diff --git a/config.ini b/config.ini index 5b1ee877..e935267a 100644 --- a/config.ini +++ b/config.ini @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ vlan_strip=1 # sleep when no pkts incomming # unit: microseconds -idle_sleep=100 +idle_sleep=0 # enabled port list # @@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ idle_sleep=100 # 1-3,4,7 ports 1,2,3,4,7 are enabled port_list=0 +# Number of vdev. +nb_vdev=0 + # Port config section # Correspond to dpdk.port_list's index: port0, port1... [port0] @@ -51,6 +54,22 @@ gateway= # Packet capture path, this will hurt performance #pcap=./a.pcap +# Vdev config section +# orrespond to dpdk.nb_vdev's index: vdev0, vdev1... +# iface : Shouldn't set always. +# path : The vuser device path in container. Required. +# queues : The max queues of vuser. Optional, default 1, greater or equal to the number of processes. +# queue_size : Queue size.Optional, default 256. +# mac : The mac address of vuser. Optional, default random, if vhost use phy NIC, it should be set to the phy NIC's mac. +# cq : Optional, if queues = 1, default 0; if queues > 1 default 1. +#[vdev0] +##iface=/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user0 +#path=/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user0 +#queues=1 +#queue_size=256 +#mac=00:00:00:00:00:01 +#cq=0 + # Kni config: if enabled and method=reject, # all packets that do not belong to the following tcp_port and udp_port # will transmit to kernel; if method=accept, all packets that belong to diff --git a/doc/Launch_F-Stack_on_AWS_EC2_in_one_minute.md b/doc/Launch_F-Stack_on_AWS_EC2_in_one_minute.md index cba7d2f6..c6a28aa2 100644 --- a/doc/Launch_F-Stack_on_AWS_EC2_in_one_minute.md +++ b/doc/Launch_F-Stack_on_AWS_EC2_in_one_minute.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ If you have a Redhat7.3 EC2 instanceļ¼Œand then execute the following cmds, you will get the F-Stack server in one minute sudo -i - yum install -y git gcc openssl-devel kernel-devel-$(uname -r) bc numactl-devel + yum install -y git gcc openssl-devel kernel-devel-$(uname -r) bc numactl-devel mkdir make net-tools vim pciutils iproute mkdir /data/f-stack git clone https://github.com/F-Stack/f-stack.git /data/f-stack diff --git a/dpdk/.gitignore b/dpdk/.gitignore index 6df5ba06..9105e26c 100644 --- a/dpdk/.gitignore +++ b/dpdk/.gitignore @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ doc/guides/cryptodevs/overview_feature_table.txt doc/guides/cryptodevs/overview_cipher_table.txt doc/guides/cryptodevs/overview_auth_table.txt doc/guides/cryptodevs/overview_aead_table.txt +doc/guides/compressdevs/overview_feature_table.txt cscope.out.po cscope.out.in cscope.out diff --git a/dpdk/GNUmakefile b/dpdk/GNUmakefile index 45b7fbbe..ae80720e 100644 --- a/dpdk/GNUmakefile +++ b/dpdk/GNUmakefile @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation # # Head Makefile for compiling rte SDK @@ -40,7 +12,7 @@ export RTE_SDK # directory list # -ROOTDIRS-y := buildtools lib drivers app +ROOTDIRS-y := buildtools lib kernel drivers app ROOTDIRS- := test include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.sdkroot.mk diff --git a/dpdk/LICENSE.GPL b/dpdk/LICENSE.GPL deleted file mode 100644 index d511905c..00000000 --- a/dpdk/LICENSE.GPL +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/dpdk/LICENSE.LGPL b/dpdk/LICENSE.LGPL deleted file mode 100644 index 4362b491..00000000 --- a/dpdk/LICENSE.LGPL +++ /dev/null @@ -1,502 +0,0 @@ - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2.1, February 1999 - - Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - -[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts - as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence - the version number 2.1.] - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change -free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. - - This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some -specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the -Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You -can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether -this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better -strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, -not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that -you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge -for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get -it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of -it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do -these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these -rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for -you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis -or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave -you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source -code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide -complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them -with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling -it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. - - We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the -library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal -permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. - - To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that -there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is -modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know -that what they have is not the original version, so that the original -author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be -introduced by others. - - Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of -any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot -effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a -restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that -any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be -consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. - - Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the -ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser -General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and -is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use -this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those -libraries into non-free programs. - - When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using -a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a -combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary -General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the -entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General -Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with -the library. - - We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it -does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General -Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less -of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages -are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many -libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain -special circumstances. - - For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to -encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes -a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be -allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free -library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this -case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free -software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. - - In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free -programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of -free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in -non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU -operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating -system. - - Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the -users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is -linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run -that program using a modified version of the Library. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a -"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The -former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must -be combined with the library in order to run. - - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other -program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or -other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of -this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). -Each licensee is addressed as "you". - - A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data -prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs -(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. - - The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work -which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the -Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under -copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a -portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated -straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is -included without limitation in the term "modification".) - - "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means -all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated -interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation -and installation of the library. - - Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from -such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based -on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for -writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does -and what the program that uses the Library does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's -complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that -you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an -appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact -all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any -warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the -Library. - - You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, -and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a -fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The modified work must itself be a software library. - - b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no - charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. - - d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a - table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses - the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility - is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, - in the event an application does not supply such function or - table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of - its purpose remains meaningful. - - (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has - a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the - application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any - application-supplied function or table used by this function must - be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square - root function must still compute square roots.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote -it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Library. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library -with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public -License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do -this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so -that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, -instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the -ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify -that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in -these notices. - - Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for -that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all -subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. - - This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of -the Library into a program that is not a library. - - 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or -derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form -under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany -it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which -must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a -medium customarily used for software interchange. - - If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy -from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the -source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to -distribute the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the -Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or -linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a -work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and -therefore falls outside the scope of this License. - - However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library -creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it -contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the -library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. -Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. - - When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file -that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a -derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. -Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be -linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The -threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. - - If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data -structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline -functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object -file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative -work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the -Library will still fall under Section 6.) - - Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may -distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. -Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, -whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. - - 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or -link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a -work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work -under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit -modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse -engineering for debugging such modifications. - - You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the -Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by -this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work -during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the -copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference -directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one -of these things: - - a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding - machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever - changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under - Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked - with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that - uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the - user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified - executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood - that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the - Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application - to use the modified definitions.) - - b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the - Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a - copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, - rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) - will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if - the user installs one, as long as the modified version is - interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. - - c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at - least three years, to give the same user the materials - specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more - than the cost of performing this distribution. - - d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy - from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above - specified materials from the same place. - - e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these - materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. - - For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the -Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for -reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, -the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is -normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major -components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on -which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies -the executable. - - It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license -restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally -accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot -use both them and the Library together in an executable that you -distribute. - - 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the -Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library -facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined -library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on -the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise -permitted, and provided that you do these two things: - - a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work - based on the Library, uncombined with any other library - facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the - Sections above. - - b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact - that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining - where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. - - 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute -the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any -attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or -distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your -rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, -or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses -terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. - - 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the -Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Library or works based on it. - - 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the -Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library -subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with -this License. - - 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any -particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, -and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add -an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, -so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus -excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if -written in the body of this License. - - 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new -versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. -Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, -but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and -"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and -conditions either of that version or of any later version published by -the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a -license version number, you may choose any version ever published by -the Free Software Foundation. - - 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, -write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is -copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free -Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our -decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status -of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing -and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO -WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. -EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR -OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY -KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE -LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME -THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN -WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY -AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU -FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR -CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE -LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING -RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A -FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF -SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries - - If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that -everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting -redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the -ordinary General Public License). - - To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is -safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the -"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either - version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Lesser General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the - library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. - - , 1 April 1990 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -That's all there is to it! diff --git a/dpdk/MAINTAINERS b/dpdk/MAINTAINERS index f0baeb42..71ba3120 100644 --- a/dpdk/MAINTAINERS +++ b/dpdk/MAINTAINERS @@ -27,8 +27,44 @@ M: Thomas Monjalon M: Ferruh Yigit T: git://dpdk.org/dpdk +Next-net Tree +M: Ferruh Yigit +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net + +Next-net-intel Tree +M: Qi Zhang +M: Beilei Xing +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel + +Next-net-mlx Tree +M: Shahaf Shuler +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-mlx + +Next-virtio Tree +M: Maxime Coquelin +M: Tiwei Bie +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-virtio + +Next-crypto Tree +M: Pablo de Lara +M: Akhil Goyal +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto + +Next-eventdev Tree +M: Jerin Jacob +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev + +Next-qos Tree +M: Cristian Dumitrescu +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-qos + +Next-pipeline Tree +M: Cristian Dumitrescu +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-pipeline + Stable Branches M: Yuanhan Liu +M: Luca Boccassi T: git://dpdk.org/dpdk-stable Security Issues @@ -36,6 +72,7 @@ M: maintainers@dpdk.org Documentation (with overlaps) M: John McNamara +M: Marko Kovacevic F: README F: doc/ @@ -44,13 +81,17 @@ M: Thomas Monjalon F: MAINTAINERS F: devtools/check-dup-includes.sh F: devtools/check-maintainers.sh +F: devtools/check-forbidden-tokens.awk F: devtools/check-git-log.sh F: devtools/check-includes.sh +F: devtools/check-symbol-maps.sh F: devtools/checkpatches.sh F: devtools/get-maintainer.sh F: devtools/git-log-fixes.sh F: devtools/load-devel-config F: devtools/test-build.sh +F: devtools/test-meson-builds.sh +F: license/ Build System @@ -70,13 +111,25 @@ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/build_app.rst F: doc/guides/prog_guide/dev_kit_* F: doc/guides/prog_guide/ext_app_lib_make_help.rst +Meson build +M: Bruce Richardson +F: meson.build +F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/BSDmakefile.meson +F: meson_options.txt +F: config/rte_config.h +F: buildtools/gen-pmdinfo-cfile.sh +F: buildtools/symlink-drivers-solibs.sh + ABI versioning M: Neil Horman F: lib/librte_compat/ F: doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst F: devtools/validate-abi.sh +F: devtools/check-symbol-change.sh +F: buildtools/check-experimental-syms.sh Driver information +M: Neil Horman F: buildtools/pmdinfogen/ F: usertools/dpdk-pmdinfo.py F: doc/guides/tools/pmdinfo.rst @@ -93,12 +146,12 @@ F: lib/librte_eal/rte_eal_version.map F: doc/guides/prog_guide/env_abstraction_layer.rst F: test/test/test_alarm.c F: test/test/test_atomic.c +F: test/test/test_barrier.c F: test/test/test_byteorder.c F: test/test/test_common.c F: test/test/test_cpuflags.c F: test/test/test_cycles.c F: test/test/test_debug.c -F: test/test/test_devargs.c F: test/test/test_eal* F: test/test/test_errno.c F: test/test/test_interrupts.c @@ -106,6 +159,7 @@ F: test/test/test_logs.c F: test/test/test_memcpy* F: test/test/test_per_lcore.c F: test/test/test_prefetch.c +F: test/test/test_reciprocal_division* F: test/test/test_rwlock.c F: test/test/test_spinlock.c F: test/test/test_string_fns.c @@ -113,14 +167,20 @@ F: test/test/test_tailq.c F: test/test/test_version.c Memory Allocation -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy +M: Anatoly Burakov +F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_fbarray.h F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_mem* F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_malloc.h F: lib/librte_eal/common/*malloc* +F: lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_fbarray.c F: lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_mem* F: lib/librte_eal/common/eal_hugepages.h +F: lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_mem* +F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/eal_mem* F: doc/guides/prog_guide/env_abstraction_layer.rst +F: test/test/test_external_mem.c F: test/test/test_func_reentrancy.c +F: test/test/test_fbarray.c F: test/test/test_malloc.c F: test/test/test_memory.c F: test/test/test_memzone.c @@ -133,14 +193,14 @@ F: examples/l2fwd-keepalive/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/keep_alive.rst Secondary process -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy +M: Anatoly Burakov K: RTE_PROC_ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/multi_proc_support.rst F: test/test/test_mp_secondary.c F: examples/multi_process/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/multi_process.rst -Service Cores - EXPERIMENTAL +Service Cores M: Harry van Haaren F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_service.h F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_service_component.h @@ -155,13 +215,13 @@ F: test/test/test_bitmap.c ARM v7 M: Jan Viktorin -M: Jianbo Liu +M: Gavin Hu F: lib/librte_eal/common/arch/arm/ F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/arm/ ARM v8 M: Jerin Jacob -M: Jianbo Liu +M: Gavin Hu F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/arm/*_64.h F: lib/librte_net/net_crc_neon.h F: lib/librte_acl/acl_run_neon.* @@ -173,7 +233,7 @@ F: drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx_vec_neon.c F: drivers/net/i40e/i40e_rxtx_vec_neon.c F: drivers/net/virtio/virtio_rxtx_simple_neon.c -IBM POWER +IBM POWER (alpha) M: Chao Zhu F: lib/librte_eal/common/arch/ppc_64/ F: lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/ppc_64/ @@ -193,7 +253,7 @@ F: doc/guides/linux_gsg/ Linux UIO M: Ferruh Yigit -F: lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/igb_uio/ +F: kernel/linux/igb_uio/ F: drivers/bus/pci/linux/*uio* Linux VFIO @@ -203,20 +263,17 @@ F: drivers/bus/pci/linux/*vfio* FreeBSD EAL (with overlaps) M: Bruce Richardson -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/Makefile F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/ F: doc/guides/freebsd_gsg/ FreeBSD contigmem M: Bruce Richardson -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy -F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/contigmem/ +F: kernel/freebsd/contigmem/ FreeBSD UIO M: Bruce Richardson -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy -F: lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/nic_uio/ +F: kernel/freebsd/nic_uio/ Core Libraries @@ -224,6 +281,7 @@ Core Libraries Memory pool M: Olivier Matz +M: Andrew Rybchenko F: lib/librte_mempool/ F: drivers/mempool/Makefile F: drivers/mempool/ring/ @@ -247,37 +305,66 @@ F: test/test/test_mbuf.c Ethernet API M: Thomas Monjalon +M: Ferruh Yigit +M: Andrew Rybchenko T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net -F: lib/librte_ether/ +F: lib/librte_ethdev/ F: devtools/test-null.sh Flow API M: Adrien Mazarguil T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net -F: lib/librte_ether/rte_flow* +F: app/test-pmd/cmdline_flow.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst +F: lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow* Traffic Management API - EXPERIMENTAL M: Cristian Dumitrescu T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-tm -F: lib/librte_ether/rte_tm* +F: lib/librte_ethdev/rte_tm* Traffic Metering and Policing API - EXPERIMENTAL M: Cristian Dumitrescu -F: lib/librte_ether/rte_mtr* +F: lib/librte_ethdev/rte_mtr* + +Baseband API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Amr Mokhtar +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto +F: lib/librte_bbdev/ +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/bbdev.rst +F: drivers/baseband/ +F: doc/guides/bbdevs/ +F: app/test-bbdev/ +F: doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst +F: examples/bbdev_app/ +F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/bbdev_app.rst Crypto API +M: Pablo de Lara M: Declan Doherty T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto F: lib/librte_cryptodev/ F: test/test/test_cryptodev* F: examples/l2fwd-crypto/ -Security API - EXPERIMENTAL +Security API M: Akhil Goyal M: Declan Doherty +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto F: lib/librte_security/ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_security.rst +Compression API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Fiona Trahe +M: Pablo de Lara +M: Ashish Gupta +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto +F: lib/librte_compressdev/ +F: drivers/compress/ +F: test/test/test_compressdev* +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/compressdev.rst +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/features/default.ini + Eventdev API M: Jerin Jacob T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev @@ -292,13 +379,56 @@ F: lib/librte_eventdev/*eth_rx_adapter* F: test/test/test_event_eth_rx_adapter.c F: doc/guides/prog_guide/event_ethernet_rx_adapter.rst +Eventdev Ethdev Tx Adapter API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Nikhil Rao +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev +F: lib/librte_eventdev/*eth_tx_adapter* +F: test/test/test_event_eth_tx_adapter.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/event_ethernet_tx_adapter.rst + +Eventdev Timer Adapter API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Erik Gabriel Carrillo +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev +F: lib/librte_eventdev/*timer_adapter* +F: test/test/test_event_timer_adapter.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/event_timer_adapter.rst + +Eventdev Crypto Adapter API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Abhinandan Gujjar +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev +F: lib/librte_eventdev/*crypto_adapter* +F: test/test/test_event_crypto_adapter.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/event_crypto_adapter.rst + +Raw device API - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Shreyansh Jain +M: Hemant Agrawal +F: lib/librte_rawdev/ +F: drivers/raw/skeleton_rawdev/ +F: test/test/test_rawdev.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/rawdev.rst + + +Memory Pool Drivers +------------------- + +Bucket memory pool +M: Artem V. Andreev +M: Andrew Rybchenko +F: drivers/mempool/bucket/ + Bus Drivers ----------- +Intel FPGA bus +M: Rosen Xu +F: drivers/bus/ifpga/ + NXP buses M: Hemant Agrawal M: Shreyansh Jain +F: drivers/common/dpaax/ F: drivers/bus/dpaa/ F: drivers/bus/fslmc/ @@ -306,9 +436,12 @@ PCI bus driver F: drivers/bus/pci/ VDEV bus driver -M: Jianfeng Tan F: drivers/bus/vdev/ +VMBUS bus driver +M: Stephen Hemminger +F: drivers/bus/vmbus/ + Networking Drivers ------------------ @@ -318,6 +451,7 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/features/default.ini Link bonding M: Declan Doherty +M: Chas Williams F: drivers/net/bonding/ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/link_bonding_poll_mode_drv_lib.rst F: test/test/test_link_bonding* @@ -326,7 +460,7 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/features/bonding.ini Linux KNI M: Ferruh Yigit -F: lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/kni/ +F: kernel/linux/kni/ F: lib/librte_kni/ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/kernel_nic_interface.rst F: test/test/test_kni.c @@ -347,6 +481,19 @@ F: drivers/net/ena/ F: doc/guides/nics/ena.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/ena.ini +AMD axgbe +M: Ravi Kumar +F: drivers/net/axgbe/ +F: doc/guides/nics/axgbe.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/axgbe.ini + +Aquantia atlantic +M: Igor Russkikh +M: Pavel Belous +F: drivers/net/atlantic/ +F: doc/guides/nics/atlantic.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/atlantic.ini + Atomic Rules ARK M: Shepard Siegel M: Ed Czeck @@ -356,8 +503,8 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/ark.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/ark.ini Broadcom bnxt -M: Stephen Hurd M: Ajit Khaparde +M: Somnath Kotur F: drivers/net/bnxt/ F: doc/guides/nics/bnxt.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/bnxt.ini @@ -376,9 +523,9 @@ F: drivers/net/liquidio/ F: doc/guides/nics/liquidio.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/liquidio.ini -Cavium OcteonTX -M: Santosh Shukla +Cavium OCTEON TX M: Jerin Jacob +F: drivers/common/octeontx/ F: drivers/mempool/octeontx/ F: drivers/net/octeontx/ F: doc/guides/nics/octeontx.rst @@ -392,13 +539,14 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/features/cxgbe.ini Cisco enic M: John Daley -M: Nelson Escobar +M: Hyong Youb Kim F: drivers/net/enic/ F: doc/guides/nics/enic.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/enic.ini Intel e1000 M: Wenzhuo Lu +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel F: drivers/net/e1000/ F: doc/guides/nics/e1000em.rst F: doc/guides/nics/intel_vf.rst @@ -408,14 +556,16 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/features/igb*.ini Intel ixgbe M: Wenzhuo Lu M: Konstantin Ananyev +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel F: drivers/net/ixgbe/ F: doc/guides/nics/ixgbe.rst F: doc/guides/nics/intel_vf.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/ixgbe*.ini Intel i40e -M: Jingjing Wu M: Beilei Xing +M: Qi Zhang +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel F: drivers/net/i40e/ F: doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst F: doc/guides/nics/intel_vf.rst @@ -424,35 +574,74 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/features/i40e*.ini Intel fm10k M: Qi Zhang M: Xiao Wang +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel F: drivers/net/fm10k/ +F: doc/guides/nics/fm10k.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/fm10k*.ini +Intel avf +M: Jingjing Wu +M: Wenzhuo Lu +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel +F: drivers/net/avf/ +F: doc/guides/nics/features/avf*.ini + +Intel ifc +M: Xiao Wang +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-intel +F: drivers/net/ifc/ +F: doc/guides/nics/ifc.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/ifc*.ini + +Marvell mvpp2 +M: Tomasz Duszynski +M: Dmitri Epshtein +M: Natalie Samsonov +F: drivers/common/mvep/ +F: drivers/net/mvpp2/ +F: doc/guides/nics/mvpp2.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/mvpp2.ini + +Marvell mvneta +M: Zyta Szpak +M: Dmitri Epshtein +M: Natalie Samsonov +F: drivers/net/mvneta/ +F: doc/guides/nics/mvneta.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/mvneta.ini + Mellanox mlx4 -M: Adrien Mazarguil +M: Matan Azrad +M: Shahaf Shuler +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-mlx F: drivers/net/mlx4/ F: doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/mlx4.ini Mellanox mlx5 -M: Adrien Mazarguil -M: Nelio Laranjeiro +M: Shahaf Shuler M: Yongseok Koh +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-net-mlx F: drivers/net/mlx5/ F: doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/mlx5.ini -Marvell mrvl -M: Jacek Siuda -M: Tomasz Duszynski -M: Dmitri Epshtein -M: Natalie Samsonov -M: Jianbo Liu -F: drivers/net/mrvl/ -F: doc/guides/nics/mrvl.rst -F: doc/guides/nics/features/mrvl.ini +Microsoft vdev_netvsc - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Matan Azrad +F: drivers/net/vdev_netvsc/ +F: doc/guides/nics/vdev_netvsc.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/vdev_netvsc.ini + +Microsoft Hyper-V netvsc - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Stephen Hemminger +M: K. Y. Srinivasan +M: Haiyang Zhang +F: drivers/net/netvsc/ +F: doc/guides/nics/netvsc.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/netvsc.ini Netcope szedata2 -M: Matej Vido +M: Jan Remes F: drivers/net/szedata2/ F: doc/guides/nics/szedata2.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/szedata2.ini @@ -479,6 +668,13 @@ F: drivers/net/dpaa2/ F: doc/guides/nics/dpaa2.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa2.ini +NXP enetc +M: Gagandeep Singh +M: Pankaj Chauhan +F: drivers/net/enetc/ +F: doc/guides/nics/enetc.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/enetc.ini + QLogic bnx2x M: Harish Patil M: Rasesh Mody @@ -501,14 +697,15 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/sfc_efx.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/sfc_efx.ini VMware vmxnet3 -M: Shrikrishna Khare +M: Yong Wang F: drivers/net/vmxnet3/ F: doc/guides/nics/vmxnet3.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/vmxnet3.ini Vhost-user -M: Yuanhan Liu M: Maxime Coquelin +M: Tiwei Bie +M: Zhihong Wang T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-virtio F: lib/librte_vhost/ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/vhost_lib.rst @@ -516,18 +713,23 @@ F: examples/vhost/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/vhost.rst F: examples/vhost_scsi/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/vhost_scsi.rst +F: examples/vhost_crypto/ +F: examples/vdpa/ +F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/vdpa.rst Vhost PMD -M: Tetsuya Mukawa -M: Yuanhan Liu M: Maxime Coquelin +M: Tiwei Bie +M: Zhihong Wang T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-virtio F: drivers/net/vhost/ +F: doc/guides/nics/vhost.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/vhost.ini Virtio PMD -M: Yuanhan Liu M: Maxime Coquelin +M: Tiwei Bie +M: Zhihong Wang T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-virtio F: drivers/net/virtio/ F: doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst @@ -547,7 +749,7 @@ F: doc/guides/nics/pcap_ring.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/pcap.ini Tap PMD -M: Pascal Mazon +M: Keith Wiles F: drivers/net/tap/ F: doc/guides/nics/tap.rst F: doc/guides/nics/features/tap.ini @@ -575,11 +777,14 @@ Fail-safe PMD M: Gaetan Rivet F: drivers/net/failsafe/ F: doc/guides/nics/fail_safe.rst +F: doc/guides/nics/features/failsafe.ini Softnic PMD M: Jasvinder Singh M: Cristian Dumitrescu F: drivers/net/softnic/ +F: doc/guides/nics/features/softnic.ini +F: doc/guides/nics/softnic.rst Crypto Drivers @@ -588,12 +793,25 @@ M: Pablo de Lara T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/default.ini +AMD CCP Crypto +M: Ravi Kumar +F: drivers/crypto/ccp/ +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/ccp.rst +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/ccp.ini + ARMv8 Crypto M: Jerin Jacob F: drivers/crypto/armv8/ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/armv8.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/armv8.ini +Cavium OCTEON TX crypto +M: Anoob Joseph +F: drivers/common/cpt/ +F: drivers/crypto/octeontx/ +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/octeontx.rst +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/octeontx.ini + Crypto Scheduler M: Fan Zhang F: drivers/crypto/scheduler/ @@ -616,6 +834,7 @@ M: John Griffin M: Fiona Trahe M: Deepak Kumar Jain F: drivers/crypto/qat/ +F: drivers/common/qat/ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/qat.ini @@ -626,14 +845,12 @@ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/kasumi.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/kasumi.ini Marvell Mrvl -M: Jacek Siuda M: Tomasz Duszynski M: Dmitri Epshtein M: Natalie Samsonov -M: Jianbo Liu -F: drivers/crypto/mrvl/ -F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/mrvl.rst -F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/mrvl.ini +F: drivers/crypto/mvsam/ +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/mvsam.rst +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/mvsam.ini Null Crypto M: Declan Doherty @@ -641,6 +858,13 @@ F: drivers/crypto/null/ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/null.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/null.ini +NXP CAAM JR +M: Gagandeep Singh +M: Hemant Agrawal +F: drivers/crypto/caam_jr/ +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/caam_jr.rst +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/caam_jr.ini + NXP DPAA_SEC M: Akhil Goyal M: Hemant Agrawal @@ -667,6 +891,12 @@ F: drivers/crypto/snow3g/ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/snow3g.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/snow3g.ini +Virtio +M: Jay Zhou +F: drivers/crypto/virtio/ +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/virtio.rst +F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/virtio.ini + ZUC M: Pablo de Lara F: drivers/crypto/zuc/ @@ -674,18 +904,55 @@ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/zuc.rst F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/zuc.ini +Compression Drivers +------------------- +M: Pablo de Lara +T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-crypto + +Cavium OCTEON TX zipvf +M: Ashish Gupta +F: drivers/compress/octeontx/ +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/octeontx.rst +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/features/octeontx.ini + +Intel QuickAssist +M: Fiona Trahe +F: drivers/compress/qat/ +F: drivers/common/qat/ + +ISA-L +M: Lee Daly +F: drivers/compress/isal/ +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/isal.rst +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/features/isal.ini + +ZLIB +M: Sunila Sahu +F: drivers/compress/zlib/ +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/zlib.rst +F: doc/guides/compressdevs/features/zlib.ini + + Eventdev Drivers ---------------- M: Jerin Jacob T: git://dpdk.org/next/dpdk-next-eventdev -Cavium OCTEONTX ssovf +Cavium OCTEON TX ssovf M: Jerin Jacob -M: Santosh Shukla F: drivers/event/octeontx/ -F: test/test/test_eventdev_octeontx.c F: doc/guides/eventdevs/octeontx.rst +Cavium OCTEON TX timvf +M: Pavan Nikhilesh +F: drivers/event/octeontx/timvf_* + +NXP DPAA eventdev +M: Hemant Agrawal +M: Sunil Kumar Kori +F: drivers/event/dpaa/ +F: doc/guides/eventdevs/dpaa.rst + NXP DPAA2 eventdev M: Hemant Agrawal M: Nipun Gupta @@ -695,10 +962,40 @@ F: doc/guides/eventdevs/dpaa2.rst Software Eventdev PMD M: Harry van Haaren F: drivers/event/sw/ -F: test/test/test_eventdev_sw.c F: doc/guides/eventdevs/sw.rst -F: examples/eventdev_pipeline_sw_pmd/ -F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/eventdev_pipeline_sw_pmd.rst +F: examples/eventdev_pipeline/ +F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/eventdev_pipeline.rst + +Distributed Software Eventdev PMD +M: Mattias Rƶnnblom +F: drivers/event/dsw/ +F: doc/guides/eventdevs/dsw.rst + +Software OPDL Eventdev PMD +M: Liang Ma +M: Peter Mccarthy +F: drivers/event/opdl/ +F: doc/guides/eventdevs/opdl.rst + + +Rawdev Drivers +-------------- + +Intel FPGA +M: Rosen Xu +M: Tianfei zhang +F: drivers/raw/ifpga_rawdev/ +F: doc/guides/rawdevs/ifpga_rawdev.rst + +NXP DPAA2 QDMA +M: Nipun Gupta +F: drivers/raw/dpaa2_qdma/ +F: doc/guides/rawdevs/dpaa2_qdma.rst + +DPAA2 CMDIF +M: Nipun Gupta +F: drivers/raw/dpaa2_cmdif/ +F: doc/guides/rawdevs/dpaa2_cmdif.rst Packet processing @@ -730,7 +1027,6 @@ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/generic_receive_offload_lib.rst Generic Segmentation Offload M: Jiayu Hu -M: Mark Kavanagh F: lib/librte_gso/ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/generic_segmentation_offload_lib.rst @@ -775,6 +1071,7 @@ F: doc/guides/prog_guide/pdump_lib.rst F: app/pdump/ F: doc/guides/tools/pdump.rst + Packet Framework ---------------- M: Cristian Dumitrescu @@ -841,6 +1138,7 @@ F: test/test/test_meter.c F: examples/qos_meter/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/qos_metering.rst + Other libraries --------------- @@ -894,6 +1192,7 @@ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_job_stats.rst Metrics M: Remy Horton F: lib/librte_metrics/ +F: test/test/test_metrics.c Bit-rate statistics M: Remy Horton @@ -903,6 +1202,19 @@ Latency statistics M: Reshma Pattan F: lib/librte_latencystats/ +Telemetry - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Kevin Laatz +F: lib/librte_telemetry/ +F: usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py +F: doc/guides/howto/telemetry.rst + +BPF - EXPERIMENTAL +M: Konstantin Ananyev +F: lib/librte_bpf/ +F: test/bpf/ +F: test/test/test_bpf.c +F: doc/guides/prog_guide/bpf_lib.rst + Test Applications ----------------- @@ -924,7 +1236,9 @@ F: test/test/virtual_pmd.c F: test/test/virtual_pmd.h Driver testing tool +M: Wenzhuo Lu M: Jingjing Wu +M: Bernard Iremonger F: app/test-pmd/ F: doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/ @@ -943,7 +1257,7 @@ F: test/test/test_event_ring.c Procinfo tool M: Maryam Tahhan M: Reshma Pattan -F: app/proc_info/ +F: app/proc-info/ F: doc/guides/tools/proc_info.rst @@ -957,6 +1271,10 @@ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ethtool.rst F: examples/exception_path/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/exception_path.rst +M: Marko Kovacevic +F: examples/fips_validation/ +F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/fips_validation.rst + M: Ori Kam F: examples/flow_filtering/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/flow_filtering.rst @@ -966,8 +1284,8 @@ M: Pablo de Lara F: examples/helloworld/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/hello_world.rst -M: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy M: Radu Nicolau +M: Akhil Goyal F: examples/ipsec-secgw/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipsec_secgw.rst @@ -1023,7 +1341,7 @@ M: John McNamara F: examples/skeleton/ F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/skeleton.rst -M: Jijiang Liu +M: Xiaoyun Li F: examples/tep_termination/ F: examples/vmdq/ diff --git a/dpdk/Makefile b/dpdk/Makefile index f4b807eb..6cd70a09 100644 --- a/dpdk/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/Makefile @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation .error Error please compile using GNU Make (gmake) diff --git a/dpdk/README b/dpdk/README index 29ba0e0e..55df1586 100644 --- a/dpdk/README +++ b/dpdk/README @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ DPDK is a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing. It supports many processor architectures and both FreeBSD and Linux. -The DPDK uses the Open Source BSD license for the core libraries and -drivers. The kernel components are GPLv2 licensed. +The DPDK uses the Open Source BSD-3-Clause license for the core libraries +and drivers. The kernel components are GPL-2.0 licensed. Please check the doc directory for release notes, API documentation, and sample application information. diff --git a/dpdk/app/Makefile b/dpdk/app/Makefile index 6398c184..069fa984 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/app/Makefile @@ -1,40 +1,16 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_PMD) += test-pmd -DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_PROC_INFO) += proc_info +DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_PROC_INFO) += proc-info DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PDUMP) += pdump +ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV),y) +DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_BBDEV) += test-bbdev +endif + ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CRYPTODEV),y) DIRS-$(CONFIG_RTE_APP_CRYPTO_PERF) += test-crypto-perf endif diff --git a/dpdk/app/meson.build b/dpdk/app/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9a026bb --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +apps = ['pdump', + 'proc-info', + 'test-bbdev', + 'test-crypto-perf', + 'test-eventdev', + 'test-pmd'] + +# for BSD only +lib_execinfo = cc.find_library('execinfo', required: false) + +default_cflags = machine_args + +# specify -D_GNU_SOURCE unconditionally +default_cflags += '-D_GNU_SOURCE' + +foreach app:apps + build = true + name = app + allow_experimental_apis = false + sources = [] + includes = [] + cflags = default_cflags + objs = [] # other object files to link against, used e.g. for + # instruction-set optimized versions of code + + # use "deps" for internal DPDK dependencies, and "ext_deps" for + # external package/library requirements + ext_deps = [] + deps = dpdk_app_link_libraries + + subdir(name) + + if build + dep_objs = [] + foreach d:deps + dep_objs += get_variable(get_option('default_library') + + '_rte_' + d) + endforeach + dep_objs += lib_execinfo + + link_libs = [] + if get_option('default_library') == 'static' + link_libs = dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers + endif + + if allow_experimental_apis + cflags += '-DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API' + endif + + executable('dpdk-' + name, + sources, + c_args: cflags, + link_whole: link_libs, + dependencies: dep_objs, + install_rpath: join_paths(get_option('prefix'), + driver_install_path), + install: true) + endif +endforeach diff --git a/dpdk/app/pdump/Makefile b/dpdk/app/pdump/Makefile index 38ac3e9a..bd3c2081 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/pdump/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/app/pdump/Makefile @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk @@ -35,6 +7,7 @@ ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PDUMP),y) APP = dpdk-pdump +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) # all source are stored in SRCS-y diff --git a/dpdk/app/pdump/main.c b/dpdk/app/pdump/main.c index 66272f59..9e86bf62 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/pdump/main.c +++ b/dpdk/app/pdump/main.c @@ -1,34 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -53,6 +24,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #define CMD_LINE_OPT_PDUMP "pdump" @@ -65,11 +37,10 @@ #define PDUMP_RING_SIZE_ARG "ring-size" #define PDUMP_MSIZE_ARG "mbuf-size" #define PDUMP_NUM_MBUFS_ARG "total-num-mbufs" -#define CMD_LINE_OPT_SER_SOCK_PATH "server-socket-path" -#define CMD_LINE_OPT_CLI_SOCK_PATH "client-socket-path" -#define VDEV_PCAP "net_pcap_%s_%d,tx_pcap=%s" -#define VDEV_IFACE "net_pcap_%s_%d,tx_iface=%s" +#define VDEV_NAME_FMT "net_pcap_%s_%d" +#define VDEV_PCAP_ARGS_FMT "tx_pcap=%s" +#define VDEV_IFACE_ARGS_FMT "tx_iface=%s" #define TX_STREAM_SIZE 64 #define MP_NAME "pdump_pool_%d" @@ -110,7 +81,7 @@ enum pdump_by { DEVICE_ID = 2 }; -const char *valid_pdump_arguments[] = { +static const char * const valid_pdump_arguments[] = { PDUMP_PORT_ARG, PDUMP_PCI_ARG, PDUMP_QUEUE_ARG, @@ -148,8 +119,8 @@ struct pdump_tuples { /* params for packet dumping */ enum pdump_by dump_by_type; - int rx_vdev_id; - int tx_vdev_id; + uint16_t rx_vdev_id; + uint16_t tx_vdev_id; enum pcap_stream rx_vdev_stream_type; enum pcap_stream tx_vdev_stream_type; bool single_pdump_dev; @@ -165,11 +136,9 @@ struct parse_val { uint64_t val; }; -int num_tuples; +static int num_tuples; static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default; -volatile uint8_t quit_signal; -static char server_socket_path[PATH_MAX]; -static char client_socket_path[PATH_MAX]; +static volatile uint8_t quit_signal; /**< display usage */ static void @@ -182,11 +151,7 @@ pdump_usage(const char *prgname) " tx-dev=," "[ring-size=default:16384]," "[mbuf-size=default:2176]," - "[total-num-mbufs=default:65535]'\n" - "[--server-socket-path=" - "default:/var/run/.dpdk/ (or) ~/.dpdk/]\n" - "[--client-socket-path=" - "default:/var/run/.dpdk/ (or) ~/.dpdk/]\n", + "[total-num-mbufs=default:65535]'\n", prgname); } @@ -301,7 +266,7 @@ parse_pdump(const char *optarg) &parse_uint_value, &v); if (ret < 0) goto free_kvlist; - pt->port = (uint8_t) v.val; + pt->port = (uint16_t) v.val; pt->dump_by_type = PORT_ID; } else if (cnt2 == 1) { ret = rte_kvargs_process(kvlist, PDUMP_PCI_ARG, @@ -411,8 +376,6 @@ launch_args_parse(int argc, char **argv, char *prgname) int option_index; static struct option long_option[] = { {"pdump", 1, 0, 0}, - {"server-socket-path", 1, 0, 0}, - {"client-socket-path", 1, 0, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; @@ -433,23 +396,6 @@ launch_args_parse(int argc, char **argv, char *prgname) return -1; } } - - if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, - CMD_LINE_OPT_SER_SOCK_PATH, - sizeof(CMD_LINE_OPT_SER_SOCK_PATH))) { - snprintf(server_socket_path, - sizeof(server_socket_path), "%s", - optarg); - } - - if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, - CMD_LINE_OPT_CLI_SOCK_PATH, - sizeof(CMD_LINE_OPT_CLI_SOCK_PATH))) { - snprintf(client_socket_path, - sizeof(client_socket_path), "%s", - optarg); - } - break; default: pdump_usage(prgname); @@ -489,7 +435,7 @@ disable_pdump(struct pdump_tuples *pt) } static inline void -pdump_rxtx(struct rte_ring *ring, uint8_t vdev_id, struct pdump_stats *stats) +pdump_rxtx(struct rte_ring *ring, uint16_t vdev_id, struct pdump_stats *stats) { /* write input packets of port to vdev for pdump */ struct rte_mbuf *rxtx_bufs[BURST_SIZE]; @@ -516,7 +462,7 @@ pdump_rxtx(struct rte_ring *ring, uint8_t vdev_id, struct pdump_stats *stats) } static void -free_ring_data(struct rte_ring *ring, uint8_t vdev_id, +free_ring_data(struct rte_ring *ring, uint16_t vdev_id, struct pdump_stats *stats) { while (rte_ring_count(ring)) @@ -583,11 +529,10 @@ configure_vdev(uint16_t port_id) { struct ether_addr addr; const uint16_t rxRings = 0, txRings = 1; - const uint8_t nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count(); int ret; uint16_t q; - if (port_id > nb_ports) + if (!rte_eth_dev_is_valid_port(port_id)) return -1; ret = rte_eth_dev_configure(port_id, rxRings, txRings, @@ -626,6 +571,7 @@ create_mp_ring_vdev(void) uint16_t portid; struct pdump_tuples *pt = NULL; struct rte_mempool *mbuf_pool = NULL; + char vdev_name[SIZE]; char vdev_args[SIZE]; char ring_name[SIZE]; char mempool_name[SIZE]; @@ -675,17 +621,28 @@ create_mp_ring_vdev(void) } /* create vdevs */ + snprintf(vdev_name, sizeof(vdev_name), + VDEV_NAME_FMT, RX_STR, i); (pt->rx_vdev_stream_type == IFACE) ? - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_IFACE, RX_STR, i, - pt->rx_dev) : - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_PCAP, RX_STR, i, - pt->rx_dev); - if (rte_eth_dev_attach(vdev_args, &portid) < 0) { + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_IFACE_ARGS_FMT, pt->rx_dev) : + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_PCAP_ARGS_FMT, pt->rx_dev); + if (rte_eal_hotplug_add("vdev", vdev_name, + vdev_args) < 0) { cleanup_rings(); rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "vdev creation failed:%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); } + if (rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(vdev_name, + &portid) != 0) { + rte_eal_hotplug_remove("vdev", vdev_name); + cleanup_rings(); + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, + "cannot find added vdev %s:%s:%d\n", + vdev_name, __func__, __LINE__); + } pt->rx_vdev_id = portid; /* configure vdev */ @@ -694,18 +651,29 @@ create_mp_ring_vdev(void) if (pt->single_pdump_dev) pt->tx_vdev_id = portid; else { - (pt->tx_vdev_stream_type == IFACE) ? - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_IFACE, TX_STR, i, - pt->tx_dev) : - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_PCAP, TX_STR, i, - pt->tx_dev); - if (rte_eth_dev_attach(vdev_args, - &portid) < 0) { + snprintf(vdev_name, sizeof(vdev_name), + VDEV_NAME_FMT, TX_STR, i); + (pt->rx_vdev_stream_type == IFACE) ? + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_IFACE_ARGS_FMT, pt->tx_dev) : + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_PCAP_ARGS_FMT, pt->tx_dev); + if (rte_eal_hotplug_add("vdev", vdev_name, + vdev_args) < 0) { cleanup_rings(); rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "vdev creation failed:" "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); } + if (rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(vdev_name, + &portid) != 0) { + rte_eal_hotplug_remove("vdev", + vdev_name); + cleanup_rings(); + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, + "cannot find added vdev %s:%s:%d\n", + vdev_name, __func__, __LINE__); + } pt->tx_vdev_id = portid; /* configure vdev */ @@ -723,17 +691,28 @@ create_mp_ring_vdev(void) rte_strerror(rte_errno)); } + snprintf(vdev_name, sizeof(vdev_name), + VDEV_NAME_FMT, RX_STR, i); (pt->rx_vdev_stream_type == IFACE) ? - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_IFACE, RX_STR, i, - pt->rx_dev) : - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_PCAP, RX_STR, i, - pt->rx_dev); - if (rte_eth_dev_attach(vdev_args, &portid) < 0) { + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_IFACE_ARGS_FMT, pt->rx_dev) : + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_PCAP_ARGS_FMT, pt->rx_dev); + if (rte_eal_hotplug_add("vdev", vdev_name, + vdev_args) < 0) { cleanup_rings(); rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "vdev creation failed:%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); } + if (rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(vdev_name, + &portid) != 0) { + rte_eal_hotplug_remove("vdev", vdev_name); + cleanup_rings(); + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, + "cannot find added vdev %s:%s:%d\n", + vdev_name, __func__, __LINE__); + } pt->rx_vdev_id = portid; /* configure vdev */ configure_vdev(pt->rx_vdev_id); @@ -749,16 +728,27 @@ create_mp_ring_vdev(void) rte_strerror(rte_errno)); } + snprintf(vdev_name, sizeof(vdev_name), + VDEV_NAME_FMT, TX_STR, i); (pt->tx_vdev_stream_type == IFACE) ? - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_IFACE, TX_STR, i, - pt->tx_dev) : - snprintf(vdev_args, SIZE, VDEV_PCAP, TX_STR, i, - pt->tx_dev); - if (rte_eth_dev_attach(vdev_args, &portid) < 0) { + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_IFACE_ARGS_FMT, pt->tx_dev) : + snprintf(vdev_args, sizeof(vdev_args), + VDEV_PCAP_ARGS_FMT, pt->tx_dev); + if (rte_eal_hotplug_add("vdev", vdev_name, + vdev_args) < 0) { cleanup_rings(); rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "vdev creation failed\n"); } + if (rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(vdev_name, + &portid) != 0) { + rte_eal_hotplug_remove("vdev", vdev_name); + cleanup_rings(); + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, + "cannot find added vdev %s:%s:%d\n", + vdev_name, __func__, __LINE__); + } pt->tx_vdev_id = portid; /* configure vdev */ @@ -774,22 +764,6 @@ enable_pdump(void) struct pdump_tuples *pt; int ret = 0, ret1 = 0; - if (server_socket_path[0] != 0) - ret = rte_pdump_set_socket_dir(server_socket_path, - RTE_PDUMP_SOCKET_SERVER); - if (ret == 0 && client_socket_path[0] != 0) { - ret = rte_pdump_set_socket_dir(client_socket_path, - RTE_PDUMP_SOCKET_CLIENT); - } - if (ret < 0) { - cleanup_pdump_resources(); - rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, - "failed to set socket paths of server:%s, " - "client:%s\n", - server_socket_path, - client_socket_path); - } - for (i = 0; i < num_tuples; i++) { pt = &pdump_t[i]; if (pt->dir == RTE_PDUMP_FLAG_RXTX) { @@ -892,6 +866,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) if (diag < 0) rte_panic("Cannot init EAL\n"); + if (rte_eth_dev_count_avail() == 0) + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "No Ethernet ports - bye\n"); + argc -= diag; argv += (diag - 3); @@ -911,5 +888,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) /* dump debug stats */ print_pdump_stats(); + ret = rte_eal_cleanup(); + if (ret) + printf("Error from rte_eal_cleanup(), %d\n", ret); + return 0; } diff --git a/dpdk/app/pdump/meson.build b/dpdk/app/pdump/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..116c27f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/pdump/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + +sources = files('main.c') +allow_experimental_apis = true +deps += ['ethdev', 'kvargs', 'pdump'] diff --git a/dpdk/app/proc-info/Makefile b/dpdk/app/proc-info/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e87f524 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/proc-info/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation + +include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk + +APP = dpdk-procinfo + +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API +CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) + +# all source are stored in SRCS-y + +SRCS-y := main.c + +include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.app.mk diff --git a/dpdk/app/proc-info/main.c b/dpdk/app/proc-info/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c20effa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/proc-info/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* Maximum long option length for option parsing. */ +#define MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ 64 +#define RTE_LOGTYPE_APP RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1 + +#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256 + +/**< mask of enabled ports */ +static uint32_t enabled_port_mask; +/**< Enable stats. */ +static uint32_t enable_stats; +/**< Enable xstats. */ +static uint32_t enable_xstats; +/**< Enable collectd format*/ +static uint32_t enable_collectd_format; +/**< FD to send collectd format messages to STDOUT*/ +static int stdout_fd; +/**< Host id process is running on */ +static char host_id[MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ]; +/**< Enable metrics. */ +static uint32_t enable_metrics; +/**< Enable stats reset. */ +static uint32_t reset_stats; +/**< Enable xstats reset. */ +static uint32_t reset_xstats; +/**< Enable memory info. */ +static uint32_t mem_info; +/**< Enable displaying xstat name. */ +static uint32_t enable_xstats_name; +static char *xstats_name; + +/**< Enable xstats by ids. */ +#define MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS 1024 +static uint32_t nb_xstats_ids; +static uint64_t xstats_ids[MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS]; + +/**< display usage */ +static void +proc_info_usage(const char *prgname) +{ + printf("%s [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK\n" + " -m to display DPDK memory zones, segments and TAILQ information\n" + " -p PORTMASK: hexadecimal bitmask of ports to retrieve stats for\n" + " --stats: to display port statistics, enabled by default\n" + " --xstats: to display extended port statistics, disabled by " + "default\n" + " --metrics: to display derived metrics of the ports, disabled by " + "default\n" + " --xstats-name NAME: to display single xstat id by NAME\n" + " --xstats-ids IDLIST: to display xstat values by id. " + "The argument is comma-separated list of xstat ids to print out.\n" + " --stats-reset: to reset port statistics\n" + " --xstats-reset: to reset port extended statistics\n" + " --collectd-format: to print statistics to STDOUT in expected by collectd format\n" + " --host-id STRING: host id used to identify the system process is running on\n", + prgname); +} + +/* + * Parse the portmask provided at run time. + */ +static int +parse_portmask(const char *portmask) +{ + char *end = NULL; + unsigned long pm; + + errno = 0; + + /* parse hexadecimal string */ + pm = strtoul(portmask, &end, 16); + if ((portmask[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0') || + (errno != 0)) { + printf("%s ERROR parsing the port mask\n", __func__); + return -1; + } + + if (pm == 0) + return -1; + + return pm; + +} + +/* + * Parse ids value list into array + */ +static int +parse_xstats_ids(char *list, uint64_t *ids, int limit) { + int length; + char *token; + char *ctx = NULL; + char *endptr; + + length = 0; + token = strtok_r(list, ",", &ctx); + while (token != NULL) { + ids[length] = strtoull(token, &endptr, 10); + if (*endptr != '\0') + return -EINVAL; + + length++; + if (length >= limit) + return -E2BIG; + + token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &ctx); + } + + return length; +} + +static int +proc_info_preparse_args(int argc, char **argv) +{ + char *prgname = argv[0]; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { + /* Print stats or xstats to STDOUT in collectd format */ + if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--collectd-format", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { + enable_collectd_format = 1; + stdout_fd = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); + close(STDOUT_FILENO); + } + if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--host-id", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { + if ((i + 1) == argc) { + printf("Invalid host id or not specified\n"); + proc_info_usage(prgname); + return -1; + } + snprintf(host_id, sizeof(host_id), "%s", argv[i+1]); + } + } + + if (!strlen(host_id)) { + int err = gethostname(host_id, MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ-1); + + if (err) + strcpy(host_id, "unknown"); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* Parse the argument given in the command line of the application */ +static int +proc_info_parse_args(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int opt; + int option_index; + char *prgname = argv[0]; + static struct option long_option[] = { + {"stats", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"stats-reset", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"xstats", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"metrics", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"xstats-reset", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"xstats-name", required_argument, NULL, 1}, + {"collectd-format", 0, NULL, 0}, + {"xstats-ids", 1, NULL, 1}, + {"host-id", 0, NULL, 0}, + {NULL, 0, 0, 0} + }; + + if (argc == 1) + proc_info_usage(prgname); + + /* Parse command line */ + while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:m", + long_option, &option_index)) != EOF) { + switch (opt) { + /* portmask */ + case 'p': + enabled_port_mask = parse_portmask(optarg); + if (enabled_port_mask == 0) { + printf("invalid portmask\n"); + proc_info_usage(prgname); + return -1; + } + break; + case 'm': + mem_info = 1; + break; + case 0: + /* Print stats */ + if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "stats", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) + enable_stats = 1; + /* Print xstats */ + else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "xstats", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) + enable_xstats = 1; + else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, + "metrics", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) + enable_metrics = 1; + /* Reset stats */ + if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "stats-reset", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) + reset_stats = 1; + /* Reset xstats */ + else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "xstats-reset", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) + reset_xstats = 1; + break; + case 1: + /* Print xstat single value given by name*/ + if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, + "xstats-name", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { + enable_xstats_name = 1; + xstats_name = optarg; + printf("name:%s:%s\n", + long_option[option_index].name, + optarg); + } else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, + "xstats-ids", + MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { + nb_xstats_ids = parse_xstats_ids(optarg, + xstats_ids, MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS); + + if (nb_xstats_ids <= 0) { + printf("xstats-id list parse error.