
371 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package integration
import (
// TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownWatch expects that watch client
// switch its endpoints when the member of the pinned endpoint fails.
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownWatch(t *testing.T) {
defer testutil.AfterTest(t)
clus := integration.NewClusterV3(t, &integration.ClusterConfig{
Size: 3,
SkipCreatingClient: true,
defer clus.Terminate(t)
eps := []string{clus.Members[0].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[1].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[2].GRPCAddr()}
lead := clus.WaitLeader(t)
// pin eps[lead]
watchCli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: []string{eps[lead]}})
if err != nil {
defer watchCli.Close()
// wait for eps[lead] to be pinned
mustWaitPinReady(t, watchCli)
// add all eps to list, so that when the original pined one fails
// the client can switch to other available eps
key, val := "foo", "bar"
wch := watchCli.Watch(context.Background(), key, clientv3.WithCreatedNotify())
select {
case <-wch:
case <-time.After(integration.RequestWaitTimeout):
t.Fatal("took too long to create watch")
donec := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(donec)
// switch to others when eps[lead] is shut down
select {
case ev := <-wch:
if werr := ev.Err(); werr != nil {
if len(ev.Events) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected one event, got %+v", ev)
if !bytes.Equal(ev.Events[0].Kv.Value, []byte(val)) {
t.Fatalf("expected %q, got %+v", val, ev.Events[0].Kv)
case <-time.After(7 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("took too long to receive events")
// shut down eps[lead]
// writes to eps[lead+1]
putCli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: []string{eps[(lead+1)%3]}})
if err != nil {
defer putCli.Close()
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
_, err = putCli.Put(ctx, key, val)
if err == nil {
if err == context.DeadlineExceeded || isServerCtxTimeout(err) || err == rpctypes.ErrTimeout || err == rpctypes.ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail {
select {
case <-donec:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second): // enough time for balancer switch
t.Fatal("took too long to receive events")
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownPut(t *testing.T) {
testBalancerUnderServerShutdownMutable(t, func(cli *clientv3.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cli.Put(ctx, "foo", "bar")
return err
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownDelete(t *testing.T) {
testBalancerUnderServerShutdownMutable(t, func(cli *clientv3.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cli.Delete(ctx, "foo")
return err
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownTxn(t *testing.T) {
testBalancerUnderServerShutdownMutable(t, func(cli *clientv3.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cli.Txn(ctx).
If(clientv3.Compare(clientv3.Version("foo"), "=", 0)).
Then(clientv3.OpPut("foo", "bar")).
Else(clientv3.OpPut("foo", "baz")).Commit()
return err
// testBalancerUnderServerShutdownMutable expects that when the member of
// the pinned endpoint is shut down, the balancer switches its endpoints
// and all subsequent put/delete/txn requests succeed with new endpoints.
func testBalancerUnderServerShutdownMutable(t *testing.T, op func(*clientv3.Client, context.Context) error) {
defer testutil.AfterTest(t)
clus := integration.NewClusterV3(t, &integration.ClusterConfig{
Size: 3,
SkipCreatingClient: true,
defer clus.Terminate(t)
eps := []string{clus.Members[0].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[1].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[2].GRPCAddr()}
// pin eps[0]
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: []string{eps[0]}})
if err != nil {
defer cli.Close()
// wait for eps[0] to be pinned
mustWaitPinReady(t, cli)
// add all eps to list, so that when the original pined one fails
// the client can switch to other available eps
// shut down eps[0]
// switched to others when eps[0] was explicitly shut down
// and following request should succeed
// TODO: remove this (expose client connection state?)
cctx, ccancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
err = op(cli, cctx)
if err != nil {
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownGetLinearizable(t *testing.T) {
testBalancerUnderServerShutdownImmutable(t, func(cli *clientv3.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cli.Get(ctx, "foo")
return err
}, 7*time.Second) // give enough time for leader election, balancer switch
func TestBalancerUnderServerShutdownGetSerializable(t *testing.T) {
testBalancerUnderServerShutdownImmutable(t, func(cli *clientv3.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cli.Get(ctx, "foo", clientv3.WithSerializable())
return err
}, 2*time.Second)
// testBalancerUnderServerShutdownImmutable expects that when the member of
// the pinned endpoint is shut down, the balancer switches its endpoints
// and all subsequent range requests succeed with new endpoints.
