# The official list of maintainers and reviewers for the project maintenance. # # Refer to the GOVERNANCE.md for description of the roles. # # Names should be added to this file like so: # Individual's name (@GITHUB_HANDLE) pkg:* # Individual's name (@GITHUB_HANDLE) pkg:* # # Please keep the list sorted. # MAINTAINERS Brandon Philips (@philips) pkg:* Gyuho Lee (@gyuho) pkg:* Hitoshi Mitake (@mitake) pkg:* Jingyi Hu (@jingyih) pkg:* Joe Betz (@jpbetz) pkg:* Sahdev Zala (@spzala) pkg:* Sam Batschelet (@hexfusion) pkg:* Xiang Li (@xiang90) pkg:* Ben Darnell (@bdarnell) pkg:go.etcd.io/etcd/raft Tobias Grieger (@tbg) pkg:go.etcd.io/etcd/raft # REVIEWERS Wenjia Zhang (@wenjiaswe) pkg:*