raft: fix pre-vote tests

Dylan.Wen 2016-12-26 14:31:59 +08:00
parent 1a8e3cad9a
commit 920b155f17
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ func testVoteFromAnyState(t *testing.T, vt pb.MessageType) {
// If this was a real vote, we reset our state and term.
if vt == pb.MsgVote {
if r.state != StateFollower {
t.Errorf("%s,%s: state %s, want %s", vt, StateFollower, r.state, st)
t.Errorf("%s,%s: state %s, want %s", vt, st, r.state, StateFollower)
if r.Term != newTerm {
t.Errorf("%s,%s: term %d, want %d", vt, st, r.Term, newTerm)
@ -1474,6 +1474,8 @@ func TestAllServerStepdown(t *testing.T) {
switch tt.state {
case StateFollower:
sm.becomeFollower(1, None)
case StatePreCandidate:
case StateCandidate:
case StateLeader: