diff --git a/Documentation/proxy.md b/Documentation/proxy.md index 9d7d28811..82f3e41e9 100644 --- a/Documentation/proxy.md +++ b/Documentation/proxy.md @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ etcd currently supports two proxy modes: `readwrite` and `readonly`. The default The proxy will shuffle the list of cluster members periodically to avoid sending all connections to a single member. +The member list used by proxy consists of all client URLs advertised within the cluster, as specified in each members' `-advertise-client-urls` flag. If this flag is set incorrectly, requests sent to the proxy are forwarded to wrong addresses and then fail. The fix for this problem is to restart etcd member with correct `-advertise-client-urls` flag. After client URLs list in proxy is recalculated, which happens every 30 seconds, requests will be forwarded correctly. + ### Using an etcd proxy To start etcd in proxy mode, you need to provide three flags: `proxy`, `listen-client-urls`, and `initial-cluster` (or `discovery`).