doc: Add to production users

Signed-off-by: allencloud <>
allencloud 2017-03-08 22:20:28 +08:00
parent 39dc5315ed
commit 8bc6cea90c
1 changed files with 14 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -168,3 +168,17 @@ In [][], the container service is backed by [hypernetes][hyperne
- *Application*: container management
- *Launched*: Sep. 2015
- *Cluster Size*: 1000+ deployments, each deployment contains a 3 node cluster.
- *Order of Data Size*: 100s of Megabytes
- *Operator*:
- *Environment*: Baremetal and virtual machines
- *Backups*: None, all data can be recreated if necessary.
In [DaoCloud][DaoCloud], we use Docker and Swarm to deploy and run our applications, and we use etcd to save metadata for service discovery.