Documentation/v2: fix broken links

Signed-off-by: Gyu-Ho Lee <>
Gyu-Ho Lee 2017-05-03 09:40:40 -07:00
parent 9fee35b02d
commit e4e057f8f7
8 changed files with 34 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ You have successfully started an etcd and written a key to the store.
The [official etcd ports][iana-ports] are 2379 for client requests, and 2380 for peer communication. To maintain compatibility, some etcd configuration and documentation continues to refer to the legacy ports 4001 and 7001, but all new etcd use and discussion should adopt the IANA-assigned ports. The legacy ports 4001 and 7001 will be fully deprecated, and support for their use removed, in future etcd releases.
### Running local etcd cluster
First install [goreman](, which manages Procfile-based applications.
Our [Procfile script](./Procfile) will set up a local example cluster. You can start it with:
Our [Procfile script](../../V2Procfile) will set up a local example cluster. You can start it with:
goreman start
@ -162,4 +162,4 @@ Currently only the amd64 architecture is officially supported by `etcd`.
### License
etcd is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
etcd is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the [LICENSE](../../LICENSE) file for details.

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ A keys lifetime spans a generation. Each key may have one or multiple generat
### Physical View
etcd stores the physical data as key-value pairs in a persistent [b+tree][b+tree]. Each revision of the stores state only contains the delta from its previous revision to be efficient. A single revision may correspond to multiple keys in the tree.
etcd stores the physical data as key-value pairs in a persistent [b+tree][b+tree]. Each revision of the stores state only contains the delta from its previous revision to be efficient. A single revision may correspond to multiple keys in the tree.
The key of key-value pair is a 3-tuple (major, sub, type). Major is the store revision holding the key. Sub differentiates among keys within the same revision. Type is an optional suffix for special value (e.g., `t` if the value contains a tombstone). The value of the key-value pair contains the modification from previous revision, thus one delta from previous revision. The b+tree is ordered by key in lexical byte-order. Ranged lookups over revision deltas are fast; this enables quickly finding modifications from one specific revision to another. Compaction removes out-of-date keys-value pairs.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Any completed operations are durable. All accessible data is also durable data.
#### Linearizability
Linearizability (also known as Atomic Consistency or External Consistency) is a consistency level between strict consistency and sequential consistency.
Linearizability (also known as Atomic Consistency or External Consistency) is a consistency level between strict consistency and sequential consistency.
For linearizability, suppose each operation receives a timestamp from a loosely synchronized global clock. Operations are linearized if and only if they always complete as though they were executed in a sequential order and each operation appears to complete in the order specified by the program. Likewise, if an operations timestamp precedes another, that operation must also precede the other operation in the sequence.
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ etcd does not ensure linearizability for watch operations. Users are expected to
etcd ensures linearizability for all other operations by default. Linearizability comes with a cost, however, because linearized requests must go through the Raft consensus process. To obtain lower latencies and higher throughput for read requests, clients can configure a requests consistency mode to `serializable`, which may access stale data with respect to quorum, but removes the performance penalty of linearized accesses' reliance on live consensus.
[persistent-ds]: []
[btree]: []
[b+tree]: []
[seq_consistency]: []
[strict_consistency]: []
[serializable_isolation]: []
[Linearizability]: [#Linearizability]
[Linearizability]: #linearizability

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The consistent flag for read operations is removed in etcd 2.0.0. The normal rea
The read consistency guarantees are:
The consistent read guarantees the sequential consistency within one client that talks to one etcd server. Read/Write from one client to one etcd member should be observed in order. If one client write a value to an etcd server successfully, it should be able to get the value out of the server immediately.
The consistent read guarantees the sequential consistency within one client that talks to one etcd server. Read/Write from one client to one etcd member should be observed in order. If one client write a value to an etcd server successfully, it should be able to get the value out of the server immediately.
Each etcd member will proxy the request to leader and only return the result to user after the result is applied on the local member. Thus after the write succeed, the user is guaranteed to see the value on the member it sent the request to.
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Proxy mode in 2.0 will provide similar functionality, and with improved control
## Discovery Service
A size key needs to be provided inside a [discovery token][discoverytoken].
## HTTP Admin API

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ The security flags help to [build a secure etcd cluster][security].
+ env variable: ETCD_DEBUG
### --log-package-levels
+ Set individual etcd subpackages to specific log levels. An example being `etcdserver=WARNING,security=DEBUG`
+ Set individual etcd subpackages to specific log levels. An example being `etcdserver=WARNING,security=DEBUG`
+ default: none (INFO for all packages)
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Follow the instructions when using these flags.

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@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
- [mattn/etcdenv]( - "env" shebang with etcd integration
- [kelseyhightower/confd]( - Manage local app config files using templates and data from etcd
- [configdb]( - A REST relational abstraction on top of arbitrary database backends, aimed at storing configs and inventories.
- [scrz]( - Container manager, stores configuration in etcd.
- [fleet]( - Distributed init system
- [kubernetes/kubernetes]( - Container cluster manager introduced by Google.
- [mailgun/vulcand]( - HTTP proxy that uses etcd as a configuration backend.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Reporting Bugs
If you find bugs or documentation mistakes in the etcd project, please let us know by [opening an issue][issue]. We treat bugs and mistakes very seriously and believe no issue is too small. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue reporting the same problem does not already exist.
If you find bugs or documentation mistakes in the etcd project, please let us know by [opening an issue][etcd-issue]. We treat bugs and mistakes very seriously and believe no issue is too small. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue reporting the same problem does not already exist.
To make your bug report accurate and easy to understand, please try to create bug reports that are:

View File

@ -7,25 +7,25 @@ To prove out the design of the v3 API the team has also built [a number of examp
# Design
1. Flatten binary key-value space
2. Keep the event history until compaction
- access to old version of keys
- user controlled history compaction
3. Support range query
- Pagination support with limit argument
- Support consistency guarantee across multiple range queries
4. Replace TTL key with Lease
- more efficient/ low cost keep alive
- a logical group of TTL keys
5. Replace CAS/CAD with multi-object Txn
- MUCH MORE powerful and flexible
6. Support efficient watching with multiple ranges
7. RPC API supports the completed set of APIs.
7. RPC API supports the completed set of APIs.
- more efficient than JSON/HTTP
- additional txn/lease support
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ the size in the future a little bit or make it configurable.
// A put is always successful
Put( PutRequest { key = foo, value = bar } )
PutResponse {
PutResponse {
cluster_id = 0x1000,
member_id = 0x1,
revision = 1,
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ RangeResponse {
Txn(TxnRequest {
// mod_revision of foo0 is equal to 1, mod_revision of foo1 is greater than 1
compare = {
{compareType = equal, key = foo0, mod_revision = 1},
{compareType = equal, key = foo0, mod_revision = 1},
{compareType = greater, key = foo1, mod_revision = 1}}
// if the comparison succeeds, put foo2 = bar2
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Watch( WatchRequest{
end_revision = 10000,
// server decided notification frequency
progress_notification = true,
… // this can be a watch request stream
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ WatchResponse {
// a notification at 2000
WatchResponse {
cluster_id = 0x1000,
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ WatchResponse {
raft_term = 0x1,
// nil event as notification
// put (foo0=bar3000) event at 3000
WatchResponse {
cluster_id = 0x1000,
@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ WatchResponse {

View File

@ -331,6 +331,6 @@ etcdctl is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the [LICENSE][license] file for det
[authentication]: ../Documentation/v2/
[license]: ../LICENSE
[username-flag]: #--username--u