etcdserver/etcdserverpb: add "fragment" field to "WatchRequest/Response"

Signed-off-by: Gyuho Lee <>
Gyuho Lee 2018-05-14 11:23:02 -07:00
parent 0a8dd44dc8
commit 5be21c74e4
1 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -661,14 +661,17 @@ message WatchRequest {
message WatchCreateRequest {
// key is the key to register for watching.
bytes key = 1;
// range_end is the end of the range [key, range_end) to watch. If range_end is not given,
// only the key argument is watched. If range_end is equal to '\0', all keys greater than
// or equal to the key argument are watched.
// If the range_end is one bit larger than the given key,
// then all keys with the prefix (the given key) will be watched.
bytes range_end = 2;
// start_revision is an optional revision to watch from (inclusive). No start_revision is "now".
int64 start_revision = 3;
// progress_notify is set so that the etcd server will periodically send a WatchResponse with
// no events to the new watcher if there are no recent events. It is useful when clients
// wish to recover a disconnected watcher starting from a recent known revision.
@ -676,11 +679,12 @@ message WatchCreateRequest {
bool progress_notify = 4;
enum FilterType {
// filter out put event.
NOPUT = 0;
// filter out delete event.
// filter out put event.
NOPUT = 0;
// filter out delete event.
// filters filter the events at server side before it sends back to the watcher.
repeated FilterType filters = 5;
@ -694,6 +698,9 @@ message WatchCreateRequest {
// watchers on the same stream. Creating a watcher with an ID already in
// use on the stream will cause an error to be returned.
int64 watch_id = 7;
// fragment enables splitting large revisions into multiple watch responses.
bool fragment = 8;
message WatchCancelRequest {
@ -705,14 +712,17 @@ message WatchResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
// watch_id is the ID of the watcher that corresponds to the response.
int64 watch_id = 2;
// created is set to true if the response is for a create watch request.
// The client should record the watch_id and expect to receive events for
// the created watcher from the same stream.
// All events sent to the created watcher will attach with the same watch_id.
bool created = 3;
// canceled is set to true if the response is for a cancel watch request.
// No further events will be sent to the canceled watcher.
bool canceled = 4;
// compact_revision is set to the minimum index if a watcher tries to watch
// at a compacted index.
@ -726,6 +736,9 @@ message WatchResponse {
// cancel_reason indicates the reason for canceling the watcher.
string cancel_reason = 6;
// framgment is true if large watch response was split over multiple responses.
bool fragment = 7;
repeated mvccpb.Event events = 11;