func testBalancerUnderServerShutdownImmutable(t *testing.T, op func(*clientv3.Client, context.Context) error, timeout time.Duration) {
defer testutil.AfterTest(t)
clus := integration.NewClusterV3(t, &integration.ClusterConfig{
Size: 3,
SkipCreatingClient: true,
defer clus.Terminate(t)
eps := []string{clus.Members[0].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[1].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[2].GRPCAddr()}
// pin eps[0]
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: []string{eps[0]}})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to create client: %v", err)
defer cli.Close()
// wait for eps[0] to be pinned
mustWaitPinReady(t, cli)
// add all eps to list, so that when the original pined one fails
// the client can switch to other available eps
// shut down eps[0]
// switched to others when eps[0] was explicitly shut down
// and following request should succeed
cctx, ccancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
err = op(cli, cctx)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to finish range request in time %v (timeout %v)", err, timeout)
func TestBalancerUnderServerStopInflightLinearizableGetOnRestart(t *testing.T) {
tt := []pinTestOpt{
{pinLeader: true, stopPinFirst: true},
{pinLeader: true, stopPinFirst: false},
{pinLeader: false, stopPinFirst: true},
{pinLeader: false, stopPinFirst: false},
for i := range tt {
testBalancerUnderServerStopInflightRangeOnRestart(t, true, tt[i])
func TestBalancerUnderServerStopInflightSerializableGetOnRestart(t *testing.T) {
tt := []pinTestOpt{
{pinLeader: true, stopPinFirst: true},
{pinLeader: true, stopPinFirst: false},
{pinLeader: false, stopPinFirst: true},
{pinLeader: false, stopPinFirst: false},
for i := range tt {
testBalancerUnderServerStopInflightRangeOnRestart(t, false, tt[i])
type pinTestOpt struct {
pinLeader bool
stopPinFirst bool
// testBalancerUnderServerStopInflightRangeOnRestart expects
// inflight range request reconnects on server restart.
func testBalancerUnderServerStopInflightRangeOnRestart(t *testing.T, linearizable bool, opt pinTestOpt) {
defer testutil.AfterTest(t)
cfg := &integration.ClusterConfig{
Size: 2,
SkipCreatingClient: true,
if linearizable {
cfg.Size = 3
clus := integration.NewClusterV3(t, cfg)
defer clus.Terminate(t)
eps := []string{clus.Members[0].GRPCAddr(), clus.Members[1].GRPCAddr()}
if linearizable {
eps = append(eps, clus.Members[2].GRPCAddr())
lead := clus.WaitLeader(t)
target := lead
if !opt.pinLeader {
target = (target + 1) % 2
// pin eps[target]
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: []string{eps[target]}})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to create client: %v", err)
defer cli.Close()
// wait for eps[target] to be pinned
mustWaitPinReady(t, cli)
// add all eps to list, so that when the original pined one fails
// the client can switch to other available eps
if opt.stopPinFirst {
// give some time for balancer switch before stopping the other
} else {
// balancer cannot pin other member since it's already stopped
// 3-second is the minimum interval between endpoint being marked
// as unhealthy and being removed from unhealthy, so possibly
// takes >5-second to unpin and repin an endpoint
// TODO: decrease timeout when balancer switch rewrite
clientTimeout := 7 * time.Second
var gops []clientv3.OpOption
if !linearizable {
gops = append(gops, clientv3.WithSerializable())
donec, readyc := make(chan struct{}), make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
defer close(donec)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), clientTimeout)
readyc <- struct{}{}
_, err := cli.Get(ctx, "abc", gops...)
if err != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(clientTimeout + integration.RequestWaitTimeout):
t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for Get [linearizable: %v, opt: %+v]", linearizable, opt)
case <-donec:
// e.g. due to clock drifts in server-side,
// client context times out first in server-side
// while original client-side context is not timed out yet
func isServerCtxTimeout(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
ev, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
return false
code := ev.Code()
return code == codes.DeadlineExceeded && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "context deadline exceeded")