\n"); + return -1; + } + + } + break; + default: + proc_info_usage(prgname); + return -1; + } + } + return 0; +} + +static void +meminfo_display(void) +{ + printf("----------- MEMORY_SEGMENTS -----------\n"); + rte_dump_physmem_layout(stdout); + printf("--------- END_MEMORY_SEGMENTS ---------\n"); + + printf("------------ MEMORY_ZONES -------------\n"); + rte_memzone_dump(stdout); + printf("---------- END_MEMORY_ZONES -----------\n"); + + printf("------------- TAIL_QUEUES -------------\n"); + rte_dump_tailq(stdout); + printf("---------- END_TAIL_QUEUES ------------\n"); +} + +static void +nic_stats_display(uint16_t port_id) +{ + struct rte_eth_stats stats; + uint8_t i; + + static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; + + rte_eth_stats_get(port_id, &stats); + printf("\n %s NIC statistics for port %-2d %s\n", + nic_stats_border, port_id, nic_stats_border); + + printf(" RX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" RX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 + " RX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.ipackets, stats.ierrors, + stats.ibytes); + printf(" RX-nombuf: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.rx_nombuf); + printf(" TX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" TX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 + " TX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.opackets, stats.oerrors, + stats.obytes); + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i < RTE_ETHDEV_QUEUE_STAT_CNTRS; i++) { + printf(" Stats reg %2d RX-packets: %-10"PRIu64 + " RX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 + " RX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", + i, stats.q_ipackets[i], stats.q_errors[i], stats.q_ibytes[i]); + } + + printf("\n"); + for (i = 0; i < RTE_ETHDEV_QUEUE_STAT_CNTRS; i++) { + printf(" Stats reg %2d TX-packets: %-10"PRIu64 + " TX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", + i, stats.q_opackets[i], stats.q_obytes[i]); + } + + printf(" %s############################%s\n", + nic_stats_border, nic_stats_border); +} + +static void +nic_stats_clear(uint16_t port_id) +{ + printf("\n Clearing NIC stats for port %d\n", port_id); + rte_eth_stats_reset(port_id); + printf("\n NIC statistics for port %d cleared\n", port_id); +} + +static void collectd_resolve_cnt_type(char *cnt_type, size_t cnt_type_len, + const char *cnt_name) { + char *type_end = strrchr(cnt_name, '_'); + + if ((type_end != NULL) && + (strncmp(cnt_name, "rx_", strlen("rx_")) == 0)) { + if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_dropped", strlen("_dropped")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_dropped", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_bytes", strlen("_bytes")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_octets", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_packets", strlen("_packets")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_packets", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_placement", + strlen("_placement")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_buff", strlen("_buff")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); + else + /* Does not fit obvious type: use a more generic one */ + strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); + } else if ((type_end != NULL) && + (strncmp(cnt_name, "tx_", strlen("tx_"))) == 0) { + if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_errors", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_dropped", strlen("_dropped")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_dropped", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_bytes", strlen("_bytes")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_octets", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_packets", strlen("_packets")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_packets", cnt_type_len); + else + /* Does not fit obvious type: use a more generic one */ + strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); + } else if ((type_end != NULL) && + (strncmp(cnt_name, "flow_", strlen("flow_"))) == 0) { + if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "operations", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "errors", cnt_type_len); + else if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "filter_result", cnt_type_len); + } else if ((type_end != NULL) && + (strncmp(cnt_name, "mac_", strlen("mac_"))) == 0) { + if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) + strncpy(cnt_type, "errors", cnt_type_len); + } else { + /* Does not fit obvious type, or strrchr error: */ + /* use a more generic type */ + strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); + } +} + +static void +nic_xstats_by_name_display(uint16_t port_id, char *name) +{ + uint64_t id; + + printf("###### NIC statistics for port %-2d, statistic name '%s':\n", + port_id, name); + + if (rte_eth_xstats_get_id_by_name(port_id, name, &id) == 0) + printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", name, id); + else + printf("Statistic not found...\n"); + +} + +static void +nic_xstats_by_ids_display(uint16_t port_id, uint64_t *ids, int len) +{ + struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names; + uint64_t *values; + int ret, i; + static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; + + values = malloc(sizeof(*values) * len); + if (values == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstats\n"); + return; + } + + xstats_names = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_eth_xstat_name) * len); + if (xstats_names == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstat names\n"); + free(values); + return; + } + + if (len != rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id( + port_id, xstats_names, len, ids)) { + printf("Cannot get xstat names\n"); + goto err; + } + + printf("###### NIC extended statistics for port %-2d #########\n", + port_id); + printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); + ret = rte_eth_xstats_get_by_id(port_id, ids, values, len); + if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { + printf("Cannot get xstats\n"); + goto err; + } + + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", + xstats_names[i].name, + values[i]); + + printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); +err: + free(values); + free(xstats_names); +} + +static void +nic_xstats_display(uint16_t port_id) +{ + struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names; + uint64_t *values; + int len, ret, i; + static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; + + len = rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id(port_id, NULL, 0, NULL); + if (len < 0) { + printf("Cannot get xstats count\n"); + return; + } + values = malloc(sizeof(*values) * len); + if (values == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstats\n"); + return; + } + + xstats_names = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_eth_xstat_name) * len); + if (xstats_names == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstat names\n"); + free(values); + return; + } + if (len != rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id( + port_id, xstats_names, len, NULL)) { + printf("Cannot get xstat names\n"); + goto err; + } + + printf("###### NIC extended statistics for port %-2d #########\n", + port_id); + printf("%s############################\n", + nic_stats_border); + ret = rte_eth_xstats_get_by_id(port_id, NULL, values, len); + if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { + printf("Cannot get xstats\n"); + goto err; + } + + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (enable_collectd_format) { + char counter_type[MAX_STRING_LEN]; + char buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; + size_t n; + + collectd_resolve_cnt_type(counter_type, + sizeof(counter_type), + xstats_names[i].name); + n = snprintf(buf, MAX_STRING_LEN, + "PUTVAL %s/dpdkstat-port.%u/%s-%s N:%" + PRIu64"\n", host_id, port_id, counter_type, + xstats_names[i].name, values[i]); + if (n > sizeof(buf) - 1) + n = sizeof(buf) - 1; + ret = write(stdout_fd, buf, n); + if (ret < 0) + goto err; + } else { + printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", xstats_names[i].name, + values[i]); + } + } + + printf("%s############################\n", + nic_stats_border); +err: + free(values); + free(xstats_names); +} + +static void +nic_xstats_clear(uint16_t port_id) +{ + printf("\n Clearing NIC xstats for port %d\n", port_id); + rte_eth_xstats_reset(port_id); + printf("\n NIC extended statistics for port %d cleared\n", port_id); +} + +static void +metrics_display(int port_id) +{ + struct rte_metric_value *metrics; + struct rte_metric_name *names; + int len, ret; + static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; + + len = rte_metrics_get_names(NULL, 0); + if (len < 0) { + printf("Cannot get metrics count\n"); + return; + } + if (len == 0) { + printf("No metrics to display (none have been registered)\n"); + return; + } + + metrics = rte_malloc("proc_info_metrics", + sizeof(struct rte_metric_value) * len, 0); + if (metrics == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for metrics\n"); + return; + } + + names = rte_malloc(NULL, sizeof(struct rte_metric_name) * len, 0); + if (names == NULL) { + printf("Cannot allocate memory for metrcis names\n"); + rte_free(metrics); + return; + } + + if (len != rte_metrics_get_names(names, len)) { + printf("Cannot get metrics names\n"); + rte_free(metrics); + rte_free(names); + return; + } + + if (port_id == RTE_METRICS_GLOBAL) + printf("###### Non port specific metrics #########\n"); + else + printf("###### metrics for port %-2d #########\n", port_id); + printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); + ret = rte_metrics_get_values(port_id, metrics, len); + if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { + printf("Cannot get metrics values\n"); + rte_free(metrics); + rte_free(names); + return; + } + + int i; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", names[i].name, metrics[i].value); + + printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); + rte_free(metrics); + rte_free(names); +} + +int +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int ret; + int i; + char c_flag[] = "-c1"; + char n_flag[] = "-n4"; + char mp_flag[] = "--proc-type=secondary"; + char *argp[argc + 3]; + uint16_t nb_ports; + + /* preparse app arguments */ + ret = proc_info_preparse_args(argc, argv); + if (ret < 0) { + printf("Failed to parse arguments\n"); + return -1; + } + + argp[0] = argv[0]; + argp[1] = c_flag; + argp[2] = n_flag; + argp[3] = mp_flag; + + for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) + argp[i + 3] = argv[i]; + + argc += 3; + + ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argp); + if (ret < 0) + rte_panic("Cannot init EAL\n"); + + argc -= ret; + argv += (ret - 3); + + if (!rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL)) + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "No primary DPDK process is running.\n"); + + /* parse app arguments */ + ret = proc_info_parse_args(argc, argv); + if (ret < 0) + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid argument\n"); + + if (mem_info) { + meminfo_display(); + return 0; + } + + nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); + if (nb_ports == 0) + rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "No Ethernet ports - bye\n"); + + /* If no port mask was specified*/ + if (enabled_port_mask == 0) + enabled_port_mask = 0xffff; + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + if (enabled_port_mask & (1 << i)) { + if (enable_stats) + nic_stats_display(i); + else if (enable_xstats) + nic_xstats_display(i); + else if (reset_stats) + nic_stats_clear(i); + else if (reset_xstats) + nic_xstats_clear(i); + else if (enable_xstats_name) + nic_xstats_by_name_display(i, xstats_name); + else if (nb_xstats_ids > 0) + nic_xstats_by_ids_display(i, xstats_ids, + nb_xstats_ids); + else if (enable_metrics) + metrics_display(i); + } + } + + /* print port independent stats */ + if (enable_metrics) + metrics_display(RTE_METRICS_GLOBAL); + + ret = rte_eal_cleanup(); + if (ret) + printf("Error from rte_eal_cleanup(), %d\n", ret); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/dpdk/app/proc-info/meson.build b/dpdk/app/proc-info/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a52b2ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/proc-info/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + +sources = files('main.c') +allow_experimental_apis = true +deps += ['ethdev', 'metrics'] diff --git a/dpdk/app/proc_info/Makefile b/dpdk/app/proc_info/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 9e90438e..00000000 --- a/dpdk/app/proc_info/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk - -APP = dpdk-procinfo - -CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) - -# all source are stored in SRCS-y - -SRCS-y := main.c - -include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.app.mk diff --git a/dpdk/app/proc_info/main.c b/dpdk/app/proc_info/main.c deleted file mode 100644 index 64fbbd0f..00000000 --- a/dpdk/app/proc_info/main.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,693 +0,0 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/* Maximum long option length for option parsing. */ -#define MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ 64 -#define RTE_LOGTYPE_APP RTE_LOGTYPE_USER1 - -#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256 - -/**< mask of enabled ports */ -static uint32_t enabled_port_mask; -/**< Enable stats. */ -static uint32_t enable_stats; -/**< Enable xstats. */ -static uint32_t enable_xstats; -/**< Enable collectd format*/ -static uint32_t enable_collectd_format; -/**< FD to send collectd format messages to STDOUT*/ -static int stdout_fd; -/**< Host id process is running on */ -static char host_id[MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ]; -/**< Enable metrics. */ -static uint32_t enable_metrics; -/**< Enable stats reset. */ -static uint32_t reset_stats; -/**< Enable xstats reset. */ -static uint32_t reset_xstats; -/**< Enable memory info. */ -static uint32_t mem_info; -/**< Enable displaying xstat name. */ -static uint32_t enable_xstats_name; -static char *xstats_name; - -/**< Enable xstats by ids. */ -#define MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS 1024 -static uint32_t nb_xstats_ids; -static uint64_t xstats_ids[MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS]; - -/**< display usage */ -static void -proc_info_usage(const char *prgname) -{ - printf("%s [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK\n" - " -m to display DPDK memory zones, segments and TAILQ information\n" - " -p PORTMASK: hexadecimal bitmask of ports to retrieve stats for\n" - " --stats: to display port statistics, enabled by default\n" - " --xstats: to display extended port statistics, disabled by " - "default\n" - " --metrics: to display derived metrics of the ports, disabled by " - "default\n" - " --xstats-name NAME: to display single xstat id by NAME\n" - " --xstats-ids IDLIST: to display xstat values by id. " - "The argument is comma-separated list of xstat ids to print out.\n" - " --stats-reset: to reset port statistics\n" - " --xstats-reset: to reset port extended statistics\n" - " --collectd-format: to print statistics to STDOUT in expected by collectd format\n" - " --host-id STRING: host id used to identify the system process is running on\n", - prgname); -} - -/* - * Parse the portmask provided at run time. - */ -static int -parse_portmask(const char *portmask) -{ - char *end = NULL; - unsigned long pm; - - errno = 0; - - /* parse hexadecimal string */ - pm = strtoul(portmask, &end, 16); - if ((portmask[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0') || - (errno != 0)) { - printf("%s ERROR parsing the port mask\n", __func__); - return -1; - } - - if (pm == 0) - return -1; - - return pm; - -} - -/* - * Parse ids value list into array - */ -static int -parse_xstats_ids(char *list, uint64_t *ids, int limit) { - int length; - char *token; - char *ctx = NULL; - char *endptr; - - length = 0; - token = strtok_r(list, ",", &ctx); - while (token != NULL) { - ids[length] = strtoull(token, &endptr, 10); - if (*endptr != '\0') - return -EINVAL; - - length++; - if (length >= limit) - return -E2BIG; - - token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &ctx); - } - - return length; -} - -static int -proc_info_preparse_args(int argc, char **argv) -{ - char *prgname = argv[0]; - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { - /* Print stats or xstats to STDOUT in collectd format */ - if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--collectd-format", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { - enable_collectd_format = 1; - stdout_fd = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); - close(STDOUT_FILENO); - } - if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--host-id", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { - if ((i + 1) == argc) { - printf("Invalid host id or not specified\n"); - proc_info_usage(prgname); - return -1; - } - strncpy(host_id, argv[i+1], sizeof(host_id)); - } - } - - if (!strlen(host_id)) { - int err = gethostname(host_id, MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ-1); - - if (err) - strcpy(host_id, "unknown"); - } - - return 0; -} - -/* Parse the argument given in the command line of the application */ -static int -proc_info_parse_args(int argc, char **argv) -{ - int opt; - int option_index; - char *prgname = argv[0]; - static struct option long_option[] = { - {"stats", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"stats-reset", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"xstats", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"metrics", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"xstats-reset", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"xstats-name", required_argument, NULL, 1}, - {"collectd-format", 0, NULL, 0}, - {"xstats-ids", 1, NULL, 1}, - {"host-id", 0, NULL, 0}, - {NULL, 0, 0, 0} - }; - - if (argc == 1) - proc_info_usage(prgname); - - /* Parse command line */ - while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:m", - long_option, &option_index)) != EOF) { - switch (opt) { - /* portmask */ - case 'p': - enabled_port_mask = parse_portmask(optarg); - if (enabled_port_mask == 0) { - printf("invalid portmask\n"); - proc_info_usage(prgname); - return -1; - } - break; - case 'm': - mem_info = 1; - break; - case 0: - /* Print stats */ - if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "stats", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) - enable_stats = 1; - /* Print xstats */ - else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "xstats", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) - enable_xstats = 1; - else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, - "metrics", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) - enable_metrics = 1; - /* Reset stats */ - if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "stats-reset", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) - reset_stats = 1; - /* Reset xstats */ - else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, "xstats-reset", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) - reset_xstats = 1; - break; - case 1: - /* Print xstat single value given by name*/ - if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, - "xstats-name", MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { - enable_xstats_name = 1; - xstats_name = optarg; - printf("name:%s:%s\n", - long_option[option_index].name, - optarg); - } else if (!strncmp(long_option[option_index].name, - "xstats-ids", - MAX_LONG_OPT_SZ)) { - nb_xstats_ids = parse_xstats_ids(optarg, - xstats_ids, MAX_NB_XSTATS_IDS); - - if (nb_xstats_ids <= 0) { - printf("xstats-id list parse error.\n"); - return -1; - } - - } - break; - default: - proc_info_usage(prgname); - return -1; - } - } - return 0; -} - -static void -meminfo_display(void) -{ - printf("----------- MEMORY_SEGMENTS -----------\n"); - rte_dump_physmem_layout(stdout); - printf("--------- END_MEMORY_SEGMENTS ---------\n"); - - printf("------------ MEMORY_ZONES -------------\n"); - rte_memzone_dump(stdout); - printf("---------- END_MEMORY_ZONES -----------\n"); - - printf("------------- TAIL_QUEUES -------------\n"); - rte_dump_tailq(stdout); - printf("---------- END_TAIL_QUEUES ------------\n"); -} - -static void -nic_stats_display(uint16_t port_id) -{ - struct rte_eth_stats stats; - uint8_t i; - - static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; - - rte_eth_stats_get(port_id, &stats); - printf("\n %s NIC statistics for port %-2d %s\n", - nic_stats_border, port_id, nic_stats_border); - - printf(" RX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" RX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 - " RX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.ipackets, stats.ierrors, - stats.ibytes); - printf(" RX-nombuf: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.rx_nombuf); - printf(" TX-packets: %-10"PRIu64" TX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 - " TX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", stats.opackets, stats.oerrors, - stats.obytes); - - printf("\n"); - for (i = 0; i < RTE_ETHDEV_QUEUE_STAT_CNTRS; i++) { - printf(" Stats reg %2d RX-packets: %-10"PRIu64 - " RX-errors: %-10"PRIu64 - " RX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", - i, stats.q_ipackets[i], stats.q_errors[i], stats.q_ibytes[i]); - } - - printf("\n"); - for (i = 0; i < RTE_ETHDEV_QUEUE_STAT_CNTRS; i++) { - printf(" Stats reg %2d TX-packets: %-10"PRIu64 - " TX-bytes: %-10"PRIu64"\n", - i, stats.q_opackets[i], stats.q_obytes[i]); - } - - printf(" %s############################%s\n", - nic_stats_border, nic_stats_border); -} - -static void -nic_stats_clear(uint16_t port_id) -{ - printf("\n Clearing NIC stats for port %d\n", port_id); - rte_eth_stats_reset(port_id); - printf("\n NIC statistics for port %d cleared\n", port_id); -} - -static void collectd_resolve_cnt_type(char *cnt_type, size_t cnt_type_len, - const char *cnt_name) { - char *type_end = strrchr(cnt_name, '_'); - - if ((type_end != NULL) && - (strncmp(cnt_name, "rx_", strlen("rx_")) == 0)) { - if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_dropped", strlen("_dropped")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_dropped", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_bytes", strlen("_bytes")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_octets", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_packets", strlen("_packets")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_packets", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_placement", - strlen("_placement")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_buff", strlen("_buff")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_rx_errors", cnt_type_len); - else - /* Does not fit obvious type: use a more generic one */ - strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); - } else if ((type_end != NULL) && - (strncmp(cnt_name, "tx_", strlen("tx_"))) == 0) { - if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_errors", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_dropped", strlen("_dropped")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_dropped", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_bytes", strlen("_bytes")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_octets", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_packets", strlen("_packets")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "if_tx_packets", cnt_type_len); - else - /* Does not fit obvious type: use a more generic one */ - strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); - } else if ((type_end != NULL) && - (strncmp(cnt_name, "flow_", strlen("flow_"))) == 0) { - if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "operations", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "errors", cnt_type_len); - else if (strncmp(type_end, "_filters", strlen("_filters")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "filter_result", cnt_type_len); - } else if ((type_end != NULL) && - (strncmp(cnt_name, "mac_", strlen("mac_"))) == 0) { - if (strncmp(type_end, "_errors", strlen("_errors")) == 0) - strncpy(cnt_type, "errors", cnt_type_len); - } else { - /* Does not fit obvious type, or strrchr error: */ - /* use a more generic type */ - strncpy(cnt_type, "derive", cnt_type_len); - } -} - -static void -nic_xstats_by_name_display(uint16_t port_id, char *name) -{ - uint64_t id; - - printf("###### NIC statistics for port %-2d, statistic name '%s':\n", - port_id, name); - - if (rte_eth_xstats_get_id_by_name(port_id, name, &id) == 0) - printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", name, id); - else - printf("Statistic not found...\n"); - -} - -static void -nic_xstats_by_ids_display(uint16_t port_id, uint64_t *ids, int len) -{ - struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names; - uint64_t *values; - int ret, i; - static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; - - values = malloc(sizeof(*values) * len); - if (values == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstats\n"); - return; - } - - xstats_names = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_eth_xstat_name) * len); - if (xstats_names == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstat names\n"); - free(values); - return; - } - - if (len != rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id( - port_id, xstats_names, len, ids)) { - printf("Cannot get xstat names\n"); - goto err; - } - - printf("###### NIC extended statistics for port %-2d #########\n", - port_id); - printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); - ret = rte_eth_xstats_get_by_id(port_id, ids, values, len); - if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { - printf("Cannot get xstats\n"); - goto err; - } - - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", - xstats_names[i].name, - values[i]); - - printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); -err: - free(values); - free(xstats_names); -} - -static void -nic_xstats_display(uint16_t port_id) -{ - struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names; - uint64_t *values; - int len, ret, i; - static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; - - len = rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id(port_id, NULL, 0, NULL); - if (len < 0) { - printf("Cannot get xstats count\n"); - return; - } - values = malloc(sizeof(*values) * len); - if (values == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstats\n"); - return; - } - - xstats_names = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_eth_xstat_name) * len); - if (xstats_names == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for xstat names\n"); - free(values); - return; - } - if (len != rte_eth_xstats_get_names_by_id( - port_id, xstats_names, len, NULL)) { - printf("Cannot get xstat names\n"); - goto err; - } - - printf("###### NIC extended statistics for port %-2d #########\n", - port_id); - printf("%s############################\n", - nic_stats_border); - ret = rte_eth_xstats_get_by_id(port_id, NULL, values, len); - if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { - printf("Cannot get xstats\n"); - goto err; - } - - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (enable_collectd_format) { - char counter_type[MAX_STRING_LEN]; - char buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; - - collectd_resolve_cnt_type(counter_type, - sizeof(counter_type), - xstats_names[i].name); - sprintf(buf, "PUTVAL %s/dpdkstat-port.%u/%s-%s N:%" - PRIu64"\n", host_id, port_id, counter_type, - xstats_names[i].name, values[i]); - ret = write(stdout_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); - if (ret < 0) - goto err; - } else { - printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", xstats_names[i].name, - values[i]); - } - } - - printf("%s############################\n", - nic_stats_border); -err: - free(values); - free(xstats_names); -} - -static void -nic_xstats_clear(uint16_t port_id) -{ - printf("\n Clearing NIC xstats for port %d\n", port_id); - rte_eth_xstats_reset(port_id); - printf("\n NIC extended statistics for port %d cleared\n", port_id); -} - -static void -metrics_display(int port_id) -{ - struct rte_metric_value *metrics; - struct rte_metric_name *names; - int len, ret; - static const char *nic_stats_border = "########################"; - - len = rte_metrics_get_names(NULL, 0); - if (len < 0) { - printf("Cannot get metrics count\n"); - return; - } - if (len == 0) { - printf("No metrics to display (none have been registered)\n"); - return; - } - - metrics = rte_malloc("proc_info_metrics", - sizeof(struct rte_metric_value) * len, 0); - if (metrics == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for metrics\n"); - return; - } - - names = rte_malloc(NULL, sizeof(struct rte_metric_name) * len, 0); - if (names == NULL) { - printf("Cannot allocate memory for metrcis names\n"); - rte_free(metrics); - return; - } - - if (len != rte_metrics_get_names(names, len)) { - printf("Cannot get metrics names\n"); - rte_free(metrics); - rte_free(names); - return; - } - - if (port_id == RTE_METRICS_GLOBAL) - printf("###### Non port specific metrics #########\n"); - else - printf("###### metrics for port %-2d #########\n", port_id); - printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); - ret = rte_metrics_get_values(port_id, metrics, len); - if (ret < 0 || ret > len) { - printf("Cannot get metrics values\n"); - rte_free(metrics); - rte_free(names); - return; - } - - int i; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", names[i].name, metrics[i].value); - - printf("%s############################\n", nic_stats_border); - rte_free(metrics); - rte_free(names); -} - -int -main(int argc, char **argv) -{ - int ret; - int i; - char c_flag[] = "-c1"; - char n_flag[] = "-n4"; - char mp_flag[] = "--proc-type=secondary"; - char *argp[argc + 3]; - uint16_t nb_ports; - - /* preparse app arguments */ - ret = proc_info_preparse_args(argc, argv); - if (ret < 0) { - printf("Failed to parse arguments\n"); - return -1; - } - - argp[0] = argv[0]; - argp[1] = c_flag; - argp[2] = n_flag; - argp[3] = mp_flag; - - for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) - argp[i + 3] = argv[i]; - - argc += 3; - - ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argp); - if (ret < 0) - rte_panic("Cannot init EAL\n"); - - argc -= ret; - argv += (ret - 3); - - if (!rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL)) - rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "No primary DPDK process is running.\n"); - - /* parse app arguments */ - ret = proc_info_parse_args(argc, argv); - if (ret < 0) - rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid argument\n"); - - if (mem_info) { - meminfo_display(); - return 0; - } - - nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count(); - if (nb_ports == 0) - rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "No Ethernet ports - bye\n"); - - /* If no port mask was specified*/ - if (enabled_port_mask == 0) - enabled_port_mask = 0xffff; - - for (i = 0; i < nb_ports; i++) { - if (enabled_port_mask & (1 << i)) { - if (enable_stats) - nic_stats_display(i); - else if (enable_xstats) - nic_xstats_display(i); - else if (reset_stats) - nic_stats_clear(i); - else if (reset_xstats) - nic_xstats_clear(i); - else if (enable_xstats_name) - nic_xstats_by_name_display(i, xstats_name); - else if (nb_xstats_ids > 0) - nic_xstats_by_ids_display(i, xstats_ids, - nb_xstats_ids); - else if (enable_metrics) - metrics_display(i); - } - } - - /* print port independent stats */ - if (enable_metrics) - metrics_display(RTE_METRICS_GLOBAL); - - return 0; -} diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/Makefile b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6da0c8e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk + +# +# library name +# +APP = testbbdev + +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API +CFLAGS += -O3 +CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) + +# +# all sources are stored in SRCS-y +# +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_BBDEV) += main.c +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_BBDEV) += test_bbdev.c +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_BBDEV) += test_bbdev_perf.c +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_BBDEV) += test_bbdev_vector.c + +LDLIBS += -lm + +include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.app.mk diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.c b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41b54bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "main.h" + +/* Defines how many testcases can be specified as cmdline args */ +#define MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES 8 + +static const char tc_sep = ','; + +static struct test_params { + struct test_command *test_to_run[MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES]; + unsigned int num_tests; + unsigned int num_ops; + unsigned int burst_sz; + unsigned int num_lcores; + char test_vector_filename[PATH_MAX]; +} test_params; + +static struct test_commands_list commands_list = + TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(commands_list); + +void +add_test_command(struct test_command *t) +{ + TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&commands_list, t, next); +} + +int +unit_test_suite_runner(struct unit_test_suite *suite) +{ + int test_result = TEST_SUCCESS; + unsigned int total = 0, skipped = 0, succeeded = 0, failed = 0; + uint64_t start, end; + + printf( + "\n + ------------------------------------------------------- +\n"); + printf(" + Starting Test Suite : %s\n", suite->suite_name); + + start = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + if (suite->setup) { + test_result = suite->setup(); + if (test_result == TEST_FAILED) { + printf(" + Test suite setup %s failed!\n", + suite->suite_name); + printf( + " + ------------------------------------------------------- +\n"); + return 1; + } + if (test_result == TEST_SKIPPED) { + printf(" + Test suite setup %s skipped!\n", + suite->suite_name); + printf( + " + ------------------------------------------------------- +\n"); + return 0; + } + } + + while (suite->unit_test_cases[total].testcase) { + if (suite->unit_test_cases[total].setup) + test_result = suite->unit_test_cases[total].setup(); + + if (test_result == TEST_SUCCESS) + test_result = suite->unit_test_cases[total].testcase(); + + if (suite->unit_test_cases[total].teardown) + suite->unit_test_cases[total].teardown(); + + if (test_result == TEST_SUCCESS) { + succeeded++; + printf(" + TestCase [%2d] : %s passed\n", total, + suite->unit_test_cases[total].name); + } else if (test_result == TEST_SKIPPED) { + skipped++; + printf(" + TestCase [%2d] : %s skipped\n", total, + suite->unit_test_cases[total].name); + } else { + failed++; + printf(" + TestCase [%2d] : %s failed\n", total, + suite->unit_test_cases[total].name); + } + + total++; + } + + /* Run test suite teardown */ + if (suite->teardown) + suite->teardown(); + + end = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + printf(" + ------------------------------------------------------- +\n"); + printf(" + Test Suite Summary : %s\n", suite->suite_name); + printf(" + Tests Total : %2d\n", total); + printf(" + Tests Skipped : %2d\n", skipped); + printf(" + Tests Passed : %2d\n", succeeded); + printf(" + Tests Failed : %2d\n", failed); + printf(" + Tests Lasted : %lg ms\n", + ((end - start) * 1000) / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + printf(" + ------------------------------------------------------- +\n"); + + return (failed > 0) ? 1 : 0; +} + +const char * +get_vector_filename(void) +{ + return test_params.test_vector_filename; +} + +unsigned int +get_num_ops(void) +{ + return test_params.num_ops; +} + +unsigned int +get_burst_sz(void) +{ + return test_params.burst_sz; +} + +unsigned int +get_num_lcores(void) +{ + return test_params.num_lcores; +} + +static void +print_usage(const char *prog_name) +{ + struct test_command *t; + + printf("Usage: %s [EAL params] [-- [-n/--num-ops NUM_OPS]\n" + "\t[-b/--burst-size BURST_SIZE]\n" + "\t[-v/--test-vector VECTOR_FILE]\n" + "\t[-c/--test-cases TEST_CASE[,TEST_CASE,...]]]\n", + prog_name); + + printf("Available testcases: "); + TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &commands_list, next) + printf("%s ", t->command); + printf("\n"); +} + +static int +parse_args(int argc, char **argv, struct test_params *tp) +{ + int opt, option_index; + unsigned int num_tests = 0; + bool test_cases_present = false; + bool test_vector_present = false; + struct test_command *t; + char *tokens[MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES]; + int tc, ret; + + static struct option lgopts[] = { + { "num-ops", 1, 0, 'n' }, + { "burst-size", 1, 0, 'b' }, + { "test-cases", 1, 0, 'c' }, + { "test-vector", 1, 0, 'v' }, + { "lcores", 1, 0, 'l' }, + { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, + { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } + }; + + while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hn:b:c:v:l:", lgopts, + &option_index)) != EOF) + switch (opt) { + case 'n': + TEST_ASSERT(strlen(optarg) > 0, + "Num of operations is not provided"); + tp->num_ops = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); + break; + case 'b': + TEST_ASSERT(strlen(optarg) > 0, + "Burst size is not provided"); + tp->burst_sz = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); + TEST_ASSERT(tp->burst_sz <= MAX_BURST, + "Burst size mustn't be greater than %u", + MAX_BURST); + break; + case 'c': + TEST_ASSERT(test_cases_present == false, + "Test cases provided more than once"); + test_cases_present = true; + + ret = rte_strsplit(optarg, strlen(optarg), + tokens, MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES, tc_sep); + + TEST_ASSERT(ret <= MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES, + "Too many test cases (max=%d)", + MAX_CMDLINE_TESTCASES); + + for (tc = 0; tc < ret; ++tc) { + /* Find matching test case */ + TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &commands_list, next) + if (!strcmp(tokens[tc], t->command)) + tp->test_to_run[num_tests] = t; + + TEST_ASSERT(tp->test_to_run[num_tests] != NULL, + "Unknown test case: %s", + tokens[tc]); + ++num_tests; + } + break; + case 'v': + TEST_ASSERT(test_vector_present == false, + "Test vector provided more than once"); + test_vector_present = true; + + TEST_ASSERT(strlen(optarg) > 0, + "Config file name is null"); + + snprintf(tp->test_vector_filename, + sizeof(tp->test_vector_filename), + "%s", optarg); + break; + case 'l': + TEST_ASSERT(strlen(optarg) > 0, + "Num of lcores is not provided"); + tp->num_lcores = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); + TEST_ASSERT(tp->num_lcores <= RTE_MAX_LCORE, + "Num of lcores mustn't be greater than %u", + RTE_MAX_LCORE); + break; + case 'h': + print_usage(argv[0]); + return 0; + default: + printf("ERROR: Unknown option: -%c\n", opt); + return -1; + } + + if (tp->num_ops == 0) { + printf( + "WARNING: Num of operations was not provided or was set 0. Set to default (%u)\n", + DEFAULT_OPS); + tp->num_ops = DEFAULT_OPS; + } + if (tp->burst_sz == 0) { + printf( + "WARNING: Burst size was not provided or was set 0. Set to default (%u)\n", + DEFAULT_BURST); + tp->burst_sz = DEFAULT_BURST; + } + if (tp->num_lcores == 0) { + printf( + "WARNING: Num of lcores was not provided or was set 0. Set to value from RTE config (%u)\n", + rte_lcore_count()); + tp->num_lcores = rte_lcore_count(); + } + + TEST_ASSERT(tp->burst_sz <= tp->num_ops, + "Burst size (%u) mustn't be greater than num ops (%u)", + tp->burst_sz, tp->num_ops); + + tp->num_tests = num_tests; + return 0; +} + +static int +run_all_tests(void) +{ + int ret = TEST_SUCCESS; + struct test_command *t; + + TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &commands_list, next) + ret |= t->callback(); + + return ret; +} + +static int +run_parsed_tests(struct test_params *tp) +{ + int ret = TEST_SUCCESS; + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < tp->num_tests; ++i) + ret |= tp->test_to_run[i]->callback(); + + return ret; +} + +int +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int ret; + + /* Init EAL */ + ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv); + if (ret < 0) + return 1; + argc -= ret; + argv += ret; + + /* Parse application arguments (after the EAL ones) */ + ret = parse_args(argc, argv, &test_params); + if (ret < 0) { + print_usage(argv[0]); + return 1; + } + + rte_log_set_global_level(RTE_LOG_INFO); + + /* If no argument provided - run all tests */ + if (test_params.num_tests == 0) + return run_all_tests(); + else + return run_parsed_tests(&test_params); +} diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.h b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20a55efc --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/main.h @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#ifndef _MAIN_H_ +#define _MAIN_H_ + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#define TEST_SUCCESS 0 +#define TEST_FAILED -1 +#define TEST_SKIPPED 1 + +#define MAX_BURST 512U +#define DEFAULT_BURST 32U +#define DEFAULT_OPS 64U + +#define TEST_ASSERT(cond, msg, ...) do { \ + if (!(cond)) { \ + printf("TestCase %s() line %d failed: " \ + msg "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + return TEST_FAILED; \ + } \ +} while (0) + +/* Compare two buffers (length in bytes) */ +#define TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_ARE_EQUAL(a, b, len, msg, ...) do { \ + if (memcmp((a), (b), len)) { \ + printf("TestCase %s() line %d failed: " \ + msg "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + rte_memdump(stdout, "Buffer A", (a), len); \ + rte_memdump(stdout, "Buffer B", (b), len); \ + return TEST_FAILED; \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#define TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(val, msg, ...) do { \ + typeof(val) _val = (val); \ + if (!(_val == 0)) { \ + printf("TestCase %s() line %d failed (err %d): " \ + msg "\n", __func__, __LINE__, _val, \ + ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + return TEST_FAILED; \ + } \ +} while (0) + +#define TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(val, msg, ...) \ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(!(val), msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) + +#define TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val, msg, ...) do { \ + if ((val) == NULL) { \ + printf("TestCase %s() line %d failed (null): " \ + msg "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + return TEST_FAILED; \ + } \ +} while (0) + +struct unit_test_case { + int (*setup)(void); + void (*teardown)(void); + int (*testcase)(void); + const char *name; +}; + +#define TEST_CASE(testcase) {NULL, NULL, testcase, #testcase} + +#define TEST_CASE_ST(setup, teardown, testcase) \ + {setup, teardown, testcase, #testcase} + +#define TEST_CASES_END() {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} + +struct unit_test_suite { + const char *suite_name; + int (*setup)(void); + void (*teardown)(void); + struct unit_test_case unit_test_cases[]; +}; + +int unit_test_suite_runner(struct unit_test_suite *suite); + +typedef int (test_callback)(void); +TAILQ_HEAD(test_commands_list, test_command); +struct test_command { + TAILQ_ENTRY(test_command) next; + const char *command; + test_callback *callback; +}; + +void add_test_command(struct test_command *t); + +/* Register a test function */ +#define REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(name, testsuite) \ + static int test_func_##name(void) \ + { \ + return unit_test_suite_runner(&testsuite); \ + } \ + static struct test_command test_struct_##name = { \ + .command = RTE_STR(name), \ + .callback = test_func_##name, \ + }; \ + static void __attribute__((constructor, used)) \ + test_register_##name(void) \ + { \ + add_test_command(&test_struct_##name); \ + } + +const char *get_vector_filename(void); + +unsigned int get_num_ops(void); + +unsigned int get_burst_sz(void); + +unsigned int get_num_lcores(void); + +#endif diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/meson.build b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb8cc049 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + +sources = files('main.c', + 'test_bbdev.c', + 'test_bbdev_perf.c', + 'test_bbdev_vector.c') +allow_experimental_apis = true +deps += ['bbdev', 'bus_vdev'] diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test-bbdev.py b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test-bbdev.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..acab9eb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test-bbdev.py @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +import sys +import os +import argparse +import subprocess +import shlex + +from threading import Timer + +def kill(process): + print "ERROR: Test app timed out" + process.kill() + +if "RTE_SDK" in os.environ: + dpdk_path = os.environ["RTE_SDK"] +else: + dpdk_path = "../.." + +if "RTE_TARGET" in os.environ: + dpdk_target = os.environ["RTE_TARGET"] +else: + dpdk_target = "x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc" + +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description='BBdev Unit Test Application', + formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) +parser.add_argument("-p", "--testapp-path", + help="specifies path to the bbdev test app", + default=dpdk_path + "/" + dpdk_target + "/app/testbbdev") +parser.add_argument("-e", "--eal-params", + help="EAL arguments which are passed to the test app", + default="--vdev=baseband_null0") +parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", + type=int, + help="Timeout in seconds", + default=300) +parser.add_argument("-c", "--test-cases", + nargs="+", + help="Defines test cases to run. Run all if not specified") +parser.add_argument("-v", "--test-vector", + nargs="+", + help="Specifies paths to the test vector files.", + default=[dpdk_path + + "/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/bbdev_null.data"]) +parser.add_argument("-n", "--num-ops", + type=int, + help="Number of operations to process on device.", + default=32) +parser.add_argument("-b", "--burst-size", + nargs="+", + type=int, + help="Operations enqueue/dequeue burst size.", + default=[32]) +parser.add_argument("-l", "--num-lcores", + type=int, + help="Number of lcores to run.", + default=16) + +args = parser.parse_args() + +if not os.path.exists(args.testapp_path): + print "No such file: " + args.testapp_path + sys.exit(1) + +params = [args.testapp_path] +if args.eal_params: + params.extend(shlex.split(args.eal_params)) + +params.extend(["--"]) + +if args.num_ops: + params.extend(["-n", str(args.num_ops)]) + +if args.num_lcores: + params.extend(["-l", str(args.num_lcores)]) + +if args.test_cases: + params.extend(["-c"]) + params.extend([",".join(args.test_cases)]) + +exit_status = 0 +for vector in args.test_vector: + for burst_size in args.burst_size: + call_params = params[:] + call_params.extend(["-v", vector]) + call_params.extend(["-b", str(burst_size)]) + params_string = " ".join(call_params) + + print("Executing: {}".format(params_string)) + app_proc = subprocess.Popen(call_params) + if args.timeout > 0: + timer = Timer(args.timeout, kill, [app_proc]) + timer.start() + + try: + app_proc.communicate() + except: + print("Error: failed to execute: {}".format(params_string)) + finally: + timer.cancel() + + if app_proc.returncode != 0: + exit_status = 1 + print("ERROR TestCase failed. Failed test for vector {}. Return code: {}".format( + vector, app_proc.returncode)) + +sys.exit(exit_status) diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev.c b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a914817b --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev.c @@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "main.h" + + +#define BBDEV_NAME_NULL ("bbdev_null") + +struct bbdev_testsuite_params { + struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf qconf; +}; + +static struct bbdev_testsuite_params testsuite_params; + +static uint8_t null_dev_id; + +static int +testsuite_setup(void) +{ + uint8_t nb_devs; + int ret; + char buf[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; + + /* Create test device */ + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_unittest", BBDEV_NAME_NULL); + ret = rte_vdev_init(buf, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(ret == 0, "Failed to create instance of pmd: %s", buf); + + nb_devs = rte_bbdev_count(); + TEST_ASSERT(nb_devs != 0, "No devices found"); + + /* Most recently created device is our device */ + null_dev_id = nb_devs - 1; + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +testsuite_teardown(void) +{ + char buf[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; + + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_unittest", BBDEV_NAME_NULL); + rte_vdev_uninit(buf); +} + +static int +ut_setup(void) +{ + struct bbdev_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params; + uint8_t num_queues; + + /* Valid queue configuration */ + ts_params->qconf.priority = 0; + ts_params->qconf.socket = SOCKET_ID_ANY; + ts_params->qconf.deferred_start = 1; + + num_queues = 1; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(null_dev_id, num_queues, + SOCKET_ID_ANY), "Failed to setup queues for bbdev %u", + 0); + + /* Start the device */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_start(null_dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u", 0); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +ut_teardown(void) +{ + rte_bbdev_close(null_dev_id); +} + +static int +test_bbdev_configure_invalid_dev_id(void) +{ + uint8_t dev_id; + uint8_t num_queues; + + num_queues = 1; + for (dev_id = 0; dev_id < RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS; dev_id++) { + if (!rte_bbdev_is_valid(dev_id)) { + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, + num_queues, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "invalid dev_num %u", dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_intr_enable(dev_id) == -ENODEV, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_intr_enable: " + "invalid dev_num %u", dev_id); + break; + } + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_configure_invalid_num_queues(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + uint8_t dev_id, num_devs; + uint8_t num_queues; + int return_value; + + TEST_ASSERT((num_devs = rte_bbdev_count()) >= 1, + "Need at least %d devices for test", 1); + + /* valid num_queues values */ + num_queues = 8; + + /* valid dev_id values */ + dev_id = null_dev_id; + + /* Stop the device in case it's started so it can be configured */ + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, 0, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "invalid num_queues %d", 0); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, num_queues, + SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "invalid dev_num %u", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, NULL), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "returned value:%i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value:%i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT(info.num_queues == num_queues, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid num_queues:%u", info.num_queues); + + num_queues = info.drv.max_num_queues; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, num_queues, + SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "invalid num_queues: %u", num_queues); + + num_queues++; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, num_queues, + SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "invalid num_queues: %u", num_queues); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_configure_stop_device(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + uint8_t dev_id; + int return_value; + + /* valid dev_id values */ + dev_id = null_dev_id; + + /* Stop the device so it can be configured */ + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(info.started, "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "started value: %u", info.started); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, + info.drv.max_num_queues, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "device should be stopped, dev_id: %u", dev_id); + + return_value = rte_bbdev_intr_enable(dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT(return_value != -EBUSY, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_intr_enable: device should be stopped, dev_id: %u", + dev_id); + + /* Start the device so it cannot be configured */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_start(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS), + "Failed to start bbdev %u", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_start(dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(info.started, "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "started value: %u", info.started); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, + info.drv.max_num_queues, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "device should be started, dev_id: %u", dev_id); + + return_value = rte_bbdev_intr_enable(dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT(return_value == -EBUSY, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_intr_enable: device should be started, dev_id: %u", + dev_id); + + /* Stop again the device so it can be once again configured */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stop(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS), + "Failed to start bbdev %u", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id), "Failed to stop bbdev %u", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(info.started, "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "started value: %u", info.started); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, + info.drv.max_num_queues, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "device should be stopped, dev_id: %u", dev_id); + + return_value = rte_bbdev_intr_enable(dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT(return_value != -EBUSY, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_intr_enable: device should be stopped, dev_id: %u", + dev_id); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_configure_stop_queue(void) +{ + struct bbdev_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + struct rte_bbdev_queue_info qinfo; + uint8_t dev_id; + uint16_t queue_id; + int return_value; + + /* Valid dev_id values */ + dev_id = null_dev_id; + + /* Valid queue_id values */ + queue_id = 0; + + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value:%i", return_value); + + /* Valid queue configuration */ + ts_params->qconf.queue_size = info.drv.queue_size_lim; + ts_params->qconf.priority = info.drv.max_ul_queue_priority; + + /* Device - started; queue - started */ + rte_bbdev_start(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "queue:%u on device:%u should be stopped", + queue_id, dev_id); + + /* Device - stopped; queue - started */ + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "queue:%u on device:%u should be stopped", + queue_id, dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_stop(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, queue_id), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_stop " + "invalid dev_id "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_stop " + "invalid queue_id "); + + /* Device - stopped; queue - stopped */ + rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "queue:%u on device:%u should be stopped", queue_id, + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, + queue_id, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_queue_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.conf.socket == ts_params->qconf.socket, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid queue_size:%u", qinfo.conf.socket); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.conf.queue_size == ts_params->qconf.queue_size, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid queue_size:%u", qinfo.conf.queue_size); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.conf.priority == ts_params->qconf.priority, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid queue_size:%u", qinfo.conf.priority); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.conf.deferred_start == + ts_params->qconf.deferred_start, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid queue_size:%u", qinfo.conf.deferred_start); + + /* Device - started; queue - stopped */ + rte_bbdev_start(dev_id); + rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "queue:%u on device:%u should be stopped", queue_id, + dev_id); + + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + /* After rte_bbdev_start(dev_id): + * - queue should be still stopped if deferred_start == + */ + rte_bbdev_start(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, + queue_id, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_queue_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.started == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid value for qinfo.started:%u", qinfo.started); + + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + /* After rte_bbdev_start(dev_id): + * - queue should be started if deferred_start == + */ + ts_params->qconf.deferred_start = 0; + rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, &ts_params->qconf); + rte_bbdev_start(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, + queue_id, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value from " + "rte_bbdev_queue_info_get function: %i", return_value); + + TEST_ASSERT(qinfo.started == 1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get: " + "invalid value for qinfo.started:%u", qinfo.started); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_configure_invalid_queue_configure(void) +{ + struct bbdev_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params; + int return_value; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + uint8_t dev_id; + uint16_t queue_id; + + /* Valid dev_id values */ + dev_id = null_dev_id; + + /* Valid queue_id values */ + queue_id = 0; + + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(return_value = rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid return value:%i", return_value); + + rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id); + + ts_params->qconf.queue_size = info.drv.queue_size_lim + 1; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid value qconf.queue_size: %u", + ts_params->qconf.queue_size); + + ts_params->qconf.queue_size = info.drv.queue_size_lim; + ts_params->qconf.priority = info.drv.max_ul_queue_priority; + queue_id = info.num_queues; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid value queue_id: %u", queue_id); + + queue_id = 0; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, NULL), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "NULL qconf structure "); + + ts_params->qconf.socket = RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid socket number "); + + ts_params->qconf.socket = SOCKET_ID_ANY; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid value qconf.queue_size: %u", + ts_params->qconf.queue_size); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid dev_id"); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, NULL), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure: " + "invalid value qconf.queue_size: %u", + ts_params->qconf.queue_size); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_op_pool(void) +{ + struct rte_mempool *mp; + + unsigned int dec_size = sizeof(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op); + unsigned int enc_size = sizeof(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op); + + const char *pool_dec = "Test_DEC"; + const char *pool_enc = "Test_ENC"; + + /* Valid pool configuration */ + uint32_t size = 256; + uint32_t cache_size = 128; + + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(NULL, + RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC, size, cache_size, 0) == NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "NULL name parameter"); + + TEST_ASSERT((mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(pool_dec, + RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC, size, cache_size, 0)) != NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "returned value is empty"); + + TEST_ASSERT(mp->size == size, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid size of the mempool, mp->size: %u", mp->size); + + TEST_ASSERT(mp->cache_size == cache_size, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid size of the mempool, mp->size: %u", + mp->cache_size); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(strcmp(mp->name, pool_dec), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid name of mempool, mp->name: %s", mp->name); + + TEST_ASSERT(mp->elt_size == dec_size, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid element size for RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC, " + "mp->elt_size: %u", mp->elt_size); + + rte_mempool_free(mp); + + TEST_ASSERT((mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(pool_enc, + RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC, size, cache_size, 0)) != NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "returned value is empty"); + + TEST_ASSERT(mp->elt_size == enc_size, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid element size for RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC, " + "mp->elt_size: %u", mp->elt_size); + + rte_mempool_free(mp); + + TEST_ASSERT((mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create("Test_NONE", + RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE, size, cache_size, 0)) != NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "returned value is empty for RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE"); + + TEST_ASSERT(mp->elt_size == (enc_size > dec_size ? enc_size : dec_size), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "invalid size for RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE, mp->elt_size: %u", + mp->elt_size); + + rte_mempool_free(mp); + + TEST_ASSERT((mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create("Test_INV", + RTE_BBDEV_OP_TYPE_COUNT, size, cache_size, 0)) == NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "returned value is not NULL for invalid type"); + + /* Invalid pool configuration */ + size = 128; + cache_size = 256; + + TEST_ASSERT((mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create("Test_InvSize", + RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE, size, cache_size, 0)) == NULL, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_pool_create: " + "returned value should be empty " + "because size of per-lcore local cache " + "is greater than size of the mempool."); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +/** + * Create pool of OP types RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE, RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC and + * RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC and check that only ops of that type can be + * allocated + */ +static int +test_bbdev_op_type(void) +{ + struct rte_mempool *mp_dec; + + const unsigned int OPS_COUNT = 32; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *dec_ops_arr[OPS_COUNT]; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *enc_ops_arr[OPS_COUNT]; + + const char *pool_dec = "Test_op_dec"; + + /* Valid pool configuration */ + uint32_t num_elements = 256; + uint32_t cache_size = 128; + + /* mempool type : RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC */ + mp_dec = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(pool_dec, + RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC, num_elements, cache_size, 0); + TEST_ASSERT(mp_dec != NULL, "Failed to create %s mempool", pool_dec); + + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(mp_dec, dec_ops_arr, 1) == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_alloc_bulk TURBO_DEC: " + "OPs type: RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC"); + + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mp_dec, enc_ops_arr, 1) != 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_op_alloc_bulk TURBO_DEC: " + "OPs type: RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC"); + + rte_mempool_free(mp_dec); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_op_pool_size(void) +{ + struct rte_mempool *mp_none; + + const unsigned int OPS_COUNT = 128; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_enc_arr[OPS_COUNT]; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_ext_arr[OPS_COUNT]; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_ext2_arr[OPS_COUNT]; + + const char *pool_none = "Test_pool_size"; + + /* Valid pool configuration */ + uint32_t num_elements = 256; + uint32_t cache_size = 0; + + /* Create mempool type : RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC, size : 256 */ + mp_none = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(pool_none, RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC, + num_elements, cache_size, 0); + TEST_ASSERT(mp_none != NULL, "Failed to create %s mempool", pool_none); + + /* Add 128 RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC ops */ + rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mp_none, ops_enc_arr, OPS_COUNT); + + /* Add 128 RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC ops */ + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mp_none, ops_ext_arr, + OPS_COUNT) == 0, + "Failed test for allocating bbdev ops: " + "Mempool size: 256, Free : 128, Attempted to add: 128"); + + /* Try adding 128 more RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC ops, this should fail */ + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mp_none, ops_ext2_arr, + OPS_COUNT) != 0, + "Failed test for allocating bbdev ops: " + "Mempool size: 256, Free : 0, Attempted to add: 128"); + + /* Free-up 128 RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC ops */ + rte_bbdev_enc_op_free_bulk(ops_enc_arr, OPS_COUNT); + + /* Try adding 128 RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC ops, this should succeed */ + /* Cache size > 0 causes reallocation of ops size > 127 fail */ + TEST_ASSERT(rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mp_none, ops_ext2_arr, + OPS_COUNT) == 0, + "Failed test for allocating ops after mempool freed: " + "Mempool size: 256, Free : 128, Attempted to add: 128"); + + rte_mempool_free(mp_none); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_count(void) +{ + uint8_t num_devs, num_valid_devs = 0; + + for (num_devs = 0; num_devs < RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS; num_devs++) { + if (rte_bbdev_is_valid(num_devs)) + num_valid_devs++; + } + + num_devs = rte_bbdev_count(); + TEST_ASSERT(num_valid_devs == num_devs, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_is_valid: " + "invalid num_devs %u ", num_devs); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_stats(void) +{ + uint8_t dev_id = null_dev_id; + uint16_t queue_id = 0; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *dec_ops[4096] = { 0 }; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *dec_proc_ops[4096] = { 0 }; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *enc_ops[4096] = { 0 }; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *enc_proc_ops[4096] = { 0 }; + uint16_t num_ops = 236; + struct rte_bbdev_stats stats; + struct bbdev_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to stop queue %u on device %u ", queue_id, + dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id), + "Failed to stop bbdev %u ", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u ", + queue_id, dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_start(dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u ", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_start(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to start queue %u on device %u ", queue_id, + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_start(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to start queue %u on device %u ", queue_id, + dev_id); + + /* Tests after enqueue operation */ + rte_bbdev_enqueue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, enc_ops, num_ops); + rte_bbdev_enqueue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, dec_ops, num_ops); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stats_get(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, NULL), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.enqueued_count == 2 * num_ops, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_enqueue_ops: " + "invalid enqueued_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.enqueued_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.dequeued_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid dequeued_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.dequeued_count); + + /* Tests after dequeue operation */ + rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, enc_proc_ops, num_ops); + rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, dec_proc_ops, num_ops); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.dequeued_count == 2 * num_ops, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_dequeue_ops: " + "invalid enqueued_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.dequeued_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.enqueue_err_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid enqueue_err_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.enqueue_err_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.dequeue_err_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid dequeue_err_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.dequeue_err_count); + + /* Tests after reset operation */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS), + "Failed to reset statistic for device %u ", dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(dev_id), + "Failed to reset statistic for device %u ", dev_id); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.enqueued_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid enqueued_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.enqueued_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.dequeued_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid dequeued_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.dequeued_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.enqueue_err_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid enqueue_err_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.enqueue_err_count); + + TEST_ASSERT(stats.dequeue_err_count == 0, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "invalid dequeue_err_count %" PRIu64 " ", + stats.dequeue_err_count); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_driver_init(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev *dev1, *dev2; + const char *name = "dev_name"; + char name_tmp[16]; + int num_devs, num_devs_tmp; + + dev1 = rte_bbdev_allocate(NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(dev1 == NULL, + "Failed initialize bbdev driver with NULL name"); + + dev1 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name); + TEST_ASSERT(dev1 != NULL, "Failed to initialize bbdev driver"); + + dev2 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name); + TEST_ASSERT(dev2 == NULL, + "Failed to initialize bbdev driver: " + "driver with the same name has been initialized before"); + + num_devs = rte_bbdev_count() - 1; + num_devs_tmp = num_devs; + + /* Initialize the maximum amount of devices */ + do { + sprintf(name_tmp, "%s%i", "name_", num_devs); + dev2 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name_tmp); + TEST_ASSERT(dev2 != NULL, + "Failed to initialize bbdev driver"); + ++num_devs; + } while (num_devs < (RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS - 1)); + + sprintf(name_tmp, "%s%i", "name_", num_devs); + dev2 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name_tmp); + TEST_ASSERT(dev2 == NULL, "Failed to initialize bbdev driver number %d " + "more drivers than RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS: %d ", num_devs, + RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS); + + num_devs--; + + while (num_devs >= num_devs_tmp) { + sprintf(name_tmp, "%s%i", "name_", num_devs); + dev2 = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(name_tmp); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_release(dev2), + "Failed to uninitialize bbdev driver %s ", + name_tmp); + num_devs--; + } + + TEST_ASSERT(dev1->data->dev_id < RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, + "Failed test rte_bbdev_allocate: " + "invalid dev_id %" PRIu8 ", max number of devices %d ", + dev1->data->dev_id, RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS); + + TEST_ASSERT(dev1->state == RTE_BBDEV_INITIALIZED, + "Failed test rte_bbdev_allocate: " + "invalid state %d (0 - RTE_BBDEV_UNUSED, 1 - RTE_BBDEV_INITIALIZED", + dev1->state); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_release(NULL), + "Failed to uninitialize bbdev driver with NULL bbdev"); + + sprintf(name_tmp, "%s", "invalid_name"); + dev2 = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(name_tmp); + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_release(dev2), + "Failed to uninitialize bbdev driver with invalid name"); + + dev2 = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(name); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_release(dev2), + "Failed to uninitialize bbdev driver: %s ", name); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +event_callback(uint16_t dev_id, enum rte_bbdev_event_type type, void *param, + void *ret_param) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(dev_id); + RTE_SET_USED(ret_param); + + if (param == NULL) + return; + + if (type == RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN || + type == RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR || + type == RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX) + *(int *)param = type; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_callback(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev *dev1, *dev2; + const char *name = "dev_name1"; + const char *name2 = "dev_name2"; + int event_status; + uint8_t invalid_dev_id = RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS; + enum rte_bbdev_event_type invalid_event_type = RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX; + uint8_t dev_id; + + dev1 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name); + TEST_ASSERT(dev1 != NULL, "Failed to initialize bbdev driver"); + + /* + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - unregistered + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - unregistered + */ + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "events were not registered "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX, event_callback, NULL), + "Failed to callback register for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX, event_callback, NULL), + "Failed to unregister RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_MAX "); + + /* + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - registered + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - unregistered + */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback rgstr for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN"); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "event RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR was not registered "); + + /* + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - registered + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - registered + */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback rgstr for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback register for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR" + "(re-registration) "); + + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + + /* + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - registered + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - unregistered + */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to unregister RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "event RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR was unregistered "); + + /* rte_bbdev_callback_register with invalid inputs */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_register(invalid_dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_callback_register " + "for invalid_dev_id "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + invalid_event_type, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback register for invalid event type "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev1->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL, &event_status), + "Failed to callback register - no callback function "); + + /* The impact of devices on each other */ + dev2 = rte_bbdev_allocate(name2); + TEST_ASSERT(dev2 != NULL, + "Failed to initialize bbdev driver"); + + /* + * dev2: + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - unregistered + * RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - unregistered + */ + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "events were not registered "); + + /* + * dev1: RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - unregistered + * dev2: RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR - registered + */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev2->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback rgstr for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR"); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process in dev1 " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process in dev2 " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + + /* + * dev1: RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - registered + * dev2: RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN - unregistered + */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev2->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to callback register for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN " + "in dev 2 "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process in dev2" + " for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev2->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to unregister RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev2->data->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed to unregister RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN : " + "unregister function called once again "); + + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process in dev2" + " for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == (int) RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process in dev2 " + "for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN "); + + /* rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process with invalid inputs */ + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(NULL, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, invalid_event_type, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "for invalid event type "); + + /* rte_dev_callback_unregister with invalid inputs */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(invalid_dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed test for rte_dev_callback_unregister " + "for invalid_dev_id "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev1->data->dev_id, + invalid_event_type, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed rte_dev_callback_unregister " + "for invalid event type "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev1->data->dev_id, + invalid_event_type, NULL, &event_status), + "Failed rte_dev_callback_unregister " + "when no callback function "); + + dev_id = dev1->data->dev_id; + + rte_bbdev_release(dev1); + rte_bbdev_release(dev2); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_callback_register: " + "function called after rte_bbdev_driver_uninit ."); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, event_callback, &event_status), + "Failed test for rte_dev_callback_unregister: " + "function called after rte_bbdev_driver_uninit. "); + + event_status = -1; + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev1, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(event_status == -1, + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process: " + "callback function was called after rte_bbdev_driver_uninit"); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_invalid_driver(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev dev1, *dev2; + uint8_t dev_id = null_dev_id; + uint16_t queue_id = 0; + struct rte_bbdev_stats stats; + struct bbdev_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params; + struct rte_bbdev_queue_info qinfo; + struct rte_bbdev_ops dev_ops_tmp; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id), "Failed to stop bbdev %u ", + dev_id); + + dev1 = rte_bbdev_devices[dev_id]; + dev2 = &rte_bbdev_devices[dev_id]; + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_setup_queues */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, 1, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "NULL dev_ops structure "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.info_get = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, 1, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "NULL info_get "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.queue_release = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, 1, SOCKET_ID_ANY), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_setup_queues: " + "NULL queue_release "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev2->data->socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, 1, + SOCKET_ID_ANY), "Failed to configure bbdev %u", dev_id); + + /* Test for rte_bbdev_queue_configure */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u " + "with NULL dev_ops structure ", queue_id, dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.queue_setup = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u " + "with NULL queue_setup ", queue_id, dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.info_get = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u " + "with NULL info_get ", queue_id, dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, + queue_id, &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u ", + queue_id, dev_id); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, + &ts_params->qconf), + "Failed to configure queue %u on device %u ", + queue_id, dev_id); + + /* Test for rte_bbdev_queue_info_get */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, queue_id, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "NULL dev_ops structure "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS, + queue_id, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid dev_id "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, + RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT, &qinfo), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid queue_id "); + + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_info_get(dev_id, queue_id, NULL), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_info_get: " + "invalid dev_info "); + + /* Test for rte_bbdev_start */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_start(dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u " + "with NULL dev_ops structure ", dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_start(dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u ", dev_id); + + /* Test for rte_bbdev_queue_start */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_start(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to start queue %u on device %u: " + "NULL dev_ops structure", queue_id, dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_start(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to start queue %u on device %u ", queue_id, + dev_id); + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_stats_get */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.stats_reset = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get: " + "NULL stats_get "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_get on device %u ", + dev_id); + + /* + * Tests for: + * rte_bbdev_callback_register, + * rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process, + * rte_dev_callback_unregister + */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_register(dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, NULL), + "Failed to callback rgstr for RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN"); + rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev2, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, NULL); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_callback_unregister(dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN, event_callback, NULL), + "Failed to unregister RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_stats_reset */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(dev_id), + "Failed to reset statistic for device %u ", dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + dev_ops_tmp = *dev2->dev_ops; + dev_ops_tmp.stats_reset = NULL; + dev2->dev_ops = &dev_ops_tmp; + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(dev_id), + "Failed test for rte_bbdev_stats_reset: " + "NULL stats_reset "); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(dev_id), + "Failed to reset statistic for device %u ", dev_id); + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_queue_stop */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to stop queue %u on device %u: " + "NULL dev_ops structure", queue_id, dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_stop(dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to stop queue %u on device %u ", queue_id, + dev_id); + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_stop */ + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id), + "Failed to stop bbdev %u with NULL dev_ops structure ", + dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id), + "Failed to stop bbdev %u ", dev_id); + + /* Tests for rte_bbdev_close */ + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_close(RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS), + "Failed to close bbdev with invalid dev_id"); + + dev2->dev_ops = NULL; + TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(rte_bbdev_close(dev_id), + "Failed to close bbdev %u with NULL dev_ops structure ", + dev_id); + dev2->dev_ops = dev1.dev_ops; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_close(dev_id), + "Failed to close bbdev %u ", dev_id); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +test_bbdev_get_named_dev(void) +{ + struct rte_bbdev *dev, *dev_tmp; + const char *name = "name"; + + dev = rte_bbdev_allocate(name); + TEST_ASSERT(dev != NULL, "Failed to initialize bbdev driver"); + + dev_tmp = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(NULL); + TEST_ASSERT(dev_tmp == NULL, "Failed test for rte_bbdev_get_named_dev: " + "function called with NULL parameter"); + + dev_tmp = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(name); + + TEST_ASSERT(dev == dev_tmp, "Failed test for rte_bbdev_get_named_dev: " + "wrong device was returned "); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_release(dev), + "Failed to uninitialize bbdev driver %s ", name); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_null_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBDEV NULL Unit Test Suite", + .setup = testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + + TEST_CASE(test_bbdev_configure_invalid_dev_id), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_configure_invalid_num_queues), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_configure_stop_device), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_configure_stop_queue), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_configure_invalid_queue_configure), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_op_pool), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_op_type), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_op_pool_size), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_stats), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_driver_init), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_callback), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_invalid_driver), + + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, + test_bbdev_get_named_dev), + + TEST_CASE(test_bbdev_count), + + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(unittest, bbdev_null_testsuite); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbe6cc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c @@ -0,0 +1,2399 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "main.h" +#include "test_bbdev_vector.h" + +#define GET_SOCKET(socket_id) (((socket_id) == SOCKET_ID_ANY) ? 0 : (socket_id)) + +#define MAX_QUEUES RTE_MAX_LCORE + +#define OPS_CACHE_SIZE 256U +#define OPS_POOL_SIZE_MIN 511U /* 0.5K per queue */ + +#define SYNC_WAIT 0 +#define SYNC_START 1 + +#define INVALID_QUEUE_ID -1 + +static struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector; + +/* Switch between PMD and Interrupt for throughput TC */ +static bool intr_enabled; + +/* Represents tested active devices */ +static struct active_device { + const char *driver_name; + uint8_t dev_id; + uint16_t supported_ops; + uint16_t queue_ids[MAX_QUEUES]; + uint16_t nb_queues; + struct rte_mempool *ops_mempool; + struct rte_mempool *in_mbuf_pool; + struct rte_mempool *hard_out_mbuf_pool; + struct rte_mempool *soft_out_mbuf_pool; +} active_devs[RTE_BBDEV_MAX_DEVS]; + +static uint8_t nb_active_devs; + +/* Data buffers used by BBDEV ops */ +struct test_buffers { + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *inputs; + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *hard_outputs; + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *soft_outputs; +}; + +/* Operation parameters specific for given test case */ +struct test_op_params { + struct rte_mempool *mp; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_dec_op; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_enc_op; + uint16_t burst_sz; + uint16_t num_to_process; + uint16_t num_lcores; + int vector_mask; + rte_atomic16_t sync; + struct test_buffers q_bufs[RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES][MAX_QUEUES]; +}; + +/* Contains per lcore params */ +struct thread_params { + uint8_t dev_id; + uint16_t queue_id; + uint64_t start_time; + double mops; + double mbps; + rte_atomic16_t nb_dequeued; + rte_atomic16_t processing_status; + struct test_op_params *op_params; +}; + +#ifdef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST +/* Stores time statistics */ +struct test_time_stats { + /* Stores software enqueue total working time */ + uint64_t enq_sw_tot_time; + /* Stores minimum value of software enqueue working time */ + uint64_t enq_sw_min_time; + /* Stores maximum value of software enqueue working time */ + uint64_t enq_sw_max_time; + /* Stores turbo enqueue total working time */ + uint64_t enq_tur_tot_time; + /* Stores minimum value of turbo enqueue working time */ + uint64_t enq_tur_min_time; + /* Stores maximum value of turbo enqueue working time */ + uint64_t enq_tur_max_time; + /* Stores dequeue total working time */ + uint64_t deq_tot_time; + /* Stores minimum value of dequeue working time */ + uint64_t deq_min_time; + /* Stores maximum value of dequeue working time */ + uint64_t deq_max_time; +}; +#endif + +typedef int (test_case_function)(struct active_device *ad, + struct test_op_params *op_params); + +static inline void +set_avail_op(struct active_device *ad, enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type) +{ + ad->supported_ops |= (1 << op_type); +} + +static inline bool +is_avail_op(struct active_device *ad, enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type) +{ + return ad->supported_ops & (1 << op_type); +} + +static inline bool +flags_match(uint32_t flags_req, uint32_t flags_present) +{ + return (flags_req & flags_present) == flags_req; +} + +static void +clear_soft_out_cap(uint32_t *op_flags) +{ + *op_flags &= ~RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT; + *op_flags &= ~RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT; + *op_flags &= ~RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT; +} + +static int +check_dev_cap(const struct rte_bbdev_info *dev_info) +{ + unsigned int i; + unsigned int nb_inputs, nb_soft_outputs, nb_hard_outputs; + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap *op_cap = dev_info->drv.capabilities; + + nb_inputs = test_vector.entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments; + nb_soft_outputs = test_vector.entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT].nb_segments; + nb_hard_outputs = test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].nb_segments; + + for (i = 0; op_cap->type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE; ++i, ++op_cap) { + if (op_cap->type != test_vector.op_type) + continue; + + if (op_cap->type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap_turbo_dec *cap = + &op_cap->cap.turbo_dec; + /* Ignore lack of soft output capability, just skip + * checking if soft output is valid. + */ + if ((test_vector.turbo_dec.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT) && + !(cap->capability_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) { + printf( + "WARNING: Device \"%s\" does not support soft output - soft output flags will be ignored.\n", + dev_info->dev_name); + clear_soft_out_cap( + &test_vector.turbo_dec.op_flags); + } + + if (!flags_match(test_vector.turbo_dec.op_flags, + cap->capability_flags)) + return TEST_FAILED; + if (nb_inputs > cap->num_buffers_src) { + printf("Too many inputs defined: %u, max: %u\n", + nb_inputs, cap->num_buffers_src); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + if (nb_soft_outputs > cap->num_buffers_soft_out && + (test_vector.turbo_dec.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) { + printf( + "Too many soft outputs defined: %u, max: %u\n", + nb_soft_outputs, + cap->num_buffers_soft_out); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + if (nb_hard_outputs > cap->num_buffers_hard_out) { + printf( + "Too many hard outputs defined: %u, max: %u\n", + nb_hard_outputs, + cap->num_buffers_hard_out); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + if (intr_enabled && !(cap->capability_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_INTERRUPTS)) { + printf( + "Dequeue interrupts are not supported!\n"); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; + } else if (op_cap->type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) { + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap_turbo_enc *cap = + &op_cap->cap.turbo_enc; + + if (!flags_match(test_vector.turbo_enc.op_flags, + cap->capability_flags)) + return TEST_FAILED; + if (nb_inputs > cap->num_buffers_src) { + printf("Too many inputs defined: %u, max: %u\n", + nb_inputs, cap->num_buffers_src); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + if (nb_hard_outputs > cap->num_buffers_dst) { + printf( + "Too many hard outputs defined: %u, max: %u\n", + nb_hard_outputs, cap->num_buffers_src); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + if (intr_enabled && !(cap->capability_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_INTERRUPTS)) { + printf( + "Dequeue interrupts are not supported!\n"); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; + } + } + + if ((i == 0) && (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE)) + return TEST_SUCCESS; /* Special case for NULL device */ + + return TEST_FAILED; +} + +/* calculates optimal mempool size not smaller than the val */ +static unsigned int +optimal_mempool_size(unsigned int val) +{ + return rte_align32pow2(val + 1) - 1; +} + +/* allocates mbuf mempool for inputs and outputs */ +static struct rte_mempool * +create_mbuf_pool(struct op_data_entries *entries, uint8_t dev_id, + int socket_id, unsigned int mbuf_pool_size, + const char *op_type_str) +{ + unsigned int i; + uint32_t max_seg_sz = 0; + char pool_name[RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE]; + + /* find max input segment size */ + for (i = 0; i < entries->nb_segments; ++i) + if (entries->segments[i].length > max_seg_sz) + max_seg_sz = entries->segments[i].length; + + snprintf(pool_name, sizeof(pool_name), "%s_pool_%u", op_type_str, + dev_id); + return rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(pool_name, mbuf_pool_size, 0, 0, + RTE_MAX(max_seg_sz + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM, + (unsigned int)RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE), socket_id); +} + +static int +create_mempools(struct active_device *ad, int socket_id, + enum rte_bbdev_op_type org_op_type, uint16_t num_ops) +{ + struct rte_mempool *mp; + unsigned int ops_pool_size, mbuf_pool_size = 0; + char pool_name[RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE]; + const char *op_type_str; + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = org_op_type; + + struct op_data_entries *in = &test_vector.entries[DATA_INPUT]; + struct op_data_entries *hard_out = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]; + struct op_data_entries *soft_out = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT]; + + /* allocate ops mempool */ + ops_pool_size = optimal_mempool_size(RTE_MAX( + /* Ops used plus 1 reference op */ + RTE_MAX((unsigned int)(ad->nb_queues * num_ops + 1), + /* Minimal cache size plus 1 reference op */ + (unsigned int)(1.5 * rte_lcore_count() * + OPS_CACHE_SIZE + 1)), + OPS_POOL_SIZE_MIN)); + + if (org_op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC; + + op_type_str = rte_bbdev_op_type_str(op_type); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_type_str, "Invalid op type: %u", op_type); + + snprintf(pool_name, sizeof(pool_name), "%s_pool_%u", op_type_str, + ad->dev_id); + mp = rte_bbdev_op_pool_create(pool_name, op_type, + ops_pool_size, OPS_CACHE_SIZE, socket_id); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(mp, + "ERROR Failed to create %u items ops pool for dev %u on socket %u.", + ops_pool_size, + ad->dev_id, + socket_id); + ad->ops_mempool = mp; + + /* Do not create inputs and outputs mbufs for BaseBand Null Device */ + if (org_op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + return TEST_SUCCESS; + + /* Inputs */ + mbuf_pool_size = optimal_mempool_size(ops_pool_size * in->nb_segments); + mp = create_mbuf_pool(in, ad->dev_id, socket_id, mbuf_pool_size, "in"); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(mp, + "ERROR Failed to create %u items input pktmbuf pool for dev %u on socket %u.", + mbuf_pool_size, + ad->dev_id, + socket_id); + ad->in_mbuf_pool = mp; + + /* Hard outputs */ + mbuf_pool_size = optimal_mempool_size(ops_pool_size * + hard_out->nb_segments); + mp = create_mbuf_pool(hard_out, ad->dev_id, socket_id, mbuf_pool_size, + "hard_out"); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(mp, + "ERROR Failed to create %u items hard output pktmbuf pool for dev %u on socket %u.", + mbuf_pool_size, + ad->dev_id, + socket_id); + ad->hard_out_mbuf_pool = mp; + + if (soft_out->nb_segments == 0) + return TEST_SUCCESS; + + /* Soft outputs */ + mbuf_pool_size = optimal_mempool_size(ops_pool_size * + soft_out->nb_segments); + mp = create_mbuf_pool(soft_out, ad->dev_id, socket_id, mbuf_pool_size, + "soft_out"); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(mp, + "ERROR Failed to create %uB soft output pktmbuf pool for dev %u on socket %u.", + mbuf_pool_size, + ad->dev_id, + socket_id); + ad->soft_out_mbuf_pool = mp; + + return 0; +} + +static int +add_bbdev_dev(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret; + unsigned int queue_id; + struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf qconf; + struct active_device *ad = &active_devs[nb_active_devs]; + unsigned int nb_queues; + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = vector->op_type; + + nb_queues = RTE_MIN(rte_lcore_count(), info->drv.max_num_queues); + /* setup device */ + ret = rte_bbdev_setup_queues(dev_id, nb_queues, info->socket_id); + if (ret < 0) { + printf("rte_bbdev_setup_queues(%u, %u, %d) ret %i\n", + dev_id, nb_queues, info->socket_id, ret); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + + /* configure interrupts if needed */ + if (intr_enabled) { + ret = rte_bbdev_intr_enable(dev_id); + if (ret < 0) { + printf("rte_bbdev_intr_enable(%u) ret %i\n", dev_id, + ret); + return TEST_FAILED; + } + } + + /* setup device queues */ + qconf.socket = info->socket_id; + qconf.queue_size = info->drv.default_queue_conf.queue_size; + qconf.priority = 0; + qconf.deferred_start = 0; + qconf.op_type = op_type; + + for (queue_id = 0; queue_id < nb_queues; ++queue_id) { + ret = rte_bbdev_queue_configure(dev_id, queue_id, &qconf); + if (ret != 0) { + printf( + "Allocated all queues (id=%u) at prio%u on dev%u\n", + queue_id, qconf.priority, dev_id); + qconf.priority++; + ret = rte_bbdev_queue_configure(ad->dev_id, queue_id, + &qconf); + } + if (ret != 0) { + printf("All queues on dev %u allocated: %u\n", + dev_id, queue_id); + break; + } + ad->queue_ids[queue_id] = queue_id; + } + TEST_ASSERT(queue_id != 0, + "ERROR Failed to configure any queues on dev %u", + dev_id); + ad->nb_queues = queue_id; + + set_avail_op(ad, op_type); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +add_active_device(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_bbdev_info *info, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret; + + active_devs[nb_active_devs].driver_name = info->drv.driver_name; + active_devs[nb_active_devs].dev_id = dev_id; + + ret = add_bbdev_dev(dev_id, info, vector); + if (ret == TEST_SUCCESS) + ++nb_active_devs; + return ret; +} + +static uint8_t +populate_active_devices(void) +{ + int ret; + uint8_t dev_id; + uint8_t nb_devs_added = 0; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + + RTE_BBDEV_FOREACH(dev_id) { + rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info); + + if (check_dev_cap(&info)) { + printf( + "Device %d (%s) does not support specified capabilities\n", + dev_id, info.dev_name); + continue; + } + + ret = add_active_device(dev_id, &info, &test_vector); + if (ret != 0) { + printf("Adding active bbdev %s skipped\n", + info.dev_name); + continue; + } + nb_devs_added++; + } + + return nb_devs_added; +} + +static int +read_test_vector(void) +{ + int ret; + + memset(&test_vector, 0, sizeof(test_vector)); + printf("Test vector file = %s\n", get_vector_filename()); + ret = test_bbdev_vector_read(get_vector_filename(), &test_vector); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Failed to parse file %s\n", + get_vector_filename()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +testsuite_setup(void) +{ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(read_test_vector(), "Test suite setup failed\n"); + + if (populate_active_devices() == 0) { + printf("No suitable devices found!\n"); + return TEST_SKIPPED; + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +interrupt_testsuite_setup(void) +{ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(read_test_vector(), "Test suite setup failed\n"); + + /* Enable interrupts */ + intr_enabled = true; + + /* Special case for NULL device (RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) */ + if (populate_active_devices() == 0 || + test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + intr_enabled = false; + printf("No suitable devices found!\n"); + return TEST_SKIPPED; + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +testsuite_teardown(void) +{ + uint8_t dev_id; + + /* Unconfigure devices */ + RTE_BBDEV_FOREACH(dev_id) + rte_bbdev_close(dev_id); + + /* Clear active devices structs. */ + memset(active_devs, 0, sizeof(active_devs)); + nb_active_devs = 0; +} + +static int +ut_setup(void) +{ + uint8_t i, dev_id; + + for (i = 0; i < nb_active_devs; i++) { + dev_id = active_devs[i].dev_id; + /* reset bbdev stats */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_stats_reset(dev_id), + "Failed to reset stats of bbdev %u", dev_id); + /* start the device */ + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_start(dev_id), + "Failed to start bbdev %u", dev_id); + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +ut_teardown(void) +{ + uint8_t i, dev_id; + struct rte_bbdev_stats stats; + + for (i = 0; i < nb_active_devs; i++) { + dev_id = active_devs[i].dev_id; + /* read stats and print */ + rte_bbdev_stats_get(dev_id, &stats); + /* Stop the device */ + rte_bbdev_stop(dev_id); + } +} + +static int +init_op_data_objs(struct rte_bbdev_op_data *bufs, + struct op_data_entries *ref_entries, + struct rte_mempool *mbuf_pool, const uint16_t n, + enum op_data_type op_type, uint16_t min_alignment) +{ + int ret; + unsigned int i, j; + + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + char *data; + struct op_data_buf *seg = &ref_entries->segments[0]; + struct rte_mbuf *m_head = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(mbuf_pool); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(m_head, + "Not enough mbufs in %d data type mbuf pool (needed %u, available %u)", + op_type, n * ref_entries->nb_segments, + mbuf_pool->size); + + bufs[i].data = m_head; + bufs[i].offset = 0; + bufs[i].length = 0; + + if (op_type == DATA_INPUT) { + data = rte_pktmbuf_append(m_head, seg->length); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(data, + "Couldn't append %u bytes to mbuf from %d data type mbuf pool", + seg->length, op_type); + + TEST_ASSERT(data == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(data, min_alignment), + "Data addr in mbuf (%p) is not aligned to device min alignment (%u)", + data, min_alignment); + rte_memcpy(data, seg->addr, seg->length); + bufs[i].length += seg->length; + + + for (j = 1; j < ref_entries->nb_segments; ++j) { + struct rte_mbuf *m_tail = + rte_pktmbuf_alloc(mbuf_pool); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(m_tail, + "Not enough mbufs in %d data type mbuf pool (needed %u, available %u)", + op_type, + n * ref_entries->nb_segments, + mbuf_pool->size); + seg += 1; + + data = rte_pktmbuf_append(m_tail, seg->length); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(data, + "Couldn't append %u bytes to mbuf from %d data type mbuf pool", + seg->length, op_type); + + TEST_ASSERT(data == RTE_PTR_ALIGN(data, + min_alignment), + "Data addr in mbuf (%p) is not aligned to device min alignment (%u)", + data, min_alignment); + rte_memcpy(data, seg->addr, seg->length); + bufs[i].length += seg->length; + + ret = rte_pktmbuf_chain(m_head, m_tail); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Couldn't chain mbufs from %d data type mbuf pool", + op_type); + } + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +allocate_buffers_on_socket(struct rte_bbdev_op_data **buffers, const int len, + const int socket) +{ + int i; + + *buffers = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, len, 0, socket); + if (*buffers == NULL) { + printf("WARNING: Failed to allocate op_data on socket %d\n", + socket); + /* try to allocate memory on other detected sockets */ + for (i = 0; i < socket; i++) { + *buffers = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, len, 0, i); + if (*buffers != NULL) + break; + } + } + + return (*buffers == NULL) ? TEST_FAILED : TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +limit_input_llr_val_range(struct rte_bbdev_op_data *input_ops, + uint16_t n, int8_t max_llr_modulus) +{ + uint16_t i, byte_idx; + + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + struct rte_mbuf *m = input_ops[i].data; + while (m != NULL) { + int8_t *llr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, int8_t *, + input_ops[i].offset); + for (byte_idx = 0; byte_idx < input_ops[i].length; + ++byte_idx) + llr[byte_idx] = round((double)max_llr_modulus * + llr[byte_idx] / INT8_MAX); + + m = m->next; + } + } +} + +static int +fill_queue_buffers(struct test_op_params *op_params, + struct rte_mempool *in_mp, struct rte_mempool *hard_out_mp, + struct rte_mempool *soft_out_mp, uint16_t queue_id, + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap *capabilities, + uint16_t min_alignment, const int socket_id) +{ + int ret; + enum op_data_type type; + const uint16_t n = op_params->num_to_process; + + struct rte_mempool *mbuf_pools[DATA_NUM_TYPES] = { + in_mp, + soft_out_mp, + hard_out_mp, + }; + + struct rte_bbdev_op_data **queue_ops[DATA_NUM_TYPES] = { + &op_params->q_bufs[socket_id][queue_id].inputs, + &op_params->q_bufs[socket_id][queue_id].soft_outputs, + &op_params->q_bufs[socket_id][queue_id].hard_outputs, + }; + + for (type = DATA_INPUT; type < DATA_NUM_TYPES; ++type) { + struct op_data_entries *ref_entries = + &test_vector.entries[type]; + if (ref_entries->nb_segments == 0) + continue; + + ret = allocate_buffers_on_socket(queue_ops[type], + n * sizeof(struct rte_bbdev_op_data), + socket_id); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Couldn't allocate memory for rte_bbdev_op_data structs"); + + ret = init_op_data_objs(*queue_ops[type], ref_entries, + mbuf_pools[type], n, type, min_alignment); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Couldn't init rte_bbdev_op_data structs"); + } + + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + limit_input_llr_val_range(*queue_ops[DATA_INPUT], n, + capabilities->cap.turbo_dec.max_llr_modulus); + + return 0; +} + +static void +free_buffers(struct active_device *ad, struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ + unsigned int i, j; + + rte_mempool_free(ad->ops_mempool); + rte_mempool_free(ad->in_mbuf_pool); + rte_mempool_free(ad->hard_out_mbuf_pool); + rte_mempool_free(ad->soft_out_mbuf_pool); + + for (i = 0; i < rte_lcore_count(); ++i) { + for (j = 0; j < RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES; ++j) { + rte_free(op_params->q_bufs[j][i].inputs); + rte_free(op_params->q_bufs[j][i].hard_outputs); + rte_free(op_params->q_bufs[j][i].soft_outputs); + } + } +} + +static void +copy_reference_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, unsigned int n, + unsigned int start_idx, + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *inputs, + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *hard_outputs, + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *soft_outputs, + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op) +{ + unsigned int i; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &ref_op->turbo_dec; + + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + if (turbo_dec->code_block_mode == 0) { + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.ea = + turbo_dec->tb_params.ea; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.eb = + turbo_dec->tb_params.eb; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_pos = + turbo_dec->tb_params.k_pos; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_neg = + turbo_dec->tb_params.k_neg; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.c = + turbo_dec->tb_params.c; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.c_neg = + turbo_dec->tb_params.c_neg; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.tb_params.cab = + turbo_dec->tb_params.cab; + } else { + ops[i]->turbo_dec.cb_params.e = turbo_dec->cb_params.e; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.cb_params.k = turbo_dec->cb_params.k; + } + + ops[i]->turbo_dec.ext_scale = turbo_dec->ext_scale; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.iter_max = turbo_dec->iter_max; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.iter_min = turbo_dec->iter_min; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.op_flags = turbo_dec->op_flags; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.rv_index = turbo_dec->rv_index; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.num_maps = turbo_dec->num_maps; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.code_block_mode = turbo_dec->code_block_mode; + + ops[i]->turbo_dec.hard_output = hard_outputs[start_idx + i]; + ops[i]->turbo_dec.input = inputs[start_idx + i]; + if (soft_outputs != NULL) + ops[i]->turbo_dec.soft_output = + soft_outputs[start_idx + i]; + } +} + +static void +copy_reference_enc_op(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, unsigned int n, + unsigned int start_idx, + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *inputs, + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *outputs, + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_op) +{ + unsigned int i; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_enc *turbo_enc = &ref_op->turbo_enc; + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + if (turbo_enc->code_block_mode == 0) { + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.ea = + turbo_enc->tb_params.ea; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.eb = + turbo_enc->tb_params.eb; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.k_pos = + turbo_enc->tb_params.k_pos; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.k_neg = + turbo_enc->tb_params.k_neg; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.c = + turbo_enc->tb_params.c; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.c_neg = + turbo_enc->tb_params.c_neg; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.cab = + turbo_enc->tb_params.cab; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.ncb_pos = + turbo_enc->tb_params.ncb_pos; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.ncb_neg = + turbo_enc->tb_params.ncb_neg; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.tb_params.r = turbo_enc->tb_params.r; + } else { + ops[i]->turbo_enc.cb_params.e = turbo_enc->cb_params.e; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.cb_params.k = turbo_enc->cb_params.k; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.cb_params.ncb = + turbo_enc->cb_params.ncb; + } + ops[i]->turbo_enc.rv_index = turbo_enc->rv_index; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.op_flags = turbo_enc->op_flags; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.code_block_mode = turbo_enc->code_block_mode; + + ops[i]->turbo_enc.output = outputs[start_idx + i]; + ops[i]->turbo_enc.input = inputs[start_idx + i]; + } +} + +static int +check_dec_status_and_ordering(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, + unsigned int order_idx, const int expected_status) +{ + TEST_ASSERT(op->status == expected_status, + "op_status (%d) != expected_status (%d)", + op->status, expected_status); + + TEST_ASSERT((void *)(uintptr_t)order_idx == op->opaque_data, + "Ordering error, expected %p, got %p", + (void *)(uintptr_t)order_idx, op->opaque_data); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +check_enc_status_and_ordering(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op, + unsigned int order_idx, const int expected_status) +{ + TEST_ASSERT(op->status == expected_status, + "op_status (%d) != expected_status (%d)", + op->status, expected_status); + + TEST_ASSERT((void *)(uintptr_t)order_idx == op->opaque_data, + "Ordering error, expected %p, got %p", + (void *)(uintptr_t)order_idx, op->opaque_data); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static inline int +validate_op_chain(struct rte_bbdev_op_data *op, + struct op_data_entries *orig_op) +{ + uint8_t i; + struct rte_mbuf *m = op->data; + uint8_t nb_dst_segments = orig_op->nb_segments; + + TEST_ASSERT(nb_dst_segments == m->nb_segs, + "Number of segments differ in original (%u) and filled (%u) op", + nb_dst_segments, m->nb_segs); + + for (i = 0; i < nb_dst_segments; ++i) { + /* Apply offset to the first mbuf segment */ + uint16_t offset = (i == 0) ? op->offset : 0; + uint16_t data_len = m->data_len - offset; + + TEST_ASSERT(orig_op->segments[i].length == data_len, + "Length of segment differ in original (%u) and filled (%u) op", + orig_op->segments[i].length, data_len); + TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_ARE_EQUAL(orig_op->segments[i].addr, + rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, uint32_t *, offset), + data_len, + "Output buffers (CB=%u) are not equal", i); + m = m->next; + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +validate_dec_buffers(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op, struct test_buffers *bufs, + const uint16_t num_to_process) +{ + int i; + + struct op_data_entries *hard_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]; + struct op_data_entries *soft_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT]; + + for (i = 0; i < num_to_process; i++) { + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain(&bufs->hard_outputs[i], + hard_data_orig), + "Hard output buffers are not equal"); + if (ref_op->turbo_dec.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT) + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain( + &bufs->soft_outputs[i], + soft_data_orig), + "Soft output buffers are not equal"); + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +validate_enc_buffers(struct test_buffers *bufs, const uint16_t num_to_process) +{ + int i; + + struct op_data_entries *hard_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]; + + for (i = 0; i < num_to_process; i++) + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain(&bufs->hard_outputs[i], + hard_data_orig), ""); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +validate_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, const uint16_t n, + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op, const int vector_mask) +{ + unsigned int i; + int ret; + struct op_data_entries *hard_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]; + struct op_data_entries *soft_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT]; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *ops_td; + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *hard_output; + struct rte_bbdev_op_data *soft_output; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *ref_td = &ref_op->turbo_dec; + + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + ops_td = &ops[i]->turbo_dec; + hard_output = &ops_td->hard_output; + soft_output = &ops_td->soft_output; + + if (vector_mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_ITER_COUNT) + TEST_ASSERT(ops_td->iter_count <= ref_td->iter_count, + "Returned iter_count (%d) > expected iter_count (%d)", + ops_td->iter_count, ref_td->iter_count); + ret = check_dec_status_and_ordering(ops[i], i, ref_op->status); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Checking status and ordering for decoder failed"); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain(hard_output, + hard_data_orig), + "Hard output buffers (CB=%u) are not equal", + i); + + if (ref_op->turbo_dec.op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT) + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain(soft_output, + soft_data_orig), + "Soft output buffers (CB=%u) are not equal", + i); + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +validate_enc_op(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, const uint16_t n, + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_op) +{ + unsigned int i; + int ret; + struct op_data_entries *hard_data_orig = + &test_vector.entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]; + + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + ret = check_enc_status_and_ordering(ops[i], i, ref_op->status); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Checking status and ordering for encoder failed"); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(validate_op_chain( + &ops[i]->turbo_enc.output, + hard_data_orig), + "Output buffers (CB=%u) are not equal", + i); + } + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static void +create_reference_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op) +{ + unsigned int i; + struct op_data_entries *entry; + + op->turbo_dec = test_vector.turbo_dec; + entry = &test_vector.entries[DATA_INPUT]; + for (i = 0; i < entry->nb_segments; ++i) + op->turbo_dec.input.length += + entry->segments[i].length; +} + +static void +create_reference_enc_op(struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op) +{ + unsigned int i; + struct op_data_entries *entry; + + op->turbo_enc = test_vector.turbo_enc; + entry = &test_vector.entries[DATA_INPUT]; + for (i = 0; i < entry->nb_segments; ++i) + op->turbo_enc.input.length += + entry->segments[i].length; +} + +static int +init_test_op_params(struct test_op_params *op_params, + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type, const int expected_status, + const int vector_mask, struct rte_mempool *ops_mp, + uint16_t burst_sz, uint16_t num_to_process, uint16_t num_lcores) +{ + int ret = 0; + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + ret = rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(ops_mp, + &op_params->ref_dec_op, 1); + else + ret = rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(ops_mp, + &op_params->ref_enc_op, 1); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "rte_bbdev_op_alloc_bulk() failed"); + + op_params->mp = ops_mp; + op_params->burst_sz = burst_sz; + op_params->num_to_process = num_to_process; + op_params->num_lcores = num_lcores; + op_params->vector_mask = vector_mask; + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + op_params->ref_dec_op->status = expected_status; + else if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) + op_params->ref_enc_op->status = expected_status; + + return 0; +} + +static int +run_test_case_on_device(test_case_function *test_case_func, uint8_t dev_id, + struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ + int t_ret, f_ret, socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; + unsigned int i; + struct active_device *ad; + unsigned int burst_sz = get_burst_sz(); + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = test_vector.op_type; + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap *capabilities = NULL; + + ad = &active_devs[dev_id]; + + /* Check if device supports op_type */ + if (!is_avail_op(ad, test_vector.op_type)) + return TEST_SUCCESS; + + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + rte_bbdev_info_get(ad->dev_id, &info); + socket_id = GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id); + + f_ret = create_mempools(ad, socket_id, op_type, + get_num_ops()); + if (f_ret != TEST_SUCCESS) { + printf("Couldn't create mempools"); + goto fail; + } + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC; + + f_ret = init_test_op_params(op_params, test_vector.op_type, + test_vector.expected_status, + test_vector.mask, + ad->ops_mempool, + burst_sz, + get_num_ops(), + get_num_lcores()); + if (f_ret != TEST_SUCCESS) { + printf("Couldn't init test op params"); + goto fail; + } + + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + /* Find Decoder capabilities */ + const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap *cap = info.drv.capabilities; + while (cap->type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + if (cap->type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + capabilities = cap; + break; + } + } + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(capabilities, + "Couldn't find Decoder capabilities"); + + create_reference_dec_op(op_params->ref_dec_op); + } else if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) + create_reference_enc_op(op_params->ref_enc_op); + + for (i = 0; i < ad->nb_queues; ++i) { + f_ret = fill_queue_buffers(op_params, + ad->in_mbuf_pool, + ad->hard_out_mbuf_pool, + ad->soft_out_mbuf_pool, + ad->queue_ids[i], + capabilities, + info.drv.min_alignment, + socket_id); + if (f_ret != TEST_SUCCESS) { + printf("Couldn't init queue buffers"); + goto fail; + } + } + + /* Run test case function */ + t_ret = test_case_func(ad, op_params); + + /* Free active device resources and return */ + free_buffers(ad, op_params); + return t_ret; + +fail: + free_buffers(ad, op_params); + return TEST_FAILED; +} + +/* Run given test function per active device per supported op type + * per burst size. + */ +static int +run_test_case(test_case_function *test_case_func) +{ + int ret = 0; + uint8_t dev; + + /* Alloc op_params */ + struct test_op_params *op_params = rte_zmalloc(NULL, + sizeof(struct test_op_params), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_params, "Failed to alloc %zuB for op_params", + RTE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct test_op_params), + RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE)); + + /* For each device run test case function */ + for (dev = 0; dev < nb_active_devs; ++dev) + ret |= run_test_case_on_device(test_case_func, dev, op_params); + + rte_free(op_params); + + return ret; +} + +static void +dequeue_event_callback(uint16_t dev_id, + enum rte_bbdev_event_type event, void *cb_arg, + void *ret_param) +{ + int ret; + uint16_t i; + uint64_t total_time; + uint16_t deq, burst_sz, num_to_process; + uint16_t queue_id = INVALID_QUEUE_ID; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *dec_ops[MAX_BURST]; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *enc_ops[MAX_BURST]; + struct test_buffers *bufs; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + + /* Input length in bytes, million operations per second, + * million bits per second. + */ + double in_len; + + struct thread_params *tp = cb_arg; + RTE_SET_USED(ret_param); + queue_id = tp->queue_id; + + /* Find matching thread params using queue_id */ + for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES; ++i, ++tp) + if (tp->queue_id == queue_id) + break; + + if (i == MAX_QUEUES) { + printf("%s: Queue_id from interrupt details was not found!\n", + __func__); + return; + } + + if (unlikely(event != RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE)) { + rte_atomic16_set(&tp->processing_status, TEST_FAILED); + printf( + "Dequeue interrupt handler called for incorrect event!\n"); + return; + } + + burst_sz = tp->op_params->burst_sz; + num_to_process = tp->op_params->num_to_process; + + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + deq = rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, dec_ops, + burst_sz); + else + deq = rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, enc_ops, + burst_sz); + + if (deq < burst_sz) { + printf( + "After receiving the interrupt all operations should be dequeued. Expected: %u, got: %u\n", + burst_sz, deq); + rte_atomic16_set(&tp->processing_status, TEST_FAILED); + return; + } + + if (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->nb_dequeued) + deq < num_to_process) { + rte_atomic16_add(&tp->nb_dequeued, deq); + return; + } + + total_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - tp->start_time; + + rte_bbdev_info_get(dev_id, &info); + + bufs = &tp->op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + ret = TEST_SUCCESS; + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + ret = validate_dec_buffers(tp->op_params->ref_dec_op, bufs, + num_to_process); + else if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) + ret = validate_enc_buffers(bufs, num_to_process); + + if (ret) { + printf("Buffers validation failed\n"); + rte_atomic16_set(&tp->processing_status, TEST_FAILED); + } + + switch (test_vector.op_type) { + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC: + in_len = tp->op_params->ref_dec_op->turbo_dec.input.length; + break; + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC: + in_len = tp->op_params->ref_enc_op->turbo_enc.input.length; + break; + case RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE: + in_len = 0.0; + break; + default: + printf("Unknown op type: %d\n", test_vector.op_type); + rte_atomic16_set(&tp->processing_status, TEST_FAILED); + return; + } + + tp->mops = ((double)num_to_process / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + tp->mbps = ((double)num_to_process * in_len * 8 / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + rte_atomic16_add(&tp->nb_dequeued, deq); +} + +static int +throughput_intr_lcore_dec(void *arg) +{ + struct thread_params *tp = arg; + unsigned int enqueued; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ops[MAX_BURST]; + const uint16_t queue_id = tp->queue_id; + const uint16_t burst_sz = tp->op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = tp->op_params->num_to_process; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + unsigned int allocs_failed = 0; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + int ret; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_intr_enable(tp->dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to enable interrupts for dev: %u, queue_id: %u", + tp->dev_id, queue_id); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(tp->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &tp->op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + rte_atomic16_clear(&tp->processing_status); + rte_atomic16_clear(&tp->nb_dequeued); + + while (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->op_params->sync) == SYNC_WAIT) + rte_pause(); + + tp->start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + for (enqueued = 0; enqueued < num_to_process;) { + + uint16_t num_to_enq = burst_sz; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - enqueued < num_to_enq)) + num_to_enq = num_to_process - enqueued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(tp->op_params->mp, ops, + num_to_enq); + if (ret != 0) { + allocs_failed++; + continue; + } + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_dec_op(ops, num_to_enq, enqueued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + bufs->soft_outputs, + tp->op_params->ref_dec_op); + + enqueued += rte_bbdev_enqueue_dec_ops(tp->dev_id, queue_id, ops, + num_to_enq); + + rte_bbdev_dec_op_free_bulk(ops, num_to_enq); + } + + if (allocs_failed > 0) + printf("WARNING: op allocations failed: %u times\n", + allocs_failed); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +throughput_intr_lcore_enc(void *arg) +{ + struct thread_params *tp = arg; + unsigned int enqueued; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops[MAX_BURST]; + const uint16_t queue_id = tp->queue_id; + const uint16_t burst_sz = tp->op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = tp->op_params->num_to_process; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + unsigned int allocs_failed = 0; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + int ret; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_bbdev_queue_intr_enable(tp->dev_id, queue_id), + "Failed to enable interrupts for dev: %u, queue_id: %u", + tp->dev_id, queue_id); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(tp->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &tp->op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + rte_atomic16_clear(&tp->processing_status); + rte_atomic16_clear(&tp->nb_dequeued); + + while (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->op_params->sync) == SYNC_WAIT) + rte_pause(); + + tp->start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + for (enqueued = 0; enqueued < num_to_process;) { + + uint16_t num_to_enq = burst_sz; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - enqueued < num_to_enq)) + num_to_enq = num_to_process - enqueued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(tp->op_params->mp, ops, + num_to_enq); + if (ret != 0) { + allocs_failed++; + continue; + } + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_enc_op(ops, num_to_enq, enqueued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + tp->op_params->ref_enc_op); + + enqueued += rte_bbdev_enqueue_enc_ops(tp->dev_id, queue_id, ops, + num_to_enq); + + rte_bbdev_enc_op_free_bulk(ops, num_to_enq); + } + + if (allocs_failed > 0) + printf("WARNING: op allocations failed: %u times\n", + allocs_failed); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +throughput_pmd_lcore_dec(void *arg) +{ + struct thread_params *tp = arg; + unsigned int enqueued, dequeued; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t total_time, start_time; + const uint16_t queue_id = tp->queue_id; + const uint16_t burst_sz = tp->op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = tp->op_params->num_to_process; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op = tp->op_params->ref_dec_op; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + unsigned int allocs_failed = 0; + int ret; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + + /* Input length in bytes, million operations per second, million bits + * per second. + */ + double in_len; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(tp->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &tp->op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + while (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->op_params->sync) == SYNC_WAIT) + rte_pause(); + + start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + for (enqueued = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process;) { + uint16_t deq; + + if (likely(enqueued < num_to_process)) { + + uint16_t num_to_enq = burst_sz; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - enqueued < num_to_enq)) + num_to_enq = num_to_process - enqueued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(tp->op_params->mp, + ops_enq, num_to_enq); + if (ret != 0) { + allocs_failed++; + goto do_dequeue; + } + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_dec_op(ops_enq, num_to_enq, + enqueued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + bufs->soft_outputs, + ref_op); + + enqueued += rte_bbdev_enqueue_dec_ops(tp->dev_id, + queue_id, ops_enq, num_to_enq); + } +do_dequeue: + deq = rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(tp->dev_id, queue_id, ops_deq, + burst_sz); + dequeued += deq; + rte_bbdev_dec_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + } + total_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - start_time; + + if (allocs_failed > 0) + printf("WARNING: op allocations failed: %u times\n", + allocs_failed); + + TEST_ASSERT(enqueued == dequeued, "enqueued (%u) != dequeued (%u)", + enqueued, dequeued); + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + ret = validate_dec_buffers(ref_op, bufs, num_to_process); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Buffers validation failed"); + } + + in_len = ref_op->turbo_dec.input.length; + tp->mops = ((double)num_to_process / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + tp->mbps = ((double)num_to_process * in_len * 8 / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +static int +throughput_pmd_lcore_enc(void *arg) +{ + struct thread_params *tp = arg; + unsigned int enqueued, dequeued; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t total_time, start_time; + const uint16_t queue_id = tp->queue_id; + const uint16_t burst_sz = tp->op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = tp->op_params->num_to_process; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_op = tp->op_params->ref_enc_op; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + unsigned int allocs_failed = 0; + int ret; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + + /* Input length in bytes, million operations per second, million bits + * per second. + */ + double in_len; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(tp->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &tp->op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + while (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->op_params->sync) == SYNC_WAIT) + rte_pause(); + + start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + for (enqueued = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process;) { + uint16_t deq; + + if (likely(enqueued < num_to_process)) { + + uint16_t num_to_enq = burst_sz; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - enqueued < num_to_enq)) + num_to_enq = num_to_process - enqueued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(tp->op_params->mp, + ops_enq, num_to_enq); + if (ret != 0) { + allocs_failed++; + goto do_dequeue; + } + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_enc_op(ops_enq, num_to_enq, + enqueued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + ref_op); + + enqueued += rte_bbdev_enqueue_enc_ops(tp->dev_id, + queue_id, ops_enq, num_to_enq); + } +do_dequeue: + deq = rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(tp->dev_id, queue_id, ops_deq, + burst_sz); + dequeued += deq; + rte_bbdev_enc_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + } + total_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - start_time; + + if (allocs_failed > 0) + printf("WARNING: op allocations failed: %u times\n", + allocs_failed); + + TEST_ASSERT(enqueued == dequeued, "enqueued (%u) != dequeued (%u)", + enqueued, dequeued); + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + ret = validate_enc_buffers(bufs, num_to_process); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Buffers validation failed"); + } + + in_len = ref_op->turbo_enc.input.length; + + tp->mops = ((double)num_to_process / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + tp->mbps = ((double)num_to_process * in_len * 8 / 1000000.0) / + ((double)total_time / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} +static void +print_throughput(struct thread_params *t_params, unsigned int used_cores) +{ + unsigned int lcore_id, iter = 0; + double total_mops = 0, total_mbps = 0; + + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(lcore_id) { + if (iter++ >= used_cores) + break; + printf("\tlcore_id: %u, throughput: %.8lg MOPS, %.8lg Mbps\n", + lcore_id, t_params[lcore_id].mops, t_params[lcore_id].mbps); + total_mops += t_params[lcore_id].mops; + total_mbps += t_params[lcore_id].mbps; + } + printf( + "\n\tTotal stats for %u cores: throughput: %.8lg MOPS, %.8lg Mbps\n", + used_cores, total_mops, total_mbps); +} + +/* + * Test function that determines how long an enqueue + dequeue of a burst + * takes on available lcores. + */ +static int +throughput_test(struct active_device *ad, + struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ + int ret; + unsigned int lcore_id, used_cores = 0; + struct thread_params t_params[MAX_QUEUES]; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + