clean tree struct code

Xiang Li 2013-07-08 21:20:50 -07:00
parent 67a06ecca5
commit 55146c3ece
1 changed files with 94 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -6,138 +6,149 @@ import (
// Typedefs
// A file system like tree structure. Each non-leaf node of the tree has a hashmap to
// store its children nodes. Leaf nodes has no hashmap (a nil pointer)
type tree struct {
Root *treeNode
// A treeNode wraps a Node. It has a hashmap to keep records of its children treeNodes.
type treeNode struct {
Value Node
Dir bool //for clearity
InternalNode Node
Dir bool
NodeMap map[string]*treeNode
// TreeNode with its key. We use it when we need to sort the treeNodes.
type tnWithKey struct{
key string
tn *treeNode
// Define type and functions to match sort interface
type tnWithKeySlice []tnWithKey
func (s tnWithKeySlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s tnWithKeySlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].key < s[j].key }
func (s tnWithKeySlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
// Represent an empty node
var emptyNode = Node{".", PERMANENT, nil}
// set the key to value, return the old value if the key exists
// Methods
// Set the key to the given value, return true if success
// If any intermidate path of the key is not a directory type, it will fail
// For example if the /foo = Node(bar) exists, set /foo/foo = Node(barbar)
// will fail.
func (t *tree) set(key string, value Node) bool {
key = "/" + key
key = path.Clean(key)
nodes := strings.Split(key, "/")
nodes = nodes[1:]
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Nodes ", nodes, " length: ", len(nodes))
nodesName := split(key)
nodeMap := t.Root.NodeMap
i := 0
newDir := false
for i = 0; i < len(nodes) - 1; i++ {
// go through all the path
for i = 0; i < len(nodesName) - 1; i++ {
// if we meet a new directory, all the directory after it must be new
if newDir {
node := &treeNode{emptyNode, true, make(map[string]*treeNode)}
nodeMap[nodes[i]] = node
nodeMap = node.NodeMap
tn := &treeNode{emptyNode, true, make(map[string]*treeNode)}
nodeMap[nodesName[i]] = tn
nodeMap = tn.NodeMap
node, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
// add new dir
// get the node from the nodeMap of the current level
tn, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if !ok {
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Add a dir ", nodes[i])
// add a new directory and set newDir to true
newDir = true
node := &treeNode{emptyNode, true, make(map[string]*treeNode)}
nodeMap[nodes[i]] = node
nodeMap = node.NodeMap
tn := &treeNode{emptyNode, true, make(map[string]*treeNode)}
nodeMap[nodesName[i]] = tn
nodeMap = tn.NodeMap
} else if ok && !node.Dir {
} else if ok && !tn.Dir {
// if we meet a non-directory node, we cannot set the key
return false
} else {
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: found dir ", nodes[i])
nodeMap = node.NodeMap
// update the nodeMap to next level
nodeMap = tn.NodeMap
// add the last node and value
node, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
// Add the last node
tn, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if !ok {
node := &treeNode{value, false, nil}
nodeMap[nodes[i]] = node
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Add a new Node ", key, "=", value)
// we add a new treeNode
tn := &treeNode{value, false, nil}
nodeMap[nodesName[i]] = tn
} else {
node.Value = value
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Update a Node ", key, "=", value, "[", oldValue, "]")
// we change the value of a old Treenode
tn.InternalNode = value
return true
// use internally to get the internal tree node
// Get the tree node of the key
func (t *tree)internalGet(key string) (*treeNode, bool) {
key = "/" + key
key = path.Clean(key)
nodes := strings.Split(key, "/")
nodes = nodes[1:]
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Nodes ", nodes, " length: ", len(nodes))
