etcdmain: remove version/system info print methods

Signed-off-by: Gyuho Lee <>
Gyuho Lee 2018-07-09 11:26:53 -07:00
parent ddf45cb958
commit 60c63fa34e
1 changed files with 5 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -78,27 +78,17 @@ func startEtcdOrProxyV2() {
maxProcs, cpus := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), runtime.NumCPU()
lg :=
if lg != nil {
"starting etcd",
zap.String("etcd-version", version.Version),
zap.String("git-sha", version.GitSHA),
zap.String("go-version", runtime.Version()),
zap.String("go-os", runtime.GOOS),
zap.String("go-arch", runtime.GOARCH),
zap.Int("max-cpu-set", maxProcs),
zap.Int("max-cpu-available", cpus),
} else {
if lg == nil {
// TODO: remove in 3.5
plog.Infof("etcd Version: %s\n", version.Version)
plog.Infof("Git SHA: %s\n", version.GitSHA)
plog.Infof("Go Version: %s\n", runtime.Version())
plog.Infof("Go OS/Arch: %s/%s\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
plog.Infof("setting maximum number of CPUs to %d, total number of available CPUs is %d", maxProcs, cpus)
plog.Infof("setting maximum number of CPUs to %d, total number of available CPUs is %d", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), runtime.NumCPU())
defer func() {
logger :=
if logger != nil {