lcore_function_t *throughput_function; + struct thread_params *tp; + uint16_t num_lcores; + const char *op_type_str; + + rte_bbdev_info_get(ad->dev_id, &info); + + op_type_str = rte_bbdev_op_type_str(test_vector.op_type); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_type_str, "Invalid op type: %u", + test_vector.op_type); + + printf( + "Throughput test: dev: %s, nb_queues: %u, burst size: %u, num ops: %u, num_lcores: %u, op type: %s, int mode: %s, GHz: %lg\n", + info.dev_name, ad->nb_queues, op_params->burst_sz, + op_params->num_to_process, op_params->num_lcores, + op_type_str, + intr_enabled ? "Interrupt mode" : "PMD mode", + (double)rte_get_tsc_hz() / 1000000000.0); + + /* Set number of lcores */ + num_lcores = (ad->nb_queues < (op_params->num_lcores)) + ? ad->nb_queues + : op_params->num_lcores; + + if (intr_enabled) { + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + throughput_function = throughput_intr_lcore_dec; + else + throughput_function = throughput_intr_lcore_enc; + + /* Dequeue interrupt callback registration */ + ret = rte_bbdev_callback_register(ad->dev_id, + RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE, dequeue_event_callback, + &t_params); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + } else { + if (test_vector.op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + throughput_function = throughput_pmd_lcore_dec; + else + throughput_function = throughput_pmd_lcore_enc; + } + + rte_atomic16_set(&op_params->sync, SYNC_WAIT); + + t_params[rte_lcore_id()].dev_id = ad->dev_id; + t_params[rte_lcore_id()].op_params = op_params; + t_params[rte_lcore_id()].queue_id = + ad->queue_ids[used_cores++]; + + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + if (used_cores >= num_lcores) + break; + + t_params[lcore_id].dev_id = ad->dev_id; + t_params[lcore_id].op_params = op_params; + t_params[lcore_id].queue_id = ad->queue_ids[used_cores++]; + + rte_eal_remote_launch(throughput_function, &t_params[lcore_id], + lcore_id); + } + + rte_atomic16_set(&op_params->sync, SYNC_START); + ret = throughput_function(&t_params[rte_lcore_id()]); + + /* Master core is always used */ + used_cores = 1; + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + if (used_cores++ >= num_lcores) + break; + + ret |= rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id); + } + + /* Return if test failed */ + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* Print throughput if interrupts are disabled and test passed */ + if (!intr_enabled) { + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + print_throughput(t_params, num_lcores); + return ret; + } + + /* In interrupt TC we need to wait for the interrupt callback to deqeue + * all pending operations. Skip waiting for queues which reported an + * error using processing_status variable. + * Wait for master lcore operations. + */ + tp = &t_params[rte_lcore_id()]; + while ((rte_atomic16_read(&tp->nb_dequeued) < + op_params->num_to_process) && + (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->processing_status) != + TEST_FAILED)) + rte_pause(); + + ret |= rte_atomic16_read(&tp->processing_status); + + /* Wait for slave lcores operations */ + used_cores = 1; + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + tp = &t_params[lcore_id]; + if (used_cores++ >= num_lcores) + break; + + while ((rte_atomic16_read(&tp->nb_dequeued) < + op_params->num_to_process) && + (rte_atomic16_read(&tp->processing_status) != + TEST_FAILED)) + rte_pause(); + + ret |= rte_atomic16_read(&tp->processing_status); + } + + /* Print throughput if test passed */ + if (!ret && test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + print_throughput(t_params, num_lcores); + + return ret; +} + +static int +latency_test_dec(struct rte_mempool *mempool, + struct test_buffers *bufs, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op, + int vector_mask, uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, + const uint16_t num_to_process, uint16_t burst_sz, + uint64_t *total_time, uint64_t *min_time, uint64_t *max_time) +{ + int ret = TEST_SUCCESS; + uint16_t i, j, dequeued; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t start_time = 0, last_time = 0; + + for (i = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process; ++i) { + uint16_t enq = 0, deq = 0; + bool first_time = true; + last_time = 0; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - dequeued < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - dequeued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(mempool, ops_enq, burst_sz); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk() failed"); + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_dec_op(ops_enq, burst_sz, dequeued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + bufs->soft_outputs, + ref_op); + + /* Set counter to validate the ordering */ + for (j = 0; j < burst_sz; ++j) + ops_enq[j]->opaque_data = (void *)(uintptr_t)j; + + start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + enq = rte_bbdev_enqueue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, &ops_enq[enq], + burst_sz); + TEST_ASSERT(enq == burst_sz, + "Error enqueueing burst, expected %u, got %u", + burst_sz, enq); + + /* Dequeue */ + do { + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], burst_sz - deq); + if (likely(first_time && (deq > 0))) { + last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - start_time; + first_time = false; + } + } while (unlikely(burst_sz != deq)); + + *max_time = RTE_MAX(*max_time, last_time); + *min_time = RTE_MIN(*min_time, last_time); + *total_time += last_time; + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + ret = validate_dec_op(ops_deq, burst_sz, ref_op, + vector_mask); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Validation failed!"); + } + + rte_bbdev_dec_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + dequeued += deq; + } + + return i; +} + +static int +latency_test_enc(struct rte_mempool *mempool, + struct test_buffers *bufs, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_op, + uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, + const uint16_t num_to_process, uint16_t burst_sz, + uint64_t *total_time, uint64_t *min_time, uint64_t *max_time) +{ + int ret = TEST_SUCCESS; + uint16_t i, j, dequeued; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t start_time = 0, last_time = 0; + + for (i = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process; ++i) { + uint16_t enq = 0, deq = 0; + bool first_time = true; + last_time = 0; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - dequeued < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - dequeued; + + ret = rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mempool, ops_enq, burst_sz); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk() failed"); + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_enc_op(ops_enq, burst_sz, dequeued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + ref_op); + + /* Set counter to validate the ordering */ + for (j = 0; j < burst_sz; ++j) + ops_enq[j]->opaque_data = (void *)(uintptr_t)j; + + start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + enq = rte_bbdev_enqueue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, &ops_enq[enq], + burst_sz); + TEST_ASSERT(enq == burst_sz, + "Error enqueueing burst, expected %u, got %u", + burst_sz, enq); + + /* Dequeue */ + do { + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], burst_sz - deq); + if (likely(first_time && (deq > 0))) { + last_time += rte_rdtsc_precise() - start_time; + first_time = false; + } + } while (unlikely(burst_sz != deq)); + + *max_time = RTE_MAX(*max_time, last_time); + *min_time = RTE_MIN(*min_time, last_time); + *total_time += last_time; + + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + ret = validate_enc_op(ops_deq, burst_sz, ref_op); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Validation failed!"); + } + + rte_bbdev_enc_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + dequeued += deq; + } + + return i; +} + +static int +latency_test(struct active_device *ad, + struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ + int iter; + uint16_t burst_sz = op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = op_params->num_to_process; + const enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = test_vector.op_type; + const uint16_t queue_id = ad->queue_ids[0]; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + uint64_t total_time, min_time, max_time; + const char *op_type_str; + + total_time = max_time = 0; + min_time = UINT64_MAX; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(ad->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + op_type_str = rte_bbdev_op_type_str(op_type); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_type_str, "Invalid op type: %u", op_type); + + printf( + "Validation/Latency test: dev: %s, burst size: %u, num ops: %u, op type: %s\n", + info.dev_name, burst_sz, num_to_process, op_type_str); + + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + iter = latency_test_dec(op_params->mp, bufs, + op_params->ref_dec_op, op_params->vector_mask, + ad->dev_id, queue_id, num_to_process, + burst_sz, &total_time, &min_time, &max_time); + else + iter = latency_test_enc(op_params->mp, bufs, + op_params->ref_enc_op, ad->dev_id, queue_id, + num_to_process, burst_sz, &total_time, + &min_time, &max_time); + + if (iter <= 0) + return TEST_FAILED; + + printf("\toperation latency:\n" + "\t\tavg latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmin latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmax latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n", + (double)total_time / (double)iter, + (double)(total_time * 1000000) / (double)iter / + (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)min_time, + (double)(min_time * 1000000) / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), + (double)max_time, (double)(max_time * 1000000) / + (double)rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +} + +#ifdef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST +static int +get_bbdev_queue_stats(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, + struct rte_bbdev_stats *stats) +{ + struct rte_bbdev *dev = &rte_bbdev_devices[dev_id]; + struct rte_bbdev_stats *q_stats; + + if (queue_id >= dev->data->num_queues) + return -1; + + q_stats = &dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats; + + stats->enqueued_count = q_stats->enqueued_count; + stats->dequeued_count = q_stats->dequeued_count; + stats->enqueue_err_count = q_stats->enqueue_err_count; + stats->dequeue_err_count = q_stats->dequeue_err_count; + stats->offload_time = q_stats->offload_time; + + return 0; +} + +static int +offload_latency_test_dec(struct rte_mempool *mempool, struct test_buffers *bufs, + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ref_op, uint16_t dev_id, + uint16_t queue_id, const uint16_t num_to_process, + uint16_t burst_sz, struct test_time_stats *time_st) +{ + int i, dequeued, ret; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t enq_start_time, deq_start_time; + uint64_t enq_sw_last_time, deq_last_time; + struct rte_bbdev_stats stats; + + for (i = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process; ++i) { + uint16_t enq = 0, deq = 0; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - dequeued < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - dequeued; + + rte_bbdev_dec_op_alloc_bulk(mempool, ops_enq, burst_sz); + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_dec_op(ops_enq, burst_sz, dequeued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + bufs->soft_outputs, + ref_op); + + /* Start time meas for enqueue function offload latency */ + enq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + do { + enq += rte_bbdev_enqueue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_enq[enq], burst_sz - enq); + } while (unlikely(burst_sz != enq)); + + ret = get_bbdev_queue_stats(dev_id, queue_id, &stats); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Failed to get stats for queue (%u) of device (%u)", + queue_id, dev_id); + + enq_sw_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - enq_start_time - + stats.offload_time; + time_st->enq_sw_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->enq_sw_max_time, + enq_sw_last_time); + time_st->enq_sw_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->enq_sw_min_time, + enq_sw_last_time); + time_st->enq_sw_tot_time += enq_sw_last_time; + + time_st->enq_tur_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->enq_tur_max_time, + stats.offload_time); + time_st->enq_tur_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->enq_tur_min_time, + stats.offload_time); + time_st->enq_tur_tot_time += stats.offload_time; + + /* ensure enqueue has been completed */ + rte_delay_ms(10); + + /* Start time meas for dequeue function offload latency */ + deq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + /* Dequeue one operation */ + do { + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], 1); + } while (unlikely(deq != 1)); + + deq_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - deq_start_time; + time_st->deq_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->deq_max_time, + deq_last_time); + time_st->deq_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->deq_min_time, + deq_last_time); + time_st->deq_tot_time += deq_last_time; + + /* Dequeue remaining operations if needed*/ + while (burst_sz != deq) + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], burst_sz - deq); + + rte_bbdev_dec_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + dequeued += deq; + } + + return i; +} + +static int +offload_latency_test_enc(struct rte_mempool *mempool, struct test_buffers *bufs, + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ref_op, uint16_t dev_id, + uint16_t queue_id, const uint16_t num_to_process, + uint16_t burst_sz, struct test_time_stats *time_st) +{ + int i, dequeued, ret; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops_enq[MAX_BURST], *ops_deq[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t enq_start_time, deq_start_time; + uint64_t enq_sw_last_time, deq_last_time; + struct rte_bbdev_stats stats; + + for (i = 0, dequeued = 0; dequeued < num_to_process; ++i) { + uint16_t enq = 0, deq = 0; + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - dequeued < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - dequeued; + + rte_bbdev_enc_op_alloc_bulk(mempool, ops_enq, burst_sz); + if (test_vector.op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) + copy_reference_enc_op(ops_enq, burst_sz, dequeued, + bufs->inputs, + bufs->hard_outputs, + ref_op); + + /* Start time meas for enqueue function offload latency */ + enq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + do { + enq += rte_bbdev_enqueue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_enq[enq], burst_sz - enq); + } while (unlikely(burst_sz != enq)); + + ret = get_bbdev_queue_stats(dev_id, queue_id, &stats); + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, + "Failed to get stats for queue (%u) of device (%u)", + queue_id, dev_id); + + enq_sw_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - enq_start_time - + stats.offload_time; + time_st->enq_sw_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->enq_sw_max_time, + enq_sw_last_time); + time_st->enq_sw_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->enq_sw_min_time, + enq_sw_last_time); + time_st->enq_sw_tot_time += enq_sw_last_time; + + time_st->enq_tur_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->enq_tur_max_time, + stats.offload_time); + time_st->enq_tur_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->enq_tur_min_time, + stats.offload_time); + time_st->enq_tur_tot_time += stats.offload_time; + + /* ensure enqueue has been completed */ + rte_delay_ms(10); + + /* Start time meas for dequeue function offload latency */ + deq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + /* Dequeue one operation */ + do { + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], 1); + } while (unlikely(deq != 1)); + + deq_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - deq_start_time; + time_st->deq_max_time = RTE_MAX(time_st->deq_max_time, + deq_last_time); + time_st->deq_min_time = RTE_MIN(time_st->deq_min_time, + deq_last_time); + time_st->deq_tot_time += deq_last_time; + + while (burst_sz != deq) + deq += rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, + &ops_deq[deq], burst_sz - deq); + + rte_bbdev_enc_op_free_bulk(ops_enq, deq); + dequeued += deq; + } + + return i; +} +#endif + +static int +offload_cost_test(struct active_device *ad, + struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ +#ifndef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST + RTE_SET_USED(ad); + RTE_SET_USED(op_params); + printf("Offload latency test is disabled.\n"); + printf("Set RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST to 'y' to turn the test on.\n"); + return TEST_SKIPPED; +#else + int iter; + uint16_t burst_sz = op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = op_params->num_to_process; + const enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = test_vector.op_type; + const uint16_t queue_id = ad->queue_ids[0]; + struct test_buffers *bufs = NULL; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + const char *op_type_str; + struct test_time_stats time_st; + + memset(&time_st, 0, sizeof(struct test_time_stats)); + time_st.enq_sw_min_time = UINT64_MAX; + time_st.enq_tur_min_time = UINT64_MAX; + time_st.deq_min_time = UINT64_MAX; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(ad->dev_id, &info); + bufs = &op_params->q_bufs[GET_SOCKET(info.socket_id)][queue_id]; + + op_type_str = rte_bbdev_op_type_str(op_type); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_type_str, "Invalid op type: %u", op_type); + + printf( + "Offload latency test: dev: %s, burst size: %u, num ops: %u, op type: %s\n", + info.dev_name, burst_sz, num_to_process, op_type_str); + + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + iter = offload_latency_test_dec(op_params->mp, bufs, + op_params->ref_dec_op, ad->dev_id, queue_id, + num_to_process, burst_sz, &time_st); + else + iter = offload_latency_test_enc(op_params->mp, bufs, + op_params->ref_enc_op, ad->dev_id, queue_id, + num_to_process, burst_sz, &time_st); + + if (iter <= 0) + return TEST_FAILED; + + printf("\tenq offload cost latency:\n" + "\t\tsoftware avg %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tsoftware min %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tsoftware max %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tturbo avg %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tturbo min %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tturbo max %lg cycles, %lg us\n", + (double)time_st.enq_sw_tot_time / (double)iter, + (double)(time_st.enq_sw_tot_time * 1000000) / + (double)iter / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), + (double)time_st.enq_sw_min_time, + (double)(time_st.enq_sw_min_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)time_st.enq_sw_max_time, + (double)(time_st.enq_sw_max_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)time_st.enq_tur_tot_time / + (double)iter, + (double)(time_st.enq_tur_tot_time * 1000000) / + (double)iter / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), + (double)time_st.enq_tur_min_time, + (double)(time_st.enq_tur_min_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)time_st.enq_tur_max_time, + (double)(time_st.enq_tur_max_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + printf("\tdeq offload cost latency - one op:\n" + "\t\tavg %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmin %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmax %lg cycles, %lg us\n", + (double)time_st.deq_tot_time / (double)iter, + (double)(time_st.deq_tot_time * 1000000) / + (double)iter / (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), + (double)time_st.deq_min_time, + (double)(time_st.deq_min_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)time_st.deq_max_time, + (double)(time_st.deq_max_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +#endif +} + +#ifdef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST +static int +offload_latency_empty_q_test_dec(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, + const uint16_t num_to_process, uint16_t burst_sz, + uint64_t *deq_tot_time, uint64_t *deq_min_time, + uint64_t *deq_max_time) +{ + int i, deq_total; + struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *ops[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t deq_start_time, deq_last_time; + + /* Test deq offload latency from an empty queue */ + + for (i = 0, deq_total = 0; deq_total < num_to_process; + ++i, deq_total += burst_sz) { + deq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - deq_total < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - deq_total; + rte_bbdev_dequeue_dec_ops(dev_id, queue_id, ops, burst_sz); + + deq_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - deq_start_time; + *deq_max_time = RTE_MAX(*deq_max_time, deq_last_time); + *deq_min_time = RTE_MIN(*deq_min_time, deq_last_time); + *deq_tot_time += deq_last_time; + } + + return i; +} + +static int +offload_latency_empty_q_test_enc(uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, + const uint16_t num_to_process, uint16_t burst_sz, + uint64_t *deq_tot_time, uint64_t *deq_min_time, + uint64_t *deq_max_time) +{ + int i, deq_total; + struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *ops[MAX_BURST]; + uint64_t deq_start_time, deq_last_time; + + /* Test deq offload latency from an empty queue */ + for (i = 0, deq_total = 0; deq_total < num_to_process; + ++i, deq_total += burst_sz) { + deq_start_time = rte_rdtsc_precise(); + + if (unlikely(num_to_process - deq_total < burst_sz)) + burst_sz = num_to_process - deq_total; + rte_bbdev_dequeue_enc_ops(dev_id, queue_id, ops, burst_sz); + + deq_last_time = rte_rdtsc_precise() - deq_start_time; + *deq_max_time = RTE_MAX(*deq_max_time, deq_last_time); + *deq_min_time = RTE_MIN(*deq_min_time, deq_last_time); + *deq_tot_time += deq_last_time; + } + + return i; +} +#endif + +static int +offload_latency_empty_q_test(struct active_device *ad, + struct test_op_params *op_params) +{ +#ifndef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST + RTE_SET_USED(ad); + RTE_SET_USED(op_params); + printf("Offload latency empty dequeue test is disabled.\n"); + printf("Set RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST to 'y' to turn the test on.\n"); + return TEST_SKIPPED; +#else + int iter; + uint64_t deq_tot_time, deq_min_time, deq_max_time; + uint16_t burst_sz = op_params->burst_sz; + const uint16_t num_to_process = op_params->num_to_process; + const enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = test_vector.op_type; + const uint16_t queue_id = ad->queue_ids[0]; + struct rte_bbdev_info info; + const char *op_type_str; + + deq_tot_time = deq_max_time = 0; + deq_min_time = UINT64_MAX; + + TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS((burst_sz > MAX_BURST), + "BURST_SIZE should be <= %u", MAX_BURST); + + rte_bbdev_info_get(ad->dev_id, &info); + + op_type_str = rte_bbdev_op_type_str(op_type); + TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(op_type_str, "Invalid op type: %u", op_type); + + printf( + "Offload latency empty dequeue test: dev: %s, burst size: %u, num ops: %u, op type: %s\n", + info.dev_name, burst_sz, num_to_process, op_type_str); + + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + iter = offload_latency_empty_q_test_dec(ad->dev_id, queue_id, + num_to_process, burst_sz, &deq_tot_time, + &deq_min_time, &deq_max_time); + else + iter = offload_latency_empty_q_test_enc(ad->dev_id, queue_id, + num_to_process, burst_sz, &deq_tot_time, + &deq_min_time, &deq_max_time); + + if (iter <= 0) + return TEST_FAILED; + + printf("\tempty deq offload\n" + "\t\tavg. latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmin. latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n" + "\t\tmax. latency: %lg cycles, %lg us\n", + (double)deq_tot_time / (double)iter, + (double)(deq_tot_time * 1000000) / (double)iter / + (double)rte_get_tsc_hz(), (double)deq_min_time, + (double)(deq_min_time * 1000000) / rte_get_tsc_hz(), + (double)deq_max_time, (double)(deq_max_time * 1000000) / + rte_get_tsc_hz()); + + return TEST_SUCCESS; +#endif +} + +static int +throughput_tc(void) +{ + return run_test_case(throughput_test); +} + +static int +offload_cost_tc(void) +{ + return run_test_case(offload_cost_test); +} + +static int +offload_latency_empty_q_tc(void) +{ + return run_test_case(offload_latency_empty_q_test); +} + +static int +latency_tc(void) +{ + return run_test_case(latency_test); +} + +static int +interrupt_tc(void) +{ + return run_test_case(throughput_test); +} + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_throughput_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBdev Throughput Tests", + .setup = testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, throughput_tc), + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_validation_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBdev Validation Tests", + .setup = testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, latency_tc), + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_latency_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBdev Latency Tests", + .setup = testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, latency_tc), + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_offload_cost_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBdev Offload Cost Tests", + .setup = testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, offload_cost_tc), + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, offload_latency_empty_q_tc), + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +static struct unit_test_suite bbdev_interrupt_testsuite = { + .suite_name = "BBdev Interrupt Tests", + .setup = interrupt_testsuite_setup, + .teardown = testsuite_teardown, + .unit_test_cases = { + TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown, interrupt_tc), + TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */ + } +}; + +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(throughput, bbdev_throughput_testsuite); +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(validation, bbdev_validation_testsuite); +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(latency, bbdev_latency_testsuite); +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(offload, bbdev_offload_cost_testsuite); +REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(interrupt, bbdev_interrupt_testsuite); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.c b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81b8ee78 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.c @@ -0,0 +1,939 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#ifdef RTE_EXEC_ENV_BSDAPP + #define _WITH_GETLINE +#endif +#include +#include +#include + +#include "test_bbdev_vector.h" + +#define VALUE_DELIMITER "," +#define ENTRY_DELIMITER "=" + +const char *op_data_prefixes[] = { + "input", + "soft_output", + "hard_output", +}; + +/* trim leading and trailing spaces */ +static void +trim_space(char *str) +{ + char *start, *end; + + for (start = str; *start; start++) { + if (!isspace((unsigned char) start[0])) + break; + } + + for (end = start + strlen(start); end > start + 1; end--) { + if (!isspace((unsigned char) end[-1])) + break; + } + + *end = 0; + + /* Shift from "start" to the beginning of the string */ + if (start > str) + memmove(str, start, (end - start) + 1); +} + +static bool +starts_with(const char *str, const char *pre) +{ + return strncmp(pre, str, strlen(pre)) == 0; +} + +/* tokenization test values separated by a comma */ +static int +parse_values(char *tokens, uint32_t **data, uint32_t *data_length) +{ + uint32_t n_tokens = 0; + uint32_t data_size = 32; + + uint32_t *values, *values_resized; + char *tok, *error = NULL; + + tok = strtok(tokens, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + return -1; + + values = (uint32_t *) + rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(uint32_t) * data_size, 0); + if (values == NULL) + return -1; + + while (tok != NULL) { + values_resized = NULL; + + if (n_tokens >= data_size) { + data_size *= 2; + + values_resized = (uint32_t *) rte_realloc(values, + sizeof(uint32_t) * data_size, 0); + if (values_resized == NULL) { + rte_free(values); + return -1; + } + values = values_resized; + } + + values[n_tokens] = (uint32_t) strtoul(tok, &error, 0); + if ((error == NULL) || (*error != '\0')) { + printf("Failed with convert '%s'\n", tok); + rte_free(values); + return -1; + } + + *data_length = *data_length + (strlen(tok) - strlen("0x"))/2; + + tok = strtok(NULL, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + break; + + n_tokens++; + } + + values_resized = (uint32_t *) rte_realloc(values, + sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_tokens + 1), 0); + + if (values_resized == NULL) { + rte_free(values); + return -1; + } + + *data = values_resized; + + return 0; +} + +/* convert turbo decoder flag from string to unsigned long int*/ +static int +op_decoder_flag_strtoul(char *token, uint32_t *op_flag_value) +{ + if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUT_SATURATE")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUT_SATURATE; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_HALF_ITERATION_EVEN")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_HALF_ITERATION_EVEN; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CONTINUE_CRC_MATCH")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CONTINUE_CRC_MATCH; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EARLY_TERMINATION")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EARLY_TERMINATION; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_IN")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_IN; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAP_DEC")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAP_DEC; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP; + else { + printf("The given value is not a turbo decoder flag\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* convert turbo encoder flag from string to unsigned long int*/ +static int +op_encoder_flag_strtoul(char *token, uint32_t *op_flag_value) +{ + if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RV_INDEX_BYPASS")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RV_INDEX_BYPASS; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24A_ATTACH")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24A_ATTACH; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_SCATTER_GATHER")) + *op_flag_value = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_SCATTER_GATHER; + else { + printf("The given value is not a turbo encoder flag\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* tokenization turbo decoder/encoder flags values separated by a comma */ +static int +parse_turbo_flags(char *tokens, uint32_t *op_flags, + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type) +{ + char *tok = NULL; + uint32_t op_flag_value = 0; + + tok = strtok(tokens, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + return -1; + + while (tok != NULL) { + trim_space(tok); + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + if (op_decoder_flag_strtoul(tok, &op_flag_value) == -1) + return -1; + } else if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) { + if (op_encoder_flag_strtoul(tok, &op_flag_value) == -1) + return -1; + } else { + return -1; + } + + *op_flags = *op_flags | op_flag_value; + + tok = strtok(NULL, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* convert turbo encoder/decoder op_type from string to enum*/ +static int +op_turbo_type_strtol(char *token, enum rte_bbdev_op_type *op_type) +{ + trim_space(token); + if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC")) + *op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC")) + *op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC; + else if (!strcmp(token, "RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE")) + *op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE; + else { + printf("Not valid turbo op_type: '%s'\n", token); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* tokenization expected status values separated by a comma */ +static int +parse_expected_status(char *tokens, int *status, enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type) +{ + char *tok = NULL; + bool status_ok = false; + + tok = strtok(tokens, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + return -1; + + while (tok != NULL) { + trim_space(tok); + if (!strcmp(tok, "OK")) + status_ok = true; + else if (!strcmp(tok, "DMA")) + *status = *status | (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR); + else if (!strcmp(tok, "FCW")) + *status = *status | (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR); + else if (!strcmp(tok, "CRC")) { + if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) + *status = *status | (1 << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR); + else { + printf( + "CRC is only a valid value for turbo decoder\n"); + return -1; + } + } else { + printf("Not valid status: '%s'\n", tok); + return -1; + } + + tok = strtok(NULL, VALUE_DELIMITER); + if (tok == NULL) + break; + } + + if (status_ok && *status != 0) { + printf( + "Not valid status values. Cannot be OK and ERROR at the same time.\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* parse ops data entry (there can be more than 1 input entry, each will be + * contained in a separate op_data_buf struct) + */ +static int +parse_data_entry(const char *key_token, char *token, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector, enum op_data_type type, + const char *prefix) +{ + int ret; + uint32_t data_length = 0; + uint32_t *data = NULL; + unsigned int id; + struct op_data_buf *op_data; + unsigned int *nb_ops; + + if (type >= DATA_NUM_TYPES) { + printf("Unknown op type: %d!\n", type); + return -1; + } + + op_data = vector->entries[type].segments; + nb_ops = &vector->entries[type].nb_segments; + + if (*nb_ops >= RTE_BBDEV_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS) { + printf("Too many segments (code blocks defined): %u, max %d!\n", + *nb_ops, RTE_BBDEV_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS); + return -1; + } + + if (sscanf(key_token + strlen(prefix), "%u", &id) != 1) { + printf("Missing ID of %s\n", prefix); + return -1; + } + if (id != *nb_ops) { + printf( + "Please order data entries sequentially, i.e. %s0, %s1, ...\n", + prefix, prefix); + return -1; + } + + /* Clear new op data struct */ + memset(op_data + *nb_ops, 0, sizeof(struct op_data_buf)); + + ret = parse_values(token, &data, &data_length); + if (!ret) { + op_data[*nb_ops].addr = data; + op_data[*nb_ops].length = data_length; + ++(*nb_ops); + } + + return ret; +} + +/* parses turbo decoder parameters and assigns to global variable */ +static int +parse_decoder_params(const char *key_token, char *token, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret = 0, status = 0; + uint32_t op_flags = 0; + char *err = NULL; + + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &vector->turbo_dec; + + /* compare keys */ + if (starts_with(key_token, op_data_prefixes[DATA_INPUT])) + ret = parse_data_entry(key_token, token, vector, + DATA_INPUT, op_data_prefixes[DATA_INPUT]); + + else if (starts_with(key_token, op_data_prefixes[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT])) + ret = parse_data_entry(key_token, token, vector, + DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT, + op_data_prefixes[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT]); + + else if (starts_with(key_token, op_data_prefixes[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT])) + ret = parse_data_entry(key_token, token, vector, + DATA_HARD_OUTPUT, + op_data_prefixes[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT]); + else if (!strcmp(key_token, "e")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_E; + turbo_dec->cb_params.e = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ea")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EA; + turbo_dec->tb_params.ea = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "eb")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EB; + turbo_dec->tb_params.eb = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K; + turbo_dec->cb_params.k = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k_pos")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_POS; + turbo_dec->tb_params.k_pos = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k_neg")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_NEG; + turbo_dec->tb_params.k_neg = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "c")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_C; + turbo_dec->tb_params.c = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "c_neg")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_C_NEG; + turbo_dec->tb_params.c_neg = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "cab")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_CAB; + turbo_dec->tb_params.cab = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "rv_index")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_RV_INDEX; + turbo_dec->rv_index = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "iter_max")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MAX; + turbo_dec->iter_max = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "iter_min")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MIN; + turbo_dec->iter_min = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "expected_iter_count")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_ITER_COUNT; + turbo_dec->iter_count = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ext_scale")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXT_SCALE; + turbo_dec->ext_scale = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "num_maps")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_NUM_MAPS; + turbo_dec->num_maps = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "code_block_mode")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_CODE_BLOCK_MODE; + turbo_dec->code_block_mode = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "op_flags")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_OP_FLAGS; + ret = parse_turbo_flags(token, &op_flags, + vector->op_type); + if (!ret) + turbo_dec->op_flags = op_flags; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "expected_status")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_STATUS; + ret = parse_expected_status(token, &status, vector->op_type); + if (!ret) + vector->expected_status = status; + } else { + printf("Not valid dec key: '%s'\n", key_token); + return -1; + } + + if (ret != 0) { + printf("Failed with convert '%s\t%s'\n", key_token, token); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* parses turbo encoder parameters and assigns to global variable */ +static int +parse_encoder_params(const char *key_token, char *token, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret = 0, status = 0; + uint32_t op_flags = 0; + char *err = NULL; + + + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_enc *turbo_enc = &vector->turbo_enc; + + if (starts_with(key_token, op_data_prefixes[DATA_INPUT])) + ret = parse_data_entry(key_token, token, vector, + DATA_INPUT, op_data_prefixes[DATA_INPUT]); + else if (starts_with(key_token, "output")) + ret = parse_data_entry(key_token, token, vector, + DATA_HARD_OUTPUT, "output"); + else if (!strcmp(key_token, "e")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_E; + turbo_enc->cb_params.e = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ea")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EA; + turbo_enc->tb_params.ea = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "eb")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EB; + turbo_enc->tb_params.eb = (uint32_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K; + turbo_enc->cb_params.k = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k_neg")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_NEG; + turbo_enc->tb_params.k_neg = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "k_pos")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_POS; + turbo_enc->tb_params.k_pos = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "c_neg")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_C_NEG; + turbo_enc->tb_params.c_neg = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "c")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_C; + turbo_enc->tb_params.c = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "cab")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_CAB; + turbo_enc->tb_params.cab = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "rv_index")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_RV_INDEX; + turbo_enc->rv_index = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ncb")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB; + turbo_enc->cb_params.ncb = (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ncb_neg")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_NEG; + turbo_enc->tb_params.ncb_neg = + (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "ncb_pos")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_POS; + turbo_enc->tb_params.ncb_pos = + (uint16_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "r")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_R; + turbo_enc->tb_params.r = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "code_block_mode")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_CODE_BLOCK_MODE; + turbo_enc->code_block_mode = (uint8_t) strtoul(token, &err, 0); + ret = ((err == NULL) || (*err != '\0')) ? -1 : 0; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "op_flags")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_OP_FLAGS; + ret = parse_turbo_flags(token, &op_flags, + vector->op_type); + if (!ret) + turbo_enc->op_flags = op_flags; + } else if (!strcmp(key_token, "expected_status")) { + vector->mask |= TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_STATUS; + ret = parse_expected_status(token, &status, vector->op_type); + if (!ret) + vector->expected_status = status; + } else { + printf("Not valid enc key: '%s'\n", key_token); + return -1; + } + + if (ret != 0) { + printf("Failed with convert '%s\t%s'\n", key_token, token); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* checks the type of key and assigns data */ +static int +parse_entry(char *entry, struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret = 0; + char *token, *key_token; + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE; + + if (entry == NULL) { + printf("Expected entry value\n"); + return -1; + } + + /* get key */ + token = strtok(entry, ENTRY_DELIMITER); + key_token = token; + /* get values for key */ + token = strtok(NULL, ENTRY_DELIMITER); + + if (key_token == NULL || token == NULL) { + printf("Expected 'key = values' but was '%.40s'..\n", entry); + return -1; + } + trim_space(key_token); + + /* first key_token has to specify type of operation */ + if (vector->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + if (!strcmp(key_token, "op_type")) { + ret = op_turbo_type_strtol(token, &op_type); + if (!ret) + vector->op_type = op_type; + return (!ret) ? 0 : -1; + } + printf("First key_token (%s) does not specify op_type\n", + key_token); + return -1; + } + + /* compare keys */ + if (vector->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + if (parse_decoder_params(key_token, token, vector) == -1) + return -1; + } else if (vector->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) { + if (parse_encoder_params(key_token, token, vector) == -1) + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +check_decoder_segments(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + unsigned char i; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &vector->turbo_dec; + + if (vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments == 0) + return -1; + + for (i = 0; i < vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments; i++) + if (vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].segments[i].addr == NULL) + return -1; + + if (vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].nb_segments == 0) + return -1; + + for (i = 0; i < vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].nb_segments; + i++) + if (vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].segments[i].addr == NULL) + return -1; + + if ((turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT) && + (vector->entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT].nb_segments == 0)) + return -1; + + for (i = 0; i < vector->entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT].nb_segments; + i++) + if (vector->entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT].segments[i].addr == NULL) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +static int +check_decoder_llr_spec(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &vector->turbo_dec; + + /* Check input LLR sign formalism specification */ + if ((turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_IN) && + (turbo_dec->op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN)) { + printf( + "Both positive and negative LLR input flags were set!\n"); + return -1; + } + if (!(turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_IN) && + !(turbo_dec->op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN)) { + printf( + "WARNING: input LLR sign formalism was not specified and will be set to negative LLR for '1' bit\n"); + turbo_dec->op_flags |= RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN; + } + + if (!(turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) + return 0; + + /* Check output LLR sign formalism specification */ + if ((turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT) && + (turbo_dec->op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT)) { + printf( + "Both positive and negative LLR output flags were set!\n"); + return -1; + } + if (!(turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT) && + !(turbo_dec->op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT)) { + printf( + "WARNING: soft output LLR sign formalism was not specified and will be set to negative LLR for '1' bit\n"); + turbo_dec->op_flags |= + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* checks decoder parameters */ +static int +check_decoder(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec *turbo_dec = &vector->turbo_dec; + const int mask = vector->mask; + + if (check_decoder_segments(vector) < 0) + return -1; + + if (check_decoder_llr_spec(vector) < 0) + return -1; + + /* Check which params were set */ + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_CODE_BLOCK_MODE)) { + printf( + "WARNING: code_block_mode was not specified in vector file and will be set to 1 (0 - TB Mode, 1 - CB mode)\n"); + turbo_dec->code_block_mode = 1; + } + if (turbo_dec->code_block_mode == 0) { + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EA)) + printf( + "WARNING: ea was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EB)) + printf( + "WARNING: eb was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_NEG)) + printf( + "WARNING: k_neg was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_POS)) + printf( + "WARNING: k_pos was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_C_NEG)) + printf( + "WARNING: c_neg was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_C)) { + printf( + "WARNING: c was not specified in vector file and will be set to 1\n"); + turbo_dec->tb_params.c = 1; + } + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_CAB)) + printf( + "WARNING: cab was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + } else { + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_E)) + printf( + "WARNING: e was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K)) + printf( + "WARNING: k was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + } + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_RV_INDEX)) + printf( + "WARNING: rv_index was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MIN)) + printf( + "WARNING: iter_min was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MAX)) + printf( + "WARNING: iter_max was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_ITER_COUNT)) + printf( + "WARNING: expected_iter_count was not specified in vector file and iter_count will not be validated\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXT_SCALE)) + printf( + "WARNING: ext_scale was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_OP_FLAGS)) { + printf( + "WARNING: op_flags was not specified in vector file and capabilities will not be validated\n"); + turbo_dec->num_maps = 0; + } else if (!(turbo_dec->op_flags & RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAP_DEC) && + mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_NUM_MAPS) { + printf( + "WARNING: RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAP_DEC was not set in vector file and num_maps will be set to 0\n"); + turbo_dec->num_maps = 0; + } + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_STATUS)) + printf( + "WARNING: expected_status was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + return 0; +} + +/* checks encoder parameters */ +static int +check_encoder(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + unsigned char i; + const int mask = vector->mask; + + if (vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments == 0) + return -1; + + for (i = 0; i < vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments; i++) + if (vector->entries[DATA_INPUT].segments[i].addr == NULL) + return -1; + + if (vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].nb_segments == 0) + return -1; + + for (i = 0; i < vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].nb_segments; i++) + if (vector->entries[DATA_HARD_OUTPUT].segments[i].addr == NULL) + return -1; + + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_CODE_BLOCK_MODE)) { + printf( + "WARNING: code_block_mode was not specified in vector file and will be set to 1\n"); + vector->turbo_enc.code_block_mode = 1; + } + if (vector->turbo_enc.code_block_mode == 0) { + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EA) && (vector->turbo_enc.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH)) + printf( + "WARNING: ea was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EB) && (vector->turbo_enc.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH)) + printf( + "WARNING: eb was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_NEG)) + printf( + "WARNING: k_neg was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_POS)) + printf( + "WARNING: k_pos was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_C_NEG)) + printf( + "WARNING: c_neg was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_C)) { + printf( + "WARNING: c was not specified in vector file and will be set to 1\n"); + vector->turbo_enc.tb_params.c = 1; + } + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_CAB) && (vector->turbo_enc.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH)) + printf( + "WARNING: cab was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_NEG)) + printf( + "WARNING: ncb_neg was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_POS)) + printf( + "WARNING: ncb_pos was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_R)) + printf( + "WARNING: r was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + } else { + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_E) && (vector->turbo_enc.op_flags & + RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH)) + printf( + "WARNING: e was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_K)) + printf( + "WARNING: k was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB)) + printf( + "WARNING: ncb was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + } + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_RV_INDEX)) + printf( + "WARNING: rv_index was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_OP_FLAGS)) + printf( + "WARNING: op_flags was not specified in vector file and capabilities will not be validated\n"); + if (!(mask & TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_STATUS)) + printf( + "WARNING: expected_status was not specified in vector file and will be set to 0\n"); + + return 0; +} + +static int +bbdev_check_vector(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + if (vector->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) { + if (check_decoder(vector) == -1) + return -1; + } else if (vector->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) { + if (check_encoder(vector) == -1) + return -1; + } else if (vector->op_type != RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE) { + printf("Vector was not filled\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int +test_bbdev_vector_read(const char *filename, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector) +{ + int ret = 0; + size_t len = 0; + + FILE *fp = NULL; + char *line = NULL; + char *entry = NULL; + + fp = fopen(filename, "r"); + if (fp == NULL) { + printf("File %s does not exist\n", filename); + return -1; + } + + while (getline(&line, &len, fp) != -1) { + + /* ignore comments and new lines */ + if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '/' || line[0] == '\n' + || line[0] == '\r') + continue; + + trim_space(line); + + /* buffer for multiline */ + entry = realloc(entry, strlen(line) + 1); + if (entry == NULL) { + printf("Fail to realloc %zu bytes\n", strlen(line) + 1); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto exit; + } + + strcpy(entry, line); + + /* check if entry ends with , or = */ + if (entry[strlen(entry) - 1] == ',' + || entry[strlen(entry) - 1] == '=') { + while (getline(&line, &len, fp) != -1) { + trim_space(line); + + /* extend entry about length of new line */ + char *entry_extended = realloc(entry, + strlen(line) + + strlen(entry) + 1); + + if (entry_extended == NULL) { + printf("Fail to allocate %zu bytes\n", + strlen(line) + + strlen(entry) + 1); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto exit; + } + + entry = entry_extended; + /* entry has been allocated accordingly */ + strcpy(&entry[strlen(entry)], line); + + if (entry[strlen(entry) - 1] != ',') + break; + } + } + ret = parse_entry(entry, vector); + if (ret != 0) { + printf("An error occurred while parsing!\n"); + goto exit; + } + } + ret = bbdev_check_vector(vector); + if (ret != 0) + printf("An error occurred while checking!\n"); + +exit: + fclose(fp); + free(line); + free(entry); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.h b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..476aae13 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_vector.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + */ + +#ifndef TEST_BBDEV_VECTOR_H_ +#define TEST_BBDEV_VECTOR_H_ + +#include + +/* Flags which are set when specific parameter is define in vector file */ +enum { + TEST_BBDEV_VF_E = (1ULL << 0), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_EA = (1ULL << 1), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_EB = (1ULL << 2), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_K = (1ULL << 3), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_NEG = (1ULL << 4), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_K_POS = (1ULL << 5), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_C_NEG = (1ULL << 6), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_C = (1ULL << 7), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_CAB = (1ULL << 8), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_RV_INDEX = (1ULL << 9), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MAX = (1ULL << 10), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_ITER_MIN = (1ULL << 11), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_ITER_COUNT = (1ULL << 12), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXT_SCALE = (1ULL << 13), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_NUM_MAPS = (1ULL << 14), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB = (1ULL << 15), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_NEG = (1ULL << 16), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_NCB_POS = (1ULL << 17), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_R = (1ULL << 18), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_CODE_BLOCK_MODE = (1ULL << 19), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_OP_FLAGS = (1ULL << 20), + TEST_BBDEV_VF_EXPECTED_STATUS = (1ULL << 21), +}; + +enum op_data_type { + DATA_INPUT = 0, + DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT, + DATA_HARD_OUTPUT, + DATA_NUM_TYPES, +}; + +struct op_data_buf { + uint32_t *addr; + uint32_t length; +}; + +struct op_data_entries { + struct op_data_buf segments[RTE_BBDEV_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS]; + unsigned int nb_segments; +}; + +struct test_bbdev_vector { + enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type; + int expected_status; + int mask; + union { + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_dec turbo_dec; + struct rte_bbdev_op_turbo_enc turbo_enc; + }; + /* Additional storage for op data entries */ + struct op_data_entries entries[DATA_NUM_TYPES]; +}; + +/* fills test vector parameters based on test file */ +int +test_bbdev_vector_read(const char *filename, + struct test_bbdev_vector *vector); + + +#endif /* TEST_BBDEV_VECTOR_H_ */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/bbdev_null.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/bbdev_null.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9a9abe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/bbdev_null.data @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k40_r0_e17280_sbd_negllr.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k40_r0_e17280_sbd_negllr.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d98210ff --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k40_r0_e17280_sbd_negllr.data @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x7f007f00, 0x7f817f00, 0x767f8100, 0x817f8100, 0x81008100, 0x7f818100, 0x81817f00, 0x7f818100, +0x86007f00, 0x7f818100, 0x887f8100, 0x81815200, 0x81008100, 0x817f7f00, 0x7f7f8100, 0x9e817f00, +0x7f7f0000, 0xb97f0000, 0xa7810000, 0x7f7f4a7f, 0x7f810000, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x81720000, 0x40658181, +0x84810000, 0x817f0000, 0x81810000, 0x7f818181, 0x7f810000, 0x81815a81, 0x817f0000, 0x7a867f7b, +0x817f0000, 0x6b7f0000, 0x7f810000, 0x81818181, 0x817f0000, 0x7f7f817f, 0x7f7f0000, 0xab7f4f7f, +0x817f0000, 0x817f6c00, 0x81810000, 0x817f8181, 0x7f810000, 0x81816981, 0x7f7f0000, 0x007f8181 + +hard_output0 = +0xa7d6732e, 0x61 + +soft_output0 = +0x7f7f7f7f, 0x81817f7f, 0x7f817f81, 0x817f7f81, 0x81817f81, 0x81817f81, 0x8181817f, 0x7f81817f, +0x7f81817f, 0x7f817f7f, 0x81817f7f, 0x817f8181, 0x81818181, 0x817f7f7f, 0x7f818181, 0x817f817f, +0x81818181, 0x81817f7f, 0x7f817f81, 0x7f81817f, 0x817f7f7f, 0x817f7f7f, 0x7f81817f, 0x817f817f, +0x81817f7f, 0x81817f7f, 0x81817f7f, 0x7f817f7f, 0x817f7f81, 0x7f7f8181, 0x81817f81, 0x817f7f7f, +0x7f7f8181 + +e = +17280 + +k = +40 + +rv_index = +1 + +iter_max = +8 + +iter_min = +4 + +expected_iter_count = +8 + +ext_scale = +15 + +num_maps = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE, +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_high_snr.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_high_snr.