// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package lease import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "sync" "time" "github.com/coreos/etcd/lease/leasepb" "github.com/coreos/etcd/pkg/idutil" "github.com/coreos/etcd/storage/backend" ) var ( minLeaseTerm = 5 * time.Second leaseBucketName = []byte("lease") ) type LeaseID int64 // DeleteableRange defines an interface with DeleteRange method. // We define this interface only for lessor to limit the number // of methods of storage.KV to what lessor actually needs. // // Having a minimum interface makes testing easy. type DeleteableRange interface { DeleteRange(key, end []byte) (int64, int64) } // a lessor is the owner of leases. It can grant, revoke, // renew and modify leases for lessee. // TODO: use clockwork for testability. type lessor struct { mu sync.Mutex // TODO: probably this should be a heap with a secondary // id index. // Now it is O(N) to loop over the leases to find expired ones. // We want to make Grant, Revoke, and FindExpired all O(logN) and // Renew O(1). // FindExpired and Renew should be the most frequent operations. leaseMap map[LeaseID]*lease // A DeleteableRange the lessor operates on. // When a lease expires, the lessor will delete the // leased range (or key) from the DeleteableRange. dr DeleteableRange // backend to persist leases. We only persist lease ID and expiry for now. // The leased items can be recovered by iterating all the keys in kv. b backend.Backend idgen *idutil.Generator } func NewLessor(lessorID uint8, b backend.Backend, dr DeleteableRange) *lessor { l := &lessor{ leaseMap: make(map[LeaseID]*lease), b: b, dr: dr, idgen: idutil.NewGenerator(lessorID, time.Now()), } tx := l.b.BatchTx() tx.Lock() tx.UnsafeCreateBucket(leaseBucketName) tx.Unlock() l.b.ForceCommit() // TODO: recover from previous state in backend. return l } // Grant grants a lease that expires at least after TTL seconds. // TODO: when lessor is under high load, it should give out lease // with longer TTL to reduce renew load. func (le *lessor) Grant(ttl int64) *lease { // TODO: define max TTL expiry := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second) expiry = minExpiry(time.Now(), expiry) id := LeaseID(le.idgen.Next()) le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() l := &lease{id: id, ttl: ttl, expiry: expiry, itemSet: make(map[leaseItem]struct{})} if _, ok := le.leaseMap[id]; ok { panic("lease: unexpected duplicate ID!") } le.leaseMap[id] = l l.persistTo(le.b) return l } // Revoke revokes a lease with given ID. The item attached to the // given lease will be removed. If the ID does not exist, an error // will be returned. func (le *lessor) Revoke(id LeaseID) error { le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() l := le.leaseMap[id] if l == nil { return fmt.Errorf("lease: cannot find lease %x", id) } for item := range l.itemSet { le.dr.DeleteRange([]byte(item.key), nil) } delete(le.leaseMap, l.id) l.removeFrom(le.b) return nil } // Renew renews an existing lease. If the given lease does not exist or // has expired, an error will be returned. // TODO: return new TTL? func (le *lessor) Renew(id LeaseID) error { le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() l := le.leaseMap[id] if l == nil { return fmt.Errorf("lease: cannot find lease %x", id) } expiry := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(l.ttl) * time.Second) l.expiry = minExpiry(time.Now(), expiry) return nil } // Attach attaches items to the lease with given ID. When the lease // expires, the attached items will be automatically removed. // If the given lease does not exist, an error will be returned. func (le *lessor) Attach(id LeaseID, items []leaseItem) error { le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() l := le.leaseMap[id] if l == nil { return fmt.Errorf("lease: cannot find lease %x", id) } for _, it := range items { l.itemSet[it] = struct{}{} } return nil } // findExpiredLeases loops all the leases in the leaseMap and returns the expired // leases that needed to be revoked. func (le *lessor) findExpiredLeases() []*lease { le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() leases := make([]*lease, 0, 16) now := time.Now() for _, l := range le.leaseMap { if l.expiry.Sub(now) <= 0 { leases = append(leases, l) } } return leases } // get gets the lease with given id. // get is a helper fucntion for testing, at least for now. func (le *lessor) get(id LeaseID) *lease { le.mu.Lock() defer le.mu.Unlock() return le.leaseMap[id] } type lease struct { id LeaseID ttl int64 // time to live in seconds itemSet map[leaseItem]struct{} // expiry time in unixnano expiry time.Time } func (l lease) persistTo(b backend.Backend) { key := int64ToBytes(int64(l.id)) lpb := leasepb.Lease{ID: int64(l.id), TTL: int64(l.ttl)} val, err := lpb.Marshal() if err != nil { panic("failed to marshal lease proto item") } b.BatchTx().Lock() b.BatchTx().UnsafePut(leaseBucketName, key, val) b.BatchTx().Unlock() } func (l lease) removeFrom(b backend.Backend) { key := int64ToBytes(int64(l.id)) b.BatchTx().Lock() b.BatchTx().UnsafeDelete(leaseBucketName, key) b.BatchTx().Unlock() } type leaseItem struct { key string } // minExpiry returns a minimal expiry. A minimal expiry is the larger on // between now + minLeaseTerm and the given expectedExpiry. func minExpiry(now time.Time, expectedExpiry time.Time) time.Time { minExpiry := time.Now().Add(minLeaseTerm) if expectedExpiry.Sub(minExpiry) < 0 { expectedExpiry = minExpiry } return expectedExpiry } func int64ToBytes(n int64) []byte { bytes := make([]byte, 8) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bytes, uint64(n)) return bytes }