docs: add

Yicheng Qin 2015-02-04 17:11:31 -08:00
parent 38038e476a
commit d0677a24dd
1 changed files with 102 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
## Allow-legacy mode
Allow-legacy is a special mode in etcd that contains logic to enable a running etcd cluster to smoothly transition between major versions of etcd. For example, the internal API versions between etcd 0.4 (internal v1) and etcd 2.0 (internal v2) aren't compatible and the cluster needs to be updated all at once to make the switch. To minimize downtime, allow-legacy coordinates with all of the members of the cluster to shutdown, migration of data and restart onto the new version.
Allow-legacy helps users upgrade v0.4 etcd clusters easily, and allows your etcd cluster to have a minimal amount of downtime -- less than 1 minute for clusters storing less than 50 MB.
It supports upgrading from internal v1 to internal v2 now.
### Setup
This mode is enabled if `ETCD_ALLOW_LEGACY_MODE` is set to true, or etcd is running in CoreOS system.
It treats `ETCD_BINARY_DIR` as the directory for etcd binaries, which is organized in this way:
-- 1
-- 2
`1` is etcd with internal v1 protocol. You should use etcd v0.4.7 here. `2` is etcd with internal v2 protocol, which is etcd v2.x.
The default value for `ETCD_BINARY_DIR` is `/usr/libexec/etcd/internal_versions/`.
### Upgrading a Cluster
When starting etcd with a v1 data directory and v1 flags, etcd executes the v0.4.7 binary and runs exactly the same as before.
Before upgrading, you SHOULD check the health of the cluster by running:
$ etcdctl cluster-health
If the cluster and all members are healthy, you can start the upgrading process. If not, check the unhealthy machines and repair them using [admin guide](./
**The critical moment**: Use the `etcdctl upgrade` command to upgrade the etcd cluster to 2.0 now:
$ etcdctl upgrade --old-version=1 --new-version=2 --peer-url=$PEER_URL
`PEER_URL` is any accessible peer url of the cluster.
All peer-mode members will print out:
detected next internal version 2, exit after 10 seconds.
etcd does internal coordination for the upgrade within the cluster in this period and then exits.
You need to restart them after they exit. When restarted, it upgrades the data directory, and executes etcd v2.0. If it runs on a CoreOS system, the init system can take care of restart for you.
After the upgrade process, you can run the health check again to verify the upgrade. If the cluster is unhealthy or there is an unhealthy member, please refer to start [failure recovery](#failure-recovery).
Standby-mode members will exit after etcd cluster is upgraded to v2.0 with the message:
Detect the cluster has been upgraded to internal API v2. Exit now.
Once restarted, standbys run in v2.0 proxy mode, which proxy user requests to the etcd cluster.
### Downgrade
If the upgrading fails due to disk/network issues, you still can restart the upgrading process manually. However, once you upgrade etcd to internal API v2, you CANNOT downgrade it back to internal API v1. If you want to downgrade etcd in the future, please backup your v1 data dir beforehand.
### Unavailable window
etcd cluster will be unavailable between the time that the upgrade command is sent and the time that each etcd process is upgraded and restarted.
Usually, the window should be shorter than 1 minute for clusters storing up to 50 MB.
### In CoreOS system
When running on a CoreOS system, allow-legacy mode is enabled by default. Moreover, etcd process will restart automatically, so you don't need to do anything after running the upgrade command.
### Internal Details
etcd v0.4.7 registers versions of available etcd binaries in its local machine into the key space at bootstrap stage. When the upgrade command is executed, etcdctl checks whether each member has internal-version-v2 etcd binary around. If that is true, each member is asked to record the fact that it needs to be upgraded the next time it reboots, and exits after 10 seconds.
Once restarted, etcd v2.0 sees the upgrade flag recorded. It upgrades the data directory, and executes etcd v2.0.
### Failure Recovery
If `etcdctl cluster-health` says that the cluster is unhealthy, the upgrade process fails, which may happen if the network is broken, or the disk cannot work.
The way to recover it is to manually upgrade the whole cluster to v2.0:
- Log into machines that ran v0.4 peer-mode etcd
- Stop all etcd services
- Remove the `member` directory under the etcd data-dir
- Start etcd service using [2.0 flags]( An example for this is:
$ etcd --data-dir=$DATA_DIR --listen-peer-urls http://$LISTEN_PEER_ADDR \
--advertise-client-urls http://$ADVERTISE_CLIENT_ADDR \
--listen-client-urls http://$LISTEN_CLIENT_ADDR
- When this is done, v2.0 etcd cluster should work now.