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3472c992 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_high_snr.data @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0xCE000000, 0x2F00F6D9, 0xCC1AF942, 0x22F8F4E1, 0xBED8FAFF, 0x43DC19B5, 0x35E91CC0, 0x5B070D30, +0xF9DACDFD, 0x170121DA, 0x012AEF53, 0x39E7D90E, 0xD5FBEFDD, 0xCCF0FDC8, 0xD62B0D54, 0xEAE601BE, +0xE5001328, 0x0CF00DC7, 0x3EE0E4B8, 0xC2D8EB00, 0xBE1EEBF7, 0xCDF5E7E4, 0x4FDFF4FA, 0xF402DA2A, +0xFEFEE32B, 0xD62CDA55, 0x17DE0106, 0xF92411B5, 0x301B2142, 0xE50C09E3, 0x51030EDB, 0x48DB2A4C, +0x03E420BC, 0x1AE1DCF8, 0xB6EE0D3A, 0xC2FADF22, 0xBF211508, 0x3228E8AF, 0xE0170BEE, 0x26F8091F, +0xDBFA02D2, 0xC810FE19, 0xE4DE1005, 0x18FF0D29, 0xE723F04B, 0xFDF2F1E7, 0xCF05DBD3, 0x0412F616, +0x00DC234C, 0x1501EDD7, 0xD9EB4FED, 0x1C03BC2B, 0xE2FDF6D4, 0xE9EC10C4, 0x2426034D, 0xEDE33B45, +0x05DC2304, 0xEDE81411, 0x11E416BD, 0x03D1DAA8, 0x04F72431, 0x30F15718, 0xF3F33534, 0xED043AD3, +0x1CE8BC11, 0xEDE1EBF7, 0x242C0454, 0x0118D740, 0x07F3D01B, 0x0205D623, 0x15233E05, 0xF2EBE5ED, +0xED2D3BAC, 0xEBF83CD1, 0xFCF9D421, 0x0B0934E0, 0x0A09E1E0, 0x1AEB0EC4, 0xF8FEDF26, 0xFCE8D53F, +0x20E10846, 0xE327F5B1, 0x18E340F5, 0xF71ED0BB, 0x0EF5CBE3, 0xF4F11C36, 0x141BC343, 0xF4E7E5F1, +0x30205809, 0x10EAC713, 0x22DBB603, 0x250AFC1E, 0xE4F3BB1A, 0x2316FA12, 0xDEE105F7, 0x12FDC7D4, +0xFC212507, 0xDB290300, 0x1500ED00, 0x1EABBA27, 0xF14ECA2D, 0xF2D93625, 0x23F20502, 0xF0B9C8E6, +0xEAD83EE1, 0x0C331CFF, 0x23D205F5, 0x0EC61906, 0xF128C9EF, 0xEF3CC800, 0x0B9DCDED, 0xF3C2CC3C, +0x23EB04E9, 0x0B51CD13, 0xEADEC3D7, 0x222D06FB, 0xF0331904, 0x16C93F0C, 0xDAE5FE0F, 0x1F14B80C, +0x001B28ED, 0x3F3B67F3, 0xEEEDE9EC, 0x1CE94514, 0x1D4145EF, 0xD8BA5019, 0xFC06D41E, 0x17BDC0DF, +0x16D712E4, 0xE8041001, 0xEC2AEDDB, 0x11BE3803, 0xEBD2ECE5, 0xEF5A17F9, 0x2BFF52CD, 0xE958C126, +0xEE1A1531, 0x0EBF1BF2, 0x18BC401A, 0x2AC2521C, 0xEE4817EA, 0x07482E20, 0x141314E0, 0xF41DCD15, +0xDB10B40C, 0xC23700E9, 0x4221EB10, 0x4BE7E607, 0xEEF9DC0E, 0x62AC16DF, 0xE2E1C5D3, 0x27E4F70A, +0x3213020D, 0x4ABE0A14, 0xACC1DE1B, 0xD636D416, 0xDFAF020E, 0xCE230828, 0x2615F6FB, 0xEA1002EE, +0xD1351117, 0xB71C07F3, 0x03C9DF0C, 0x2B52DB0F, 0xD9AB02D7, 0xD20702D3, 0x48EEFB21, 0x3AE5E116, +0xE728EE0E, 0x33C50F00, 0x363EF5EC, 0xD4FBF217, 0xB00FFDDE, 0x2333281A, 0x3624040C, 0x02DB0E04, +0x3FDE27FD, 0x173716FB, 0xF20BEFF1, 0x3EF0191E, 0xB6B01719, 0x1BC7DD27, 0xE80AF3EE, 0x20BE101E, +0xF42EF8E6, 0x40531BF9, 0x4646172B, 0x44DA1E1D, 0xC7F5E503, 0xF3E8F0E4, 0xA4E2E5EF, 0x42B935F6, +0xEB1D1A1E, 0xE500ED0B, 0x2909F2CF, 0xCE0E0037, 0xD1320AA6, 0xEB01F9D9, 0x45E7ECC0, 0x4CFEE3D7, +0x0EE024B8, 0xD3F31B1A, 0xE846056E, 0xF522EFFB, 0x5F1AE443, 0xCAF93620, 0x2CE9F23E, 0xDDE604F2, +0x3BDDFC04, 0xC8EBEE13, 0xC11FF0F6, 0x18EBE9EC, 0xFAEEF1C7, 0xB6EFDDEA, 0xF8E123F7, 0x4EF4E1CC, +0x430C271C, 0x3BE01CB8, 0xABE813EF, 0xCAEED439, 0xC1FAF3D1, 0x4E2F1656, 0x11E4DB0C, 0xDAF816DF, +0x44E3FE0C, 0x2B1D1C0B, 0x3300FD28, 0xC320F4F9, 0x2A1DEB0A, 0xEA2502B4, 0x41061322, 0xC81518C2, +0x1F2510FD, 0xD1E1F7F7, 0xBD1906F1, 0xF3C9E55F, 0xB3D91A4F, 0x0D0D26CC, 0xBD071B20, 0x41141BC4, +0x2A1B19F2, 0x4902FDD5, 0xD6F9DE2E, 0x19190341, 0x09E80F11, 0x31FC1E2C, 0xEC1DF8F4, 0xCC0B14E2, +0x51DFF3B7, 0x1AF028C8, 0x0F0E0E37, 0x2B041A25, 0x1A03FD25, 0xC5030FD5, 0xBCFAED22, 0x9A1F1CB9, +0xCCE8C2F0, 0xEF1BF4BD, 0x21EC163C, 0xBAED07C6, 0x03F7E3D0, 0xC503DB2A, 0xC20C13E4, 0xD4F8EA30, +0x391B0544, 0x59F3EECB, 0xAD0A311D, 0xFE0C2C33, 0x250CDBE4, 0xC5E80341, 0x3B0914CE, 0xC0F2ED36, +0xC204182B, 0x3B0C16E5, 0xFFFF1429, 0xC316D8C3, 0xE408EB1F, 0x3713F4C4, 0xE4F2F01A, 0x0A280C01, +0xEC0FE318, 0xCB16153E, 0x5C04F2D4, 0x281F35F8, 0xE4D80051, 0x4E0A0CE3, 0xB107DB21, 0xD1DED9FB, +0x380AFACE, 0x50CC105C, 0xD9D80100, 0xF40ECCE6, 0xDADC03B4, 0x0AE5E243, 0x0C22E4FA, 0x08CD1F5A, +0xE2D1F7A9, 0x12CE39A5, 0xFFDDD7FB, 0x032C2BAC, 0xF1D9E700, 0x14003B28, 0xFC08D420, 0x08093131, +0xFEFFD7D7, 0xBB219348, 0x07DC2E4C, 0xDF0DB8CB, 0x22EB06EC, 0x0BE034F8, 0xF10FC819, 0x1623EEFA, +0x0D1DE6BA, 0xDA1AB142, 0x1C16F4EE, 0x27F500E2, 0x1137C85E, 0x1C0BF434, 0xF004C924, 0x02EBD9ED, +0x1BF943D2, 0xE7F80F30, 0xEFFE39D9, 0x2CFA5323, 0x04242DFB, 0xF420E347, 0x15F43C33, 0xE9F41134, +0x20EBB8C2, 0x0205D523, 0xECE03DB8, 0x10F3E935, 0x180BC11E, 0x12E2C7BA, 0xE70B4233, 0xEED8EAB0, +0x110E3936, 0xFEE327F5, 0x12E60017, 0xFE4026F3, 0xED26C518, 0xE5E9F2FF, 0x200C08EE, 0xEF1439E4, +0xE92010ED, 0xE1B80908, 0x18584021, 0x24FBFC31, 0x00AE2823, 0x040CDC2A, 0xDE34FBE5, 0x1439C30D, +0x0DB7E6EF, 0xE6090F21, 0xECAF3C20, 0x10DFE8D8, 0x0CC0CCF9, 0x15061318, 0x043723DD, 0xEA3A3DF0, +0xEC18C413, 0xFE2BD611, 0xE3BC45FE, 0x16FCC11D, 0x120E39DC, 0xEC00141B, 0x13F03B27, 0x24D2FC18, +0x0917E1FB, 0x113BEAEE, 0xE9FE11EE, 0x2C505427, 0x0D0B3529, 0x15E73E1E, 0x0FD91AF1, 0xDFF8B6FF, +0xF413CCE1, 0x1EEFB9EA, 0xDCD04C17, 0xCEC25AF8, 0x1AB2BE17, 0xD8BEAFDA, 0xE6CEBD19, 0xFCC42CF6, +0xDE19FA15, 0x250203F2, 0xA90042DB, 0x242A2F1A, 0x004D0401, 0x0B4C2825, 0xACB61DDD, 0x07422CDE, +0xCDFEDFE7, 0xAFF8F527, 0x35052820, 0x0B34F2DD, 0xD648E2F3, 0x3DDF02E0, 0xFE42EBF8, 0xC1F6251A, +0xBA0DE9E2, 0x442FE2E5, 0xD014E308, 0x2DB409EC, 0x50F8FADC, 0x264BD8E0, 0x2E0FFEDC, 0x1E2D051A, +0x0FD20AFB, 0xCE1CE7FA, 0x35CDF6F4, 0xFC49F3F4, 0x642FDCDF, 0x3625C507, 0xDF140FFC, 0xDB21F913, +0xC7D5FDF9, 0xCEE112FE, 0xD1D4F7F8, 0x5D410704, 0xD914CC19, 0xCCF800EC, 0xE3E00C1F, 0xCD05F408, +0xC952F4DD, 0x444EF02A, 0x1E15E526, 0xD73909ED, 0xFA1900EF, 0xFFB6210F, 0x06EB27DE, 0x0B5BDF13, +0x1B4F1D33, 0xCDF5F4D9, 0x00F40C1D, 0xC6031CDC, 0xF91C13F4, 0x061321C6, 0xBFDD2206, 0xEE13193C, +0xFF1C17BB, 0xA91E27F5, 0x25ECD13C, 0x0CF90321, 0xBA1FE5B8, 0x50151F3D, 0xE935285D, 0x330A10CE, +0x3EE6F542, 0xE80AEA1E, 0x45251103, 0xC014E3EC, 0x2D2C1854, 0x9F0E0536, 0x2E14C7C3, 0xECE50642, +0xE6E214F7, 0x1021F208, 0xBCDC19FB, 0x4B281BFF, 0x0CDFDEB7, 0x21E91CEE, 0xC22FF856, 0xA2F3EAE4, +0x5810CB18, 0xE416D03E, 0x25E3F40C, 0xF4180340, 0xFE0EE4C9, 0x433C2763, 0x38F11BE7, 0xE5FC11D4, +0x1E11F4C6, 0x491D0ABB, 0xC0E72140, 0xB226E84F, 0x122E26AB, 0xEAF116E7, 0xD5E4EE0B, 0xF4FB0323, +0xDCE61D42, 0x05F1FCE7, 0x0DDCDDB4, 0xF9E42000, 0x181610EE, 0xE1F246CA, 0xEDEDC53B, 0x14DEC5B6, +0x1E02F629, 0xDEE749F0, 0x1C02BDD7, 0x1EF3F5CB, 0x11E8C640, 0xFA272301, 0xF3FC352C, 0xFDD52553, +0x09191FF1, 0xDB11FEE9, 0xF7EB1FEE, 0xFFF9292E, 0x0A2032B8, 0x0C1BCDBC, 0xDDFFFBD9, 0x1BEABDEF, +0x19F84130, 0xECE5ECF3, 0x271302EB, 0xE7EB423D, 0x1E2146B7, 0x14E13CF7, 0x16FE112B, 0xEB211308, +0xDAD802B0, 0x0017D811, 0xFE26D901, 0x0D0ACBE2, 0xF2ED1A3B, 0xFBDED206, 0x18F0F1C8, 0xD1EFA9C6, +0xE5E1BDF7, 0x1514C314, 0xF9FCD1D3, 0x02EB2BED, 0x0EEB1BC2, 0x2427B5FF, 0x0B2233FA, 0xFE0FDBE8, +0xF7DDCE04, 0x03F42BE3, 0x0525D202, 0xF9B20021, 0xEF0FE926, 0xF505E318, 0xF7DF1F23, 0xEADF12F8, +0xF12C3807, 0xDF01FA04, 0x1D23F426, 0xF1231A05, 0x20F549FB, 0xE0F0F9E3, 0xDB67B418, 0xC6E5623F, +0x212AF90D, 0xE6C7BD02, 0x24CA4C11, 0xE249F6F1, 0xE8383F21, 0xFC212310, 0xF7561F07, 0x25C4032E, +0x070EDE14, 0x1437151A, 0xE93C4010, 0xF10CE615, 0xDB0D4D1C, 0xFAF6221B, 0xF5F3E21E, 0xE2470B1B, +0xE71BC01F, 0x07B0220C, 0xF311CAD8, 0xFF052816, 0x1DC20BDC, 0xE7BB40EB, 0xF5DEE21E, 0x013527FB, +0x0FF519F2, 0x1AE9BDE4, 0x2B0F53F0, 0x13C6C5E8, 0xF12636ED, 0x10BD38FE, 0xDD0606E4, 0xDA5C4FDE, +0x1329C5CC, 0x0DC8CA00, 0xD33956F0, 0x0700D711, 0x31B1DE02, 0x210C09D9, 0x0C2EF81B, 0xF5FFE406, +0x27C1E2DA, 0xCB1801E8, 0x38C70EF0, 0x0D1EF0EF, 0x142E1C0B, 0x0B00EB06, 0x5D441DD8, 0x1E4035E5, +0xFD3C0AE8, 0x3732DCEC, 0xC8B5F00A, 0xB9BF1023, 0x0AF22018, 0xC6DDE21A, 0x18EF1306, 0x1AC8F1E9, +0x1F020EF0, 0xEA0209DB, 0x41CFEEDA, 0x21E31AF8, 0x4BBD070A, 0xEECFDD1A, 0xD4DB15F8, 0x430FFC02, +0x15361A18, 0xCF17ECF1, 0xE42009EF, 0xC21CF4F8, 0x3DDFEAF3, 0x3E0916F9, 0xF028151F, 0x03CA1700, +0x983B26F1, 0xDE2AC112, 0x209FF9FD, 0x1935F7C6, 0xED18F1F3, 0xBFD0EA0F, 0xC5071908, 0x1F4E13DE, +0x17F00926, 0xF80DEE19, 0x4DF01FE6, 0xB7D2DB18, 0x0AF5E0F9, 0x4043E21D, 0x4AD517E5, 0xB0CFDE03, +0xFB22D90A, 0xDF5023F9, 0xDABDF828, 0x1911011A, 0xBDF30FE8, 0xCEAA1A1A, 0xB0D2F62D, 0x3AAC28F9, +0x42D6ED2D, 0xA83D1B02, 0x1831D1EA, 0xF11D10F7, 0x1D201AF5, 0x394F0C07, 0xB327F0D9, 0x3254DA01, +0xEBF40AD5, 0x26A413E4, 0x5113FECC, 0xD4F32915, 0xDDB3FD1A, 0xC0D2FB25, 0x02DEE7FB, 0xC33DDB05, +0x01021615, 0x0B1D27DA, 0xCBC2E2F6, 0x193CF3E9, 0x27E2F1EC, 0x5A1BFF0A, 0xE8CF320D, 0xBD4DF0F8, +0x0F291A26, 0x1817E7FF, 0xEFCB10F0, 0xD40CE9F3, 0x0606041B, 0xFABC2322, 0xE0E9DEE5, 0x1BD80710, +0xC015F301, 0x4718E8EE, 0x69D81E11, 0x19F6BF00, 0xF60F1E00, 0x3002E225, 0x29EA08C1, 0xF4EA00EF, +0x3910E5E7, 0xDB0B12E4, 0x2A3E0265, 0x3BE8FE11, 0xBBEFEEE9, 0x151BE2BE, 0x1E2314FB, 0x4C2DF754, +0xD5F823E0, 0x10200247, 0x01DB194D, 0x1B17D93F, 0x5806F42E, 0xFA19D040, 0x040BDF1D, 0xFCCB25A4, +0x39D9DC00, 0x2C0EEFE7, 0x20F3FDCB, 0xC2E70841, 0x3EEFEAE9, 0x32EDEAC5, 0xAC1BF70D, 0x0C15D4C3, +0x4CE7E5BF, 0x26F024E9, 0x061AFE0D, 0xDE13DEC5, 0x09DE0706, 0xFC0C1FE5, 0xD41CDC0B, 0xCC1DFBBB, +0xC6020CDB, 0xCD16133E, 0x3FF30CCC, 0x0B2D16AB, 0x3800E3D9, 0x3AFCF0DC, 0xE4FFED27, 0xFCF9F3E0, +0x05FF24D9, 0xE1F9DE2F, 0x391908F2, 0xC8F211CB, 0xEAEF003D, 0xDC1C040D, 0x25F74ECF, 0xE41F0CBA, +0xDF1708EE, 0xE016F83F, 0x1D124515, 0xF325344D, 0xE114F63C, 0x261FFEB9, 0x02F02739, 0xF12018F8, +0xD9124F3A, 0x1E1A45F3, 0x1504142C, 0xDDF506E3, 0xEAEAC113, 0xDE1AFB42, 0xF113C93B, 0x1721C207, +0xE3D4BB54, 0x070A2FCE, 0x0C0AE41D, 0xF90D3035, 0xE6DCF2B4, 0xFB15D4C3, 0xFE2425FC, 0x03002B28, +0xE50AF433, 0x07EC2FC4, 0x07E921EF, 0xFE09DAE1, 0xE21EF6B9, 0xF3E6360D, 0x17EE3F39, 0xE7FA0E22, +0xF5151DED, 0x1EF945DE, 0x0D1236EB, 0x0AFD32D6, 0x0928CFFF, 0xDCDAFD02, 0xFB272D00, 0xCE025B25, +0xEA0D3ECB, 0xE3E2BBF5, 0x06D32354, 0xF4DDCCB6, 0xE4002245, 0x213AB706, 0xECCCC3ED, 0x3CED9C0B, +0x15D23C14, 0x0BE7E3F9, 0x1FE70A0E, 0xF30D350F, 0x1928F01B, 0xD50AAE01, 0x120AC6E1, 0x0ED4C91E, +0xFFF7D804, 0x0D0CCA1F, 0x0433DBE4, 0xEA0DEFF5, 0x36FB5E1C, 0xEB11ECDC, 0x23C0FB17, 0xEBC63C17, +0x272800EF, 0xFC34D4FF, 0x0AB8E2F5, 0x01FB2AE0, 0x090630DD, 0xFE0AD522, 0x1B10BD1D, 0xDF520719, +0xF12436D5, 0x1D20BAFC, 0xE442BCF8, 0x05E0DDE6, 0x183FF1F8, 0xF816E118, 0xE3C9F4EE, 0xF2F51AF0, +0xFE5126E4, 0x1E31F7D7, 0xF9362F09, 0x15E43CF2, 0x0D3EE50C, 0xF74931EA, 0x23EEB621, 0x02B9DAE9, +0xDFE5B71F, 0xFD46D50D, 0x103E181F, 0xDF580717, 0x00C3EC31, 0x0CF714EC, 0x4ACCE41E, 0xF2E0DEF4, +0xB0431A08, 0xBD38D8E6, 0xEED6E510, 0x41B8EA02, 0xEC36E61F, 0xBEE9EBF3, 0xBE28E712, 0xF6051BFF, +0x2FE5E222, 0x2ADCFAF2, 0x3834FF04, 0x2AD1100D, 0xF4C502F8, 0x4DE7E414, 0x07A5DA10, 0xD1A92133, +0xB6ACFAD2, 0xCF51222C, 0xCD1BF8D7, 0x3F16F50E, 0xEEF4EA12, 0xA52F161D, 0xC4B3CE07, 0xB622EDDC, +0xDE2ADE06, 0x4FC8FB02, 0x6EDED9F1, 0xFC19B9F9, 0xD5B4DDF1, 0xDFC30423, 0xDFFBF9EA, 0x012C07DD, +0x12AF2805, 0x1A2EEAD6, 0xF8A1F207, 0xC0BA21CA, 0xFFDCE9E3, 0x36BFDA03, 0x05DD0E19, 0xF905DDFB, +0x32AEDF23, 0xFDFB09D5, 0x45D5DA23, 0x4B3E1CFD, 0x0905DDEA, 0xDFE2DE00, 0xB1FB07DD, 0x33EA2813, +0x02ECF5C3, 0xED0CD91B, 0x0D1BEABD, 0x4A17E5C0, 0xF707DFDF, 0xEE191F41, 0x19EC15C5, 0x4112F1EB, +0xD4F01AE9, 0xBF21FC06, 0x19DCE605, 0x2F0C10E4, 0x181FF947, 0xC00AEF1E, 0xF72EE8AB, 0x42F8E2E1, +0xA3EFE7C7, 0x31133514, 0x1EF608E2, 0x0DECF6EC, 0x0CECE5C5, 0x3DD31D54, 0xECE21545, 0xAE0CECE5, +0x49202B08, 0x0EFE2026, 0x13F41B35, 0x1B0BEB32, 0x1719F30F, 0xECDAF0FF, 0xECE9ECC0, 0xF212EC3B, +0x3DE8E6EF, 0x13F2EB1B, 0xB008EBE0, 0xBAE22845, 0x1A111DEA, 0xDBFC0EDD, 0x3F29FE50, 0xCDF817E0, +0x4B030CD5, 0xEADCDE05, 0xC31312C6, 0x272EEAA9, 0x340201DA, 0x17F400EF, 0xED1F1608, 0x24D24B55, +0xF4091DCE, 0xF51633C2, 0x03D32B56, 0x2325FA4D, 0xDEDA05FD, 0x01F72831, 0x04F12C19, 0x2716B1C3, +0x1B19F3C0, 0x10E2C909, 0x050C2233, 0x03F22519, 0x1C06F422, 0xE7D70EAF, 0x03D725AF, 0x13EC14EB, +0xF6F631E3, 0xF900DE28, 0x1FE2F7F6, 0xFBE9D2C1, 0xFBEFDDE9, 0xE110F7C8, 0x1C290C50, 0x27D9FFFF, +0x07E421BB, 0x3BE89CF0, 0xF50733D0, 0x2514B2EC, 0xF5EB1DED, 0x0619D241, 0x1FE8B840, 0xEEEA3B3E, +0xED1F1648, 0xFF15D73E, 0x0123D805, 0x0310D5E8, 0x010ED819, 0xECE53B43, 0x03E1D547, 0x01D9D6FF, +0xDFE3B745, 0x1C14443C, 0xDF0908E1, 0x03FE2ADA, 0x1306C5D2, 0xDD001004, 0x1F3AF818, 0x1A3BF3ED, +0x1EBC47EE, 0xF83E1F1B, 0xE21445EA, 0x2101B713, 0xE81AF126, 0x1930BFF3, 0x1533C408, 0xEDBFC60C, +0x060F2EE8, 0x06BDD11A, 0x04F524E4, 0xD94C001E, 0x0334DCDD, 0x06F1D30C, 0xFBDBD219, 0x0EBE1A03, +0x08D230E5, 0x250B4DFA, 0x0903311C, 0x14233C25, 0x1ABAF205, 0x30C5581D, 0x02FAD712, 0xDF2108DE, +0x02DDDB07, 0x1D47F606, 0x0EEF191F, 0x1B3AF2E9, 0xF9E52E12, 0xF0B1C8F4, 0x290CAF28, 0x0013D8E5, +0xE1B50AEC, 0x1A224322, 0xFDE8DB06, 0xF8A531EF, 0x0DD1CCCD, 0xE81AC007, 0x201048F3, 0x1800F1E8, +0x000BD8D9, 0xEC2A13E2, 0xF3EE3502, 0x282F0117, 0x08F8E006, 0xFE542620, 0x19E9C0D3, 0xDD140412, +0x1119C6EB, 0xF6C2E10E, 0x1EC50BEB, 0x15BD13ED, 0x143DC51B, 0xE5F2BE14, 0xF552E41A, 0xE10FF62A, +0x2A0B5218, 0xE33A0CE2, 0x02D7D612, 0xE1A7B800, 0xD8C10031, 0x0810E0E9, 0xD93AB0E8, 0xF8113011, +0x15B73C17, 0xFE46D520, 0xF6C51EE3, 0xD51A52ED, 0x1A0ABD0E, 0xFBF8DEE2, 0xE245BA20, 0x2225FB1E, +0xEC3A3CFD, 0x19340EEE, 0x08FE20F4, 0x1F154727, 0x05F8D213, 0x16F2EEE1, 0x22B6FA1A, 0xF404CCDF, +0xE22E4624, 0xFB3FDDFB, 0xE6F7BF17, 0xF0B6E71F, 0xF013E723, 0x17081114, 0x24EBFCE0, 0xFBE52DEC, +0xE9C310F3, 0x26F04E15, 0xF145E8E8, 0x122B17E2, 0x0D40CCFD, 0x43CA96E8, 0x421D0F00, 0x27DCE70B, +0x233B00FC, 0xCC44FAEE, 0xE0BC0BE3, 0x1BE7071C, 0x01C7F20F, 0xB29B28F0, 0xFB02DBC4, 0x32092326, +0xE648F5E2, 0x4707F2DF, 0xDF36E2E0, 0x1CC308F2, 0xBBA50DEB, 0x1DE71D34, 0xCE36F5F1, 0xCDF90AF2, +0x0FDE0CE0, 0xCF0C1906, 0xE0E509E4, 0xBC37F9F3, 0xDA06E510, 0x1FD3FDDF, 0xDB09F705, 0xF445031E, +0x24311CE2, 0x55EEFDF8, 0x3CEDD216, 0xAFF01516, 0xCA3D29E8, 0xCCAEF1EA, 0xE0F60CD5, 0x4CECF7E2, +0xDCD5DBEB, 0xAEC2FC02, 0x4825D7EA, 0x252D2004, 0x24F604FB, 0xD9D7051F, 0x1AF201FF, 0x3DE70EE6, +0x43BCEC0F, 0x43D8E5E4, 0x20EB1BFF, 0x2AAFF814, 0x021A02D8, 0xD80C26F2, 0xDB00001C, 0x2BF2FCE6, +0x181F0347, 0xAFE8F0F1, 0xE31D2A0B, 0xD015F4C2, 0xEF02072B, 0x361717EF, 0xFA25F2B3, 0xEEFADE22, +0xEE21EBF8, 0xD6F5EA1D, 0xBF160212, 0x03E6190F, 0x452126B7, 0x32D91DFF, 0x2D000A28, 0x25F205CA, +0xDEED043B, 0x36DCFA04, 0x13EAF112, 0x141915F1, 0xF2F0EC38, 0xBC20E6F8, 0x0BF2E519, 0xD0F11D19, +0xC7F6F932, 0xBFE2EFB9, 0xA4F919DF, 0xFFEACCEE, 0x3BDBDAFC, 0x2B1E1245, 0x5CEBFC14, 0xDB10CD18, +0xB718FE40, 0x0BE92012, 0x2414E2C5, 0x3B09FCE0, 0x17DF1306, 0x212F12A9, 0xC71407C4, 0x0901EFD7, +0x22EAE23F, 0xE7E805C1, 0xC6F21037, 0x4A111218, 0x1AEC22EC, 0x27E30EF6, 0x0C000134, 0x1BF10D37, +0xFD1F2A09, 0x1AEFF3E9, 0x160F3EC8, 0xEC173B3F, 0xE8F711E1, 0x050A22CD, 0x15263DB1, 0x07012127, +0x1D22BBB7, 0x34E3A5BB, 0x19210FB8, 0x17D41254, 0xD822B1FA, 0xE6DE0E06, 0x1519ED40, 0xDDE54CBE, +0x1EFC0BD4, 0xFE0D2A35, 0xE8EF40C7, 0x09E5E1F3, 0xF60631DE, 0xD6EDADC5, 0xE61A0FBE, 0x091C30BC, +0x0514DE3C, 0x1D1A45BF, 0x03E0DC08, 0xF4FE1C25, 0x1D260BFF, 0xF6FD3126, 0x1013C8EA, 0xFE18DB3F, +0xDF114916, 0x1806BF2D, 0x0E0535DC, 0xE5ED0DEB, 0x1EE445F5, 0x16DC12B4, 0x23FA4B2F, 0xFFD6DAAF, +0xECF714E2, 0x273D0066, 0x1B15F313, 0x1D0CF533, 0x17003E28, 0x1FD3F654, 0x00EFB117, 0x1C13BBD9, +0xF5C21D15, 0xF1CF3715, 0x244A0309, 0x09321FDD, 0xEFF81609, 0xE1ED091F, 0xFDFA2A16, 0xF742D022, +0xDCECB51B, 0x16FAEE14, 0x140C3C21, 0xEA0AED1B, 0x24E94CE2, 0x17E03F12, 0x1E01BAF9, 0xE82E4128, +0xEE311506, 0xF7FEE1F6, 0x0661DFD9, 0xDFB1FAC8, 0xFF282928, 0xEA3412FF, 0x104FC80C, 0x00ABD927, +0xEE32EA2D, 0x153B3D09, 0xFCB82DEC, 0xE9E8C021, 0x09BECEF0, 0xFCCA2D19, 0xDF09F90F, 0x013F2AE1, +0xFC44D4E9, 0xFD24D6E5, 0x1C0CF3FB, 0x2601021C, 0x1AB6BED9, 0x04B7DCDD, 0x102BC8E0, 0x09331EFC, +0xE8ACC1F5, 0x222E4BD4, 0xF715E1FA, 0x23484BED, 0xEB3913E0, 0xDFE4B711, 0x0C411B0D, 0x18FEE800, +0x42231127, 0x493B19FC, 0x39BCDE12, 0xFB46121B, 0x452DDDE2, 0xEA0DE3FB, 0x2109EF1A, 0x1B3CF81E, +0xE228F2EC, 0x48ADF6FF, 0xC2C0202C, 0x9F3FEB19, 0x192BC8E9, 0x2B0F0F04, 0x4F2DFD19, 0x1045D9FB, +0x0B3FE8E2, 0xF2FBE316, 0xBC0EE623, 0xB301E419, 0x1F2226D9, 0xBE0009FA, 0x27121A27, 0xF95002EA, +0x4714DED8, 0xBAE6E1ED, 0xC5191EF2, 0x3B2E14F1, 0xFB0FEC06, 0xDAB123E7, 0x3DDBFFD9, 0xC318ECFD, +0xDFD014EF, 0xB23D0608, 0x11E326EB, 0xC4CAE90B, 0xD847EC0D, 0xDFC3FFE2, 0x55BD0815, 0x17F9D3E5, +0x3EE91121, 0xF9C41712, 0x22AFE0ED, 0xCDE7FBD7, 0x1BC9F5F0, 0x0422F4F0, 0x200EDC06, 0xC3F700E6, +0x3B20EBF7, 0xD115EDEE, 0xC3ED08EA, 0x5AFEEC29, 0xC21F3247, 0x3315163E, 0xE330F659, 0xEAF5F5CC, +0x1716113E, 0x4CE611BF, 0xD517DBC2, 0xB2EF043A, 0x45DD25B5, 0xC0151E13, 0x131CE843, 0xFFE4EB44, +0x5FFB27DC, 0x381336EB, 0xB8EFF017, 0xECF720CF, 0x200B131D, 0x0622F805, 0xBA07DD30, 0xD9061FDE, +0x30EA013D, 0x40300858, 0x9AD917B2, 0x270FC1C9, 0x1209FFCF, 0x201716EE, 0x2A050723, 0x1BEF0239, +0xBF18F310, 0xA83719A0, 0xA9DDD105, 0xE70F3037, 0xDE0D0E1B, 0xE1D4F955, 0x0CF00AC8, 0xE80FE4C9, +0x1BE2100A, 0x40FB0EDC, 0xDD1A17BD, 0x4E1604C2, 0x5CE7270F, 0x2BF635E3, 0x00D80350, 0xFD0027DB, +0xDD22B54A, 0xEAE11247, 0xF705CE22, 0x01F2D736, 0x1D17443E, 0x1D0145D8, 0x18181111, 0x04FEDCDA, +0x01EAD7C3, 0x05DC23B5, 0x1FCFB959, 0x1A0A431E, 0xFCDC2CFC, 0xD61452EC, 0xECF23DCB, 0x31D6A652, +0x261BFE0D, 0x0CD73552, 0xEAFB11D3, 0x10291952, 0xF7F41F34, 0xEC1E3CF6, 0x180A41E2, 0x03FBDB23, +0x2026F9B3, 0x0C02E42A, 0x08F030C9, 0x0E19E70E, 0x0F1519C4, 0xDCE703F2, 0x100CC833, 0x0105272C, +0x01252903, 0x0DCCCB5C, 0xD21AAA0E, 0x2917AFC0, 0x1BEA0E3F, 0x2A1B52BE, 0xF2E8CAC0, 0x1DDDBB4C, +0x0215D73D, 0x0DF7E5E1, 0x08E230F5, 0x0EDFCA4A, 0x19FE0ED9, 0xE6EC42C4, 0xFB1D23F4, 0x22090632, +0xEA073F21, 0x06ED2115, 0x180BBFCC, 0xE6E20EF6, 0xE512F23A, 0xE21BF7F4, 0xF9F22E37, 0xF82B2F53, +0x1CF94421, 0x16D8C2B1, 0xD9F4FF1C, 0x23EC4B14, 0xF5F03339, 0xFE172B40, 0x1C2F0D57, 0x230A0632, +0xECDA3CFD, 0x1306C52D, 0x01D3D856, 0x1D2846FF, 0xF9D82150, 0x1B0CF31D, 0xEE03C626, 0x1AFFBED8, +0xD605AEDD, 0x2403FD25, 0x01EC28C3, 0xF1E1C8F7, 0x06E7D140, 0x09CF325A, 0xF2151AC3, 0xE7F8F120, +0x0A2BE353, 0x23E5FBBD, 0x1C1645C1, 0xF716D011, 0xF6ED1D15, 0xFB2123B7, 0xE2070A2E, 0x16F7C2E0, +0xE6100D18, 0xFB19D440, 0x2FF15619, 0x1F0FB938, 0x0101272A, 0xF8F42F35, 0xF3DFE649, 0x21E549F4, +0x0D430000, 0x400EE51B, 0x452E181A, 0xF1411DFB, 0xF4DC1919, 0xF247E3FC, 0x33141AE1, 0xF81CF515, +0x3115200D, 0x3FCFF713, 0xE9DA17F6, 0x0BF31102, 0x17D1E3E5, 0x0E9712FA, 0x2EAFE6C0, 0x5900F928, +0x50D8CE27, 0xCDACD9FF, 0x41BB0B2B, 0x2AC9181E, 0x13E1020F, 0x0708EC08, 0x09D220E1, 0x1EC0E206, +0x1F2BF6E9, 0xD23809FD, 0x46D3FBF0, 0xF617E2FB, 0xF4F61EEF, 0x31D71BE2, 0x1AD4F7FE, 0xB534F103, +0xDE15DD0C, 0xC7FBFA12, 0x1931F0DC, 0x4AD8F1F7, 0x4937DEFF, 0xF908210F, 0x35D121E0, 0xECCC0EFA, +0x34CBEDF5, 0x062A0CF3, 0xE4B12103, 0xD73DF427, 0xDCE8FE15, 0xB4FC04F0, 0x0B06DC23, 0x16391D22, +0x23051310, 0xE6FCFADC, 0x1C95F2DB, 0xE3DE0DBD, 0xDB270A05, 0xB4EEFC00, 0x1845DD16, 0x0149F11D, +0xC6D52621, 0x1E34EE03, 0x17D20AF4, 0xA10611FA, 0x20F937DE, 0x5D17F8DF, 0xA00435EF, 0x3ECEC7DC, +0xF9D8EB0A, 0xFC332200, 0x1DE9DBF5, 0x2E580CEE, 0x3E1AF9D1, 0xC64715F2, 0xD7CB121F, 0xEFF400F2, +0x084CEAE4, 0x064DE0DD, 0x2B10DE25, 0xC1FB0218, 0xD4F8EADE, 0x32D6FBE1, 0x0F65F602, 0xEC32E83C, +0xD2F613F5, 0xC526F9E1, 0xF0F51302, 0xF5B017E3, 0xFA0FE4D7, 0xFACBDFE8, 0xC0F222F2, 0xD630E81A, +0xD6DEFEF8, 0x33A602F9, 0xC826F633, 0x10E51002, 0x0308E9F3, 0xE011251F, 0xBAEAF8EA, 0x26F21E12, +0x0000021A, 0xE00E08CB, 0xE0ED0715, 0xE71CC0F4, 0x0A1ECE0A, 0xDB260303, 0xE7E2BEF5, 0xDDE705F0, +0xDA0BFEE3, 0xF6D83250, 0xF4FA1CD3, 0x2805FFDC, 0x1DDBBAB4, 0x1611C218, 0x18E13F09, 0x1C1D0DF5, +0xDC25B403, 0x2BF6AE32, 0x180F4136, 0x39FC61D3, 0xF3DE1BFA, 0x1AD94100, 0xE8F8BFDF, 0x0826E0FE, +0x1AE142B8, 0xF80F20C8, 0x0116D9EE, 0x22E84BF1, 0xEB22C3B6, 0xEE01EBD7, 0x0EE8CA10, 0xD8FA00D1, +0xEB073DD1, 0x1EE3BBBB, 0x12EFC639, 0x3708A121, 0xDFDB49B3, 0x28D85000, 0x0C003429, 0x000D28CA, +0x12D1C6A9, 0x0D061B2D, 0xEBDCC304, 0xEF05C8D4, 0xDACD02A5, 0xF3F7CAE2, 0xE5144313, 0xFC222B4A, +0x23F4B51C, 0x18270FFE, 0xEDDC3CB4, 0xE9213F49, 0x1EF309CB, 0xE3E5BB44, 0x0AF6E333, 0xE1EF473A, +0x080DD036, 0x0FEB38EE, 0xFE0629DE, 0xDAFCB224, 0x0DF9CB21, 0x07D3DFAC, 0x06F822D0, 0x1E1ABAF1, +0x00F32835, 0xE00AF71E, 0x08E2D009, 0xE003F9D5, 0xD5F2AECA, 0xF4EFCCEA, 0x0B0E33E5, 0x0D271A00, +0x1232EB59, 0x07DBDFB4, 0xD2ECAAED, 0x17FC40D4, 0xDAEB0313, 0x07E8E010, 0x07F5201E, 0x13173CC1, +0xDBDCFDFD, 0x24ECFBC3, 0xF2D9E6FE, 0x420695DE, 0xFC172C11, 0xDF0F06C9, 0xF413CC3C, 0x1B11F217, +0xE01148C7, 0x1EEEBA3B, 0xDDDCFCB3, 0x24E1B4F6, 0xF4DA3303, 0xF1FC192C, 0xEAFC11D4, 0xEAD41354, +0x22ED06EC, 0x23090000, 0x0BE7FBE1, 0xE0BFE4F0, 0xF2C4F818, 0xE5BEE6EC, 0xDD3E0DE7, 0xEB360516, +0xFBC6ECF2, 0xFCEC23EE, 0x0A20DD13, 0x12211FF8, 0xF23A1706, 0xCC36E6EF, 0x1C26F5F2, 0x2F05F303, +0xF540FA23, 0xFE4FE3E9, 0x23CED927, 0x18C2FA0A, 0xD1A411EA, 0x1A4306CB, 0x474E0EE6, 0x21331FDB, +0x2C33070B, 0xC60804F6, 0x515A12DF, 0xE8FDD7CE, 0xD7171126, 0x1043FF11, 0x48F8E81C, 0xCF48E021, +0xF9CA09E0, 0x2B26210F, 0x1F10FD02, 0xC9ECF8E7, 0xF9D30FED, 0x33222205, 0xC44E0A05, 0x41381425, +0xCEC21811, 0xCFFFF5EA, 0xC0E7F727, 0xF5481810, 0xE247E3E1, 0x11150AE0, 0x40C116EE, 0xFDEC18E9, +0xCF0F2415, 0x46E5F6E6, 0x430D1DF3, 0x11EEE61A, 0xA45017EA, 0xF1BBCB28, 0x35DC19E3, 0xECBC0CFB, +0x3631ED1D, 0x202C0EF8, 0xE7D2F8FC, 0x441910FA, 0xBED4E4F2, 0xCE3DE6FD, 0xD8CB0B15, 0xDE3C01F2, +0xD7F1F914, 0xFDCE00E7, 0xBDEF240A, 0x2CC5E616, 0x1C16FCED, 0xE805F412, 0xE4F11023, 0x14110DE8, +0xE2ED1418, 0xD7F7F6EC, 0xF8E9001E, 0x18C3E111, 0xAA4BF1EA, 0x2BB02DDE, 0xEB18FDD9, 0xEECFED11, +0xAEF8E9F7, 0xB0D129E0, 0x1952D9FA, 0x07D40ED6, 0xB13EDF03, 0xC74C28E9, 0xD7DB12DC, 0x0B11FFFD, +0xCEFC1D17, 0xC34CF623, 0x4A011523, 0x0410DDDA, 0xF2072317, 0x33101B21, 0x35F7F4E7, 0xF2CBF3E0, +0xAACDE6F4, 0x00002F0B, 0xE51344C5, 0x1211E938, 0x091EE1F6, 0x26CD02A4, 0xE028F84F, 0x2522B206, +0x1BFDF3D5, 0x0C23CC06, 0xE809C031, 0x19D30F54, 0x1B0DBD1C, 0x2EE256F5, 0xE11A080E, 0x17DF11B8, +0x16E4C20C, 0xEECA3B5F, 0x05EA2D11, 0x140AC432, 0xE0F6481D, 0xE024094B, 0x16F6121D, 0x14083C20, +0x200A481F, 0xE1F308E5, 0xFB0623D1, 0xDE1EF946, 0xEE211606, 0x15EC3D13, 0xF402E4DA, 0xF1D8E700, +0xE6D0F358, 0xEEF9C621, 0xE3F3BB36, 0x0A171E3F, 0x0D0ACBE1, 0x09071F21, 0x04DDDDB5, 0x051422C4, +0x07F2211B, 0xFD1BD5F3, 0xEFFE3926, 0x261602C1, 0xF40F3438, 0xEE07EB21, 0xF4DA1CB2, 0x241EFCBA, +0x2600B2D8, 0x11DC174C, 0x1A0542D4, 0xDF1349C6, 0x19E10F47, 0x09131F16, 0x010A27E2, 0x0A12E2C5, +0x01E229F5, 0xE3090AE1, 0xDEFEB629, 0x150E1319, 0x221D050B, 0xE3F4F6CD, 0x21F6071D, 0x23FC4C24, +0x1312C6EA, 0x12F01738, 0xEFFF3AD7, 0x1FFD48D5, 0x1C0B0CE4, 0xF5F71C30, 0x03F725E0, 0x0D38349F, +0xEB0614DE, 0xFB03DCD5, 0xEAC9EDA2, 0xDEF8B6E1, 0xDD0B0532, 0x17ECC2C3, 0x27E1FEB9, 0xEF14EA14, +0xF9FC2F2C, 0x160AC232, 0x1C0445DD, 0xE92311FB, 0x06162F3D, 0x03F12538, 0x0AFE1E26, 0x06E72141, +0xE1E6F841, 0x3221A5B7, 0x00E6D70D, 0xF8F8E030, 0x24FF4CD8, 0xFB02DCDB, 0x162313FB, 0xEAF1C2CA, +0x190CBFCC, 0xEFF4E834, 0x60370000, 0x25C139F2, 0xF731FCEA, 0xF734E009, 0xF10AE00B, 0xD2C81AE2, +0x26590710, 0x1ACE0231, 0xF41D0EF5, 0xD62BE4F6, 0xEF340303, 0x0AB9EA0C, 0xBA251EE1, 0xCE6BE204, +0xC1530A42, 0xC411E82A, 0xD4CD15E9, 0x35D4040C, 0xBEBE0C04, 0x01D4E7E5, 0xE9CAD9FD, 0x58F1EFF2, +0xAC46D1E6, 0x21DED4E2, 0x2C240706, 0xE0330304, 0x4931F80B, 0xF44C2109, 0xB74A1DDB, 0x2AC320DE, +0xBC2D02EC, 0x07EEE4FB, 0x2DCB20E9, 0xC910FBF4, 0xAF52F217, 0xD720D72B, 0xDBCC02F8, 0x1342FDF3, +0x26B315E7, 0x3D450325, 0xC7C0151E, 0xE9471219, 0x42E4111F, 0x4AA3E60B, 0x5537DF36, 0xB4E92E0F, +0xDCFEDC10, 0x18F1FCDA, 0xBFFA10E7, 0xD706E721, 0x2BD20022, 0x16500305, 0x4CC2EF29, 0xD71F2417, +0x20120009, 0xE7EC08EA, 0xE520F1EC, 0x42C8F3F8, 0xF23A19F0, 0x34111BEE, 0xCBF00DE8, 0x02F50DE8, +0xC3F0DA1C, 0x67CC1518, 0x09463FF4, 0xFCF7E11D, 0x01F6DC20, 0x2F1D27E1, 0x2816F9F4, 0xAA1800EE, +0x2E592DF0, 0xF4DC07CE, 0xCF49E504, 0xD33BF6E0, 0x17040514, 0xC445EE25, 0x4C33EB1D, 0xBB39250C, +0x4BAFE310, 0x58F8222A, 0xDD34CF1F, 0x4CCBFBF4, 0x32FDDC0D, 0xCF230ADC, 0x2D13F7FC, 0x49D6FA15, +0x09E2E002, 0x4425E20A, 0x170D1C02, 0x47DDF0E4, 0x2A441F05, 0xC0B502E4, 0x40B71823, 0xCFEE19DF, +0xD34A0917, 0xE7370521, 0x0000F1F1, 0x1CFDBD25, 0x1B080D30, 0xC61F61F7, 0x05122C3A, 0xDEF606CF, +0xF805D023, 0xD91D50F6, 0x1E0D0AE6, 0xE111F7E9, 0x1B1F42F7, 0xE9221106, 0xF7101EC8, 0x061C2FBD, +0xE8E711F2, 0xFB0E2335, 0x0DFDE6D5, 0x10E7E742, 0xF1FFE62A, 0x04F424CC, 0xF82B1F54, 0x10F8E821, +0xF40B1C33, 0xE2F3BA1B, 0xFBFBD32C, 0xF6E531BD, 0x12F7171E, 0x13073BDF, 0xDDEFFAC8, 0xDC1DFB0B, +0x0D00E4D9, 0x120AC7E2, 0xFEE1D546, 0xD9EFFEEA, 0x1EF0F737, 0x021225E9, 0xD4DE54FA, 0xF3FC1B2D, +0xF80DD1CC, 0x1EE1470A, 0x01E6D7F2, 0xE1E6F70D, 0xF9F0DEE9, 0xFB14D2C5, 0xE603F2D5, 0xD82750FF, +0x011AD941, 0xE2040A23, 0xE425BD4C, 0xFC28DC01, 0x22D94BFF, 0x0AE6E242, 0x16EDC2C5, 0xD90B011C, +0x050AD232, 0xDB114E18, 0xF2EB3512, 0x1AE642F3, 0xCFF1A7E7, 0xF220C9F8, 0x171FC148, 0x0735225D, +0xF2FF1926, 0x14D914FF, 0x0DFC36DC, 0x191BF00E, 0xE50CF3CB, 0x07F5221C, 0x2305FAD4, 0x1FD9094F, +0x25FFB4D6, 0x170FC1CA, 0x0FF3C91A, 0x02E82BF0, 0xDFEA07ED, 0xECE9143F, 0xE2E44645, 0xF2F6E71E, +0x26FAFE21, 0xFD17DB3F, 0xF0F6181E, 0xF818D0F0, 0xDD24B5B5, 0x00E8D8BF, 0xFE08DA20, 0x1104C6DC, +0x22FCB5D4, 0xE5FFF3D7, 0xE4CEF5A6, 0xF1EBE6EC, 0xEC06EBD3, 0xF5E91DC1, 0xE70540D4, 0xFC1A2D0E, +0x08E7E10F, 0xFAFE22D9, 0x06F82130, 0x09E80000, 0xF4F51F10, 0x49EE1CE2, 0xEEFADF17, 0x44ECE9DE, +0x0ECEE415, 0x354C1AF6, 0xCC020DDC, 0x50100C25, 0x1F362818, 0xCCB6090D, 0xE5C30C21, 0xFDDA0DEC, +0x350DDA01, 0x131A0C1A, 0x1AAB15F2, 0x2B590DD2, 0xC4A80331, 0xC517EC30, 0xCED3EEEF, 0xCC44F505, +0xF40DF5E3, 0xE2341BE5, 0x20C50AF3, 0xF9D308ED, 0xE345DF06, 0x3DF10CE4, 0x203D15E6, 0x1F4BF8EB, +0x1D37F8DD, 0xFEDC0BF1, 0xC14726FC, 0x0EDD1820, 0xCC221A05, 0xC1CB0D06, 0xC1CAE90C, 0x45EC180F, +0x9A3AE3EB, 0x15D23EED, 0xABCDEE06, 0x5EB52DF4, 0x19D33523, 0x0C41F1FB, 0xE8F8E4E8, 0xCD24F01F, +0x1239F604, 0xE6EA1611, 0xF23E0E11, 0x14F01A16, 0x450F14E8, 0x44BD1DE8, 0x3DE3E41C, 0x13E316F5, +0xEABEECF6, 0xEE00121B, 0x3AEEEB28, 0xE33AED15, 0x229AF5ED, 0xBF26FAC1, 0xE7351A02, 0xA6D80FF3, +0x5303CEFF, 0xCF082ADB, 0xB7BFF6E1, 0x3521E0E6, 0x07120DFA, 0x25E9E0EA, 0xB423FDEE, 0x0E012305, +0x1DF21B28, 0xCE1AF6E6, 0x2AF50AF2, 0xF80602E4, 0x0AB71FDF, 0x1F2A1E21, 0x0316F8FE, 0x0F4F2512, +0xEBCE1A27, 0xC0B3EC0A, 0x23E818DA, 0xEB0AFBEF, 0x164F13E3, 0xCDE61326, 0xC4DF0BF3, 0xBE3C14FA, +0x51E8E714, 0x10F2D710, 0xD3DB191B, 0xEA1F06FD, 0x344311F7, 0x21D60C1A, 0x301207FE, 0x2FF3F9EA, +0xEED1F9E4, 0xD335EAF9, 0xFA0505F3, 0x4B62DDDD, 0xD130DC3A, 0xD1D60708, 0x21D508FD, 0x4112FAFE, +0xEE431816, 0xAE0BEAE4, 0x03E0D51D, 0xD0AEDC07, 0x092BF72A, 0x07C92003, 0x20BDDEF1, 0xDC45F9E5, +0xCC1905E4, 0x0AE50CF2, 0x53D41E0D, 0xC928D505, 0x48B90F00, 0xF9CCDF1F, 0x3D4D21F4, 0xCB0B15DB, +0xF0050D1D, 0xE1F2E8DE, 0x36E5091A, 0x3EF20E0C, 0xD8E6161A, 0x241D00F3, 0xC1E7FD0C, 0xCFB8EA0F, +0xE33CF6DF, 0xF1AA0CEB, 0x45F11A2E, 0x3BFDE3E7, 0x28971425, 0x2DDC00BF, 0xE9DFFC03, 0x05B6EE07, +0xF1DE23DD, 0xB6E01807, 0x1F31DDF7, 0xEB390A0A, 0xD44B13F0, 0x11E2FC22, 0x5021E80A, 0x072E28FA, +0xEEBBDF07, 0xEC30E9E3, 0xD2F2EDF8, 0x3AE8061B, 0x4CB6EF10, 0xCBD2DC23, 0x302F0D07, 0xB73308FA, +0xAFE821F6, 0xD63FD6F0, 0x4CF20216, 0xBFEC23E6, 0x17DB19ED, 0xC9E8EF03, 0x3A34F10F, 0x404711F3, +0x1814181E, 0xEF17F1EB, 0x551F17EE, 0xD7D62E09, 0xF519FFFD, 0xFC16E4F1, 0x28E62412, 0xDD2600F2, +0xFD220501, 0x5DE52407, 0xB9B6CC0E, 0x180220DE, 0x27351026, 0xFA13010D, 0x050222EC, 0x2BE0DDDA, +0xCEB2FC08, 0x0CD00A27, 0xC3FBE509, 0xF6F51422, 0xEEAC1EE3, 0x10CFEAD5, 0x1FDBE9F7, 0x47C20AFE, +0x3AC8E2E9, 0xC80DEEEF, 0xECD9F1E5, 0x0FCEEC00, 0x1F2CE70B, 0xE5BCF8FC, 0x37B10DE4, 0x4200F1DA, +0xFB081A27, 0x385C231F, 0xC7210FCB, 0xFEF610F9, 0x26E30000, 0xEBF8132F, 0x051ADEBF, 0xEDE13CBA, +0x1819C0BF, 0xFE0F2AE7, 0xFC1D24F5, 0xDBE90311, 0x02F02918, 0x190FF037, 0x1CE10B46, 0x0AD0CF58, +0x170410DD, 0xF72231FA, 0x1D15BBED, 0x16053EDD, 0x0A1D1D45, 0xF412E316, 0x191510EE, 0xE3DE0BF9, +0x10113838, 0x02D92AB2, 0xFF07D7E0, 0x21ECF83C, 0xEDEBC4C2, 0xE8EDC13B, 0xF9042025, 0xDB35B4A4, +0x1AE3BF45, 0xFEEB2514, 0xEDFAC522, 0x0B08E3E0, 0x13F2151A, 0xF3D7E551, 0x1D110BE8, 0x25170312, +0x19C9F1A2, 0xEA0C1234, 0xE3FBF52D, 0xF3DC1BFD, 0x11F518CC, 0xFDF92521, 0xF61E31F6, 0xE0EA47EF, +0x09E6E142, 0x09F8E031, 0xDDF9B52F, 0xDAE34EBA, 0x160111D8, 0x1524C34C, 0xF01C170C, 0xDDE14BB9, +0xE7EEC0EB, 0x34005CD8, 0x17E1C2F7, 0x0F1B1943, 0xFD11DCEA, 0xD5EF5417, 0x08D73052, 0x1CDAF4B2, +0x162AED52, 0xFBE9D3EF, 0xF31C1CBC, 0xF225CA03, 0xEB231405, 0x13FFEC2A, 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0xB42D7BE0, 0x0C4A7E00, 0x4ACA8CB5, +0x76C89CCB, 0xB56F2806, 0x1C8CF4E5, 0xA192BBF1, 0x1139DA94, 0x46B1C7C9, 0x8B630748, 0xA882704B, +0x69DA8BE2, 0xF2508EA5, 0x05E4AEAF, 0x5AA0A9C8, 0x6177DDCE, 0x8D06A0E1, 0xECD023CA, 0x34FC0800, +0x5AE69AAD, 0xFE8E2F72, 0x5ED3DC49, 0x8B46EB93, 0xC0C3D55F, 0xAC8C8B89, 0x54A20A93, 0x81F6659B, +0x412B7086, 0x09D572AB, 0x85891AB0, 0x96DC6C57, 0xD7117C38, 0xFBA06F16, 0x9EAAFCE5, 0x44AD2185, +0x618D398E, 0xD9AC89E7, 0x031F1D0B, 0xE7D05975, 0x9E500DF3, 0x06BFEF20, 0x42888C91, 0xD6AF7FA6, +0xC839E4C7, 0x0E7B7724, 0x48693BD9, 0xD17B6519, 0x48004F1A, 0xF5A147D5, 0x521C8AD6, 0x26E19AE7, +0xAA17116F, 0x7196631D, 0x89643E51, 0x8CE6B02E, 0x128B9CF6, 0x2F45C206, 0x4EB6C731, 0xCFB17835, +0xCFE85026, 0xA4B9B9B0, 0xD2C152AC, 0xA4F89035, 0x79ED0C5F, 0xBC030479, 0x51D91130, 0x570C019C, +0x4E0306B7, 0x27978CCD, 0x5F8DA612, 0x33C121FE, 0x4407BB22, 0x6FF06E2F, 0x5D7F378B, 0x491B9A93, +0xA0BDE688, 0x0EA89618, 0xE91C3661, 0x27C69F6D, 0xC46463FD, 0x67649FE9, 0x8F6E077F, 0x4D456A5F, +0x396B7218, 0x0C26C824, 0xA4E8FD71, 0xDCA1C865, 0x6F1CC581, 0x97C974D3, 0x38D0F6FC, 0x04190419, +0xED8C7FC5, 0x794BA619, 0x0090798D, 0x3044F72D, 0xBB77EEEF, 0xF9BCFDE1, 0x2C1580F7, 0xC0292305, +0x86827E71, 0x356C7D12, 0xA84DBECC, 0xCA53E3D9, 0x236E73F0, 0x9FD2AFBA, 0x652E7A66, 0x744A1147, +0xBFE9AF5B, 0x59F2552F, 0xBD77D3C0, 0xCD726524, 0x1D56A0FB, 0x85207831, 0xB6F1861B, 0x369CF946, +0x71CA18BD, 0x5EE3F7CF, 0x2C3FC902, 0x4301214D, 0x53A64F16, 0x2956B34F, 0x3DF40618, 0x41A36C68, +0xF7BB2B5F, 0x0C5CD46D, 0x3E4354AC, 0xC29AFEF7, 0xC1A310AF, 0xFFEF128F, 0xBE1C8D14, 0x8B123664, +0x854B7E00, 0xAE175861, 0xE4067FE2, 0xA264F00A, 0x988634EF, 0xEC9E38E7, 0xFE2968A6, 0x2B30719D, +0xFE3DC88D, 0x09E222C8, 0x6B4F1B50, 0x436C7137, 0x161DFE10, 0xA68C403E, 0x12A2856F, 0xAAB8DFF0 + +k = +6144 + +e = +10376 + +iter_max = +8 + +iter_min = +4 + +expected_iter_count = +8 + +ext_scale = +15 + +num_maps = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B, +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN + +expected_status = +OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_low_snr.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_low_snr.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ff71aac --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_low_snr.data @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 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0x09ff1f13, 0x314b1f28, 0x1ecf0823, +0xf9adf6f7, 0xd4da222a, 0xef0f0501, 0xe146e8e8, 0xfe4308e1, 0x4803dbe5, 0x21bc2025, 0x0fc5f9e4, +0xd341e813, 0xa9d9fae6, 0xaaf5d1ff, 0xb546d2e3, 0x12e2221f, 0xbee715f6, 0xd325e60f, 0x1adc05fd, +0xf533f3fb, 0xf3d0e3f6, 0xcb11e5f7, 0x33fb0ce9, 0xa3be0b23, 0x29b8351a, 0x312f0120, 0xebbb0afa, +0xc31a12e3, 0x0c47150d, 0x21c21be2, 0xe1570715, 0x19e0082e, 0xc8f2f800, 0x2a0b11cd, 0xcd3001a8, +0x2f1e0bf7, 0x1909071f, 0x1c15f2ed, 0x4612f53b, 0x40021d27, 0x3108e821, 0x0c1108c7, 0xcd0d1ce4, +0xe51c0b44, 0xb4ebf412, 0xf1dddc04, 0xd6f7e6e1, 0xc32efe56, 0xfd10ea18, 0xdb2eda55, 0x48ff0329, +0xe2fce12c, 0xd5f9f5df, 0x2cda04fe, 0xdf0dfdcb, 0xc5e70741, 0xdf16eec2, 0x3ce1faf7, 0xcc0eec35, +0xfa28f450, 0xf1e72210, 0x451de7f5, 0x4dfde324, 0xfdf3db35, 0x31eadc3d, 0x391c09bc, 0xcc09ee1f, +0xdaf90dd1, 0xf6e1ff09, 0x22f8e1d0, 0xe70efae5, 0x13faf02e, 0x271e15ba, 0x03df0007, 0x11ff2627, +0xb8e9173f, 0x38ecdfec, 0xc4ed0f3b, 0xe4d91402, 0xd5010c29, 0x050400d3, 0x1e01ba26, 0xe3390b60, +0xe11d0a0c, 0x2adaaefe, 0x1222e906, 0x0ff6e7ce, 0xebeb3cc4, 0xfd082b31, 0xf52a1e52, 0xf1dde7b4, +0x0ee8e6c1, 0x0c2ae352, 0x0df3cbca, 0x131bebf2, 0x23214bf9, 0xd6f5ad1c, 0x21fff8d6, 0xe3e00a48, +0xf00119d8, 0x03d02ca7, 0xf1fcc92c, 0x0c0b1b1c, 0xf4daccb1, 0x131ac50f, 0xd6295250, 0xe4f6f3e2, +0xe9f91221, 0xe6e0be49, 0xdcebb5c3, 0x1f1bf8f3, 0x27f6b2e3, 0x1a1c0e45, 0x0504d224, 0x0918e20f, +0xe4dabb4f, 0x0a001d27, 0xec193b42, 0x08e9d1c2, 0x0c09e51e, 0xff28d700, 0x0d0ae5cf, 0x0704202c, +0xfce0d408, 0x0c0b341e, 0x27ee00ea, 0x1206c7d1, 0x1000e9d8, 0xf8000830, 0xe334f5e1, 0x0bc81ef4, +0xeed33b10, 0x280050fb, 0x02d1d928, 0x0e3be608, 0xdc130412, 0xf6ffceea, 0x03142a28, 0xfeea2aec, +0xfdc4d613, 0xf1151aed, 0x1425c4ee, 0xfdd0db04, 0x10df1807, 0x0af7cd07, 0x20c108e2, 0xf61bce17, +0xe6e6f10e, 0x03d0da0e, 0x20edf808, 0x37dc60eb, 0x1bfd0e04, 0x18b73f24, 0xe8f91021, 0x0ed31ade, +0x1fe50afc, 0x07e020f3, 0x0c2ccb07, 0xedd91405, 0xf700e202, 0xdce903d9, 0xf4b31c12, 0xfcbbd425, +0x08d431e2, 0x1f00b905, 0xd04158d9, 0xd2acabe8, 0x18e911d3, 0xedca3c12, 0xe467bb0f, 0xd9c350c2, +0x00c12816, 0x082220e9, 0xfe692bfa, 0xfc322cc0, 0x0d1ae5f5, 0x1de446f2, 0xe136b80d, 0xf2001af2, +0x1be3bdd8, 0x013e29f4, 0x272301ea, 0x0a021f04, 0x22d1b5da, 0xedafecfa, 0xf958d0d8, 0xb1f48ad1, +0xf816d01b, 0xe7caf2ee, 0xf7e11ef1, 0x0ae31df7, 0x0feb180b, 0xece61513, 0x3f10670e, 0x0baa1c17, +0xf233e6d2, 0xce46a7f5, 0xe6c642e2, 0x033225ee, 0x0b3de20a, 0x00f7d814, 0xf8cccf20, 0xe2ee0bf4, +0xd93601ea, 0xefdf3a0e, 0x2202fb07, 0xe5c70c25, 0x01da29ee, 0xf8182101, 0xdef7b610, 0xeb0aed1e, +0x0017d8e2, 0x2fa4a9ef, 0x0c25cd35, 0x05f62304, 0x08e7e01f, 0xe11409f2, 0xf5e81ded, 0xeefeeb10, +0xfe122b25, 0xe9153f16, 0xe34f44ed, 0x1cca0c27, 0xf3dbcb0e, 0x08c231fc, 0xe2cfea00, 0xf031f5f7, +0xc7e91809, 0xdfe5ef10, 0x1234fa0e, 0xee28ea0c, 0xc6061700, 0xccb8eede, 0xed190b20, 0x21441510, +0xb1e007e5, 0xe1c7d9f9, 0xcacbf611, 0x3acb0f0c, 0xd7e4110d, 0x41c2010c, 0xef0418ea, 0xffc917dc, +0xc7e4270f, 0x40e3eff5, 0xaf4c19f6, 0x413f28db, 0x2e12e616, 0xd1e6fbeb, 0x1008f80f, 0x070719e0, +0xbdebdfde, 0x16f31b12, 0x2e1c12e6, 0x41eafaf4, 0xccc7e6ef, 0x26ff0bef, 0xc201fed9, 0xe733ead8, +0x373cf10a, 0xfdd5f213, 0xe1dcdcfc, 0xa9400904, 0xe432d018, 0x15340c0a, 0xcd3aedf4, 0x24210cef, +0x02d90407, 0x43c827ff, 0x27341c11, 0x1226fef4, 0x192cebfe, 0x280cf204, 0x96ff00e4, 0xb5dd4204, +0x1a2adc52, 0x1bf00ec8, 0x1d07f320, 0x09ed0a15, 0xb5e3200a, 0x12f7de1f, 0xe915eaee, 0x3bf11219, +0x3df1ec19, 0xe3ecec13, 0x1ce6f543, 0x0d18f4ef, 0x21ea1a13, 0xc8f507ce, 0x22e511be, 0x0b1cfaf3, +0xcfe8e3f0, 0xc104f6dc, 0x301817f0, 0xb825084d, 0x3fe920c2, 0xeff3171a, 0xc7e01809, 0x2efc10d3, +0xb602f92b, 0xdecb215c, 0x0d13053c, 0x3908e5d1, 0xb5efefc7, 0x44e0dcb9, 0xe8161def, 0x1de8f040, +0x2f140b3c, 0xc5ec07ec, 0xd403ed25, 0x0aeefce9, 0xd412e23b, 0xf4f804e0, 0xf218e5c1, 0xca17e612, +0xc5050ed3, 0x1afc142b, 0x2e2c0dab, 0x39ecfb13, 0x1de6100e, 0xf81ef4ba, 0xf600211d, 0x12c03968, +0xe8f90f2e, 0xfbe42c44, 0x260bfee3, 0x051b22be, 0xe50842df, 0xfef6d632, 0x130514d3, 0xe6def24a, +0x09213107, 0xdfddfa05, 0x0418d310, 0xf00739d1, 0x0afa1ed3, 0x1bfff4d7, 0xfddc2b4c, 0xf1e0c9b8, +0x04e1d4f6, 0xd423acb5, 0x320c5b1b, 0x160eefcb, 0xe11347ec, 0xedfc16d4, 0x10f8c7e0, 0x220e4ae6, +0xf0f5c834, 0x272002f8, 0xdf0df9cb, 0xe02ff8a9, 0xd7df5106, 0x152512b2, 0x02fe2bd6, 0x1707112f, +0x2519b2bf, 0x051e2eba, 0x0bdbcefd, 0xf1eae8c2, 0x08dee007, 0x02142b3c, 0x001628ef, 0xe21fb9f6, +0xe0e9f7c1, 0x31ed593c, 0xe4ff442a, 0x16e1c247, 0xe6e3be0b, 0xdbfc0324, 0x001110c7, 0xda2affe8, +0x05b6d302, 0xf94a2023, 0xe5350dde, 0x1ee0f60d, 0x282a00f8, 0x28ba50ff, 0x08e5211f, 0xf1f8190d, +0xd5abad20, 0x16fbc22c, 0xf8cc1fdd, 0xda1efe0d, 0xeb0ec3f5, 0x014c26e7, 0xf0e118dc, 0x1d11bb08, +0xe4bc44e8, 0xd4d0541d, 0xe43a44f8, 0x28445112, 0xdae0fde5, 0x13e3c6f8, 0xe11b09f4, 0x2ad2520d, +0xef59eafb, 0x1dcaf530, 0xde4d06f2, 0xf617e325, 0xf3c5e512, 0xf4b1cc13, 0xf91d2128, 0xd8affff4, +0xe54d43d8, 0x1a060fdc, 0xe7c3be22, 0x2441b415, 0xf3171a19, 0x180ff011, 0x30e4a919, 0xfaed2ff4, +0xd54253ec, 0xe7df0e1a, 0x232afa08, 0xe9f7effe, 0x1cb5f31f, 0xf4083422, 0xdfd4b620, 0x2223fc00, +0xddcf06fb, 0x6cc004f8, 0x041c4418, 0x4b04230d, 0xc6f92225, 0xf61aee22, 0xba001d0d, 0x06c3e2d9, +0xd5c2dd15, 0x240ffde9, 0x405a0319, 0xe3a01731, 0xde3c0b37, 0x2206faeb, 0x27fcfb22, 0x33af00dc, +0x3ba60a29, 0x2cc913cd, 0x4ef505f1, 0xccbbda1c, 0x203df4e2, 0xe407f815, 0x1a15f321, 0x18d30eed, +0x2d1f10fa, 0x3c47fb09, 0x3cf9eb1e, 0x4cf114e0, 0x0caadde6, 0x594ee5d2, 0x1ed6d026, 0x2229f602, +0x18f4faff, 0xddf5f0e4, 0xaf07fae3, 0xdc0fd8df, 0x14c3fce7, 0xf2d2edea, 0xb106e6fb, 0xdb0ada22, +0xc6bdfce1, 0xcdf111e4, 0x1dcf0ae7, 0x27c4f6f7, 0xe5e5ffeb, 0x20380d0c, 0x4b3e070f, 0x322300e9, +0xede80a0f, 0x65f7ebe0, 0xcbddc306, 0x572b0d53, 0xb0082f2f, 0x5d0729e0, 0xbf0f3537, 0x18c2199a, +0x57e3110c, 0x4512d23b, 0x18f01e17, 0xf9f3f11a, 0xc6f1df37, 0xeae1ef47, 0x0df111c9, 0x19fce6d4, +0xd3f90fd2, 0x08f70520, 0x15f4e0cc, 0xefff12d8, 0xaee6ea0f, 0xc1db2afd, 0x1cdaeab3, 0xbe0bf433, +0xe6e01b47, 0x5503f125, 0x30fbd422, 0x3723f7b4, 0xcb1510c3, 0x09fdf4d5, 0xeeee1e39, 0x0ae7ebc0, +0x02d81d00, 0xbc33db5a, 0xc501e429, 0x12e0edb8, 0x03f1eac8, 0xf0eb25c4, 0x09e4e7bd, 0xd71de0f6, +0xc8ee0017, 0xdf00f0d9, 0x4209f8e2, 0x3100e6d8, 0xe2190942, 0xd5070921, 0x0b0c02e3, 0xee00e4c7, +0xf5eaceef, 0x2011f7e9, 0xdf1106c7, 0xfede29fa, 0x1c1f0d0a, 0x1f0d08e6, 0x0d2ccc54, 0xf6e61df3, +0x121f1647, 0x1610c3c8, 0xded7b6af, 0x1ef8f61f, 0xf9172ef0, 0x391f60f7, 0xf3ebcced, 0x273050a9, +0x1305ebd3, 0x16221206, 0x12e5c6f4, 0x0006d822, 0xecfa152f, 0xf9f92f2e, 0x1fe2470b, 0x2425fc4e, +0x33285cb1, 0x070430d3, 0xe421bd48, 0xede1c5b9, 0xf4ea1c12, 0xe1c809a1, 0xfa05d223, 0xedf83a2f, +0xc4259d03, 0x1f180810, 0xdb10fee8, 0x11daeab2, 0xec2614fe, 0xb31e74ba, 0x14143b14, 0x07ff2fd7, +0xfb23d305, 0x25fffcda, 0xe7dbbefe, 0x13e43abc, 0x070c301c, 0xff0726d1, 0x16dc3eb3, 0x04ee2dc6, +0xdeff05d7, 0xf8dfd0fa, 0xde13fb15, 0x0b1acebe, 0xe2f1f6e6, 0xee1d3a0b, 0x3003572b, 0xf9d32fab, +0x0420ddb8, 0xcef05919, 0xd126a9b2, 0xdac9fda1, 0xe0ee083a, 0x30e259ba, 0xecf1ed19, 0xd0da58fe, +0x071f2e46, 0xe2da4602, 0xf3cecba5, 0xd8e20045, 0x18d6ef53, 0x11dbe9b3, 0x1819c00e, 0x09f930e0, +0xf2183640, 0x250bfd1e, 0xcae3a2bb, 0x17d13fa8, 0xefe6c8bf, 0x1ff8f620, 0xfaee22c7, 0x0afdce25, +0xd9010029, 0x1727c2ff, 0xf2221bf9, 0xd8e10147, 0x0726224d, 0xe0ea4811, 0x1a2e0ea9, 0x0d3635a3, +0xf0f1e7e8, 0x0c0234d9, 0x0ef8c920, 0xecf4151d, 0xe817c112, 0x0e0637dd, 0xddf305cb, 0x16e2ef0b, +0xf1c10000, 0xfd2ce717, 0x092ada04, 0xb929e202, 0x2902e1ff, 0xcecaff25, 0xd23c09f2, 0xee2107eb, +0xd9c0e908, 0xd3bc0018, 0xb3bc051d, 0x29ab261b, 0x0b0bff2c, 0xdf5ae41c, 0xe6ef07cf, 0x2ea10fea, +0x1db5fac8, 0x083a0cde, 0x4ff5e1ee, 0x4643281c, 0x08dee1e6, 0x1a0e1ffa, 0x2a30f11b, 0x0b4a02f8, +0xe1f5e321, 0xf5eaf71e, 0x21e3e312, 0xccfffaf6, 0x3932f5d8, 0xe3efeff5, 0x314df518, 0xbdc709db, +0x1336e5ef, 0xeb2bec0d, 0xc4a6ec02, 0xe3b2eccf, 0x33210b27, 0x1a2b0a08, 0xb536f304, 0x51f7def2, +0xa946d6e1, 0x0f1fd2e2, 0xd5cee6f8, 0xe60303f5, 0xdc25f225, 0xab360303, 0xd9aa2c0f, 0x30f9ffd2, +0x611ff8e0, 0xc6fa3909, 0x33241323, 0x023ff505, 0xc3f827e8, 0x1601ebdf, 0x35d91228, 0x0cf70d01, +0xbc271ce1, 0xbae8e400, 0xed09e310, 0x13ec16e2, 0xbffb1513, 0x3452e724, 0xff010cd7, 0x53ddd9d8, +0x18da2cfc, 0x3b28f102, 0x1ae1ed00, 0x051c0ff7, 0xe16b23f4, 0xfb4f0844, 0x091fdcd8, 0xbea1e109, +0xbcdc1a36, 0xd908e5fc, 0xd7f301e1, 0xbd1d02e5, 0x2319e5f4, 0xed0cfbf0, 0xed46eae5, 0x3442ebe2, +0x0323f4e6, 0xd62a25fb, 0xbec7fd03, 0x3841e6ee, 0xd3cc1018, 0x4d06faf4, 0x31422521, 0x15b1f8e7, +0x354b12d9, 0xe3ca0dde, 0x1fd30cf1, 0x25ddf705, 0xf5e8fdfb, 0x0a121df0, 0x5bc81e17, 0xd8e8cdef, +0x000000f1, 0xdfec4a13, 0x0d1e1cba, 0x0ff918d1, 0x00de274a, 0x07242105, 0xe5030cd4, 0xe0f40734, +0xee02ead7, 0x15dc3d4d, 0x0de3cc46, 0xe817f1ee, 0xfbe3d40b, 0x0d09cbe2, 0xd22256b6, 0x1904bf2d, +0xea17ee10, 0xe019f842, 0x15ebc33d, 0x39ef6217, 0xe6f8f1df, 0xf1001ad8, 0x1cf90dde, 0x19e40fbc, +0xe9e6ef0e, 0x0103d72a, 0xeffe3929, 0xf7d83151, 0x11273901, 0x28fdb0dc, 0x07f22f36, 0xddddb505, +0xe0e3f8ba, 0xf3dc354d, 0xe613f1eb, 0x09f4e2e3, 0xe70df1cc, 0x28d950b1, 0x001128e9, 0xfe312658, +0xf624cdb5, 0xee1217eb, 0x1ac04268, 0xd414ab15, 0x0d191b0f, 0x0e021b26, 0xe10cba1b, 0xfc09d4cf, +0x1b2b0c53, 0x0be8343f, 0x04d92c01, 0x01f4d733, 0x0d01cad8, 0x16f2121b, 0xddebfbc4, 0xdff2fa37, +0x1dea0bee, 0x1b0cf4cd, 0x2ff7a9cf, 0x13da15fd, 0x35fb5c2d, 0x0b0fcd36, 0x0e19ca40, 0xef1e380b, +0x0303d5db, 0x02fdda24, 0xe30845e0, 0x14fc1424, 0xeef115ca, 0x04e5d40e, 0xde2bfaad, 0x2ddaaaff, +0xf2e91a3e, 0xd51e530b, 0xdde405f3, 0xd908b11f, 0x0fe0c807, 0xecf0c318, 0x20064723, 0xf814d03c, +0xe9081120, 0xe0f808cf, 0xdbf4b235, 0xfdf225e6, 0x10da19fd, 0x170fef19, 0xedc53a64, 0xea133e16, +0x1725effd, 0xe4fbbcdc, 0x0208dadf, 0x1ff50933, 0xf706d0d2, 0x0901cfd6, 0x130515d2, 0x1e1e0909, +0xe01247e9, 0xbe3f0000, 0x35dbe517, 0xdfcd0d03, 0xff29f9f5, 0xb0c0d900, 0x30eed8e7, 0xdabff816, +0xaa4203e7, 0xd9f62f19, 0x5453ff1d, 0xdbd32bd6, 0xec07fd06, 0xeedd14df, 0x462debfc, 0x173e1d04, +0xe423efea, 0x4f6cf505, 0xd701da45, 0xb13602d9, 0xa2fd28f3, 0xeec7c9dc, 0xfae21610, 0xd4c9de0a, +0xd5db04f0, 0x1503fd03, 0x0360eddb, 0x2abf2639, 0x34fdfde7, 0x462bf5dc, 0x3c1f1e04, 0x1d04ec09, +0xbdd20cdd, 0x1c561a06, 0xfb1d0c2e, 0x19b824f6, 0xd1f4f120, 0xbe23061b, 0x1dcb1bfb, 0x22f10cf4, +0xc5f8fa18, 0x5227ec20, 0x33d1d501, 0x03caf6f8, 0xd3fc260d, 0xb9150523, 0x5811e114, 0x211bd0e8, +0xcd1d08f2, 0x44c2f50b, 0xf3d6e417, 0x0535e5ff, 0xfbccddf2, 0xc102def4, 0xf5d01825, 0xfb27e207, +0xeff62300, 0x3a1417e1, 0x17b6efec, 0xddd9ef23, 0x2ddefb02, 0x0a2bfbfb, 0xfb561e03, 0x2ceedd2e, +0x17f50416, 0xc4f3efe3, 0xb9e2ece5, 0xe3e71f0b, 0x47e5f4f1, 0xebdbe1f3, 0xe4e514fc, 0xfc280c0d, +0xfdbb2501, 0x0508251c, 0x0d0add1f, 0xcb201b1e, 0x2e480df9, 0xf3f2061f, 0xc7181b19, 0xe42310f0, +0x32b3f4fc, 0xe5c70b26, 0x1ceef3ee, 0x3def0d16, 0x2309ec18, 0x3544fb1e, 0x5050f3e5, 0x000d29d9, +0xef5b271a, 0x57b0ea33, 0xecc6d0d7, 0xd619ecee, 0xc60101f2, 0x3954efd9, 0xf2db11d4, 0xf7b31afc, +0x433d20da, 0x0000e515, 0x06f5d234, 0xdef0b6c8, 0xed1dc4f4, 0xe8fef126, 0xe215bb3d, 0x14fcedd5, +0x0deb1aed, 0xe528f2b0, 0xe0e84840, 0xdd1ab542, 0xe91ec10b, 0xe11ff648, 0xbf0968e0, 0x0ddccab5, +0x0b1ae30e, 0xe6020ed7, 0x07f42f33, 0xf4e91cef, 0xfbe9d3c0, 0x24e4fb44, 0x12fa162f, 0xe9063f21, +0x01f6d931, 0x22f806df, 0x1d04f423, 0xdffc4923, 0xe4eff3c8, 0x190af11e, 0x18f4111c, 0x170311da, +0x16f73e20, 0xdbcb04a2, 0x0dfc1bdc, 0xedf43a1d, 0x10cfc8a6, 0xfb402d68, 0xf2273500, 0x21fc4a24, +0xfae2d345, 0xe7001028, 0xeaf1ed36, 0x00f329e6, 0x0d1234c6, 0xdf27f8ff, 0xecf8eb20, 0x09f432e5, +0x0bfacdde, 0xeffbe9de, 0x14e73c40, 0x2007f821, 0xe005b9dc, 0xeafe3eda, 0x0701d0d7, 0x29015027, +0xe9fdee24, 0xe31ff408, 0x24244db4, 0x03f5dcce, 0xf3151c3c, 0xf5da1e01, 0xe01b0843, 0x02db2b4c, +0xdcf34c35, 0x07f620e1, 0xf40e1b19, 0x0cffcc27, 0xf9112ec8, 0x3c0e9bca, 0x1615123e, 0xf7ddcf04, +0xfe0326da, 0x2a26524d, 0x09031fd4, 0xe6dc0dfd, 0xfbf32ecb, 0x18121115, 0x231d050a, 0x011a2abe, +0xfc0bdc34, 0x0a0632d1, 0xe3dabbb2, 0xeee2c60a, 0x11eae9ee, 0x031ad6bd, 0xf6131e3a, 0x0d22cbb6, +0x13103c18, 0xf5161c3e, 0xf01ae8f2, 0xf306e42d, 0xed04c623, 0xf1211a08, 0xdbf34d34, 0xe9e6eff2, +0xd90db1cb, 0x0aedcf3b, 0x3f110000, 0x2dffe818, 0x20fbfbda, 0x08fc07dd, 0xd6182025, 0x9d27fff0, +0xb5e63c01, 0x295323f2, 0x06d401d5, 0xa0ee22fd, 0x15ec3816, 0xba24ed14, 0xe13be1fb, 0x39360aed, +0xb60f10f3, 0x15e2dee7, 0x174aedf6, 0x1146ee22, 0xee16171e, 0xed1d1512, 0xd7fdec0b, 0x110200db, +0xfb5116db, 0xf50923d8, 0xd7bae3e1, 0xc960021e, 0x14400e38, 0x33d01419, 0xc737f407, 0xdc6011f0, +0xebfd05c8, 0x120ced25, 0x0845e9e4, 0xfaf620e3, 0x394923e1, 0x5217efde, 0xc1c8d6ef, 0x030fe810, +0xf418db19, 0x0ff3e510, 0x0ec7e71c, 0xfbaae5ef, 0x27c823d2, 0xc3c6ff0f, 0x0ed0ecef, 0xbbd11b07, +0xb8411cf8, 0x42e6e1e7, 0xafcee50e, 0x29bdd8f7, 0x4cf6ff1b, 0xefe2dc1e, 0xc518e9f5, 0xc313ec10, +0x0ccfea14, 0xba27e309, 0x0c9ae201, 0x19d31bc3, 0x4aec0e06, 0xfa0e23ec, 0xeac5211b, 0xe9281313, +0xdd711101, 0xed41fab7, 0xbb2f14e7, 0xd6a1e4fa, 0xb6b3fec9, 0xd0b32324, 0xcbdbf8db, 0x4fb60cfc, +0x3503d9df, 0x06c3f225, 0xd2c7de15, 0xbefff9ef, 0x0aec1ada, 0xbe401eec, 0xc92fe519, 0xb6bf0ff9, +0xddbcde1a, 0x2047fb1b, 0xcbbaf91f, 0xa7fdf3e2, 0x30eed025, 0x435b07e9, 0x2efc1b34, 0x0ac70723, +0xbefce311, 0x4ca719dd, 0x1d04db31, 0xead20a24, 0x2a5b12fa, 0xc613ffce, 0xb52c12ea, 0x03bd23fc, +0xc9b9dc1b, 0xd0e40e1f, 0x000007f4, 0x0cde354a, 0xd2dcaafc, 0x21d908fe, 0x1bf5f3ce, 0xe40d0d1a, +0xcd06a42f, 0x0fe7180f, 0xda0c4e35, 0xfe28db00, 0x13efc5e9, 0x08032024, 0xff35275d, 0x22eeb639, +0xeb2bc3ad, 0xe9ec3e14, 0x2523fd06, 0x06f3d1cc, 0xdb2903b0, 0x0fdfc8f9, 0x18e50ff4, 0x0efbcb2e, +0x11fae8d3, 0x33e4a545, 0xe22af6ae, 0x1f10ba38, 0xe30bf633, 0x0c06e322, 0x0eeb1b3e, 0x09f1cf18, +0x10ef1939, 0xe9f21036, 0xee17e9c2, 0x1aec0f13, 0xeff4ea1c, 0x16dbedb4, 0x03eb253d, 0x1400c5d9, +0xfd00db28, 0xdcda03b2, 0xcdff5a28, 0x0bd6ceae, 0x24f8fbd0, 0xfdecd5c4, 0xdfe4faf3, 0x0cedccec, +0x0807e030, 0xf6213208, 0xebdfc208, 0xf312cbea, 0x1d21ba49, 0x03f02517, 0xda0e4ee6, 0x14ed3dea, +0x090ae132, 0xfdefd5c7, 0xe019f9f2, 0xf4121dc7, 0xe7febfda, 0x27ee0116, 0x18fbbf23, 0xff04d625, +0x252d4eab, 0x271d000c, 0xf8ed3116, 0x2009f831, 0x1b17bd3f, 0x201209c6, 0x2af95220, 0xee0816d0, +0xd6e352bc, 0x240f04e6, 0xf21d19f6, 0xf41b1cf3, 0x171b3ff4, 0x0c26cd4e, 0xfe05d6d4, 0x021dd7f5, +0x22cf4a59, 0x14efec39, 0x1c0abbce, 0x12d3c655, 0xe8fb4023, 0x07e82fc1, 0xdae6b30e, 0x1d0af5e1, +0x27f0ffc8, 0x01ed29eb, 0xe625be02, 0xdfe2490b, 0xf11c1945, 0xca21a1f9, 0xe91810c0, 0x20190842, +0xf1fec929, 0xe2e9b9ef, 0xe814c0c4, 0x6d0c0000, 0x14d0451b, 0x11aeebf8, 0x393d16d6, 0xa9dbeeec, +0xdbf7d103, 0xa45e0320, 0x1ab1cbc9, 0x0b25f2d9, 0xbf111e02, 0x2b2e1818, 0xb2000305, 0x1608dbd8, +0x210e1220, 0xfdf1fa1b, 0x2d9e2519, 0x01d0fcc7, 0xd5b8d9f8, 0x08d603df, 0xce25e0fe, 0xea000a03, +0x234b12d9, 0xe72ffa23, 0xedf00efa, 0x361614e9, 0x2c3a0e13, 0xe114fd11, 0x2a3a0915, 0xbfe3fdef, +0xd95a180b, 0xbd20fece, 0xbd391c07, 0x610de4ee, 0xbb0d38e4, 0xee08e4e5, 0x10fe1720, 0x2f0fe8d9, +0xc92af919, 0xdf24f001, 0x64f0f9fc, 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0x321ef7f3, 0x200e0af5, 0x362bf819, +0x04130efd, 0x1af72315, 0xc7f3f31f, 0x2ad8f0e4, 0x47f1fe00, 0xa9411fe6, 0x0be92ee7, 0x1f2be4ef, +0x14c30804, 0x5c1214ea, 0xf1cd34ea, 0x5535e7f5, 0x3410d30e, 0xfa2e0c18, 0x4218defa, 0xbcbd19f0, +0xe6fd1c1c, 0xf5fe0eda, 0xf5e0e426, 0xb1041d08, 0xbf06da24, 0xc0d41823, 0xcfaae8fc, 0x25b0f82e, +0xd9d5fc29, 0xc8ccff02, 0xf04cf00b, 0x32d0e725, 0xda090af9, 0x5604ff1f, 0x2fef2edd, 0xdce2f818, +0x1fd30409, 0x4c300afb, 0xe018dcf8, 0xb54308f1, 0x281fdde5, 0xc202fff8, 0x3ca11525, 0xc241ecc9, +0xc06d15e7, 0xc11ce8bb, 0xf51a180c, 0xb43b1cf2, 0xcd2b2413, 0xefd3f4fc, 0x3e30e8fb, 0x43df1708, +0xd44ae4fa, 0xe912fd22, 0xeb16eee9, 0xe1aa12ee, 0xe2be0a2e, 0x24f90a19, 0x02b1fbdf, 0x4f33d9d9, +0x1fe4280c, 0x0336f60c, 0x09bc250e, 0x2b36e11d, 0xf2fffd0e, 0xfd33e727, 0xd2ecdb0c, 0xebdc0614, +0x16ec13fb, 0x2427ee15, 0x0a5d03ff, 0x2f0a1e36, 0x08e20000, 0xe0eaf813, 0xfe1c2bf5, 0x300c57cc, +0x13e8c510, 0xe2e50a43, 0x0cdd35fa, 0x040f2c37, 0x0001d828, 0x4404932d, 0xdaddfe4c, 0x012d29ab, +0xee1ec6ba, 0x1b0ef236, 0x16f6121e, 0xd4faab2d, 0xe9e5eef3, 0xe80d4035, 0xe5f642ce, 0xd8010028, +0x141d3c0c, 0xe7110fe9, 0x14eac5ee, 0xed1c3af3, 0xd616523f, 0xdef7facf, 0xf2e01b47, 0x2211fa16, +0x290cb033, 0x29e05007, 0x300d58e5, 0xf82b30ad, 0xf01c370d, 0xd4ebadc4, 0x080c1fe5, 0x1324eb4c, +0xec13c5eb, 0x08fbcfdc, 0xe8ff4029, 0x08e920ee, 0x02fddb2b, 0xf20ce6cd, 0xe6184140, 0xfd1624c2, +0x27f0b0e8, 0x1b15423d, 0x151c3d0b, 0x21e0f9f7, 0x16e1c148, 0x11161812, 0x0b0e3435, 0x07fb20dd, +0xe30045d7, 0xebecc33c, 0xe10b471d, 0x1ceb0cc3, 0xf020e809, 0xf412e53a, 0xe905c124, 0x2eef56c7, +0x10dbc804, 0x13181541, 0x0913cfc5, 0x0be3cef4, 0x34ed5dc5, 0xff10da37, 0xd827ff4f, 0x11d81701, +0x13e81540, 0xcddd5a04, 0x090ce233, 0x22db49fd, 0x3d09651f, 0xf5edcc3b, 0x25224c06, 0xf7c8e15f, +0x190dc0e4, 0xf81fe009, 0x08272fb1, 0xec11c417, 0xefe7e9f2, 0x13e1eab9, 0xe6fdf325, 0xf1f01918, +0x0c27cb01, 0x0e0d36e6, 0x1a0bbf1c, 0x1122c649, 0x0020d9b8, 0x2120f9f9, 0xd50f531a, 0xdbeeb416, +0xf0fdc9d5, 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/dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_negllr.data @@ -0,0 +1,645 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x7f7fb2e1, 0x467f05ef, 0x3cabba6a, 0x1f826cac, 0xbe817fe7, 0x584dab0f, 0xdcb55f81, 0xe47f915f, +0x37b1a534, 0x4b478145, 0x9db5727f, 0x7fa6943f, 0x819550ea, 0xd18eb72a, 0xa0ba9c10, 0xcf7f817f, +0x915a957f, 0x2c699d0a, 0x89815c0f, 0x7f569358, 0x1002587f, 0x54314130, 0x817f1b7e, 0x81a85e2a, +0x5981bdf2, 0x0c81b00f, 0x6781be0e, 0x297fb17f, 0xfd811fb3, 0x7f077fdb, 0xd37fc2ab, 0x817f1024, +0x81817f7f, 0x3d848ec6, 0x4486cd9c, 0x7f6d7f81, 0x1d7ffa93, 0x813648ca, 0xdc7f125e, 0xaa81a798, +0x60838ef4, 0x815fcdbd, 0x81cb9d93, 0x817f8188, 0xc8c3d697, 0x817af2d6, 0x36888781, 0x818117ee, +0x37a67fbf, 0x89f464b2, 0x7f1e7f81, 0x7fe5c17f, 0x8ca1effc, 0xed7f82cf, 0x4a7f5ac6, 0x7fffb8d6, +0x427f7f73, 0x747f7f06, 0xdfcd22a9, 0x7fb99981, 0x76f77381, 0x2cd70f12, 0xd8b138e1, 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0x7f186b39, 0x7f818150, 0xea7f5b7f, 0x816776b0, 0xb8657f57, 0x7f447f5e, 0xc3628122, +0x84849d7f, 0x7f8cb914, 0x92813dd5, 0x81557a3a, 0x6b4cbf7f, 0xc6818b94, 0x7fbb7f98, 0x3c88812d, +0x8de4267f, 0x8dee81fd, 0x37f98131, 0x3d8164d2, 0xd97f8181, 0x3ccaebf9, 0x8165cb7f, 0x63cb81d3, +0x817fea94, 0x48817fa1, 0x4ea0b16b, 0x3cb5ab6f, 0x3148f975, 0x8c7f1ab5, 0x7fae5a87, 0xad06c881, +0x0681c187, 0x81a5a11b, 0xe29ea383, 0xf07f536d, 0x81b0e702, 0xc37fbb59, 0x9e6167e8, 0x3f55c9be, +0x819a40a9, 0x6450b823, 0x15927b65, 0x72a149d4, 0x6c280b5c, 0x5d7fd8f3, 0x998d831a, 0xbb7f817f, +0x10ab3f81, 0x96f65101, 0x257f743a, 0x7f04a024, 0xe0c981b4, 0x81163a22, 0x8e197481, 0x21addfdc, +0x7f2dcdaa, 0x787f4407, 0x6b7f81ce, 0x9fd252c5, 0x85e8979b, 0xb049819d, 0x8f7f7f4d, 0xbe284c7f, +0x78135181, 0x5d33db0a, 0x8123817f, 0x81496a7f, 0x81889281, 0x8145bf37, 0x2e9f7fdf, 0xe4543a2d, +0x811e6024, 0x7f62e6ba, 0xaad07f1f, 0x4f73894f, 0x4c7f8181, 0x57817f06, 0xd27feb81, 0xcf1a815c, +0xa57fbe7f, 0x684f7fdc, 0x81f6cbc0, 0xb72bf82f, 0xda6d448f, 0xc6157f36, 0x7f81407f, 0x9a8c4719, +0x5fdf81dd, 0xaf817f0f, 0x813c11da, 0xd7ec1181, 0x570186e7, 0x8181f41e, 0xe5b8a2bb, 0x819051f3, +0x2a7fd68f, 0x37a13ac3, 0x5b81fd38, 0x6342817f, 0x84697f6e, 0x7f5eddfa, 0x6abc81d1, 0x8151d9d8, +0x3e5c6c53, 0x2b397fc6, 0x60d58548, 0xc540b213, 0x67815781, 0x89983030, 0x767c7f81, 0x71effe3a, +0x817feb42, 0x05818897, 0x810ea318, 0x99bb0e8a, 0xf1dd4b7b, 0xae6dcbae, 0x8155adc0, 0x15b4c0c1, +0x81ac9b14, 0x895057be, 0x9599d781, 0x38968fcd, 0x8171e981, 0x7a62d80c, 0x8681509a, 0x7f5d489b, +0xa381467f, 0x7fa12952, 0xa07f8109, 0x5acd5d7f, 0xbb7fc77f, 0x531f3429, 0x7fb77f5a, 0x566d89f6, +0x817d4c23, 0x406a81e6, 0x1381c99c, 0xad89d258, 0xa67f0cad, 0x510b916e, 0x7ffa81a1, 0x0b6a11e1, +0x2be02284, 0x7f4e4338, 0x817fd023, 0x058174bf, 0x677f950a, 0x97a6a01d, 0x81817f81, 0x136881da, +0x717f7f9a, 0xbf811404, 0x6714c965, 0x51828181, 0xcaf329a1, 0x8881bc0a, 0x7f7d8305, 0x2c7f5a7f, +0x7f7f63e9, 0x797fced4, 0x818154f5, 0xf13681c4, 0xc04b1d81, 0x0e81d244, 0xbf3f66bf, 0x5a3f2d7f, +0xfa931714, 0xce485844, 0x263ae55b, 0x7fd37f81, 0x79477ee4, 0x7f8187e0, 0x81ab8144, 0x7f8d7f7f, +0x6f715068, 0x7f5577f6, 0x7f487f41, 0x81813b84, 0x33431981, 0x81a181c6, 0xca1b667f, 0xe75a7f71, +0x168128b0, 0xe0a092d5, 0x6e8164de, 0x2e817f61, 0xc4b1818d, 0xea7f8a32, 0x1098817f, 0x14a18156, +0xdd568862, 0xd3176a4b, 0x81308181, 0x697b3faa, 0xe256cecb, 0x697f1691, 0x4e228c05, 0x7fa6682a, +0x7449816e, 0x4558a15f, 0x9f513638, 0x7f7f819c, 0x7fb77aa1, 0x5eaf4912, 0x14817f7f, 0x0853817c, +0xa47fbe41, 0xdfd77f0e, 0x81371d7f, 0xc9cd7299, 0x81d0673a, 0xb133492f, 0xfd7f4003, 0x897f7f1c, +0x1990d405, 0x9f3ee2bd, 0xc168817f, 0xc6f57fa4, 0x83ee483e, 0x90f781f6, 0x81dcb39d, 0xd37fe881, +0x28819181, 0x83da81d4, 0x7251dc7a, 0x7928ffc3, 0x7bca8181, 0x7f7f817b, 0xf6fa907f, 0x37916bd4, +0x0d3fbc7b, 0xde81bdd0, 0xa0147fdc, 0xbf0f7f0b, 0x25958132, 0x7f6c9931, 0x7f44812c, 0xd4868181, +0x6d9622ad, 0x817f30b6, 0x3c7f817f, 0x81238823, 0x7f2d5c81, 0x6f81531b, 0x947faff2, 0xa5ea038c, +0x4268817f, 0x814f8cfc, 0x81481809, 0x814d7f1a, 0x3c87507f, 0xa47f1219, 0x4f65f27f, 0x5d7f2c21, +0x7f4631a5, 0x5a81475a, 0x7f81ef60, 0x73aaa890, 0x327f7f7f, 0x81b614c1, 0x7fc6477f, 0xe5b7a6be, +0x55816e73, 0x7ffaffb1, 0xb93d1b81, 0x3ce80fe2, 0x37ec6194, 0xe681e2db, 0x81c1d37f, 0x33a2bad3, +0x582b8181, 0x7fdc7f25, 0x81978169, 0x9733486f, 0x3de13ef3, 0x247fd5cf, 0xa91d817f, 0x606a7f56, +0x817f8178, 0xe61d7b08, 0x7fa08181, 0x058bd29b, 0x28237fbf, 0x4f81b057, 0x488d8103, 0xe1817fa5, +0x81666297, 0xfabc75c8, 0x7ff75edb, 0x4a62fab5, 0x687fad84, 0xa7221c28, 0x773a5a6e, 0xf27f8581, +0x7f7f9569, 0xa31d812f, 0x81d48457, 0x7f88bcfe, 0xd743b981, 0x7f608102, 0x18de2185, 0x81d77fc4, +0x937f337f, 0xe67fe52e, 0x95d481da, 0x887f6071, 0x81301872, 0xd9088132, 0x7f7f5a81, 0x8181aba8, +0x7f9a7fcd, 0x7f7f4136, 0x3d87d3a8, 0xd581d381, 0x5d306ed0, 0x615b98dc, 0x812b3281, 0xdbe5c443, +0x817f7fe9, 0x815462da, 0x8122da0a, 0xb5817d81, 0xe12bd56c, 0xfa819a68, 0x907f8183, 0x236aa83f, +0x1b576c9b, 0x5b6424ab, 0x3f3e3953, 0xec81507f, 0xddb43aa9, 0x818134f1, 0x81c37fb0, 0xbf4a7fcf, +0x810b7f7c, 0x705b81d5, 0x23636581, 0x3caf7f9d, 0xbe765d81, 0x189a11ae, 0x8194cabc, 0x6063c5b0, +0x0e3c5353, 0x388235bb, 0x81904632, 0x2b9781d3, 0xd78db758, 0x953fe437, 0x7423f22d, 0x81ad9c95, +0x7fd74748, 0x329b582d, 0xe0e07f7f, 0x7f81ae8e, 0x962fe50c, 0x3b7faf1d, 0xcaeb8e37, 0x7f54276a, +0x927f6c9a, 0x828143c1, 0x90456105, 0x7f757ff6, 0x796681eb, 0x7478b225, 0x70d852bb, 0x7f280bdb, +0x56597f47, 0x51e6fff8, 0x1e7f818d, 0xdc4a8175, 0x10712985, 0x2ee6daa1, 0x81c7d046, 0xa1a36e79, +0x9adf7f7f, 0x812ee70d, 0x91bc1062, 0x443b7fa9, 0x818f47b3, 0x7f817f3b, 0x7981a09c, 0x7f9c817f, +0x1b46d2cc, 0x786179de, 0xd97f61f2, 0x81b4f213, 0xd381874a, 0x7f4f7fc4, 0x9c81c3d5, 0x17d59842, +0x7fc9a8fc, 0x996840b5, 0xd5a79281, 0x88378181, 0x7fd4ca81, 0x81ba7fee, 0x5dae297b, 0xc8fa0e5c, +0x987a5757, 0x5debc016, 0xa64eb973, 0x61a51b81, 0x66509c7f, 0xeb7ad965, 0x7ada817f, 0x4d5bf7bc, +0x8876b8a4, 0x7d73b4d0, 0x762cb5ad, 0x6ec14d66, 0x6bfdad7f, 0x7f7f810e, 0x81bc2b15, 0x0f817f9c, +0xc72fe940, 0xc9168b0c, 0x7f6e8d79, 0x7f81fadd, 0x706181f6, 0x678181e7, 0x3f68c5e8, 0xa06d8195, +0x78d73d7f, 0x7295109a, 0x05897f55, 0xbdc07281, 0x81817fe3, 0xcd157f30, 0x489ca757, 0x53468119, +0x3f6a81b8, 0x03fe7c43, 0xb511cda3, 0xe581a17f, 0x5e3e3ec9, 0x7f507f96, 0xbe12a481, 0x81006ddd, +0x49322cb4, 0x27f7a81e, 0xc6085618, 0x8148d270, 0x68668181, 0xec5ed498, 0xa011833a, 0x81475300, +0x071d3a63, 0xa2c55142, 0x7fe9767f, 0x6e3c21fe, 0xeb63814a, 0x7fd57ffd, 0x9f91630b, 0x475f219f, +0xbbb5c7bc, 0x686de142, 0xb652909f, 0x6b8e5a7f, 0x7f885858, 0x7f027ee1, 0x7f818191, 0x818881d4, +0x1b7c017e, 0x8581aac9, 0x627fa790, 0xaf837f7f, 0x69064681, 0x311d32e9, 0x6f7f0ba1, 0x7b81a1c5, +0x7f4f8144, 0x81e38144, 0x528daa3d, 0x1c098175, 0xba6b0ac7, 0x732614ab, 0x5b2c5d7f, 0x81815ce8, +0xb37f7fbb, 0xc87f8ec5, 0x81b08181, 0x5bcb8136, 0x7f2524c5, 0xf5e881d8, 0x50ceaf7f, 0xf72387a1, +0xd4c74e74, 0x663f7fe8, 0x26ae4a7f, 0x5d7f6358, 0x8178bbdb, 0x46f38102, 0xb0327f53, 0xa019f297, +0xeff57f12, 0x7f7f79e2, 0x8120817f, 0x73e4b322, 0x999c6349, 0x92ba973e, 0x7f7fbc5c, 0x81946449, +0xaf4b817f, 0xca523d00, 0x81817fbf, 0x3b145a81, 0xec54886e, 0x81cb173e, 0x5f02667f, 0x967a8181, +0x8a817f81, 0x3cb93c41, 0xfa811336, 0x74feb5a9, 0x821b9081, 0xaea865af, 0xf17f4e71, 0x52810059, +0xaebc3b36, 0x6a8f7fd2, 0x109de3eb, 0x4c555f48, 0x8166cc78, 0x7f4c7b48, 0xc7d1d381, 0x1381537f, +0xa0ab5c1f, 0xa00d0039, 0x81157f81, 0x2f206f81, 0xacb45b81, 0x2ec382f3, 0x7ff0383e, 0x44dc5aeb, +0xc37f81cd, 0x43553306, 0xa63d7f81, 0x7f7f8140, 0x7f7f818a, 0x7d82bd27, 0x817f8b7f, 0xa3579535, +0xc2e47871, 0x81815a0b, 0x49977081, 0x724cc372, 0xc681c27f, 0x2b7cabf0, 0x3081a6ac, 0xec7f964e, +0x7fda3ad3, 0x422671a4, 0x60008158, 0x7f738e7f, 0x538e6f81, 0xb73e0ab0, 0x796a6551, 0x81ad178b, +0x19731c7f, 0x1bf8c26a, 0x4acb7fd4, 0x5121b547, 0xda547fff, 0x7e505ff7, 0x817fff48, 0xa0813934, +0x3d4f77d1, 0x83f327ef, 0xc7937f6b, 0x357c4a84, 0xc183ca7f, 0xbd6081db, 0x30e0d783, 0x492aa57f, +0xbba6671e, 0xb062baef, 0x7f817f20, 0x7f267f58, 0x7fb94b3f, 0x447f5b21, 0xb864997f, 0x7fb057f8, +0xb1401a7f, 0x7fb57f9d, 0xefbb8175, 0x66892581, 0x7f06fa7f, 0x817a90f0, 0x7bd5793b, 0xc37ead24, +0x6feaa4be, 0x3a548cde, 0x8e81f98c, 0x81b78199, 0xe6c11940, 0x4d647f2f, 0xbc5c8181, 0x8175fa91, +0x8188864b, 0x85591890, 0x47ce5d57, 0x38a4efb7, 0xce5e739f, 0x81737fd4, 0x6d7f635e, 0x9c861774, +0x89818262, 0x45bc8114, 0xd1552a89, 0xc68174f8, 0xaf9081d8, 0xcb08e35b, 0xf5c404b2, 0x2ce96576, +0x11895a36, 0xcf20e0ea, 0x2548e7dc, 0x8f774c59, 0xf85a8f56, 0x7f81ddae, 0x7f7f627f, 0x1481491c, +0x7f97661b, 0x787f81e0, 0xa2192f7f, 0x6cb37fb0, 0x8181ae27, 0x3f7fafec, 0xce7f5a86, 0xae067f7f, +0x3c1c8181, 0x817eb443, 0x8e741041, 0x5a4ef2ba, 0x61029de4, 0x9d637e34, 0x819d7fca, 0x8181cd7f, +0x8175b96c, 0xbc4f6ecf, 0xf826aead, 0x567fa36d, 0x81968197, 0x9f9dcf3e, 0x265c8131, 0x81d9deab, +0xc21cf772, 0x7f6bd907, 0x313f795b, 0x817f197f, 0x09ecfe43, 0x6114402f, 0xe0995a81, 0x5f263281, +0xbe7f8158, 0x7f7f26dd, 0xfd7f7f7f, 0x3da2c609, 0x6ce3810d, 0x7f81cd1b, 0x81d68809, 0x42be9c6c, +0xf3d37f5c, 0x7f81e031, 0x774e0c30, 0x7f8f468f, 0x9ebb42b2, 0x7f817fc0, 0x1376817f, 0x25f78181, +0x7f8eb3be, 0x20228505, 0x229fe181, 0x81ac277f, 0x4f308129, 0xb8818111, 0x81d47fc7, 0x818181f0, +0xc27fd34a, 0x9dbc810a, 0x8481d981, 0x61817581, 0x8a2c817f, 0xe7815625, 0x96a7946f, 0x3a7f5d5d, +0x835f2fc1, 0xb6082dd7, 0x567f687f, 0x838181b6, 0xc663e9ad, 0x517f7fbb, 0xa570adb0, 0x12cfc2b4, +0xc1587f39, 0xbd8140ba, 0x7f814366, 0xd00981ec, 0xc27f217f, 0x5cd1b2ad, 0x81992c7f, 0xb1b57f62, +0x3bb9b1de, 0x9213cd8a, 0x814f136e, 0xa5c27fc3, 0x947f7f59, 0x8ef30ddd, 0xd3f290e9, 0x39bc7f8c, +0x7f814e81, 0x5381ff22, 0x7f81f04f, 0x0adde113, 0x5b93867f, 0x687f8111, 0x7f7f1c60, 0xb856814f, +0x7f8e8196, 0x5cfb66fc, 0x20310ab4, 0xa2599964, 0x973f0065, 0x817f95d6, 0xa43b7f7f, 0x816bb1c3, +0x7c7581e9, 0x521770cf, 0x81456be1, 0x5e26818d, 0x3b54057f, 0xd4e231d6, 0x977f0346, 0xe777814e, +0x81b6095a, 0x7b337fd7, 0x18bb202b, 0x219b7cf9, 0x2bdeaa81, 0x55dcd1d2, 0x8123905c, 0xe463fd74, +0xd16ec17b, 0xd90f4e3b, 0x817fd97f, 0x817f7f7f, 0x816afd35, 0x3dd87f51, 0xa62f0e5f, 0x9f4766ce, +0xa933c505, 0x81049129, 0x627f3e7f, 0x025ea181, 0x7b5e4119, 0x0d11aff9, 0x817faaa2, 0xe3bc817f, +0x7fb27f81, 0xc07bc500, 0x9451c181, 0x1fc6811e, 0x7f9f9e3b, 0x7f4c1a91, 0x7f1f7148, 0x8358819a, +0x81119a81, 0x16d55f0c, 0xc07f7f2e, 0x467f9991, 0x237f8c7f, 0x81638101, 0x2aacb9ae, 0x4f439f32, +0xc65e96aa, 0x7f826508, 0x7fa86ab6, 0x602ddbc4, 0xd07fd00a, 0xb0e381dd, 0xca81cc2e, 0x7f7b7f15, +0x7f81b9bd, 0x21627f38, 0xa481ed5c, 0xeee8d79b, 0x64369481, 0xb97f81b1, 0xf443d7e8, 0x50a410b8, +0xd87ffbbe, 0x18589760, 0x814998d5, 0xc1814b2f, 0x7fc33b7f, 0xd25b7335, 0xb6b2987f, 0x988a7f48, +0x9aa4fb81, 0x597fd920, 0x7f4e7f9a, 0x7f819892, 0x81daeac9, 0x7f538fcf, 0xac7f8198, 0xd2529c90, +0x0ff00ba8, 0x765cb53e, 0x7f0fd3ab, 0x0d81cb33, 0x81989961, 0xc13c7f25, 0x20d6a6bf, 0x7f817fd0, +0x6f6594db, 0xec8c68eb, 0x638194a0, 0x3b89815c, 0x81734c65, 0xaeb69ec3, 0xd20b6440, 0x2f71b6dc, +0xc990816e, 0xb6077fda, 0x7f4cc48a, 0x816aa8e8, 0x817f397a, 0xfb8181b7, 0xe64d11e2, 0xe97f1576, +0x10706f7f, 0x9b935d4c, 0xaf7f3547, 0x7f175ec9, 0x7632a981, 0x2f61d4f4, 0x7a597f81, 0x499e7f00, +0x7f81315e, 0x81c4230c, 0x8cb66a2e, 0xe76a8105, 0x81817fc6, 0x7f0e50bd, 0x83ba337f, 0x81009281, +0xcac68465, 0x617fd326, 0x893981e4, 0x7f8ed9b3, 0x59467f7f, 0x0181e258, 0x7f81b281, 0xc9816629, +0x7fbc8181, 0x08e1cadd, 0xa8328181, 0x76b6e071, 0xb36d7feb, 0x505490d7, 0x09d5dd31, 0xba81632d, +0x7f7f6fd0, 0x9e45813c, 0x7c4c4f70, 0xd97f5090, 0x247f335c, 0x357fbb4d, 0x267fd5c8, 0x26d08181, +0x51447fa8, 0x81358efb, 0xb9197f52, 0x40aadca1, 0x7f6781aa, 0xaf272a09, 0x8177a4b2, 0x497fb515, +0x819b7f7f, 0x8b817f41, 0x257f7f92, 0xa8d2244e, 0x477af9ef, 0xa8817f36, 0x5ca681f5, 0x7f1a76cb, +0x8181c5f1, 0xc4ddc7aa, 0x81a1c2bc, 0x7f466fa2, 0x625c237f, 0x3ddd1f44, 0x4f54fdde, 0xa281f2d5, +0x95d14e95, 0xf26e7fd4, 0x9a813a90, 0x8154361c, 0x327f7f42, 0x7fa2983b, 0xd9c28197, 0xf00d1898, +0xb95848d4, 0x387f81f0, 0x9f8e7f4a, 0x1c5cb9ec, 0x1f63b5fc, 0x187f7dcd, 0x7f1c7f05, 0xa855e2cc, +0x5a747f98, 0x7fa1b4ee, 0xe8e51aaa, 0x7f81ec81, 0x38818175, 0x81815f07, 0x84888181, 0x81810852, +0x316e0060, 0x819b1c6e, 0x3d814577, 0x5ecc5d81, 0x5e81814c, 0x7f76914d, 0xfc7f814b, 0xd2819d96, +0x70a34ad0, 0x7fd544f3, 0x71e51581, 0x817d45a4, 0x7f479a68, 0x42447fae, 0x9a974f7f, 0x817fbbd2, +0x989f367f, 0x78fa30c0, 0xbb902e75, 0x7fda7f02, 0x7f82c5b8, 0x33c325c4, 0xdf89815c, 0x81c37f33, +0x52f37ffc, 0x7fcc4702, 0x81488124, 0x7f548196, 0x4214a4a3, 0xa034b302, 0x6a817e04, 0xc67f795e, +0x17a98157, 0x7f7f7f5b, 0x7f7f4c56, 0x7fe0b181, 0x7f907fba, 0x42f82fd9, 0x223ea236, 0x3d2025d1, +0x097f81b1, 0x81a35969, 0x373cb170, 0x44a57c3b, 0x26bc5a7f, 0x34657ff6, 0xc83b3d3f, 0x99be6c2c, +0x1c811f7f, 0x5c7f81ac, 0x33fa49f6, 0xa5c38181, 0x81ed8144, 0xc88a652a, 0x7f817fe3, 0x953cfc91, +0x466681d3, 0x366f16d6, 0x187f2ff5, 0x077ff351, 0xbe1b817f, 0x3884ec81, 0xb17f8181, 0x9a39437f, +0x476fac61, 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0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x0c7f3a86, 0x7750813d, 0xd2b385bc, 0x6f7f7f72, 0x7d487fa8, 0x7f7f8d65, 0xb6578196, 0x4d93815a, +0xf9a54748, 0x317d6469, 0xe0466f8a, 0xef869693, 0x3da5a9e2, 0x7f7f05a1, 0x14c68157, 0xc2148135, +0xad9ed181, 0x7a7f6081, 0xf10d659b, 0x4a38dce0, 0x114d7f2a, 0x2bc7f79f, 0x0f7881f1, 0x423e5553, +0x9c2b817f, 0xde7ffb85, 0xe18117ca, 0x67fd7f7f, 0x3fbbf57f, 0x9b34ad7a, 0x487a543f, 0xf06322f8, +0x9ce93023, 0x3581818a, 0x6a7f4d69, 0xad3d627f, 0xbd812c92, 0x8be4cc7f, 0x23b47fc4, 0xc87f819b, +0x104d6e7f, 0xcfcb8134, 0x0d8152cf, 0x467f7f19, 0x113f1ec5, 0x589bff9e, 0x457fa8c8, 0x2a1246d0, +0x731e257f, 0x40e460e8, 0x13d3057f, 0x817c8de1, 0xc09dc798, 0xab81d4f1, 0xa1a49d8c, 0xbf50df7f, +0xbc8192f7, 0x73aa4d5a, 0x1c817f43, 0x428fd6fc, 0xc282884e, 0xb9f67fd8, 0xd7777f4d, 0x1aa2d89a, +0xa5537f81, 0x8878b631, 0x4bdfd881, 0x7f21b57f, 0xcd7f7f7c, 0x4d2aa1d0, 0x3e138144, 0x3c7fe433, +0x146e5fe3, 0xa53b7f85, 0xa9537ffd, 0x819eda1c, 0xf93e2881, 0xc3814f7f, 0x018d69b4, 0xf87fa19f, +0xb09f9144, 0x6ec23f94, 0xdf7f39c6, 0x48087f7f, 0xfc818184, 0x18815bc3, 0xc764598b, 0x11ed68c7, +0x81df81bd, 0x7feceb38, 0xc90a473a, 0x81817f81, 0xef3a537f, 0x7f4d3873, 0xf45c846f, 0xfeb68afc, +0xd326d181, 0x7fe4ae7f, 0x3e817fb5, 0x81c95de9, 0xbebdcd7f, 0x23053726, 0xdd8d8181, 0x1d545233, +0xe37c933d, 0x81e52c1d, 0xc0ab2d81, 0x81e2667f, 0xcf2e70db, 0x9370319c, 0x21add116, 0xe6c34081, +0x076912e7, 0xa781aca0, 0xd6f5a5d0, 0xa9af5d7f, 0x2e817c77, 0x81e1661c, 0xd5308181, 0xae7f6ec4, +0x45815295, 0x2dbc2581, 0x50bde53d, 0xcd8cb1bc, 0x2e67977f, 0x32fc789f, 0x2b81ca3f, 0xef7f7f61, +0x19a7d611, 0x81427f81, 0xe98181fc, 0xd4397d7f, 0xd9ab7fb7, 0x819c8c92, 0xd5478339, 0xf0555aae, +0xfe09f481, 0x8128527f, 0x337f1081, 0x6dae3aa2, 0xccb67f81, 0xb1d8d87f, 0xc2d3dd02, 0x97af814d, +0x812f1c5a, 0xc50c8181, 0xcd70610a, 0x7f555df4, 0x567f7f23, 0x0a0d917f, 0x4b81815c, 0x184a5b8e, +0x5054c67f, 0x7f7f8ced, 0xf0b31f7f, 0x11698131, 0xe0ac5442, 0x57ffc57f, 0xb681cc02, 0xb78c8193, +0xa629b48c, 0xf2a8d43b, 0x59167d37, 0x81818bf2, 0xc87c817f, 0xbf7f8e7f, 0xcdbc2243, 0x2ed78e74, +0xfe817d61, 0xa3613c01, 0x25e281af, 0xbd6a7f36, 0xe57f4b7f, 0x81898161, 0x2a415081, 0x50b07fb6, +0xe77f9c72, 0xd43681aa, 0xd07fb648, 0x3c7fbd5b, 0xa555c475, 0x8169dc64, 0x09106247, 0xf9b660ab, +0x389542ac, 0x7fa22c4e, 0x81304e71, 0x29208c90, 0x317fa43a, 0x8281819d, 0x7f212065, 0xc0682681, +0x3f2b5dc7, 0x87d86d81, 0x5c7f4192, 0x7f54332b, 0xc564a449, 0x7f817f58, 0x3c6576aa, 0x147f816d, +0x4957d091, 0xbdaba3a7, 0xa17fa381, 0x49628138, 0x372f815b, 0x81676748, 0x8dba817f, 0xc89e8129, +0x866fc855, 0x43ba4a81, 0x8f4b7ec2, 0xa47f054d, 0xc3b07185, 0x7f8d3ad0, 0x2c7f9f8e, 0xc17f27d3, +0x33956381, 0x8e12a081, 0x7be52e32, 0x44b28122, 0xe4947f6d, 0x6eae4f7f, 0x34df816a, 0xd7938168, +0xa7a9528b, 0x7f81ec45, 0x41857f6f, 0xbc28817f, 0xcbd67c06, 0xaeb678d2, 0x529a547f, 0x44813b6e, +0xd44f247f, 0xbe1b9879, 0x877f4996, 0x5b9a8dcd, 0x2e558281, 0x1d817f84, 0xda7f8186, 0xdda9f4a6, +0xe698ae70, 0x7fb54c8a, 0x0aae8550, 0x857ff8fb, 0x1ac42e8e, 0x3f27814b, 0xe27fdc2d, 0x2db1eb81, +0xca817e5a, 0xec7f62e2, 0xc7dea079, 0x7f7a7f26, 0x7fdfbf81, 0x7fe89da8, 0xa9187264, 0xf98192c9, +0x6af88181, 0x667e3981, 0xf97f3c48, 0x7fdf817f, 0x3b9bbc81, 0x55bfbc81, 0x096fa6e1, 0x1b75a67f, +0x357f83ed, 0x7f7f6f7f, 0xf3b43812, 0x9d4c0d92, 0xa8817f4d, 0xb96c877f, 0x34818178, 0x5d7f997f, +0xdb7f5c7f, 0x39b056a4, 0x33bcffaf, 0xb398b57f, 0x285a4bf1, 0xb181574b, 0xc1e56d31, 0x4b717fd2, +0x56337f81, 0xed938157, 0x7f4b7f47, 0x49a3812b, 0x2e667fcd, 0xcd817240, 0x8b5470e6, 0xf693814e, +0xd3e07f7a, 0x7f7a4781, 0xf44cd60c, 0xfd546281, 0xef995981, 0x81e70628, 0xd3b97f47, 0x07819aa8, +0x707f447f, 0x9181c079, 0x72ae8173, 0x988d2a78, 0x7f814478, 0xb57fa076, 0xde7fb260, 0x17817f3b, +0xf045c31b, 0x7f7feb13, 0xbee5d07f, 0x5f8192ae, 0x0c9381f7, 0x28817f7b, 0x985964d5, 0x81817d81, +0xb381b799, 0x38b0817f, 0x3a887f0f, 0xf353fe81, 0x53817fdb, 0x5c814d56, 0x39b415ff, 0xc9c78c59, +0xb2817fad, 0x5884bec5, 0xd629b07f, 0xb67f81cb, 0xcb81abe9, 0xab7f9b7f, 0x35815781, 0x85878181, +0xb0b2177f, 0x86223495, 0x32cd7f69, 0x3c664743, 0x1d7981c2, 0x817f817f, 0x16cadc06, 0x03786a7f, +0x03818107, 0x5a8dd1d1, 0x58e57f20, 0x7f818152, 0x444c50f0, 0x3d81810c, 0x66ae7f62, 0x39d01614, +0xbd817f81, 0x789b7fa6, 0xadcd819c, 0xd37f8171, 0x291ebf81, 0xd5923ac9, 0xc37f63bf, 0x1c7981ae, +0xda5e969d, 0x248c5899, 0x8fbdc4b3, 0x6c50d2cb, 0x2a5fab0b, 0xc42d818d, 0xa4776781, 0xaa6281fd, +0x20534bc6, 0xb729727f, 0x6481de5c, 0xffc8a5e9, 0x707f25f2, 0xc674ba57, 0xe2ff9cb8, 0x02433e79, +0x108e223b, 0x617f9cd7, 0xb5507f81, 0xa6f63ee6, 0x09b45856, 0x7e7fe581, 0xe4f8417f, 0xe11d98be, +0x44817f7f, 0xc9c581df, 0xf7817fb0, 0xac6da566, 0xc681ed7f, 0x3249810f, 0xab55b281, 0x35e64c81, +0x61e9b982, 0x8d8c4781, 0x4eafd663, 0x7fb8302e, 0x40a9bcb1, 0x17b17f9e, 0x817f92c0, 0xe35d2fb3, +0x4ca815dd, 0x817086b9, 0x389b817f, 0x3c0d955f, 0x447f7f1a, 0x7f11307f, 0xada0815a, 0xafca7f7f, +0xce48b124, 0x7fd94e81, 0x2edc81a4, 0xaa098a97, 0x14030263, 0x97813a7f, 0x8181d97f, 0x2581c9e6, +0xe57f7f05, 0x16880f81, 0xa6e88184, 0x818490a2, 0xd5a87f94, 0x8b81a081, 0x38813781, 0x14a59a5a, +0x486b8c40, 0x893449c7, 0x1f03d659, 0x81bb2831, 0xe0d8c66b, 0xa1bb7066, 0x1b7f8c71, 0x07815581, +0x3820cb84, 0x8d3926b5, 0x81f27fd2, 0x46ff3a84, 0xfddc057f, 0x16d21ad1, 0xdbc27852, 0xf9817f34, +0x7f81397f, 0x6c0f8101, 0xf22a100c, 0x7c998171, 0x4b68bad6, 0x7f588114, 0xc3465c81, 0x439e037f, +0xd9817f52, 0xf1bd5594, 0xf93f9f81, 0x39447f7f, 0x46dca006, 0x93f30f7f, 0x6e215e81, 0x092ffdc3, +0xad49e8a0, 0x7f4e7fba, 0x9b9c4fc6, 0x8131f77f, 0x0700b27f, 0xf0de61ab, 0x258181fb, 0xd8e8bb56, +0x36932155, 0x9c7f2981, 0xb2bfe055, 0x7f0095b9, 0xaf73327f, 0x70817fbb, 0xb3a281d6, 0xfac08a53, +0x24e4727f, 0xcbb5dbbb, 0x38be99fa, 0xbcb94e7f, 0xdf2653d0, 0x93df5efe, 0xfcdc697f, 0xe754909d, +0xc6810060, 0x7f0ce4d1, 0xaec4a5ca, 0x4a7f81bd, 0xc17f817a, 0x7feecc3f, 0x2981285d, 0x3e0e6e81, +0xab81814f, 0xbf27187f, 0x12409322, 0x1c9dc451, 0xc48e03e7, 0x64013b81, 0xb5847aa7, 0x350a1b84, +0x27458181, 0xa1237f61, 0x9714287f, 0x817f8170, 0x1a7f7f09, 0xf07fecc7, 0xd686d4c9, 0x9abd7fa9, +0x449dc0bc, 0xc1177f9d, 0x7f547f9a, 0x7fbd7fe3, 0xcab19d2b, 0xc981b27f, 0xdc8ba548, 0xe95304a6, +0x22225820, 0xd29262ec, 0xf27f9f78, 0x1b94427f, 0x4738a436, 0x7f814fe0, 0x52817f7f, 0x1d818181, +0xf8d92d89, 0x24817fa3, 0x66d6aadb, 0x4e55b9ca, 0x7f81de8c, 0x7f814e64, 0x24141e31, 0xa5232778, +0x34e27f81, 0xdc87c78f, 0xc016dfb1, 0xce91829c, 0xe662c230, 0xda74e681, 0xcfb57bb8, 0xf18179ff, +0xcc818481, 0x4736ed45, 0xcc6ee881, 0x3a815a81, 0x81b77fb2, 0x56816f2f, 0xe82bcb89, 0x3875ad5f, +0xe05197e1, 0x1a7bc17f, 0x31a3f841, 0x7f90a77f, 0x1df3b910, 0x583f815b, 0x257f814c, 0xee7f7f8e, +0x7dbdc37f, 0xb6810a1c, 0xce816d85, 0x459bf72d, 0xd4fe0481, 0x0d49024c, 0xbfa3a055, 0xed9baf30, +0xf27f7f7f, 0x7dd24f9b, 0xc481817e, 0x7f899052, 0x074d5bdb, 0x2335c3fe, 0x00759f7f, 0x251bacbb, +0x147fc935, 0x0b180994, 0x9f7fa637, 0x387ff150, 0xcbac8967, 0xf37f60cb, 0xe4c216be, 0x7829816a, +0xd7b89981, 0xf8ae2592, 0xbeca818c, 0xf3817a81, 0xc681017f, 0x2f2f2e8f, 0xfe577f1b, 0xd503d778, +0x2d7f7f67, 0xb281c0f0, 0xf7d7812c, 0x817f9598, 0x1af6fb36, 0x157f3781, 0x5e31a27f, 0x038181ae, +0xf9fb81ad, 0x7a8eec81, 0xc8652e7f, 0xc67ba487, 0xbfce7f7f, 0xdf02a27f, 0xf9c1813d, 0xcaac0f90, +0xdc448181, 0xb17f921f, 0x99be8181, 0x7fc09993, 0x11ad1bc3, 0x5c7532bf, 0x25a8ce28, 0x0ab6a823, +0xc3c29055, 0xad55b6ea, 0xed81e0dd, 0x8caa6553, 0xff817fc8, 0x7f70d513, 0x433671dc, 0x5db37f6d, +0x7f318170, 0x55bd4dd5, 0x00c181b7, 0x41c3bb90, 0x441a818e, 0x84e78140, 0xad8a2c81, 0x2bc38158, +0x82654c81, 0x29d6600e, 0x227f7fc8, 0xa43d577f, 0x2b8364a3, 0x144e2a57, 0x07817f1c, 0x4a8171cd, +0x47d5a981, 0x3c7d0781, 0xba636c7f, 0x2c7a7f7f, 0x90cf187a, 0x6b4c3671, 0x3a2c436d, 0xef81de81, +0x4a828117, 0x814dabc0, 0xf930e17f, 0x4c3265c0, 0xe5ef7a7f, 0x819b8504, 0xd5427f81, 0xd881e992, +0x946a45fe, 0x310162a7, 0x14819c81, 0x7f817f4a, 0x552fcf42, 0x7f707f18, 0xb9dc4881, 0xa17f81c2, +0x9e476d98, 0x7f7f7ff0, 0x37662d4e, 0xdb7f99cc, 0xf9fe8cc1, 0x1f4c7fd1, 0x3588817f, 0x547abea9, +0x356e7f7f, 0xab1e857f, 0xda0e7f5c, 0x9d777f7f, 0x451f1bb6, 0xa82e087f, 0xb71d347f, 0x0916d881, +0x177e817e, 0x7f5a66a4, 0x237f2e6e, 0x816dafde, 0x2f8124c1, 0xcee67158, 0x067f667f, 0xe1258187, +0x3a3165f7, 0x1f7fac81, 0xf636364d, 0xf2818e36, 0x0b9e207f, 0xed2d7e81, 0xaa6e2281, 0xcb50b6a3, +0x237f72c6, 0x95819fa0, 0xd7d0c888, 0x39988141, 0xc8b07f8d, 0x5a43c942, 0xf3cd687f, 0xa2e77aec, +0x9909bb1b, 0x7ff8e681, 0x5d39837c, 0x5625817f, 0xa9738110, 0x8b604bb2, 0xf3ffa881, 0x5f359eb5, +0x07bf7f49, 0x7f63c67f, 0xc9db7fcb, 0xa65881c5, 0xf2818130, 0xa5817f81, 0x26b4174f, 0xc06f817f, +0x3b8181c2, 0xbfeb4d6f, 0x9e857f91, 0x58a9a1b7, 0x67147fdc, 0xcd257081, 0xb78d4081, 0x3749ebb8, +0x22ac7f89, 0x4af84134, 0xe3f97943, 0x2d8187c6, 0x027c8181, 0x81c1bfef, 0xc32b2267, 0x42257f81, +0xb49b3eb3, 0xa3d47fc2, 0x27ff4d81, 0x69b4a46e, 0x81818181, 0x7fd5817f, 0x00a97d91, 0x10897f7f, +0xd87f0d3b, 0xcbec8b7f, 0x7f814de6, 0x8286209d, 0x06e2bf7c, 0x81e28881, 0xae64afdd, 0xabc5667f, +0xee22bee0, 0xe157d171, 0xb39a5bd6, 0xabb6d1c0, 0x53c19d81, 0x447fdb81, 0xfc086996, 0xd65f0481, +0xc87f4d35, 0x313a12db, 0x5d81a1a0, 0x01231072, 0x327f81d6, 0x7eb1ba7b, 0xe9485dad, 0x5781767f, +0x047f2481, 0x817f5b50, 0xda064bd7, 0x7ff07b3c, 0xfde4a68a, 0x7f83816b, 0xe67f7f34, 0x1a56f181, +0xe2bbb681, 0xe4687f74, 0xd5a20bd8, 0x81d581a6, 0xb2395342, 0x977f0fa3, 0x81e3b5dd, 0xf1cd8147, +0xe34f48a1, 0x258142c3, 0xe24d510b, 0x46d6816a, 0x2a608ae6, 0x5781ef81, 0xcce97f0d, 0x677f7f81, +0xaa2381bc, 0xbde77f4d, 0xefa38185, 0x81a67f75, 0x6cceb856, 0x4976bb25, 0x3efc977f, 0x86cdf691, +0x13497f81, 0x7fe7730a, 0xd71d8163, 0x8c7f7fbd, 0x1bec817a, 0x8154b897, 0xc71e45b6, 0xbed568c3, +0x256c6514, 0xd481af7f, 0x19ad697f, 0x817f745f, 0xd27fa187, 0xd5e769d9, 0xd816cf7f, 0x1aa4815b, +0x035e7ff6, 0x85de810b, 0x3ea73657, 0x216281b2, 0xe48144b7, 0x3277dfe8, 0xf8c57f20, 0x907f5091, +0xf481b081, 0x9d8152cf, 0x0e6a81c0, 0x7fff7f06, 0xf8884d81, 0x687f81b3, 0x2657ba35, 0x527fc24c, +0x9945694c, 0x1faa4e5b, 0x37819334, 0x57f52a7f, 0xec7f817f, 0x817fa0a8, 0xe3a8818a, 0x16beacdb, +0x2ad2b97f, 0xb981245b, 0x359a8181, 0x7f97265e, 0x9de4387f, 0xed7f058a, 0x0e817f81, 0x4e69bdb5, +0xc5e38552, 0x77482e81, 0x6c817542, 0x447f2990, 0x07b1f9dc, 0xc4247f82, 0x077f7f81, 0xe58bdca6, +0x55e07f74, 0x0e7fe47f, 0x04883e81, 0x4981f87f, 0x7d7fce29, 0xe07f7d7f, 0xee817fa6, 0x7262da81, +0xe158813b, 0xe35e41b9, 0xf17f6d65, 0xef7560ea, 0xae408493, 0x97812300, 0xf29f816e, 0x557fd5aa, +0x328bb778, 0xa27f7f25, 0xde7fb5cb, 0x03577f0b, 0x577f18a5, 0xb9816d20, 0xe28d2a7f, 0x248c7fb9, +0xff5fb965, 0x93b27f9c, 0x2d817581, 0x41958195, 0x3a7ff044, 0x7f7f6faa, 0xdb81b784, 0x5081603d, +0x363ff38d, 0xc747d8b3, 0x537f812b, 0x8176a97f, 0x1d8181d3, 0x81811929, 0xe893d4c7, 0x3c7fcf7f, +0xf6385c81, 0xaa63b42e, 0x81c3a781, 0x488142a7, 0xcbef89be, 0x3f748159, 0x50c52932, 0x298198d7, +0x14c68e7f, 0x7fd8a798, 0x085a632f, 0x7f1d7f7f, 0xb2e34289, 0x88c3b262, 0xb044817b, 0xbf7f238a, +0x5ae6b554, 0x9e833081, 0x607f985d, 0x0203226c, 0x333f63fb, 0xc77f8181, 0xe8297f7f, 0x9dea7f33, +0x6f2e1f54, 0x2e41327f, 0xff0f7f81, 0x7ffa7f30, 0x343f74a6, 0x81f59f81, 0xaac67dbb, 0x6f81da1f, +0x79ec8153, 0x78eae674, 0xec7f6e71, 0xa46a48bf, 0xe5810efa, 0x0f41b9a7, 0x3a1124a5, 0x5ff97f7f, +0x0bd5be75, 0x7f8181f0, 0x242f409e, 0xf47ac606, 0x1e96d94f, 0x43a66a81, 0x18fc815c, 0xa51a7f7f, +0x1185d27f, 0xa00c810f, 0x078ae481, 0x71d7866c, 0xd47ff796, 0x813cf240, 0x45814d48, 0xbc6c3618, +0xa8b937ea, 0x838e7f7d, 0x19b3817f, 0x7f73be95, 0x00fa46b3, 0x4c43655a, 0x20f67fc2, 0x98fdda7f, +0xe879817f, 0x4c9e7f2d, 0xcd7fefc2, 0x9681a909, 0x1e59e7b3, 0x35818136, 0x9e3a977f, 0xaf7f207e, +0x9633227f, 0x44450e81, 0xc2c25f7f, 0x7f1a3f81, 0x08acf783, 0xd083a838, 0xd2627f59, 0x6d327f32, +0x362c2b5e, 0xee8e507f, 0x48b431c5, 0x00816381, 0x1e6c1150, 0x7df48149, 0x36f94f81, 0xc5667844, +0xf7cbf52c, 0x520081b8, 0xc6967f7f, 0xc88981b8, 0x328181ee, 0x697fa9f2, 0xc99a7f81, 0xb5a08181, +0x1d74dc89, 0x643ab5cb, 0xeb81f9be, 0x987f277f, 0xad38747f, 0x61778c52, 0x59817de7, 0x05ae8144, +0x217aa1de, 0xc0817fe9, 0xa1a6b4dc, 0xece08189, 0x4118207f, 0x9a8181a8, 0xcf0f81c9, 0xba81d081, +0x138181b8, 0xd537957f, 0xfc7f9b8e, 0x7fc9607f, 0x16c085fe, 0x81fa7fb6, 0xf7847f66, 0xc20ee0fd, +0xf983ec97, 0xce209f7f, 0xe2815922, 0x39b07aa8, 0xd3a82353, 0x6ee38287, 0xc60d7f29, 0xcf478f57, +0x594d731b, 0x0e8c42fc, 0x6a702ce3, 0x7b81b301, 0x3181a450, 0x7fe94481, 0xe581b66f, 0xd87f7f2a, +0xc1b385ee, 0x81816964, 0xbb7f5093, 0x8151817f, 0x51e3547f, 0xb3fa7549, 0xca81b044, 0x258143bf, +0xb18181c8, 0x7f54eb08, 0xd4c9db57, 0x68a981b2, 0x4ef17f69, 0x917f977f, 0xda38865e, 0xe97f3e5f, +0x0bbc63dc, 0xec34daaf, 0x1dc38186, 0xb381810e, 0xcbacafd2, 0xdb3ec56a, 0x22817381, 0xbc44cc4d, +0xd681d0b0, 0xe614c8a9, 0x53577f7f, 0xdabc3012, 0x353ecdc2, 0x81728179, 0xb660cf7f, 0xef49ca49, +0xc645dd7f, 0xd16a7f81, 0x1fb99d7f, 0x7d36d57b, 0x04ce7f46, 0x602adede, 0x1142cbb1, 0x60de427f, +0x29814ccb, 0xe9ad7d99, 0x127b2881, 0x5c5aa08f, 0x38c0db9f, 0x7f76d981, 0x63b32381, 0xdd41ce81, +0xce14e57f, 0x74ed7398, 0xdd81e6eb, 0xb6f2d581, 0xa581b77f, 0x468c81d7, 0x5f2d88b8, 0xf481fd21, +0x6ec1e381, 0x71568485, 0xcbfa7f6c, 0xa02e0c9b, 0xd9a09a7f, 0x813d8176, 0xcf43c52b, 0x31a8bca1, +0x2432dce5, 0x78277f94, 0x474e592e, 0xdefb7f81, 0xff147f51, 0xbb7f3858, 0x25f1e591, 0x36fad833, +0x0ac87f39, 0x815d9781, 0xaebaaa81, 0x4981815f, 0xd7817781, 0xb44838b5, 0x32626981, 0x417fe2f6, +0xdf638c92, 0x8624067f, 0x4432e69f, 0xd8688a7f, 0x06815215, 0x25bbbb7f, 0x5b5b6f63, 0x417b5b81, +0xcc4a7b7f, 0x6ea47fd3, 0xe866b481, 0xc630c9aa, 0x083781ed, 0x69de817f, 0x0381f9f2, 0x84812ce2, +0x027f4dd9, 0x7f5a9e81, 0x00ea319c, 0x222b9a9b, 0x34a143f0, 0x7fefd1d0, 0xb4947981, 0x11474bc1, +0xcd44df7f, 0xa2878439, 0xd6f040b9, 0x6f86817f, 0xc67f7f81, 0x7f693443, 0x8d21b1ce, 0xdab1aed5, +0x3f17ae71, 0x45b7ba7f, 0x05229255, 0xb181d8f5, 0x688681e3, 0xea81e181, 0xf57f817f, 0x7fdc5881, +0x6e817f7f, 0x817f537a, 0x3987247f, 0x300a7f05, 0x3128057f, 0xe731b77f, 0x4881b50b, 0xb86dae65, +0x00c015a0, 0x81397552, 0xb9bcab24, 0xf5818181, 0x57d18190, 0x81c3648d, 0xed813a67, 0x4c5d3a06, +0x3581a4e3, 0x64db6467, 0x21af7d27, 0x5adf7f57, 0x66d9c99f, 0x5b183375, 0xbf4c41e5, 0x577f7ff0, +0x4e818181, 0xf295493c, 0xd2c28170, 0x5c3a7f8e, 0x09c18181, 0x7f7f7f9c, 0xae675fa9, 0xf6d781a4, +0x66ba10dc, 0x7f882981, 0xfe7f7f7f, 0x7f7ffea4, 0x2798d845, 0x899cb6fb, 0x4982bcd9, 0xc0815ab0, +0x558181aa, 0x52110702, 0xd179e3c5, 0x482923bd, 0x187f8181, 0x81b3f6d9, 0xfd96a581, 0x2c5d1a81, +0x6fde23dd, 0x9e815063, 0xfba49bcc, 0xfa775f4d, 0xb1b8b681, 0x81894f1b, 0x3c8163fa, 0x2d7f3d81, +0xc57f6681, 0xbd7f7e81, 0x137f7f81, 0x6b3d6f81, 0xe5e2610d, 0xb4683186, 0x7f6e817f, 0x90c12abc, +0x13a3502a, 0xdddeaa8c, 0x07a67f79, 0x1a5481ce, 0xb87fb01b, 0x0a4b1e7f, 0xd77ffcb7, 0x03535781, +0x5a5f697f, 0x02ca7966, 0x379638bb, 0xc507c941, 0x5e7fdf8e, 0x7ce0c99b, 0xa162ccfd, 0xff8196cc, +0xd43aa081, 0x67798185, 0xd6277f2e, 0x7f6dcb7f, 0x217fcd76, 0x2c88fb91, 0x06815b8f, 0xe37f7dae, +0xe937257f, 0x648181ae, 0x21652c4f, 0xbf81685b, 0x36abe921, 0x3cb5de30, 0xa88e8162, 0xd87f812b, +0xb981d14d, 0x75c181a7, 0xf7c08aa1, 0x57904e7f, 0xf6f688d8, 0x7fcf6281, 0xd33dbf7f, 0xc07f9a73, +0x197f8135, 0xcabf8bc6, 0x3f81c37f, 0x487fac4f, 0x8ddc924b, 0x50257f7a, 0xf75e1496, 0x28d2d48f, +0xcd91817f, 0x2a7f81b2, 0xbd7fb67f, 0x3b877fe1, 0x407fd8fd, 0xbc815f20, 0x7f50e581, 0x8bdfae4d, +0xb1eb7f81, 0x07819f40, 0x3765274c, 0xde7fd081, 0xa0817f7f, 0x8dbe5081, 0xfa436f7f, 0x4848463b, +0xc5c45cdb, 0x7f8b1865, 0x5bf381b6, 0x45aa497f, 0x7f813694, 0x54f15918, 0x72886c49, 0xe3fb31b0, +0x0db1a582, 0x4aadce1b, 0x39926d8b, 0x9a30a85f, 0x1b606181, 0x1c6d165b, 0xfb057f4b, 0xcd7f81ec, +0x12bf7ffb, 0x7f5f91d4, 0xca8158b7, 0x86134234, 0xf0f17f3c, 0x7f4e05c4, 0x34814f7f, 0xe5c1106a, +0x2d50c67f, 0xb57fa18b, 0xb7816481, 0x7fffaadb, 0x607f817f, 0x5048ea81, 0x82495d02, 0x17819b7b, +0xaba67981, 0xb5817f7f, 0xee57a2b6, 0x3591a602, 0x2885a153, 0x429ba160, 0x757fd0f5, 0x344e9d7f, +0xc77a7f8d, 0x2a7f8160, 0x3198b27f, 0x81c552bd, 0x0374e058, 0x31605de1, 0x40d0817f, 0xb281a37c, +0x156ce27f, 0x91893090, 0x06f58181, 0xc4487f6d, 0x0a7f7f9d, 0xc3a17141, 0xc03c39c5, 0xb581b2b5, +0x526a7f7f, 0x7f7f7f4e, 0x7fec7f7f, 0x95cead7f, 0x161ba8d2, 0x8ad0d081, 0xe4f19557, 0x5bb6fca9, +0x2d813a6d, 0xddbb7f81, 0x1cb1e281, 0xc2b43734, 0xd07f4641, 0x7f81bb39, 0xae9b1b81, 0xbe817f36, +0x1caf7f81, 0x7f704922, 0x108f777f, 0x81662d7f, 0x479ca35b, 0x818513c2, 0xa41d8607, 0xd081b235, +0xf6817fcb, 0x7f015960, 0xadb15f5b, 0x81be2abf, 0xf2b0e29f, 0x81819224, 0x38a7407f, 0xc9817b09, +0xf307556c, 0x7f818181, 0x0281817f, 0x3fce810c, 0x18b47cd4, 0x81e2a53c, 0xe359840f, 0xe27f81ad, +0xa1665081, 0x7ae062b6, 0xe0b27f35, 0xcd376e73, 0xd9a6d373, 0x817ffe7f, 0x02810946, 0x06498116, +0x9b7fbb1b, 0x8d2b812a, 0xff14f781, 0x937de081, 0xb77ff44b, 0x4b2732c7, 0x0720bd96, 0x9e647f13, +0xb831d474, 0x811d8183, 0xa5db837f, 0x8aa1b04a, 0xd4377cfd, 0x7f814241, 0xee8fec39, 0xcc81d881, +0x2e29d770, 0x7ff76366, 0x7fbd363b, 0x74bbd13e, 0x2e817192, 0x9f6b81db, 0x44913bb3, 0x327f0de1, +0x2d7f8881, 0x54f2afaa, 0x107f513c, 0x4c8191d1, 0x117fe67f, 0xffa21764, 0x2c931727, 0xd09ba693, +0xf74e4882, 0x51ed8bc6, 0x3a23d683, 0x47437f70, 0x7fad8181, 0x9a610813, 0xa57ff47f, 0xbe1b5b9a, +0xf4bf8c33, 0x43074944, 0xe4ef729b, 0x1e7165d6, 0x74e081c6, 0xe281810c, 0x2a4b81e4, 0x10ede221, +0xc8375d7f, 0x81c07f81, 0x49cb7f83, 0x5f589c22, 0x276441a9, 0x7fe67f0b, 0x4d7f1d7f, 0x1872814a, +0x05b6a577, 0x8140fa5d, 0xe47f9bc3, 0x44166064, 0x73896729, 0xb5c0867f, 0x247f445f, 0xccc92994, +0x29611b37, 0x27531258, 0xeac27f9c, 0xd43f4e7f, 0xc27f170f, 0x6d9bfc37, 0xfc819181, 0x077f598a, +0xe0c5d398, 0x7f23182f, 0xed171743, 0x20bff85d, 0xb0d0be7f, 0xb8938149, 0x45017f32, 0xcf2cc65d, +0xdf7fc481, 0x7f380777, 0x81b8f0dc, 0xf6696596, 0xff007f29, 0x896e1abf, 0xfaac2d81, 0x5bc357ba, +0x6a397f2e, 0xbfaeb45a, 0xd64e2b7f, 0xe49b4587, 0x565c6c51, 0x7f206a7f, 0xc381540b, 0xfc3d7f73, +0xd4ec9f39, 0x887b7f27, 0xe3c1e07f, 0xb721523e, 0x0310819f, 0xc0c793ce, 0x387da141, 0x814f61ac, +0xd1347fbe, 0x19244c1f, 0x8d3d58f9, 0x813a7fc9, 0xfae27f54, 0x7f39f481, 0xe37f818d, 0x034632d9, +0x5b06c07f, 0x65ab8b36, 0x127f34b5, 0x18a681ad, 0x73510e20, 0x2f2ffa85, 0x6814ca9e, 0x5b7f7ead, +0x08da93da, 0xc826da54, 0xc1686fd2, 0xb6f00fbc, 0x28bb5dbb, 0x7fe5297a, 0xb5ed8181, 0xccd9067f, +0x177f1561, 0x71b41a19, 0xd9817f7f, 0x505b50c5, 0x309dc978, 0xb97f4f81, 0x4e81c219, 0x2d81d04a, +0xdf3d5fa1, 0xfc6e5c30, 0xf7869481, 