
78 lines
1.9 KiB

package server
import (
etcdErr ""
func init() {
// The JoinCommand adds a node to the cluster.
type JoinCommand struct {
MinVersion int `json:"minVersion"`
MaxVersion int `json:"maxVersion"`
Name string `json:"name"`
RaftURL string `json:"raftURL"`
EtcdURL string `json:"etcdURL"`
func NewJoinCommand(minVersion int, maxVersion int, name, raftUrl, etcdUrl string) *JoinCommand {
return &JoinCommand{
MinVersion: minVersion,
MaxVersion: maxVersion,
Name: name,
RaftURL: raftUrl,
EtcdURL: etcdUrl,
// The name of the join command in the log
func (c *JoinCommand) CommandName() string {
return "etcd:join"
// Join a server to the cluster
func (c *JoinCommand) Apply(context raft.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ps, _ := context.Server().Context().(*PeerServer)
b := make([]byte, 8)
binary.PutUvarint(b, context.CommitIndex())
// Make sure we're not getting a cached value from the registry.
// Check if the join command is from a previous peer, who lost all its previous log.
if _, ok := ps.registry.ClientURL(c.Name); ok {
return b, nil
// Check peer number in the cluster
if ps.registry.Count() == ps.MaxClusterSize {
log.Debug("Reject join request from ", c.Name)
return []byte{0}, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNoMorePeer, "", context.CommitIndex())
// Add to shared peer registry.
ps.registry.Register(c.Name, c.RaftURL, c.EtcdURL)
// Add peer in raft
err := context.Server().AddPeer(c.Name, "")
// Add peer stats
if c.Name != ps.RaftServer().Name() {
ps.followersStats.Followers[c.Name] = &raftFollowerStats{}
ps.followersStats.Followers[c.Name].Latency.Minimum = 1 << 63
return b, err
func (c *JoinCommand) NodeName() string {
return c.Name