#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Run all etcd tests # ./test # ./test -v # # Run tests for one package # # PKG=./wal ./test # PKG=snap ./test set -e # Invoke ./cover for HTML output COVER=${COVER:-"-cover"} GO_BUILD_FLAGS=-a source ./build # Hack: gofmt ./ will recursively check the .git directory. So use *.go for gofmt. TESTABLE_AND_FORMATTABLE="client clientv3 discovery error etcdctl/command etcdmain etcdserver etcdserver/auth etcdserver/etcdhttp etcdserver/etcdhttp/httptypes pkg/fileutil pkg/flags pkg/idutil pkg/ioutil pkg/netutil pkg/osutil pkg/pbutil pkg/types pkg/transport pkg/wait proxy raft snap storage storage/backend store version wal" # TODO: add it to race testing when the issue is resolved # https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9946 NO_RACE_TESTABLE="rafthttp" FORMATTABLE="$TESTABLE_AND_FORMATTABLE $NO_RACE_TESTABLE *.go etcdctl/ integration clientv3/integration e2e" # user has not provided PKG override if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then TEST=$TESTABLE_AND_FORMATTABLE NO_RACE_TEST=$NO_RACE_TESTABLE FMT=$FORMATTABLE # user has provided PKG override else # strip out leading dotslashes and trailing slashes from PKG=./foo/ TEST=${PKG/#./} TEST=${TEST/#\//} TEST=${TEST/%\//} # only run gofmt on packages provided by user FMT="$TEST" fi # split TEST into an array and prepend REPO_PATH to each local package split=(${TEST// / }) TEST=${split[@]/#/${REPO_PATH}/} split=(${NO_RACE_TEST// / }) NO_RACE_TEST=${split[@]/#/${REPO_PATH}/} function unit_tests { echo "Running tests..." MACHINE_TYPE=$(uname -m) if [ $MACHINE_TYPE != "armv7l" ]; then RACE="--race" fi go test -timeout 3m ${COVER} ${RACE} -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${TEST} go test -timeout 3m ${COVER} -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${NO_RACE_TEST} } function integration_tests { echo "Running integration tests..." go test -timeout 10m -v -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${REPO_PATH}/e2e go test -timeout 15m -v -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${REPO_PATH}/integration go test -timeout 10m -v -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration go test -timeout 1m -v -cpu 1,2,4 $@ ${REPO_PATH}/contrib/raftexample } function fmt_tests { echo "Checking gofmt..." fmtRes=$(gofmt -l -s -d $FMT) if [ -n "${fmtRes}" ]; then echo -e "gofmt checking failed:\n${fmtRes}" exit 255 fi echo "Checking govet..." vetRes=$(go vet $TEST) if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then echo -e "govet checking failed:\n${vetRes}" exit 255 fi echo "Checking govet -shadow..." for path in $FMT; do vetRes=$(go tool vet -shadow ${path}) if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then echo -e "govet checking ${path} failed:\n${vetRes}" exit 255 fi done echo "Checking goword..." # get all go files to process gofiles=`find $FMT -iname '*.go' 2>/dev/null` # ignore tests and protobuf files gofiles=`echo ${gofiles} | sort | uniq | sed "s/ /\n/g" | egrep -v "(\\_test.go|\\.pb\\.go)"` # only check for broken exported godocs gowordRes=`goword -use-spell=false ${gofiles} | grep godoc-export | sort` if [ ! -z "$gowordRes" ]; then echo -e "goword checking failed:\n${gowordRes}" exit 255 fi echo "Checking for license header..." licRes=$(for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*.go' ! -path './Godeps/*'); do head -n3 "${file}" | grep -Eq "(Copyright|generated|GENERATED)" || echo -e " ${file}" done;) if [ -n "${licRes}" ]; then echo -e "license header checking failed:\n${licRes}" exit 255 fi } # fail fast on formatting tests fmt_tests unit_tests if [ -n "$INTEGRATION" ]; then integration_tests fi echo "Success"