0xfc81e47f, 0x67b5817f, 0x7f72577f, 0x2c938136, 0xd576ad7f, +0x63beb36f, 0x7fb3817f, 0xce56ca81, 0xd801e58d, 0x425f2522, 0x8a25817a, 0xdc7673c9, 0xd7b57fca, +0x927fbe2a, 0x149b9881, 0x9ad781a9, 0x214b9d4d, 0x2dae1287, 0xfa772ca4, 0x3b7fdd35, 0xf59e4174, +0xad3a28f5, 0x8144698d, 0x1ca792df, 0xdb7c7fd1, 0xe96d497f, 0x567fa7d9, 0x489b70cb, 0x3442de7f, +0xa2554c37, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +0x4dc76c95, 0x29b78ec8, 0x3d927f7f, 0x307f93c2, 0x8181da7f, 0x99f741df, 0x6e1d417f, 0x1bbda834, +0x954b5a9f, 0xc6817f07, 0x7fc01005, 0x3b5a81e4, 0x73cd7f5b, 0x7f817f3c, 0x8e7f812b, 0x59d48a03, +0x982475ef, 0x65a1c068, 0x400cc79b, 0x81f231fe, 0x840329e0, 0x1f6054eb, 0xf8813d3a, 0x7f4a9296, +0xbff677c5, 0x7f3c6f0c, 0x7f2890cd, 0xe0aaaad6, 0x81ae9428, 0x7f8117f1, 0x7f097f88, 0x7f27cfcc, +0xca67205e, 0x815f7f37, 0x7f0ac07f, 0x717f95d2, 0x7f9232a7, 0x2bb803d4, 0x3c12c7e7, 0x937c81ea, +0x7f1cdd3b, 0x0622b6c0, 0x62d71247, 0x811cb00b, 0xaef9e981, 0x0f818ff5, 0x740e6f53, 0x30616410, +0x81fed3e0, 0x49167f3a, 0x4577315b, 0xe49130fa, 0x817c7f23, 0x7ffef7ec, 0x4fb47f17, 0xb365b1f8, +0x81a09c38, 0x7f818134, 0x9568e717, 0x4ead1921, 0x8ebd9806, 0x7f911cf8, 0x8c7f5efc, 0xf29114a8, +0x90bc6ae9, 0x0b5f26c1, 0x81bc9281, 0xf0fb5532, 0xc89ab77f, 0x7ec0b9d4, 0xf00bdcf7, 0x7f7f7a24, +0x097ff51e, 0x64d62dfc, 0x7f7f819e, 0x34c05cc3, 0xa2957f19, 0x81101e05, 0x7fd68181, 0x1dff81af, +0x7f81dc24, 0x7b3c6769, 0x7ac490dc, 0x814032c5, 0x9d81747f, 0x7fb46342, 0x72607faa, 0xd40c8161, +0xa5ab574f, 0xf0838bba, 0x33fd7f47, 0x289f81be, 0x817f480f, 0x4bfa552d, 0x8ca1d5d5, 0x817f492b, +0x418125e0, 0xe45d5af0, 0x811b1751, 0xe04d81f8, 0x7ff2917f, 0x65811a53, 0xe65da37f, 0xbafdd439, +0x53818189, 0x752c7ebb, 0xc301567f, 0xb0816f27, 0x708166db, 0xc0b57f49, 0x3a818169, 0x4f16189c, +0x13d6e83b, 0xd258a20d, 0x7fadbdb2, 0x7f93560d, 0x81fd5399, 0x6014dab2, 0x9cf45f1b, 0x107f71d5, +0x352e8109, 0x5a5d6efa, 0xb458ef47, 0xb4a96098, 0x7ab91c37, 0x81bd762e, 0x816cb0d7, 0x3f9819d4, +0x8113b97f, 0x7f09fa33, 0x9e7ffa99, 0xe98181ce, 0x4ffb3064, 0x7f0681ea, 0x81ef06ad, 0x385abdf5, +0x1414457f, 0x18dabc5a, 0xc27e0d7f, 0xd87f8115, 0x703f7fcb, 0x300b7ff1, 0xb081f55d, 0x024d78f8, +0x72949a16, 0x90603c38, 0x7fba6fd4, 0x4820e44f, 0xd57f81af, 0x9c7f7ef9, 0x61c6b27f, 0x81b6141f, +0x7c52514a, 0x5f817f78, 0x668119a7, 0xe441aa7f, 0x53819553, 0x7f721521, 0xbd7f7f17, 0x593081de, +0x8b252de8, 0x7f7f81c1, 0xaca9436e, 0xb5e0b104, 0x81e49d81, 0x75b48102, 0x5c278118, 0x9f6c36c9, +0x509481fa, 0x53d1e640, 0x52108181, 0xeb7f7fff, 0xde417381, 0xa781cb33, 0x4fab55f4, 0x3e7d75f1, +0xf17f0c1a, 0xe8e1817f, 0xcf1f7f81, 0x96d8ba40, 0x1318fc72, 0xd7ae3d1d, 0xf7e88126, 0x32bfe432, +0x453f694b, 0x7f7fbab6, 0xeae7de30, 0x3d81d7d1, 0x438d9cc7, 0x387f4a05, 0x7f46ab81, 0x635bdf10, +0xc281ae24, 0xc5c67fc4, 0x81acb53d, 0xba4f4d04, 0x424f72cc, 0xbf7faa1f, 0x55de1de8, 0x81429a1d, +0xdec94147, 0xff007f42, 0x3fa74821, 0x0cb74e9c, 0xff81627e, 0x6343810f, 0xf7393529, 0x7f44ad81, +0x7f811f39, 0x81e981a0, 0x8c8c4421, 0xc4819190, 0x81816881, 0x7f7fd234, 0x3688c16c, 0x9c34b357, +0x6046e3f6, 0x86123bdc, 0xbd45957f, 0xe6cd777f, 0xe0951ce7, 0x9b7f63a6, 0x817f29c1, 0x7f5a81ca, +0xde7ffcbe, 0x812c3207, 0xa099537b, 0x2a2f81d0, 0x16817f9a, 0xbb81817c, 0x7f81e538, 0x957a4200, +0x81753bab, 0xaf63a506, 0x3081691c, 0xb0a47f2c, 0x0f157feb, 0x8e4330fe, 0x635b8189, 0x7f81ee34, +0x7f40caae, 0xbce88e05, 0xabb52199, 0xd2ba102f, 0x7f7f8173, 0x810b32ab, 0x2e222781, 0x7f819951, +0xfbc73dca, 0x5d81d181, 0x7fb09d81, 0x7faa3098, 0x7e81435b, 0x61e995d6, 0x7f7974f3, 0x7fef81f9, +0x402faba7, 0x7a647f3c, 0x815c6826, 0xba2b2ffe, 0x7f095b7f, 0x7f9236b9, 0x9953636b, 0x344c64d2, +0xd784acc0, 0x7f818426, 0x61ab43f8, 0xd5813c70, 0x7f817f81, 0xc9867fa8, 0x6f4b4181, 0x3881b1df, +0x69813f27, 0x81d0780c, 0x17c84a36, 0xbf908ccc, 0x7f5e812b, 0x317f7fea, 0x7f817881, 0xf731c537, +0x7fb221e7, 0xbae09bf7, 0xcc5d947f, 0xcfc13926, 0x6e0db67f, 0xdf17be28, 0xcaa4ea2f, 0x9870810f, +0x357f701d, 0xa281815d, 0x91497468, 0x5fbcbeb0, 0x7fd54d81, 0x7d5e91f3, 0x8d6555f9, 0x35d416e3, +0x9a7f8c11, 0xd875779b, 0x6b7c6681, 0x24f77f50, 0x288bd781, 0x7fad2b50, 0x637f1a23, 0x527f2ea7, +0x277f7fc3, 0x819c13cb, 0xe1bb65f1, 0x48151c1b, 0x8e7fd27f, 0x7f7065ac, 0xfe0bb14d, 0x588e7f0c, +0x819d7f34, 0x81c455a5, 0x4f6b7fae, 0x7fb56506, 0x7fcfd5a2, 0x3e6981dd, 0xcc814569, 0xc5fb811a, +0xc0e07fbc, 0x817f8153, 0xac356315, 0xc94db6d8, 0x7f88e57f, 0x81e57fd0, 0x7f1f6c0f, 0x78d581e1, +0x7f2137f6, 0x1c57815a, 0x627f55c0, 0x69e4dbcb, 0xa68181c3, 0xb9907fea, 0x55897fa0, 0x7f54a91d, +0x3e7bb314, 0x7f167f5f, 0x75cc8181, 0x177f2fd0, 0x6d39f7e9, 0x7f817fd3, 0x7f6eb0ea, 0x817fc7ad, +0xae5b5b04, 0x86cd281f, 0x3528fe7f, 0x87217fff, 0x87860479, 0x8b7f4510, 0x7faa816c, 0xb9d62c33, +0xdd1c6ccc, 0xb48104fd, 0xbf508f81, 0x34994944, 0x8181b843, 0x74e47f47, 0xc6baf38e, 0x624b06cc, +0xfdadfaeb, 0x948189ac, 0x7f7f992d, 0x813edf00, 0x81c3587f, 0x5eb2819f, 0xcee54cef, 0x277f38d9, +0x8a187fb6, 0x9736ed05, 0xed70487f, 0x4f307fa9, 0x81ba975e, 0x81dd81ed, 0xd0da7f88, 0xf24881cc, +0x12e656d0, 0x7f9b6a1f, 0xcf7fcf7f, 0x78787ebd, 0x7f8319f2, 0x7c7fe9ed, 0x29b381ae, 0xfa4f81cb, +0x13cc81e2, 0x9a2aa0a8, 0x817f8112, 0xfda22318, 0x7f65e85a, 0x727f6812, 0x7f814b0b, 0xcfe2bcd5, +0x6b816ce3, 0xb2965ab7, 0x819981bf, 0x73799635, 0x82854b71, 0xbc3e8132, 0x91c714a2, 0x81817f2e, +0x2cc55af1, 0xb87fb038, 0x7f7f1718, 0x02ba14fe, 0x5e348128, 0x817ff97f, 0x81d03daa, 0xde37813b, +0x443781c0, 0x0e4e32e2, 0x85a7ad81, 0xba276c16, 0xb61ed9c6, 0x81ca27d3, 0x7f762e7f, 0x4181d581, +0x7f7f5508, 0x6eb1b250, 0x5ad47f4a, 0x7fd56756, 0xbc817f81, 0xd481a9ba, 0xf8a74db3, 0x7d1aae25, +0x81397f36, 0x7f62a402, 0xab3b3081, 0x4c45c301, 0x3eb57f88, 0x6d2e7fdd, 0xeb1ac681, 0x813881c0, +0x7fd127b4, 0x67e57f90, 0x4fcb6d3a, 0xc566afe7, 0xc58bdb7f, 0xe0486a7a, 0x363f8181, 0x7fdd8191, +0x67149cc2, 0xfe7fcf00, 0x7feeb9dc, 0xccabbd95, 0x7fab347f, 0x98eda0d8, 0x7faf81a3, 0x3b8c7f0a, +0x1c387fa7, 0x7f055ed9, 0x567fbd7f, 0x4d7f7244, 0xbb8175af, 0xef7f7f5f, 0xa9a58119, 0xada9eec7, +0x592da3bd, 0xb5a98177, 0xe17f813e, 0x94816af7, 0x69ec7fc5, 0x7f29dd4a, 0x9481c981, 0x5d3198da, +0xf84e81bb, 0x41817f7c, 0x7fb31b60, 0x7f7f5e03, 0xea81c490, 0x7681571c, 0x9b54b581, 0x812d993b, +0x7fefd381, 0x7f907fe3, 0x7f81a862, 0x758181bc, 0x46d6507f, 0xae81a50a, 0xd1562a1d, 0x3dcb58d2, +0x489e40fd, 0x7f8fa98a, 0xb07f7f81, 0x238b7b40, 0x49686384, 0xca817f4f, 0x607f7fd7, 0x3a0d81ab, +0xb0fa42e3, 0x7f81563d, 0x829a817f, 0x51d48167, 0xcc817781, 0xd54f5638, 0x7fee1218, 0x81a49e22, +0x0081ec2f, 0x5f5eecf5, 0x6bbc9ce7, 0xa28138d6, 0x86811081, 0x7f0283cf, 0xfff67fb7, 0x81c2814a, +0xc7817f52, 0x85818146, 0x8781a77f, 0x8181e9f6, 0x4731f881, 0xf51a35d8, 0x236931b2, 0x6eaefadb, +0x7f81c61c, 0x947f3d7f, 0xbcf43b52, 0xd5814849, 0x17b6e07f, 0x7f6a81b6, 0x817f8163, 0x817f595f, +0x7fa5ae33, 0x2b63a90a, 0x77627e81, 0x81816660, 0xae7f6281, 0x26c6dedd, 0x757ff9c4, 0x7f7fce30, +0xab9d7800, 0x68fc444b, 0x3d7ff681, 0x93264a1d, 0x81361db5, 0x817fb6d3, 0x1681136f, 0xc5655027, +0x792781e2, 0xeaada9c7, 0x34d1817f, 0x81687fc6, 0xa88d451a, 0xdce97f0d, 0x443935cd, 0x810a68b9, +0x73ef4023, 0x66372979, 0x9a31076e, 0x81813dee, 0x56b11a7f, 0xc76a81da, 0xe0e48181, 0x6681b8b7, +0xa99858ec, 0x7fb38de5, 0x7f6f817f, 0x92168381, 0x53819b02, 0xc3c27f2d, 0x5299d77f, 0x81e47f60, +0x687ffbc6, 0x7f5f9df9, 0x0ab4c09d, 0x44856927, 0x5e63405f, 0x7f9fe864, 0x8c884d25, 0x794dd01f, +0x7f81fb68, 0x31bed5f5, 0x3e658638, 0x3e7f8151, 0x7f7ba8e4, 0x7f304a8b, 0x37c18157, 0x7fb2c6fe, +0x7fa39bef, 0xa37ff9a1, 0x29983fc2, 0x777facc9, 0x547ff37b, 0xe6815b17, 0xec5a457f, 0xacade303, +0x7f2603dc, 0x697fcd23, 0x7f7fd042, 0x4a81a54d, 0xd481bf87, 0x7f4e7f0c, 0x0d5c9d05, 0x26ca3c2c, +0x4f817fe3, 0xc9368b0f, 0xaddb8181, 0xc210e075, 0x248f7f81, 0x697f7f11, 0x817f2f81, 0xef697ff1, +0xd98181b9, 0x810a4f50, 0xbb9e045a, 0x8ea3771d, 0x787f6931, 0xfbb9812d, 0xb778f981, 0x7f354b27, +0xfc813658, 0x25818137, 0x7f3402a1, 0x27eabd01, 0x81c18181, 0xfd7fa22c, 0x9784817f, 0x7fa57fb3, +0xd881f3ce, 0x887f60bf, 0xdc816b0c, 0x3890b818, 0xc37fa281, 0x8f4681f5, 0xb07fb08b, 0x82ad24d0, +0xc189ab02, 0xe3fddb8f, 0x7f744610, 0x435781b0, 0x8104f653, 0x41bb81be, 0x9a4c717f, 0xf9d4c1e4, +0xbdc36404, 0x8ff9818a, 0x54d3ab9c, 0x24aec8ef, 0x81ac5bc8, 0x81908100, 0x74f05a0f, 0x0c5b7f2d, +0x5279a3e3, 0x2d8169b9, 0x7fdc4897, 0x7f5f89bb, 0x9f457581, 0xde817fd7, 0x59813d7f, 0x67817fe7, +0x7f817fd5, 0x7f5978ca, 0x23ab813a, 0x70819ce8, 0x41575433, 0xb17fa99e, 0x697f7f7f, 0x60aeb15a, +0x7fa5a9df, 0x39818181, 0x818ea205, 0xbd819fb2, 0x7f0fa491, 0x814981d8, 0xb9c186e4, 0x817f29e5, +0x81afcd17, 0x842f81ce, 0x058b8e1d, 0xea3da29e, 0x379f5ab7, 0x223c84c9, 0x93bcd8bc, 0xc895baea, +0x6b7d3cc9, 0x7f2b8152, 0x7feccb81, 0x7f71634c, 0x810f7f29, 0x89c14aff, 0xc0ce05d7, 0x7aed49e1, +0x817f4d0c, 0xeeaa0afb, 0xd7817f81, 0x6681d76a, 0xa37f4881, 0x38708103, 0x7f8181cb, 0x0a8f6639, +0x8581aec3, 0xe82836d2, 0xda7f4781, 0x40d67ff3, 0xcc335f7f, 0xce207f44, 0xff9181f8, 0xbae52614, +0xfccdf700, 0x9dc19f54, 0x5d7faefc, 0x5bcc2357, 0x817f7fb1, 0x6f5a9dd7, 0x81af5633, 0x810a7f59, +0x551c8a18, 0x4b816452, 0xe981d940, 0x81d175f6, 0xee7f5746, 0x276f51b7, 0x16ae817e, 0x652063ba, +0xd84e5e44, 0x7f385f2a, 0xa2e1b28f, 0x7f817fd2, 0xd8477f34, 0x508f31fc, 0x7e357fc7, 0x7fa07f7f, +0x7f6d7f52, 0x7f717038, 0x7f819c3a, 0x2f973937, 0x71ac7d7f, 0x790950c2, 0x9aa97f81, 0x7f427ffe, +0xf3f974a1, 0x8107812c, 0x817fb77f, 0x4d458151, 0xc93d2395, 0xb497d049, 0x4b955c87, 0x047eaef1, +0xcc6c07cc, 0x5eff94ad, 0x3bed1246, 0x74d8c531, 0x815afc81, 0xaccf6eca, 0xbe4e3f64, 0x079b37b9, +0xa0898136, 0xfe8a81b9, 0xb7df45fc, 0x7f7f7157, 0x725581a3, 0x7f0c56ec, 0xe6430781, 0x4356def3, +0x54ca7fc7, 0x234f3eee, 0x7f270367, 0x704981c1, 0xfe623836, 0x816d2725, 0x7b9d9e81, 0x3b49d3ae, +0xd2925440, 0x819a7fa5, 0xb025c9a5, 0xbbd77fc1, 0x81737f81, 0xbcb891ae, 0x442ab466, 0x812e41cd, +0xbdb081a8, 0x8e7f5c2d, 0x8458dfb7, 0xd77f8130, 0x9bcbbc47, 0x783a7f5f, 0x27c4d502, 0xadf8cb31, +0xa51e9baa, 0x814d812f, 0x7f1a7f8c, 0x1874f4be, 0x4ac57f81, 0xc7b67f37, 0xc0817ff9, 0x8c81e1ae, +0x6f7f9331, 0xa17f7f9f, 0x7bec5242, 0x81b79554, 0xa27f7f7f, 0x181da812, 0x52e681f5, 0x5c3781fb, +0x895981ae, 0x7f7fa003, 0x9555817f, 0x32391fdf, 0x0c7fff6a, 0xb681981d, 0x1b93a683, 0x7fc3d495, +0x83f5810b, 0x854399a0, 0x997fd57f, 0xe87f6929, 0x7fbafb81, 0x7fe201e3, 0x7f7234b3, 0xb6889ebb, +0x8ea7cdcf, 0xd27fab96, 0x9a562c7f, 0x6c7f7fd8, 0x2277467f, 0xb3108ed9, 0x818d0171, 0x81bc477f, +0x650719f9, 0xba7fe501, 0x7b5796ca, 0x3fc581eb, 0x9a90469b, 0x7f041112, 0x527f7947, 0x8d3d4657, +0x7f627fdd, 0x64053a56, 0x817739c6, 0x812268ee, 0x69ed9b7f, 0x3d7f7f1a, 0x7f2264f4, 0xb76c55f2, +0xd06981fa, 0xa72359d6, 0x3708812f, 0x7f7a4c29, 0x467a227f, 0x685eb4c5, 0xeeeb81c1, 0x2999b5e3, +0x7f7fa0be, 0x73586e92, 0xc7817f0a, 0xc32e7f4f, 0x819b9046, 0x8179acee, 0x29b1a517, 0x557f0ef9, +0x8116589d, 0x557f26f3, 0x861970dd, 0xcb817fef, 0x9bb6ba72, 0xaee4ddfa, 0xd17f81c9, 0x257f76bf, +0xb04b4df4, 0x8f7f8124, 0x818181fc, 0x4fcc8f06, 0x2f7cc181, 0x4900141a, 0xf0709c16, 0x6865b5fd, +0xd9ab9128, 0xa2321900, 0xa1a6de7f, 0x58e47f23, 0x54ac4a45, 0x1af1e618, 0xed633c24, 0xde7f7ff7, +0xd48139b1, 0x5a640dcf, 0x63d9de7f, 0x81669358, 0x4f4571bb, 0x7f7fa692, 0x7debaf85, 0x9d7f7f10, +0xd9c34e9a, 0x708981e8, 0xfc838ac6, 0x430bf6b2, 0x81a1a4ee, 0x7f8181ad, 0x35e98d7b, 0x4e3681de, +0x7f7256e9, 0x7fa3b47f, 0x5a813e7f, 0x8128aa15, 0xff42357c, 0x581e98a3, 0x81534281, 0xe58196fb, +0x11b90c6b, 0x7f81e5e5, 0x7473f57f, 0xa9475b2c, 0x24d77fa7, 0xa27f591e, 0x7fba81a5, 0xc9f19310, +0x3c64d05f, 0x86aca9f0, 0x69b57f01, 0xbb747fb6, 0xdd81e923, 0xbe814a26, 0xe6811b22, 0x7f817fdf, +0x7f81e46a, 0x647f8170, 0xf2812d9b, 0x7f765fa5, 0x812dfe0e, 0x2584ed72, 0x811a7f7f, 0x417f7fee, +0x81d28138, 0x7f8e7fff, 0x9c7e28d0, 0xa71eb5f5, 0x65993e7c, 0x927ff0e8, 0x7f5cd4ce, 0x2886b35e, +0x7f81d3bf, 0xc2d1441e, 0x2f2cbadd, 0x8c9c4cb4, 0x34dba16b, 0xaa37c5c8, 0x5881ec6f, 0xfc7f64a4, +0x81bb8128, 0x7395489a, 0x7f647f7f, 0x44ef7f9a, 0xc3b4d6a1, 0x8693af02, 0x87fab099, 0x7f7f2f05, +0x0191d5f8, 0x0b4281cb, 0x615b990b, 0x554b7f4c, 0x7f7f66a2, 0x817f793b, 0x5681aa97, 0x21aea0bc, +0x81925b0b, 0x81c69839, 0xb115814b, 0x9e81d8b0, 0xc70c6f7f, 0x8f14de16, 0x3f81b4bc, 0xaa0c25dd, +0x81f8346b, 0x6981226b, 0x81b1817f, 0x7f2081e4, 0xa2848117, 0xe4cbcc32, 0x817081d5, 0x817dbf75, +0x157f2614, 0x5a0477d6, 0x8b818105, 0x9e7f34d4, 0x48da3235, 0x397ff6d2, 0xa02f7092, 0x817f8b13, +0x307b35ca, 0x783c7fe6, 0xa2c29081, 0x555b8101, 0xf764ee86, 0x463a8149, 0x577f837e, 0xb1948151, +0xbd2f86f5, 0x6e5fc338, 0x7f67a373, 0x55817003, 0xa1e17f77, 0x8a817fff, 0x49365e44, 0x817f8933, +0x209ba8a9, 0x7f311515, 0x7f519140, 0xa9549352, 0xbd817f8a, 0xafc4a005, 0x620d407f, 0x88302fd2, +0x5cf481f2, 0xbd7fff40, 0x7f7f9cfb, 0x91ae81fc, 0x73f15c81, 0x93814581, 0xc7e8818c, 0xc481a1fa, +0x99818124, 0x7fecdbf3, 0x207d8d39, 0x64818328, 0x7f9dbf5d, 0x2181f9c2, 0x817f7f8c, 0x367c1801, +0x2a019011, 0x815f5d39, 0x81817fb8, 0x7f22815e, 0xb3ceca8f, 0xa6560501, 0xfb548181, 0x2b7ffe18, +0x5394bb1c, 0x7f9981d9, 0x7f7fce32, 0x815ba6e4, 0xabd0d732, 0x7f5c81fa, 0x7f369f77, 0xa42b7f51, +0x900db9cd, 0x9993bde1, 0x7fc8819a, 0x116f9310, 0x8ef767b0, 0x7a817f02, 0x56819b81, 0x29aee511, +0x7f2b8d3a, 0x818a442a, 0x555c3ff5, 0x1d6c4929, 0x7ea9697f, 0x780b8fa6, 0x097fa426, 0x9b7f89d9, +0x165081de, 0x45a184c0, 0x405c7fc7, 0x6bbcd6d3, 0x7b81837f, 0x33867f12, 0x878f7f62, 0xc6cf1002, +0xad819f7f, 0x3df9422a, 0x77ca9e81, 0x684f7fca, 0x30847f81, 0x81817fda, 0xedc6a081, 0x682c00eb, +0xca767fdd, 0x1f7fb0e3, 0x377f8a7f, 0x5e85d200, 0xb9237f1f, 0xf2817f2d, 0x0dd88132, 0x81cc0037, +0x739b39bb, 0xb47fb83c, 0xdf7f8181, 0x7f54f610, 0xbc9e3f06, 0x5762b272, 0x81ebc628, 0x7f9845b9, +0x7d901f63, 0x81ce7f36, 0x0ebd8e7d, 0x9a81d963, 0x644c3f81, 0x227fbdeb, 0x8e2d5f81, 0x54efc59a, +0x94ed5511, 0x817f944b, 0x38393d81, 0x592f7ad2, 0x75814881, 0x63275d7c, 0x4a65de10, 0xeb818ff6, +0x70f93fc1, 0xbbe83610, 0x7d94beba, 0xfd077f2f, 0x7f818181, 0xbb7f47d1, 0x4c8f7f6d, 0x587fa2fb, +0xbd817f02, 0xae7f8123, 0x4fb981ac, 0x3fd2c446, 0x817f7fa1, 0xb28d81ce, 0x7f813fbf, 0x5a8181a8, +0x2f6355c9, 0x75624fb5, 0x811842d0, 0x70a38146, 0xea52aef5, 0x7fffa3f0, 0x8f7fdcb0, 0xe31d81e5, +0x7fe15a51, 0x21894817, 0x9c810f41, 0xe9428145, 0x7f819edc, 0x7feb1761, 0x81368181, 0x2c71f15e, +0x26813c54, 0xf09c69aa, 0xd17751da, 0x25a1c23c, 0x7f812281, 0x4317b30f, 0x66908149, 0x81869b95, +0x062874c1, 0x843481a4, 0x81743c89, 0x813e9cae, 0xd8397fd1, 0x7b495f55, 0x7f7f7f53, 0xc0b419e7, +0xacf11d1b, 0x90a51003, 0x9efa5bb6, 0x77b8989f, 0x8b1ea17f, 0xc46537c3, 0xcca93d93, 0xa955d1db, +0xc42743ed, 0x7f8a6442, 0x79ab8152, 0xfea48ff7, 0xfbbb819c, 0xa1be81ed, 0xa481da42, 0x477f7fd0, +0xcc1acdfb, 0x767f1533, 0x99cdda46, 0xfb9c8109, 0x7f757f7f, 0x747f88d6, 0xb5404df1, 0x8b69b739, +0xc762670a, 0x8125bded, 0x6481a452, 0x943e5aef, 0x7fe3557f, 0x8181bfc5, 0xb14d907f, 0x7f747f9c, +0x54b4ff28, 0xe19d7fc2, 0x7f25887f, 0x7f6cc0b5, 0x34653ba1, 0xacd70015, 0x7901cc3b, 0xb081815e, +0x812781fd, 0x871cd81d, 0xd1818494, 0xa97fc1ed, 0x81817f86, 0x9f3cf7da, 0x9857bb81, 0x9d1661d1, +0x167f5814, 0x037fd0e4, 0x7f337f7f, 0x7fd40904, 0x376a4a69, 0x7f77a308, 0x73b61d36, 0xb4a318cc, +0x7f9cc3e7, 0xe0d55532, 0xab58707f, 0x9c467f07, 0x8c7f2581, 0x60155a41, 0x7f3fd21d, 0x7f7f59a3, +0x38176d64, 0xf77fd7a6, 0x0ed2ae81, 0x7f81cdec, 0x3c0f81a2, 0x747d9be6, 0x818c5f83, 0x432e7cfb, +0x4a44b96b, 0xc8748423, 0x6b818181, 0xe34914d7, 0x980b64bb, 0x7fbe165f, 0x7f104bbd, 0x5c7f9d02, +0x7f307fcc, 0x8399c1a3, 0x7233316c, 0x92aae7a6, 0x81deda79, 0x812805f0, 0x7f566985, 0xdeffbea8, +0x2bbf427f, 0x7f819e05, 0x90811687, 0x817f81a0, 0xb581c481, 0xa05cfdd4, 0xe4983e52, 0x813e81e7, +0x2b5ba42c, 0xf75aaf0c, 0x4bbc8181, 0x817fa502, 0x1a7f2d7f, 0xe97f0700, 0x724a5029, 0xe3700308, +0xae7fb93c, 0x7f9581ba, 0x819d7f3d, 0x2b2ef875, 0x341c52ae, 0x21b23dfc, 0x6a82a2e1, 0xaa81ecc7, +0xcf817ff6, 0x7fa17fb5, 0x1fc21a81, 0x817f895d, 0x54973cd6, 0x81a8c919, 0x9f4c7f38, 0x89817fd1, +0x325d7fea, 0x959581c9, 0x711638c8, 0x07bb81c4, 0x1bf0818c, 0x346b81aa, 0x5d55817f, 0x7f7f8192, +0x3b7f81d5, 0xe783f367, 0x863038b6, 0x7f53589b, 0x7f4de47f, 0x128165ac, 0x7fa6ccfa, 0xc19f8132, +0xc3b3483e, 0xa63d628e, 0x2d707fd1, 0xd93a1319, 0x9197277f, 0xd77f0fbf, 0x8156da7f, 0x88819a98, +0x3eb240f2, 0x81007fbe, 0x067fe653, 0xd3aa8150, 0xa625819b, 0x767ab13b, 0x937f817b, 0xd08181e1, +0xa47f81b9, 0x3481bd4a, 0x65507fa7, 0xb79181d1, 0xbf1d7d3e, 0xb2818178, 0x8f329d1c, 0x2081b481, +0x7b84a853, 0x7b679ce3, 0x9ba49881, 0x695ab122, 0x23be9081, 0xd7322a4a, 0x21db3fad, 0x81fc8145, +0x84a1bad2, 0x9f307bb8, 0x81815581, 0xb84f1450, 0x6d3acdb7, 0xfd64811d, 0x7f8132e6, 0xd7458fee, +0x81c54610, 0x7f7f73d1, 0x81a5c3bf, 0xe15f7fa0, 0x3c7f517f, 0x047f7fd0, 0x261e438d, 0xb3c47f34, +0x5c81a1f6, 0xa2c62f5a, 0xe67f9255, 0x4df92530, 0x58877578, 0x817fdbd6, 0x9381d867, 0xb3815eec, +0x3d8b8ad4, 0x814aab55, 0xa5477f7b, 0xed7f98d4, 0xae7f3681, 0x3b938138, 0x58e37f90, 0x7356b00c, +0x754181fd, 0x3181503e, 0xc58dc451, 0x818b9cbe, 0x747fcbc4, 0x0918d1f1, 0x5b5ae00e, 0x761d6116, +0x535ba62c, 0x8c0f22b4, 0xc98fb9ad, 0xad7f6d1d, 0x4f7fec7f, 0x1b437f35, 0x9004b258, 0x787c8d15, +0xd04b81e6, 0x703d10f0, 0x7f7f8b89, 0x1674b61c, 0x9789ac81, 0xac6c7f58, 0x0e81ac48, 0x0881812d, +0x117f7cc2, 0xa6bd8145, 0x59817f7f, 0x89cbb4fb, 0x697f9a81, 0x813e5281, 0xf57f4898, 0xee994b1d, +0x60228cc5, 0x4c341db8, 0x7f6e7f63, 0x107f8151, 0x14397f55, 0x81a951d6, 0xb762ed40, 0x81c39dd6, +0x546a0438, 0x7f8e88d7, 0x81810e7f, 0x7f7f654c, 0x3b412da8, 0x8aabcfe0, 0x4b83444b, 0x65bea3ee, +0x507fb43f, 0x16c3c7c5, 0xe322a2d9, 0xfd5a0fd9, 0xc757577f, 0x6cd0b9af, 0xc6078100, 0x3256b728, +0xc47fdc2f, 0x81dc4bb9, 0xd8d02073, 0xc38671f2, 0xbb9104b4, 0x7fb281b6, 0xcb817f81, 0x819f44af, +0x29f781bc, 0xdfc231b9, 0x7fae7f43, 0x575b7f79, 0xf4c4414e, 0xe807d15c, 0xd08181ae, 0x8e81cd9f, +0x942472c9, 0x816362dc, 0x9cba9281, 0xdc6fce74, 0x2b7f7f35, 0x37810c4f, 0xe8709e85, 0x5c7f984d, +0x8153bc24, 0xbfe581bd, 0x9a7f9c84, 0x3be9e533, 0xb6938127, 0x82ca63d5, 0x08eeb19f, 0x59ebeb0f, +0x4d7f14f7, 0x3c558f40, 0x62d26981, 0x8181f3a8, 0xe42585ea, 0x7f08817f, 0xaf8181a0, 0x0c5d16cd, +0xa4dfee3d, 0x3a8182fa, 0x6381883a, 0x7fe9d01c, 0x5e659f90, 0x7f7f812f, 0x4a9d8179, 0xb1e4acf3, +0x1b8189f9, 0xd983a4d8, 0x817f81df, 0xa2cf1f55, 0x817f337f, 0x7fa3564e, 0x14ae7c44, 0x4ca3859d, +0x81b37fa2, 0xf8a0b7b1, 0x7f79c0cc, 0x7f3010f6, 0xa5be8c16, 0x2420b129, 0x7f7898f1, 0x7e818139, +0x7fc919eb, 0x61819a67, 0x88928b15, 0x7eade0d3, 0x4e7fc323, 0x8deb5fe6, 0x7f3f7f9c, 0x81817fbf, +0x989026db, 0xef81c203, 0x81e4a1e1, 0x35939d41, 0xbbaae870, 0x3d217fca, 0xddd9a1ce, 0x7f7f81a3, +0x5bf18122, 0x81c55a52, 0xc95c450c, 0x7f5a03e6, 0x65654a14, 0x75d401f6, 0xe0cb297f, 0x5f3c8132, +0xf7a312d3, 0x81c6d3af, 0x978e8181, 0x1476539f, 0x502534be, 0xd2909112, 0x6ad663ad, 0x7f7fbbac, +0x8b70da23, 0x4d78af31, 0x7f8159f5, 0x81bad147, 0x348151dd, 0x5e68eace, 0xc2737fa0, 0xf97fa32e, +0x7e7f81de, 0xa68baddb, 0xbb39817f, 0x7f9bc454, 0x6d09c327, 0xc37f3c33, 0x0a865f7f, 0xba8281e1, +0x1a3ff406, 0x652c3fd1, 0x94af367b, 0xb381d8cb, 0x4045cce5, 0x7f7fd613, 0x795f7f42, 0xb1818193, +0x7f371d3c, 0xef816b41, 0x2ca91acc, 0x48b5aa83, 0xaae807de, 0x26813f13, 0x81817f2a, 0x6083604f, +0xd29e81f6, 0x7fb218ca, 0x4aa50170, 0xc2d74a22, 0x4f4971a3, 0xe9dc5f10, 0x7fb8bedf, 0x1f93814a, +0xa97f7f0e, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 + +hard_output0= +0xb5bc6ac8, 0xf5373664, 0x1310345c, 0xd5bae4e7, 0x1fc9e83e, 0xebfdfded, 0x84bd86ab, 0xb7aabe00, +0x60b44fea, 0xb9067464, 0x30325378, 0xa9195955, 0xf70c6e5c, 0x90922632, 0xc90b1cdb, 0xf2f5fb69, +0x73056b63, 0x1a33bf3f, 0x17755b5c, 0xc58bff6d, 0x2f4390b2, 0x2869d508, 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+0x8840989b, 0x738ec50e, 0xe6b2783d, 0xf67899c8, 0x27ebed69, 0x6c415a16, 0x3a6cc2dc, 0xcd4e4e5d, +0x6cb12b2e, 0xdb88d7c0, 0x79cd1582, 0xbc422413, 0xe72ad2f4, 0x8eaac30f, 0x0bd86747, 0x6d87f69d, +0x15d62038, 0x4b375630, 0x0d51b859, 0x16db2cb2, 0xf210603a, 0x0abeb833, 0x55c694d0, 0xe57ca43b, +0x0ba94428, 0x1398a406, 0xe47d3889, 0x5a20203d, 0x250d7a1a, 0xd930ffec, 0x03992e79, 0xf2759376, +0x024ec121, 0x91fc3a2c, 0xb7e11cc5, 0x4ff7d459, 0xb8700134, 0xd6e61758, 0x4eba0a32, 0xb747e3ec, +0x7073fad7, 0xded80f99, 0x331e2f1b, 0xfa1f1bed, 0x056424a2, 0x1d1d95e0, 0x550b9ec8, 0x51ee2a38, +0x19525153, 0xd70c4cd5, 0x0d6cd7ad, 0xe44d1cf2, 0x30dfecda, 0xdacd7fe8, 0x7321d795, 0xddf48ef4, +0xe271e6a4, 0x9c1feecb, 0x951fcd7b, 0x8acc5a03, 0x3fb83527, 0xe306de74, 0x7b9cd6ee, 0x8e140885, +0xd4c91e8d, 0xe8c39733, 0x0f02f87f, 0xfb06b1b9, 0x0dc9349c, 0xf76bae8e, 0x4f642a07, 0x3d48a9aa, +0xe3ea323a, 0xa1cd5c8a, 0x40aa0e70, 0x132042d3, 0xa9732f6c, 0xd15a00c4, 0x43d3b046, 0x9a51ebd4, +0xc46ee0ed, 0xe2a2148b, 0xf5c478f0, 0x1fb01cf3, 0xf4f321ec, 0xd973811f, 0x11ad11b9, 0x5c67adda + +e = +34560 + +k = +6144 + +rv_index = +0 + +iter_max = +8 + +iter_min = +4 + +expected_iter_count = +8 + +ext_scale = +15 + +num_maps = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_posllr.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_posllr.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe4f5eef --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_posllr.data @@ -0,0 +1,645 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x81814e1f, 0xba81fb11, 0xc4554696, 0xe17e9454, 0x427f8119, 0xa8b355f1, 0x244ba17f, 0x1c816fa1, +0xc94f5bcc, 0xb5b97fbb, 0x634b8e81, 0x815a6cc1, 0x7f6bb016, 0x2f7249d6, 0x604664f0, 0x31817f81, +0x6fa66b81, 0xd49763f6, 0x777fa4f1, 0x81aa6da8, 0xf0fea881, 0xaccfbfd0, 0x7f81e582, 0x7f58a2d6, +0xa77f430e, 0xf47f50f1, 0x997f42f2, 0xd7814f81, 0x037fe14d, 0x81f98125, 0x2d813e55, 0x7f81f0dc, +0x7f7f8181, 0xc37c723a, 0xbc7a3364, 0x8193817f, 0xe381066d, 0x7fcab836, 0x2481eea2, 0x567f5968, +0xa07d720c, 0x7fa13343, 0x7f35636d, 0x7f817f78, 0x383d2a69, 0x7f860e2a, 0xca78797f, 0x7f7fe912, +0xc95a8141, 0x770c9c4e, 0x81e2817f, 0x811b3f81, 0x745f1104, 0x13817e31, 0xb681a63a, 0x8101482a, +0xbe81818d, 0x8c8181fa, 0x2133de57, 0x8147677f, 0x8a098d7f, 0xd429f1ee, 0x284fc81f, 0x7f5c16d7, +0xded34e7f, 0x3d60812e, 0xdf817f89, 0x2f33793c, 0x2f7f9961, 0x8181221e, 0x847f59d1, 0x9281a681, +0x89503793, 0x01817ff0, 0x183a53ba, 0xc99622f6, 0xbc819881, 0xa7ea2ec8, 0x787f957f, 0x26819378, +0x1e4e4ba1, 0x8bf18138, 0x3adc2c81, 0x3a7d8187, 0x7f22ae8e, 0x307c81d7, 0x7f53a881, 0xc281819f, +0x38fd2090, 0xdd810a00, 0x74ff7fa2, 0x7fb2f27f, 0x7f9b8211, 0x55d69e44, 0x8d2cd44c, 0x5610c676, +0x7f815b81, 0xa2811e3d, 0x93135d81, 0x92797f73, 0x8a8192b3, 0xa48a7f66, 0x7f7e4a10, 0x242dfd81, +0x7fe8b481, 0x810fb0e4, 0xde390fa7, 0xbb5a7f81, 0x65ad3b19, 0xa96a96a2, 0xf681817f, 0xb6a4eba2, +0x0d81017f, 0x5369080e, 0xfbd1c781, 0x879d7f7f, 0x81818181, 0x7f1d061c, 0x8aa731fd, 0x4386a67f, +0xba445581, 0x5b81975f, 0x467f7f7a, 0xc85db95e, 0x6f587240, 0x29a07904, 0x7f7f7574, 0x815dbeb2, +0x81771181, 0x7f54e8c3, 0xc6586fd6, 0x3c6d835a, 0x86b4ed95, 0x7faa72fb, 0x7f7e7fd5, 0x154f81e3, +0x7c4881b4, 0x0c164a37, 0x7ffdbf69, 0x7f7d43f6, 0x5f47da8a, 0x3236d20f, 0x65818181, 0xa37fcf7f, +0x7f8116cb, 0xf6947f50, 0x66ab65b1, 0x6d688a6f, 0x537f6bf0, 0x5c864ddc, 0x06a98181, 0x455854c2, +0x9a6c49ad, 0x129d3c29, 0xe94c327f, 0x7d40247f, 0x9681bc7f, 0x7f288120, 0x81a43b40, 0x08d81689, +0x457f815d, 0xc27f9ae7, 0x7f819655, 0xdabf8181, 0xf4c07f81, 0x6410e8cc, 0xce4d8181, 0x19b13059, +0x8181bf99, 0xf2819620, 0x7fc37f4e, 0x7f8efe81, 0xb25a3e8b, 0x7fbbdb22, 0xba7f8181, 0x8135d42f, +0x817f6836, 0xc381a056, 0x7381547f, 0x1e407f13, 0x9b917f7f, 0x4e526d9b, 0x9323737f, 0x7a20429b, +0xac6b14a8, 0x3568e8d7, 0xbe621a97, 0x7fbca13b, 0x2dbda9dc, 0x32af4ddd, 0x6e4f978e, 0x10ed8172, +0x81e76681, 0x7f427fc4, 0x7fab7f81, 0x2c7ffd81, 0xea817f7f, 0xa62fcf2c, 0x8144bfb7, 0x7ffc93a0, +0x79e9b564, 0x6c449d46, 0x987f8481, 0xee118173, 0x867f0c0a, 0x81819347, 0xb8ddbf82, 0x5c6866b8, +0x82b48881, 0x5c817fdd, 0x7f6605e0, 0x4181bc81, 0x736b51a4, 0xcd5a7fd2, 0xf939a42b, 0xcd817faf, +0x5e1b1fa6, 0x7c818ef7, 0x070c47cc, 0x8e5981d1, 0xe661d182, 0x54deb54e, 0x7fba81f4, 0xc1712e73, +0xb6885086, 0xae9759e2, 0xb12b814e, 0xf5ae9e41, 0x16c736f6, 0xa981c3e2, 0xb06c7f29, 0x497f95b8, +0xcb3de381, 0x7f7524e3, 0xdcf88147, 0x811e81f9, 0xab7a9c7f, 0x816223d8, 0xf97fe22f, 0xe5cf814e, +0x744f6312, 0xc797e05a, 0x279b237b, 0x622b01b9, 0x37818181, 0x8174e3ab, 0xfa5a69ff, 0x62cc787f, +0x81944e7f, 0xc87f7f2f, 0x30839f54, 0x8122090f, 0xf8e98181, 0x28815f40, 0x0262424b, 0x7fc3ccd0, +0xdf7f7fe2, 0x0c264dfa, 0x5d954581, 0xfb188181, 0x6b810d33, 0x1c7fbee7, 0x8141c17f, 0x7f768155, +0xbd207f27, 0x794079d7, 0xf34bd97b, 0x7f7f5026, 0xb46c9782, 0x7f81574e, 0x81817f27, 0x75267f6d, +0x4a7fe97f, 0x7f879ee0, 0x25f8d63f, 0xd481a3c5, 0x747ffd0d, 0xb33530e2, 0x813f5881, 0xbb8181dd, +0xa2da462a, 0x817f8c0d, 0xd0f061f8, 0x117bda34, 0x1897f8b7, 0x2e477f50, 0x8181814b, 0x7faa1181, +0x6ee68168, 0x811a98e2, 0xdcb2b784, 0xa20a7fb7, 0x41445681, 0x0bffeefc, 0x02817f9d, 0x743071cf, +0x387695bd, 0x847ffb4a, 0x0a287f56, 0xf9b4d4d3, 0x2a7fa481, 0xe3eb2e9b, 0x327f91f4, 0xec3981d2, +0x6681f83c, 0xe675722e, 0x426ac913, 0x4b6154a6, 0x5c30816f, 0x817c8155, 0x277fa781, 0x8dd8a9a3, +0x48c609a0, 0x4bca47bf, 0x7f3f6d81, 0xea497fb3, 0xc181507f, 0x81bf1ffe, 0x8e818916, 0x6ba83d7f, +0xb8547f62, 0x5881670e, 0x7f6281fb, 0x6e7f9250, 0xa7bc817f, 0xb19450aa, 0x7f7f9d58, 0x20f69c1e, +0x7f45815d, 0x817f9319, 0x7a5496b0, 0xb85e8950, 0x72c9337f, 0x81781aba, 0xfecdaf28, 0xe2195ab5, +0x7fbb0ec7, 0x7f7ff8a7, 0xab818181, 0x978f2e6e, 0x7fc38121, 0x18945319, 0x264a8181, 0x93b1dc81, +0x630ed781, 0xe27f8e14, 0xc17f5b93, 0x7081fe2d, 0xbb9ac790, 0x7f81ba5c, 0x7f812f32, 0x68bd4f7f, +0x81217f81, 0x88b87f26, 0x285e7f3e, 0x29817828, 0x747f7f81, 0x159eaacd, 0x8d02b252, 0xa98881e7, +0x817f1681, 0x367fbd38, 0x8a8441e3, 0x81447f1f, 0x8165424b, 0x811676ee, 0x81a48122, 0x4b02ea7b, +0x5c267f38, 0x8195acd2, 0x7f7fb581, 0x9eae092d, 0xab12457f, 0x96f8dc31, 0xa89fd810, 0x222b7f7f, +0x1dd67f65, 0x873a81e0, 0x0e7fd97f, 0x81a83d97, 0x8106d381, 0x7f817f0c, 0x8104d4f9, 0xbb81677f, +0x01be7f39, 0x297297ab, 0xc2f01b81, 0x9dd57f81, 0x81ff692f, 0x7fc28115, 0x077f547f, 0x717fcf81, +0x3d81ed83, 0xff6f7fff, 0x7f50f95c, 0x5650a753, 0x81817f09, 0x963b7057, 0x7f817f60, 0x987fa099, +0xf6207f7e, 0x4c814e98, 0xcd27b681, 0x41bd2ebd, 0x340172b2, 0xbc151ec1, 0xf3b403d2, 0x817f6c81, +0x7f2f3218, 0x26f2ea5d, 0xcc59bd8a, 0xef857f52, 0xe37bc195, 0x7f2a2e13, 0x7381a51a, 0x31e14c60, +0xc2e23fc6, 0x8113f40c, 0x9b2d7f81, 0xf6e1147d, 0x813c7fe1, 0x9a9d7f3f, 0x7fb939ac, 0x573181ad, +0x608a317f, 0xb486b9ee, 0xe67fb10b, 0x62817f8b, 0x7f7f9775, 0x81e6819d, 0x7f6f0f61, 0x4ffd8158, +0x81ae56d2, 0xbe4aa4f7, 0x6c515581, 0x435d8326, 0x7f0e2a95, 0xc28d81e1, 0x357fa0cf, 0x2b9f7f11, +0xd491057f, 0xbc7bddd7, 0xe5b57f34, 0xfba68549, 0xb491d2e3, 0x4fb61f49, 0x81bd3e3c, 0xdd9848f3, +0x81810561, 0x67f5fbdd, 0x8c4dc25b, 0x2ab47f67, 0x68137f5e, 0xcfe53817, 0xa7679d31, 0x501213b4, +0x7f7f1390, 0xbefeccd8, 0x30fe9044, 0x7fd6812d, 0x813cf0e6, 0xccb82825, 0xfa78ec58, 0x024b90e4, +0xba25ec7f, 0xc43b50ff, 0x7f7f3e4d, 0x64c38181, 0x81ed1dba, 0xd58b7f64, 0x0b81311f, 0x03563b7f, +0x817fb491, 0x81e895c7, 0x817f7fb0, 0x1681a581, 0x7f998a50, 0x489b81a9, 0x81bc81a2, 0x3d9e7fde, +0x7c7c6381, 0x817447ec, 0x6e7fc32b, 0x7fab86c6, 0x95b44181, 0x3a7f756c, 0x81458168, 0xc4787fd3, +0x731cda81, 0x73127f03, 0xc9077fcf, 0xc37f9c2e, 0x27817f7f, 0xc4361507, 0x7f9b3581, 0x9d357f2d, +0x7f81166c, 0xb87f815f, 0xb2604f95, 0xc44b5591, 0xcfb8078b, 0x7481e64b, 0x8152a679, 0x53fa387f, +0xfa7f3f79, 0x7f5b5fe5, 0x1e625d7d, 0x1081ad93, 0x7f5019fe, 0x3d8145a7, 0x629f9918, 0xc1ab3742, +0x7f66c057, 0x9cb048dd, 0xeb6e859b, 0x8e5fb72c, 0x94d8f5a4, 0xa381280d, 0x67737de6, 0x45817f81, +0xf055c17f, 0x6a0aafff, 0xdb818cc6, 0x81fc60dc, 0x20377f4c, 0x7feac6de, 0x72e78c7f, 0xdf532124, +0x81d33356, 0x8881bcf9, 0x95817f32, 0x612eae3b, 0x7b186965, 0x50b77f63, 0x718181b3, 0x42d8b481, +0x88edaf7f, 0xa3cd25f6, 0x7fdd7f81, 0x7fb79681, 0x7f786e7f, 0x7fbb41c9, 0xd2618121, 0x1cacc6d3, +0x7fe2a0dc, 0x819e1a46, 0x563081e1, 0xb18d77b1, 0xb4817f7f, 0xa97f81fa, 0x2e81157f, 0x31e67fa4, +0x5b814281, 0x98b18124, 0x7f0a3540, 0x49d508d1, 0x2693bc71, 0x3aeb81ca, 0x817fc081, 0x6674b9e7, +0xa1217f23, 0x517f81f1, 0x7fc4ef26, 0x2914ef7f, 0xa9ff7a19, 0x7f7f0ce2, 0x1b485e45, 0x7f70af0d, +0xd6812a71, 0xc95fc63d, 0xa57f03c8, 0x9dbe7f81, 0x7c978192, 0x81a22306, 0x96447f2f, 0x7faf2728, +0xc2a494ad, 0xd5c7813a, 0xa02b7bb8, 0x3bc04eed, 0x997fa97f, 0x7768d0d0, 0x8a84817f, 0x8f1102c6, +0x7f8115be, 0xfb7f7869, 0x7ff25de8, 0x6745f276, 0x0f23b585, 0x52933552, 0x7fab5340, 0xeb4c403f, +0x7f5465ec, 0x77b0a942, 0x6b67297f, 0xc86a7133, 0x7f8f177f, 0x869e28f4, 0x7a7fb066, 0x81a3b865, +0x5d7fba81, 0x815fd7ae, 0x60817ff7, 0xa633a381, 0x45813981, 0xade1ccd7, 0x814981a6, 0xaa93770a, +0x7f83b4dd, 0xc0967f1a, 0xed7f3764, 0x53772ea8, 0x5a81f453, 0xaff56f92, 0x81067f5f, 0xf596ef1f, +0xd520de7c, 0x81b2bdc8, 0x7f8130dd, 0xfb7f8c41, 0x99816bf6, 0x695a60e3, 0x7f7f817f, 0xed987f26, +0x8f818166, 0x417fecfc, 0x99ec379b, 0xaf7e7f7f, 0x360dd75f, 0x787f44f6, 0x81837dfb, 0xd481a681, +0x81819d17, 0x8781322c, 0x7f7fac0b, 0x0fca7f3c, 0x40b5e37f, 0xf27f2ebc, 0x41c19a41, 0xa6c1d381, +0x066de9ec, 0x32b8a8bc, 0xdac61ba5, 0x812d817f, 0x87b9821c, 0x817f7920, 0x7f557fbc, 0x81738181, +0x918fb098, 0x81ab890a, 0x81b881bf, 0x7f7fc57c, 0xcdbde77f, 0x7f5f7f3a, 0x36e59a81, 0x19a6818f, +0xea7fd850, 0x20606e2b, 0x927f9c22, 0xd27f819f, 0x3c4f7f73, 0x168176ce, 0xf0687f81, 0xec5f7faa, +0x23aa789e, 0x2de996b5, 0x7fd07f7f, 0x9785c156, 0x1eaa3235, 0x9781ea6f, 0xb2de74fb, 0x815a98d6, +0x8cb77f92, 0xbba85fa1, 0x61afcac8, 0x81817f64, 0x8149865f, 0xa251b7ee, 0xec7f8181, 0xf8ad7f84, +0x5c8142bf, 0x212981f2, 0x7fc9e381, 0x37338e67, 0x7f3099c6, 0x4fcdb7d1, 0x0381c0fd, 0x778181e4, +0xe7702cfb, 0x61c21e43, 0x3f987f81, 0x3a0b815c, 0x7d12b8c2, 0x70097f0a, 0x7f244d63, 0x2d81187f, +0xd87f6f7f, 0x7d267f2c, 0x8eaf2486, 0x87d8013d, 0x85367f7f, 0x81817f85, 0x0a067081, 0xc96f952c, +0xf3c14485, 0x227f4330, 0x60ec8124, 0x41f181f5, 0xdb6b7fce, 0x819467cf, 0x81bc7fd4, 0x2c7a7f7f, +0x936ade53, 0x7f81d04a, 0xc4817f81, 0x7fdd78dd, 0x81d3a47f, 0x917fade5, 0x6c81510e, 0x5b16fd74, +0xbe987f81, 0x7fb17404, 0x7fb8e8f7, 0x7fb381e6, 0xc479b081, 0x5c81eee7, 0xb19b0e81, 0xa381d4df, +0x81bacf5b, 0xa67fb9a6, 0x817f11a0, 0x8d565870, 0xce818181, 0x7f4aec3f, 0x813ab981, 0x1b495a42, +0xab7f928d, 0x8106014f, 0x47c3e57f, 0xc418f11e, 0xc9149f6c, 0x1a7f1e25, 0x7f3f2d81, 0xcd5e462d, +0xa8d57f7f, 0x812481db, 0x7f697f97, 0x69cdb891, 0xc31fc20d, 0xdc812b31, 0x57e37f81, 0xa09681aa, +0x7f817f88, 0x1ae385f8, 0x81607f7f, 0xfb752e65, 0xd8dd8141, 0xb17f50a9, 0xb8737ffd, 0x1f7f815b, +0x7f9a9e69, 0x06448b38, 0x8109a225, 0xb69e064b, 0x9881537c, 0x59dee4d8, 0x89c6a692, 0x0e817b7f, +0x81816b97, 0x5de37fd1, 0x7f2c7ca9, 0x81784402, 0x29bd477f, 0x81a07ffe, 0xe822df7b, 0x7f29813c, +0x6d81cd81, 0x1a811bd2, 0x6b2c7f26, 0x7881a08f, 0x7fd0e88e, 0x27f87fce, 0x8181a67f, 0x7f7f5558, +0x81668133, 0x8181bfca, 0xc3792d58, 0x2b7f2d7f, 0xa3d09230, 0x9fa56824, 0x7fd5ce7f, 0x251b3cbd, +0x7f818117, 0x7fac9e26, 0x7fde26f6, 0x4b7f837f, 0x1fd52b94, 0x067f6698, 0x70817f7d, 0xdd9658c1, +0xe5a99465, 0xa59cdc55, 0xc1c2c7ad, 0x147fb081, 0x234cc657, 0x7f7fcc0f, 0x7f3d8150, 0x41b68131, +0x7ff58184, 0x90a57f2b, 0xdd9d9b7f, 0xc4518163, 0x428aa37f, 0xe866ef52, 0x7f6c3644, 0xa09d3b50, +0xf2c4adad, 0xc87ecb45, 0x7f70bace, 0xd5697f2d, 0x297349a8, 0x6bc11cc9, 0x8cdd0ed3, 0x7f53646b, +0x8129b9b8, 0xce65a8d3, 0x20208181, 0x817f5272, 0x6ad11bf4, 0xc58151e3, 0x361572c9, 0x81acd996, +0x6e819466, 0x7e7fbd3f, 0x70bb9ffb, 0x818b810a, 0x879a7f15, 0x8c884edb, 0x9028ae45, 0x81d8f525, +0xaaa781b9, 0xaf1a0108, 0xe2817f73, 0x24b67f8b, 0xf08fd77b, 0xd21a265f, 0x7f3930ba, 0x5f5d9287, +0x66218181, 0x7fd219f3, 0x6f44f09e, 0xbcc58157, 0x7f71b94d, 0x817f81c5, 0x877f6064, 0x81647f81, +0xe5ba2e34, 0x889f8722, 0x27819f0e, 0x7f4c0eed, 0x2d7f79b6, 0x81b1813c, 0x647f3d2b, 0xe92b68be, +0x81375804, 0x6798c04b, 0x2b596e7f, 0x78c97f7f, 0x812c367f, 0x7f468112, 0xa352d785, 0x3806f2a4, +0x6886a9a9, 0xa31540ea, 0x5ab2478d, 0x9f5be57f, 0x9ab06481, 0x1586279b, 0x86267f81, 0xb3a50944, +0x788a485c, 0x838d4c30, 0x8ad44b53, 0x923fb39a, 0x95035381, 0x81817ff2, 0x7f44d5eb, 0xf17f8164, +0x39d117c0, 0x37ea75f4, 0x81927387, 0x817f0623, 0x909f7f0a, 0x997f7f19, 0xc1983b18, 0x60937f6b, +0x8829c381, 0x8e6bf066, 0xfb7781ab, 0x43408e7f, 0x7f7f811d, 0x33eb81d0, 0xb86459a9, 0xadba7fe7, +0xc1967f48, 0xfd0284bd, 0x4bef335d, 0x1b7f5f81, 0xa2c2c237, 0x81b0816a, 0x42ee5c7f, 0x7f009323, +0xb7ced44c, 0xd90958e2, 0x3af8aae8, 0x7fb82e90, 0x989a7f7f, 0x14a22c68, 0x60ef7dc6, 0x7fb9ad00, +0xf9e3c69d, 0x5e3bafbe, 0x81178a81, 0x92c4df02, 0x159d7fb6, 0x812b8103, 0x616f9df5, 0xb9a1df61, +0x454b3944, 0x98931fbe, 0x4aae7061, 0x9572a681, 0x8178a8a8, 0x81fe821f, 0x817f7f6f, 0x7f787f2c, +0xe584ff82, 0x7b7f5637, 0x9e815970, 0x517d8181, 0x97faba7f, 0xcfe3ce17, 0x9181f55f, 0x857f5f3b, +0x81b17fbc, 0x7f1d7fbc, 0xae7356c3, 0xe4f77f8b, 0x4695f639, 0x8ddaec55, 0xa5d4a381, 0x7f7fa418, +0x4d818145, 0x3881723b, 0x7f507f7f, 0xa5357fca, 0x81dbdc3b, 0x0b187f28, 0xb0325181, 0x09dd795f, +0x2c39b28c, 0x9ac18118, 0xda52b681, 0xa3819da8, 0x7f884525, 0xba0d7ffe, 0x50ce81ad, 0x60e70e69, +0x110b81ee, 0x8181871e, 0x7fe07f81, 0x8d1c4dde, 0x67649db7, 0x6e4669c2, 0x818144a4, 0x7f6c9cb7, +0x51b57f81, 0x36aec300, 0x7f7f8141, 0xc5eca67f, 0x14ac7892, 0x7f35e9c2, 0xa1fe9a81, 0x6a867f7f, +0x767f817f, 0xc447c4bf, 0x067fedca, 0x8c024b57, 0x7ee5707f, 0x52589b51, 0x0f81b28f, 0xae7f00a7, +0x5244c5ca, 0x9671812e, 0xf0631d15, 0xb4aba1b8, 0x7f9a3488, 0x81b485b8, 0x392f2d7f, 0xed7fad81, +0x6055a4e1, 0x60f300c7, 0x7feb817f, 0xd1e0917f, 0x544ca57f, 0xd23d7e0d, 0x8110c8c2, 0xbc24a615, +0x3d817f33, 0xbdabcdfa, 0x5ac3817f, 0x81817fc0, 0x81817f76, 0x837e43d9, 0x7f817581, 0x5da96bcb, +0x3e1c888f, 0x7f7fa6f5, 0xb769907f, 0x8eb43d8e, 0x3a7f3e81, 0xd5845510, 0xd07f5a54, 0x14816ab2, +0x8126c62d, 0xbeda8f5c, 0xa0007fa8, 0x818d7281, 0xad72917f, 0x49c2f650, 0x87969baf, 0x7f53e975, +0xe78de481, 0xe5083e96, 0xb635812c, 0xafdf4bb9, 0x26ac8101, 0x82b0a109, 0x7f8101b8, 0x607fc7cc, +0xc3b1892f, 0x7d0dd911, 0x396d8195, 0xcb84b67c, 0x3f7d3681, 0x43a07f25, 0xd020297d, 0xb7d65b81, +0x455a99e2, 0x509e4611, 0x817f81e0, 0x81da81a8, 0x8147b5c1, 0xbc81a5df, 0x489c6781, 0x8150a908, +0x4fc0e681, 0x814b8163, 0x11457f8b, 0x9a77db7f, 0x81fa0681, 0x7f867010, 0x852b87c5, 0x3d8253dc, +0x91165c42, 0xc6ac7422, 0x727f0774, 0x7f497f67, 0x1a3fe7c0, 0xb39c81d1, 0x44a47f7f, 0x7f8b066f, +0x7f787ab5, 0x7ba7e870, 0xb932a3a9, 0xc85c1149, 0x32a28d61, 0x7f8d812c, 0x93819da2, 0x647ae98c, +0x777f7e9e, 0xbb447fec, 0x2fabd677, 0x3a7f8c08, 0x51707f28, 0x35f81da5, 0x0b3cfc4e, 0xd4179b8a, +0xef77a6ca, 0x31e02016, 0xdbb81924, 0x7189b4a7, 0x08a671aa, 0x817f2352, 0x81819e81, 0xec7fb7e4, +0x81699ae5, 0x88817f20, 0x5ee7d181, 0x944d8150, 0x7f7f52d9, 0xc1815114, 0x3281a67a, 0x52fa8181, +0xc4e47f7f, 0x7f824cbd, 0x728cf0bf, 0xa6b20e46, 0x9ffe631c, 0x639d82cc, 0x7f638136, 0x7f7f3381, +0x7f8b4794, 0x44b19231, 0x08da5253, 0xaa815d93, 0x7f6a7f69, 0x616331c2, 0xdaa47fcf, 0x7f272255, +0x3ee4098e, 0x819527f9, 0xcfc187a5, 0x7f81e781, 0xf71402bd, 0x9fecc0d1, 0x2067a67f, 0xa1dace7f, +0x42817fa8, 0x8181da23, 0x03818181, 0xc35e3af7, 0x941d7ff3, 0x817f33e5, 0x7f2a78f7, 0xbe426494, +0x0d2d81a4, 0x817f20cf, 0x89b2f4d0, 0x8171ba71, 0x6245be4e, 0x817f8140, 0xed8a7f81, 0xdb097f7f, +0x81724d42, 0xe0de7bfb, 0xde611f7f, 0x7f54d981, 0xb1d07fd7, 0x487f7fef, 0x7f2c8139, 0x7f7f7f10, +0x3e812db6, 0x63447ff6, 0x7c7f277f, 0x9f7f8b7f, 0x76d47f81, 0x197faadb, 0x6a596c91, 0xc681a3a3, +0x7da1d13f, 0x4af8d329, 0xaa819881, 0x7d7f7f4a, 0x3a9d1753, 0xaf818145, 0x5b905350, 0xee313e4c, +0x3fa881c7, 0x437fc046, 0x817fbd9a, 0x30f77f14, 0x3e81df81, 0xa42f4e53, 0x7f67d481, 0x4f4b819e, +0xc5474f22, 0x6eed3376, 0x7fb1ed92, 0x5b3e813d, 0x6c8181a7, 0x720df323, 0x2d0e7017, 0xc7448174, +0x817fb27f, 0xad7f01de, 0x817f10b1, 0xf6231fed, 0xa56d7a81, 0x98817fef, 0x8181e4a0, 0x48aa7fb1, +0x81727f6a, 0xa4059a04, 0xe0cff64c, 0x5ea7679c, 0x69c1009b, 0x7f816b2a, 0x5cc58181, 0x7f954f3d, +0x848b7f17, 0xaee99031, 0x7fbb951f, 0xa2da7f73, 0xc5acfb81, 0x2c1ecf2a, 0x6981fdba, 0x19897fb2, +0x7f4af7a6, 0x85cd8129, 0xe845e0d5, 0xdf658407, 0xd522567f, 0xab242f2e, 0x7fdd70a4, 0x1c9d038c, +0x2f923f85, 0x27f1b2c5, 0x7f812781, 0x7f818181, 0x7f9603cb, 0xc32881af, 0x5ad1f2a1, 0x61b99a32, +0x57cd3bfb, 0x7ffc6fd7, 0x9e81c281, 0xfea25f7f, 0x85a2bfe7, 0xf3ef5107, 0x7f81565e, 0x1d447f81, +0x814e817f, 0x40853b00, 0x6caf3f7f, 0xe13a7fe2, 0x816162c5, 0x81b4e66f, 0x81e18fb8, 0x7da87f66, +0x7fef667f, 0xea2ba1f4, 0x408181d2, 0xba81676f, 0xdd817481, 0x7f9d7fff, 0xd6544752, 0xb1bd61ce, +0x3aa26a56, 0x817e9bf8, 0x8158964a, 0xa0d3253c, 0x308130f6, 0x501d7f23, 0x367f34d2, 0x818581eb, +0x817f4743, 0xdf9e81c8, 0x5c7f13a4, 0x12182965, 0x9cca6c7f, 0x47817f4f, 0x0cbd2918, 0xb05cf048, +0x28810542, 0xe8a869a0, 0x7fb7682b, 0x3f7fb5d1, 0x813dc581, 0x2ea58dcb, 0x4a4e6881, 0x687681b8, +0x665c057f, 0xa78127e0, 0x81b28166, 0x817f686e, 0x7f261637, 0x81ad7131, 0x54817f68, 0x2eae6470, +0xf110f558, 0x8aa44bc2, 0x81f12d55, 0xf37f35cd, 0x7f68679f, 0x3fc481db, 0xe02a5a41, 0x817f8130, +0x919b6c25, 0x14749815, 0x9d7f6c60, 0xc5777fa4, 0x7f8db49b, 0x524a623d, 0x2ef59cc0, 0xd18f4a24, +0x37707f92, 0x4af98126, 0x81b43c76, 0x7f965818, 0x7f81c786, 0x057f7f49, 0x1ab3ef1e, 0x1781eb8a, +0xf0909181, 0x656da3b4, 0x5181cbb9, 0x81e9a237, 0x8ace577f, 0xd19f2c0c, 0x86a7817f, 0xb7628100, +0x817fcfa2, 0x7f3cddf4, 0x744a96d2, 0x19967ffb, 0x7f7f813a, 0x81f2b043, 0x7d46cd81, 0x7f006e7f, +0x363a7c9b, 0x9f812dda, 0x77c77f1c, 0x8172274d, 0xa7ba8181, 0xff7f1ea8, 0x817f4e7f, 0x377f9ad7, +0x81447f7f, 0xf81f3623, 0x58ce7f7f, 0x8a4a208f, 0x4d938115, 0xb0ac7029, 0xf72b23cf, 0x467f9dd3, +0x81819130, 0x62bb7fc4, 0x84b4b190, 0x2781b070, 0xdc81cda4, 0xcb8145b3, 0xda812b38, 0xda307f7f, +0xafbc8158, 0x7fcb7205, 0x47e781ae, 0xc056245f, 0x81997f56, 0x51d9d6f7, 0x7f895c4e, 0xb7814beb, +0x7f658181, 0x757f81bf, 0xdb81816e, 0x582edcb2, 0xb9860711, 0x587f81ca, 0xa45a7f0b, 0x81e68a35, +0x7f7f3b0f, 0x3c233956, 0x7f5f3e44, 0x81ba915e, 0x9ea4dd81, 0xc323e1bc, 0xb1ac0322, 0x5e7f0e2b, +0x6b2fb26b, 0x0e92812c, 0x667fc670, 0x7faccae4, 0xce8181be, 0x815e68c5, 0x273e7f69, 0x10f3e868, +0x47a8b82c, 0xc8817f10, 0x617281b6, 0xe4a44714, 0xe19d4b04, 0xe8818333, 0x81e481fb, 0x58ab1e34, +0xa68c8168, 0x815f4c12, 0x181be656, 0x817f147f, 0xc87f7f8b, 0x7f7fa1f9, 0x7c787f7f, 0x7f7ff8ae, +0xcf9200a0, 0x7f65e492, 0xc37fbb89, 0xa234a37f, 0xa27f7fb4, 0x818a6fb3, 0x04817fb5, 0x2e7f636a, +0x905db630, 0x812bbc0d, 0x8f1beb7f, 0x7f83bb5c, 0x81b96698, 0xbebc8152, 0x6669b181, 0x7f81452e, +0x6861ca81, 0x8806d040, 0x4570d28b, 0x812681fe, 0x817e3b48, 0xcd3ddb3c, 0x21777fa4, 0x7f3d81cd, +0xae0d8104, 0x8134b9fe, 0x7fb87fdc, 0x81ac7f6a, 0xbeec5c5d, 0x60cc4dfe, 0x967f82fc, 0x3a8187a2, +0xe9577fa9, 0x818181a5, 0x8181b4aa, 0x81204f7f, 0x81708146, 0xbe08d127, 0xdec25eca, 0xc3e0db2f, +0xf7817f4f, 0x7f5da797, 0xc9c44f90, 0xbc5b84c5, 0xda44a681, 0xcc9b810a, 0x38c5c3c1, 0x674294d4, +0xe47fe181, 0xa4817f54, 0xcd06b70a, 0x5b3d7f7f, 0x7f137fbc, 0x38769bd6, 0x817f811d, 0x6bc4046f, +0xba9a7f2d, 0xca91ea2a, 0xe881d10b, 0xf9810daf, 0x42e57f81, 0xc87c147f, 0x4f817f7f, 0x66c7bd81, +0xb991549f, 0x816febec, 0xdc50fd71, 0xaab9aa83, 0x7fbd3952, 0x7f50c6cf, 0x1481f8a2, 0x3ff381ab, +0xf6b0470a, 0x81e12ebc, 0x817f5f39, 0x3c7fb836, 0x79813781, 0x7fefa2c9, 0x7e81030d, 0xb849bf3e, +0x81613b40, 0x08817f32, 0xbd5ffe64, 0xd688be81, 0x0166eab3, 0x81077f0a, 0xe5817f56, 0x91b83696, +0xac8181d6, 0x5732a410, 0x40818181, 0x81915bb3, 0xa87f8145, 0x816a06ce, 0x033f7d7f, 0x86438281, +0x3afc477f, 0x9cdf8102, 0x786d4383, 0x81ecfe7f, 0x89a7471d, 0x349c7fd7, 0x7f377f3a, 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0xcb7f7f76, 0x9681b397, 0x53c39e81, 0x437fd46e, 0x751c3481, 0xdd4c813c, 0x38817f65, +0xf0b39281, 0x31357fcc, 0xf37fae31, 0xba8181e7, 0xefc1e23b, 0xa8650162, 0xbb815838, 0xd6eeba30, +0x8de2db81, 0xc01ca018, 0xed2dfb81, 0x7f84731f, 0x40633968, 0x557f2c0f, 0x5f5c6374, 0x41b02181, +0x447f6e09, 0x8d56b3a6, 0xe47f81bd, 0xbe712a04, 0x3e7e78b2, 0x470a8128, 0x298981b3, 0xe65e2866, +0x5bad817f, 0x78884acf, 0xb521287f, 0x81df4b81, 0x33818184, 0xb3d65f30, 0xc2ed7fbc, 0xc4811ccd, +0xec92a11d, 0x5bc5817b, 0x57ad8103, 0x7f6226e4, 0x07c2d87f, 0x3d7fb181, 0xff73974c, 0x08815f61, +0x50616fbc, 0x923ec16c, 0x2181c73a, 0xb8f88181, 0x047f7f7c, 0xe87fa53d, 0x399ca775, 0xef139839, +0x7f217f43, 0x811415c8, 0x37f6b9c6, 0x7f7f817f, 0x11c6ad81, 0x81b3c88d, 0x0ca47c91, 0x024a7604, +0x2dda2f7f, 0x811c5281, 0xc27f814b, 0x7f37a317, 0x42433381, 0xddfbc9da, 0x23737f7f, 0xe3acaecd, +0x1d846dc3, 0x7f1bd4e3, 0x4055d37f, 0x7f1e9a81, 0x31d29025, 0x6d90cf64, 0xdf532fea, 0x1a3dc07f, +0xf997ee19, 0x597f5460, 0x2a0b5b30, 0x5751a381, 0xd27f8489, 0x7f1f9ae4, 0x2bd07f7f, 0x5281923c, +0xbb7fae6b, 0xd344db7f, 0xb0431bc3, 0x33744f44, 0xd2996981, 0xce048861, 0xd57f36c1, 0x1181819f, +0xe7592aef, 0x7fbe817f, 0x177f7f04, 0x2cc78381, 0x27558149, 0x7f64746e, 0x2bb97dc7, 0x10aba652, +0x02f70c7f, 0x7fd8ae81, 0xcd81f07f, 0x9352c65e, 0x344a817f, 0x4f282881, 0x3e2d23fe, 0x69517fb3, +0x7fd1e4a6, 0x3bf47f7f, 0x33909ff6, 0x81aba30c, 0xaa8181dd, 0xf6f36f81, 0xb57f7fa4, 0xe8b6a572, +0xb0ac3a81, 0x81817413, 0x104de181, 0xef977fcf, 0x2054acbe, 0xa9013b81, 0x4a7f34fe, 0x49747f6d, +0x5ad74c74, 0x0e582cc5, 0xa7ea83c9, 0x7f7f750e, 0x38847f81, 0x41817281, 0x3344debd, 0xd229728c, +0x027f839f, 0x5d9fc4ff, 0xdb1e7f51, 0x439681ca, 0x1b81b581, 0x7f777f9f, 0xd6bfb07f, 0xb050814a, +0x1981648e, 0x2cca7f56, 0x30814ab8, 0xc48143a5, 0x5bab3c8b, 0x7f97249c, 0xf7f09eb9, 0x074aa055, +0xc86bbe54, 0x815ed4b2, 0x7fd0b28f, 0xd7e07470, 0xcf815cc6, 0x7e7f7f63, 0x81dfe09b, 0x4098da7f, +0xc1d5a339, 0x7928937f, 0xa481bf6e, 0x81accdd5, 0x3b9c5cb7, 0x817f81a8, 0xc49b8a56, 0xec817f93, +0xb7a9306f, 0x43555d59, 0x5f815d7f, 0xb79e7fc8, 0xc9d17fa5, 0x7f9999b8, 0x73467f81, 0x38627fd7, +0x7a9138ab, 0xbd46b67f, 0x71b5823e, 0x5c81fbb3, 0x3d508f7b, 0x8173c630, 0xd4816172, 0x3f81d92d, +0xcd6b9d7f, 0x72ee607f, 0x851bd2ce, 0xbc4e7fde, 0x1c6c8193, 0x9252b181, 0xcc217f96, 0x296d7f98, +0x5957ae75, 0x817f14bb, 0xbf7b8191, 0x44d87f81, 0x352a84fa, 0x524a882e, 0xae66ac81, 0xbc7fc592, +0x2cb1dc81, 0x42e56887, 0x7981b76a, 0xa5667333, 0xd2ab7e7f, 0xe37f817c, 0x26817f7a, 0x23570c5a, +0x1a685290, 0x814bb476, 0xf6527bb0, 0x7b810805, 0xe63cd272, 0xc1d97fb5, 0x1e8124d3, 0xd34f157f, +0x367f82a6, 0x14819e1e, 0x39226087, 0x818681da, 0x8121417f, 0x81186358, 0x57e88e9c, 0x077f6e37, +0x96087f7f, 0x9a82c77f, 0x0781c4b8, 0x81217f81, 0xc565447f, 0xab41447f, 0xf7915a1f, 0xe58b5a81, +0xcb817d13, 0x81819181, 0x0d4cc8ee, 0x63b4f36e, 0x587f81b3, 0x47947981, 0xcc7f7f88, 0xa3816781, +0x2581a481, 0xc750aa5c, 0xcd440151, 0x4d684b81, 0xd8a6b50f, 0x4f7fa9b5, 0x3f1b93cf, 0xb58f812e, +0xaacd817f, 0x136d7fa9, 0x81b581b9, 0xb75d7fd5, 0xd29a8133, 0x337f8ec0, 0x75ac901a, 0x0a6d7fb2, +0x2d208186, 0x8186b97f, 0x0cb42af4, 0x03ac9e7f, 0x1167a77f, 0x7f19fad8, 0x2d4781b9, 0xf97f6658, +0x9081bc81, 0x6f7f4087, 0x8e527f8d, 0x6873d688, 0x817fbc88, 0x4b81608a, 0x22814ea0, 0xe97f81c5, +0x10bb3de5, 0x818115ed, 0x421b3081, 0xa17f6e52, 0xf46d7f09, 0xd87f8185, 0x68a79c2b, 0x7f7f837f, +0x4d7f4967, 0xc8507f81, 0xc67881f1, 0x0dad027f, 0xad7f8125, 0xa47fb3aa, 0xc74ceb01, 0x373974a7, +0x4e7f8153, 0xa87c423b, 0x2ad75081, 0x4a817f35, 0x357f5517, 0x55816581, 0xcb7fa97f, 0x7b797f7f, +0x504ee981, 0x7adecc6b, 0xce338197, 0xc49ab9bd, 0xe3877f3e, 0x7f817f81, 0xea3624fa, 0xfd889681, +0xfd7f7ff9, 0xa6732f2f, 0xa81b81e0, 0x817f7fae, 0xbcb4b010, 0xc37f7ff4, 0x9a52819e, 0xc730eaec, +0x437f817f, 0x8865815a, 0x53337f64, 0x2d817f8f, 0xd7e2417f, 0x2b6ec637, 0x3d819d41, 0xe4877f52, +0x26a26a63, 0xdc74a867, 0x71433c4d, 0x94b02e35, 0xd6a155f5, 0x3cd37f73, 0x5c89997f, 0x569e7f03, +0xe0adb53a, 0x49d78e81, 0x9c7f22a4, 0x01385b17, 0x9081db0e, 0x3a8c46a9, 0x1e016448, 0xfebdc287, +0xf072dec5, 0x9f816429, 0x4bb0817f, 0x5a0ac21a, 0xf74ca8aa, 0x82811b7f, 0x1c08bf81, 0x1fe36842, +0xbc7f8181, 0x373b7f21, 0x097f8150, 0x54935b9a, 0x3a7f1381, 0xceb77ff1, 0x55ab4e7f, 0xcb1ab47f, +0x9f17477e, 0x7374b97f, 0xb2512a9d, 0x8148d0d2, 0xc057444f, 0xe94f8162, 0x7f816e40, 0x1da3d14d, +0xb458eb23, 0x7f907a47, 0xc8657f81, 0xc4f36ba1, 0xbc8181e6, 0x81efd081, 0x53607fa6, 0x51368181, +0x32b84fdc, 0x8127b27f, 0xd2247f5c, 0x56f77669, 0xecfdfe9d, 0x697fc681, 0x7f7f2781, 0xdb7f371a, +0x1b8181fb, 0xea78f17f, 0x5a187f7c, 0x7f7c705e, 0x2b58816c, 0x757f607f, 0xc87fc97f, 0xec5b66a6, +0xb89574c0, 0x77ccb739, 0xe1fd2aa7, 0x7f45d8cf, 0x20283a95, 0x5f45909a, 0xe581748f, 0xf97fab7f, +0xc8e0357c, 0x73c7da4b, 0x7f0e812e, 0xba01c67c, 0x0324fb81, 0xea2ee62f, 0x253e88ae, 0x077f81cc, +0x817fc781, 0x94f17fff, 0x0ed6f0f4, 0x84677f8f, 0xb598462a, 0x81a87fec, 0x3dbaa47f, 0xbd62fd81, +0x277f81ae, 0x0f43ab6c, 0x07c1617f, 0xc7bc8181, 0xba2460fa, 0x6d0df181, 0x92dfa27f, 0xf7d1033d, +0x53b71860, 0x81b28146, 0x6564b13a, 0x7fcf0981, 0xf9004e81, 0x10229f55, 0xdb7f7f05, 0x281845aa, +0xca6ddfab, 0x6481d77f, 0x4e4120ab, 0x81006b47, 0x518dce81, 0x907f8145, 0x4d5e7f2a, 0x064076ad, +0xdc1c8e81, 0x354b2545, 0xc8426706, 0x4447b281, 0x21daad30, 0x6d21a202, 0x04249781, 0x19ac7063, +0x3a7f00a0, 0x81f41c2f, 0x523c5b36, 0xb6817f43, 0x3f817f86, 0x811234c1, 0xd77fd8a3, 0xc2f2927f, +0x557f7fb1, 0x41d9e881, 0xeec06dde, 0xe4633caf, 0x3c72fd19, 0x9cffc57f, 0x4b7c8659, 0xcbf6e57c, +0xd9bb7f7f, 0x5fdd819f, 0x69ecd881, 0x7f817f90, 0xe68181f7, 0x10811439, 0x2a7a2c37, 0x66438157, +0xbc634044, 0x3fe98163, 0x81ac8166, 0x8143811d, 0x364f63d5, 0x377f4e81, 0x24755bb8, 0x17adfc5a, +0xdedea8e0, 0x2e6e9e14, 0x0e816188, 0xe56cbe81, 0xb9c85cca, 0x817fb120, 0xae7f8181, 0xe37f7f7f, +0x0827d377, 0xdc7f815d, 0x9a2a5625, 0xb2ab4736, 0x817f2274, 0x817fb29c, 0xdcece2cf, 0x5bddd988, +0xcc1e817f, 0x24793971, 0x40ea214f, 0x326f7e64, 0x1a9e3ed0, 0x268c1a7f, 0x314b8548, 0x0f7f8701, +0x347f7c7f, 0xb9ca13bb, 0x3492187f, 0xc67fa67f, 0x7f49814e, 0xaa7f91d1, 0x18d53577, 0xc88b53a1, +0x20af691f, 0xe6853f81, 0xcf5d08bf, 0x81705981, 0xe30d47f0, 0xa8c17fa5, 0xdb817fb4, 0x12818172, +0x83433d81, 0x4a7ff6e4, 0x327f937b, 0xbb6509d3, 0x2c02fc7f, 0xf3b7feb4, 0x415d60ab, 0x136551d0, +0x0e818181, 0x832eb165, 0x3c7f7f82, 0x817770ae, 0xf9b3a525, 0xddcb3d02, 0x008b6181, 0xdbe55445, +0xec8137cb, 0xf5e8f76c, 0x61815ac9, 0xc8810fb0, 0x35547799, 0x0d81a035, 0x1c3eea42, 0x88d77f96, +0x2948677f, 0x0852db6e, 0x42367f74, 0x0d7f867f, 0x3a7fff81, 0xd1d1d271, 0x02a981e5, 0x2bfd2988, +0xd3818199, 0x4e7f4010, 0x09297fd4, 0x7f816b68, 0xe60a05ca, 0xeb81c97f, 0xa2cf5e81, 0xfd7f7f52, +0x07057f53, 0x8672147f, 0x389bd281, 0x3a855c79, 0x41328181, 0x21fe5e81, 0x073f7fc3, 0x3654f170, +0x24bc7f7f, 0x4f816ee1, 0x67427f7f, 0x8140676d, 0xef53e53d, 0xa48bce41, 0xdb5832d8, 0xf64a58dd, +0x3d3e70ab, 0x53ab4a16, 0x137f2023, 0x74569bad, 0x017f8138, 0x81902bed, 0xbdca8f24, 0xa34d8193, +0x81cf7f90, 0xab43b32b, 0x003f7f49, 0xbf3d4570, 0xbce67f72, 0x7c197fc0, 0x5376d47f, 0xd53d7fa8, +0x7e9bb47f, 0xd72aa0f2, 0xde818138, 0x5cc3a981, 0xd57d9c5d, 0xecb2d6a9, 0xf97f81e4, 0xb67f8f33, +0xb92b577f, 0xc483f97f, 0x469d9481, 0xd4868181, 0x7031e886, 0x95b4ca8f, 0xc6d4bd93, 0x117f227f, +0xb67e7fe9, 0x7fb35540, 0x07d01f81, 0xb4ce9b40, 0x1b118681, 0x7f657bfc, 0x2bbe817f, 0x287f176e, +0x6c96bb02, 0xcfff9e59, 0xec7f647f, 0x817f81b6, 0xabd131be, 0x819081e8, 0x4724b87f, 0x5f817f3e, +0x62b99368, 0x81818110, 0xc99ad3b2, 0x25816734, 0x0702743f, 0xe1b4812f, 0xcb787f81, 0xac864257, +0xcb928181, 0x55e27b81, 0x26f281a4, 0x63898181, 0xbbe1e54a, 0x58d2f881, 0x49e3cc81, 0xf7ea287f, +0xe9827f82, 0x81a69a5c, 0xdd81d292, 0x7f935122, 0xd17fdc3f, 0x321a8fa8, 0xfa819a81, 0x1fdb7f79, +0xc6cf9b09, 0xe181547f, 0x0acacab3, 0x0e7f72ca, 0xf562e081, 0x13d3827f, 0x5692de7f, 0x35b04a5d, +0xdd818e3a, 0x6b7f6160, 0x29303878, 0xc7687fbf, 0x38508173, 0xa6bd37be, 0x0d339881, 0x5e198614, +0x67f745e5, 0x81081a7f, 0xa3c77d84, 0xaadb7f81, 0x578d7ff0, 0x75a0b54e, 0x0d01587f, 0xa1cb624b, +0xf94181b7, 0x819d3a81, 0x37258135, 0x5aa87f3b, 0x0e7f7fd0, 0x5b7f817f, 0xda4ce9b1, 0x40917f81, +0xc57f7f3e, 0x4115b391, 0x627b816f, 0xa8575f49, 0x99ec8124, 0x33db907f, 0x4973c07f, 0xc9b71548, +0xde548177, 0xb608bfcc, 0x1d0787bd, 0xd37f793a, 0xfe847f7f, 0x7f3f4111, 0x3dd5de99, 0xbedb817f, +0x4c65c24d, 0x5d2c813e, 0xd901b37f, 0x974c5c92, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x812b7f81, 0x0057836f, 0xf0778181, +0x2881f3c5, 0x35147581, 0x817fb31a, 0x7e7ae063, 0xfa1e4184, 0x7f1e787f, 0x529c5123, 0x553b9a81, +0x12de4220, 0x1fa92f8f, 0x4d66a52a, 0x554a2f40, 0xad3f637f, 0xbc81257f, 0x04f8976a, 0x2aa1fc7f, +0x3881b3cb, 0xcfc6ee25, 0xa37f5f60, 0xffddf08e, 0xce817f2a, 0x824f4685, 0x17b8a353, 0xa97f8a81, +0xfc81dc7f, 0x7f81a5b0, 0x26fab529, 0x811085c4, 0x031c5a76, 0x817d7f95, 0x1a8181cc, 0xe6aa0f7f, +0x1e454a7f, 0x1c98818c, 0x2b5ef528, 0x7f2b7f5a, 0x4ec7adbe, 0x6981f15d, 0x7f1d4b23, 0x0f337fb9, +0x1db1b85f, 0xdb7fbe3d, 0x1eb3aff5, 0xba2a7f96, 0xd6a0761a, 0xa97f117f, 0x341781f3, 0x9981817f, +0x56dd7f44, 0x431981b3, 0x115d7f7b, 0x7f5a818b, 0x943248aa, 0xb78a45db, 0xc2046981, 0x7a330a6f, +0xedb7817f, 0x81198df6, 0x29e37f9d, 0x74818143, 0xe5147f86, 0x7fac4869, 0x39e2bb4a, 0x422b983d, +0xdb949bec, 0x2c7f5181, 0xe7539781, 0x7f818ca1, 0x2e815f79, 0x2b199727, 0x28ea3181, 0xe65c7fa5, +0xfda2810a, 0x7b227ff5, 0xc259caa9, 0xdf9e7f4e, 0x1c7fbc49, 0xce892118, 0x083b81e0, 0x7081b06f, +0x0c7f507f, 0x637fae31, 0xf2967f40, 0x810181fa, 0x0878b37f, 0x98817f4d, 0xdaa946cb, 0xae813eb4, +0x67bb97b4, 0xe156b2a5, 0xc97f6dcc, 0xa90bd681, 0x14817f81, 0x7f816058, 0x1d587f76, 0xea425425, +0xd62e4781, 0x477fdca5, 0xcb667f7f, 0x8169daa2, 0x631cc881, 0x1381fb76, 0xf27f817f, 0xb297434b, +0x3b1d7bae, 0x89b8d27f, 0x947f8bbe, 0xbc81d770, 0xf94f0724, 0x3cdc817e, 0xf981817f, 0x1b75245a, +0xab20818c, 0xf2811c81, 0xfc78c27f, 0xb77f0881, 0x838132d7, 0x20818381, 0x127f815a, 0x8e9e267f, +0x1fa87fc5, 0x1da2bf47, 0x0f81939b, 0x118ba016, 0x52c07c6d, 0x697fdd00, 0x0e617f92, 0xab812b56, +0xce754988, 0x5e8181db, 0x22814b35, 0xfda981f5, 0xa981e85b, 0x477f93e0, 0x1e73d681, 0xdc748147, +0x01a1479b, 0x6d4e8164, 0xd37f8b7f, 0xbf6b7f6b, 0xc68110bc, 0x81819156, 0x257f497c, 0xb07fa0c3, +0xcac10d73, 0x39b9284d, 0xad817fd5, 0x7f8a5781, 0xe37f7f2d, 0x7f7fe7d7, 0x186d2c39, 0xc4813181, +0x0ac8a47f, 0x569d4cd2, 0x7f3d597f, 0xb87fbe59, 0x35117742, 0xc18c7fa7, 0xb03bd7ce, 0xd77f6829, +0xec3a7281, 0x81285968, 0xf8a69dd1, 0x81e38181, 0x4e1dbe77, 0x783d4e9e, 0x50bc7f85, 0x4181dd76, +0xa61a4bac, 0x627dd07f, 0xa08168a3, 0xfefdde94, 0xcdc19d05, 0x39817f7f, 0x18d78181, 0x631681cd, +0x91d2e1ac, 0xd2bfce81, 0x01f1817f, 0x810681d0, 0xccc18c5a, 0x7f0b617f, 0x563a8345, 0x917f26e1, +0x87147fad, 0x88161a8c, 0x1481928f, 0x5c96b841, 0x1b7ff206, 0xf1bf4759, 0xc6efdc5b, 0xa1078181, +0xf52b428b, 0x817f7f10, 0xdcd1c062, 0x0c863afa, 0xe26a27b1, 0xbd5a967f, 0xe8047fa4, 0x5be68181, +0xef7b2e81, 0x60f47ff1, 0xf9761c7f, 0x8f297a94, 0x2c81096a, 0x7fc40ec0, 0xbb7fb3b8, 0x4494cae8, +0x5847c916, 0x7d728183, 0xe74d7f81, 0x818d426b, 0x0006ba4d, 0xb4bd9ba6, 0xe00a813e, 0x68032681, +0x18877f81, 0xb46281d3, 0x3381113e, 0x6a7f57f7, 0xe2a7194d, 0xcb7f7fca, 0x62c66981, 0x5181e082, +0x6acdde81, 0xbcbbf27f, 0x3e3ea181, 0x81e6c17f, 0xf854097d, 0x307d58c8, 0x2e9e81a7, 0x93ce81ce, +0xcad4d5a2, 0x1272b081, 0xb84ccf3b, 0x007f9d7f, 0xe294efb0, 0x830c7fb7, 0xca07b17f, 0x3b9a88bc, +0x09350bd4, 0xae007f48, 0x3a6a8181, 0x38777f48, 0xce7f7f12, 0x9781570e, 0x3766817f, 0x4b607f7f, +0xe38c2477, 0x9cc64b35, 0x157f0742, 0x6881d981, 0x53c88c81, 0x9f8974ae, 0xa77f8319, 0xfb527fbc, +0xdf865f22, 0x407f8117, 0x5f5a4c24, 0x14207f77, 0xbfe8e081, 0x667f7f58, 0x31f17f37, 0x467f307f, +0xed7f7f48, 0x2bc96b81, 0x04816572, 0x8137a081, 0xea407b02, 0x7f06814a, 0x097c819a, 0x3ef22003, +0x077d1469, 0x32e06181, 0x1e7fa7de, 0xc7508658, 0x2d58ddad, 0x921d7e79, 0x3af381d7, 0x31b971a9, +0xa7b38de5, 0xf274be04, 0x9690d41d, 0x857f4dff, 0xcf7f5cb0, 0x8117bc7f, 0x1b7f4a91, 0x288181d6, +0x3f4d7b12, 0x7f7f979c, 0x4581b06d, 0x7faf7f81, 0xaf1dac81, 0x4d068bb7, 0x367f50bc, 0xdb7fbd41, +0x4f7f7f38, 0x81ac15f8, 0x2c3725a9, 0x98577f4e, 0xb20f8197, 0x6f816981, 0x26c87aa2, 0x1781c2a1, +0xf5449d24, 0x14cc2651, 0xe33d7f7a, 0x4d7f7ff2, 0x3554512e, 0x25c23b96, 0xde7f8d7f, 0x44bc34b3, +0x2a7f3050, 0x1aec3857, 0xada98181, 0x2644d0ee, 0xcbc2333e, 0x7f8e7f87, 0x4aa03181, 0x11b736b7, +0x3abb2381, 0x2f96817f, 0xe1476381, 0x83ca2b85, 0xfc3281ba, 0xa0d62222, 0xefbe354f, 0xa022be81, +0xd77fb435, 0x17538367, 0xee85d87f, 0xa4a66071, 0xc8402561, 0x818a277f, 0x9d4ddd7f, 0x23bf327f, +0x32ec1b81, 0x8c138d68, 0x237f1a15, 0x4a0e2b7f, 0x5b7f4981, 0xba747f29, 0xa1d37848, 0x0c7f03df, +0x923f1d7f, 0x8faa7c7b, 0x35068194, 0x60d2f465, 0x27606681, 0x7fc37f8a, 0x31bd3bd5, 0xcf58445f, +0xdcce241b, 0x88d9816c, 0xb9b2a7d2, 0x2205817f, 0x01ec81af, 0x4581c8a8, 0xdb0f1b6f, 0xca0628cd, +0xf63881c7, 0x7fa3697f, 0x5246567f, 0xb77f7fa1, 0x297f897f, 0x4cb8c84b, 0xce9e977f, 0xbf811e0a, +0x219d746e, 0x7adcfa81, 0xbcce1a61, 0x28987681, 0xfa7faeeb, 0xdb454581, 0xa5a5919d, 0xbf85a57f, +0x34b68581, 0x925c812d, 0x189a4c7f, 0x3ad03756, 0xf8c97f13, 0x97227f81, 0xfd7f070e, 0x7c7fd41e, +0xfe81b327, 0x81a6627f, 0x0016cf64, 0xded56665, 0xcc5fbd10, 0x81112f30, 0x4c6c877f, 0xefb9b53f, +0x33bc2181, 0x5e797cc7, 0x2a10c047, 0x917a7f81, 0x3a81817f, 0x8197ccbd, 0x73df4f32, 0x264f522b, +0xc1e9528f, 0xbb494681, 0xfbde6eab, 0x4f7f280b, 0x987a7f1d, 0x167f1f7f, 0x0b817f81, 0x8124a87f, +0x927f8181, 0x7f81ad86, 0xc779dc81, 0xd0f681fb, 0xcfd8fb81, 0x19cf4981, 0xb87f4bf5, 0x4893529b, +0x0040eb60, 0x7fc78bae, 0x474455dc, 0x0b7f7f7f, 0xa92f7f70, 0x7f3d9c73, 0x137fc699, 0xb4a3c6fa, +0xcb7f5c1d, 0x9c259c99, 0xdf5183d9, 0xa62181a9, 0x9a273761, 0xa5e8cd8b, 0x41b4bf1b, 0xa9818110, +0xb27f7f7f, 0x0e6bb7c4, 0x2e3e7f90, 0xa4c68172, 0xf73f7f7f, 0x81818164, 0x5299a157, 0x0a297f5c, +0x9a46f024, 0x8178d77f, 0x02818181, 0x8181025c, 0xd96828bb, 0x77644a05, 0xb77e4427, 0x407fa650, +0xab7f7f56, 0xaeeff9fe, 0x2f871d3b, 0xb8d7dd43, 0xe8817f7f, 0x7f4d0a27, 0x036a5b7f, 0xd4a3e67f, +0x9122dd23, 0x627fb09d, 0x055c6534, 0x0689a1b3, 0x4f484a7f, 0x7f77b1e5, 0xc47f9d06, 0xd381c37f, +0x3b819a7f, 0x4381827f, 0xed81817f, 0x95c3917f, 0x1b1e9ff3, 0x4c98cf7a, 0x81927f81, 0x703fd644, +0xed5db0d6, 0x23225674, 0xf95a8187, 0xe6ac7f32, 0x488150e5, 0xf6b5e281, 0x29810449, 0xfdada97f, +0xa6a19781, 0xfe36879a, 0xc96ac845, 0x3bf937bf, 0xa2812172, 0x84203765, 0x5f9e3403, 0x017f6a34, +0x2cc6607f, 0x99877f7b, 0x2ad981d2, 0x81933581, 0xdf81338a, 0xd478056f, 0xfa7fa571, 0x1d818352, +0x17c9db81, 0x9c7f7f52, 0xdf9bd4b1, 0x417f98a5, 0xca5517df, 0xc44b22d0, 0x58727f9e, 0x28817fd5, +0x477f2fb3, 0x8b3f7f59, 0x0940765f, 0xa970b281, 0x0a0a7828, 0x81319e7f, 0x2dc34181, 0x4081668d, +0xe7817fcb, 0x3641753a, 0xc17f3d81, 0xb88154b1, 0x73246eb5, 0xb0db8186, 0x09a2ec6a, 0xd82e2c71, +0x336f7f81, 0xd6817f4e, 0x43814a81, 0xc579811f, 0xc0812803, 0x447fa1e0, 0x81b01b7f, 0x752152b3, +0x4f15817f, 0xf97f61c0, 0xc99bd9b4, 0x2281307f, 0x607f8181, 0x7342b07f, 0x06bd9181, 0xb8b8bac5, +0x3b3ca425, 0x8175e89b, 0xa50d7f4a, 0xbb56b781, 0x817fca6c, 0xac0fa7e8, 0x8e7894b7, 0x1d05cf50, +0xf34f5b7e, 0xb65332e5, 0xc76e9375, 0x66d058a1, 0xe5a09f7f, 0xe493eaa5, 0x05fb81b5, 0x33817f14, +0xee418105, 0x81a16f2c, 0x367fa849, 0x7aedbecc, 0x100f81c4, 0x81b2fb3c, 0xcc7fb181, 0x1b3ff096, +0xd3b03a81, 0x4b815f75, 0x497f9c7f, 0x81015625, 0xa0817f81, 0xb0b8167f, 0x7eb7a3fe, 0xe97f6585, +0x555a877f, 0x4b7f8181, 0x12a95e4a, 0xcb6f5afe, 0xd87b5fad, 0xbe655fa0, 0x8b81300b, 0xccb26381, +0x39868173, 0xd6817fa0, 0xcf684e81, 0x7f3bae43, 0xfd8c20a8, 0xcfa0a31f, 0xc0307f81, 0x4e7f5d84, +0xeb941e81, 0x6f77d070, 0xfa0b7f7f, 0x3cb88193, 0xf6818163, 0x3d5f8fbf, 0x40c4c73b, 0x4b7f4e4b, +0xae968181, 0x818181b2, 0x81148181, 0x6b325381, 0xeae5582e, 0x7630307f, 0x1c0f6ba9, 0xa54a0457, +0xd37fc693, 0x2345817f, 0xe44f1e7f, 0x3e4cc9cc, 0x3081babf, 0x817f45c7, 0x5265e57f, 0x427f81ca, +0xe451817f, 0x8190b7de, 0xf0718981, 0x7f9ad381, 0xb9645da5, 0x7f7bed3e, 0x5ce37af9, 0x307f4ecb, +0x0a7f8135, 0x81ffa7a0, 0x534fa1a5, 0x7f42d641, 0x0e501e61, 0x7f7f6edc, 0xc859c081, 0x377f85f7, +0x0df9ab94, 0x817f7f7f, 0xfe7f7f81, 0xc1327ff4, 0xe84c842c, 0x7f1e5bc4, 0x1da77cf1, 0x1e817f53, +0x5f9ab07f, 0x86209e4a, 0x204e81cb, 0x33c9928d, 0x275a2d8d, 0x7f810281, 0xfe7ff7ba, 0xfab77fea, +0x658145e5, 0x73d57fd6, 0x01ec097f, 0x6d83207f, 0x49810cb5, 0xb5d9ce39, 0xf9e0436a, 0x629c81ed, +0x48cf2c8c, 0x7fe37f7d, 0x5b257d81, 0x765f50b6, 0x2cc98403, 0x817fbebf, 0x127114c7, 0x347f287f, +0xd2d72990, 0x81099d9a, 0x8143cac5, 0x8c452fc2, 0xd27f8f6e, 0x61957f25, 0xbc6fc54d, 0xce81f31f, +0xd381787f, 0xac0e5156, 0xf081afc4, 0xb47f6f2f, 0xef811a81, 0x015ee99c, 0xd46de9d9, 0x30655a6d, +0x09b2b87e, 0xaf13753a, 0xc6dd2a7d, 0xb9bd8190, 0x81537f7f, 0x669ff8ed, 0x5b810c81, 0x42e5a566, +0x0c4174cd, 0xbdf9b7bc, 0x1c118e65, 0xe28f9b2a, 0x8c207f3a, 0x1e7f7ff4, 0xd6b57f1c, 0xf0131edf, +0x38c9a381, 0x7f40817f, 0xb735817d, 0xa1a864de, 0xd99cbf57, 0x811a81f5, 0xb381e381, 0xe88e7fb6, +0xfb4a5b89, 0x7fc006a3, 0x1c81653d, 0xbceaa09c, 0x8d7799d7, 0x4b407a81, 0xdc81bca1, 0x3437d76c, +0xd79fe5c9, 0xd9adeea8, 0x163e8164, 0x2cc1b281, 0x3e81e9f1, 0x936504c9, 0x047f6f7f, 0xf981a776, +0x203b2d68, 0x81dde8d1, 0x13e9e9bd, 0xe04108a3, 0x50304281, 0x486d7fb7, 0xbbff81ce, 0x31d43aa3, +0x21813c7f, 0x81c8f989, 0x7f481024, 0x0a979b6a, 0x010081d7, 0x7792e641, 0x0654d37f, 0xa53da946, +0x96c781d2, 0x41524ca6, 0x2ab2d581, 0x1c65bb79, 0xaaa494af, 0x81e09681, 0x3d7facf5, 0x04c3818d, +0x2c1461c7, 0x788581d9, 0x1d3f2081, 0x49dfaec2, 0xfdf07f61, 0x40396d32, 0xc8835fbf, 0x7fb19f54, +0x2fcc8142, 0xe7dcb4e1, 0x73c3a807, 0x7fc68137, 0x061e81ac, 0x81c70c7f, 0x1d817f73, 0xfdbace27, +0xa5fa4081, 0x9b5575ca, 0xee81cc4b, 0xe85a7f53, 0x8daff2e0, 0xd1d1067b, 0x98ec3662, 0xa5818253, +0xf8266d26, 0x38da26ac, 0x3f98912e, 0x4a10f144, 0xd845a345, 0x811bd786, 0x4b137f7f, 0x3427fa81, +0xe981eb9f, 0x8f4ce6e7, 0x277f8181, 0xb0a5b03b, 0xd0633788, 0x4781b17f, 0xb27f3ee7, 0xd37f30b6, +0x21c3a15f, 0x0492a4d0, 0x097a6c7f, 0x047f1c81, 0x994b7f81, 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0x83a26f0d, 0x739bab07, 0xcb2cea1d, +0x668174ef, 0x288b8965, 0x95849a7f, 0xdc0981b0, 0xd875297f, 0x8153d5b0, 0x9d81e6dd, 0xae81d259, +0xd981813d, 0x7f64ed35, 0x1f459b0f, 0xb8ebe4e5, 0x72812e81, 0x81909b54, 0x02f54fb3, 0xa87281f4, +0x7f6381cc, 0x7f3cab5b, 0xb1958152, 0x814b9bfa, 0x81312b5e, 0xc2977f23, 0x347fbb97, 0x3b057fe6, +0x40208144, 0x7f817fad, 0x54cb9deb, 0x37b34a28, 0x81781b81, 0x7f1b8130, 0x81e194f1, 0x882b7f1f, +0x81dfc90a, 0xe4a97fa6, 0x9e81ab40, 0x971c2535, 0x5a7f7f3d, 0x47708116, 0xab778160, 0x81ac57e3, +0xc2854dec, 0x81ea81a1, 0x8b347f7f, 0xe981d130, 0x93c70917, 0x817f812d, 0x81925016, 0x7f813953, +0x52a5a5fc, 0x7a33d8e1, 0xcbd80281, 0x79df8101, 0x797afc87, 0x7581bbf0, 0x81567f94, 0x472ad4cd, +0x23e49434, 0x4c7ffc03, 0x41b0717f, 0xcc67b7bc, 0x7f7f48bd, 0x8c1c81b9, 0x3a460d72, 0x9eb5fa34, +0x03530615, 0x6c7f7754, 0x818167d3, 0x7fc22100, 0x7f3da881, 0xa24e7f61, 0x321bb411, 0xd981c827, +0x76e8814a, 0x69ca13fb, 0x1390b881, 0xb1d08157, 0x7f4669a2, 0x7f237f13, 0x30268178, 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0x4b577f89, 0x1f817fc2, 0x6c7f9609, 0x9714813b, 0x81d723b6, 0x6c7f377f, 0xa3cf6826, +0x08b27f45, 0xbf7f8184, 0x814de5a0, 0x8181a2fd, 0x167f3c70, 0x8a7fa9e4, 0x65ac4b7f, 0x7fd367c5, +0x81112d7f, 0x8170811d, 0x817f589e, 0x8b7f7f44, 0xba2ab081, 0x527f5bf6, 0x2faad6e3, 0xc335a82e, +0xb862c003, 0x81715776, 0x5081817f, 0xdd7585c0, 0xb7989d7c, 0x367f81b1, 0xa0818129, 0xc6f37f55, +0x5006be1d, 0x817faac3, 0x7e667f81, 0xaf2c7f99, 0x347f897f, 0x2bb1aac8, 0x8112eee8, 0x7f5c62de, +0x007f14d1, 0xa1a2140b, 0x95446419, 0x5e7fc82a, 0x7a7ff07f, 0x81fe7d31, 0x010a8149, 0x7f3e7fb6, +0x397f81ae, 0x7b7f7fba, 0x797f5981, 0x7f7f170a, 0xb9cf087f, 0x0be6cb28, 0xdd97cf4e, 0x92520625, +0x817f3ae4, 0x6c81c381, 0x440cc5ae, 0x2b7fb8b7, 0xe94a2081, 0x81967f4a, 0x7f817f9d, 0x7f81a7a1, +0x815b52cd, 0xd59d57f6, 0x899e827f, 0x7f7f9aa0, 0x52819e7f, 0xda3a2223, 0x8b81073c, 0x818132d0, +0x55638800, 0x9804bcb5, 0xc3810a7f, 0x6ddab6e3, 0x7fcae34b, 0x7f814a2d, 0xea7fed91, 0x3b9bb0d9, +0x87d97f1e, 0x16535739, 0xcc2f7f81, 0x7f98813a, 0x5873bbe6, 0x241781f3, 0xbcc7cb33, 0x7ff69847, +0x8d11c0dd, 0x9ac9d787, 0x66cff992, 0x7f7fc312, 0xaa4fe681, 0x39967f26, 0x201c7f7f, 0x9a7f4849, +0x5768a814, 0x814d731b, 0x81917f81, 0x6eea7d7f, 0xad7f65fe, 0x3d3e81d3, 0xae672981, 0x7f1c81a0, +0x9881053a, 0x81a16307, 0xf64c4063, 0xbc7b97d9, 0xa29dc0a1, 0x8161189c, 0x7478b3db, 0x87b330e1, +0x817f0598, 0xcf422b0b, 0xc29b7ac8, 0xc2817faf, 0x8185581c, 0x81d0b675, 0xc93f7fa9, 0x814e3a02, +0x815d6511, 0x5d81075f, 0xd768c13e, 0x89815437, 0xac810d85, 0x1a7fa5e9, 0x14a6bb81, 0x54531dfd, +0x81dafd24, 0x978133dd, 0x818130be, 0xb67f5bb3, 0x2c7f4179, 0x81b281f4, 0xf3a463fb, 0xda36c4d4, +0xb17f811d, 0x37ca75f1, 0x53257f7f, 0x3ef0208b, 0xdc71817f, 0x978181ef, 0x7f81d17f, 0x1197810f, +0x277f7f47, 0x7ff6b1b0, 0x4562fca6, 0x725d89e3, 0x888197cf, 0x05477fd3, 0x4988077f, 0x81cbb5d9, +0x047fcaa8, 0xdb7f7fc9, 0x81ccfe5f, 0xd91643ff, 0x7f3f7f7f, 0x03815ed4, 0x697c7f81, 0x815b814d, +0x287f0d32, 0x7881a041, 0x247f95f4, 0xc87048e8, 0x3d815e7f, 0x71ba7f0b, 0x50815075, 0x7e53dc30, +0x3f7755fe, 0x1d032571, 0x818cbaf0, 0xbda97f50, 0x7ffc0aad, 0xbf457f42, 0x66b48f81, 0x072c3f1c, +0x433d9cfc, 0x71077f76, 0xac2d5564, 0xdc523811, 0x7f54a538, 0x7f707f00, 0x8c10a6f1, 0xf4a581d3, +0xae875d1d, 0xd37f9747, 0x8124b869, 0x81a17745, 0x61bb8b7f, 0x227f8129, 0xa77fc381, 0x997f8119, +0x817f812b, 0x81a78836, 0xdd557fc6, 0x907f6418, 0xbfa9accd, 0x4f815762, 0x97818181, 0xa0524fa6, +0x815b5721, 0xc77f7f7f, 0x7f725efb, 0x437f614e, 0x81f15c6f, 0x7fb77f28, 0x473f7a1c, 0x7f81d71b, +0x7f5133e9, 0x7cd17f32, 0xfb7572e3, 0x16c35e62, 0xc961a649, 0xdec47c37, 0x6d442844, 0x386b4616, +0x9583c437, 0x81d57fae, 0x8114357f, 0x818f9db4, 0x7ff181d7, 0x773fb601, 0x4032fb29, 0x8613b71f, +0x7f81b3f4, 0x1256f605, 0x297f817f, 0x9a7f2996, 0x5d81b87f, 0xc8907ffd, 0x817f7f35, 0xf6719ac7, +0x7b7f523d, 0x18d8ca2e, 0x2681b97f, 0xc02a810d, 0x34cda181, 0x32e081bc, 0x016f7f08, 0x461bdaec, +0x04330900, 0x633f61ac, 0xa3815204, 0xa534dda9, 0x7f81814f, 0x91a66329, 0x7f51aacd, 0x7ff681a7, +0xabe476e8, 0xb57f9cae, 0x177f27c0, 0x7f2f8b0a, 0x1281a9ba, 0xd991af49, 0xea527f82, 0x9be09d46, +0x28b2a2bc, 0x81c8a1d6, 0x5e1f4e71, 0x817f812e, 0x28b981cc, 0xb071cf04, 0x82cb8139, 0x81608181, +0x819381ae, 0x818f90c8, 0x817f64c6, 0xd169c7c9, 0x8f548381, 0x87f7b03e, 0x6657817f, 0x81be8102, +0x0d078c5f, 0x7ff97fd4, 0x7f814981, 0xb3bb7faf, 0x37c3dd6b, 0x4c6930b7, 0xb56ba479, 0xfc82520f, +0x3494f934, 0xa2016c53, 0xc513eeba, 0x8c283bcf, 0x7fa6047f, 0x54319236, 0x42b2c19c, 0xf965c947, +0x60777fca, 0x02767f47, 0x4921bb04, 0x81818fa9, 0x8eab7f5d, 0x81f4aa14, 0x1abdf97f, 0xbdaa220d, +0xac368139, 0xddb1c212, 0x81d9fd99, 0x90b77f3f, 0x029ec8ca, 0x7f93d9db, 0x8563627f, 0xc5b72d52, +0x2e6eacc0, 0x7f66815b, 0x50db375b, 0x4529813f, 0x7f8d817f, 0x44486f52, 0xbcd64c9a, 0x7fd2bf33, +0x43507f58, 0x7281a4d3, 0x7ca82149, 0x29817fd0, 0x653544b9, 0x88c681a1, 0xd93c2bfe, 0x530835cf, +0x5be26556, 0x7fb37fd1, 0x81e68174, 0xe88c0c42, 0xb63b817f, 0x394a81c9, 0x407f8107, 0x747f1f52, +0x91816dcf, 0x5f818161, 0x8514aebe, 0x7f496bac, 0x5e818181, 0xe8e358ee, 0xae1a7f0b, 0xa4c97f05, +0x77a77f52, 0x818160fd, 0x6bab7f81, 0xcec7e121, 0xf4810196, 0x4a7f68e3, 0xe56d5a7d, 0x813d2c6b, +0x7d0b7ff5, 0x7bbd6760, 0x67812b81, 0x188197d7, 0x8146057f, 0x811eff1d, 0x818ecc4d, 0x4a786245, +0x72593331, 0x2e81556a, 0x66aad481, 0x94818128, 0xde89ba81, 0x4df07227, 0x7f73ff8f, 0x7f44b981, +0x9bf9e707, 0x46811bff, 0x85a96a36, 0xc13b7f15, 0x6670ba65, 0x81fcefee, 0xae8187b9, 0x73c3baa9, +0x819e8123, 0x9cfbc6aa, 0x7f89c73a, 0x7fde9812, 0x97136581, 0xc38181e6, 0x81de9c0c, 0x4994ab0e, +0x30977f06, 0x59dda72a, 0xc9f87fd1, 0x8186b4d7, 0xba86de81, 0x98a24c3b, 0x12157f3f, 0xd7674b1d, +0x81816042, 0x8da8926e, 0x397f81f6, 0x3dd281b1, 0x7f6570ba, 0x7f875412, 0xd74f5be9, 0xab81f207, +0x7feaa863, 0xab81da0d, 0x7ae79023, 0x357f8111, 0x654a468e, 0x521c2306, 0x2f817f37, 0xdb818a41, +0x50b5b30c, 0x71817fdc, 0x7f7f7f04, 0xb13471fa, 0xd1843f7f, 0xb700ece6, 0x109064ea, 0x989b4b03, +0x27556fd8, 0x5ecee700, 0x5f5a2281, 0xa81c81dd, 0xac54b6bb, 0xe60f1ae8, 0x139dc4dc, 0x22818109, +0x2c7fc74f, 0xa69cf331, 0x9d272281, 0x7f9a6da8, 0xb1bb8f45, 0x81815a6e, 0x8315517b, 0x638181f0, +0x273db266, 0x90777f18, 0x047d763a, 0xbdf50a4e, 0x7f5f5c12, 0x817f7f53, 0xcb177385, 0xb2ca7f22, +0x818eaa17, 0x815d4c81, 0xa67fc281, 0x7fd856eb, 0x01becb84, 0xa8e2685d, 0x7fadbe7f, 0x1b7f6a05, +0xef47f495, 0x817f1b1b, 0x8c8d0b81, 0x57b9a5d4, 0xdc298159, 0x5e81a7e2, 0x81467f5b, 0x370f6df0, +0xc49c30a1, 0x7a545710, 0x974b81ff, 0x458c814a, 0x237f17dd, 0x427fb6da, 0x1a7fe5de, 0x817f8121, +0x817f1c96, 0x9c817f90, 0x0e7fd365, 0x818aa15b, 0x7fd302f2, 0xdb7c138e, 0x7fe68181, 0xbf818112, +0x7f2e7fc8, 0x81728101, 0x6482d830, 0x59e24b0b, 0x9b67c284, 0x6e811018, 0x81a42c32, 0xd87a4da2, +0x817f2d41, 0x3e2fbce2, 0xd1d44623, 0x7464b44c, 0xcc255f95, 0x56c93b38, 0xa87f1491, 0x04819c5c, +0x7f457fd8, 0x8d6bb866, 0x819c8181, 0xbc118166, 0x3d4c2a5f, 0x7a6d51fe, 0x79065067, 0x8181d1fb, +0xff6f2b08, 0xf5be7f35, 0x9fa567f5, 0xabb581b4, 0x81819a5e, 0x7f8187c5, 0xaa7f5669, 0xdf526044, +0x7f6ea5f5, 0x7f3a68c7, 0x4feb7fb5, 0x627f2850, 0x39f49181, 0x71ec22ea, 0xc17f4c44, 0x56f4db23, +0x7f08cc95, 0x977fde95, 0x7f4f7f81, 0x81e07f1c, 0x5e7c7fe9, 0x1c3534ce, 0x7f907f2b, 0x7f83418b, +0xeb81daec, 0xa6fc892a, 0x757f7ffb, 0x6281cc2c, 0xb826cecb, 0xc7810a2e, 0x60d1906e, 0x7f8175ed, +0xd085cb36, 0x88c4811a, 0x5e3e707f, 0xaba57fff, 0x099c127a, 0xbac67fb7, 0xa9817d82, 0x4f6c7faf, +0x43d17a0b, 0x92a13dc8, 0x81995d8d, 0xab7f90fd, 0x5f1f8189, 0x767f8101, 0xb7caa2bc, 0x7f8177cd, +0xe0655857, 0x81cfebeb, 0x81af6fc0, 0x57ac6dae, 0x437f8176, 0x513c60fb, 0x9ef3c081, 0x78d0d12e, +0xa40c7f0e, 0x438101c0, 0x81816405, 0x6f527f04, 0x8d0fa47f, 0x6d7fbb7f, 0x39187f74, 0x3c7f5f06, +0x677f7fdc, 0x8114250d, 0xe08373c7, 0x9c7f7dd8, 0x816341a3, 0xdf7f073e, 0x7f818174, 0xca84e8ff, +0xd6ff70ef, 0x7fa1a3c7, 0x7f7f8148, 0x81de7fa2, 0x4d323671, 0x5aaafbff, 0x05ac7f7f, 0xd58102e8, +0xad6c45e4, 0x81677f27, 0x818132ce, 0x7fa55a1c, 0x553029ce, 0x81a47f06, 0x81ca6189, 0x5cd581af, +0x70f34733, 0x676d431f, 0x81387f66, 0xef916df0, 0x72099950, 0x867f81fe, 0xaa7f657f, 0xd7521bef, +0x81d573c6, 0x7f76bcd6, 0xaba4c10b, 0xe394b7d7, 0x82579781, 0x88f5715a, 0xf7815cda, 0x65817727, +0xeab07f22, 0xbb5f7c40, 0xc0a48139, 0x95442a2d, 0x857f7d81, 0xcd7a81ee, 0x7971819e, 0x3a31f0fe, +0x537f6181, 0xc307bed6, 0x8936627f, 0x98b18136, 0xd07c817f, 0x7f7f8126, 0x133a607f, 0x98d40015, +0x368a8123, 0xe181501d, 0xc9817681, 0xa27b2e00, 0x47dd81e1, 0x0e7f81d3, 0xf3287fce, 0x7f3400c9, +0x8d65c745, 0x4c8148c4, 0x21817f7f, 0x81ac0af0, 0x4462c1fa, 0xa99e4e8e, 0x7f153ad8, 0x8168bb47, +0x8370e19d, 0x7f3281ca, 0xf2437283, 0x667f279d, 0x9cb4c17f, 0xde814315, 0x72d3a17f, 0xac113b66, +0x6c13abef, 0x7f816cb5, 0xc8c7c37f, 0xa7d1862e, 0x8b7fb87f, 0x9dd9a384, 0xb69b22f0, 0x157f710a, +0x9007c13f, 0x4518caf0, 0x836c4246, 0x03f981d1, 0x817f7f7f, 0x4581b92f, 0xb4718193, 0xa8815e05, +0x437f81fe, 0x52817fdd, 0xb1477f54, 0xc12e3cba, 0x7f81815f, 0x4e737f32, 0x817fc141, 0xa67f7f58, +0xd19dab37, 0x8b9eb14b, 0x7fe8be30, 0x905d7fba, 0x16ae520b, 0x81015d10, 0x71812450, 0x1de37f1b, +0x811fa6af, 0xdf77b8e9, 0x647ff1bf, 0x17be7fbb, 0x817f6224, 0x8115e99f, 0x7fca7f7f, 0xd48f0fa2, +0xda7fc4ac, 0x10649756, 0x2f89af26, 0xdb5f3ec4, 0x817fde7f, 0xbde94df1, 0x9a707fb7, 0x7f7a656b, +0xfad88c3f, 0x7ccc7f5c, 0x7f8cc477, 0x7fc26452, 0x28c7812f, 0x85b7a1ab, 0x818181ad, 0x404ce719, +0x540fe3e5, 0x705bf0fd, 0x6206a54a, 0x89486861, 0x75e25f81, 0x3c9bc93d, 0x3457c36d, 0x57ab2f25, +0x3cd9bd13, 0x81769cbe, 0x87557fae, 0x025c7109, 0x05457f64, 0x5f427f13, 0x5c7f26be, 0xb9818130, +0x34e63305, 0x8a81ebcd, 0x673326ba, 0x05647ff7, 0x818b8181, 0x8c81782a, 0x4bc0b30f, 0x759749c7, +0x399e99f6, 0x7fdb4313, 0x9c7f5cae, 0x6cc2a611, 0x811dab81, 0x7f7f413b, 0x4fb37081, 0x818c8164, +0xac4c01d8, 0x1f63813e, 0x81db7881, 0x8194404b, 0xcc9bc55f, 0x542900eb, 0x87ff34c5, 0x507f7fa2, +0x7fd97f03, 0x79e428e3, 0x2f7f7c6c, 0x57813f13, 0x7f7f817a, 0x61c40926, 0x68a9457f, 0x63ea9f2f, +0xea81a8ec, 0xfd81301c, 0x81cd8181, 0x812cf7fc, 0xc996b697, 0x81895df8, 0x8d4ae3ca, 0x4c5de834, +0x81643d19, 0x202babce, 0x55a89081, 0x64ba81f9, 0x7481db7f, 0xa0eba6bf, 0x81c12ee3, 0x8181a75d, +0xc8e9939c, 0x0981295a, 0xf22e527f, 0x817f3314, 0xc4f17f5e, 0x8c83651a, 0x7f74a17d, 0xbdd28405, +0xb6bc4795, 0x388c7cdd, 0x957f7f7f, 0x1db7ec29, 0x68f59c45, 0x8142eaa1, 0x81f0b543, 0xa48163fe, +0x81d08134, 0x7d673f5d, 0x8ecdcf94, 0x6e56195a, 0x7f222687, 0x7fd8fb10, 0x81aa977b, 0x22014258, +0xd541be81, 0x817f62fb, 0x707fea79, 0x7f817f60, 0x4b7f3c7f, 0x60a4032c, 0x1c68c2ae, 0x7fc27f19, +0xd5a55cd4, 0x09a651f4, 0xb5447f7f, 0x7f815bfe, 0xe681d381, 0x1781f900, 0x8eb6b0d7, 0x1d90fdf8, +0x528147c4, 0x816b7f46, 0x7f6381c3, 0xd5d2088b, 0xcce4ae52, 0xdf4ec304, 0x967e5e1f, 0x567f1439, +0x317f810a, 0x815f814b, 0xe13ee67f, 0x7f8177a3, 0xac69c42a, 0x7f5837e7, 0x61b481c8, 0x777f812f, +0xcea38116, 0x6b6b7f37, 0x8feac838, 0xf9457f3c, 0xe5107f74, 0xcc957f56, 0xa3ab7f81, 0x81817f6e, +0xc5817f2b, 0x197d0d99, 0x7ad0c84a, 0x81ada865, 0x81b31c81, 0xee7f9b54, 0x815a3406, 0x3f617fce, +0x3d4db8c2, 0x5ac39e72, 0xd390812f, 0x27c6ede7, 0x6f69d981, 0x2981f141, 0x7faa2681, 0x787f6668, +0xc24ec00e, 0x7f008142, 0xfa811aad, 0x2d567fb0, 0x5adb7f65, 0x8a864fc5, 0x6d817f85, 0x307f7f1f, +0x5c817f47, 0xcc7f43b6, 0x9bb08159, 0x496f7f2f, 0x41e383c2, 0x4e7f7f88, 0x71ce63e4, 0xe07f4c7f, +0x857c58ad, 0x8599641d, 0x655c687f, 0x97a64fde, 0xdd42707f, 0x29ced6b6, 0xdf25c153, 0x7f047fbb, +0x7c5f462e, 0x61d08548, 0x7f7fab7f, 0x48b1ecb0, 0x93c63349, 0x039c7fe3, 0x817fce1a, 0x29bb7112, +0x7f3bbaf0, 0x81818d2f, 0x7f5b3d41, 0x1fa18160, 0xc481af81, 0xfc818130, 0xdae2bd73, 0x4d3c81cc, +0xa47f5f0a, 0x5e3ad1a6, 0x1a816eab, 0xb307dbd0, 0xa8798b88, 0x7f81252a, 0x6d7f2899, 0x4d7fa214, +0xc375762c, 0x7fb655ab, 0x5bb98185, 0x1381682c, 0x5281ca7f, 0xc56d7fc8, 0xa81d8170, 0x8daa50f4, +0x8bbf7f03, 0xcf7fb0c2, 0x3b733caf, 0x7f756442, 0x8c81353c, 0xf7e82f0f, 0xa5a620f2, 0x8ae39fea, +0xada55ad4, 0x74f1de4c, 0x37714753, 0x538193e3, 0xb1811481, 0xe5bd81cb, 0x70fc4ea8, 0x888473eb, +0x30b57f1a, 0x90c3f010, 0x81817577, 0xea8c4ae4, 0x6977547f, 0x549481a8, 0xf27f54b8, 0xf87f7fd3, +0xef81843e, 0x5a437fbb, 0xa77f8181, 0x77354c05, 0x9781667f, 0x7fc2ae7f, 0x0b81b868, 0x1267b5e3, +0xa0de743b, 0xb4cce348, 0x8192819d, 0xf0817faf, 0xecc781ab, 0x7f57af2a, 0x499e13c0, 0x7f3d632a, +0xac96fcc8, 0x81727829, 0x7f7ff281, 0x81819bb4, 0xc5bfd358, 0x76553120, 0xb57dbcb5, 0x9b425d12, +0xb0814cc1, 0xea3d393b, 0x1dde5e27, 0x03a6f127, 0x39a9a981, 0x94304751, 0x3af97f00, 0xceaa49d8, +0x3c8124d1, 0x7f24b547, 0x2830e08d, 0x3d7a8f0e, 0x456ffc4c, 0x814e7f4a, 0x357f817f, 0x7f61bc51, +0xd7097f44, 0x213ecf47, 0x815281bd, 0xa9a58187, 0x0c3cbfb2, 0x18f92fa4, 0x307f7f52, 0x727f3361, +0x6cdc8e37, 0x7f9d9e24, 0x64466e7f, 0x2491328c, 0xd58181cb, 0xc97ff4b1, 0x1890627b, 0xa48168b3, +0x7fad44dc, 0x411b7f43, 0x6681647c, 0xc5171bcd, 0x4a6d7fd9, 0x7e369d2b, 0xf8124f61, 0xa71515f1, +0xb381ec09, 0xc4ab71c0, 0x9e2e977f, 0x7f7f0d58, 0x1cdb7b16, 0x81f87f81, 0x517f7f60, 0xf4a3ea33, +0x5c2112c3, 0xc67f7e06, 0x9d7f78c6, 0x811730e4, 0xa29b6170, 0x81817fd1, 0xb6637f87, 0x4f1c540d, +0xe57f7707, 0x277d5c28, 0x7f817f21, 0x5e31e1ab, 0x7f81cd81, 0x815daab2, 0xec5284bc, 0xb45d7b63, +0x7f4d815e, 0x0860494f, 0x81874034, 0x81d0f00a, 0x5b4274ea, 0xdce04fd7, 0x8188680f, 0x827f7fc7, +0x8137e715, 0x9f7f6699, 0x786e75eb, 0x8253202d, 0xb2813ddd, 0x7315a11a, 0x81c18164, 0x7f7f8141, +0x6870da25, 0x117f3efd, 0x7f1c5f1f, 0xcb6d63bf, 0x45561890, 0xc3df8136, 0x23275f32, 0x81817f5d, +0xa50f7fde, 0x7f3ba6ae, 0x37a4bbf4, 0x81a6fd1a, 0x9b9bb6ec, 0x8b2cff0a, 0x2035d781, 0xa1c47fce, +0x095dee2d, 0x7f3a2d51, 0x69727f7f, 0xec8aad61, 0xb0dbcc42, 0x2e706fee, 0x962a9d53, 0x81814554, +0x759026dd, 0xb38851cf, 0x817fa70b, 0x7f462fb9, 0xcc7faf23, 0xa2981632, 0x3e8d8160, 0x07815dd2, +0x82817f22, 0x5a755325, 0x45c77f81, 0x81653cac, 0x93f73dd9, 0x3d81c4cd, 0xf67aa181, 0x467e7f1f, +0xe6c10cfa, 0x9bd4c12f, 0x6c51ca85, 0x4d7f2835, 0xc0bb341b, 0x81812aed, 0x87a181be, 0x4f7f7f6d, +0x81c9e3c4, 0x117f95bf, 0xd457e634, 0xb84b567d, 0x5618f922, 0xda7fc1ed, 0x7f7f81d6, 0xa07da0b1, +0x2e627f0a, 0x814ee836, 0xb65bff90, 0x3e29b6de, 0xb1b78f5d, 0x1724a1f0, 0x81484221, 0xe16d7fb6, +0x578181f2, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 + +hard_output0= +0xb5bc6ac8, 0xf5373664, 0x1310345c, 0xd5bae4e7, 0x1fc9e83e, 0xebfdfded, 0x84bd86ab, 0xb7aabe00, +0x60b44fea, 0xb9067464, 0x30325378, 0xa9195955, 0xf70c6e5c, 0x90922632, 0xc90b1cdb, 0xf2f5fb69, +0x73056b63, 0x1a33bf3f, 0x17755b5c, 0xc58bff6d, 0x2f4390b2, 0x2869d508, 0xe7c7dfe8, 0x38552963, +0x21da5367, 0x07282b9b, 0xa4767105, 0x1e294251, 0xe350a940, 0xb8a6aa27, 0xed12d778, 0xf10d9ece, +0xab93527f, 0xcf2da7e7, 0x68f6d0b1, 0x811f4bca, 0x577b06b2, 0x3234f13e, 0x30bab7df, 0x8dc47655, +0xbb843bed, 0x86da3aba, 0x30950c97, 0xdd096d7a, 0xa871fd6c, 0x8bee4e6b, 0x8fea30d0, 0x6c05b4d2, +0xf3e144d3, 0xd24ebb1f, 0x065635e5, 0x8d3f2cf9, 0x536c6c6a, 0xfbb0a5d0, 0x3d707b42, 0xc44d5982, +0xa5f4ad8f, 0xf32c0970, 0x1bccf1a6, 0x05916020, 0xa64fb176, 0x5ede6a35, 0xaf4966da, 0x9df5e0e7, +0x75042abc, 0x9ef10481, 0x11ddcbc8, 0xa0f5518c, 0xd5c23418, 0x2393d558, 0xfbe7dfeb, 0xed1c64c2, +0x86a36508, 0xde2dfb1e, 0xb8d0fef9, 0x24505232, 0xc894e71c, 0xbcc752a0, 0x40b74e83, 0x90d23c8c, +0x728e4a61, 0x108f0b08, 0x66f522ee, 0xc258d851, 0x35a31c44, 0x11311b5b, 0xfd3d5be9, 0x5ae448ff, +0x4f64994b, 0x5b8247a9, 0x4021114d, 0x2f0b6e82, 0x5eaa9828, 0x50ac71c0, 0xfb86ee52, 0x0dc1ac9b, +0xbbd47645, 0x8f357115, 0x978ceea0, 0xd557db99, 0x99b30388, 0xfc9a8a1c, 0x0f75be1a, 0x50143e22, +0x8840989b, 0x738ec50e, 0xe6b2783d, 0xf67899c8, 0x27ebed69, 0x6c415a16, 0x3a6cc2dc, 0xcd4e4e5d, +0x6cb12b2e, 0xdb88d7c0, 0x79cd1582, 0xbc422413, 0xe72ad2f4, 0x8eaac30f, 0x0bd86747, 0x6d87f69d, +0x15d62038, 0x4b375630, 0x0d51b859, 0x16db2cb2, 0xf210603a, 0x0abeb833, 0x55c694d0, 0xe57ca43b, +0x0ba94428, 0x1398a406, 0xe47d3889, 0x5a20203d, 0x250d7a1a, 0xd930ffec, 0x03992e79, 0xf2759376, +0x024ec121, 0x91fc3a2c, 0xb7e11cc5, 0x4ff7d459, 0xb8700134, 0xd6e61758, 0x4eba0a32, 0xb747e3ec, +0x7073fad7, 0xded80f99, 0x331e2f1b, 0xfa1f1bed, 0x056424a2, 0x1d1d95e0, 0x550b9ec8, 0x51ee2a38, +0x19525153, 0xd70c4cd5, 0x0d6cd7ad, 0xe44d1cf2, 0x30dfecda, 0xdacd7fe8, 0x7321d795, 0xddf48ef4, +0xe271e6a4, 0x9c1feecb, 0x951fcd7b, 0x8acc5a03, 0x3fb83527, 0xe306de74, 0x7b9cd6ee, 0x8e140885, +0xd4c91e8d, 0xe8c39733, 0x0f02f87f, 0xfb06b1b9, 0x0dc9349c, 0xf76bae8e, 0x4f642a07, 0x3d48a9aa, +0xe3ea323a, 0xa1cd5c8a, 0x40aa0e70, 0x132042d3, 0xa9732f6c, 0xd15a00c4, 0x43d3b046, 0x9a51ebd4, +0xc46ee0ed, 0xe2a2148b, 0xf5c478f0, 0x1fb01cf3, 0xf4f321ec, 0xd973811f, 0x11ad11b9, 0x5c67adda + +e = +34560 + +k = +6144 + +rv_index = +0 + +iter_max = +8 + +iter_min = +4 + +expected_iter_count = +8 + +ext_scale = +15 + +num_maps = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_POS_LLR_1_BIT_IN + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_sbd_negllr.