nodesName := split(key)
nodeMap := t.Root.NodeMap
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(nodes) - 1; i++ {
node, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
for i = 0; i < len(nodesName) - 1; i++ {
node, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if !ok || !node.Dir {
return nil, false
nodeMap = node.NodeMap
treeNode, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
tn, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if ok {
return treeNode, ok
return tn, ok
} else {
return nil, ok
// get the node of the key
// get the internalNode of the key
func (t *tree) get(key string) (Node, bool) {
treeNode, ok := t.internalGet(key)
tn, ok := t.internalGet(key)
if ok {
return treeNode.Value, ok
return tn.InternalNode, ok
} else {
return emptyNode, ok
// return the nodes under the directory
func (t *tree) list(prefix string) ([]Node, []string, []string, bool) {
treeNode, ok := t.internalGet(prefix)
// return the nodes information under the directory
func (t *tree) list(directory string) ([]Node, []string, []string, bool) {
treeNode, ok := t.internalGet(directory)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, nil, ok
@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ func (t *tree) list(prefix string) ([]Node, []string, []string, bool) {
i := 0
for key, node := range treeNode.NodeMap {
nodes[i] = node.Value
nodes[i] = node.InternalNode
keys[i] = key
if node.Dir {
dirs[i] = "d"
@ -163,36 +174,31 @@ func (t *tree) list(prefix string) ([]Node, []string, []string, bool) {
// delete the key, return the old value if the key exists
// delete the key, return true if success
func (t *tree) delete(key string) bool {
key = "/" + key
key = path.Clean(key)
nodes := strings.Split(key, "/")
nodes = nodes[1:]
//fmt.Println("TreeStore: Nodes ", nodes, " length: ", len(nodes))
nodesName := split(key)
nodeMap := t.Root.NodeMap
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(nodes) - 1; i++ {
node, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
for i = 0; i < len(nodesName) - 1; i++ {
node, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if !ok || !node.Dir {
return false
nodeMap = node.NodeMap
node, ok := nodeMap[nodes[i]]
node, ok := nodeMap[nodesName[i]]
if ok && !node.Dir{
delete(nodeMap, nodes[i])
delete(nodeMap, nodesName[i])
return true
return false
// traverse wrapper
func (t *tree) traverse(f func(string, *Node), sort bool) {
if sort {
sortDfs("", t.Root, f)
@ -201,24 +207,29 @@ func (t *tree) traverse(f func(string, *Node), sort bool) {
// deep first search to traverse the tree
// apply the func f to each internal node
func dfs(key string, t *treeNode, f func(string, *Node)) {
// base case
if len(t.NodeMap) == 0{
f(key, &t.Value)
f(key, &t.InternalNode)
// recursion
} else {
for nodeKey, _treeNode := range t.NodeMap {
newKey := key + "/" + nodeKey
dfs(newKey, _treeNode, f)
for tnKey, tn := range t.NodeMap {
tnKey := key + "/" + tnKey
dfs(tnKey, tn, f)
// sort deep first search to traverse the tree
// apply the func f to each internal node
func sortDfs(key string, t *treeNode, f func(string, *Node)) {
// base case
if len(t.NodeMap) == 0{
f(key, &t.Value)
f(key, &t.InternalNode)
// recursion
} else {
@ -227,9 +238,9 @@ func sortDfs(key string, t *treeNode, f func(string, *Node)) {
i := 0
// copy
for nodeKey, _treeNode := range t.NodeMap {
newKey := key + "/" + nodeKey
s[i] = tnWithKey{newKey, _treeNode}
for tnKey, tn := range t.NodeMap {
tnKey := key + "/" + tnKey
s[i] = tnWithKey{tnKey, tn}
@ -243,4 +254,14 @@ func sortDfs(key string, t *treeNode, f func(string, *Node)) {
// split the key by '/', get the intermediate node name
func split(key string) []string {
key = "/" + key
key = path.Clean(key)
// get the intermidate nodes name
nodesName := strings.Split(key, "/")
// we do not need the root node, since we start with it
nodesName = nodesName[1:]
return nodesName