doc: remove proto in rfc, link to proto file in codebase

Xiang Li 2015-12-29 12:49:36 -08:00
parent d9d7137ea3
commit 39ed73c290
2 changed files with 3 additions and 291 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
## Protobuf Defined API
[api protobuf](../../etcdserver/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto)
[kv protobuf](../../storage/storagepb/kv.proto)
## Examples

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@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
service KV {
// Range gets the keys in the range from the store.
rpc Range(RangeRequest) returns (RangeResponse) {}
// Put puts the given key into the store.
// A put request increases the revision of the store,
// and generates one event in the event history.
rpc Put(PutRequest) returns (PutResponse) {}
// Delete deletes the given range from the store.
// A delete request increase the revision of the store,
// and generates one event in the event history.
rpc DeleteRange(DeleteRangeRequest) returns (DeleteRangeResponse) {}
// Txn processes all the requests in one transaction.
// A txn request increases the revision of the store,
// and generates events with the same revision in the event history.
// It is not allowed to modify the same key several times within one txn.
rpc Txn(TxnRequest) returns (TxnResponse) {}
// Compact compacts the event history in etcd. User should compact the
// event history periodically, or it will grow infinitely.
rpc Compact(CompactionRequest) returns (CompactionResponse) {}
service watch {
// Watch watches the events happening or happened. Both input and output
// are stream. One watch rpc can watch for multiple keys or prefixs and
// get a stream of events. The whole events history can be watched unless
// compacted.
rpc Watch(stream WatchRequest) returns (stream WatchResponse) {}
service Lease {
// LeaseCreate creates a lease. A lease has a TTL. The lease will expire if the
// server does not receive a keepAlive within TTL from the lease holder.
// All keys attached to the lease will be expired and deleted if the lease expires.
// The key expiration generates an event in event history.
rpc LeaseCreate(LeaseCreateRequest) returns (LeaseCreateResponse) {}
// LeaseRevoke revokes a lease. All the key attached to the lease will be expired and deleted.
rpc LeaseRevoke(LeaseRevokeRequest) returns (LeaseRevokeResponse) {}
// KeepAlive keeps the lease alive.
rpc LeaseKeepAlive(stream LeaseKeepAliveRequest) returns (stream LeaseKeepAliveResponse) {}
// TODO(xiangli) List all existing Leases?
// TODO(xiangli) Get details information (expirations, leased keys, etc.) of a lease?
message ResponseHeader {
// an error type message?
string error = 1;
uint64 cluster_id = 2;
uint64 member_id = 3;
// revision of the store when the request was applied.
int64 revision = 4;
// term of raft when the request was applied.
uint64 raft_term = 5;
message RangeRequest {
// if the range_end is not given, the request returns the key.
bytes key = 1;
// if the range_end is given, it gets the keys in range [key, range_end).
bytes range_end = 2;
// limit the number of keys returned.
int64 limit = 3;
// range over the store at the given revision.
// if revision is less or equal to zero, range over the newest store.
// if the revision has been compacted, ErrCompaction will be returned in
// response.
int64 revision = 4;
message RangeResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
repeated storagepb.KeyValue kvs = 2;
// more indicates if there are more keys to return in the requested range.
bool more = 3;
message PutRequest {
bytes key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
int64 lease = 3;
message PutResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message DeleteRangeRequest {
// if the range_end is not given, the request deletes the key.
bytes key = 1;
// if the range_end is given, it deletes the keys in range [key, range_end).
bytes range_end = 2;
message DeleteRangeResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message RequestUnion {
oneof request {
RangeRequest request_range = 1;
PutRequest request_put = 2;
DeleteRangeRequest request_delete_range = 3;
message ResponseUnion {
oneof response {
RangeResponse response_range = 1;
PutResponse response_put = 2;
DeleteRangeResponse response_delete_range = 3;
message Compare {
enum CompareResult {
EQUAL = 0;
LESS = 2;
enum CompareTarget {
MOD = 2;
CompareResult result = 1;
CompareTarget target = 2;
// key path
bytes key = 3;
oneof target_union {
// version of the given key
int64 version = 4;
// create revision of the given key
int64 create_revision = 5;
// last modified revision of the given key
int64 mod_revision = 6;
// value of the given key
bytes value = 7;
// If the comparisons succeed, then the success requests will be processed in order,
// and the response will contain their respective responses in order.
// If the comparisons fail, then the failure requests will be processed in order,
// and the response will contain their respective responses in order.
// From google paxosdb paper:
// Our implementation hinges around a powerful primitive which we call MultiOp. All other database
// operations except for iteration are implemented as a single call to MultiOp. A MultiOp is applied atomically
// and consists of three components:
// 1. A list of tests called guard. Each test in guard checks a single entry in the database. It may check
// for the absence or presence of a value, or compare with a given value. Two different tests in the guard
// may apply to the same or different entries in the database. All tests in the guard are applied and
// MultiOp returns the results. If all tests are true, MultiOp executes t op (see item 2 below), otherwise
// it executes f op (see item 3 below).
// 2. A list of database operations called t op. Each operation in the list is either an insert, delete, or
// lookup operation, and applies to a single database entry. Two different operations in the list may apply
// to the same or different entries in the database. These operations are executed
// if guard evaluates to
// true.
// 3. A list of database operations called f op. Like t op, but executed if guard evaluates to false.
message TxnRequest {
repeated Compare compare = 1;
repeated RequestUnion success = 2;
repeated RequestUnion failure = 3;
message TxnResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
bool succeeded = 2;
repeated ResponseUnion responses = 3;
message KeyValue {
bytes key = 1;
int64 create_revision = 2;
// mod_revision is the last modified revision of the key.
int64 mod_revision = 3;
// version is the version of the key. A deletion resets
// the version to zero and any modification of the key
// increases its version.
int64 version = 4;
bytes value = 5;
// lease is the ID of the lease that attached to key.
// When the attached lease expires, the key will be deleted.
int64 lease = 6;
message WatchRequest {
// the key to be watched
bytes key = 1;
// the prefix to be watched.
bytes prefix = 2;
// start_revision is an optional revision (including) to watch from. No start_revision is "now".
int64 start_revision = 3;
// TODO: support Range watch?
// TODO: support notification every time interval or revision increase?
// TODO: support cancel watch if the server cannot reach with majority?
message WatchResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
// TODO: support batched events response?
storagepb.Event event = 2;
message Event {
enum EventType {
PUT = 0;
EventType event_type = 1;
// a put event contains the current key-value
// a delete/expire event contains the previous
// key-value
KeyValue kv = 2;
// Compaction compacts the kv store upto the given revision (including).
// It removes the old versions of a key. It keeps the newest version of
// the key even if its latest modification revision is smaller than the given
// revision.
message CompactionRequest {
int64 revision = 1;
message CompactionResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message LeaseCreateRequest {
// advisory ttl in seconds
int64 ttl = 1;
message LeaseCreateResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
int64 lease_id = 2;
// server decided ttl in second
int64 ttl = 3;
string error = 4;
message LeaseRevokeRequest {
int64 lease_id = 1;
message LeaseRevokeResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message LeaseTxnRequest {
TxnRequest request = 1;
repeated LeaseAttachRequest success = 2;
repeated LeaseAttachRequest failure = 3;
message LeaseTxnResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
TxnResponse response = 2;
repeated LeaseAttachResponse attach_responses = 3;
message LeaseAttachRequest {
int64 lease_id = 1;
bytes key = 2;
message LeaseAttachResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
message LeaseKeepAliveRequest {
int64 lease_id = 1;
message LeaseKeepAliveResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
int64 lease_id = 2;
int64 ttl = 3;