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_sbd_negllr.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5ef6246 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e34560_sbd_negllr.data @@ -0,0 +1,1224 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC + +input0 = +0x0a45ef00, 0xb2bdc60f, 0xc810d206, 0xf21cc300, 0xb0c93da1, 0xaae019d7, 0x23ba3c29, 0xa61d1e09, +0x202906d1, 0xd2b61ef3, 0x59e7f241, 0x2ec8daec, 0x68015520, 0x0912f4a3, 0x01282329, 0xa1fd1439, +0x0701231b, 0x0fdcba0a, 0xbe97c6c3, 0x0438e652, 0xd5f644d4, 0xbd0e5f4b, 0xfcb6d0d4, 0x0825b15a, +0x362e2fc8, 0xbbd5abda, 0x0df8c12d, 0xd016b5de, 0x1e439a0c, 0x44c94242, 0x00e2e8c5, 0x0639d241, +0xef6aa40b, 0x90de9def, 0x43e0ea14, 0x31dd07cf, 0xbad70a05, 0xcffc228a, 0x00293bd7, 0x6038080c, +0xdaeb3e20, 0xdd260c4c, 0xaa41fb3c, 0x6eeef0d4, 0x5b02c0f3, 0x14d6ac69, 0xfef0ce44, 0xc5abccf2, +0x2a0f00c4, 0xd6cadb30, 0x38e212cf, 0x5e9abc29, 0xf105fce4, 0xde34e024, 0xb9d42365, 0x281eb22e, +0xb219c055, 0x6504b01e, 0x465602ab, 0x1233a4e7, 0xa9ebf4cf, 0x63c1ed3f, 0xdbe9b71f, 0xf994579c, +0x22f359b5, 0x3606379d, 0xae30fa1e, 0x1d6e290c, 0xc6e0440a, 0x2f129132, 0x1b317bf6, 0xcfdbc119, +0x32022857, 0xaef168dc, 0xa1251d37, 0x65eec43b, 0x9630e70e, 0xe9e1fd98, 0x3e02d8ab, 0xf348af3e, +0xf7b0f027, 0x2ff021db, 0xecae5bd4, 0x1b2f3e34, 0xbb2511c0, 0xd611ddad, 0xf951d2d6, 0xb1dd0191, +0xc325cf35, 0x58bdf4b7, 0x36094dd7, 0x07cd3b44, 0x02c4ae4d, 0x812af6d9, 0x32f63731, 0x31103329, +0xac0033ff, 0x817f583f, 0xc4817f88, 0x8d81790a, 0xa6a2817f, 0x7f81910a, 0x7fc5ed7f, 0xbf2f7f8d, +0x7ff14707, 0x49cc3bda, 0xb04d5a2d, 0xd8d392b0, 0x7f69d3e1, 0x83ae43ad, 0x99b7da75, 0x3a7f7fd3, +0xd46d6fd2, 0x4f7fc524, 0x137f812f, 0x587fcd8a, 0x81c481bf, 0x9caa6184, 0x0bc3a499, 0xe2901a23, +0xfeb59b6f, 0x7f818171, 0xf68ed39d, 0x8113a975, 0x81dd6681, 0x7ffe707f, 0x5836757f, 0x48a98122, +0x7f724081, 0x81588447, 0x59f8b799, 0x7f6dbab0, 0x817f8f09, 0x13c3ecb6, 0x7ff98d64, 0xc4911e81, +0x33922f9b, 0x05c9e85c, 0xa19071b3, 0xec1ca24e, 0x02a48181, 0x813b8196, 0x7fca7d51, 0x7f81814d, +0x00815911, 0x242a7f5f, 0x29d6ee98, 0x8a61887f, 0x4e815e7f, 0x773e811d, 0x8e65d1a7, 0x8d514860, +0x3081b248, 0x7f2393ab, 0x815d2e31, 0x817f4be2, 0x81818519, 0xa07f677f, 0x0defa853, 0x22811c4c, +0xbe81d32d, 0x2d7fdc7f, 0xd8f3195c, 0xf69bc13a, 0x7f7fdae1, 0x2a56717f, 0xd4811c7c, 0xbe218c81, +0x81a556d3, 0x3f43a8c4, 0x6a95b0cf, 0x427f79db, 0x959cbc5c, 0x9f00dd19, 0xa1e8c5d4, 0x59814997, +0x4e35eb7f, 0xf87f348b, 0x76749124, 0xab7f7f1c, 0xf0816c81, 0x8c62b45d, 0x744ec34f, 0x329a7fce, +0x9048b815, 0x0076dcd0, 0x812d2981, 0x98d5cb15, 0xd29652cc, 0x2cd15e33, 0xc2557f91, 0x03517f6a, +0xfc1cc134, 0x0f7f6a00, 0x81939c0e, 0x7f4677a9, 0x7f597f5e, 0x4f972a86, 0x81b2ab81, 0x207f7f69, +0x85b9b234, 0xc1857fac, 0xedaa7c08, 0x7f50057f, 0x7f1dc26d, 0x7fa47f81, 0x7ff57f76, 0xb3bca5cc, +0x6b31d550, 0xce3a6583, 0xdac01f7f, 0x81184838, 0x65239c09, 0xde415bf5, 0x7f7f3881, 0x097fdc7a, +0x81698160, 0xa8da57db, 0x3281530a, 0x628d057f, 0xad7381f2, 0x18a35579, 0x3d909f7f, 0xbf7f7f81, +0x8181eb36, 0x6bd45881, 0x578c7520, 0x417fdc89, 0x307f5bad, 0x667f8181, 0xe1b44f6e, 0x817f7f2b, +0xd55cb62e, 0x8aa0ab9a, 0x81e42e47, 0xbc925270, 0x77aa4a90, 0x56247581, 0x8ff5f670, 0x7d7f9cc7, +0x3a013a2e, 0x10810005, 0x815eab7e, 0x812fe1c6, 0x81f0b47f, 0x7f2b8c03, 0x7f7fc07f, 0x7e497281, +0xd1d70cd5, 0xd981b501, 0x0c63b57f, 0xd8a8ea7f, 0xdeaece7f, 0xa08107f0, 0x9f54e62e, 0xa8cfc431, +0x7f985ee1, 0x811ae887, 0x7f81df4d, 0xc081d1bb, 0x81a15a9a, 0x7f44bf05, 0x037f057f, 0xf22c7f9d, +0x7f7f7f7f, 0x81856e03, 0xbcb08381, 0x46bb372d, 0x7f7bd59c, 0x8157e815, 0xa1910b3a, 0x5c537f7f, +0x3e81717f, 0x4851ac7f, 0x813b7f83, 0x867fb25e, 0x098131ca, 0xb06fc77f, 0x7f60e97f, 0xa25f5c46, +0xe82eae48, 0x40bf987f, 0x817f81e2, 0xf5b2c831, 0x810597de, 0x045c7f4b, 0x81e33f36, 0x81aaf35e, +0x81817fc6, 0xe700587f, 0x93b37fea, 0x9f81fc97, 0x4def727f, 0x6bc07fe7, 0x7f811076, 0x81248175, +0x0a7e5cf6, 0xcd7f7f81, 0x7f49f37e, 0x8181917f, 0x7f70df81, 0xd17f81b5, 0x1f6b4ef7, 0xa21d6b8b, +0x7fb0461a, 0x5c027581, 0x81819bb4, 0x816ee78f, 0xad7f817b, 0xe481a10a, 0xa1cb8d81, 0x32813e3a, +0x947f7f81, 0x8184bff3, 0xa96cd072, 0xeb0c5881, 0x814ab385, 0xe3f67f7f, 0x584a81c9, 0xdbc5c781, +0x78816e49, 0x817f8a81, 0x7f3f7fff, 0x56d89f40, 0x4397e427, 0x7f29b20d, 0x7f597fad, 0x35817f65, +0x0a7f3b19, 0x61c97f81, 0xc6817a65, 0xaa5ceb7f, 0xfc427fef, 0xb8684c75, 0x447fbaa3, 0x4d7fae7f, +0x8196e3bb, 0xe1588132, 0x7ff27f34, 0x8173bff4, 0x7f705f6d, 0x7f7f817f, 0xa353354c, 0x7f58ca67, +0x7a5a7f9c, 0x1e81ee7f, 0x98d681d9, 0x9e60c443, 0x7f7f39a3, 0xc79bc87f, 0x3ae8827d, 0x9f812e81, +0x7f6f8170, 0xa987947f, 0x2481aa81, 0x538fdd7f, 0x237f1442, 0x14e99a84, 0x6e62b068, 0x7b810541, +0x73a57fad, 0x69977881, 0x9be9cd7f, 0x9a48537c, 0xfccc7f47, 0x7f40a457, 0xbc63b4b8, 0x74bb447e, +0x36817f12, 0xd371cd1f, 0x7f1ed17f, 0x36624bbe, 0x726c811b, 0x4abe5c58, 0x81de39c1, 0x7b5ae996, +0xaa818105, 0xa881bebd, 0x5e7f6edb, 0xa8d08165, 0xd495f17f, 0x7fd06098, 0x7fb157fc, 0xc0f661d3, +0xd09f812a, 0x7f8ef77f, 0x69477f00, 0xf45f8481, 0x0f7fa07f, 0x97f17f7f, 0x6ceaac7f, 0x7f7f8163, +0x7fbcbe98, 0x698b697f, 0x79c0da81, 0x8b81e681, 0x81817f36, 0x6b814881, 0x7f918ec6, 0xb67aed0e, +0xc5020b85, 0x81ee8c18, 0x7ff650a5, 0x814f6233, 0x508139a1, 0x814e6aa1, 0xa055487f, 0x3ed75817, +0x4f7f81da, 0x1ddcfa81, 0x7f7f1dbc, 0x825b6454, 0x2ee6819b, 0x73eb6861, 0xf7fe9516, 0xe3816dc5, +0x527f3f7f, 0x550d8fb9, 0xf3f82681, 0x5954b562, 0x7e7f20bc, 0x817f6b4f, 0x8108bc22, 0x17fb8113, +0x7b040f33, 0x586282d5, 0x078c5c7f, 0xe17fc493, 0xdd813545, 0x9ba17f6e, 0x7fccfad5, 0x916f7fa3, +0x21ce7f1f, 0x1a037f81, 0x8e4d0081, 0x7a360731, 0x167fd77f, 0x96762a84, 0xca5660e3, 0x45f0d87a, +0x7fd151ae, 0x9e7f22a6, 0x7f817f8c, 0x1501b9cb, 0x886c4184, 0xea627f6c, 0xc53e7f08, 0x1a63d6eb, +0x481b4a73, 0xca816575, 0x167f7f7f, 0x15814549, 0x6d985e81, 0xa60b1f62, 0xa1818181, 0x33af7f7f, +0x816c7ff7, 0x7f81b67f, 0x08602281, 0x9a81815b, 0xe6787f3f, 0x7aba4f81, 0x5015817f, 0x1d02d55e, +0xbaf3e826, 0xc34ca8cb, 0x503e7c82, 0x647a7f60, 0x7f810873, 0x81149d63, 0x7f818181, 0x7f7ff3d1, +0x11d8dce2, 0x7fe3634c, 0xb63c535b, 0x810e6181, 0x81277f54, 0x817fa2dd, 0x34c34476, 0x848a65f8, +0x96f911b0, 0x9aa76464, 0x8200816e, 0x6d7f56a6, 0xcdb9e57f, 0x874e836a, 0x93a363a6, 0x41c09883, +0x8144c072, 0x52a77fef, 0xe8ded5e2, 0xf6857f81, 0x81b79f4c, 0x7f7f71a2, 0x2b5852bc, 0x1f7b43b0, +0x4c5aa37f, 0x557f3d2a, 0xa17fb581, 0x7349d204, 0x4042ec2b, 0x89cd96bb, 0xd3368281, 0x7f7b8181, +0x0f28f5cd, 0xe8aa4d23, 0x88628b33, 0x8181817f, 0x758197af, 0x37b43b4a, 0xc081c1a5, 0x8e3c4881, +0x7fcb0983, 0x55fe14e4, 0x734c7f20, 0x89267c21, 0x7781a4b7, 0x7f7f4eb3, 0x81ac8fa2, 0xddc20981, +0x7f9b2659, 0x2d7fc65e, 0x818181e8, 0x6a176a89, 0xaa7fb68e, 0x5c5446d2, 0xda7dcc81, 0xc3a5e054, +0x7881477f, 0x7057146f, 0x00764b7f, 0x7fa87f7f, 0xa4ff8181, 0xf07f7f7f, 0xa37a5cd3, 0x28a881b1, +0x13e0cb4f, 0x8f7f9804, 0x3d343181, 0x567fda8a, 0x5828c7d0, 0x434fe70a, 0x7fd5fe78, 0x1f818181, +0x686103cf, 0x62aab5ee, 0x5506cb88, 0x5428ad7f, 0x51908c1a, 0x6d5db4ef, 0x3f7f686a, 0xa6a15a8d, +0x917f7f53, 0xb77fea86, 0x7f816aa2, 0x6ae581d7, 0x54ad634a, 0xd59ca328, 0x6d815bfa, 0x5f470046, +0x23818188, 0x817a9419, 0x7f57dc81, 0xb02a81ad, 0xe986757e, 0xd9810681, 0x81f7be26, 0xbcb5cf7f, +0x63776b56, 0x4358bc47, 0x528aa47b, 0x9e7f7181, 0xd0818100, 0x0d811a7f, 0x7f818155, 0xbe207fc3, +0xb70d393c, 0x812bbd48, 0x7f7f7d0e, 0x81b5ab00, 0x1ecb8681, 0x24c67fcd, 0x2fc7ed01, 0x5503a881, +0x7f3d7fb4, 0x9a81559e, 0x6508d5f4, 0x08b56b7d, 0x96d84e10, 0x7fac9ec1, 0x817ca281, 0xd9b01081, +0xaf81d3a7, 0x8102b34b, 0xa0f98181, 0x7f7f929e, 0x3cf6d023, 0x990ed581, 0x147f817f, 0x81483a81, +0x68375130, 0x487f1451, 0xa0973d81, 0x87d4d4f7, 0x90633e22, 0xbc7f45e0, 0x2c4ea77f, 0x0811896e, +0x8d7f52e9, 0x8120aeb0, 0x3d159d81, 0x93cb0097, 0xce81bb81, 0x74194855, 0x4e7f3f26, 0x817f819f, +0x4531814f, 0x517f7fbb, 0x4981a87f, 0x4c810f4e, 0x3239b67f, 0xa17f194c, 0x81e58e81, 0x7f4890e5, +0xb07ffa3c, 0x937fa181, 0x447fa516, 0xbab5000e, 0x887f7f7f, 0x8181b17f, 0x7f82d4ad, 0x7f828159, +0x81b35c57, 0x23bcb1dd, 0x819446c7, 0x7fbf9ea6, 0x817f7fc1, 0x33817f81, 0x5cfe7fb6, 0x7f81fc61, +0x91477f4c, 0x88994381, 0x65bb447f, 0x198d61ae, 0x817f9f7f, 0x557cbcb8, 0x81fab781, 0x1bab3f7d, +0x7f812298, 0x7f44fadc, 0x1dc1c665, 0x7fde3a8d, 0x94c37f2b, 0xc7d8eb23, 0xdaae8181, 0x129c68bc, +0x7f819111, 0x7f32ce2c, 0xf0d17f02, 0x7f6a817f, 0x5cd564e0, 0x7f7fc47f, 0xd6995c9d, 0x70a7d476, +0x3b7ff299, 0x7f2f237f, 0x4381ac1f, 0x0bd67fb2, 0x81ba594d, 0xa6777fd5, 0x881cc254, 0x8189977f, +0x7f813b3e, 0xc17f7f7f, 0x3baa3dc9, 0x81007f57, 0x7f810295, 0x81f7a1c3, 0x7f65de7f, 0x4ca87f53, +0x407f81b9, 0x7f436fa6, 0x399f9581, 0x7f177f86, 0xbc698194, 0x447fd081, 0x81663d37, 0x01faee9b, +0xc485ff7f, 0xed6ff281, 0x4c6713c4, 0x28b0487f, 0x7f88e8c9, 0x8169016d, 0x7f7f71dd, 0x474bf37f, +0xb756b143, 0x95caeed0, 0xec7f872d, 0x437f23e1, 0xb42b3030, 0x662f8d76, 0xd4818f71, 0x8161fd50, +0x8863663e, 0x78256b06, 0x661b549c, 0x8e817fb4, 0x06b98354, 0x5a905ec1, 0xec960281, 0x2c30bbe3, +0x937f7f63, 0x6ade543f, 0x7f7f9f5e, 0x98dac336, 0x81327f73, 0x677f6d46, 0x637f5c7a, 0x82478181, +0xedbc9014, 0x9a7f431b, 0xb2d25981, 0x7f898181, 0x81815ab1, 0x2d7fa683, 0x7f03b2b0, 0x89bc7f18, +0x81947fb8, 0x1995817f, 0x78e54c17, 0x816cb1c3, 0x1a2681e0, 0xac3a7f8a, 0xdff245bb, 0x422ada81, +0x1ed1e07f, 0x7f6f5276, 0x8481db81, 0x9a817fe4, 0x1e132dab, 0x5c7fdf7f, 0x7d81ac7f, 0x937f7fe0, +0x49568171, 0x3f81907f, 0x81466896, 0x7f667f2b, 0x577f9a7f, 0x7fd73c0b, 0xc946df59, 0xd72f767a, +0xb51d326a, 0xc77f4f7c, 0xbc814bf5, 0xdae47fab, 0x40a64f73, 0x898188ea, 0x1c751c97, 0x7f8ed37f, +0x81b9585f, 0x6eb6758e, 0x5e11b233, 0xf0a47f81, 0x81709065, 0x447fbcc6, 0x58d1819b, 0x9fa36e74, +0x817fa9f3, 0x9f506f66, 0x81cd047f, 0x187f8136, 0x9d810500, 0x64cd8eb0, 0x7f817f7f, 0xf850e2f6, +0x81b61869, 0x606a66c4, 0x81638118, 0x20dca772, 0x6287b381, 0x8e056874, 0x086d99b9, 0x54438172, +0xb281697f, 0x5c470c16, 0xb0340523, 0x7f81b96b, 0x4451b8a1, 0x7f7fe6db, 0x57887f3a, 0x14438129, +0x927758ce, 0xe27fa16a, 0x8c30bd81, 0x7b7fff47, 0x41e58175, 0x35812462, 0xe7ff4358, 0xb4c04079, +0xa87c108b, 0x81aae151, 0x3d797f8e, 0x33007f3c, 0x27c2715a, 0x188c7fba, 0xb481e081, 0xe026d96e, +0x402d8185, 0x7066ffcd, 0xc5914e7f, 0x977f655f, 0x7f68b5d9, 0xcad3235d, 0xc77f8e81, 0x1cb4817f, +0x7f473044, 0x15168159, 0x7f5c81d2, 0x7f99bd6f, 0xb7ab0006, 0xf2487f41, 0xd2de0f82, 0x6a81627f, +0x2e8e87fa, 0x25187fb3, 0x6d31b393, 0xdd3d4b81, 0xa942a11d, 0xd21281d0, 0xe6b0e17f, 0x8a5646ad, +0x907f8124, 0x7f81d2e2, 0xd8c8e17f, 0xeb8b7f81, 0x3ad8bb1a, 0x7f7fbf81, 0xcb30ddf4, 0xa09134d8, +0x8187d2bc, 0x4949168a, 0x53998181, 0xd5e21412, 0x81811cb0, 0x11349a98, 0xdab2afe4, 0xd97f7f7f, +0x7f7f8181, 0x327e7fd4, 0x97818114, 0x827b6517, 0x5f0aabbd, 0x7f905b81, 0xafdde37f, 0xcd40cf7e, +0x7f56817f, 0x95810db2, 0xaf7fd131, 0x8181811a, 0x9e7f8f73, 0xe250d481, 0x7f2abb90, 0x5f7d981f, +0xb3257f91, 0xec657f2f, 0xfa815e3a, 0x6e223481, 0x6c00eaa8, 0x7fb19394, 0x8799c181, 0x810e7fde, +0x7d478181, 0x7fdc76bd, 0x035f8102, 0x627f447f, 0x7ff7ff7f, 0x81265db0, 0x6e81ac2c, 0x8802d277, +0x81c3f781, 0xec81d259, 0x817b7d81, 0x7a5b7f7f, 0x4953ab64, 0x896a52a0, 0xb28111f8, 0xd25d8f0e, +0x7f818174, 0x813f7f3b, 0x7fff7f72, 0x0fa87f88, 0xbcfad248, 0x507dd360, 0x7fae817f, 0x81f27f81, +0x72fa4d1b, 0x5a21d2a1, 0x6381817f, 0x5fb55ab3, 0x8ec3816f, 0x257f4ab5, 0x4c74ef81, 0x19a3f27f, +0x752746c6, 0xe17f8181, 0x7f7c8199, 0xdb9981a1, 0xcb984bd7, 0x815ea881, 0xdc50e0d9, 0xb9366f24, +0x7f455dec, 0x817cb181, 0x424856f3, 0x67ab02a5, 0x0081657f, 0x105e8191, 0xeab817a7, 0x3a7f6d5a, +0x425a1503, 0xeaac317f, 0x7fbe2cd0, 0xd2819a6d, 0x34887f6b, 0xef7f817f, 0xc3577f8f, 0xb124a664, +0x9981167f, 0xb4946031, 0xb8817f7f, 0x81c570ed, 0xc9c88181, 0x3a4cdf81, 0xd9514781, 0x8948c0fe, +0x2d5a8111, 0x68817f7f, 0x6be87f81, 0xa62c0381, 0x857f7fba, 0xa8c4ab7f, 0x279cc57f, 0x98816e0b, +0x817ff70e, 0x21536d81, 0x875ca181, 0x008164f2, 0x96955a53, 0x57a53917, 0x6517faad, 0xdecd7f49, +0x81819c32, 0x7f7fc25d, 0xfd81b181, 0x9f818166, 0x9c7f107f, 0x7f15b67f, 0x81636692, 0x18f276b5, +0xbb9d08e2, 0x6c25797f, 0x417f43fc, 0xd0a37eca, 0xd4702b8f, 0x5c72ba00, 0x7f9dcdbe, 0xd4ad8122, +0x39f1a381, 0x9b419181, 0xac816ace, 0xfb7c81e6, 0xdd7f7fb9, 0x2a27bb61, 0x3781499f, 0x7f6a7f93, +0x4bbf81a5, 0x4a07e527, 0xab4f8143, 0xc2703e81, 0xb1813d81, 0x81747ba3, 0x11cb7f81, 0xd7a385fd, +0xc9d0c981, 0x647fe554, 0x811d3681, 0x18817fdc, 0x81811bef, 0xd381845e, 0x466539da, 0x1081617f, +0xb5b99261, 0x56cd7f8d, 0xaaa79076, 0x7f814a81, 0x7f7fe313, 0x7f7f8170, 0x5df9817f, 0x102fe72a, +0x0c7f79ae, 0x4368d9e1, 0x6b0af013, 0xc13ed920, 0x98ed6a7f, 0xc494d37f, 0x81816a35, 0xc27f7f4f, +0x451a7f3a, 0x4c812e15, 0x032f49b1, 0xbd7f02a1, 0x507f0d67, 0x9c5f007f, 0x8712c21b, 0x6ba7385a, +0x7fb62c58, 0x7f818bcf, 0x7f7fc57f, 0x4141698d, 0x1e817f5c, 0x813fbe97, 0x6f817fa8, 0x51637759, +0x7f4ed17f, 0x81ac2c28, 0xf1c75bfd, 0x1463c260, 0xcb7f7fcf, 0x7483675a, 0x40eb7f7f, 0xad7f81a2, +0x7f817f50, 0x66816683, 0x407f8c81, 0xaf8190b3, 0x81d347f2, 0x5a215a81, 0xca7f8132, 0xd0528ef2, +0x8129c3a0, 0xa4a7c52b, 0x0b816383, 0xbc7faf5d, 0x38d34e66, 0xff65a68b, 0x817999d7, 0x5a620463, +0x885a817f, 0xad947f81, 0x7f1c902c, 0xaa0e9003, 0xd7ccb971, 0x64a68198, 0xb2337f11, 0x81a4d5dd, +0x817f81fd, 0x7e814f81, 0x817f3da2, 0x8381fd08, 0x81a35a81, 0x7f0099e3, 0xfa1f5850, 0x6773efd6, +0x6e7e5268, 0x138e7fc5, 0x81449526, 0x815781c2, 0xca2faff4, 0xf37f7f64, 0xaa080369, 0x7fb07f5c, +0x81397fcd, 0x972dbbbe, 0x813f8e81, 0x812ed669, 0xbf76e310, 0x0be7f981, 0x81929781, 0x577f8644, +0x0cc7e94b, 0x7e1d2995, 0x7ace8119, 0x81814867, 0x617f505c, 0xb9ad7f3e, 0x3ad56e18, 0x81e5b75d, +0xca874729, 0x7f81ad9c, 0x5881813e, 0xbb240a46, 0xcc908863, 0x6fc2815b, 0xfa4bca7f, 0x8f817319, +0xfe819dae, 0x81814281, 0x867f21e9, 0xfdaa0500, 0xd08c9e41, 0x99ea3b94, 0x7fa9394c, 0x81337f7f, +0xb57f23f9, 0xc59a8181, 0x815a7fa4, 0x16c9c781, 0x9f17b97f, 0xb2817f89, 0x7fbd95a5, 0xb27f7f8e, +0xa5e0b5c9, 0xefabff4c, 0x7fb7ea7f, 0x9aec9841, 0xb0e1784b, 0x81b29d1d, 0x7fba1781, 0x81f7086b, +0x8129f27f, 0x818181ea, 0xc1ce8113, 0xfbfbaacf, 0x9d4c14ed, 0x40c1ea26, 0x6051cd3f, 0x6cd681be, +0x4c469beb, 0x17637f22, 0x81882850, 0xbc91d4be, 0x6e318122, 0x95628181, 0x6c7f7f33, 0x6c47537f, +0xa8d27f7f, 0x3de9b857, 0xc73a2c81, 0x4e7f8101, 0x3b7f817f, 0x3a78815c, 0x1a67771c, 0x5a8286a4, +0xf7b98166, 0xd3b37f81, 0x4eb17f2f, 0xc1098181, 0x969a7fc5, 0x0bfbfbb9, 0x316f8194, 0x7f6f8184, +0x484ec57f, 0x364a007f, 0x1f81817f, 0xc5b9ac81, 0xbb81b97f, 0x1f82647b, 0x2c4b4600, 0x89813d0c, +0x75ffc374, 0xad7f5e23, 0x0af481a5, 0x3d0e3eee, 0xa49481cb, 0x39815284, 0x8187f438, 0x1a7c7f7f, +0x817fa8b5, 0x7fca781e, 0xb401d779, 0x424c7fda, 0x3c429944, 0x488d7f7f, 0x78966481, 0xaf687f5d, +0x89052b37, 0xbf7f407f, 0xe07fce79, 0x9fdf45d3, 0x8181de83, 0xe67f7f5a, 0x7fe6a3fa, 0x38705b81, +0x81518232, 0x7d5d9978, 0x270372c9, 0x818568a2, 0xca7f66c8, 0x43a06a3c, 0x831b4281, 0x853a7fb0, +0x8178cf45, 0x7f7f7fbc, 0xbdb69d20, 0x525c5392, 0xc081d97b, 0x18217f16, 0xb6ec7659, 0x0861819b, +0xc48b819e, 0x817f38f2, 0x7f7f787f, 0x7f365c81, 0x64a9f87f, 0xe4e67dac, 0xd1580073, 0x81817f54, +0x597f2ced, 0x575cabd0, 0xce81d781, 0x819c81a4, 0x7f5aceb2, 0x7f57ac33, 0x81e4d87f, 0x1df5d24d, +0x7f4f7f7f, 0x7feb81e8, 0x6a81816a, 0x7f668144, 0x3431b13e, 0x3cc6b82b, 0x815dc38c, 0xc65781b0, +0xae897f81, 0x9751537a, 0x817f0e88, 0xb15e69ea, 0x6f7f7f90, 0x24e681a4, 0xd97fa74f, 0x1881fa61, +0x2e743b95, 0xeb817f7f, 0x7fcd677f, 0x317f7fec, 0x9246f573, 0x2e7fae81, 0x7eb72b7d, 0x4d8144bd, +0x3f7fcb81, 0x7f619f9d, 0x51e7b87f, 0x81688e5c, 0x0d3d55d4, 0xb9b0817f, 0xaec17fd2, 0x017f2ffb, +0xa8af3550, 0x81187f3d, 0xa033427f, 0x38c83442, 0x7f7f8181, 0xe38a35cc, 0x1f00c081, 0x7f297f7f, +0xd17f7f81, 0x6e81c637, 0xc4387945, 0x26839381, 0xd481e281, 0x0b72bf12, 0x057f9e7f, 0x5eef2c81, +0x9216b507, 0xd7906948, 0x637f627f, 0x0a11bfaa, 0xd605bd9e, 0x81ea9c81, 0x72f03c3d, 0x4f819f7f, +0xc563d7b7, 0xad5a3899, 0x7ff15105, 0x7f692e81, 0xbf79c6c9, 0x3c738181, 0x7f4a0597, 0xecb5d588, +0x7f7f2b3c, 0x888144dc, 0xbd7f6e61, 0x6b6e81e5, 0x5d5b1caf, 0x4c743b73, 0x7f727f2f, 0x667f3551, +0x8fc63881, 0x81565a6c, 0x61817f3d, 0x0aa5d083, 0x81215ea2, 0x60461f02, 0x0d7fc1ee, 0xe77f813b, +0x40d9767f, 0x1c817fa8, 0x7f815e7f, 0xa5447f7f, 0x2ac45607, 0x81417f7f, 0x00aceb81, 0x8181cfe4, +0x817f81aa, 0xaa3eda6e, 0x7fbd4adc, 0xf8bb5deb, 0xf0867fe7, 0x3f33a481, 0x819e1bb7, 0x81458b81, +0x9573148c, 0x986d1ee0, 0x45deb557, 0xcf7f688f, 0x23d5b1a9, 0xc3fdfeb0, 0x3fad633c, 0xe4be21bb, +0x81819acf, 0x567f1571, 0x5a2c130b, 0x7f14e77f, 0x37d38908, 0xe55da5d4, 0xf2e16033, 0x23db8181, +0x7f8160bf, 0x177fa17f, 0xa00f4dc8, 0x47818153, 0xf7817b81, 0x529681a0, 0xeca34413, 0x7f49a081, +0x2c9c81c3, 0x8181ae14, 0x8125425f, 0x39b1123a, 0xe4e781b8, 0x4f83e39f, 0xd298507f, 0x49e92f7f, +0x26bac981, 0xf0a27f49, 0x81d281a8, 0x993dc681, 0x48c19a95, 0x98af7a6f, 0x3baa107f, 0x899d3c00, +0x7f814467, 0xc6e821df, 0x05226d8c, 0x9a813aba, 0x8d818117, 0x81688142, 0xd9244ff9, 0xdb0da3d0, +0xbef62430, 0x55868181, 0x8176d83f, 0x33813ef2, 0x941a6534, 0x81d0741b, 0x4e37927f, 0x6b2515e2, +0x8181aa81, 0x9581605b, 0x678113a0, 0x6e7f2681, 0xc1819f81, 0x813ca072, 0x7f81b97f, 0x3d95817f, +0x81233f81, 0x911e90e0, 0x76a6d5d9, 0xc6b5057f, 0x5262b67f, 0x81812681, 0xa68110fa, 0xc74a6049, +0x478eef7f, 0x8ea225d1, 0x77fd31f8, 0x7f568422, 0x81207f81, 0x94628118, 0x81a47fc0, 0x7f637f7f, +0xa8898caf, 0x8125b97c, 0x3de89f9a, 0x7f81bb71, 0x24183337, 0x88c0437f, 0xe97f6bb5, 0xa0dc007e, +0x36dcd381, 0x887cd84a, 0x0a817381, 0x9b818176, 0x46327ffa, 0x487f926d, 0x07508107, 0x7f7ffe06, +0xcefe7f7f, 0x028172d9, 0x7f7381da, 0x81f97f58, 0x81818d0d, 0x06597fcb, 0x817f7ff5, 0x8e999e7f, +0x7fd22e8f, 0x81766ae5, 0x817f7f86, 0xca81bf7f, 0xfd144e10, 0x947ff681, 0xa9817f4f, 0x7f187748, +0x81819081, 0x8170ca74, 0x7a5d9c79, 0xbe483f81, 0x6f7f9fa0, 0x7fb0505b, 0x7fc7f15f, 0x81793081, +0xbc7bb830, 0xce7ff56d, 0x81e02681, 0xa5968113, 0xa47fd381, 0x81a68197, 0xf4ca2a7f, 0xd220acb6, +0x7f837ae6, 0x5c812609, 0x847fd94f, 0x6adf9afc, 0xb17fc822, 0xfd1b82ec, 0x8dfbf181, 0xbe008215, +0x1dfd1081, 0xd1768cc8, 0x76818144, 0x7a917f9b, 0x0c6aada1, 0x16d3654e, 0xea1a8d7a, 0x9508c955, +0xbfe88c4c, 0x593fa4d6, 0x8c45818e, 0x7f7f557f, 0x7f1dcc7f, 0x984c8181, 0x6b817f7f, 0x6c8131d9, +0x4c8185e0, 0x678457da, 0xa6bb81f1, 0x79c0ca67, 0x7fe2c433, 0x257b8381, 0x37323c7f, 0xd768283d, +0xdde15d81, 0x7996d7be, 0x7fd38110, 0x81706b66, 0x7feb685e, 0x817fba69, 0x8182ec99, 0x53c67fac, +0x7f7fc1da, 0xf8afcee6, 0x09816181, 0x8a4f9e6c, 0x5b94c2c6, 0x812b3b97, 0xd0237f7b, 0x81817f64, +0x81768181, 0x7f24b359, 0x1f326247, 0x7f7f5e38, 0x81267f42, 0xff8781be, 0x85817758, 0x7f172281, +0x81599137, 0x22423760, 0x81c8e277, 0x7f46f381, 0xbb668184, 0x7f547f7f, 0x4aa27e87, 0x217f8c35, +0x925eb643, 0x48b89ac8, 0x7f9d8181, 0xffe3a47f, 0x3e810ac3, 0x7f2c7fa0, 0x847f4681, 0x8106818d, +0x81787f10, 0x3e2a5fa5, 0x81a38181, 0xfa7f712b, 0x74dd166f, 0x0d2819a4, 0x557f426d, 0x7f818158, +0x1b817f93, 0x927f0e81, 0x7f1b9a56, 0x78c78898, 0xbb07493f, 0xd4b37f1b, 0xae8aafef, 0x7fc2c3a0, +0xb1bb3d19, 0x1189816f, 0xc2813c7f, 0xc27ff3be, 0x7f3bc183, 0xd1817c7f, 0xc6817fa9, 0x0f9ad87f, +0x7f10c96f, 0x517f7fca, 0xb9958181, 0x9870315a, 0x1c091752, 0x7f0a4746, 0x509ec654, 0x168190cf, +0x8e3d0000, 0xc0817f69, 0x7f8a6f85, 0x7fe8b634, 0x2631815a, 0x67942d85, 0x5a7f8b38, 0xa2a07e1d, +0xfa816e81, 0x3c81bc7f, 0x813b7fed, 0x81aae601, 0x7f81ba4e, 0x81817fa7, 0x32453b81, 0x8e8aa579, +0x7f81d1e2, 0x78a4847f, 0x81819b57, 0x13137779, 0x81c5557f, 0x7fd18195, 0x049928a6, 0xedd7897f, +0xa0816adf, 0xb0815ab9, 0xb2c73281, 0x7f01a4b5, 0x5ebacf94, 0x7fbb8181, 0xa97f7fd1, 0xec9d5661, +0x3da381ec, 0x4445a98f, 0x291ca97f, 0x9d948d9b, 0xf9f0d592, 0x8b1fcd81, 0x81d54fea, 0xdb81600e, +0x69a781c0, 0x817f78f0, 0x818181a4, 0x36810aa0, 0x646f9f7f, 0x70c25f34, 0x9471817f, 0x3e5081db, +0x5cc37f74, 0x7f0a814d, 0x990ba07f, 0xe55babcf, 0x59813a5b, 0x26b96e7f, 0x199c8125, 0x812e0db3, +0xe581b498, 0x8174a97f, 0x440f7ff0, 0x812d487d, 0x227f9881, 0x7fcb77b8, 0x157fc3e9, 0xdbfcff7f, +0x81085d64, 0x44a9bdaf, 0x42998481, 0xb885b098, 0x94817f94, 0x81d3367f, 0x48394f81, 0x817a697f, +0x64671052, 0xbd81153c, 0xd8637f02, 0x558cd081, 0x8485d766, 0x9ea7c1ae, 0x81b2afc6, 0x81657f40, +0x62d4f31b, 0xbd7f7f8b, 0x7b909c60, 0x2f81734e, 0x5060ab22, 0x10b62281, 0x1d83812a, 0xc7aa8866, +0x31444bc6, 0x815d6281, 0x822f8f58, 0xb75aa477, 0xc21f9a27, 0xd3545a36, 0xad30af19, 0x6b813f7f, +0x0000188d, 0x7fa14165, 0x177a549f, 0x8f9e037f, 0x1cd8f7f1, 0x1e7fb9d0, 0x557363c3, 0x7f9c1a26, +0x769fda1c, 0x7f7f8192, 0x157f7e7f, 0xcb61817f, 0x4a9d3d64, 0x8148aa58, 0x637fd2d0, 0x308481d2, +0x95a8324b, 0x7f7f3681, 0xbe407f4b, 0x2b769128, 0x8156657b, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x45c97f0c, 0x81577f8d, +0xe90f8181, 0x817f689e, 0x2781f97f, 0x7fd1a966, 0xa07f6a14, 0xddbb7fab, 0xa53f57fe, 0x56c77f81, +0x35e0837f, 0xde818164, 0x7f5bb62f, 0x7ffe814c, 0x4a8fe8cb, 0x7f7f5b81, 0x81137fbf, 0x8157a240, +0x81048171, 0xa9d17f18, 0x8458817f, 0x81424a81, 0x9d817fb2, 0x31ef5181, 0xd081507f, 0x567b6e81, +0x91a3276b, 0x7f257f81, 0x98d9a897, 0x8eb301e8, 0x7f8a11a8, 0xac7fb482, 0x1420dd00, 0xa629e6aa, +0x98628159, 0x4a815981, 0xf081eda7, 0xaf5ac540, 0xde387936, 0xf6f2cc49, 0x7fa88152, 0x4587a0b6, +0x0549f981, 0x7f6a817f, 0x7fde8f79, 0x7fd77f81, 0xbd58b276, 0x477f5db5, 0xa3d0817f, 0xb3811743, +0x378d5f7f, 0x889c8175, 0x00d9bffb, 0xa386f71b, 0x9b9b5a7f, 0x05301691, 0x077afd81, 0xc9813d20, +0x655b8118, 0xb1810fc4, 0x2ae18160, 0x7f818141, 0x81c2db39, 0x7f3cd124, 0x52c77f7f, 0xcfdb5141, +0x8113b964, 0x0c0bd10c, 0x8137637f, 0x56bf8149, 0x5fceb17f, 0x01857f81, 0xea81917a, 0xd67a3c7f, +0x5fd93fa4, 0x93720000, 0x31e08193, 0x957faa7f, 0x30e1b019, 0x557f19fc, 0x327f5c1c, 0x81e98181, +0x567f6f7f, 0x817f60bc, 0xe4f481a2, 0xb1f2aa31, 0xba5b7f36, 0x4d2bd790, 0x914d4e38, 0x817f7722, +0x10fb7fcd, 0x2f7f3026, 0x8c7f3c92, 0xbe81392b, 0x1cae7f78, 0xb6cb6581, 0x2f52db43, 0x49cb7f71, +0x7fe6dfe9, 0x232e7e66, 0x1497965f, 0x67316ca2, 0xaf71c384, 0x727fbd7f, 0x5e7f6ab9, 0x7b5181bd, +0x38e38170, 0x48cae97f, 0x4a81669c, 0x3d2d7f7f, 0x69508352, 0xac988181, 0xe093a587, 0xbd907753, +0x817fb87f, 0x894ac8c0, 0x9f7f9ccc, 0x6336a2de, 0x7f7fd741, 0x75b723c5, 0x396e7fc6, 0xc5c0819d, +0x813c7172, 0x816a7fa6, 0x95bdf475, 0x69b21f5f, 0x817f7f06, 0x4c90685e, 0x7fea7f7f, 0x7f958f0b, +0xf6a7937f, 0x5b6caa7f, 0x5fbf7f30, 0x4c6cb506, 0x7f097f95, 0x8181d881, 0x817f34b8, 0x937f7089, +0x830181a8, 0xa6b2817f, 0x4912930e, 0x7f8fd67b, 0xf69bd281, 0x7a5fd981, 0xc4aa7f7f, 0x817f819b, +0x9c05c2f5, 0x8f579881, 0x5aa4818e, 0xc14dc0bd, 0x7fce0981, 0x147fcd41, 0x817fe75b, 0xf8e1a54f, +0x817f8981, 0x1334585f, 0x810281db, 0x146db1bd, 0x25347f7f, 0x9cbf987f, 0xb6736d0c, 0x814ab481, +0x0fd1653e, 0x7fd67170, 0xe564ce22, 0xd05df37f, 0x10871f96, 0x9dc9e03e, 0x53bc03ad, 0xc47fd1c5, +0xaa4dd88d, 0x00004ad1, 0x8a35a85a, 0xcff89253, 0x64d0819b, 0x149ab17f, 0x819f7a33, 0x49fc81c7, +0x1881d433, 0x196171c4, 0x784dbdae, 0x8193148e, 0x75b63674, 0xdf81e4ab, 0xad299a6d, 0x8168b3d3, +0xeea6426e, 0x81c99981, 0xb17f647f, 0x814ec5d2, 0x2e3b16a8, 0x81597f81, 0xa97f8181, 0x2caec714, +0x387906fd, 0x818181be, 0x7f7fbcb3, 0xd55a81e6, 0x8134ae81, 0x7fc3817f, 0x9853ee56, 0x5881999d, +0x9ea98184, 0xfa8181a6, 0xceff5978, 0x688e505f, 0x7fbbb830, 0xc678d06a, 0x3c90e3ae, 0x4b6d7f23, +0x24cd7f58, 0x7f92c181, 0xb1a97fc2, 0xba872981, 0x66ec49a3, 0x7f7f26b5, 0x7f8163b8, 0xae7f7f7f, +0xde7f3781, 0x4147d381, 0xe191cb81, 0xd45b81c3, 0x474c9e91, 0x55b546db, 0x0e81b5a6, 0xb5b976aa, +0x7f7f7f3d, 0x968a81d7, 0x7f1f9333, 0xb37f7f7f, 0x2f7f6418, 0x2532a07e, 0x8b81bf44, 0x89818144, +0xa1572ffd, 0xfebf182a, 0xe54d7f5f, 0x107f8949, 0x00210081, 0xc53345a1, 0xa2818ff6, 0x81c181e2, +0x9b81f1d5, 0xd1061965, 0xb7a47ff0, 0x81817fb0, 0x18bc6181, 0x7ccc5981, 0xbe2b9dae, 0x038f8173, +0x7f3bec4d, 0x81ec81b0, 0x817b9a6a, 0x817cb47f, 0x7fa98fb5, 0xb0355e36, 0x8dad6109, 0x4b138116, +0xa3e19d81, 0x449ab793, 0x984acd21, 0x168aeb94, 0x85baac5d, 0x7fac8173, 0x81ad81d9, 0xa34abb7f, +0x81ca817f, 0x817f6074, 0x7fbc0000, 0xc79b108a, 0xc06990ca, 0x317f12cf, 0x9281e743, 0x90c681fd, +0x17b57f3a, 0xbdd05681, 0xfafcef3d, 0x6f0a0d81, 0x4337197f, 0x7f4881af, 0xb592de71, 0x44c24881, +0x536f9532, 0x21506996, 0x68489d79, 0x4aaf4312, 0x740c9447, 0x657f6673, 0x637f7f0f, 0x81205569, +0x8fb3fe9c, 0x4881995c, 0x8163cfb0, 0x17a4817f, 0x7f59ad84, 0x6d0c30d2, 0xbdc6b981, 0x1bfa8155, +0x7f22a8ca, 0x9c9a817f, 0x3bdba778, 0xf6817eb1, 0x07858141, 0xc037817e, 0x3f2c868c, 0x8181d07f, +0x02b704dd, 0x467f6bc8, 0x4881ab7f, 0xa25c814e, 0xcb4d8e6e, 0x477c7f88, 0xd991aecb, 0x9c81b243, +0x12d6b7e6, 0x03d745a0, 0xdf0bc9d8, 0x52637f85, 0xd557817f, 0x96342cc0, 0x81423981, 0x70657f81, +0xde8181cb, 0x8a81de2b, 0xf55d3e2f, 0x2d717f81, 0xba81289e, 0x99c27f7f, 0x81c5817f, 0x90be817f, +0x918ea3dc, 0x8de39c22, 0xce577f93, 0x3f7f8186, 0x9e817f7f, 0x816c8aeb, 0x3d818e2e, 0x8181be9f, +0x0fb9429c, 0x3c7f5155, 0x81275b24, 0xa47fda70, 0x84cc88c5, 0x70797f81, 0x812eaebb, 0x16a1314f, +0x7f7f817f, 0x38b61a4c, 0x7fb7388b, 0x7fb6e681, 0x5581987f, 0x9281c37f, 0xc45b7f7f, 0x8b35b97f, +0x7f7f7f81, 0xa23c0e3b, 0x7f9b2083, 0x9cc39283, 0x8843699c, 0xc07f81dc, 0xa1f98b7f, 0x81d245b5, +0x8181597f, 0x1aa93681, 0x000001df, 0x81574196, 0x7f3f3df1, 0x6fc8c7c4, 0x5e4d7f8c, 0x81b4dc44, +0xd56f7f8b, 0x8116a381, 0xb03f5f81, 0xf5020639, 0x7f02b25c, 0x55818143, 0xab658147, 0x357f1daa, +0x296ac18e, 0x8186e57f, 0x7464272d, 0x417863e1, 0xeae67831, 0x1a605547, 0x45ffb1d5, 0x7f066c81, +0x81bfb062, 0x4cb8f381, 0x81817f7f, 0x145a4bc0, 0x2e813d7f, 0xc6524d71, 0x81818181, 0xc9d681fb, +0x2a5db57f, 0x12c97fa7, 0x317f7f48, 0xf9b88131, 0x354c1389, 0xd77f8155, 0x811b4dbe, 0x9d3d457f, +0xf9dc2f28, 0xb01c8181, 0x5a81716d, 0x7f7f3d81, 0xd87f867f, 0x817f0581, 0x564f8181, 0x7f678181, +0x5cdd7f91, 0x07ad3f96, 0xb4dd9e34, 0x7f7fd50d, 0xa67f81b6, 0x01353420, 0x6481798a, 0xa5a68181, +0x9c7f816e, 0xafc73c84, 0x427b8d32, 0x1bbb817f, 0xd45c7fa5, 0xb0c2ec48, 0xb459aa7f, 0x70818181, +0x5ec983e7, 0x81294066, 0x81447f6f, 0x9b819f5e, 0x7fb1a47f, 0x81b8a081, 0x5f91c62b, 0x7f63de81, +0xdc813ff2, 0x817f81ce, 0x3d677f0b, 0x4da9dae5, 0xcc8190d9, 0x1d7fbbfa, 0x5ffdd2b7, 0x69624b8f, +0x50963e7f, 0x7f7fa281, 0xcc4b8149, 0x8102da7f, 0x3f7f9df5, 0x435732c5, 0x7f07d881, 0xb20fe07f, +0x4896ac46, 0x44b3ed39, 0x7f7f8127, 0x9e7f81e4, 0x8181b15f, 0x7c818132, 0x7f41980b, 0x299ea18d, +0x7f196381, 0x7fc95f36, 0xbecb7f35, 0xdaa80000, 0x292a7fe2, 0x3292947f, 0x7f98e9c5, 0xb77c984e, +0x74847f81, 0x917f487f, 0x537766db, 0x30b71c7f, 0x81237f81, 0x9d7f9542, 0xfc75737f, 0x72499c3a, +0x6885625b, 0x7f061c6d, 0x818e7f81, 0x5b814381, 0x81f17f4d, 0x4d81b6cd, 0xd2f7d778, 0xe5e9d5db, +0xf7f081c2, 0xb80b0481, 0x975658f2, 0xe8b1197f, 0x81634b1a, 0x7f6bd994, 0xdbd67f7f, 0x757f3406, +0xc4d07f7f, 0x63e7507a, 0x102b7709, 0xe08cf836, 0x1db26230, 0x1a814510, 0x40679bdb, 0xf336a87f, +0x7fc3bf7f, 0x818e69c8, 0xf67aa2a3, 0x75425b7f, 0xa4b654c1, 0x7f7f5ac1, 0x5f10488d, 0x57dc7f30, +0x7d817f81, 0xfc81237c, 0x388a81d6, 0xbce67f42, 0x7f7a7f56, 0xfbb7ff87, 0x467f4681, 0x22dc9b7f, +0xba939029, 0x4a44c1a5, 0xa4be71d3, 0x7ffb3589, 0xfefae9a6, 0xa1963e4f, 0x66b3d6b3, 0x81506f83, +0xee7f32ee, 0x7ffe7f7f, 0xbf505c53, 0xd769ca7f, 0x69c267d2, 0x7f9f8346, 0x3f7f7f7f, 0x48813f51, +0x7fed8115, 0x9e81aef0, 0x7f7f22e3, 0x819fa190, 0x55457f81, 0x7f813b81, 0x251b4a0d, 0x6476818e, +0xc4d8da21, 0x52fd2d4b, 0x81943c7f, 0x273ce481, 0x7d53817f, 0xcd9d9058, 0x754151d2, 0xcb9f365b, +0xac73ecd4, 0x7ffd9a4b, 0x577f2d92, 0x41c60481, 0x81297fa9, 0x9f7f850f, 0x8c513329, 0xe854c39f, +0x34bb4a20, 0xc37f5178, 0x0787cc22, 0x6c86717f, 0x75815a48, 0x2023777f, 0xd37fdd7f, 0x6a819cf7, +0xdc44f5e3, 0x258157bd, 0xe8e7813d, 0xb9118195, 0x9a5a4581, 0x2d8c517f, 0x0c728161, 0xaec769ac, +0x1f554191, 0xfc8be381, 0xca703b7f, 0xab813d5a, 0x3f7faced, 0x707a2181, 0x7f1b8c7f, 0x7fad7f99, +0xb307377f, 0x6c9d5b81, 0x7f3bfac6, 0x8182567f, 0x5a246cdd, 0x55408105, 0x277f7f84, 0x7fa09c52, +0x817fa355, 0x404fd360, 0xecbc4281, 0xc6897f20, 0x7881ae81, 0x407f81e1, 0xfb35587f, 0x9b67fb81, +0x7f8103ad, 0x36708155, 0xab81f381, 0xa3fe6417, 0xa97f7f98, 0x3cf7cd7e, 0xae1b4dc6, 0x8ac2f749, +0x7fb35e89, 0x07e0743b, 0x7f818135, 0x81a15481, 0x93819bbc, 0x81f68114, 0x194ccd81, 0x81527f7f, +0x583ba074, 0x91654d78, 0x4e81398d, 0x0c54567f, 0xe453d054, 0xd37f8175, 0xd57f81ea, 0x345e5b7f, +0x3589262c, 0xa8b886de, 0x811b8197, 0xbbc890ee, 0x8db0b9dc, 0x9fcb817f, 0x39817f7f, 0x55391fe5, +0x7f7f3f92, 0x5a7f55d9, 0x747f3c71, 0x43e31da0, 0x67dccd81, 0x81ddffaa, 0xc32a5881, 0xb9816d7f, +0x424d7f7f, 0xb97fa435, 0x7fdb7f81, 0x48fb8182, 0x8181407f, 0xba7fa88d, 0xa16d467f, 0x81cb8a81, +0x8181a66c, 0x8c747c1b, 0xb4810470, 0x8133dc82, 0xbc77727f, 0xee981437, 0x7f2e8981, 0x26be1939, +0x12da817f, 0x81a1da61, 0x1d2af46f, 0x7f3781f5, 0x29500000, 0x657fc67d, 0x81817f7f, 0x49e406cb, +0x0b787faa, 0x7bc2643b, 0xe4e4f0ec, 0xd28175e5, 0x7f425abc, 0x900c1828, 0x7fa85f7f, 0xe8365361, +0xc5d87fa2, 0x81baffab, 0x81818612, 0xbcb5af1b, 0x7a7e5d7f, 0x81b07f7f, 0xa27aba93, 0x817fd881, +0x818481b0, 0x7f8d1c22, 0xb48c869b, 0x977f9429, 0x9a8c7fc5, 0xb8d9b270, 0x6e340e88, 0x670f7f39, +0x7f4efebd, 0x41b5b57f, 0x7f277f0c, 0x5f177f23, 0x94818592, 0x68362b87, 0x6681ea7b, 0x7f187fd2, +0xa38131ae, 0xc97f698e, 0x25bd8155, 0xe37d88d6, 0x2d018f4d, 0x391e7f7f, 0x7f7f845a, 0xe8f8ee81, +0x4beb9d63, 0x7fd47ff8, 0x5e5781ec, 0x237ffe3a, 0x8e818168, 0xa1e781e7, 0x85de7f81, 0xbaaad281, +0xa7486481, 0x555e737f, 0xa2b28f7f, 0x70635a47, 0x7f837fd8, 0x64ea8641, 0xc20c7f81, 0x0b9e738e, +0x698e8145, 0x783a5a00, 0x7f376e81, 0x7f8cbd20, 0x7f548181, 0x81149934, 0x3dad456a, 0xb4561fed, +0x815d8127, 0xaea4bb24, 0x2187755a, 0x847ff0b7, 0x7fdb9039, 0x81887695, 0x8781e111, 0xe0de037f, +0xc879f7ca, 0x7fc18381, 0x7f7ff7bf, 0x958b7f81, 0xa65fe7ad, 0x3481817f, 0x9f897b7f, 0xa2bb7f7f, +0x31018170, 0x70e08c81, 0x4c1da62b, 0x16f27ff7, 0xdf0781ed, 0xbf4081c0, 0x3a233c53, 0xf8aed938, +0xef24617b, 0x812681ab, 0xa66e4db4, 0xef9b65b3, 0x00007f44, 0x7f7f997f, 0x7f341fc7, 0x0f9b2be4, +0x7ff67f81, 0x81817e2a, 0x4b4d7f81, 0xc0706505, 0x81fc60e1, 0x30d87f9c, 0x7fff9c0d, 0xa789757f, +0x3881d769, 0x6367bf81, 0x9bae7f8d, 0x8e81bbb6, 0x61e88127, 0xc96c7fbf, 0xdf813181, 0x7f7f7de7, +0x3e817f81, 0xb97f817f, 0x8b927f81, 0x5e74742d, 0x7c49817f, 0xbc1172b1, 0x81818181, 0x6dd2d4bb, +0x98f3e058, 0x7f81efde, 0xaeee76df, 0xd57fca01, 0xf5817f81, 0x26747f81, 0xdc3f8181, 0xc335c749, +0x7f2f7f7f, 0x7f02e67f, 0xfb706975, 0x8f4efde7, 0x819b414c, 0xb14cde70, 0x22e6812e, 0x3843892d, +0x6f81ce60, 0x50c12725, 0xb4e279d5, 0x7fb1ac7f, 0xbc7f8183, 0xc7767881, 0xb6e71854, 0xb37f7f77, +0x3d7f7f7f, 0x817f6824, 0x4981ae81, 0x7f811a7f, 0x58c37f74, 0xbef5a27f, 0x92a62541, 0x8643aa3c, +0x8f838181, 0x397fe4f4, 0x8a814677, 0x93e3affa, 0xa6fa21e9, 0x7a3e7f7f, 0x332a7872, 0xf28c8176, +0x227f573d, 0xbbbb6348, 0x7fefb2de, 0x43817f69, 0xc4c37b31, 0x747fa118, 0xacb3819c, 0x7f689f89, +0x74e0604b, 0x81b57f88, 0xe925a0cf, 0x81be2181, 0x126d34f1, 0x7648d74e, 0xd760b29b, 0x04d0fda1, +0x3b858181, 0x1be20981, 0x8127ac7f, 0x8a6b8181, 0x7f616ca2, 0x37e6e881, 0x7f9b82c0, 0x7f6e7f93, +0x8dc72420, 0x752f3d39, 0x5e7fd2e5, 0x7f25c372, 0xe97f2677, 0x307f0000, 0x81383b86, 0x713de0fd, +0xe47c817f, 0xf0214e8f, 0x8108349e, 0xe0c92881, 0x7fafb0e2, 0xe939b48c, 0x4855d8ae, 0xb581e469, +0x967feb6a, 0xba543d20, 0xc47f0c62, 0x2a28e6b2, 0xd27fb09a, 0xbadf7f7a, 0xbf98d54c, 0x5f54cfa3, +0x4881248d, 0xc97f7f53, 0x17816966, 0x3450877f, 0x4ff681c8, 0xfdb8786d, 0x0209730d, 0x7fbbba84, +0xc5994cff, 0x4d31cc44, 0x7fb99400, 0x239d757f, 0xa2bd517f, 0xd5558194, 0x93818191, 0x819b8190, +0x447f9289, 0x777f3e81, 0xc2c04a7b, 0x27c38eaa, 0x437a383d, 0x7f812432, 0xbd77707f, 0x7f81ea6d, +0x40256698, 0x81a95b58, 0x2fb47f81, 0x74b64d86, 0x70f07f23, 0xd7d6bbd5, 0x817f18a6, 0xe862327f, +0x3ff56cff, 0x7f7f8197, 0xcb75c381, 0x58954f57, 0x43818176, 0xa903811d, 0x7f6abbfa, 0x8cd7a77a, +0x55814473, 0x7f819e1a, 0x557f9e89, 0xa9c955e0, 0x648191b0, 0x81a97f51, 0x1dbc1181, 0x685a6b36, +0x7f2e5ef2, 0x59819afb, 0x3f30fd68, 0xe986702b, 0x810a2581, 0xfedf7781, 0x947ffb3a, 0xa9777f29, +0x9c547f3d, 0xe36d7f07, 0x81909281, 0x2b87817f, 0x07aa817f, 0xd9137f30, 0xb791d3ff, 0xb84869c5, +0x4db4e1ce, 0x81beed66, 0x1637adce, 0x10a1897d, 0xfd817fbb, 0x5771c343, 0x3b16dc58, 0x7fbf813f, +0x7f9ba269, 0x353a7e21, 0x14f07fa6, 0x7f81815b, 0x484bb301, 0x0000c27c, 0x59141b93, 0x7f637f3e, +0x3012937f, 0xf2a2b350, 0x1d7f7f7f, 0x81b6d4ed, 0x4fc3ba54, 0x3f7f107f, 0x02af3855, 0x598c814a, +0x3eb09fd7, 0x636832b6, 0x7f9e817f, 0x7f939c7f, 0x7fa99581, 0x7f817fb1, 0x387f3475, 0x9893f771, +0x52813581, 0xc5c75881, 0x7f787887, 0xb97981d0, 0x27436262, 0xfae6f21d, 0x81cacf5d, 0x41a5de81, +0x81817d81, 0x3b2f7f9e, 0x5dc0ade8, 0x3d0e8154, 0x81bd3a0a, 0x6e818153, 0x7f818123, 0x817fc575, +0x811b669b, 0x7f037929, 0x26acac81, 0x7fb3efb6, 0x82817fc3, 0x0c81f981, 0x607a677f, 0xc8258116, +0x0ae77a50, 0x816fba35, 0x7f256549, 0x04c57f89, 0x4381075f, 0x81cd3b56, 0x8ccdad7f, 0x7fa45cd5, +0x817fb67f, 0xb7698dbe, 0x5562298b, 0x688c257f, 0x9d7fde81, 0xe57f4e81, 0x7f81c9ea, 0x281a41f9, +0x7ffdfc6c, 0xaa32217f, 0x81a08166, 0x8181b1ae, 0xc447880e, 0x2b81367f, 0x2944a47f, 0xc6de9b49, +0x81816841, 0x54fa7fa8, 0x587beb7f, 0xe3475a81, 0x81dc2cb1, 0xa95dc06d, 0x8bd7477f, 0xb05d7f81, +0xb4c19d7f, 0x43817f53, 0xde7f5c7f, 0xe3d2817f, 0x8948aadf, 0xc17f7ffb, 0xd08188c1, 0x8181204e, +0xb3b6d781, 0x7381b381, 0x787f7681, 0xee640849, 0x657f8181, 0x811b329b, 0x5c728eed, 0x0c7f59c9, +0x4cc3b12c, 0x814f7e3d, 0x5f7f7f46, 0xf9817fd9, 0xb1b5ba76, 0x1f42609e, 0x3db30000, 0x400d7f46, +0x7f7f7f81, 0x45d36281, 0x81df9581, 0x7a7f7f53, 0x8181330a, 0x7ff5c3ab, 0x9e81b4bd, 0x7f70c27f, +0xac1666b3, 0xcf7f52e2, 0x817fea30, 0x8c4b3f7f, 0xa085bde5, 0xabae307f, 0x817f7fde, 0x17bc61b4, +0x914ccc4b, 0xe1e56bae, 0xac294f88, 0x75e562cd, 0xbfbd35cd, 0xed507f81, 0x81afcf81, 0x7fdc819b, +0x5a0385e8, 0x4f2aabf2, 0x569c7f3f, 0x7fbee1bf, 0xb0407fc4, 0x6b548214, 0xbcd6877f, 0x3d6e7716, +0x9a8134a3, 0x0a7f7f81, 0x29d73eca, 0xadbe7f65, 0x7fc1bb81, 0x7f63dc7f, 0x7f815430, 0x810e2366, +0x7f36057f, 0xda39d7d0, 0xe9855ddb, 0x7fffa2f9, 0x3b9a8181, 0x7f06b781, 0x844db0a2, 0x7b1d7fa3, +0x99a795ad, 0x7b819a6a, 0x3781819a, 0x867fc788, 0xa181817f, 0xfcc3637f, 0x747f5a5a, 0xf27f690f, +0x2f8a9c2f, 0x617f7fb3, 0x81b4b1c2, 0xa2818b96, 0x7f7f7fa6, 0x20707f81, 0x7fc9817f, 0x55577fc3, +0x777b40b9, 0xdffa3781, 0x38ba0e4e, 0x4f667d32, 0x9cf081ea, 0x8187d122, 0x79af9ebc, 0x647f99c2, +0xd1a47f79, 0xaba67f7f, 0x6b270e96, 0x90c07265, 0x817f4b81, 0x71f31f65, 0x2d818692, 0x65570681, +0x81f59b98, 0xe6b181ec, 0xc5b1a58f, 0x7fb2c981, 0x7fdb5914, 0xe37f81bd, 0x7fefd823, 0x9a7f9ccb, +0x631762c2, 0x7f4e81b8, 0x813d88c1, 0x9768c97f, 0xbb867f81, 0x2cd79456, 0x00004aa7, 0x8ec66e57, +0x7f7af878, 0x747f3cb4, 0x8c774fa4, 0x7f8df013, 0x8c5c7264, 0x3aade68d, 0x81819c30, 0xb0d38147, +0xbd816181, 0x4f415cbc, 0x7f21f710, 0xf7ba5565, 0x81df367f, 0x637f7f9a, 0x7f182e7f, 0x6f81996f, +0xca547fe5, 0x637f8db9, 0xccb4fe59, 0x55ca7f81, 0x7f7f7fae, 0xceffc677, 0x2955d0f8, 0x91a07f7f, +0x7f818181, 0xebc2f87f, 0x7f213646, 0x94a2a981, 0xd1819bdc, 0x7f866084, 0x2381ff8b, 0x75b58114, +0x447f162b, 0x5275e0a3, 0x37578cc2, 0x0dc1ec31, 0xb73681a8, 0xb081978a, 0x74429a2c, 0x698859dc, +0x937fb91d, 0x7fcdc06e, 0x81b4ffff, 0x7e2b168d, 0x4b649aa9, 0xe648be08, 0x44e37b7f, 0xc0fc27e9, +0x1b16521e, 0x81577fc5, 0x7f8152a8, 0x2981ee7f, 0xf08dd19f, 0x7d93ed81, 0x814435c5, 0xe6c67f29, +0x7ffc8111, 0x87f65881, 0x3f62563a, 0xa09a81f9, 0x490f5781, 0xc70d6284, 0xfb818181, 0x56817f38, +0x87420960, 0x0d2dedb3, 0x8ef18143, 0x4c5b4a62, 0x8f947f81, 0x667f8121, 0xcc817f81, 0xb567a44c, +0x7996b182, 0x736e9881, 0x81627f7f, 0x7f8e7f81, 0x725ee43d, 0x9f436a50, 0x7f055d88, 0x93498181, +0x21d08f7f, 0x26f17f3c, 0x581d939b, 0x90595ba7, 0xf5200e81, 0x4b91b78f, 0xcb7fc693, 0xe87fd04b, +0xaf81087f, 0x14ac4a01, 0x7f7d7f81, 0xe014dd7f, 0xc2816aed, 0x79760a93, 0x7f9b817f, 0x81480000, +0x844d73a5, 0x7f8181bb, 0x819dae3f, 0xc87f8e82, 0x9d81a23e, 0x7fbd813a, 0x8181702e, 0x4fab7a67, +0xd57f70b6, 0x817c53ac, 0x1355de7f, 0x4264437f, 0x81b0ff2f, 0x16d6e094, 0x7fc40f55, 0x7f9b7edf, +0x7f5a7f81, 0x7f996e66, 0x8e932881, 0x7f817f81, 0x6d4ca679, 0x815f871e, 0x81b4817f, 0x7fa97f81, +0x5e03827f, 0xbcd8b6a8, 0xc5683edc, 0xbb007fdc, 0xea266973, 0x498e467f, 0x86b1cc7f, 0x17814738, +0x81b7ae62, 0x56fea8f3, 0x5eac534d, 0x54f67f81, 0x24add4ce, 0x811a7881, 0x81cfc383, 0x9f2f81ef, +0x7f1f41fe, 0x819e3781, 0xcc73a3b0, 0xee148181, 0x7181d87c, 0x81c1c9e2, 0xfee4727f, 0x9b608139, +0xa2ec4ace, 0x7f810c7f, 0x9a7f2288, 0x46b169e4, 0x9b40817f, 0x547f2f7f, 0x81ef4f81, 0x243fffe3, +0x8181dd3f, 0x347f6596, 0x7f59c3fa, 0xa26cc7ac, 0xf7384881, 0xbdc0a118, 0x7f8173a8, 0xabf1b3e3, +0x7e3e8eac, 0x30c07bce, 0xbca0b981, 0x75816414, 0x81377f81, 0x7f7feaa1, 0xd8287f86, 0xfbd98bd1, +0x7f987fc1, 0x81b8347f, 0x8c7f37e2, 0x987f3c7f, 0xb5f681ab, 0x347f1adc, 0x1b815481, 0x91f17f60, +0xbf85a67f, 0x6d7f2374, 0x587f3c1b, 0x74b0ae9c, 0x97a64fb4, 0x1437697f, 0xc77f3b81, 0xf4e0bbad, +0xb6892b64, 0x5ed0e47f, 0xa55c8100, 0xbbe24e10, 0x50bb6551, 0x6db5349d, 0xaaae405f, 0x4d7f4f6d, +0x989e95a5, 0xcae9bf2b, 0x811e7f4d, 0x90538181, 0x7f9f096e, 0x4126a5df, 0x1369537c, 0x81a73581, +0x722f1409, 0x8b297c54, 0xf17f5081, 0xc22b4595, 0x7f6fde57, 0xdea96095, 0x7f98814f, 0x40f8fb81, +0x697fd77f, 0x35e07f33, 0x27459a7f, 0xc0818181, 0x3e817fb2, 0xdd5eae81, 0x8a8efd53, 0x13e91281, +0x2c486ba8, 0x7f6b447f, 0x7f818120, 0x1c496781, 0xf8e45993, 0x48817f81, 0x009db045, 0x7fd9c722, +0xab817fe2, 0x73bd7951, 0x687fa97f, 0x7f7f7fb8, 0x4f447ffb, 0xfc31d9c2, 0xc1d5d865, 0x526abd82, +0x7f6e7f47, 0x6b31817e, 0x8509817f, 0x5581fcbf, 0x7f9bd8ac, 0xcc22f37f, 0x547fa07f, 0xbd4fd2bb, +0x6f49a523, 0x835e896c, 0x65458e81, 0xd0e37fd2, 0x81587fe0, 0xd95fb08b, 0xd938d43f, 0x11e67fc6, +0x7fec3c2e, 0x7f8581d5, 0x017981b9, 0x812c8133, 0x307415cb, 0x2081bd7a, 0x994d5c83, 0x53812ab3, +0x7f8190bc, 0xad811645, 0x73c1ca14, 0x94c87d32, 0xbd4a7063, 0x7f442f7f, 0x06812617, 0xc481acc0, +0xc7bacc81, 0x81de5481, 0x7fa3167f, 0x4a3a385f, 0x2b817f37, 0xae912b7f, 0x32c4cfeb, 0xc3bf3bb1, +0xa4a63e50, 0x846c7b7a, 0x5c81816a, 0x75813daf, 0xd0665307, 0x6031117f, 0x507f5429, 0x29bfc44e, +0x81b69437, 0xa4c54d61, 0x81391b7f, 0x98347fec, 0xf7da5b06, 0x7e3d8b7f, 0x7f7f1abe, 0xa955d23a, +0xb7810000, 0xa1608164, 0x5f813cfb, 0x16602281, 0x5fb6814d, 0x3c3fd67f, 0x5dae83eb, 0x58ac2c2c, +0x097f5d25, 0x6081da52, 0x7fd4818c, 0xe181d13c, 0xc66d7f2c, 0xe94a00a3, 0x2cec12a0, 0xe84c6398, +0x64398162, 0xd056816f, 0x8147e081, 0x9ceb75c0, 0x7fbec481, 0x16d15734, 0x8158cd7f, 0x369c8172, +0x2a479b81, 0x7f4e9686, 0xb1494e0f, 0xe5816226, 0x057f7f55, 0x81dba929, 0x8f1890e4, 0x5e7f817f, +0x7f7f8162, 0xfced63c7, 0x370aadc1, 0x5f09b34f, 0x7fc0be25, 0x36927fec, 0x814d0ab6, 0xfd077f60, +0x8162f9ab, 0x8185597f, 0x2bac2f66, 0x28e6aa9f, 0x814dc1c6, 0x717f3841, 0xffd1078b, 0x4f5b8a12, +0x7f429a7f, 0x7f734d7f, 0x43817faf, 0x7f4e7f52, 0x232e0524, 0x7f4158e4, 0x327f7f7f, 0x89b464d8, +0x8130a3a7, 0x7fe6ac32, 0xd1818e81, 0x427f957f, 0x8150c60e, 0x3cb50481, 0x31955f7f, 0xec427f9f, +0x99eb5f69, 0x8ac893da, 0xf97da17f, 0x7f847f73, 0x7f97ce7f, 0x7f7fe806, 0x8984629e, 0x34539cba, +0x8a64a575, 0x25297f49, 0x1c509d07, 0xd5aa7f7e, 0x74817f79, 0x81819981, 0x95815a8b, 0x9518a19f, +0x3d9183ce, 0x817f00a1, 0x30306781, 0xc67f7f7f, 0x81594a49, 0x3d620f81, 0x3481bd81, 0xc3af8e63, +0xc249dc8b, 0xe5fa637f, 0x81185512, 0xa0b48307, 0x814c817f, 0xc6dac58b, 0x8b5c781a, 0x81982c81, +0x0000b269, 0x8105f78d, 0x81ad60f7, 0x81ffb8cc, 0x917ffed4, 0x104fc0a1, 0xfa38b45b, 0xb5318137, +0xbd781466, 0x0bd8068c, 0x72c57f91, 0x8181b48e, 0x7f81aedc, 0x43677f7f, 0x7f4f7f3a, 0x437f8178, +0xe99d0b81, 0x868792bc, 0x17727f57, 0xada05e06, 0x694d707f, 0x9081e59b, 0x7f3a8181, 0xb2bae481, +0x7f81dde5, 0x3e307f7f, 0xcaa07f3a, 0x2e1a8170, 0xed0f4881, 0x297f7f61, 0x81cc815e, 0x4fec813b, +0x1a4f02b2, 0xc6e66a4e, 0xe9817f6f, 0xc2c36a02, 0x302e9f60, 0x4ea28137, 0xb9d57f32, 0x462a7f81, +0x9085bb36, 0x7f7f817f, 0x3c714908, 0x70c9c17e, 0x5a7f204b, 0x8fbf6f70, 0x97880981, 0x0cbacfdb, +0xb80f6d81, 0xb6bb3aef, 0x81691db8, 0x1081e2df, 0x7f0504a0, 0x797d5e7f, 0x006de423, 0x7f19f16f, +0x1eb28181, 0x819f7f81, 0x7f6a84b9, 0x936537f2, 0x14a87f81, 0x7fa9cb81, 0x81813a8c, 0x8182c47f, +0x56758144, 0x81c55c97, 0x86de0b81, 0x818181d9, 0x7f386281, 0x7fbb2738, 0xffd18d81, 0x17e1eb34, +0x656449b7, 0x7f7fbe33, 0xd7f681b6, 0x77313c4f, 0x7dc9151e, 0x28debefb, 0x7f7f5c62, 0xa850b25f, +0x81166b59, 0x7aea7f05, 0x325d81a1, 0x7fd06471, 0x93137fbb, 0x43a51892, 0x3e326cfe, 0xab81a942, +0xb208d017, 0x817f0781, 0x08fcca86, 0xa31a7f81, 0xeb93206a, 0xd4fa21f4, 0x684f9029, 0x7f817f57, +0xdca7812c, 0x7f7f0000, 0xf2dc5a96, 0x7f62aa7f, 0x918d1c7f, 0xfbb5add6, 0x407fc0da, 0x4d5d9f7f, +0x935d8166, 0x817da9b1, 0x205d7f3a, 0xe08b4181, 0xd8bd7f7f, 0x4f33818c, 0x8105b781, 0x2f81cd81, +0xbaf8a48d, 0x2b81aa7f, 0x90b5810d, 0xbc62c181, 0x1592f72a, 0x4d81b5fe, 0x7f81e447, 0x99d22181, +0x303e3ea5, 0xa23078a5, 0xba8a7995, 0xd5282790, 0x6681453a, 0x7ff7ab7f, 0x7f4e8195, 0x8bc48181, +0x817fd481, 0x81b98142, 0x265a8182, 0x81f768a7, 0x85f11690, 0x7f957f7a, 0x109981a4, 0xeabba365, +0x577f9057, 0x5f7fae65, 0x817f8199, 0x718e3daf, 0xd6818181, 0xd1a1cc81, 0x97a48187, 0xd8d14520, +0x497b7f10, 0x7f81d781, 0xb77f747f, 0x7f813974, 0xc52a7f7f, 0x7a292226, 0x81602ef8, 0xe481cc7f, +0x0b4266a9, 0x4722287f, 0x7648747f, 0x9c861ec6, 0x4ba9efbe, 0x2063813f, 0x5b277f81, 0x54608181, +0x81b3ae7a, 0x5b812281, 0x6c306f81, 0x4fa0bcd5, 0x540c85d5, 0x2f81817f, 0xd2c9078a, 0x4281a39a, +0x3e7fa1d8, 0xa47fb881, 0x3efe9c7f, 0x7f5f6c23, 0x4681d46f, 0x49cb81c9, 0x7f4eaa68, 0x2e7f7fac, +0xbb497fd0, 0x3a4253a8, 0x91a6aaaa, 0x4f7f5a52, 0xf9375fad, 0x8b2a7f2d, 0x746e7f81, 0x7fb0cbe0, +0x5a917fd1, 0x5b65867f, 0xe9606f9c, 0xe9f8814e, 0x3045cf65, 0x937fad52, 0x760f5a81, 0x9be4ba50, +0xb59d81e5, 0x0000d77f, 0xd481bd81, 0x27224a55, 0x61467c81, 0x91d865df, 0xffa17fe4, 0x7f8a0c68, +0x1640fd52, 0x987f7f6e, 0x4d815a5a, 0x3081b65b, 0x7d7f6c8e, 0x5b26bf60, 0x44814281, 0x5a813427, +0x81f47a3b, 0xef9281eb, 0x81994ca6, 0x7081317f, 0x7f7fd49a, 0xfb8c8e7d, 0x546ad581, 0xd6817f16, +0x7f3e4b81, 0x4f4c4898, 0x817fe22f, 0x819a37c9, 0x387f1a55, 0x8cfddd03, 0x318aa9bb, 0xcb6e2d90, +0xa47f0d1b, 0xae81c204, 0x7f797f27, 0x0a7f65ad, 0xe4ac81af, 0xb2d74d81, 0xca0fad81, 0x357f69a8, +0xad71a581, 0x5be9d4de, 0xaebe8181, 0x95817fd8, 0x8f7aedb6, 0x0a81e59e, 0xa07f20eb, 0x7e66427f, +0x56769b04, 0x2e8149f1, 0x81f6f87f, 0xc3813768, 0xbcc28850, 0x6cbd3dac, 0x7fda99dc, 0x657f7fd5, +0x7fcf7f60, 0x81233698, 0x81daf17f, 0x867f7f7f, 0x7fda7f36, 0x0c7fae20, 0x7f817d78, 0x7fd09481, +0x818f30e0, 0x7f437c7f, 0xaecc2b3e, 0xcf427fca, 0xccfd2cce, 0xefd898bc, 0x7f5b81e2, 0x1d4b812c, +0x865871ae, 0x553ab4ae, 0x69817f7f, 0x811a745a, 0xa32a163d, 0x2e967f57, 0xff817f7d, 0x70d43e9a, +0x814681ae, 0x9f817f31, 0x819b8110, 0xfca3819d, 0xc4fc45b2, 0x56b2817f, 0x7c811d7b, 0x997f8181, +0xbe0dc3d8, 0x9f5b56a6, 0x7f8181e2, 0x5d59eb29, 0xa357e4c6, 0x8161817f, 0x3c7e7f32, 0x7fd07f06, +0x817f82ad, 0x93de8341, 0x92850000, 0x0c65c06f, 0x0a4d2817, 0x7705d752, 0xbcd8687f, 0xc4397f7f, +0x1b7ffd47, 0xada5012d, 0x7f8158e5, 0xba617e10, 0xa97d811f, 0x1fb61081, 0xac41e74e, 0x8c7ea7a3, +0x997f452e, 0xb5858149, 0x5c3cb0a0, 0xc8ffab38, 0x49d65d7f, 0xbbd07c81, 0x35b06b7f, 0xcc7f7f7f, +0x50c42881, 0x707f7fde, 0x7fd67f7f, 0x7f819981, 0xd4d6a781, 0xcb103b7f, 0x7f4fee9f, 0xb3997fe0, +0x7f9381a5, 0xbc7f9a28, 0xf4aa819f, 0x7fe862df, 0x316dd1f8, 0xb4a66f81, 0x98816581, 0xdb817f2e, +0x34819ee0, 0x746c817f, 0xdc9cd3e1, 0x8e7fab2d, 0xec368b2e, 0x7f8381c8, 0x817f7f7f, 0x814de179, +0xed5b7f4d, 0x274bdfa1, 0x5851250b, 0xec811a81, 0x7f365569, 0x57935681, 0x08757781, 0x196d813e, +0xa67581b5, 0x83a7d981, 0x73988163, 0x816eb57f, 0x2ce47e40, 0x5bef6481, 0xb131155f, 0xc2f9817f, +0x519b67b4, 0x7d2c7f59, 0x7fdb8150, 0x5c7fc881, 0xca285c9d, 0x7f7f7fe6, 0x39aabd59, 0xb9b494e6, +0x81401831, 0x74247792, 0xab7dfaab, 0x817fcd81, 0x819b25e3, 0x587f337f, 0x817fd238, 0x818a332c, +0x9db6bcc3, 0x1681c227, 0x7058306d, 0x50a27f64, 0x8181a4b2, 0x7fe2a57f, 0x8d5f4777, 0x7f7f8f81, +0x6e8381f7, 0x22518136, 0xae72d0d6, 0x7f9bba7f, 0x8117d27f, 0x792b7ff0, 0xe45892e0, 0x8e6f5c34, +0x3994817f, 0xa981afca, 0x0000a592, 0x7f811d81, 0x09548181, 0x0ea8127f, 0x7f7fb49d, 0xd6690b81, +0xa1846059, 0x81d15d81, 0x6ccaf481, 0x81ddef83, 0x7fccc681, 0xab502722, 0x4620e862, 0x3981de76, +0x7f81889f, 0x5b818154, 0x797222dc, 0x4b8153a6, 0xa470816d, 0x7fb2657f, 0x81150b64, 0x89dc1f57, +0xaa636e7f, 0xe59cba67, 0xb3b2da41, 0xc7818192, 0x7637d0d9, 0x1a78a78c, 0xaf5e3f5c, 0x8181a581, +0x56285469, 0xeed47f7a, 0x697ff6a5, 0x7f7b7f1e, 0x398181cb, 0x999fe4a0, 0xc17f8816, 0x5c815aa2, +0x78717fce, 0x7f7f842c, 0xf07f4c43, 0x7f818148, 0xbc66c134, 0x8168ce22, 0xaf1791a8, 0x3522ae40, +0x95afa97d, 0x435d4e69, 0x2ab59d7f, 0x8197c47f, 0x93cfe645, 0x8dba727f, 0x227f7f81, 0xb17feb7f, +0x702a7f81, 0xebd463b7, 0x5381e929, 0x817dba7f, 0x5c811a24, 0xfa7f814d, 0x817f8197, 0x2f7f704f, +0x36817f7d, 0xe87f0d7f, 0x54b07fb6, 0x81733686, 0x8fcb7fcf, 0xd888c623, 0x2de5ebc5, 0x8f6f6569, +0x7f7981f9, 0x908136b1, 0xa93a7fb5, 0x405f8141, 0x01a54dbc, 0xb6815763, 0x8ccc3ffc, 0x5681105b, +0x4a1498bf, 0x4c6f82e5, 0xa67f556c, 0x7f5d564f, 0xdb8132d0, 0x1e958139, 0xe386811b, 0x04845a40, +0x7fbd8109, 0x833b62ec, 0x81f40717, 0x701d8181, 0x8191ee44, 0xae2d9d7f, 0x3fa17854, 0xcbcad981, +0x73c2d681, 0x5f738681, 0xb87081dd, 0x817f0000, 0x037fcda9, 0x922caef5, 0x7cc7f91e, 0x9a7fbd88, +0x81819528, 0xf2cd7f53, 0xfd7c8170, 0xfb7fb997, 0x7f7f3f7f, 0xe4818154, 0x18c4414b, 0x4fa48da4, +0x81718181, 0x817c957f, 0x7f2e1582, 0x09bc81bf, 0x5e4b817f, 0xd5590d7f, 0x7f818b44, 0x88abcf7f, +0x39508181, 0x81ab86bf, 0xba58c325, 0x65bc83ed, 0x3402857f, 0x81c61e7f, 0x8bbab505, 0x81b2aba0, +0x8153ec32, 0x6803d681, 0x819d817f, 0xb6de31a4, 0x367f7fc2, 0xb1048db9, 0x6389815b, 0x7ffb7b01, +0x8f1b817f, 0xc1817f7f, 0x04187f64, 0x45cfac7a, 0x0f1b578c, 0x0f209f24, 0x33817f7f, 0x7f7f7f81, +0xac814781, 0x5a9d3dbf, 0x62a65581, 0xcb8a7353, 0x7f81c5b8, 0xba447fa1, 0x9081774d, 0x7af9ed38, +0xb6849bce, 0xacf07c18, 0xa1894581, 0xd7634242, 0x2d0e8174, 0xdbf799d9, 0x7fe7b446, 0x84110cf7, +0x6474da81, 0x8185e120, 0x9da4f123, 0xd07fce54, 0xa9cdf7af, 0x84db817f, 0x9e9a23b7, 0x81774c7f, +0x7f818152, 0x817f5243, 0x39058181, 0xbbc91e81, 0xe3d87581, 0x81b66581, 0x7fb06a61, 0x0bcd0fdf, +0x8188dee9, 0x1cd87f92, 0xf036977f, 0x977f4d61, 0x1da12581, 0x3a7fbee0, 0x87467fa8, 0x7fe27fa3, +0x89d37f7c, 0x397c7ff4, 0x57e64171, 0xc4819181, 0x93677f41, 0x65be2517, 0xbe6c7f7f, 0xaa7f7f81, +0x255d650e, 0x098181c9, 0xe8124525, 0xc73a4949, 0x24d14b47, 0x6730f681, 0xfe251c6e, 0xbc7fa092, +0x81917f5f, 0x81d1ab81, 0xd6128193, 0x13d62e52, 0x941c14f4, 0x25b452c6, 0x7f9c947d, 0x815d3f42, +0x81c8c9d0, 0x7f524663, 0x40ae7524, 0x2f81c77e, 0x815c8483, 0x7f7fb27f, 0x7fc37f44, 0xe07f9db7, +0x7b812117, 0x1c965b7f, 0x1822ad4b, 0xccb9e67f, 0xc5b18115, 0x7f8c377f, 0xd13939cb, 0x38e8147f, +0x4e722d21, 0x9e81ef00, 0x81c0fa81, 0x812d8158, 0x9d84a57f, 0xefc32797, 0x7fc9987f, 0xa37f8199, +0x81812681, 0x81818190, 0x89a9814c, 0x7945c381, 0xa57f816d, 0x7d65af81, 0x81bb7f72, 0x1c81cd7f, +0x6d3e4e7f, 0x6cbef90d, 0xca24894d, 0xb04892b6, 0x7f7f1e81, 0xf57f5965, 0x0769a7b0, 0x698562b9, +0x16817f7f, 0xabb94bb7, 0xc35c81f3, 0xb9b5728e, 0x8181641f, 0x81d2d2be, 0x9181bb37, 0xf82b9222, +0x7bdc7ff5, 0x9b812fa1, 0x8173f4ec, 0x94810185, 0x2bd00d63, 0x814c50dd, 0x9be376e5, 0xed7f90dc, +0x817bf98c, 0xe1df634d, 0x287f81ae, 0x27a4f115, 0x62101a81, 0x2723b481, 0x9c507f66, 0x44a01769, +0xbfd13025, 0x7f815b81, 0x5d5c817f, 0xb37f7fa5, 0x7f79b2c6, 0xa1e2847f, 0x813ac57f, 0x417f8b7f, +0x4b505b55, 0x22d47fbb, 0x7f886ad7, 0xf78c7f48, 0x53a5245d, 0xdfd37f1b, 0xb37f81c4, 0x907fc99f, +0xa393f1c0, 0x7f5f7015, 0x37be3fb3, 0x7f4c9e28, 0x7f770000, 0x9b7a0531, 0x7f35cdde, 0x5b4047cf, +0x81881773, 0xdc6e9ea5, 0x517f477f, 0xb2a77f81, 0x9981472d, 0xd4c57f81, 0x6ef2a77f, 0x81d481a3, +0x3d87307f, 0x214321bd, 0x7b7f7f8e, 0x997f1cbe, 0x266681ec, 0x3639f87f, 0x687f7fed, 0xf17f8191, +0x1558ae38, 0x815ac086, 0x81247f78, 0x7f612db7, 0x128d7fc9, 0x187fbf81, 0x4a898116, 0x3a6c818d, +0x7f7fdcf1, 0x60cb3e9c, 0x81bf627f, 0xe7c17fa1, 0x52247fd2, 0x814781dc, 0x6eb67f1a, 0x9d0b7f7d, +0xc2b238f8, 0x81b1427a, 0xa1555aad, 0x103c0c29, 0x97319c81, 0x05ab3a7f, 0x811f1d7f, 0x817f8195, +0x40bffc7f, 0x3aa38f4a, 0x46e17fcb, 0x6781fc31, 0xb725a5e4, 0x427f8cbd, 0x7f857fd4, 0xca1f7f9d, +0x2f77c6b9, 0xdde30a0e, 0x7f93fca2, 0xc6aa7fc7, 0x7f9e7f7f, 0x9b78012e, 0xdda0d07f, 0x0b4c7f83, +0x7fee4b44, 0x81640552, 0x40d573c0, 0x390efbce, 0x327fb881, 0xf5e69aec, 0x81e9c7d1, 0x81717f74, +0x81817d78, 0xac6eba86, 0x41a2d07f, 0x8981da45, 0x5264b681, 0x527f46f2, 0x949e7f52, 0x7fdd7fbd, +0x81678102, 0x87756c64, 0x3d2a81ca, 0xc87f8107, 0xd17fb64a, 0xa7b553b5, 0x8191812a, 0x55ddbf7f, +0x517f7b7f, 0x897aad7f, 0x63817f8d, 0xd9547f7f, 0x43437351, 0x84818181, 0x3a7f8127, 0xccbfdf7f, +0xe1191588, 0x81c80c65, 0x7ffcf571, 0xcc147b7f, 0x00007081, 0x2b7f7f7f, 0x889b3a2b, 0x5358e78b, +0xfcb917ab, 0x81c3f74d, 0xd57faa18, 0x69937f23, 0xd7321b81, 0x5db1ad81, 0x17577f0a, 0xf48118bf, +0x81822681, 0x2981e87f, 0xc16e6c7f, 0x891d38ae, 0xf37f813f, 0x81b96b55, 0x2fcd81b1, 0x23b5f981, +0x695c4d28, 0xa0810fab, 0x6cd5ea3d, 0xefc68ec4, 0xae32887e, 0xa27f0b17, 0x7f8baa97, 0x8116b3a1, +0xa393817f, 0x817019f0, 0x1d7f8193, 0x18f0d764, 0xb27fb7c9, 0xc4da637f, 0xcd586f56, 0x7f23810d, +0x572f25f3, 0x05df7f15, 0x817f815c, 0x8b147f84, 0x0f817f6b, 0x7f1f7f7f, 0xbccee4a8, 0xcb5ad7ed, +0x33a5f88b, 0xc7817ecd, 0x8781817f, 0x817e6444, 0x6697817f, 0xf9490257, 0x83d5f581, 0x7168b332, +0xf4ed4781, 0x17e0c1c4, 0x16b9c997, 0x8581247f, 0x81887b3f, 0x2281a5c7, 0xce437f0f, 0x994c6f81, +0xbcd09735, 0x9269d57d, 0x449a7e61, 0x8c6e7f81, 0x81b38c7f, 0x81db7791, 0x62602681, 0x3246817f, +0x81bb2881, 0x6d2510b4, 0xb07fbf69, 0x49ea817f, 0x938153e7, 0xf17f425b, 0x3b817f89, 0x36b48181, +0x837c1d0a, 0x853cbd2c, 0x2950527f, 0x388de1bc, 0xfa1c7f54, 0x7b507f7f, 0xad311c42, 0x8d8ae6c3, +0x9081677f, 0x58810e81, 0x984b4881, 0x4b9f407f, 0x819a00ff, 0x857faee2, 0xa06d9fb5, 0x448979b8, +0x9cc0f17f, 0x7f2fce7f, 0xa0b9ad7f, 0x428a7f7f, 0xdf562afa, 0x7f6f0000, 0xe04a5bef, 0xa7ad2867, +0x23818146, 0x7f7f0642, 0x7f481981, 0x7f810f81, 0x99a9db81, 0x64d437cd, 0xaf7fcb6d, 0x81815311, +0x723c81bd, 0xcc7fc729, 0x81a47e49, 0x9abce744, 0x7385eb5b, 0x7f7f5b7f, 0x2bb3819d, 0x81fd7f49, +0x7f5f8198, 0x7fb6a2f3, 0xe97fc33c, 0x436c79d3, 0x5ea67fff, 0x5a7ff2ac, 0x28aa713c, 0x8181c681, +0x7f7c8846, 0xaf817f39, 0x90bcc57f, 0x841c7f4a, 0x817f8181, 0x7f4e811b, 0xb53a81ce, 0x7f451a7f, +0x5f38027f, 0x7b81e4f3, 0x817f87c6, 0x8141318c, 0x532c81a4, 0x817fc84c, 0x919d33db, 0x29f2b781, +0x7f568139, 0x4658b1a6, 0x7f69342d, 0x81ab9582, 0x367fa301, 0x47468181, 0x7f8c8181, 0x81216a81, +0x9b577f7f, 0x7f447f7f, 0x72ef4649, 0x45418103, 0xee48bb81, 0xa7027c7f, 0x0ea4237f, 0x6b717cf4, +0xa296a17f, 0x17007f7f, 0x869835c8, 0x8a7f77ec, 0x5d7b8139, 0x32688f81, 0x7fdab0b3, 0x815c7f7d, +0x06a01fb6, 0x814981de, 0xa1c681d8, 0xdc6ff522, 0xd13081b1, 0x9c5a7ff5, 0x7f7f7f5c, 0x86faa148, +0x811a696b, 0xbb7fa2c5, 0x815779bf, 0xae3b7f48, 0x8c45d6de, 0x7f867f9a, 0x3e359b7f, 0xb7c48181, +0x78c27f95, 0xc4818181, 0x81cd7f3f, 0x558a8193, 0x7f4ca874, 0x4e1eb447, 0x2744355f, 0x9020ead4, +0x16e47ff6, 0x708123b7, 0xbeb61418, 0x27fcdd50, 0xde21e5d8, 0x9500a3db, 0xefc29f4d, 0x5ef0c542, +0xe02a3bc8, 0xe91a38bf, 0x24f81e3c, 0xe0fe4f11, 0x3be6891d, 0x7fef09ae, 0x16977ff0, 0xe8b74a18, +0x1a50fa2e, 0x24c04bf9, 0x39c84714, 0xbed7f6c1, 0xaeddab44, 0xa7f9ca2d, 0x275dc01b, 0x1df6e74b, +0xc3171107, 0xbcc93481, 0x1403f685, 0xcc1c0439, 0xb602ebaa, 0xe235d0e1, 0xf1afe3e3, 0x0814c025, +0xb4f93607, 0xa709c243, 0xbbfabdd8, 0xfd3e81e7, 0x2f9ae335, 0x1c1d52e9, 0x00f133a5, 0x23eee238, +0xc625eced, 0xefd56878, 0xe3cadc03, 0x585db90a, 0x024ace2b, 0xe3d804ef, 0xdf54d5a1, 0xc9e11709, +0xc3a20ccb, 0x18c0005f, 0x52424437, 0xccaba110, 0xc75736d6, 0xa8f1401a, 0x3186aa67, 0x0b1aaebe, +0xf952cf90, 0xfa4edd16, 0x9d72bee5, 0x2824f455, 0x9a3cb150, 0x6bbfe929, 0x6a6f5f9d, 0xbfa5385f, +0xf89828bc, 0x6b6d0baf, 0xcab514c5, 0xa9baf505, 0x24cff2c2, 0x1c2511d8, 0x3abccde9, 0x7f60deef, +0xbbf4dddd, 0x11366331, 0x0241c141, 0x5111c984, 0xc17f54da, 0xed4c1bb8, 0x0af6fb57, 0xfd2c28c0, +0xe790142d, 0x6bff6403, 0x7fd8cce3, 0x3c282cc0, 0xea48f68b, 0x3ecdd5e3, 0xb917f2e5, 0xd2b25334, +0xf65b10b5, 0xfdd0d4be, 0xe6e22cc9, 0xc59ec206, 0x3f3238cc, 0xbcbe2fd0, 0x2418c910, 0x3d07f7cc, +0xa25bf9cf, 0xdb81ebfc, 0xd35b2203, 0xde2d23cc, 0x3cd706d5, 0x0e34f6f5, 0xc2d20000, 0xfef1e4e0, +0xd26ad6e1, 0xfa130b0d, 0x324b211c, 0xc5dfc3a9, 0xf83ebec9, 0x0dd627c0, 0xcee99850, 0x4fcd1533, +0x04597ff0, 0x40d0ff25, 0x045cd181, 0x908f9ca1, 0xd0417f7b, 0x2f0a2c87, 0xfef998c7, 0xcc3370f3, +0xb0f4267f, 0x1bbe5072, 0xd8d6063a, 0xd058cb32, 0x448fffad, 0xa9b50064, 0x184ebdf7, 0xfe2e3538, +0x561f16a6, 0xe7f20181, 0x449b95f9, 0x0338f7b2, 0x4012bcae, 0xd67f6797, 0x4966f6f2, 0x1dcc60c0, +0xeecec631, 0x279f81c4, 0xc9f751be, 0x75994dc8, 0x01001ded, 0xb0ba1822, 0xbb14eff9, 0xb2dae837, +0x4cf69e23, 0xf35d6ad7, 0xf69e57c9, 0x3727d2e3, 0x31b3517f, 0xc1da575d, 0x30e2c1d5, 0x54d7beef, +0x293edf19, 0xeb37d80e, 0x296cee35, 0xeff14f04, 0x232d06de, 0xb2815853, 0x2c601508, 0xa5ecb6ff, +0xb407f524, 0x4ccd9a19, 0xe448b0c2, 0x01ebd4c6, 0x52fc03a1, 0x286afce2, 0xe4d45ebb, 0x2953101d, +0xca12d31f, 0x10cb00dd, 0xd2ae6347, 0x46e82f44, 0x45d64600, 0xae393c05, 0xf7219fb9, 0xeffe09d2, +0xedfbb5d1, 0x07070413, 0xd7d6ec37, 0xa0f7a621, 0x75bd023f, 0xc45b5d37, 0x19ca9b39, 0xd1ee50b7, +0x50062231, 0x301ca07f, 0xbeadd410, 0x1ce01d02, 0x51a5fbff, 0xd9104c7f, 0x79e4f23a, 0x33e47449, +0x1ceda8ea, 0xf6d65581, 0x418dd3e3, 0x9fc1e612, 0x54f747d9, 0x839acbce, 0x0000221c, 0x031434b6, +0xcc48960f, 0x1045ea23, 0xa8d7f8a1, 0xaf01243e, 0x2bf461c7, 0x9c2139dd, 0xd42bd5d5, 0xf8c2f5d5, +0xdeb61f4b, 0xf12ac9cd, 0x107f3209, 0x818d1d3c, 0xca34572c, 0x34da0052, 0xf9a951e2, 0xdf34d209, +0x0f8b37c1, 0xa7dee3d3, 0x1a390c98, 0x1d16e135, 0x33c3ad66, 0xd9e2cca4, 0xcbabcce4, 0x2eadd581, +0x81383b81, 0xc0db251b, 0x0a6e91c3, 0xdab3c725, 0xd2293bfc, 0x22d6abb5, 0xdb524adc, 0x30cf5f24, +0xb92527e8, 0x6000b7bf, 0xfefe1fe4, 0x2cf9035e, 0x2743f125, 0xd007b3ad, 0x2dd5e43a, 0x5a35e7b9, +0xea06e5b7, 0x39f3e1aa, 0x592614f3, 0x7fc3bab7, 0xf1aefe00, 0xf3e9b9fc, 0xcd81aee6, 0xae3e31cc, +0x95d8fbc7, 0x7f26bbf8, 0xf20e57e3, 0xf9eee307, 0xfde2bff2, 0x10e8f7db, 0xfbb0de50, 0xdfaa10e8, +0x5e18ee3a, 0x0520a445, 0xddd2bc9e, 0x13c97536, 0x33cf5159, 0xfac6d2f7, 0x18ca01e5, 0x112251da, +0x0211d9b6, 0x375feb63, 0x9a25b9cf, 0xfb5bf632, 0xe5b4a803, 0x95f55e8d, 0xdbede748, 0x39aed0bf, +0x5efd9c49, 0xcc7fd13c, 0xfba1a3d7, 0xa8a80206, 0x08f7e7d3, 0xd1fac77f, 0x32fb9272, 0xe1829834, +0x45408175, 0x34e4eec0, 0x0ca4ecae, 0x15e31638, 0x1d072d02, 0xee44d6ee, 0xafa5282c, 0x4d4d9f2a, +0xcdfc0f24, 0x9dfaf345, 0xbf3839c3, 0x3268a3e3, 0x2e4eacb5, 0x93dce12c, 0x4a484f3b, 0xdf7d0000, +0xeb113c3d, 0xd4bdf13f, 0xecc0f511, 0xd4cdf8c2, 0x42fc05f9, 0x53be2def, 0xb22e49cf, 0xead92e2e, +0xf956f1cc, 0x02c821e0, 0x1da533e5, 0x1fc50531, 0x34c30f37, 0x7ccba6e4, 0xab1afe2e, 0xb93bd67f, +0xea28a8a8, 0xf3ef282e, 0xac0c507f, 0xd0cbdd53, 0xd344ea1d, 0x472a1029, 0xed099f70, 0x1240edc6, +0x7f143244, 0xbae0d3d5, 0x7a4bddfd, 0x5f07d846, 0x1cdf4aaf, 0x4fc40ac1, 0xcfca381a, 0xb67fd847, +0xd381dde6, 0xdad40d1d, 0x64cb2d07, 0x171a8bc6, 0x11110cbf, 0x2c442dff, 0xbe90f52b, 0xd75500e5, +0xd8459ef9, 0xff0bc92f, 0x44a903c8, 0xb767d7f2, 0xc281fc02, 0xca534906, 0x25fdec32, 0x5f2aaeb2, +0x121b376c, 0xe3e41dd2, 0x12ecd9f8, 0xc5071a9d, 0xfaaeee7d, 0x183a1a57, 0xadcb921d, 0x1e33a3b2, +0x72e52634, 0xc8d4e81e, 0x3b1e0200, 0x321e1608, 0x49add232, 0x0516ff41, 0xc23181d3, 0xfa4e0151, +0xa63502cb, 0xda381204, 0x72d92da5, 0x7cd7ebff, 0xce08d106, 0x61c6f034, 0x55310f68, 0xed66c357, +0xc527d609, 0xdab11518, 0x41b808e5, 0x5f21e65e, 0xd4f6f036, 0xfc40008d, 0xaa7f19a0, 0xbff0ac1b, +0x78283b60, 0x1d0a4a03, 0xd6d0d016, 0xf1f23847, 0x58d93518, 0xd6d481b7, 0xaf11e02e, 0x5c74b67f, +0xd5734f27, 0x2fb07fc2, 0x29564eff, 0xcafae603, 0x1228f673, 0x3367ce30, 0x132d1342, 0xc80c10e9, +0x68ad07f9, 0x379c0c9c, 0x3a73c010, 0xc1a534bc, 0x69b0fc14, 0xf0d3ba81, 0x0d07bbe3, 0x3319fa45, +0x38815afe, 0xc1a67850, 0x7fe740fe, 0xc43fb638, 0xa0864249, 0x07a7dc33, 0x05e606d4, 0x3c6a81ca, +0x0cdb2635, 0x5dd3f756, 0xcbf09b70, 0x53b2a5b3, 0x5f035ab0, 0xfdda1fbd, 0x0510ac20, 0xa8611f44, +0x38ceb74c, 0x5048e2e5, 0x907f0238, 0xd9ad00d9, 0x7c247736, 0x8aabe3c6, 0xf5443d27, 0x7ff84622, +0x4bcc0a34, 0x797dc7e0, 0xf914e5f2, 0xa12df5d7, 0x0fdc23f9, 0x377f50c3, 0x8f47bf82, 0xb9948a4a, +0x8135ca9e, 0x523ace17, 0xd299fb23, 0x523b5407, 0x38b42a22, 0xadee2cd8, 0xee04b9c8, 0x2de3a5e2, +0x9f132faa, 0xa0030325, 0x019996f4, 0xd6c5562a, 0xf3e19255, 0x00ff2432, 0xe8f6cf36, 0xe55a7f14, +0x7079f06f, 0x1e11ff0b, 0xcbe89aa8, 0x6b363996, 0xe61dd6f7, 0x15133821, 0xf35940f9, 0xd9b139c1, +0x2ad6e10b, 0x2a29c0c6, 0x3c6ee3ce, 0x4b0a3624, 0x23cc10df, 0x17cdb502, 0xa46eaa3f, 0x42350300, +0xed66334e, 0x1d6fc255, 0x3213e4c5, 0x23d4a65a, 0x05b9a3e9, 0xbacd0c19, 0xc9c5b5b1, 0x8e12670d, +0x4aabbe2d, 0xb815e3c7, 0x5a2dd152, 0x3ef6551c, 0xf0a1b4f3, 0xb8b8459b, 0xc52dd72e, 0xb9f4b9f7, +0xbd05dcc8, 0xfae04029, 0xb16ad8df, 0x03d167d4, 0xaf08525b, 0xdbdf3117, 0x4192d163, 0x00a2caad + +hard_output0 = +0xb5bc6ac8, 0xf5373664, 0x1310345c, 0xd5bae4e7, 0x1fc9e83e, 0xebfdfded, 0x84bd86ab, 0xb7aabe00, +0x60b44fea, 0xb9067464, 0x30325378, 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0x57150c31, 0x9d3f13c1, 0x251749e1, 0x076ca964, +0xde0da74b, 0xcafac963, 0x52d006e2, 0xe392d7f4, 0x3a20bcf6, 0xd1ee6fce, 0xe5cf850a, 0x31253fe7, +0xcefed8a9, 0x520f9824, 0x5fdbe3c9, 0x9b123cc5, 0x6ad019f2, 0x171f0368, 0xc2fe2855, 0x0db851c2, +0x095010d9, 0xd110df25, 0x1452a52c, 0xe5d1c2cc, 0x45dbef40, 0x2aef2353, 0x07af2e2a, 0x4f23ff6f, +0x3ddb31cb, 0xa8430c49, 0xcaf7b329, 0xf933c5bc, 0xfe3c52b3, 0x7fd60a27, 0xce0ac9cf, 0xcff0cdd7, +0x5400cd01, 0x7f81a8c1, 0x3c7f8178, 0x737f87f6, 0x5a5e7f81, 0x817f6ff6, 0x813b1381, 0x41d18173, +0x810fb9f9, 0xb734c526, 0x50b3a6d3, 0x282d6e50, 0x81972d1f, 0x7d52bd53, 0x6749268b, 0xc681812d, +0x2c93912e, 0xb1813bdc, 0xed817fd1, 0xa8813376, 0x7f3c7f41, 0x64569f7c, 0xf53d5c67, 0x1e70e6dd, +0x024b6591, 0x817f7f8f, 0x0a722d63, 0x7fed578b, 0x7f239a7f, 0x81029081, 0xa8ca8b81, 0xb8577fde, +0x818ec07f, 0x7fa87cb9, 0xa7084967, 0x81934650, 0x7f8171f7, 0xed3d144a, 0x8107739c, 0x3c6fe27f, +0xcd6ed165, 0xfb3718a4, 0x5f708f4d, 0x14e45eb2, 0xfe5c7f7f, 0x7fc57f6a, 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+0x7f7f15ca, 0x952ca87f, 0xa9748be0, 0xbf812477, 0xd081a553, 0x9a817f7f, 0x1f4cb192, 0x7f8181d5, +0x2ba44ad2, 0x76605566, 0x7f1cd2b9, 0x446eae90, 0x8956b670, 0xaadc8b7f, 0x710b0a90, 0x83816439, +0xc6ffc6d2, 0xf07f00fb, 0x7fa25582, 0x7fd11f3a, 0x7f104c81, 0x81d574fd, 0x81814081, 0x82b78e7f, +0x2f29f42b, 0x277f4bff, 0xf49d4b81, 0x28581681, 0x22523281, 0x607ff910, 0x61ac1ad2, 0x58313ccf, +0x8168a21f, 0x7fe61879, 0x817f21b3, 0x407f2f45, 0x7f5fa666, 0x81bc41fb, 0xfd81fb81, 0x0ed48163, +0x81818181, 0x7f7b92fd, 0x44507d7f, 0xba45c9d3, 0x81852b64, 0x7fa918eb, 0x5f6ff5c6, 0xa4ad8181, +0xc27f8f81, 0xb8af5481, 0x7fc5817d, 0x7a814ea2, 0xf77fcf36, 0x50913981, 0x81a01781, 0x5ea1a4ba, +0x18d252b8, 0xc0416881, 0x7f817f1e, 0x0b4e38cf, 0x7ffb6922, 0xfca481b5, 0x7f1dc1ca, 0x7f560da2, +0x7f7f813a, 0x1900a881, 0x6d4d8116, 0x617f0469, 0xb3118e81, 0x95408119, 0x817ff08a, 0x7fdc7f8b, +0xf682a40a, 0x3381817f, 0x81b70d82, 0x7f7f6f81, 0x8190217f, 0x2f817f4b, 0xe195b209, 0x5ee39575, +0x8150bae6, 0xa4fe8b7f, 0x7f7f654c, 0x7f921971, 0x53817f85, 0x1c7f5ff6, 0x5f35737f, 0xce7fc2c6, +0x6c81817f, 0x7f7c410d, 0x5794308e, 0x15f4a87f, 0x7fb64d7b, 0x1d0a8181, 0xa8b67f37, 0x253b397f, +0x887f92b7, 0x7f81767f, 0x81c18101, 0xaa2861c0, 0xbd691cd9, 0x81d74ef3, 0x81a78153, 0xcb7f819b, +0xf681c5e7, 0x9f37817f, 0x3a7f869b, 0x56a41581, 0x04be8111, 0x4898b48b, 0xbc81465d, 0xb3815281, +0x7f6a1d45, 0x1fa87fce, 0x810e81cc, 0x7f8d410c, 0x8190a193, 0x81817f81, 0x5dadcbb4, 0x81a83699, +0x86a68164, 0xe27f1281, 0x682a7f27, 0x62a03cbd, 0x8181c75d, 0x39653881, 0xc6187e83, 0x617fd27f, +0x81917f90, 0x57796c81, 0xdc7f567f, 0xad712381, 0xdd81ecbe, 0xec17667c, 0x929e5098, 0x857ffbbf, +0x8d5b8153, 0x9769887f, 0x65173381, 0x66b8ad84, 0x043481b9, 0x81c05ca9, 0x449d4c48, 0x8c45bc82, +0xca7f81ee, 0x2d8f33e1, 0x81e22f81, 0xca9eb542, 0x8e947fe5, 0xb642a4a8, 0x7f22c73f, 0x85a6176a, +0x567f7ffb, 0x587f4243, 0xa2819225, 0x58307f9b, 0x2c6b0f81, 0x8130a068, 0x814fa904, 0x400a9f2d, +0x30617fd6, 0x81720981, 0x97b98100, 0x0ca17c7f, 0xf1816081, 0x690f8181, 0x94165481, 0x81817f9d, +0x81444268, 0x97759781, 0x8740267f, 0x757f1a7f, 0x7f7f81ca, 0x957fb87f, 0x816f723a, 0x4a8613f2, +0x3bfef57b, 0x7f1274e8, 0x810ab05b, 0x7fb19ecd, 0xb07fc75f, 0x7fb2965f, 0x60abb881, 0xc229a8e9, +0xb1817f26, 0xe324067f, 0x8181e344, 0x7ea59cac, 0xd21a7f65, 0x8d15989f, 0x09026bea, 0x1d7f933b, +0xae81c181, 0xabf37147, 0x0d08da7f, 0xa7ac4b9e, 0x8281e044, 0x7f8195b1, 0x7ff844de, 0xe9057fed, +0x85fcf1cd, 0xa89e7e2b, 0xf974a481, 0x1f813c6d, 0x237fcbbb, 0x655f8192, 0x8134062b, 0x6f91815d, +0xdf3281e1, 0xe6fd817f, 0x72b3007f, 0x86caf9cf, 0xea812981, 0x6a8ad67c, 0x36aaa01d, 0xbb102886, +0x812faf52, 0x6281de5a, 0x817f8174, 0xebff4735, 0x7894bf7c, 0x169e8194, 0x3bc281f8, 0xe69d2a15, +0xb8e5b68d, 0x367f9b8b, 0xea818181, 0xeb7fbbb7, 0x9368a27f, 0x5af5e19e, 0x5f7f7f7f, 0xcd518181, +0x7f948109, 0x817f4a81, 0xf8a0de7f, 0x667f7fa5, 0x1a8881c1, 0x8646b17f, 0xb0eb7f81, 0xe3fe2ba2, +0x460d18da, 0x3db45835, 0xb0c2847e, 0x9c8681a0, 0x817ff88d, 0x7fec639d, 0x817f7f7f, 0x81810d2f, +0xef28241e, 0x811d9db4, 0x4ac4ada5, 0x7ff29f7f, 0x7fd981ac, 0x7f815e23, 0xcc3dbc8a, 0x7c769b08, +0x6a07ef50, 0x66599c9c, 0x7e007f92, 0x9381aa5a, 0x33471b81, 0x79b27d96, 0x6d5d9d5a, 0xbf40687d, +0x7fbc408e, 0xae598111, 0x18222b1e, 0x0a7b817f, 0x7f4961b4, 0x81818f5e, 0xd5a8ae44, 0xe185bd50, +0xb4a65d81, 0xab81c3d6, 0x5f814b7f, 0x8db72efc, 0xc0be14d5, 0x77336a45, 0x2dca7e7f, 0x81857f7f, +0xf1d80b33, 0x1856b3dd, 0x789e75cd, 0x7f7f7f81, 0x8b7f6951, 0xc94cc5b6, 0x407f3f5b, 0x72c4b87f, +0x8135f77d, 0xab02ec1c, 0x8db481e0, 0x77da84df, 0x897f5c49, 0x8181b24d, 0x7f54715e, 0x233ef77f, +0x8165daa7, 0xd3813aa2, 0x7f7f7f18, 0x96e99677, 0x56814a72, 0xa4acba2e, 0x2683347f, 0x3d5b20ac, +0x887fb981, 0x90a9ec91, 0x008ab581, 0x81588181, 0x5c017f7f, 0x10818181, 0x5d86a42d, 0xd8587f4f, +0xed2035b1, 0x718168fc, 0xc3cccf7f, 0xaa812676, 0xa8d83930, 0xbdb119f6, 0x812b0288, 0xe17f7f7f, +0x989ffd31, 0x9e564b12, 0xabfa3578, 0xacd85381, 0xaf7074e6, 0x93a34c11, 0xc1819896, 0x5a5fa673, +0x6f8181ad, 0x4981167a, 0x817f965e, 0x961b7f29, 0xac539db6, 0x2b645dd8, 0x937fa506, 0xa1b900ba, +0xdd7f7f78, 0x7f866ce7, 0x81a9247f, 0x50d67f53, 0x177a8b82, 0x277ffa7f, 0x7f0942da, 0x444b3181, +0x9d8995aa, 0xbda844b9, 0xae765c85, 0x62818f7f, 0x307f7f00, 0xf37fe681, 0x817f7fab, 0x42e0813d, +0x49f3c7c4, 0x7fd543b8, 0x818183f2, 0x7f4b5500, 0xe2357a7f, 0xdc3a8133, 0xd13913ff, 0xabfd587f, +0x81c3814c, 0x667fab62, 0x9bf82b0c, 0xf84b9583, 0x6a28b2f0, 0x8154623f, 0x7f845e7f, 0x2750f07f, +0x517f2d59, 0x7ffe4db5, 0x60077f7f, 0x81816e62, 0xc40a30dd, 0x67f22b7f, 0xec817f81, 0x7fb8c67f, +0x98c9afd0, 0xb881ecaf, 0x6069c37f, 0x792c2c09, 0x709dc2de, 0x4481bb20, 0xd4b25981, 0xf8ef7792, +0x7381ae17, 0x7fe05250, 0xc3eb637f, 0x6d350069, 0x327f457f, 0x8ce7b8ab, 0xb281c1da, 0x7f817f61, +0xbbcf7fb1, 0xaf818145, 0xb77f5881, 0xb47ff1b2, 0xcec74a81, 0x5f81e7b4, 0x7f1b727f, 0x81b8701b, +0x508106c4, 0x6d815f7f, 0xbc815bea, 0x464b00f2, 0x78818181, 0x7f7f4f81, 0x817e2c53, 0x817e7fa7, +0x7f4da4a9, 0xdd444f23, 0x7f6cba39, 0x8141625a, 0x7f81813f, 0xcd7f817f, 0xa402814a, 0x817f049f, +0x6fb981b4, 0x7867bd7f, 0x9b45bc81, 0xe7739f52, 0x7f816181, 0xab844448, 0x7f06497f, 0xe555c183, +0x817fde68, 0x81bc0624, 0xe33f3a9b, 0x8122c673, 0x6c3d81d5, 0x392815dd, 0x26527f7f, 0xee649844, +0x817f6fef, 0x81ce32d4, 0x102f81fe, 0x81967f81, 0xa42b9c20, 0x81813c81, 0x2a67a463, 0x90592c8a, +0xc5810e67, 0x81d1dd81, 0xbd7f54e1, 0xf52a814e, 0x7f46a7b3, 0x5a89812b, 0x78e43eac, 0x7f776981, +0x817fc5c2, 0x3f818181, 0xc556c337, 0x7f0081a9, 0x817ffe6b, 0x7f095f3d, 0x819b2281, 0xb45881ad, +0xc0817f47, 0x81bd915a, 0xc7616b7f, 0x81e9817a, 0x44977f6c, 0xbc81307f, 0x7f9ac3c9, 0xff061265, +0x3c7b0181, 0x13910e7f, 0xb499ed3c, 0xd850b881, 0x81781837, 0x7f97ff93, 0x81818f23, 0xb9b50d81, +0x49aa4fbd, 0x6b361230, 0x148179d3, 0xbd81dd1f, 0x4cd5d0d0, 0x9ad1738a, 0x2c7f718f, 0x7f9f03b0, +0x789d9ac2, 0x88db95fa, 0x9ae5ac64, 0x727f814c, 0xfa477dac, 0xa670a23f, 0x146afe7f, 0xd4d0451d, +0x6d81819d, 0x9622acc1, 0x818161a2, 0x68263dca, 0x7fce818d, 0x998193ba, 0x9d81a486, 0x7eb97f7f, +0x134470ec, 0x6681bde5, 0x4e2ea77f, 0x81777f7f, 0x7f7fa64f, 0xd3815a7d, 0x81fd4e50, 0x774481e8, +0x7f6c8148, 0xe76b7f81, 0x881bb4e9, 0x7f944f3d, 0xe6da7f20, 0x54c68176, 0x210ebb45, 0xbed6267f, +0xe22f2081, 0x8191ae8a, 0x7c7f257f, 0x667f811c, 0xe2edd355, 0xa4812181, 0x837f5481, 0x6d818120, +0xb7aa7f8f, 0xc17f7081, 0x7fba986a, 0x819a81d5, 0xa9816681, 0x8129c4f5, 0x37ba21a7, 0x29d18a86, +0x4be3ce96, 0x3981b184, 0x447fb50b, 0x261c8155, 0xc05ab18d, 0x777f7816, 0xe48be469, 0x81722d81, +0x7f47a8a1, 0x924a8b72, 0xa2ef4ecd, 0x105c817f, 0x7f90709b, 0xbc81443a, 0xa82f7f65, 0x615d928c, +0x7f81570d, 0x61b0919a, 0x7f33fc81, 0xe8817fca, 0x637ffb00, 0x9c337250, 0x817f8181, 0x08b01e0a, +0x7f4ae897, 0xa0969a3c, 0x7f9d7fe8, 0xe024598e, 