raft: doc, debugging instruction on MessageType

This adds documentation on MessageType. Having clear explanation about
MessageType helps understand raft logic and debug etcd when there is a
message dropping. This is partially for coreos#3806.
Gyu-Ho Lee 2015-12-03 00:45:11 -08:00
parent 4e5f20de3b
commit d817f885db
1 changed files with 98 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
// limitations under the License.
Package raft provides an implementation of the raft consensus algorithm.
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format
defined in the raftpb package.
Raft is a protocol by which a cluster of nodes can maintain a replicated state machine.
The state machine is kept in sync through the use of a replicated log.
@ -180,5 +181,101 @@ cannot be removed any more since the cluster cannot make progress.
For this reason it is highly recommended to use three or more nodes in
every cluster.
Package raft sends and receives message in Protocol Buffer format (defined
in raftpb package). Each state (follower, candidate, leader) implements its
own 'step' method ('stepFollower', 'stepCandidate', 'stepLeader') when
advancing with the given raftpb.Message. Each step is determined by its
raftpb.MessageType. Note that every step is checked by one common method
'Step' that safety-checks the terms of node and incoming message to prevent
stale log entries:
'MsgHup' is used for election. If a node is a follower or candidate, the
'tick' function in 'raft' struct is set as 'tickElection'. If a follower or
candidate has not received any heartbeat before the election timeout, it
passes 'MsgHup' to its Step method and becomes (or remains) a candidate to
start a new election.
'MsgBeat' is an internal type that signals leaders to send a heartbeat of
the 'MsgHeartbeat' type. If a node is a leader, the 'tick' function in
the 'raft' struct is set as 'tickHeartbeat', and sends periodic heartbeat
messages of the 'MsgBeat' type to its followers.
'MsgProp' proposes to append data to its log entries. This is a special
type to redirect proposals to leader. Therefore, send method overwrites
raftpb.Message's term with its HardState's term to avoid attaching its
local term to 'MsgProp'. When 'MsgProp' is passed to the leader's 'Step'
method, the leader first calls the 'appendEntry' method to append entries
to its log, and then calls 'bcastAppend' method to send those entries to
its peers. When passed to candidate, 'MsgProp' is dropped. When passed to
follower, 'MsgProp' is stored in follower's mailbox(msgs) by the send
method. It is stored with sender's ID and later forwarded to leader by
rafthttp package.
'MsgApp' contains log entries to replicate. A leader calls bcastAppend,
which calls sendAppend, which sends soon-to-be-replicated logs in 'MsgApp'
type. When 'MsgApp' is passed to candidate's Step method, candidate reverts
back to follower, because it indicates that there is a valid leader sending
'MsgApp' messages. Candidate and follower respond to this message in
'MsgAppResp' type.
'MsgAppResp' is response to log replication request('MsgApp'). When
'MsgApp' is passed to candidate or follower's Step method, it responds by
calling 'handleAppendEntries' method, which sends 'MsgAppResp' to raft
'MsgVote' requests votes for election. When a node is a follower or
candidate and 'MsgHup' is passed to its Step method, then the node calls
'campaign' method to campaign itself to become a leader. Once 'campaign'
method is called, the node becomes candidate and sends 'MsgVote' to peers
in cluster to request votes. When passed to leader or candidate's Step
method and the message's Term is lower than leader's or candidate's,
'MsgVote' will be rejected ('MsgVoteResp' is returned with Reject true).
If leader or candidate receives 'MsgVote' with higher term, it will revert
back to follower. When 'MsgVote' is passed to follower, it votes for the
sender only when sender's last term is greater than MsgVote's term or
sender's last term is equal to MsgVote's term but sender's last committed
index is greater than or equal to follower's.
'MsgVoteResp' contains responses from voting request. When 'MsgVoteResp' is
passed to candidate, the candidate calculates how many votes it has won. If
it's more than majority (quorum), it becomes leader and calls 'bcastAppend'.
If candidate receives majority of votes of denials, it reverts back to
'MsgSnap' requests to install a snapshot message. When a node has just
become a leader or the leader receives 'MsgProp' message, it calls
'bcastAppend' method, which then calls 'sendAppend' method to each
follower. In 'sendAppend', if a leader fails to get term or entries,
the leader requests snapshot by sending 'MsgSnap' type message.
'MsgSnapStatus' tells the result of snapshot install message. When a
follower rejected 'MsgSnap', it indicates the snapshot request with
'MsgSnap' had failed from network issues which causes the network layer
to fail to send out snapshots to its followers. Then leader considers
follower's progress as probe. When 'MsgSnap' were not rejected, it
indicates that the snapshot succeeded and the leader sets follower's
progress to probe and resumes its log replication.
'MsgHeartbeat' sends heartbeat from leader. When 'MsgHeartbeat' is passed
to candidate and message's term is higher than candidate's, the candidate
reverts back to follower and updates its committed index from the one in
this heartbeat. And it sends the message to its mailbox. When
'MsgHeartbeat' is passed to follower's Step method and message's term is
higher than follower's, the follower updates its leaderID with the ID
from the message.
'MsgHeartbeatResp' is a response to 'MsgHeartbeat'. When 'MsgHeartbeatResp'
is passed to leader's Step method, the leader knows which follower
responded. And only when the leader's last committed index is greater than
follower's Match index, the leader runs 'sendAppend` method.
'MsgUnreachable' tells that request(message) wasn't delivered. When
'MsgUnreachable' is passed to leader's Step method, the leader discovers
that the follower that sent this 'MsgUnreachable' is not reachable, often
indicating 'MsgApp' is lost. When follower's progress state is replicate,
the leader sets it back to probe.
package raft