals pending (`proposals_pending`) indicates how many proposals are queued for commit. Rising pending proposals suggests there is a high client load or the cluster is unstable.
Failed proposals (`proposals_failed_total`) are normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or longer duration downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster.
### wal
| Name | Description | Type |
| fsync_duration_seconds | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal | Histogram |
| last_index_saved | The index of the last entry saved by wal | Gauge |
Abnormally high fsync duration (`fsync_duration_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
### snapshot
| Name | Description | Type |
| snapshot_save_total_durations_seconds | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot | Histogram |
| snapshot_save_total_duration_seconds | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot | Histogram |
Abnormally high snapshot duration (`snapshot_save_total_durations_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
Abnormally high snapshot duration (`snapshot_save_total_duration_seconds`) indicates disk issues and might cause the cluster to be unstable.
## rafthttp
### rafthttp
| Name | Description | Type | Labels |
@ -94,41 +122,22 @@ An increase in message failures (`message_sent_failed_total`) indicates more sev
Label `sendingType` is the connection type to send messages. `message`, `msgapp` and `msgappv2` use HTTP streaming, while `pipeline` does HTTP request for each message.
Label `msgType` is the type of raft message. `MsgApp` is log replication message; `MsgSnap` is snapshot install message; `MsgProp` is proposal forward message; the others are used to maintain raft internal status. If you have a large snapshot, you would expect a long msgSnap sending latency. For other types of messages, you would expect low latency, which is comparable to your ping latency if you have enough network bandwidth.
Label `msgType` is the type of raft message. `MsgApp` is log replication messages; `MsgSnap` is snapshot install messages; `MsgProp` is proposal forward messages; the others maintain internal raft status. Given large snapshots, a lengthy msgSnap transmission latency should be expected. For other types of messages, given enough network bandwidth, latencies comparable to ping latency should be expected.
Label `remoteID` is the member ID of the message destination.
## Prometheus supplied metrics
## proxy
The Prometheus client library provides a number of metrics under the `go` and `process` namespaces. There are a few that are particlarly interesting.
etcd members operating in proxy mode do not do store operations. They forward all requests
to cluster instances.
| Name | Description | Type |
| process_open_fds | Number of open file descriptors. | Gauge |
| process_max_fds | Maximum number of open file descriptors. | Gauge |
Tracking the rate of requests coming from a proxy allows one to pin down which machine is performing most reads/writes.
All these metrics are prefixed with `etcd_proxy_`
| Name | Description | Type |
| requests_total | Total number of requests by this proxy instance. . | Counter(method) |
| handled_total | Total number of fully handled requests, with responses from etcd members. | Counter(method) |
| dropped_total | Total number of dropped requests due to forwarding errors to etcd members.  | Counter(method,error) |
| handling_duration_seconds | Bucketed handling times by HTTP method, including round trip to member instances. | Histogram(method) |
Example Prometheus queries that may be useful from these metrics (across all etcd servers):
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_handled_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (method)`
Rate of requests (by HTTP method) handled by all proxies, across a window of `1m`.
* `histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_proxy_events_handling_time_seconds_bucket{job="etcd",method="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
`histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(increase(etcd_proxy_events_handling_time_seconds_bucket{job="etcd",method!="GET"}[5m])) by (le))`
Show the 0.90-tile latency (in seconds) of handling of user requests across all proxy machines, with a window of `5m`.
* `sum(rate(etcd_proxy_dropped_total{job="etcd"}[1m])) by (proxying_error)`
Number of failed request on the proxy. This should be 0, spikes here indicate connectivity issues to etcd cluster.
Heavy file descriptor (`process_open_fds`) usage (i.e., near the process's file descriptor limit, `process_max_fds`) indicates a potential file descriptor exhaustion issue. If the file descriptors are exhausted, etcd may panic because it cannot create new WAL files.
[glossary-proposal]: glossary.md#proposal
[prometheus]: http://prometheus.io/
[prometheus-getting-started]: http://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/getting_started/
[prometheus-naming]: http://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ var (
Namespace: "etcd",
Subsystem: "http",
Name: "successful_duration_second",
Name: "successful_duration_seconds",
Help: "Bucketed histogram of processing time (s) of successfully handled requests (non-watches), by method (GET/PUT etc.).",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.0005, 2, 13),
}, []string{"method"})

View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ func Server(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer, tls *tls.Config) *grpc.Server {
if tls != nil {
opts = append(opts, grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(tls)))
opts = append(opts, grpc.UnaryInterceptor(metricsUnaryInterceptor))
opts = append(opts, grpc.StreamInterceptor(metricsStreamInterceptor))
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(opts...)
pb.RegisterKVServer(grpcServer, NewQuotaKVServer(s))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// Copyright 2016 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v3rpc
import (
var (
receivedCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Namespace: "etcd",
Subsystem: "grpc",
Name: "requests_total",
Help: "Counter of received requests.",
}, []string{"grpc_service", "grpc_method"})
failedCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Namespace: "etcd",
Subsystem: "grpc",
Name: "requests_failed_total",
Help: "Counter of failed requests.",
}, []string{"grpc_service", "grpc_method", "grpc_code"})
handlingDuration = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
Namespace: "etcd",
Subsystem: "grpc",
Name: "unary_requests_duration_seconds",
Help: "Bucketed histogram of processing time (s) of handled unary (non-stream) requests.",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.0005, 2, 13),
}, []string{"grpc_service", "grpc_method"})
func metricsUnaryInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (resp interface{}, err error) {
service, method := splitMethodName(info.FullMethod)
receivedCounter.WithLabelValues(service, method).Inc()
start := time.Now()
resp, err = handler(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
failedCounter.WithLabelValues(service, method, grpc.Code(err).String()).Inc()
handlingDuration.WithLabelValues(service, method).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
return resp, err
func metricsStreamInterceptor(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, info *grpc.StreamServerInfo, handler grpc.StreamHandler) error {
service, method := splitMethodName(info.FullMethod)
receivedCounter.WithLabelValues(service, method).Inc()
err := handler(srv, ss)
if err != nil {
failedCounter.WithLabelValues(service, method, grpc.Code(err).String()).Inc()
return err
func splitMethodName(fullMethodName string) (string, string) {
fullMethodName = strings.TrimPrefix(fullMethodName, "/") // remove leading slash
if i := strings.Index(fullMethodName, "/"); i >= 0 {
return fullMethodName[:i], fullMethodName[i+1:]
return "unknown", "unknown"
func init() {

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ var (
proposeDurations = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "etcd_debugging",
Subsystem: "server",
Name: "proposal_durations_seconds",
Name: "proposal_duration_seconds",
Help: "The latency distributions of committing proposal.",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 2, 14),
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ var (
proposeFailed = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "etcd_debugging",
Subsystem: "server",
Name: "proposal_failed_total",
Name: "proposals_failed_total",
Help: "The total number of failed proposals.",

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ var (
saveDurations = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "etcd_debugging",
Subsystem: "snap",
Name: "save_total_durations_seconds",
Name: "save_total_duration_seconds",
Help: "The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot.",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 2, 14),
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ var (
marshallingDurations = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "etcd_debugging",
Subsystem: "snap",
Name: "save_marshalling_durations_seconds",
Name: "save_marshalling_duration_seconds",
Help: "The marshalling cost distributions of save called by snapshot.",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 2, 14),

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var (
syncDurations = prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "etcd_debugging",
Subsystem: "wal",
Name: "fsync_durations_seconds",
Name: "fsync_duration_seconds",
Help: "The latency distributions of fsync called by wal.",
Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 2, 14),