#!/usr/bin/env bash ETCD_ROOT_DIR="$(pwd)" #### Convenient IO methods ##### COLOR_RED='\033[0;31m' COLOR_ORANGE='\033[0;33m' COLOR_GREEN='\033[0;32m' COLOR_LIGHTCYAN='\033[0;36m' COLOR_NONE='\033[0m' # No Color function log_error { >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_RED}" >&2 echo "$@" >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_NONE}" } function log_warning { >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_ORANGE}" >&2 echo "$@" >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_NONE}" } function log_callout { >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_LIGHTCYAN}" >&2 echo "$@" >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_NONE}" } function log_success { >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_GREEN}" >&2 echo "$@" >&2 echo -n -e "${COLOR_NONE}" } #### Discovery of files/packages within a go module ##### # go_srcs_in_module [package] # returns list of all not-generated go sources in the current (dir) module. function go_srcs_in_module { go fmt -n "$1" | grep -Eo "([^ ]*)$" | grep -vE "(\\_test.go|\\.pb\\.go|\\.pb\\.gw.go)" } # pkgs_in_module [optional:package_pattern] # returns list of all packages in the current (dir) module. # if the package_pattern is given, its being resolved. function pkgs_in_module { go list -mod=mod "${1:-./...}"; } #### Running actions against multiple modules #### # run [command...] - runs given command, printing it first and # again if it failed (in RED). Use to wrap important test commands # that user might want to re-execute to shorten the feedback loop when fixing # the test. function run { local rpath local command rpath=$(realpath "--relative-to=${ETCD_ROOT_DIR}" "${PWD}") # Quoting all components as the commands are fully copy-parsable: command=("${@}") command=("${command[@]@Q}") if [ "${rpath}" != "." ]; then repro="(cd ${rpath} && ${command[*]})" else repro="${command[*]}" fi log_callout "% ${repro}" "${@}" 2> >(while read -r line; do echo -e "\e[01;31m$line\e[0m" >&2; done) local error_code=$? if [ ${error_code} -ne 0 ]; then log_error -e "FAIL: (code:${error_code}):\n % ${repro}" return ${error_code} fi } # run_for_module [module] [cmd] # executes given command in the given module for given pkgs. # module_name - "." (in future: tests, client, server) # cmd - cmd to be executed - that takes package as last argument function run_for_module { local module=${1:-"."} shift 1 ( cd "${module}" && "$@" ) } function modules() { echo "go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3 go.etcd.io/etcd/pkg/v3 go.etcd.io/etcd/v3 go.etcd.io/etcd/tests/v3" } function modules_exp() { for m in $(modules); do echo -n "${m}/... " done } # run_for_modules [cmd] # run given command across all modules and packages # (unless the set is limited using ${PKG} or / ${USERMOD}) function run_for_modules { local pkg="${PKG:-./...}" if [ -z "${USERMOD}" ]; then run_for_module "api" "$@" "${pkg}" || return "$?" run_for_module "pkg" "$@" "${pkg}" || return "$?" run_for_module "." "$@" "${pkg}" || return "$?" run_for_module "tests" "$@" "${pkg}" || return "$?" else run_for_module "${USERMOD}" "$@" "${pkg}" || return "$?" fi } #### Running go test ######## # go_test [packages] [mode] [flags_for_package_func] [$@] # [mode] supports 3 states: # - "parallel": fastest as concurrently processes multiple packages, but silent # till the last package. See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/2731 # - "keep_going" : executes tests package by package, but postpones reporting error to the last # - "fail_fast" : executes tests packages 1 by 1, exits on the first failure. # # [flags_for_package_func] is a name of function that takes list of packages as parameter # and computes additional flags to the go_test commands. # Use 'true' or ':' if you dont need additional arguments. # # depends on the VERBOSE top-level variable. # # Example: # go_test "./..." "keep_going" ":" --short # # The function returns != 0 code in case of test failure. function go_test { local packages="${1}" local mode="${2}" local flags_for_package_func="${3}" shift 3 local goTestFlags="" local goTestEnv="" if [ "${VERBOSE}" == "1" ]; then goTestFlags="-v" fi if [ "${VERBOSE}" == "2" ]; then goTestFlags="-v" goTestEnv="CLIENT_DEBUG=1" fi # Expanding patterns (like ./...) into list of packages local unpacked_packages=("${packages}") if [ "${mode}" != "parallel" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2207 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! unpacked_packages=($(go list ${packages})); then log_error "Cannot resolve packages: ${packages}" return 255 fi fi local failures="" # execution of tests against packages: for pkg in "${unpacked_packages[@]}"; do local additional_flags # shellcheck disable=SC2086 additional_flags=$(${flags_for_package_func} ${pkg}) # shellcheck disable=SC2206 local cmd=( go test ${goTestFlags} ${additional_flags} "$@" ${pkg} ) if ! run env ${goTestEnv} "${cmd[@]}" ; then if [ "${mode}" != "keep_going" ]; then return 2 else failures=("${failures[@]}" "${pkg}") fi fi echo done if [ -n "${failures[*]}" ] ; then log_error -e "ERROR: Tests for following packages failed:\n ${failures[*]}" return 2 fi } #### Other #### # tool_exists [tool] [instruction] # Checks whether given [tool] is installed. In case of failure, # prints a warning with installation [instruction] and returns !=0 code. # # WARNING: This depend on "any" version of the 'binary' that might be tricky # from hermetic build perspective. For go binaries prefer 'tool_go_run' function tool_exists { local tool="${1}" local instruction="${2}" if ! command -v "${tool}" >/dev/null; then log_warning "Tool: '${tool}' not found on PATH. ${instruction}" return 255 fi } # tool_get_bin [tool] - returns absolute path to a tool binary (or returns error) function tool_get_bin { tool_exists "gobin" "GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/myitcv/gobin" || return 2 local tool="$1" if [[ "$tool" == *"@"* ]]; then run gobin -p "${tool}" || return 2 else run_for_module ./tools/mod run gobin -p -m --mod=readonly "${tool}" || return 2 fi } # tool_pkg_dir [pkg] - returns absolute path to a directory that stores given pkg. # The pkg versions must be defined in ./tools/mod directory. function tool_pkg_dir { run_for_module ./tools/mod run go list -f '{{.Dir}}' "${1}" } # tool_get_bin [tool] function run_go_tool { local cmdbin if ! cmdbin=$(tool_get_bin "${1}"); then return 2 fi shift 1 run "${cmdbin}" "$@" || return 2 }