# etcd local-tester The etcd local-tester runs a fault injected cluster using local processes. It sets up an etcd cluster with unreliable network bridges on its peer and client interfaces. The cluster runs with a constant stream of `Put` requests to simulate client usage. A fault injection script periodically kills cluster members and disrupts bridge connectivity. # Requirements local-tester depends on `goreman` to manage its processes and `bash` to run fault injection. # Building local-tester needs `etcd`, `benchmark`, and `bridge` binaries. To build these binaries, run the following from the etcd repository root: ```sh ./build pushd tools/benchmark/ && go build && popd pushd tools/local-tester/bridge && go build && popd ``` # Running The fault injected cluster is invoked with `goreman`: ```sh goreman -f tools/local-tester/Procfile start ```