
261 lines
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// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package etcdserver
import (
dstorage ""
// clearUnusedSnapshotInterval specifies the time interval to wait
// before clearing unused snapshot.
// The newly created snapshot should be retrieved within one heartbeat
// interval because raft state machine retries to send snapshot
// to slow follower when receiving MsgHeartbeatResp from the follower.
// Set it as 5s to match the upper limit of heartbeat interval.
const clearUnusedSnapshotInterval = 5 * time.Second
type snapshot struct {
r raftpb.Snapshot
io.ReadCloser // used to read out v3 snapshot
done chan struct{}
func newSnapshot(r raftpb.Snapshot, kv dstorage.Snapshot) *snapshot {
done := make(chan struct{})
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
_, err := kv.WriteTo(pw)
return &snapshot{
r: r,
ReadCloser: pr,
done: done,
func (s *snapshot) raft() raftpb.Snapshot { return s.r }
func (s *snapshot) isClosed() bool {
select {
case <-s.done:
return true
return false
// TODO: remove snapshotStore. getSnap part could be put into memoryStorage,
// while SaveFrom could be put into another struct, or even put into dstorage package.
type snapshotStore struct {
// dir to save snapshot data
dir string
kv dstorage.KV
tr rafthttp.Transporter
// send empty to reqsnapc to notify the channel receiver to send back latest
// snapshot to snapc
reqsnapc chan struct{}
// a chan to receive the requested raft snapshot
// snapshotStore will receive from the chan immediately after it sends empty to reqsnapc
raftsnapc chan raftpb.Snapshot
mu sync.Mutex // protect belowing vars
// snap is nil iff there is no snapshot stored
snap *snapshot
inUse bool
createOnce sync.Once // ensure at most one snapshot is created when no snapshot stored
clock clockwork.Clock
func newSnapshotStore(dir string, kv dstorage.KV) *snapshotStore {
return &snapshotStore{
dir: dir,
kv: kv,
reqsnapc: make(chan struct{}),
raftsnapc: make(chan raftpb.Snapshot),
clock: clockwork.NewRealClock(),
// getSnap returns a snapshot.
// If there is no available snapshot, ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavaliable will be returned.
// If the snapshot stored is in use, it returns ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable.
// If there is no snapshot stored, it creates new snapshot
// asynchronously and returns ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable, so
// caller could get snapshot later when the snapshot is created.
// Otherwise, it returns the snapshot stored.
// The created snapshot is cleared from the snapshot store if it is
// either unused after clearUnusedSnapshotInterval, or explicitly cleared
// through clearUsedSnap after using.
// closeSnapBefore is used to close outdated snapshot,
// so the snapshot will be cleared faster when in use.
// snapshot store stores at most one snapshot at a time.
// If raft state machine wants to send two snapshot messages to two followers,
// the second snapshot message will keep getting snapshot and succeed only after
// the first message is sent. This increases the time used to send messages,
// but it is acceptable because this should happen seldomly.
func (ss *snapshotStore) getSnap() (*snapshot, error) {
if ss.inUse {
return nil, raft.ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable
if ss.snap == nil {
// create snapshot asynchronously
ss.createOnce.Do(func() { go ss.createSnap() })
return nil, raft.ErrSnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable
ss.inUse = true
// give transporter the generated snapshot that is ready to send out, ss.snap.raft().Metadata.Index)
return ss.snap, nil
// clearUsedSnap clears the snapshot from the snapshot store after it
// is used.
// After clear, snapshotStore could create new snapshot when getSnap.
func (ss *snapshotStore) clearUsedSnap() {
if !ss.inUse {
plog.Panicf("unexpected clearUsedSnap when snapshot is not in use")
// closeSnapBefore closes the stored snapshot if its index is not greater
// than the given compact index.
// If it closes the snapshot, it returns true.
func (ss *snapshotStore) closeSnapBefore(index uint64) bool {
if ss.snap != nil && ss.snap.raft().Metadata.Index <= index {
if err := ss.snap.Close(); err != nil {
plog.Errorf("snapshot close error (%v)", err)
return true
return false
// createSnap creates a new snapshot and stores it into the snapshot store.
// It also sets a timer to clear the snapshot if it is not in use after
// some time interval.
// It should only be called in snapshotStore functions.
func (ss *snapshotStore) createSnap() {
// ask to generate v2 snapshot
ss.reqsnapc <- struct{}{}
// generate KV snapshot
kvsnap := ss.kv.Snapshot()
raftsnap := <-ss.raftsnapc
snap := newSnapshot(raftsnap, kvsnap)
ss.snap = snap
go func() {
if snap == ss.snap && !ss.inUse {
// clear clears snapshot related variables in snapshotStore. It closes
// the snapshot stored and sets the variables to initial values.
// It should only be called in snapshotStore functions.
func (ss *snapshotStore) clear() {
if err := ss.snap.Close(); err != nil {
plog.Errorf("snapshot close error (%v)", err)
ss.snap = nil
ss.inUse = false
ss.createOnce = sync.Once{}
// SaveFrom saves snapshot at the given index from the given reader.
// If the snapshot with the given index has been saved successfully, it keeps
// the original saved snapshot and returns error.
// The function guarantees that SaveFrom always saves either complete
// snapshot or no snapshot, even if the call is aborted because program
// is hard killed.
func (ss *snapshotStore) SaveFrom(r io.Reader, index uint64) error {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile(ss.dir, "tmp")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(f, r)
if err != nil {
return err
fn := path.Join(ss.dir, fmt.Sprintf("%016x.db", index))
if fileutil.Exist(fn) {
return fmt.Errorf("snapshot to save has existed")
err = os.Rename(f.Name(), fn)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getSnapFilePath returns the file path for the snapshot with given index.
// If the snapshot does not exist, it returns error.
func (ss *snapshotStore) getSnapFilePath(index uint64) (string, error) {
fns, err := fileutil.ReadDir(ss.dir)
if err != nil {
return "", err
wfn := fmt.Sprintf("%016x.db", index)
for _, fn := range fns {
if fn == wfn {
return path.Join(ss.dir, fn), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("snapshot file doesn't exist")