0x9e794d7f, 0x72fb988c, 0xf8936747, 0xacbd7f8e, +0x4e7f9781, 0xa4b9f4ea, 0x50ccfbdd, 0x817f4795, 0xbcaf485f, 0x81811a25, 0xa97881c6, 0xecbd7fd7, +0x6e89a832, 0x1e815f96, 0x74d0437f, 0x858101b9, 0xbf1b7f8b, 0xcb7fdc9e, 0x1901bda8, 0x4c40c087, +0x5884f075, 0x7f561faf, 0xc3878172, 0xcd0081c4, 0xd93e8fa6, 0xe8748146, 0x4c7f207f, 0x20da2792, +0xc0d37f7b, 0x909a0133, 0x3b6fb281, 0x69819ba1, 0x81984b27, 0x362ddda3, 0x3981727f, 0xe44c7f81, +0x81b9d0bc, 0xebea7fa7, 0x81a47f2e, 0x81674391, 0x495500fa, 0x0eb881bf, 0x2e22f17e, 0x967f9e81, +0xd2727906, 0xdbe8814d, 0x93cf4d6d, 0x23c3b57f, 0x57be5fe3, 0x2eee7f30, 0x1a501f81, 0x76aaba53, +0x70817fdc, 0x817f2e1e, 0x28381f81, 0x1575817f, 0xc62845e6, 0x8181417f, 0x35d0230c, 0x606fcc28, +0x7f792e44, 0xb7b7ea76, 0xad677f7f, 0x2b1eecee, 0x7f7fe450, 0xefcc6668, 0x264e511c, 0x27818181, +0x81817f7f, 0xce82812c, 0x697f7fec, 0x7e859be9, 0xa1f65543, 0x8170a57f, 0x51231d81, 0x33c03182, +0x81aa7f81, 0x6b7ff34e, 0x51812fcf, 0x7f7f7fe6, 0x6281718d, 0x1eb02c7f, 0x81d64570, 0xa18368e1, +0x4ddb816f, 0x149b81d1, 0x067fa2c6, 0x92decc7f, 0x94001658, 0x814f6d6c, 0x79673f7f, 0x7ff28122, +0x83b97f7f, 0x81248a43, 0xfda17ffe, 0x9e81bc81, 0x81090181, 0x7fdaa350, 0x927f54d4, 0x78fe2e89, +0x7f3d097f, 0x147f2ea7, 0x7f85837f, 0x86a58181, 0xb7ad559c, 0x7796ae60, 0x4e7fef08, 0x2ea371f2, +0x817f7f8c, 0x7fc181c5, 0x8101818e, 0xf1588178, 0x44062eb8, 0xb0832da0, 0x81527f81, 0x7f0e817f, +0x8e06b3e5, 0xa6df2e5f, 0x9d7f7f81, 0xa14ba64d, 0x723d7f91, 0xdb81b64b, 0xb48c117f, 0xe75d0e81, +0x8bd9ba3a, 0x1f817f7f, 0x81847f67, 0x25677f5f, 0x3568b529, 0x7fa2587f, 0x24b02027, 0x47ca91dc, +0x81bba314, 0x7f844f7f, 0xbeb8aa0d, 0x9955fe5b, 0x007f9b81, 0xf0a27f6f, 0x1648e959, 0xc68193a6, +0xbea6ebfd, 0x1654cf81, 0x8142d430, 0x2e7f6693, 0xcc788195, 0x11817f81, 0x3da98171, 0x4fdc5a9c, +0x677fea81, 0x4c6ca0cf, 0x487f8181, 0x7f3b9013, 0x37387f7f, 0xc6b4217f, 0x27afb97f, 0x77b84002, +0xd3a67fef, 0x987f8181, 0x9518817f, 0x5ad4fd7f, 0x7b818146, 0x583c5581, 0xd9643b81, 0x687f92f5, +0x7f8109f2, 0xdfad937f, 0x79a45f7f, 0x007f9c0e, 0x6a6ba6ad, 0xa95bc7e9, 0x9be90653, 0x223381b7, +0x7f7f64ce, 0x81813ea3, 0x037f4f7f, 0x617f7f9a, 0x6481f081, 0x81eb4a81, 0x7f9d9a6e, 0xe80e8a4b, +0x4563f81e, 0x94db8781, 0xbf81bd04, 0x305d8236, 0x2c90d571, 0xa48e4600, 0x81633342, 0x2c537fde, +0xc70f5d7f, 0x65bf6f7f, 0x547f9632, 0x05847f1a, 0x23818147, 0xd6d9459f, 0xc97fb761, 0x8196816d, +0xb5417f5b, 0xb6f91bd9, 0x55b17fbd, 0x3e90c27f, 0x4f7fc37f, 0x7f8c855d, 0xef35817f, 0x295d7b03, +0x3730377f, 0x9c811bac, 0x7fe3ca7f, 0xe87f8124, 0x7f7fe511, 0x2d7f7ca2, 0xba9bc726, 0xf07f9f81, +0x4b476e9f, 0xaa338173, 0x5659708a, 0x817fb67f, 0x81811ded, 0x81817f90, 0xa3077f81, 0xf0d119d6, +0xf4818752, 0xbd98271f, 0x95f610ed, 0x3fc227e0, 0x68139681, 0x3c6c2d81, 0x7f7f96cb, 0x3e8181b1, +0xbbe681c6, 0xb47fd2eb, 0xfdd1b74f, 0x4381fe5f, 0xb081f399, 0x64a10081, 0x79ee3ee5, 0x9559c8a6, +0x814ad4a8, 0x817f7531, 0x81813b81, 0xbfbf9773, 0xe27f81a4, 0x7fc14269, 0x917f8158, 0xaf9d89a7, +0x81b22f81, 0x7f54d4d8, 0x0f39a503, 0xec9d3ea0, 0x35818131, 0x8c7d99a6, 0xc0158181, 0x53817f5e, +0x817f81b0, 0x9a7f9a7d, 0xc081747f, 0x517f704d, 0x7f2db90e, 0xa6dfa67f, 0x36817fce, 0x30ae720e, +0x7fd73d60, 0x5c593bd5, 0xf57f9d7d, 0x448151a3, 0xc82db29a, 0x019b5a75, 0x7f876729, 0xa69efc9d, +0x78a67f81, 0x536c817f, 0x81e470d4, 0x56f270fd, 0x2934478f, 0x9c5a7f68, 0x4ecd81ef, 0x7f5c2b23, +0x7f817f03, 0x827fb17f, 0x7f81c35e, 0x7d7f03f8, 0x7f5da67f, 0x8100671d, 0x06e1a8b0, 0x998d112a, +0x9282ae98, 0xed72813b, 0x7fbc6bda, 0x7fa97f3e, 0x36d1510c, 0x0d81819c, 0x56f8fd97, 0x815081a4, +0x7fc78133, 0x69d34542, 0x7fc1727f, 0x7fd22a97, 0x418a1df0, 0xf519077f, 0x7f6e697f, 0xa9817abc, +0xf43917b5, 0x82e3d76b, 0x86327fe7, 0x7f7fb899, 0x9f81b0a4, 0x475381c2, 0xc62b92e8, 0x7f1b49a3, +0x3679b9d7, 0x817f5364, 0xa87f7fc2, 0x45dcf6ba, 0x3470789d, 0x913e7fa5, 0x06b53681, 0x717f8de7, +0x027f6352, 0x7f7fbe7f, 0x7a81df17, 0x0356fb00, 0x307462bf, 0x6716c56c, 0x8157c7b4, 0x7fcd8181, +0x4b81dd07, 0x3b667f7f, 0x7fa6815c, 0xea37397f, 0x61e94781, 0x4e7f8177, 0x81436b5b, 0x4e818172, +0x5b204b37, 0x115501b4, 0x81491681, 0x661468bf, 0x501f88b5, 0x7f4e63e3, 0x8146e97f, 0x7f09f895, +0x7fd70e81, 0x7f7f7f16, 0x3f327fed, 0x05055631, 0x63b4ec13, 0xc03f16da, 0xa0af33c1, 0x942a7f42, +0xb4ba6515, 0xe99d81de, 0x7f78d8b0, 0x446f2c42, 0x92cf7fde, 0x6b9e7f7f, 0x948181cd, 0x94b9ad81, +0x582e8181, 0xc31748a9, 0x39c6d47f, 0xb2817fff, 0xc5817f81, 0xc6887fa4, 0xe69989e4, 0xa67e7a5c, +0x09477f9a, 0x2d4d817f, 0xb24f81d1, 0x3ff77f7f, 0x6a66813b, 0xf5050547, 0xcf917f6c, 0x81917f7c, +0xb8b23b81, 0xcab60081, 0xe17f7f81, 0x3b47547f, 0x457f4781, 0xe17e9c85, 0xd4b5ba00, 0x777fc3f4, +0x8b013d8c, 0x5381a2dd, 0xf60c7f5b, 0xc3f2c212, 0x5c6c7f35, 0xc77fae7c, 0x7f790cc8, 0xe6848181, +0x7f81584b, 0x813688e2, 0x4cff2987, 0xbeb48126, 0xc4be67bc, 0xb8738181, 0x886a9c7f, 0x519881a3, +0x77fbd5c9, 0x4181c081, 0x20813287, 0x6121bb2d, 0x7f7f227d, 0x1a8181a6, 0x811a5d06, 0xc890a57f, +0x7faf7ece, 0x83a36788, 0xd9fd8e37, 0x7f7b985e, 0x36819a38, 0xbd6096c4, 0x7de5be7f, 0x7bc68150, +0x7f8831bb, 0x81818144, 0x434a63e0, 0xaea4ad6e, 0x407f2785, 0xe8df81ea, 0x4a148aa7, 0xf89f7f65, +0x3c757f62, 0x7f81c80e, 0x81818881, 0x81caa47f, 0x9c570881, 0x1c1a8354, 0x2fa8008d, 0x7f7f81ac, +0xa781d413, 0xa9a45530, 0x327f297f, 0x7f647f5c, 0x81a6324e, 0x81a954cd, 0x7f1c2881, 0xe30b2eb3, +0x81b18181, 0x81157f18, 0x967f7f96, 0x819a7fbc, 0xcccf4fc2, 0xc43a48d5, 0x7fa33d74, 0x3aa97f50, +0x5277817f, 0x69afad86, 0x7f81f278, 0x4fa29716, 0x91818170, 0xdc1a7f5c, 0x278159b1, 0xe87f069f, +0xd28cc56b, 0x157f8181, 0x81339981, 0xcf818114, 0x6eba0b8d, 0xd281527f, 0x8249d583, 0xb37fbc43, +0xc181357f, 0x819f6163, 0xaf194881, 0x7f9872a4, 0xf3c3ab2c, 0x47507f81, 0x523f812e, 0xff81d105, +0x5851cbb0, 0x7fe881c3, 0x60cdbe81, 0xc838ccbe, 0x81817f7f, 0x1d76cb34, 0xe100407f, 0x81d78181, +0x2f81817f, 0x927f3ac9, 0x3cc887bb, 0xda7d6d7f, 0x2c7f1e7f, 0xf58e41ee, 0xfb816281, 0xa211d47f, +0x6eea4bf9, 0x297097b8, 0x9d819e81, 0xf6ef4156, 0x2afb4362, 0x7f16647f, 0x8e10c4c3, 0xb17f6181, +0x3b9d2949, 0x53a6c867, 0x810faffb, 0x8197d27f, 0x41873a37, 0xc48d7f7f, 0x81b6fb69, 0x144b2b78, +0x8181d5c4, 0x787fbc24, 0x4381929f, 0x95927f1b, 0xa3a5e451, 0xb48cc58d, 0x818e81d1, 0x9a81cbaf, +0x713ac87f, 0x7faaa694, 0x9f7f81c3, 0xf65b307d, 0x7fdfa25e, 0xa0bae1fe, 0xf3813f12, 0x19817fc5, +0xc0278a81, 0xe47f8158, 0x817fa281, 0x5bbc8181, 0xd63caaf9, 0x7fbf8181, 0x0054157f, 0x7f7f311c, +0x7f817f56, 0x56c22692, 0x8143b624, 0x0845a315, 0x107a8119, 0xc1cd5c7f, 0x7f62e549, 0x7fbb757f, +0x6b8dec74, 0x6893e220, 0xbb224ba9, 0x31819871, 0xdd2b4f57, 0x3d030250, 0xc1539dc4, 0x1c42df45, +0x7f7f6631, 0xaa81eb8f, 0xa6d4edf5, 0x81ec1981, 0xc92d77f8, 0x1ba35b2c, 0x0e1fa0cd, 0xdd257f7f, +0x817fa041, 0xe9815f81, 0x60f1b338, 0xb97f7fad, 0x097f857f, 0xae6a7f60, 0x145dbced, 0x81b7607f, +0xd4647f3d, 0x7f7f52ec, 0x7fdbbea1, 0xc74feec6, 0x1c197f48, 0xb17d1d61, 0x2e68b081, 0xb717d181, +0xda46377f, 0x105e81b7, 0x7f2e7f58, 0x67c33a7f, 0xb83f666b, 0x68518691, 0xc556f081, 0x7763c400, +0x817fbc99, 0x3a18df21, 0xfbde9374, 0x667fc646, 0x737f7fe9, 0x7f987fbe, 0x27dcb107, 0x25f35d30, +0x420adcd0, 0xab7a7f7f, 0x7f8a28c1, 0xcd7fc20e, 0x6ce69bcc, 0x7f308ce5, 0xb2c96e81, 0x95dbeb1e, +0x7f7f567f, 0x6b7fa0a5, 0x997fed60, 0x9281da7f, 0x3f7f617f, 0x7fc4608e, 0x817f4781, 0xc36b7f81, +0x7fddc17f, 0x6fe27020, 0x8a5a2b27, 0x3a4bfb81, 0xae9e4a81, 0x7f7fda7f, 0x5a7ff006, 0x39b6a0b7, +0xb9721181, 0x725edb2f, 0x8903cf08, 0x81aa7cde, 0x7fe0817f, 0x6c9e7fe8, 0x7f5c8140, 0x819d8181, +0x58777451, 0x7fdb4784, 0xc3186166, 0x817f458f, 0xdce8cdc9, 0x7840bd81, 0x1781954b, 0x60240082, +0xca242d7f, 0x788428b6, 0xf67f8d7f, 0x657f7f8a, 0xbace8106, 0xb8816e93, 0xf9b07ff9, 0x818102fa, +0x32028181, 0xfe7f8e27, 0x818d7f26, 0x7f0781a8, 0x7f7f73f3, 0xfaa78135, 0x7f81810b, 0x72676281, +0x812ed271, 0x7f8a961b, 0x7f81817a, 0x367f4181, 0x03ecb2f0, 0x6c810a7f, 0x577f81b1, 0x81e889b8, +0x7f7f707f, 0x7f90368c, 0x86a36487, 0x42b8c17f, 0x91816160, 0x8150b0a5, 0x81390fa1, 0x7f87d07f, +0x448548d0, 0x32810b93, 0x7f20da7f, 0x5b6a7fed, 0x5c812d7f, 0x7f5a7f69, 0x0c36d681, 0x2ee0544a, +0x817d861a, 0xa47fdaf7, 0x7c8127b1, 0x96216604, 0x4f8138de, 0x03e57e14, 0x73050f7f, 0x42007eeb, +0xe303f07f, 0x2f8a7438, 0x8a7f7fbc, 0x866f8165, 0xf496535f, 0xea2d9bb2, 0x16e67386, 0x6bf837ab, +0x411874b4, 0xa7c15c2a, 0x74bb7f72, 0x8181ab81, 0x81e33481, 0x68b47f7f, 0x957f8181, 0x947fcf27, +0xb47f7b20, 0x997ca926, 0x5a457f0f, 0x87403699, 0x811e3ccd, 0xdb857d7f, 0xc9cec481, 0x2998d8c3, +0x231fa37f, 0x876a2942, 0x812d7ff0, 0x7f90959a, 0x811598a2, 0x7f814697, 0x7f7e1467, 0xad3a8154, +0x81813f26, 0x0851321a, 0xf77f9f7f, 0x76b16294, 0xa56c3e3a, 0x7fd5c569, 0x30dd8185, 0x7f7f819c, +0x7f8a7f7f, 0x81dc4da7, 0xe1ce9eb9, 0x8181a2c8, 0x7fda81be, 0x01797f42, 0x7b7f89a8, 0x81e9de7f, +0x7fa76fc9, 0xdebec9a0, 0x7f381e89, 0x81ba0d7f, 0x459a7f7c, 0x81ac8181, 0xb65e8279, 0xdf8174cb, +0x6ea24abd, 0xb8486638, 0x81637f7f, 0x011d5c81, 0xc27ff63d, 0x81d48160, 0x7c81ba7f, 0x7ffa7f73, +0x7f8881f0, 0xc2d6a15b, 0x7f5d7f7f, 0x06818fd5, 0x8c23ea91, 0xf3d8e75c, 0xab81be93, 0x817f7fa8, +0xe57f816d, 0x6e81f27f, 0x81e566aa, 0x88397868, 0x45f9b7c1, 0x2c4d81e5, 0x52765111, 0x813e3d60, +0x4f45c3e7, 0xef777f91, 0x3e7fc481, 0x3e810d42, 0x81c53f7d, 0x2f7f8481, 0x3a7f8157, 0xf1662881, +0x81f03791, 0xaf818136, 0x476b7f7f, 0x6890cfa6, 0xe4f7e9ae, 0x81f6b9ba, 0xb0623aac, 0xea7f7031, +0x72c30000, 0x407f8197, 0x8176917b, 0x81184acc, 0xdacf7fa6, 0x996cd37b, 0xa68175c8, 0x5e6082e3, +0x067f927f, 0xc47f4481, 0x7fc58113, 0x7f561aff, 0x817f46b2, 0x7f7f8159, 0xcebbc57f, 0x72765b87, +0x817f2f1e, 0x885c7c81, 0x7f7f65a9, 0xeded8987, 0x7f3bab81, 0x812f7f6b, 0xfc67d85a, 0x13297781, +0x607f9621, 0x507fa647, 0x4e39ce7f, 0x81ff5c4b, 0xa246316c, 0x81457f7f, 0x5781812f, 0x1463aa9f, +0xc35d7f14, 0xbcbb5771, 0xd7e45781, 0x636c7365, 0x07102b6e, 0x75e1337f, 0x7f2bb116, 0x257fa0f2, +0x97597f40, 0x7f818810, 0x7f7f7f5c, 0xca7ff660, 0x9c916181, 0x903ea1cc, 0x6c8f7f81, 0xc2b07f25, +0xa43d818c, 0x81f67fb3, 0x67f56081, 0x1ba55531, 0xa77fc6a5, 0xda479281, 0xe7647fdb, 0x7fd2f34d, +0x1b7f4c68, 0x7f8c5781, 0xbcf18110, 0x7fd3b883, 0xde81687f, 0x81358948, 0xeb813d17, 0x25040181, +0x7ff8a39c, 0xbc574351, 0xbe677c7f, 0x487b5068, 0x6c7f816c, 0x7f2dca81, 0xb8c7b17f, 0x7f869781, +0x9c99f0ae, 0x437febc4, 0x289d81fe, 0xab74307f, 0x7c7b299a, 0x62593f52, 0x7f4e513a, 0x7f9b81c0, +0x9e2c0de5, 0x43818175, 0x857064a0, 0xd17f8db2, 0xb0a055de, 0xf04ade7f, 0xe37d7fd6, 0x3956789a, +0xcfbcb53a, 0x7fa39e7f, 0x7ed171a8, 0x49a65c89, 0x3ee166d9, 0x2daca6ca, 0x53d051e7, 0x957fc181, +0x0000e873, 0x815fbf9b, 0xe986ac61, 0x7162fd81, 0xe428090f, 0xe2814730, 0xab8d9d3d, 0x8164e6da, +0x8a6126e4, 0x81817f6e, 0xeb818281, 0x359f7f81, 0xb663c39c, 0x7fb856a8, 0x9d812e30, 0xd07c7f2e, +0x6b58ceb5, 0x8181ca7f, 0x42c081b5, 0xd58a6fd8, 0x7faa9b85, 0x81818181, 0xbb3781f4, 0x7fa98173, +0x17f17f7f, 0x7f819862, 0xd97f0781, 0x812f579a, 0x608196ec, 0x23458155, 0x5bc1a902, 0xaa39817f, +0xcb207d81, 0x227f7f9c, 0x81a54ad1, 0x81027fb4, 0xb6711835, 0x8181a57f, 0x7fed8141, 0x7fa95ec0, +0x7ffc7f8f, 0x572f81e8, 0x7ca87f81, 0x7fbeb67f, 0x637f814e, 0xcf11af7f, 0x307fb081, 0xaa85927f, +0x6f5dd995, 0x81db817f, 0x68275869, 0x724dff18, 0x8176ef58, 0x54814c7e, 0xece02300, 0x5ad71a56, +0x689e7fa7, 0xb67fa77f, 0x107f1359, 0x51a63bc0, 0x22c887ca, 0x0a0e34b7, 0x81587fae, 0xbb79604a, +0xfbb7077f, 0x81967f81, 0x81227187, 0x8129817f, 0x43a84e8a, 0xb981a34b, 0x5d307f81, 0x4d7fe9bd, +0xc973a181, 0x78647f8b, 0x00274105, 0x5d7a09e5, 0x6565a681, 0xfbd0ea6f, 0xf986037f, 0x377fc3e0, +0x9ba57fe8, 0x4f7ff13c, 0xd61f7fa0, 0x817f7fbf, 0x7f3e25c7, 0x81c42fdc, 0xae398181, 0x3125afbf, +0x7fed479c, 0xf4f52ff4, 0x7fc99d81, 0xaa417fb7, 0xa1324f81, 0xff7b817f, 0x167f6f86, 0x2a86c481, +0xa127c15c, 0x6d8e0000, 0xcf207f6d, 0x6b815681, 0xd01f50e7, 0xab81e704, 0xce81a4e4, 0x7f177f7f, +0xaa819181, 0x7f81a044, 0x1c0c7f5e, 0x4f0e56cf, 0x46a581ca, 0xb3d52970, 0x6fb3b2c8, 0x7f8189de, +0xf0058133, 0xd181d0da, 0x7481c46e, 0x427fc7d5, 0xe4528188, 0x4a359b7f, 0xd1ae25bd, 0xb735818f, +0x811a2117, 0xddd2829a, 0xec696aa1, 0x99cf945e, 0x518f3d7c, 0x8e814381, 0xa2819647, 0x85af7f43, +0xc81d7f90, 0xb8361781, 0xb67f9a64, 0xc3d38181, 0x97b07dae, 0x54687f7f, 0x206d5b79, 0x437089ad, +0x7f814881, 0x77b63840, 0x61816434, 0x9dca5e22, 0x818129bf, 0x8b49dd3b, 0xc792813a, 0x3b407f63, +0x7fc48f8e, 0x7f96815a, 0x6b430c8b, 0x974ee1a1, 0x7f8181fa, 0xb47098a2, 0x81168181, 0x816b71f5, +0x0a596d81, 0xa5945681, 0xa14181d0, 0xb4944bfa, 0x81f7816b, 0x7f7f287f, 0x7f81cc48, 0x6d819077, +0x7dff7f58, 0x5a4e7f81, 0xb7ee6df2, 0x81712a85, 0x0a652e7f, 0x86a1277f, 0x3c568181, 0x7f817f65, +0x64fb3e0b, 0x71a9687f, 0xa65c7f72, 0x3fb34043, 0x8132f77f, 0xec8133bf, 0x7f8119a5, 0x081f5bb1, +0x7f81777f, 0xedcca8a1, 0x7ffe7f25, 0xec934f43, 0xdbcc8181, 0x64416881, 0x4a8d93f4, 0x7fb64c7f, +0xf12f9bc2, 0x812a8f90, 0x1b9c32de, 0x30a30d81, 0xf079e16a, 0x633720c2, 0xad44fd53, 0x3c812f3b, +0x56b32873, 0x0000b62f, 0x76cb58a6, 0x31086ead, 0x9c307f65, 0xec664f81, 0x7f6186cd, 0xb7047f39, +0xe87f2ccd, 0xe79f8f3c, 0x88b34352, 0x7f6dec72, 0x8b4aca8c, 0x217f1c55, 0x53d76693, 0x7f984d2d, +0x125abe92, 0x7f37677f, 0x4f819c81, 0x7fb23b2e, 0xd2c5ea58, 0x7fa7817f, 0x57817f7f, 0xd45239ec, +0xc887fa03, 0x7f7f7f42, 0x8181444d, 0x2ba67f1a, 0x7fcc527f, 0x813d7f81, 0x68ad12aa, 0xa87f6763, +0x62577f7c, 0x067f7f5a, 0x3201a788, 0x9872b0a1, 0x814548d0, 0x3a883096, 0xc4701d52, 0xb59381dd, +0xdc3381a8, 0x816e3f7f, 0x4f57813e, 0x4679d77f, 0x9a14b75d, 0x8181da4b, 0x817f9d48, 0x52818181, +0x2281c97f, 0xbfb92d7f, 0x1f6f357f, 0x2ca57f3d, 0xb9b4626f, 0xab4bba25, 0xf27f4b5a, 0x4b478a56, +0x818181c3, 0x6a767f29, 0x81e16dcd, 0x4d818181, 0xd1819ce8, 0xdbce6082, 0x757f41bc, 0x777f7fbc, +0x5fa9d103, 0x0241e8d6, 0x1bb381a1, 0xf08177b7, 0x00df007f, 0x3bcdbb5f, 0x5e7f710a, 0x7f3f7f1e, +0x657f0f2b, 0x2ffae79b, 0x495c8110, 0x7f7f8150, 0xe8449f7f, 0x8434a77f, 0x42d56352, 0xfd717f8d, +0x81c514b3, 0x7f147f50, 0x7f856696, 0x7f844c81, 0x8157714b, 0x50cba2ca, 0x73539ff7, 0xb5ed7fea, +0x5d1f637f, 0xbc66496d, 0x68b633df, 0xea76156c, 0x7b4654a3, 0x81547f8d, 0x7f537f27, 0x5db64581, +0x7f367f81, 0x7f81a08c, 0x81440000, 0x3965f076, 0x40977036, 0xcf81ee31, 0x6e7f19bd, 0x703a7f03, +0xe94b81c6, 0x4330aa7f, 0x060411c3, 0x91f6f37f, 0xbdc9e781, 0x81b87f51, 0x4b6e228f, 0xbc3eb87f, +0xad916bce, 0xdfb0976a, 0x98b86387, 0xb651bdee, 0x8cf46cb9, 0x9b819a8d, 0x9d8181f1, 0x7fe0ab97, +0x714d0264, 0xb87f67a4, 0x7f9d3150, 0xe95c7f81, 0x81a7537c, 0x93f4d02e, 0x433a477f, 0xe5067fab, +0x81de5836, 0x64667f81, 0xc5255988, 0x0a7f824f, 0xf97b7fbf, 0x40c97f82, 0xc1d47a74, 0x7f7f3081, +0xfe49fc23, 0xba819538, 0xb87f5581, 0x5ea47fb2, 0x35b37292, 0xb9848178, 0x276f5235, 0x647f4ebd, +0xee2a491a, 0xfd29bb60, 0x21f53728, 0xae9d817b, 0x2ba97f81, 0x6accd440, 0x7fbec77f, 0x909b817f, +0x227f7f35, 0x767f22d5, 0x0ba3c2d1, 0xd38f817f, 0x467fd862, 0x673e8181, 0x7f3b7f81, 0x70427f81, +0x6f725d24, 0x731d64de, 0x32a9816d, 0xc1817f7a, 0x627f8181, 0x7f947615, 0xc37f72d2, 0x7f7f4261, +0xf147be64, 0xc481afab, 0x7fd9a5dc, 0x5c812690, 0x7c34783b, 0x9087817f, 0x7fd25245, 0xea5fcfb1, +0x81817f81, 0xc84ae6b4, 0x8149c875, 0x814a1a7f, 0xab7f6881, 0x6e7f3d81, 0x3ca58181, 0x75cb4781, +0x8181817f, 0x5ec4f2c5, 0x8165e07d, 0x643d6e7d, 0x78bd9764, 0x40817f24, 0x5f077581, 0x7f2ebb4b, +0x7f7fa781, 0xe657ca7f, 0x0000ff21, 0x7fa9bf6a, 0x81c1c30f, 0x9138393c, 0xa2b38174, 0x7f4c24bc, +0x2b918175, 0x7fea5d7f, 0x50c1a17f, 0x0bfefac7, 0x81fe4ea4, 0xab7f7fbd, 0x559b7fb9, 0xcb81e356, +0xd7963f72, 0x7f7a1b81, 0x8c9cd9d3, 0xbf889d1f, 0x161a88cf, 0xe6a0abb9, 0xbb014f2b, 0x81fa947f, +0x7f41509e, 0xb4480d7f, 0x7f7f8181, 0xeca6b540, 0xd27fc381, 0x3aaeb38f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x372a7f05, +0xd6a34b81, 0xee378159, 0xcf8181b8, 0x07487fcf, 0xcbb4ed77, 0x29817fab, 0x7fe5b342, 0x63c3bb81, +0x0724d1d8, 0x50e47f7f, 0xa67f8f93, 0x8181c37f, 0x28817a81, 0x7f81fb7f, 0xaab17f7f, 0x81997f7f, +0xa423816f, 0xf953c16a, 0x4c2362cc, 0x81812bf3, 0x5a817f4a, 0xffcbcce0, 0x9c7f8776, 0x5b5a7f7f, +0x64817f92, 0x5139c47c, 0xbe8573ce, 0xe5457f81, 0x2ca4815b, 0x503e14b8, 0x4ca75681, 0x907f7f7f, +0xa2377d19, 0x7fd7c09a, 0x7fbc8191, 0x657f61a2, 0x814f5c81, 0x7f48607f, 0xa16f3ad5, 0x819d227f, +0x247fc10e, 0x7f817f32, 0xc39981f5, 0xb357261b, 0x347f7027, 0xe3814506, 0xa1032e49, 0x979eb571, +0xb06ac281, 0x81815e7f, 0x34b57fb7, 0x7ffe2681, 0xc181630b, 0xbda9ce3b, 0x81f9287f, 0x4ef12081, +0xb86a54ba, 0xbc4d13c7, 0x81817fd9, 0x62817f1c, 0x7f7f4fa1, 0x847f7fce, 0x81bf68f5, 0xd7625f73, +0x81e79d7f, 0x8137a1ca, 0x423581cb, 0x26580000, 0xd7d6811e, 0xce6e6c81, 0x8168173b, 0x498468b2, +0x8c7c817f, 0x6f81b881, 0xad899a25, 0xd049e481, 0x7fdd817f, 0x63816bbe, 0x048b8d81, 0x8eb764c6, +0x987b9ea5, 0x81fae493, 0x7f72817f, 0xa57fbd7f, 0x7f0f81b3, 0xb37f4a33, 0x2e092988, 0x1b172b25, +0x09107f3e, 0x48f5fc7f, 0x69aaa80e, 0x184fe781, 0x7f9db5e6, 0x8195276c, 0x252a8181, 0x8b81ccfa, +0x3c308181, 0x9d19b086, 0xf0d589f7, 0x207408ca, 0xe34e9ed0, 0xe67fbbf0, 0xc0996525, 0x0dca5881, +0x813d4181, 0x7f729738, 0x0a865e5d, 0x8bbea581, 0x5c4aac3f, 0x8181a63f, 0xa1f0b873, 0xa92481d0, +0x837f817f, 0x047fdd84, 0xc8767f2a, 0x441a81be, 0x818681aa, 0x05490179, 0xba81ba7f, 0xde246581, +0x466d70d7, 0xb6bc3f5b, 0x5c428f2d, 0x8105cb77, 0x0206175a, 0x5f6ac2b1, 0x9a4d2a4d, 0x7fb0917d, +0x1281ce12, 0x81028181, 0x41b0a4ad, 0x29973681, 0x973e992e, 0x81617dba, 0xc1818181, 0xb87fc1af, +0x81137feb, 0x627f5210, 0x8181de1d, 0x7f615f70, 0xabbb817f, 0x817fc57f, 0xdbe5b6f3, 0x9c8a7f72, +0x3c2826df, 0xae03d3b5, 0x7f6cc481, 0xd9c41c7f, 0x83ad7f81, 0x336370a8, 0x8bbfaf2e, 0x3561caa5, +0x548d142c, 0x810366b5, 0xa981d36e, 0xbf3afc7f, 0x7fd78157, 0x61817bf1, 0x74afcdd7, 0x18ac3d61, +0xcc45b6e0, 0x3d81af88, 0xf97934de, 0x947a8f81, 0x8b7fa6b8, 0xe0dd8981, 0x2d812381, 0x967f6409, +0x24bc0b1d, 0xdb7fa943, 0x18197fc3, 0x47ef7f6b, 0x66a6bb7f, 0xd374af81, 0xf48e7f9f, 0x52399754, +0xe1abbf6f, 0x04751d7f, 0x3690c581, 0x557fc3a6, 0xc1815413, 0x9086df7f, 0x81e57481, 0x81538167, +0x4df9c981, 0x9463a57f, 0x81c5063a, 0x7f7eaa81, 0xa6dc9423, 0xabc07ffb, 0xd981817c, 0x816064ae, +0x7f815dab, 0xc0b12da0, 0x1444be7f, 0x3a7781e0, 0x887f527f, 0xc0817f1f, 0x05cba881, 0x6599057f, +0x817ffd53, 0xca907fab, 0x557f0d7f, 0x5d029ce9, 0x57818168, 0xc4093382, 0x52e5b33a, 0x763e09b7, +0x814da277, 0xf9208cc5, 0x817f7fcb, 0x7f5fac7f, 0x6d7f6544, 0x7f0a7fec, 0xe7b4337f, 0x7fae8181, +0xa8c5608c, 0x6f9bb388, 0xb27fc773, 0xf4acaa81, 0x1cad30ac, 0x2d817f8b, 0x2b817f16, 0xcca2a581, +0xcb77dad4, 0x58487a22, 0x7fe57f69, 0x45387012, 0x73504724, 0x61357f81, 0xc77f8181, 0xabc7e11b, +0x8181c16e, 0xa681ab27, 0x8c81c48f, 0xbd1de360, 0x9924337f, 0x7f230156, 0x3dd6a87f, 0x477f9381, +0xbeb38181, 0x47815ccb, 0x8125817f, 0xb8057f7e, 0x7f7fc081, 0x46815873, 0x5f93ba81, 0x7f35767f, +0x7f7f5a94, 0x748c84e5, 0x4c7ffc90, 0x7fcd247e, 0x44898e81, 0x1268ecc9, 0x81d2777f, 0xda42e7c7, +0xee267f81, 0x7f5f269f, 0xe3d60c91, 0x81c97f0b, 0xd7b00000, 0x9b813a83, 0x7f7f8181, 0xb71cfa35, +0xf5888156, 0x853e9cc5, 0x1c1c1014, 0x2e7f8b1b, 0x81bea644, 0x70f4e8d8, 0x8158a181, 0x18caad9f, +0x3b28815e, 0x7f460155, 0x7f7f7aee, 0x444b51e5, 0x8682a381, 0x7f508181, 0x5e86466d, 0x7f81287f, +0x7f7c7f50, 0x8173e4de, 0x4c747a65, 0x69816cd7, 0x6674813b, 0x48274e90, 0x92ccf278, 0x99f181c7, +0x81b20243, 0xbf4b4b81, 0x81d981f4, 0xa1e981dd, 0x6c7f7b6e, 0x98cad579, 0x9a7f1685, 0x81e8812e, +0x5d7fcf52, 0x37819772, 0xdb437fab, 0x1d83782a, 0xd3ff71b3, 0xc7e28181, 0x81817ca6, 0x1808127f, +0xb515639d, 0x812c8108, 0xa2a97f14, 0xdd8102c6, 0x727f7f98, 0x5f197f19, 0x7b22817f, 0x46562e7f, +0x59b89c7f, 0xaba28d81, 0x5e4e7181, 0x909da6b9, 0x817d8128, 0x9c167abf, 0x3ef4817f, 0xf5628d72, +0x97727fbb, 0x88c6a600, 0x81c9927f, 0x817443e0, 0x81ac7f7f, 0x7fec67cc, 0xc353bb96, 0x4caae113, +0x7fa37fd9, 0x525c45dc, 0xdf798ba6, 0x7c811049, 0x812570c7, 0x7f788a6b, 0x797f1fef, 0x2022fd81, +0x38870936, 0x813f7d7f, 0x81810941, 0x6b75817f, 0x5aa11953, 0xcc7f7f81, 0x61778581, 0x5e458181, +0xcfff7f90, 0x9020747f, 0xb4e35ad5, 0xea0e8109, 0x21f97f13, 0x41c07f40, 0xc6ddc4ad, 0x085227c8, +0x11dc9f85, 0x7fda7f55, 0x5a92b34c, 0x11659b4d, 0x000081bc, 0x81816781, 0x81cce139, 0xf165d51c, +0x810a817f, 0x7f7f82d6, 0xb5b3817f, 0x40909bfb, 0x7f04a01f, 0xd0288164, 0x810164f3, 0x59778b81, +0xc87f2997, 0x9d99417f, 0x65528173, 0x727f454a, 0x9f187fd9, 0x37948141, 0x217fcf7f, 0x81818319, +0xc27f817f, 0x47817f81, 0x756e817f, 0xa28c8cd3, 0x84b77f81, 0x44ef8e4f, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0x932e2c45, +0x680d20a8, 0x817f1122, 0x52128a21, 0x2b8136ff, 0x0b7f817f, 0xda8c817f, 0x24c17f7f, 0x3dcb39b7, +0x81d18181, 0x81fe1a81, 0x0590978b, 0x71b20319, 0x7f65bfb4, 0x4fb42290, 0xde1a7fd2, 0xc8bd77d3, +0x917f32a0, 0xb03fd9db, 0x4c1e872b, 0x814f5481, 0x44817f7d, 0x398a887f, 0x4a19e8ac, 0x4d818189, +0xc3818181, 0x7f8198dc, 0xb77f527f, 0x817fe681, 0xa83d818c, 0x420b5e81, 0x6e5adbbf, 0x7abd56c4, +0x717d7f7f, 0xc7811c0c, 0x767fba89, 0x6d1d5106, 0x5a06df17, 0x86c28181, 0xcdd6888e, 0x0e747f8a, +0xde81a9c3, 0x45459db8, 0x81114e22, 0xbd7f8197, 0x3c3d85cf, 0x8c815fe8, 0x544d7f64, 0x81986177, +0x8c20a0b5, 0x7f4b8178, 0x17db6031, 0x7f42df7f, 0xee93cc0f, 0x8ab829b2, 0x29a04e65, 0xfc30035f, +0xc57b7f7f, 0xe51ef77f, 0x7fd95481, 0x76957f7f, 0x819f945e, 0xc91a187f, 0x81657e40, 0x8192816d, +0x7339dce0, 0x8bd1c3c7, 0xa2812e1b, 0x81db3d8e, 0x1781da89, 0xd0810000, 0x7fc8c57a, 0x8fc32003, +0x1c847f81, 0x10dfb271, 0x7ff8cc62, 0x2037d87f, 0x8151501e, 0x17c74c74, 0xb8ab2852, 0x4b7f1c97, +0x6a811596, 0x46acc3e0, 0x3c81f49e, 0xd6d81a4e, 0x2e815066, 0x46218186, 0x41682bb4, 0xa1ac315d, +0xb87fdc73, 0x378181ad, 0xe97f979a, 0xccb07981, 0xb10a7f38, 0x03488893, 0xfef78df3, 0x8145467c, +0x3b67b401, 0xb3cf34bc, 0x81476c00, 0xdd638b81, 0x5e43af81, 0x2bab7f6c, 0x6d7f7f6f, 0x7f657f70, +0xbc816e77, 0x8981c27f, 0x3e40b685, 0xd93d7256, 0xbd86c8c3, 0x817fdcce, 0x43899081, 0x817f1693, +0xc0db9a68, 0x7f57a5a8, 0xd14c817f, 0x8c4ab37a, 0x901081dd, 0x292a452b, 0x7f81e85a, 0x189ece81, +0xc10b9401, 0x81817f69, 0x358b3d7f, 0xa86bb1a9, 0xbd7f7f8a, 0x57fd7fe3, 0x81964506, 0x74295986, +0xab7fbc8d, 0x817f62e6, 0xab816277, 0x5737ab20, 0x9c7f6f50, 0x7f5781af, 0xe344ef7f, 0x98a695ca, +0x81d2a20e, 0xa77f6605, 0xc1d00398, 0x177a90d5, 0x7ff6db7f, 0x0221897f, 0x6c8105c6, 0x578981d7, +0x64ac81c3, 0x1d9381f9, 0x7f706e7f, 0xd5797f81, 0xf9567f81, 0x27ed81d0, 0x496f2d01, 0x48b8973b, +0xb34c1f32, 0x7f42139a, 0xeac95332, 0xf05f7783, 0x037f8145, 0xa98f3dbd, 0xc5ea24a8, 0x81417fc1, +0x81655e97, 0xcbc682df, 0xec10815a, 0x817f7fa5, 0xb8b54dff, 0x00003e84, 0xa7ece56d, 0x819d81c2, +0xd0ee6d81, 0x0e5e4db0, 0xe3818181, 0x7f4a2c13, 0xb13d46ac, 0xc181f081, 0xfe51c8ab, 0xa7747fb6, +0xc2506129, 0x9d98ce4a, 0x81627f81, 0x816d6481, 0x81576b7f, 0x817f814f, 0xc881cc8b, 0x686d098f, +0xae7fcb7f, 0x3b39a87f, 0x81888879, 0x47877f30, 0xd9bd9e9e, 0x061a0ee3, 0x7f3631a3, 0xbf5b227f, +0x7f7f837f, 0xc5d18162, 0xa3405318, 0xc3f27fac, 0x7f43c6f6, 0x927f7fad, 0x817f7fdd, 0x7f813b8b, +0x7fe59a65, 0x81fd87d7, 0xda54547f, 0x814d114a, 0x7e7f813d, 0xf47f077f, 0xa0869981, 0x38db7fea, +0xf61986b0, 0x7f9146cb, 0x81db9bb7, 0xfc3b8177, 0xbd7ff9a1, 0x7f33c5aa, 0x74335381, 0x815ca42b, +0x7f814a81, 0x49977342, 0xab9ed775, 0x9874db81, 0x6381227f, 0x1b81b27f, 0x817f3716, 0xd8e6bf07, +0x81030494, 0x56cedf81, 0x7f607f9a, 0x7f7f4f52, 0x3cb978f2, 0xd57fca81, 0xd7bc5c81, 0x3a2265b7, +0x7f7f98bf, 0xac068158, 0xa8851581, 0x1db9a67f, 0x7f24d44f, 0x57a34093, 0x7529b981, 0x50a3817f, +0x4c3f6381, 0xbd7f81ad, 0x2281a481, 0x1d2e7f81, 0x77b85621, 0x3f818105, 0x307f783f, 0x7f7fe0b2, +0x4d4a297f, 0x8d7f4d7f, 0x88818a7f, 0x129cf8b7, 0x9b817f7f, 0x7fe5ce65, 0xa48e7213, 0xf481a737, +0xb43d4fd4, 0x7fb182c3, 0xa18181ba, 0x077f8127, 0x4f4b468a, 0xe1bea062, 0xc34d0000, 0xc0f381ba, +0x8181817f, 0xbb2d9e7f, 0x7f216b7f, 0x868181ad, 0x7f7fcdf6, 0x810b3d55, 0x627f4c43, 0x81903e81, +0x54ea9a4d, 0x3181ae1e, 0x7f8116d0, 0x74b5c181, 0x607b431b, 0x5552d081, 0x7f818122, 0xe9449f4c, +0x6fb434b5, 0x1f1b9552, 0x54d7b178, 0x8b1b9e33, 0x4143cb33, 0x13b0817f, 0x7f51317f, 0x81247f65, +0xa6fd7b18, 0xb1d6550e, 0xaa6481c1, 0x81421f41, 0x50c0813c, 0x95ac7eec, 0x442a7981, 0xc39289ea, +0x667fcc5d, 0xf681817f, 0xd729c236, 0x5342819b, 0x813f457f, 0x819d2481, 0x817facd0, 0x7ff2dd9a, +0x81cafb81, 0x26c72930, 0x177ba325, 0x81015e07, 0xc5667f7f, 0x81fa497f, 0x7cb3505e, 0x85e3815d, +0x67596b53, 0x857f6696, 0xc97f7f66, 0x7a813978, 0x5f7f7f81, 0x043d9d81, 0x8c81a6a6, 0x0e8197f1, +0xd17664d1, 0x9f81814d, 0x7f4c4f3e, 0x5e7f756a, 0x8181815a, 0xe090817f, 0x81377f81, 0xaba9813d, +0x8985c047, 0x2106c97f, 0xc846f2b2, 0xb19a83ce, 0x64107f16, 0x7f792fde, 0x87516244, 0x9c81673e, +0x2f5c8187, 0x555a8181, 0x95d9f26a, 0x70408e9b, 0x7f81b57f, 0x8f0de19b, 0xd37f7a6e, 0x9ba9fa7f, +0x7f0b6568, 0x1a4f7f14, 0x3b4f5b71, 0x814e377f, 0x8125a7ec, 0x1d817f43, 0x811128dd, 0x66816435, +0x9de99e3e, 0x81b27f48, 0x7fc3783f, 0x69983781, 0x457a817f, 0xd4296caa, 0x0000b659, 0x723a92a9, +0x81860888, 0x8c81c44c, 0x7489b15c, 0x817310ed, 0x74a48e9c, 0xc6531a73, 0x7f7f64d0, 0x502d7fb9, +0x437f9f7f, 0xb1bfa444, 0x81df09f0, 0x0946ab9b, 0x7f21ca81, 0x9d818166, 0x81e8d281, 0x917f6791, +0x36ac811b, 0x9d817347, 0x344c02a7, 0xab36817f, 0x81818152, 0x32013a89, 0xd7ab3008, 0x6f608181, +0x817f7f7f, 0x153e0881, 0x81dfcaba, 0x6c5e577f, 0x2f7f6524, 0x817aa07c, 0xdd7f0175, 0x8b4b7fec, +0xbc81ead5, 0xae8b205d, 0xc9a9743e, 0xf33f14cf, 0x49ca7f58, 0x507f6976, 0x8cbe66d4, 0x9778a724, +0x6d8147e3, 0x81334092, 0x7f4c0101, 0x82d5ea73, 0xb59c6657, 0x1ab842f8, 0xbc1d8581, 0x4004d917, +0xe5eaaee2, 0x7fa9813b, 0x817fae58, 0xd77f1281, 0x10732f61, 0x836d137f, 0x7fbccb3b, 0x1a3a81d7, +0x81047fef, 0x790aa87f, 0xc19eaac6, 0x60667f07, 0xb7f1a97f, 0x39f39e7c, 0x057f7f7f, 0xaa7f81c8, +0x79bef7a0, 0xf3d3134d, 0x720f7fbd, 0xb4a5b69e, 0x716c817f, 0x9a817fdf, 0x347f817f, 0x4b995cb4, +0x876a4f7e, 0x8d92687f, 0x7f9e8181, 0x8172817f, 0x8ea21cc3, 0x61bd96b0, 0x81fba378, 0x6db77f7f, +0xdf307181, 0xda0f81c4, 0xa8e36d65, 0x70a7a559, 0x0be0f27f, 0xb56f4971, 0x35813a6d, 0x188130b5, +0x517ff881, 0xec54b6ff, 0x8183817f, 0x20ec2381, 0x3e7f9613, 0x878af66d, 0x81657f81, 0x7fb80000, +0x7cb38d5b, 0x817f7f45, 0x7f6352c1, 0x3881727e, 0x637f5ec2, 0x81437fc6, 0x7f7f90d2, 0xb1558699, +0x2b81904a, 0x7f84ad54, 0xedab2281, 0xbe9cbd81, 0x7f5001d1, 0xea2a206c, 0x813cf1ab, 0x81658221, +0x81a6817f, 0x8167929a, 0x726dd87f, 0x817f817f, 0x93b45a87, 0x7fa179e2, 0x7f4c7f81, 0x8157817f, +0xa2fd7e81, 0x44284a58, 0x3b98c224, 0x45008124, 0x16da978d, 0xb772ba81, 0x7a4f3481, 0xe97fb9c8, +0x7f49529e, 0xaa02580d, 0xa254adb3, 0xac0a817f, 0xdc532c32, 0x7fe6887f, 0x7f313d7d, 0x61d17f11, +0x81e1bf02, 0x7f62c97f, 0x348d5d50, 0x12ec7f7f, 0x8f7f2884, 0x7f3f371e, 0x021c8e81, 0x65a07fc7, +0x5e14b632, 0x817ff481, 0x6681de78, 0xba4f971c, 0x65c07f81, 0xac81d181, 0x7f11b17f, 0xdcc1011d, +0x7f7f23c1, 0xcc819b6a, 0x81a73d06, 0x5e943954, 0x09c8b87f, 0x43405fe8, 0x817f8d58, 0x550f4d1d, +0x82c27254, 0xd0408532, 0x4460477f, 0x8b7f9cec, 0x7fc9817f, 0x8181165f, 0x28d8817a, 0x0527752f, +0x8168813f, 0x7f48cc81, 0x7481c91e, 0x6881c481, 0x4b0a7f55, 0xcc81e624, 0xe57fac7f, 0x6f0f81a0, +0x417b5a81, 0x9381dd8c, 0xa881c4e5, 0x8c505264, 0x695ab14c, 0xecc99781, 0x3981c57f, 0x0c204553, +0x4a77d59c, 0xa2301c81, 0x5ba47f00, 0x451eb2f0, 0xb0459baf, 0x934bcc63, 0x5652c0a1, 0xb381b193, +0x68626b5b, 0x361741d5, 0x7fe281b3, 0x70ad7f7f, 0x8161f792, 0xbfda5b21, 0xed97ad84, 0x7f59cb7f, +0x8ed1ecf7, 0x75d784ac, 0x0f81b07f, 0x3ed5bb6b, 0x819122a9, 0x2257a06b, 0x81687fb1, 0xc008057f, +0x97812981, 0xcb2081cd, 0xd9bb6681, 0x407f7f7f, 0xc27f814e, 0x23a2527f, 0x767203ad, 0xed17ee7f, +0xd4b89558, 0x8195bc81, 0x817f7fe0, 0xe4b7997f, 0x081ca76d, 0xb87f817f, 0x006350bb, 0x812739de, +0x557f811e, 0x8d4387af, 0x98815781, 0x81818148, 0xb1bc8105, 0x04cf273e, 0x3f2b289b, 0xae96437e, +0x819281b9, 0x95cf7f82, 0x7bf77f81, 0xab7f0441, 0x81652854, 0x34de0d81, 0xac816081, 0x43b12e45, +0x91b75bdd, 0x7da27794, 0x9bbb727f, 0x301d812e, 0x7fa88120, 0x27a15075, 0x27c82cc1, 0xef1a813a, +0x8114c4d2, 0x817b7f2b, 0xff877f47, 0x7fd47fcd, 0xd08ceb35, 0xe07f4386, 0x67b3a47d, 0xad7fd64d, +0x817f7044, 0x537feabb, 0x8d3f36ec, 0x6c3883ce, 0x43b6909d, 0x81bcd181, 0xfa7fdae9, 0x3c7f5440, +0x3946347f, 0x7f22ac7f, 0x815dea81, 0xb6c6c8a1, 0xd57f81c9, 0x526fd581, 0xce3c3115, 0x3d41c54f, +0x5c5ac2b0, 0x7c948586, 0xa47f7f96, 0x8b7fc351, 0x309aadf9, 0xa0cfef81, 0xb081acd7, 0xd7413cb2, +0x7f4a6cc9, 0x5c3bb39f, 0x7fc7e581, 0x68cc8114, 0x0926a5fa, 0x82c37581, 0x8181e642, 0x57ab2ec6, +0x497f0000, 0x5fa07f9c, 0xa17fc405, 0xeaa0de7f, 0xa14a7fb3, 0xc4c12a81, 0xa3527d15, 0xa854d4d4, +0xf781a3db, 0xa07f26ae, 0x812c7f74, 0x1f7f2fc4, 0x3a9381d4, 0x17b6005d, 0xd414ee60, 0x18b49d68, +0x9cc77f9e, 0x30aa7f91, 0x7fb9207f, 0x64158b40, 0x81423c7f, 0xea2fa9cc, 0x7fa83381, 0xca647f8e, +0xd6b9657f, 0x81b26a7a, 0x4fb7b2f1, 0x1b7f9eda, 0xfb8181ab, 0x7f2557d7, 0x71e8701c, 0xa2817f81, +0x81817f9e, 0x04139d39, 0xc9f6533f, 0xa1f74db1, 0x814042db, 0xca6e8114, 0x7fb3f64a, 0x03f981a0, +0x7f9e0755, 0x7f7ba781, 0xd554d19a, 0xd81a5661, 0x7fb33f3a, 0x8f81c8bf, 0x012ff975, 0xb1a576ee, +0x81be6681, 0x818db381, 0xbd7f8151, 0x81b281ae, 0xddd2fbdc, 0x81bfa81c, 0xce818181, 0x774c9c28, +0x7fd05d59, 0x811a54ce, 0x2f7f727f, 0xbe816b81, 0x7fb03af2, 0xc44bfc7f, 0xcf6ba181, 0x14be8161, +0x6715a197, 0x76386d26, 0x07835f81, 0x817c818d, 0x81693281, 0x818118fa, 0x777c9e62, 0xccad6446, +0x769c5b8b, 0xdbd781b7, 0xe4b063f9, 0x2b568182, 0x8c7f8187, 0x7f7f677f, 0x6b7fa675, 0x6be85f61, +0xc36f7d32, 0x7f81005f, 0xd0d0997f, 0x3a818181, 0x7fa7b6b7, 0xc39ef17f, 0xcc7f437f, 0x3d51729d, +0x3eb72475, 0x1b069d81, 0x7fe8abee, 0x604c7df9, 0x7fb47f81, 0x3a263b75, 0x75a488e6, 0x7f68d47f, +0x00004e97, 0x7ffb0973, 0x7f53a009, 0x7f014834, 0x6f81022c, 0xf0b1405f, 0x06c84ca5, 0x4bcf7fc9, +0x4388ec9a, 0xf528fa74, 0x8e3b816f, 0x7f7f4c72, 0x817f5224, 0xbd998181, 0x81b181c6, 0xbd817f88, +0x1763f57f, 0x7a796e44, 0xe98e81a9, 0x5360a2fa, 0x97b39081, 0x707f1b65, 0x81c67f7f, 0x4e461c7f, +0x817f231b, 0xc2d08181, 0x366081c6, 0xd2e67f90, 0x13f1b87f, 0xd781819f, 0x7f347fa2, 0xb1147fc5, +0xe6b1fe4e, 0x3a1a96b2, 0x177f8191, 0x3e3d96fe, 0xd0d261a0, 0xb25e7fc9, 0x472b81ce, 0xbad6817f, +0x707b45ca, 0x81817f81, 0xc48fb7f8, 0x90373f82, 0xa681e0b5, 0x71419190, 0x6978f77f, 0xf4463125, +0x48f1937f, 0x4a45c611, 0x7f97e348, 0xf07f1e21, 0x81fbfc60, 0x8783a281, 0x00931cdd, 0x81e70f91, +0xe24e7f7f, 0x7f61817f, 0x81967c47, 0x6d9bc90e, 0xec58817f, 0x8157357f, 0x7f7fc674, 0x7f7e3c81, +0xaa8b7fbc, 0x7f3ba469, 0x7a22f57f, 0x7f7f7f27, 0x81c89e7f, 0x8145d9c8, 0x012f737f, 0xe91f15cc, +0x9b9cb749, 0x818142cd, 0x290a7f4a, 0x89cfc4b1, 0x8337ebe2, 0xd8224205, 0x8181a49e, 0x58b04ea1, +0x7fea95a7, 0x861681fb, 0xcea37f5f, 0x81309c8f, 0x6ded8145, 0xbd5be86e, 0xc2ce9402, 0x557f57be, +0x4ef830e9, 0x7f81f97f, 0xf804367a, 0x5de6817f, 0x156de096, 0x2c06df0c, 0x98b170d7, 0x817f81a9, +0x24597fd4, 0x81810000, 0x0e24a66a, 0x819e5681, 0x6f73e481, 0x054b532a, 0xc0814026, 0xb3a36181, +0x6da37f9a, 0x7f83574f, 0xe0a381c6, 0x2075bf7f, 0x28438181, 0xb1cd7f74, 0x7ffb497f, 0xd17f337f, +0x46085c73, 0xd57f5681, 0x704b7ff3, 0x449e3f7f, 0xeb6e09d6, 0xb37f4b02, 0x817f1cb9, 0x672edf7f, +0xd0c2c25b, 0x5ed0885b, 0x4676876b, 0x2bd8d970, 0x9a7fbbc6, 0x81095581, 0x81b27f6b, 0x753c7f7f, +0x7f812c7f, 0x7f477fbe, 0xdaa67f7e, 0x7f099859, 0x7b0fea70, 0x816b8186, 0xf0677f5c, 0x16455d9b, +0xa98170a9, 0xa181529b, 0x7f817f67, 0x8f72c351, 0x2a7f7f7f, 0x2f5f347f, 0x695c7f79, 0x282fbbe0, +0xb78581f0, 0x817f297f, 0x49818c81, 0x817fc78c, 0x3bd68181, 0x86d7deda, 0x7fa0d208, 0x1c7f3481, +0xf5be9a57, 0xb9ded881, 0x8ab88c81, 0x647ae23a, 0xb5571142, 0xe09d7fc1, 0xa5d9817f, 0xaca07f7f, +0x7f4d5286, 0xa57fde7f, 0x94d0917f, 0xb160442b, 0xacf47b2b, 0xd17f7f81, 0x2e37f976, 0xbe7f5d66, +0xc2815f28, 0x5c81487f, 0xc2026481, 0x81a194dd, 0xba7f2c91, 0xb7357f37, 0x81b25698, 0xd2818154, +0x45b78130, 0xc6bead58, 0x6f5a5656, 0xb181a6ae, 0x07c9a153, 0x75d681d3, 0x8c92817f, 0x81503520, +0xa66f812f, 0xa59b7a81, 0x17a09164, 0x17087fb2, 0xd0bb319b, 0x6d8153ae, 0x8af1a67f, 0x651c46b0, +0x4b637f1b, 0x00002981, 0x2c7f437f, 0xd9deb6ab, 0x9fba847f, 0x6f289b21, 0x015f811c, 0x8176f498, +0xeac003ae, 0x68818192, 0xb37fa6a6, 0xd07f4aa5, 0x83819472, 0xa5da41a0, 0xbc7fbe7f, 0xa67fccd9, +0x7f0c86c5, 0x116e7f15, 0x7f67b45a, 0x907fcf81, 0x81812c66, 0x05747283, 0xac962b7f, 0x2a7f81ea, +0x81c2b57f, 0xb1b4b868, 0x7f811ed1, 0x7f66c937, 0xc881e6ab, 0x740323fd, 0xcf765745, 0x3592d370, +0x5c81f3e5, 0x527f3efc, 0x818781d9, 0xf6819b53, 0x1c547f51, 0x4e29b37f, 0x36f1537f, 0xcb819758, +0x538f5b7f, 0xa5172c22, 0x52427f7f, 0x6b7f8128, 0x7186134a, 0xf67f1b62, 0x6081e015, 0x829abe81, +0xaa8a65fc, 0xd27fb70f, 0x7f0a0881, 0x3d7fc998, 0x443e78b0, 0x9443c354, 0x81266724, 0x9b81812b, +0x813181a0, 0x7fddca68, 0x7f260f81, 0x7a818181, 0x812681ca, 0xf48152e0, 0x817f8388, 0x81306c7f, +0x7f71d020, 0x81bd8481, 0x5234d5c2, 0x31be8136, 0x3403d432, 0x11286844, 0x81a57f1e, 0xe3b57fd4, +0x7aa88f52, 0xabc64c52, 0x977f8181, 0x7fe68ca6, 0x5dd6eac3, 0xd26a81a9, 0x017f8183, 0x902cc266, +0x7fba7f52, 0x617f81cf, 0x7f657ff0, 0x045d7f63, 0x3c04bb4e, 0xaa4e7f81, 0x847fe385, 0x67817f7f, +0x42f33d28, 0x61a5aa5a, 0x817f7f1e, 0xa3a715d7, 0x5da91c3a, 0x7f9f7f81, 0xc48281ce, 0x813081fa, +0x7f817e53, 0x6d227dbf, 0x6e7b0000, 0xf49b4091, 0xf6b3d8e9, 0x89fb29ae, 0x44289881, 0x3cc78181, +0xe58103b9, 0x535bffd3, 0x817fa81b, 0x469f82f0, 0x57837fe1, 0xe14af07f, 0x54bf19b2, 0x7482595d, +0x6781bbd2, 0x4b7b7fb7, 0xa4c45060, 0x380155c8, 0xb72aa381, 0x4530847f, 0xcb509581, 0x34818181, +0xb03cd87f, 0x90818122, 0x812a8181, 0x817f677f, 0x2c2a597f, 0x35f0c581, 0x81b11261, 0x4d678120, +0x816d7f5b, 0x448166d8, 0x0c567f61, 0x81189e21, 0xcf932f08, 0x4c5a917f, 0x687f9b7f, 0x257f81d2, +0xcc7f6220, 0x8c947f81, 0x24642d1f, 0x728155d3, 0x14ca75d2, 0x817d7f38, 0x7f818181, 0x7fb31f87, +0x13a581b3, 0xd9b5215f, 0xa8afdbf5, 0x147fe67f, 0x81caab97, 0xa96daa7f, 0xf88b897f, 0xe7937fc2, +0x5a8b7f4b, 0x7d59277f, 0x8d687f9d, 0x7f924b81, 0xd41c82c0, 0xa5119c7f, 0x4fcfeba1, 0x3e077f81, +0xaf65994c, 0x83d481a7, 0x81257fb0, 0xa481387f, 0x36d8a463, 0x8181811a, 0xc75643a7, 0x474c6c1a, +0x7fc0e8cf, 0x8cdc896e, 0x55830655, 0x7f81337f, 0x7f65db1d, 0xa881cd81, 0x7f812ec8, 0x7f76cdd4, +0x634a443d, 0xea7f3ed9, 0x90a8d093, 0xb05e819c, 0x7f7f5c4e, 0x811e5b81, 0x73a1b989, 0x8181717f, +0x927d7f09, 0xdeaf7fca, 0x528e302a, 0x81654681, 0x7fe92e81, 0x87d58110, 0x1ca86e20, 0x7291a4cc, +0xc76c7f81, 0x577f5136, 0x00005b6e, 0x817fe37f, 0xf7ac7f7f, 0xf258ee81, 0x81814c63, 0x2a97f57f, +0x5f7ca0a7, 0x7f2fa37f, 0x94360c7f, 0x7f23117d, 0x81343a7f, 0x55b0d9de, 0xbae0189e, 0xc77f228a, +0x817f7861, 0xa57f7fac, 0x878ede24, 0xb57fad5a, 0x5c907f93, 0x814e9b81, 0x7febf59c, 0x7724e1a9, +0x569d9281, 0x1b644699, 0x4d4e26bf, 0x397f7f6e, 0x8ac93027, 0xe6885974, 0x51a2c1a4, 0x7f7f5b7f, +0xaad8ac97, 0x122c8186, 0x97810a5b, 0x818581e2, 0xc77f7f35, 0x67611c60, 0x3f8178ea, 0xa47fa65e, +0x888f8132, 0x81817cd4, 0x1081b4bd, 0x817f7fb8, 0x449a3fcc, 0x7f9832de, 0x51e96f58, 0xcbde52c0, +0x6b515783, 0xbda3b297, 0xd64b6381, 0x7f693c81, 0x6d311abb, 0x73468e81, 0xde81817f, 0x4f811581, +0x90d6817f, 0x152c9d49, 0xad7f17d7, 0x7f834681, 0xa47fe6dc, 0x06817fb3, 0x7f817f69, 0xd18190b1, +0xca7f8183, 0x1881f381, 0xac50814a, 0x7f8dca7a, 0x71358131, 0x28783add, 0xd31b153b, 0x71919b97, +0x81877f07, 0x707fca4f, 0x57c6814b, 0xc0a17fbf, 0xff5bb344, 0x4a7fa99d, 0x7434c104, 0xaa7ff0a5, +0xb6ec6841, 0xb4917e1b, 0x5a81ab94, 0x81a3aab1, 0x257fce30, 0xe26b7fc7, 0x1d7a7fe5, 0xfc7ca6c0, +0x81437ff7, 0x7dc59e14, 0x7f0cf9e9, 0x90e37f7f, 0x7f6f12bc, 0x52d36381, 0xc15f88ac, 0x3536277f, +0x8d3e2a7f, 0xa18d7a7f, 0x48907f23, 0x7f810000, 0xfd813357, 0x6ed4520b, 0x843907e2, 0x66814378, +0x7f7f6bd8, 0x0e3381ad, 0x03847f90, 0x05814769, 0x8181c181, 0x1c7f7fac, 0xe83cbfb5, 0xb15c735c, +0x7f8f7f7f, 0x7f846b81, 0x81d2eb7e, 0xf7447f41, 0xa2b57f81, 0x2ba7f381, 0x817f75bc, 0x78553181, +0xc7b07f7f, 0x7f557a41, 0x46a83ddb, 0x9b447d13, 0xccfe7b81, 0x7f3ae281, 0x75464bfb, 0x7f4e5560, +0x7fad14ce, 0x98fd2a7f, 0x7f637f81, 0x4a22cf5c, 0xca81813e, 0x4ffc7347, 0x9d777fa5, 0x810585ff, +0x71e57f81, 0x3f7f8181, 0xfce8819c, 0xbb315486, 0xf1e5a974, 0xf1e061dc, 0xcd7f8181, 0x8181817f, +0x547fb97f, 0xa663c341, 0x9e5aab7f, 0x35768dad, 0x817f3b48, 0x46bc815f, 0x707f89b3, 0x860713c8, +0x4a7c6532, 0x541084e8, 0x5f77bb7f, 0x299dbebe, 0xd3f27f8c, 0x25096727, 0x81194cba, 0x7ceff409, +0x9c8c267f, 0x7f7b1fe0, 0x635c0fdd, 0x308132ac, 0x57330951, 0x7c257f81, 0x6266dd49, 0x7f89b481, +0x817f7fae, 0x7f81aebd, 0xc7fb7f7f, 0x4537e27f, 0x1d288b7f, 0x7f4a9b7f, 0x8150969f, 0xf533f121, +0x7f782217, 0xe428816e, 0x10ca6981, 0x6981b39f, 0xe35fdb7f, 0xc6814220, 0x79ba8158, 0x811e815d, +0x772d8184, 0xc784810c, 0xa91abf8f, 0x3c7f6f7f, 0x6d9981bf, 0x9b42dbe9, 0x42948181, 0x5681817f, +0xdba39bf2, 0xf77f7f37, 0x18eebbdb, 0x39c6b7b7, 0xdc2fb5b9, 0x99d00a7f, 0x02dbe492, 0x4481606e, +0x7f6f81a1, 0x7f2f557f, 0x2aee7f6d, 0xed2ad2ae, 0x6ce4ec0c, 0xdb4cae3a, 0x81646c83, 0x7fa3c1be, +0x7f383730, 0x81aeba9d, 0xc0528bdc, 0xd17f3982, 0x7fa47c7d, 0x81814e81, 0x813d81bc, 0x20816349, +0x857fdfe9, 0xe46aa581, 0xe8de53b5, 0x34471a81, 0x3b4f7feb, 0x8174c981, 0x2fc7c735, 0xc818ec81, +0xb28ed3df, 0x627f1100, 0x7f40067f, 0x7fd37fa8, 0x637c5b81, 0x113dd969, 0x81376881, 0x5d817f67, +0x7f7fda7f, 0x7f7f7f70, 0x77577fb4, 0x87bb3d7f, 0x5b817f93, 0x839b517f, 0x7f45818e, 0xe47f3381, +0x93c2b281, 0x944207f3, 0x36dc77b3, 0x50b86e4a, 0x8181e27f, 0x0b81a79b, 0xf9975950, 0x977b9e47, +0xea7f8181, 0x5547b549, 0x3da47f0d, 0x474b8e72, 0x7f7f9ce1, 0x7f2e2e42, 0x6f7f45c9, 0x08d56ede, +0x8524810b, 0x657fd15f, 0x7f8d0c14, 0x6c7fff7b, 0xd530f39d, 0x7fb4b023, 0x651d8a1b, 0x13817024, +0x7f850774, 0x1f219db3, 0xd8817f52, 0xd95c0feb, 0x9ef0e67f, 0xd9dd4c7f, 0x64b0819a, 0xbc60e997, +0x412fd0db, 0x817fa57f, 0xa3a47f81, 0x4d81815b, 0x81874e3a, 0x5f1e7c81, 0x7fc63b81, 0xbf817581, +0xb5b0a5ab, 0xde2c8145, 0x81789629, 0x097481b8, 0xad5bdca3, 0x212d81e5, 0x4d817f3c, 0x70813761, +0x5d6d0f40, 0x81a190eb, 0xc942c14d, 0x81b462d8, 0x81890000, 0x6586fbcf, 0x81cb3322, 0xa5c0b931, +0x7f78e98d, 0x2492625b, 0xaf81b981, 0x4e59817f, 0x677fb9d3, 0x2c3b817f, 0x920e5981, 0x7f2c7f5d, +0xc379d081, 0xdfbddf43, 0x85818172, 0x6781e442, 0xda9a7f14, 0xcac70881, 0x98818113, 0x0f817f6f, +0xeba852c8, 0x7fa6407a, 0x7fdc8188, 0x819fd349, 0xee738137, 0xe881417f, 0xb6777fea, 0xc6947f73, +0x8181240f, 0xa035c264, 0x7f419e81, 0x193f815f, 0xaedc812e, 0x7fb97f24, 0x924a81e6, 0x63f58183, +0x3e4ec808, 0x7f4fbe86, 0x5faba653, 0xf0c4f4d7, 0x69cf647f, 0xfb55c681, 0x7fe1e381, 0x7f817f6b, +0xc0410481, 0xc65d71b6, 0xba1f8135, 0x997f04cf, 0x49db5b1c, 0xbe817443, 0x817b812c, 0x36e18163, +0xd1893a47, 0x231df6f2, 0x816d045e, 0x3a568139, 0x81628181, 0x6588ffd2, 0x23603081, 0xf5b4817d, +0x8112b5bc, 0x7f9cfbae, 0xc02b8d40, 0xc7f20532, 0xce81487f, 0x0b1a6614, 0x7f17392f, 0x7f8f818c, +0x7f7f8388, 0x5492467a, 0xbf5e3081, 0x777f26bb, 0xae9c4a7f, 0xae81ba0e, 0x6c6281ae, 0x81238143, +0x7f997ffe, 0x798b949c, 0xc3d67f36, 0x38817ff9, 0x2f814ab6, 0x594bad4b, 0x7f6f7fd6, 0xab234181, +0xaf818581, 0x77865381, 0x9d7f8173, 0x27ac8181, 0xbdbd8daf, 0x7c7f7f7f, 0xc6817fd9, 0x34412181, +0x1fe7eb78, 0x7f38f49b, 0x81040b8f, 0x34ec8581, 0x0000907f, 0xd5818181, 0x7865c6d5, 0xada81975, +0x0447e955, 0x7f3d09b3, 0x2b8156e8, 0x976d81dd, 0x29cee57f, 0xa34f537f, 0xe9a981f6, 0x0c7fe841, +0x7f7eda7f, 0xd77f1881, 0x3f929481, 0x77e3c852, 0x0d817fc1, 0x7f4795ab, 0xd1337f4f, 0xdd4b077f, +0x97a4b3d8, 0x607ff155, 0x942b16c3, 0x113a723c, 0x52ce7882, 0x5e81f5e9, 0x81755669, 0x7fea4d5f, +0x5d6d7f81, 0x7f90e710, 0xe3817f6d, 0xe810299c, 0x4e814937, 0x3c269d81, 0x33a891aa, 0x81dd7ff3, +0xa9d1db0d, 0xfb2181eb, 0x7f817fa4, 0x75ec817c, 0xf17f8195, 0x81e18181, 0x44321c58, 0x35a62913, +0xcd5b0875, 0x397f8233, 0x797f7f81, 0x7f829cbc, 0x9a697f81, 0x07b7fea9, 0x7d2b0b7f, 0x8f984dce, +0x0c13b97f, 0xe9203f3c, 0xea473769, 0x7b7fdc81, 0x7f7885c1, 0xde7f5b39, 0x32bd81f1, 0x67b4917f, +0x443069cb, 0x6e972b83, 0xbc66829f, 0x7492817f, 0x7f4d7481, 0x7f25896f, 0x9ea0da7f, 0xceba7f81, +0x7f45d87f, 0x93dbf04c, 0x50814197, 0xb7167f81, 0x6d7fad19, 0x0f81bea5, 0xc57f8177, 0xca4c7f7f, +0x7d84e3f6, 0x7bc443d4, 0xd7b0ae81, 0xc8731f44, 0x06e481ac, 0x85b08181, 0x53cfe4be, 0x73761a3d, +0x707f9981, 0xa87ff27f, 0x68b5b87f, 0xb561c081, 0x7f660001, 0x7b81521e, 0x6093614b, 0xbc778748, +0x64400f81, 0x81d13281, 0x60475381, 0xbe768181, 0x21aad606, 0x81910000, 0x20b6a511, 0x5953d899, +0xdd7f7fba, 0x8181fabe, 0x81b8e77f, 0x817ff17f, 0x6757257f, 0x9c2cc933, 0x51813593, 0x7f7fadef, +0x8ec47f43, 0x348139d7, 0x7f5c82b7, 0x664419bc, 0x8d7b15a5, 0x8181a581, 0xd54d7f63, 0x7f0381b7, +0x81a17f68, 0x814a5e0d, 0x17813dc4, 0xbd94872d, 0xa25a8101, 0xa6810e54, 0xd8568fc4, 0x7f7f3a7f, +0x818478ba, 0x517f81c7, 0x70443b81, 0x7ce481b6, 0x7f817f7f, 0x81b27fe5, 0x4bc67f32, 0x81bbe681, +0xa1c8fe81, 0x857f1c0d, 0x7f81793a, 0x7fbfcf74, 0xadd47f5c, 0x7f8138b4, 0x6f63cd25, 0xd70e497f, +0x81aa7fc7, 0xbaa84f5a, 0x8197ccd3, 0x7f556b7e, 0xca815dff, 0xb9ba7f7f, 0x81747f7f, 0x7fdf967f, +0x65a98181, 0x81bc8181, 0x8e11bab7, 0xbbbf7ffd, 0x12b8457f, 0x59fe8481, 0xf25cdd81, 0x958f840c, +0x5e6a5f81, 0xe9008181, 0x7a68cb38, 0x76818914, 0xa3857fc7, 0xce98717f, 0x8126504d, 0x7fa48183, +0xfa60e14a, 0x7fb77f22, 0x5f3a7f28, 0x24910bde, 0x2fd07f4f, 0x64a6810b, 0x818181a4, 0x7a065fb8, +0x7fe69795, 0x45815e3b, 0x7fa98741, 0x52c581b8, 0x74bb2a22, 0x817a8166, 0xc2cb6581, 0x493c7f7f, +0x883e816b, 0x3c7f7f7f, 0x7f3381c1, 0xab767f6d, 0x81b4588c, 0xb2e24cb9, 0xd9bccba1, 0x70e0162c, +0xea1c810a, 0x907fdd49, 0x424aece8, 0xd90423b0, 0x22df1b28, 0x6b005d25, 0x113e61b3, 0xa2103bbe, +0x20d6c538, 0x17e6c841, 0xdc08e2c4, 0x2002b1ef, 0xc51a77e3, 0x8111f752, 0xea698110, 0x1849b6e8, +0xe6b006d2, 0xdc40b507, 0xc738b9ec, 0x42290a3f, 0x522355bc, 0x590736d3, 0xd9a340e5, 0xe30a19b5, +0x3de9eff9, 0x4437cc7f, 0xecfd0a7b, 0x34e4fcc7, 0x4afe1556, 0x1ecb301f, 0x0f511d1d, 0xf8ec40db, +0x4c07caf9, 0x59f73ebd, 0x45064328, 0x03c27f19, 0xd1661dcb, 0xe4e3ae17, 0x000fcd5b, 0xdd121ec8, +0x3adb1413, 0x112b9888, 0x1d3624fd, 0xa8a347f6, 0xfeb632d5, 0x1d28fc11, 0x21ac2b5f, 0x371fe9f7, +0x3d5ef435, 0xe84000a1, 0xaebebcc9, 0x34555ff0, 0x39a9ca2a, 0x580fc0e6, 0xcf7a5699, 0xf5e65242, +0x07ae3170, 0x06b223ea, 0x638e421b, 0xd8dc0cab, 0x66c44fb0, 0x954117d7, 0x9691a163, 0x415bc8a1, +0x0868d844, 0x9593f551, 0x364bec3b, 0x57460bfb, 0xdc310e3e, 0xe4dbef28, 0xc6443317, 0x81a02211, +0x450c2323, 0xefca9dcf, 0xfebf3fbf, 0xafef377c, 0x3f81ac26, 0x13b4e548, 0xf60a05a9, 0x03d4d840, +0x1970ecd3, 0x95019cfd, 0x8128341d, 0xc4d8d440, 0x16b80a75, 0xc2332b1d, 0x47e90e1b, 0x2e4eadcc, +0x0aa5f04b, 0x03302c42, 0x1a1ed437, 0x3b623efa, 0xc1cec834, 0x4442d130, 0xdce837f0, 0xc3f90934, +0x5ea50731, 0x257f1504, 0x2da5defd, 0x22d3dd34, 0xc429fa2b, 0xf2cc0a0b, 0x3e2e0000, 0x020f1c20, +0x2e962a1f, 0x06edf5f3, 0xceb5dfe4, 0x3b213d57, 0x08c24237, 0xf32ad940, 0x321768b0, 0xb133ebcd, +0xfca78110, 0xc03001db, 0xfca42f7f, 0x7071645f, 0x30bf8185, 0xd1f6d479, 0x02076839, 0x34cd900d, +0x500cda81, 0xe542b08e, 0x282afac6, 0x30a835ce, 0xbc710153, 0x574b009c, 0xe8b24309, 0x02d2cbc8, +0xaae1ea5a, 0x190eff7f, 0xbc656b07, 0xfdc8094e, 0xc0ee4452, 0x2a819969, 0xb79a0a0e, 0xe334a040, +0x12323acf, 0xd9617f3c, 0x3709af42, 0x8b67b338, 0xff00e313, 0x5046e8de, 0x45ec1107, 0x4e2618c9, +0xb40a62dd, 0x0da39629, 0x0a62a937, 0xc9d92e1d, 0xcf4daf81, 0x3f26a9a3, 0xd01e3f2b, 0xac294211, +0xd7c221e7, 0x15c928f2, 0xd79412cb, 0x110fb1fc, 0xddd3fa22, 0x4e7fa8ad, 0xd4a0ebf8, 0x5b144a01, +0x4cf90bdc, 0xb43366e7, 0x1cb8503e, 0xff152c3a, 0xae04fd5f, 0xd896041e, 0x1c2ca245, 0xd7adf0e3, +0x36ee2de1, 0xf0350023, 0x2e529db9, 0xba18d1bc, 0xbb2aba00, 0x52c7c4fb, 0x09df6147, 0x1102f72e, +0x13054b2f, 0xf9f9fced, 0x292a14c9, 0x60095adf, 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0xE33130E0, 0x3DC02726, 0x18390C3C, 0x26C04DC9, 0xDBF22D35, 0xC3E1EC45, 0xCED12623, +0x1CE92E39, 0xCF2FD222, 0xD8DE31E6, 0x1EE916D1, 0x35DCB621, 0x19C2EB54, 0x41B34ED4, 0xD9373BDF, +0x203ED6D8, 0x2CD4A8C8, 0x14E0C6C6, 0xDF242131, 0xCDD921CF, 0x33AACBCC, 0x2AD1A5C6, 0x3ED42B00, +0xBF181FD0, 0xC0CC2329, 0x1BD1EDC9, 0x3A2D47CB, 0xDD27D8CB, 0xD8E8BAE6, 0xD5DE3FF5, 0x2C30D641, +0xDCDCDF26, 0xC2C34433, 0x2837F53D, 0x29D8E12D, 0xBF3FEBD0, 0x34CACC45, 0x30E1DA21, 0x39DDDCB3, +0x30193518, 0xC0132E19, 0x313D3736, 0xB2D4FF34, 0xF4D92945, 0xC70D3AEA, 0x3E3034F0, 0x00DA2F07, +0x1DD415EB, 0xCC1AC4B2, 0x232EB21C, 0xD7431E16, 0x2FCE0835, 0xCF39242C, 0x1BCA2CD4, 0xD8B6D0FA, +0x18C3262F, 0x2CE3BDCB, 0xD839DC38, 0x26161D24, 0x1223B3DC, 0xD6D63515, 0xCFBABFC6, 0xC1BF18C7, +0x2637C715, 0x264020EA, 0xD024D3C4, 0x4126A11D, 0x2E34442D, 0x32BB1CC9, 0x36E7DD40, 0x3113C3C5, +0xD100C8CE, 0xD21651E8, 0xC3CFCDD9, 0x403139F1, 0xD3D02119, 0x32171AC8, 0xD2F9B62E, 0xB5B335D4, +0xC1462835, 0x1F1C2C35, 0xD8DDBF35, 0x422D2DDA, 0x38ED19D7, 0x3326BD2F, 0x4534DFCE, 0x46403132, +0x19CDD51E, 0xCBC3CBC0, 0xE3CF2139, 0xC646ECD8, 0x29E7C7DD, 0xE94CCAF8, 0xB8C6EA37, 0xEC2B09DA, +0xC8C82738, 0xC6CCDDFB, 0x3FCA3B4D, 0xC6482BD1, 0x2DE1D333, 0x3530BB3A, 0xBF4838EA, 0xE4411ACB, +0x3514D939, 0xCD372B27, 0x4BEC1C39, 0xAB21C221, 0xD8D83F37, 0xCCE0512D, 0xDA4640C2, 0x36AE1CD6, +0xBC2F303B, 0x20C3B8CD, 0xBFE6D4E0, 0xBECCC4EB, 0xC7CC1E4E, 0xCC2BD03C, 0x3738C518, 0x23B824CC, +0x2BECD0BC, 0x2107B945, 0x2AC21B00, 0xBE49F2EB, 0x31D2E3DC, 0xDAD23F11, 0xCDED3137, 0x3ABADA3A, +0xD9C0C12C, 0x36CEE8CF, 0xD0D5BDD3, 0x2AC9CFCC, 0xE61FD747, 0xC7B7B12A, 0x2BD520DF, 0xD5BC1D31, +0xE6D8423B, 0xCC21EB43, 0x1F46292D, 0x171EE038, 0xDFA5E244, 0x1BD5C4AD, 0xC622C2B5, 0x4E33CFD3, +0x3F263F30, 0x34E4CF15, 0x0041CC36, 0x4021DB29, 0xD62E2231, 0x2C22AE21, 0x1A201F44, 0xC6D7C100, +0x3A335125, 0x42473A2A, 0xDF32DA1F, 0xE5D8B51F, 0x3049E832, 0xE6DED531, 0x315DD01E, 0xDDD92034, +0x2EBF0AEB, 0x4B4639DD, 0xBED6C8DA, 0xDABA3714, 0xDD133BD7, 0xC934EACF, 0x0D35C3E2, 0xB4CCC213, +0x37EE202B, 0x0AD21AD9, 0x28D2C9CD, 0xD800DB2D, 0xD34B274A, 0xBDD33644, 0x38EFF1CC, 0xBDABD734, +0xB11E3E32, 0x2F1C23DC, 0xE80BD7DE, 0xDBE7D6F7, 0x240248BF, 0x23CEF1F6, 0x1F56E634, 0x33CD2230, +0xB4DB182F, 0xD338BA36, 0x33392B24, 0xBB3B3649, 0x282F30E7, 0x45CC35B1, 0x46261B30, 0x1FD9A722, +0x3BE3E1C3, 0x25334FF0, 0xB8BB28C0, 0xD751E2CC, 0x403600E1, 0x461FC3ED, 0xCB30C202, 0xD8D2B92A, +0x2923D71B, 0xB9DDE6CC, 0xB935CB0A, 0xEF37D723, 0xD1DA06CD, 0x303CE928, 0xF8B9BA27, 0x37370A1F, +0xD6C1DDD9, 0x18B6463F, 0x28C71FC3, 0x38D8B53A, 0xD22DE9A1, 0x18DDB236, 0x0A28D515, 0x363B263D, +0x1F3A122D, 0x202AE323, 0xC72337E8, 0x32ED08CC, 0x2658C347, 0xC6F4E200, 0x45D1C2C3, 0xF92D343A, +0x3EBE1E65, 0x10EB2FD3, 0xC64FD5E5, 0xC5D3F521, 0xE9CA1A37, 0xD736CDD6, 0xDCC7C233, 0xC9C8E2D4, +0x2B99D60A, 0x1EE3DA0D, 0x30BDD8E1, 0x16D3BE1F, 0x1C4524D4, 0xC8D5D432, 0x19AEDA3D, 0xCDD4CAD5, +0xD835332E, 0x2412DA1B, 0xD0CBEBD7, 0xC3CEF425, 0xD1D743E3, 0x000A163B, 0x23DC3129, 0x202332D1, +0x322F2216, 0x28F5131A, 0xD316CF0D, 0xD0344C30, 0x423325D7, 0x37204237, 0xEEDDC721, 0x2038E805, +0xD525C522, 0xBEDDE327, 0x3AC8BCC5, 0x45402E27, 0x34DFC1D9, 0x2DB0D049, 0x322F2ACF, 0xDB3AC3C5, +0xD8D0EB4F, 0x2A1DCCCC, 0xD0D33DC2, 0x1349DC45, 0x39CBBC32, 0x30301EBF, 0x2C00DFC0, 0x5DD0CA11, +0xD0220C3A, 0xC527CD1A, 0x31CD372C, 0x2E0ED7DC, 0xC6F92338, 0xF537E8D0, 0x3626DBBF, 0xC9C3C6C3, +0x30DDBE17, 0x50394C39, 0x3A11343B, 0x27E8DC2E, 0x0DDB303F, 0x1818BCF0, 0xC5DC17DB, 0x24C53A26, +0xECB0E7E2, 0xC21B1928, 0x15D7C920, 0x4126AACE, 0xE214D8C7, 0xD40BCD42, 0xB2CBD018, 0x554436DB, +0x3C2D25D9, 0x21CEC0DC, 0xE9251919, 0xE41ACDC3, 0xDECF67C3, 0xEDDE3225, 0xCA30EEDD, 0xCFE01E37, +0xD231BF41, 0x34DF1EBD, 0x1DD2CC2C, 0x21142E29, 0xEA322B37, 0xCEC311DE, 0xF0F738DD, 0xEBED1A40, +0xDCE640E8, 0xD0D1BA2B, 0xE906D6DB, 0xC71938B1, 0x13C59F39, 0x1ED6DBB6, 0x231BD3A9, 0x2C2B30DC, +0x0ED50000, 0x2DD4EED6, 0xD9D21BEE, 0xE1442E36, 0x38CEC4AE, 0xC626CCF4, 0xC2CD3F36, 0xD71F2BD9, +0x2F421837, 0x31B11A23, 0xD4D5282D, 0xD0E6BED7, 0x30D737CB, 0xC8142A09, 0xD8D2CFDC, 0xC22D3C44, +0xF62DF1C9, 0x3D38DBC9, 0xBFC2E5D3, 0xDCE42128, 0x3A304038, 0xDBE6D626, 0x28250FE0, 0x27B52BCF, +0xE0D8DC3C, 0xC8DA09DA, 0x2DF02FD4, 0xE539D7D1, 0xCDE729C2, 0x4816E313, 0x4E392AC5, 0x112CF50F, +0x3AD94924, 0x4B22273A, 0x43D2DE9E, 0xDA22DE30, 0x3FE324DB, 0xD9CC2811, 0x29D253D4, 0xE2BC353C, +0x0CC92147, 0xB8F0C6F5, 0x3D35DEBF, 0xED4ACBEB, 0xAC34E532, 0xEA2AC526, 0xEAC0BFC8, 0x4431D9DD, +0xC0CE4E21, 0x0000F2DD, 0xE0D8C7BA, 0xDDDC2E36, 0xDA42C22B, 0x2B312614, 0xDC391EF4, 0xCC2E31D8, +0x3DF4D630, 0xC72C21D9, 0xDB2BD531, 0xD916DB3C, 0xBEC11DD2, 0xD1D5CEA4, 0xBA072ED7, 0x402F2829, +0xE3C0F627, 0xC7CC3CBD, 0xF41D3345, 0xD706DB14, 0xB2DF36AC, 0xEBC4551F, 0x32B01929, 0xC5B6DDEC, +0xD91DE130, 0xE1213222, 0x4126D927, 0xAF52300D, 0x291B301C, 0x241A1843, 0xE43C1FDC, 0xBBCC191C, +0x2C25E011, 0xBD3EE9DB, 0xC9BF1345, 0x2F333AD2, 0x1CD822DB, 0x23BE43EA, 0x2527EADC, 0xB52E1C1E, +0x391CCF17, 0xD2C82C0C, 0x242E3830, 0xD328D808, 0x35CEF4CD, 0xD81BE035, 0xD0DF38DA, 0xD1D3C42E, +0x3A2C1EEA, 0xC6D03AD2, 0x1E362E4E, 0xE6080000, 0xD018C312, 0xEFAA323B, 0xD1294BD2, 0xBAD52C3B, +0xE0373E10, 0x260CDDE2, 0xC902E040, 0x30472BD5, 0x534BE7D2, 0x20CCB523, 0x21CCD843, 0x2259E24E, +0xDE35FDD1, 0xD4D91D3E, 0xCFCA11D5, 0x35D724BD, 0x3C3F0CB8, 0x3EC447CB, 0xE835DDC4, 0xC3C73E31, +0xDD432B2F, 0x2FDCBDC2, 0x2D3CCE17, 0x25B8AB31, 0x2ACCFFE5, 0x40E03C2B, 0xE7DA1841, 0x17E53020, +0xD44E0B2F, 0x46DA22EC, 0x33422425, 0x211840C5, 0x23C1CFD5, 0xC8350BE5, 0xD833CDD0, 0xE63DC528, +0x292ADC17, 0xD8BCD3C1, 0xCD39F02E, 0xA71EC343, 0xD6CC3A3E, 0x2E12D2CF, 0xC40B1FB1, 0x37DCDC33, +0x20E52EEA, 0x271629E5, 0xC4BEE0C2, 0x1B3CDBD6, 0x00004934, 0x18E145C7, 0x4BE93522, 0x3029C309, +0x31D1D50F, 0x3DB42C1A, 0x21A643B2, 0x3E26D8C2, 0xCDDE28D1, 0x44E835E1, 0xEDC4DED1, 0xC4F9C9ED, +0xC5E1BBCC, 0x4426C1D4, 0xD9BB372B, 0x37232E0D, 0xE5D0D0AE, 0xC9D23CC5, 0xF638E2C7, 0x2DB6E6D9, +0xC0C9B72D, 0xDF28E6D0, 0x11E2DCC8, 0xD8E2F31C, 0xEA3937DE, 0x2741B953, 0x19D5CEE6, 0x33DDC22D, +0x2BF72326, 0x2143363C, 0x13CA1A1F, 0xB9D7DAC9, 0x22C6B72E, 0xC5DA2631, 0xCB32ECCF, 0x032D15D4, +0xBB1EE613, 0x38C42452, 0xDBCD2726, 0x1AF44039, 0x22CF2EC6, 0xCAEDE6B4, 0x2823D423, 0xDCC61C39, +0xC12D19BF, 0xC612C31B, 0x31F1D32D, 0x3E1C09E4, 0xD824C5E7, 0xDFFC2839, 0x2AD40000, 0xDFCCBBBC, +0x3FC9CC12, 0xEF2626E1, 0x0FCDEA2A, 0xEBD735CF, 0x4E1A2834, 0xCDEDE1D5, 0x31CCCD29, 0x2F4618DF, +0x48C11936, 0x29DADE41, 0xD71C1AE0, 0xDDD2285A, 0xB13DCDC8, 0xF020B8DB, 0xD0B837C2, 0xDC3B48E8, +0x18C3C530, 0x192C2940, 0x2ADA3AE4, 0xEA34C55A, 0xDAB2BED4, 0x1A51E838, 0xC832AEBE, 0x10DE2DE2, +0x3B2408CC, 0x22CEBD1E, 0xC919D6BE, 0x21D2D128, 0xCFE03A2A, 0xB7DEDC3B, 0x33C630ED, 0x5A0EEAD1, +0x3CB03FCE, 0x24EC15E4, 0xD0385BBF, 0x20CB4E4B, 0x30E0C535, 0x301BCD3C, 0x3642DDD3, 0xD90FDC50, +0xCA35BBCC, 0x393B3B2F, 0xE2BE352D, 0x362BE3BF, 0x1922B73D, 0xDE3448BD, 0xF7C0C02D, 0x00002F43, +0x2FCAD0E4, 0xDE412A34, 0xFBF339DA, 0x2BB94330, 0x39B521D5, 0x2DE31F43, 0x382C4F23, 0x35314C2D, +0x2DE3DBDC, 0x3A18EAB9, 0xD0DF131C, 0x45EA41E0, 0x48BBC1BF, 0x2220D7E4, 0x29C8D0C5, 0x3C0527CA, +0xC1ED061C, 0xCB48CA3E, 0xE846E633, 0x0EB2D7CF, 0x44C42335, 0x27F0D440, 0x332FD847, 0xD72F2CE3, +0xD7ECD6C9, 0x4026D51F, 0xD334BEE6, 0xE01B40C5, 0xD62BDA2F, 0xDEEA36AF, 0xABD039C7, 0x2E123FCE, +0xFD3924A8, 0xD0C6D529, 0xD52AEED4, 0x211D2A35, 0x1EE9C5F1, 0xCECAF921, 0x38C92740, 0x3E4E2A1A, +0xB8FAC7C3, 0xF11F1C36, 0xD4DA163A, 0x2701DC38, 0x0E3019D5, 0x57DB23E1, 0x43CD26D0, 0xADCC4934, +0xE0D3D706, 0x403A0000, 0xDECED5E1, 0xDAE6CF1D, 0xD5E33C40, 0x35B3D038, 0x24D73231, 0x2EC01D40, +0xC2D23CDC, 0x44C20BC6, 0x44C1D7A8, 0xE9D1C745, 0x36E5C2C6, 0xB81B2D42, 0x413917CC, 0xD8E031BA, +0xCE3CC1C4, 0x3EC91AC5, 0x0DE406CE, 0x35D1DA27, 0xC8E5CAE3, 0x313EC127, 0xB61631CA, 0xD73B3444, +0xD834C850, 0x37D31DE2, 0xCCC9153D, 0xBF41E9CA, 0xD649F9DC, 0x3A31D501, 0x50CD1DE3, 0xC8E54012, +0x4432D4D5, 0xCBB93023, 0xE8FCD6C2, 0xCEE0CAD1, 0xE41B2E39, 0x28CC0E40, 0xDFEAEFFD, 0xB3EA2723, +0x3534B935, 0x42D12A09, 0xED3DCA0A, 0x263C352B, 0xAD224EDF, 0x2CDF2A10, 0xF0BE4CAD, 0xBD45D8D5, +0x263F27D4, 0xE2372FB4, 0xC35240DF, 0x1EF3DCDA, 0x3AD0D224, 0x27DAD527, 0x303A2CBE, 0xCDDCC829, +0xE22B35C9, 0xD5DC222F, 0xEEBDCB63, 0x2042DAD8, 0x06CC3524, 0xD11BBB3E, 0xAE2229E6, 0x1FC81E1F, +0xEF4B12DA, 0xE1D846DD, 0xBA3B1CDA, 0xE154C801, 0xD6092CD2, 0xD0F132CB, 0x3A40D027, 0x123530BB, +0x1EC5B4DC, 0xD11825CB, 0xC603DECC, 0x28BCC5ED, 0x2C03E1CD, 0xE9AA12A5, 0xDB2DD53A, 0xCA32D01E, +0x2F4A09C5, 0xFE411E26, 0x1354CEC8, 0x3736C5F4, 0xC62F3C3B, 0x252DDFB9, 0xD0353723, 0xD8DDC21E, +0xE3DF21ED, 0xDAE33AC0, 0x2ADA323E, 0xDC43E1D9, 0x3A23463E, 0xD71934F8, 0xDB1037C8, 0x38B7BCCC, +0xDA2C1CC1, 0x3EEEE349, 0x2ACB2A26, 0xD4BCBCD8, 0x4AB50000, 0x9EC941D8, 0x3824C9D0, 0x203CCD36, +0x0DCDEDD8, 0x5B333036, 0x3125C7DD, 0xD7383F30, 0xD6C72617, 0xE1C245DD, 0xBDD3E818, 0x3210422F, +0xD00ECF2E, 0x44411A3A, 0x02E72E22, 0xF106D24C, 0xCFC847CF, 0x0421AFCF, 0xD2C525A9, 0x3CBCE63A, +0xE02A1E36, 0xE036E3E4, 0xDDC22B25, 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0xDFCDCBD9, +0x2E3C36DD, 0xE5262833, 0xF841291D, 0x15E324F5, 0x0315D732, 0xD1C5C5CA, 0xD73144D3, 0x2ABEBA1A, +0xBCF42E2C, 0x00E1E53B, 0x4423AD2C, 0xB021CF20, 0xD8D5EEB6, 0xBD35BCCD, 0xE6D85334, 0xD549DF2D, +0x35C74D19, 0x3F4BBE3D, 0x1F3FA3EB, 0xCEB2B335, 0x35D0BCBA, 0xD5D8CF27, 0xB11DCFC4, 0x24D3D408, +0x183B35D0, 0x1C14D619, 0x35D445BB, 0xDE452444, 0xC83315C5, 0x3F2122D0, 0xB623C737, 0x33321DD0, +0xD6DF33DE, 0xDE39AA20, 0xCF00F239, 0x412410D5, 0xC5DC2339, 0x1D3BD1B6, 0xC0E3481E, 0x1030451A, +0x30EA30D1, 0xC6DCB9C7, 0x2C36DC17, 0xCBB0ED30, 0x26C20FBE, 0x35D6D528, 0xD6CC2242, 0xEDE4241E, +0xC036DED9, 0x26303627, 0xB6B6371B, 0x26E3D6DF, 0x0D36C729, 0xBEEE4FD7, 0xE3C839D1, 0xC0313031, +0xAEAD2828, 0x36323D23, 0x13342728, 0x2904EE20, 0x261DDCD6, 0x0CBCE1E1, 0xD2CBD5C3, 0xFD1C4B2C, +0x1CD8CDDB, 0xD4BE53B1, 0x2BD6CDDE, 0xC61A01E1, 0x3D41BED3, 0xE0333BD0, 0x4040E821, 0xC4A32449, +0xD3D3A8BF, 0x36E11C2C, 0x3CC1321B, 0xC5D03E1C, 0xB813D9DD, 0xD6C51838, 0xCEBED141, 0x1FEA3813, +0x3611CAC0, 0xD12EE2C6, 0xE1BFD22D, 0xD0DAE9CC, 0x0E03DB00, 0xBC37393F, 0x422BC916, 0x49C4D72A, +0xBFC0243B, 0xC1C2F1C3, 0xDF36CC32, 0x49E53EE4, 0xBFC02CDF, 0x2BEE2BE1, 0xC23224C5, 0xD63F16DA, +0x15DBC21F, 0x49E4CC57, 0xBE272CC7, 0x274E0643, 0x5C1DDBE7, 0x34B73DF0, 0xCD2D2EB9, 0x1AD43BCD, +0xFD3047D3, 0xDAC53936, 0x1328DCC8, 0xBC32331D, 0x001F2634, 0xC845410F, 0xDBDB1C2B, 0xD1D819D0, +0xEBDDE12D, 0x37E335D7, 0xCDA84635, 0x0F362FBE, 0x30C229C4, 0xBC1DC43E, 0x3CD02F3D, 0x2EF5F5F4, +0x462D15E6, 0x362F1FC5, 0xC0C9CD49, 0x14C92639, 0x2BD135D0, 0x49C6B8DA, 0xDBC7E1D9, 0xC6382328, +0xEDC217BC, 0xE4D1331C, 0xDCC741CF, 0x283A341C, 0x38B93420, 0x46001BE7, 0x3E1030C4, 0x42A8C1CD, +0xBB3339C5, 0xE538DD20, 0xDF3F2602, 0xE52BE5C1, 0xBE2B41BA, 0x3BD4D337, 0x2D39C3DB, 0xC3BB36F0, +0xD12CCF17, 0x4130B93A, 0xE31DEAEC, 0xF9DEF52D, 0xADD35231, 0xD62ED0EF, 0xBE303521, 0x1E2ADB41, +0x310AC62F, 0x22DA2DC5, 0x26E1D9D0, 0x1F4D2AC1, 0xC8E6DCE1, 0xC6B3D62E, 0xD6D20019, 0x4EDC2D39, +0x342AE224, 0x07CBD4CB, 0xE43FB3BE, 0x1BE53748, 0xDD44C8A2, 0xBC34B7BA, 0xA1DD1D43, 0x23D31827, +0x3519E93F, 0xC83B3720, 0x1BF0B72A, 0xEAC7DCC0, 0xCA4B28EC, 0xD54D242F, 0xF35435D1, 0x3DDEC824, +0xC31128CE, 0x0B0FD136, 0x442D1E2B, 0xCBD1C3EC, 0xD635341B, 0xDD1F2931, 0x3442CDD0, 0xDADD3600, +0xC31E40E3, 0xB0BD1B22, 0x38CA1F0D, 0xD42D3043, 0xE65127E4, 0x2F15C9D6, 0x3E360B30, 0xB2CB1524, +0xC7BBC4DF, 0x38D244C7, 0x483B31C0, 0xDB43C8D1, 0x43DCDBBC, 0xDCC7571D, 0x24BAC2C6, 0x3B4ED6DC, +0x3AE03245, 0x0C40E1E2, 0x493724C0, 0xD4ECC537, 0x36CC30BA, 0x1C303FC6, 0xD12F27D5, 0x00C4272F, +0xFFFD061D, 0xC2D9251D, 0xC1D7D625, 0xBFCD3AD3, 0xB42E11D4, 0xC7230E1E, 0x24CD2C21, 0x0BD436F9, +0xCECCD331, 0xE6BDE0D5, 0xD2C6C941, 0xE1D1D3EF, 0xEB4123CD, 0xDA1755E5, 0xCEE4C529, 0xDC43C5D1, +0xD8FDDFEA, 0x1AC9C317, 0x22E13DCE, 0x01D7BA29, 0x1551E449, 0x43CD363E, 0xC6281B24, 0xCBD23725, +0x3200D61C, 0x35D6CCBC, 0x262CB22C, 0xE2E43DB1, 0x26493335, 0x3AD72ACA, 0xC4244430, 0x3AD7C9C3, +0xC91ED8D1, 0x40EAD2AC, 0x38C9CDAC, 0x413BC137, 0xCD304B1F, 0xEFCA2323, 0xAC3FE4CD, 0x3616F6E0, +0x41C2272A, 0xDCD7B2E2, 0x27D9E018, 0xDEE2D943, 0xD5C01F22, 0xB0D93540, 0xB411C13D, 0xDE39CBE0, +0xE2C6F126, 0x31450828, 0xD2BC2927, 0xBACA1DD1, 0x34DDCDC3, 0xD8302AD5, 0xE2D02824, 0x0B2BE03E, +0x3BCAFD2C, 0x2E461D45, 0xBBF6F32E, 0x31E5DED2, 0x2ED4E847, 0x3BDDCD29, 0x231331D8, 0xF521CF2E, +0xD024C718, 0x20D91011, 0xDB1E0F34, 0xD931C0BB, 0xBB310837, 0x29B7C5CB, 0x3B31DEE0, 0x0836B926, +0x28CB1FD4, 0x31072A30, 0xEE41F300, 0x35CB501E, 0x603A2B47, 0x2C2739CE, 0xC0CFC4D9, 0xE0CED43C, +0x22BDC9CA, 0xBAEC122D, 0x4D16F2C5, 0xB6E5C3DA, 0x19D5C9D0, 0x1D1DDFC2, 0x223A23FB, 0xCD382B09, +0x3025C2E6, 0x3918BDD5, 0x33DFEF0E, 0x291A302B, 0x14184930, 0xD414D233, 0x473CCED7, 0xD2D318B7, +0x3E2738D2, 0x2928D537, 0x002E14BB, 0xE2E03734, 0x1B1EDFD1, 0xCF483FD8, 0x3D043844, 0xD52E1C4C, +0x2823EAD6, 0x1F2D241A, 0xBC4B22E6, 0x2EE7DFB8, 0x3424E2F0, 0xD41BD7CB, 0x2BBCDF1E, 0x155B5033, +0xB527D543, 0xE3C5E9F4, 0xD9B5C92B, 0xD3CAE0DF, 0x31C4CED7, 0x0BD33B25, 0xCF3B111D, 0xE62F241F, +0x22D93D22, 0xCF27EF43, 0xDAD2C5DD, 0xC60019BE, 0x2935D5C3, 0x2D0BCD22, 0x224714EA, 0xE7CAB817, +0xD1282222, 0x3C25EBD0, 0x45F0A8DC, 0x3ACFB92D, 0x34B4E7E6, 0xE93523E0, 0x2C292FCA, 0x44D4C7AC, +0xEA22C3FE, 0xEF37E524, 0x313ADCDA, 0x2212D846, 0x1BE0FF4B, 0x1CBC2E34, 0x174AF041, 0xD245223E, +0xE1DB2BDC, 0xF2E9A515, 0xE3C33BCC, 0x43DBD5CE, 0xF11700DB, 0xDE44DD36, 0x26E1D604, 0xC2ACE419, +0xB9D8C7D4, 0x37EFE21E, 0xE2BAC2D1, 0x3926E91A, 0xD013E8BC, 0x2C43ECD9, 0x232B30F8, 0xD6C9E0BD, +0x26A718BC, 0xEFF6C840, 0xC13332C2, 0xC4B9BD36, 0x1B4921BD, 0xD0EBECE0, 0xBCE4D647, 0x35D4DCD5, +0x1BBE4C27, 0xECC1B7CB, 0xD820284D, 0x0BC33DBF, 0x34D03140, 0x38EC3900, 0x29EBDBC9, 0xD43A3041, +0x3AE0DD0C, 0x09CFCFDB, 0x44E0C7CE, 0x20DBC4E3, 0x26DC41DE, 0xBA3AD2E5, 0x2ABA34E1, 0xD70FBEB7, +0x40E03FE2, 0xF8D62041, 0xBD47B7EA, 0xD2E03E34, 0x1FC6D2DE, 0xCF1CD155, 0x32D52630, 0x3C463D2C, +0x253130E3, 0x1ED8BB4A, 0x411BDFDD, 0x3FD8EE35, 0x33D02BBB, 0x002ECAAE, 0xDF1FDFEB, 0x2CD8DA3C, +0xB6352D59, 0xD5BDD3B9, 0x1946630D, 0xD9181731, 0xD419D31F, 0xCE2FB7D0, 0x32EFE3C3, 0xCDDB2FD3, +0xD247BB3E, 0xBA41DECA, 0x23244AD2, 0xDEAAF2B2, 0xB8D525F2, 0xD327A4D0, 0x3718C0E2, 0x2D3E20D9, +0x24CFDF12, 0x26D0BE1C, 0xC8D9282E, 0xEB54CADF, 0x44DB1AED, 0xC927BF29, 0x2E002B39, 0xBB2625E4, +0xBB4421D2, 0x18CBAA3A, 0x213ECD37, 0x0F33163C, 0x3622E432, 0xE5C7C62B, 0xDE39E7C7, 0xF3151CCA, +0x2ACED6D2, 0x2ADADFC4, 0xD6241ACC, 0xB92F0622, 0x1BC639E4, 0x33D92BC4, 0xAF14E0DD, 0xE6EEC2C9, +0x16BDCAE3, 0x272E1AC3, 0x292E1EBE, 0xDCE439B1, 0x4225E1C6, 0xCD372420, 0x27D716B1, 0xD83EE339, +0xDBCAD4B3, 0x26385033, 0xC5373528, 0x2DD2C936, 0xF9D5BAE6, 0x2E2DC7C2, 0xCD4BD045, 0x1DDF2DE8, +0x0E3740CE, 0xE5D82C36, 0x29D1360A, 0xCD03C8C6, 0x37CCCCD8, 0xD83AD330, 0xBFD619CD, 0xDEDDC432, +0xD0DADAEC, 0xD3E14F26, 0xA8CD35D9, 0xA3F325BD, 0xBC1626D7, 0x3AB81BD5, 0xBBFF1832, 0xC9DB2126, +0x16250000, 0xE003BB39, 0x35D533CE, 0x1801C610, 0xD9D44644, 0x474BD3C3, 0x1C30C51E, 0x2E3342C6, +0xB7D6B3E9, 0x5AE44BD2, 0x46D62830, 0xDBDD4B0C, 0x38CF2F1D, 0x2D331ACB, 0x36CCDED6, 0x10D7DA10, +0xD42246E0, 0x0FC73FC0, 0x2C3E1E37, 0x2CF0D1B8, 0x17412EDD, 0x2630D0DD, 0xDBD535E4, 0xD927DA43, +0xB636C11E, 0x25CBE2D8, 0x4711F64B, 0xBC2C2029, 0xD0E3F538, 0xB92C27DF, 0x272DE2D2, 0x0CC5BCEB, +0xC0BC2EDF, 0x26D131C9, 0x1F092FEE, 0x2D342B34, 0x31B825D5, 0xC6BBC9C1, 0x38F1D0E4, 0xCBF7FDC7, +0xC3CAC9B6, 0xDBC436C6, 0x19DC1FD8, 0x28CCAED1, 0x1921BDB4, 0x24BCBF33, 0x301EE244, 0x36BDBDE1, +0x31C5B724, 0x00003ECD, 0x220B1EE7, 0xDEBAD3DC, 0x21CAB942, 0xC9193B33, 0xE3CD3A0A, 0x0DC22CC3, +0x3EC0C7CB, 0x43F2BFE4, 0x0ECFE9C6, 0x3ECA2FD5, 0xCB492DD9, 0x23E7BDC9, 0xD33DC151, 0xFCBE2933, +0x5ACEC51E, 0xF2172E1C, 0x3C24DE23, 0x3320D4D5, 0x2AB53C20, 0xC328323A, 0x45EA4133, 0x24391A32, +0xC7D8DA2B, 0xF4EAAF39, 0xDFCA36E3, 0xDEBED5C8, 0x36252C36, 0x04D7DBC7, 0x30CAC23D, 0xB60BF73D, +0xEACA2A30, 0x34C12ABE, 0xE2D747D8, 0x19D21FE3, 0x1DFD24EC, 0xB6B5D9C4, 0xBF2C1DD2, 0xD2B442E0, +0x37CCE1BD, 0x2AD1E1CC, 0x18DAC6BD, 0x213AD93E, 0x2031D8CB, 0xD82F2D12, 0xD112D2F2, 0x19CD43F1, +0x36BCB9CA, 0xD7C5DDFC, 0x34011D28, 0x3BDB0000, 0xCD00E1AA, 0x5228252C, 0x3512CA34, 0x0EE53A41, +0x242CD2C2, 0xF425DD2A, 0xF02FDDF8, 0xD82026D3, 0x4ABEE7B8, 0x2DC9DDDC, 0x3BEECD3C, 0x2ED1442A, +0xC713E92A, 0x310CC12B, 0xE128D520, 0x48E5C1CF, 0xC91CE3ED, 0xCCCBC72F, 0x0B23E3E9, 0xC1D2C8B6, +0x511ED534, 0x2AC7D4C3, 0xCFDCE335, 0xD4C9F643, 0xD433EBF1, 0x1BF8DA31, 0x223FC515, 0xCC2F13C2, +0xF825FFC8, 0x35E51633, 0x36293C4A, 0xC72ACA36, 0x4544E736, 0x1BD9315C, 0xCF16DFD4, 0xD0AFEFC3, +0xCECBBDE2, 0x05D6AA32, 0xD851F045, 0x240FD948, 0x3D35B2E6, 0x17D7C7EE, 0x0B22DACE, 0xF53AD637, +0xB2372DDB, 0xF6DF14CB, 0xBED95B24, 0xD4D5190B, 0x0000CB29, 0x3DC1ECF5, 0x30C6B34F, 0x1D2629B6, +0xD429D1CC, 0xD50716E3, 0xD0C3C2CC, 0xC82CC7D4, 0x5F27C718, 0xE6201BE4, 0xDACFD42F, 0x2E2EE9D4, +0x3AD036C0, 0x3828DB20, 0x27D63439, 0xD21026DE, 0xD60710BC, 0x13AEB9E9, 0x28C41944, 0x49D5E3D7, +0x27163429, 0x1BBAD528, 0xB12A14BC, 0xC72FD9E2, 0x1F43213A, 0x133B3EE5, 0x3622FE21, 0xD438DCBE, +0x41CB25E8, 0xD0D83E2C, 0x32BFC2CE, 0x362BE1DA, 0xC3CBCE24, 0x22DECDC2, 0x30CBD5CD, 0xD42DBC26, +0xDDF6AAD0, 0xCADC0EC8, 0xDC333434, 0x333114F5, 0xCE24361A, 0xB1C5D123, 0x4B25380B, 0x2FEC3634, +0x3EE2A610, 0xB4CEE72F, 0x29BCC721, 0xB23850CD, 0xA51AE4DD, 0xC81BBC2F, 0xD4DF0000, 0x2DE5D1E8, +0x2E0A28D0, 0x29E3C1E1, 0x56F62DD6, 0x3828DD4B, 0xC41ACFDF, 0xD2390A3A, 0xDF3028CC, 0xE8C5E22B, +0xD11CDCC1, 0x44D1CBEC, 0x33C73DDC, 0x1D25B7DC, 0xE7DD0525, 0x2743C41A, 0x2AE2D3DC, 0x21D6E82A, +0x133CBAC7, 0x593F34B0, 0xDA5FE339, 0x5206252C, 0x394FD5BD, 0x21D2C92C, 0x292426E0, 0x48E0362B, +0xCC272DE4, 0xC815C4DE, 0x49BD5D37, 0x1912342F, 0x2CE9E01B, 0x30D8D2D9, 0xDEBF46E8, 0x392F473A, +0x3A18D324, 0x2FE31FD0, 0x2B2B2710, 0xB53B2AC7, 0xB3481CFF, 0x2DD7CFBC, 0x2232351A, 0xD7C91C16, +0x1CB4DA16, 0x1BCBDF3C, 0xD2213822, 0x2121DB1F, 0xDBD1C02A, 0x27DA33C7, 0x351FC4CD, 0x0000B9D8, +0xC2142C29, 0x38B9DD31, 0x54E60CDF, 0x2A4A42DB, 0x35CF2BB5, 0x0CEA3323, 0xC2D8BEE2, 0xC61F3B33, +0x10CE11D0, 0x3336CE2E, 0x303ADD25, 0x3347B7D9, 0x33222C1A, 0x1A43E4C1, 0x4326E019, 0x2AE2E92E, +0xD2C5DC40, 0xBA45D7D6, 0xDF341BDC, 0x3A361925, 0xD4FEF4D2, 0x3018DA31, 0xDDC12817, 0x3038DE24, +0xEDC0292B, 0x3E3E3336, 0xCB1BEF17, 0xE10B2EBF, 0x2B20BABF, 0xC80C421B, 0xC2411D21, 0xECD8C7D6, +0xC824E4AD, 0x65B53DD7, 0x304325D4, 0xDD1DEAE6, 0xD33131CF, 0x2F36452B, 0x23B219E9, 0xC1C23529, +0x21DC3836, 0xD618E933, 0x393E2C14, 0x362ACA3A, 0xD6E2C237, 0xD6085111, 0xD721FCB1, 0xCCE6DEBC, +0xD1DCD920, 0xC3320000, 0xEA26CB19, 0x18BB26B7, 0x233BDF4F, 0xDE23FD3F, 0x2ADA1ECB, 0x3122E839, +0xEF42D7D7, 0xCAC7202D, 0xCD4CDED1, 0x2633C824, 0xD0123E4E, 0x104429B6, 0xC8CD4B00, 0x5136B738, +0xCFC8202B, 0x163135DD, 0x2C3821E8, 0x29314CE0, 0x0F3CE4EC, 0xE5432DAF, 0xC63AE340, 0x4639DB18, +0xDF282511, 0x25B5CBD3, 0xCAF50F37, 0x1E443B33, 0xE32CD32D, 0x10DA47B9, 0xDA410526, 0x34F0E4EA, +0xCEED3134, 0xC0B31AA7, 0xD12B1AD3, 0xC722C743, 0xBFBEDD1F, 0xD328D52B, 0xCC384024, 0x18B43FB8, +0x281742BB, 0xD8322FD2, 0xB5D628C6, 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+ +ext_scale = +15 + +num_maps = +0 + +code_block_mode = +0 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN, +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP + +expected_status = +OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e1190_rm.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e1190_rm.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6221756a --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e1190_rm.data @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11D2BCAC, 0x4D + +output0 = +0xD2399179, 0x640EB999, 0x2CBAF577, 0xAF224AE2, 0x9D139927, 0xE6909B29, 0xA25B7F47, 0x2AA224CE, +0x399179F2, 0x0EB999D2, 0xBAF57764, 0x224AE22C, 0x139927AF, 0x909B299D, 0x5B7F47E6, 0xA224CEA2, +0x9179F22A, 0xB999D239, 0xF577640E, 0x4AE22CBA, 0x9927AF22, 0x9B299D13, 0x7F47E690, 0x24CEA25B, +0x79F22AA2, 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0xD6DF9139, +0x2889B3E8, 0x649EBC8A, 0x6EA6744E, 0xFD1D9943, 0x92388B6E, 0xE6C9AB88, 0x664AE744, 0xDF9139E4, +0x89B3E8D6, 0x9EBC8A28, 0xA6744E64, 0x1D99436E, 0x388B6EFD, 0xC9AB8892, 0x4AE744E6, 0x9139E466, +0xB3E8D6DF, 0xBC8A2889, 0x744E649E, 0x99436EA6, 0x8B6EFD1D, 0x9038 + +e = +1196 + +k = +40 + +ncb = +192 + +rv_index = +3 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e272_rm.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e272_rm.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..883a76cf --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k40_r0_e272_rm.data @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x4d + +output0 = +0xd2399179, 0x640eb999, 0x2cbaf577, 0xaf224ae2, 0x9d139927, 0xe6909b29, 0xa25b7f47, 0x2aa224ce, +0x79f2 + +e = +272 + +k = +40 + +ncb = +192 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e120_rm_rvidx.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e120_rm_rvidx.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b3867f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e120_rm_rvidx.data @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0x3d8353bc, +0x0d005559, 0xd457eb38, 0xb1931313, 0xd4f12824, 0xcc444f1b, 0xfaa42c5f + +output0 = +0xd0d936d6, 0x870c26f3, 0x3f12805d, 0x4a6016 + +e = +120 + +k = +6144 + +ncb = +18528 + +rv_index = +1 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RV_INDEX_BYPASS + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18444.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18444.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcad5587 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18444.data @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0x3d8353bc, +0x0d005559, 0xd457eb38, 0xb1931313, 0xd4f12824, 0xcc444f1b, 0xfaa42c5f + +output0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0x3d8353bc, +0x0d005559, 0xd457eb38, 0xb1931313, 0xd4f12824, 0xcc444f1b, 0xfaa42c5f, +0x4fde636c, 0x10ea20a0, 0xe6da8721, 0xbfde5b08, 0x9c3739da, 0xb6dc015a, +0x427db088, 0xdfdb8e6f, 0x756be6c1, 0x21f5297b, 0x06135665, 0xc1602b7d, +0x049536c5, 0xbbb3b801, 0x0cdb0c19, 0x7b2ad622, 0xfee8218f, 0xc5c7f123, +0x8abd3301, 0xa15b534d, 0x29dd2053, 0xd409abf9, 0x3ef19d6b, 0x70a3cbc2, +0x7a51423a, 0x4505b2ad, 0xdc74c75e, 0x068751a9, 0xb0b56437, 0x14a10371, +0x76af806f, 0xa8a47e19, 0x7c97a26e, 0x7998a3d6, 0xdc1ad1e2, 0xb532a301, +0xca8a3e7d, 0xd0aef374, 0x204990c0, 0xc7011aec, 0xa69151ea, 0x53390026, +0x7bf0d762, 0x735c2202, 0x64159e54, 0x5a3b1a56, 0x9ef1def2, 0x0ab8a961, +0x587b0886, 0xb8cc5975, 0x2a5a0f23, 0x069d05be, 0x9cc3c207, 0x40ef1a02, +0x4fae3f5b, 0x1f127aae, 0xd4e6d411, 0x17ac43ef, 0xe4bf891b, 0xfbb21765, +0x2c560c7e, 0x8561988c, 0x73a01032, 0x0cfef73a, 0x694c4991, 0x885d7a3f, +0x4218d1ff, 0xc2efaffb, 0xaf9d9715, 0xf76de6b2, 0xcce8e8ff, 0x370e3800, +0x493675eb, 0xd8fbcbda, 0xa5b382c2, 0x86c8f1ea, 0x3d724ea4, 0xb067034c, +0x6491d87e, 0x1a745ce4, 0xbb27180b, 0x1a2f0acc, 0xac4b7b3b, 0xe324578b, +0xc87928df, 0x9c1de566, 0x0ce2a17d, 0xaf2e13ce, 0x146a8659, 0x8727f6ae, +0xe2df7d03, 0x1a8e4cb4, 0xfa590976, 0x13a7c236, 0xc07489d0, 0xbe905e17, +0xafeb3d4b, 0x201e73f2, 0x5bdca12e, 0x3e15a852, 0xbcfc3271, 0x5d398410, +0x6bfacc15, 0x011fc61f, 0x43e43fd7, 0x0640717c, 0x96bfb3ff, 0x158eac19, +0x3b852e91, 0x74f9ceda, 0xcac71326, 0xfc0e312a, 0x20e8137b, 0xa1162611, +0x239ac7fe, 0xb9d00f8a, 0xea0b5241, 0x019f0d25, 0xc5153264, 0xb48a5547, +0xe54e339f, 0x17a6cca5, 0x5065af0d, 0x5ce648b9, 0xb457b342, 0xc1cb3f0e, +0x28d03c8b, 0x5144ed7a, 0xdb80779f, 0x53ce1b87, 0xbc071147, 0xbfe46c11, +0x7296785e, 0x83e4a63e, 0xc58982e9, 0x9538c5b9, 0xf14abaaa, 0xd915124c, +0x73540cd6, 0xe333696b, 0x58f9e00a, 0xd4dad10f, 0xc0de1420, 0x355e2bdc, +0xb2faa8fd, 0xbe6a12f1, 0x45d415cc, 0x47f5aed9, 0x4754e770, 0x2bb07385, +0x41374352, 0xf80beb47, 0xef02f35c, 0xc9c1b86e, 0x94b5785b, 0xba33123f, +0x7e39f0c9, 0x028a9286, 0x7d52c9f1, 0x06f04da6, 0xbc6a68d1, 0xfc70bace, +0x95b6a129, 0xfff224bb, 0x701ef3fb, 0x3309286f, 0x544ae8c1, 0xdca62c4a, +0xf8862ee2, 0xf9e3cd29, 0x2c07cce2, 0x8d93652a, 0xf47e4611, 0x4635f586, +0x1c03e0f4, 0x819724c7, 0x96b2a3f0, 0xeeb1ad95, 0xff08e517, 0xbd4ba6ed, +0x49ddb12d, 0x365734b5, 0x5edf7459, 0x2ee117a9, 0x067b9462, 0xb703685f, +0x72499876, 0xb71dd772, 0x5d02b478, 0x4b6fed1d, 0x2df232c1, 0x733eaaff, +0x1618c029, 0x0adda94b, 0xd271e560, 0xd120ba30, 0x6dfecc73, 0x4e751af7, +0x0e7a6b63, 0xa1ad5dad, 0xb41201b1, 0x245f3e86, 0x3a5114ac, 0x5cd532c9, +0x27ff9c3a, 0x7a847392, 0x6b2d0514, 0x82d0cc45, 0x0c779ba2, 0x8690f3ef, +0x0c058474, 0x47a8ee9a, 0xac4c2475, 0x496b67a5, 0x033f43f5, 0x6e6ce3c9, +0x644f5163, 0x8f4b92d9, 0x217798ee, 0x4b8e5368, 0xce751989, 0x7ab05365, +0xe227cee3, 0xf35e2851, 0x6f304c87, 0x1389c81d, 0x6ebc3989, 0x2b32ac3e, +0x59c5d111, 0xa8e8699c, 0xa5b15150, 0x8cacebe8, 0x40c2ede6, 0x71ea78c9, +0xa9e40f49, 0x58309eab, 0xd2eb879c, 0x54b9086f, 0xce206d93, 0x47e7087a, +0xac1e1dd9, 0x1d3a7bf1, 0x07d21fd4, 0x3a84a2a7, 0xe3ce33de, 0x55c94ddf, +0xd827c1ea, 0x3b4dcf5a, 0x7d5fbeb6, 0xd71ccdae, 0x516a9035, 0x33b3bee0, +0x61201364, 0xcf344f8d, 0x8c887934, 0x1998c127, 0xe24f1190, 0x75e8ea20, +0x8a379eda, 0x8a894b14, 0xa3d7c264, 0xa62b0119, 0x87f4d316, 0xecdc5f2b, +0xbc2424ec, 0x71169a71, 0x61aa2d5d, 0xb5f5f160, 0xc15a4969, 0xc5419315, +0xbf84483e, 0x2b1687c1, 0xd1aa06df, 0x22d5befd, 0x8b09b15f, 0xa88ffc01, +0xbb33617f, 0xb01a3e2e, 0x912a939c, 0xc649d802, 0xeba14b11, 0x3c902b57, +0xbcf35a8d, 0x45a964a1, 0x0c9416ef, 0xec9ae2d1, 0xc5e56fee, 0x88bfa336, +0x653cfe85, 0x92d21037, 0x96bc60e4, 0xf5317c1e, 0x5e7118f4, 0x91a9e04b, +0x43f0cfec, 0xb763dc3c, 0xad6bac40, 0x21685f69, 0x5e4d6f70, 0xd8d5a4c4, +0x15ed5efe, 0x3bbefa38, 0xbf7cf912, 0xb1427ffd, 0x652235ff, 0x927a7046, +0x8806625f, 0x56967b59, 0x6ec3dba6, 0x0ee31e0f, 0x25111a51, 0x091c763e, +0x1867732b, 0x28365594, 0xa589c975, 0x585b906f, 0xb85c4f20, 0xced98475, +0x52f29d16, 0x1ca0de39, 0xede3c4c8, 0xda808e91, 0x449784ab, 0xe3caf590, +0xabf23939, 0xe97f259a, 0x0a879f81, 0x5c6268ac, 0x0a4f1b62, 0xfe15825e, +0xbea5e6f9, 0x0d2db98f, 0xeec8cd64, 0x1747ddf5, 0x8b4f161c, 0xd236c9f6, +0x1a5b5a2f, 0x08918e6d, 0xdde43ad9, 0x8c316d0f, 0x7f1b3342, 0x3e385cee, +0x55ff6f87, 0x89bbe534, 0x67c23afe, 0x250dc97a, 0x06b3b332, 0x61a03930, +0x2ca17159, 0x3260c4f6, 0x3c810bde, 0x28d94372, 0xa9701f5a, 0x3880475b, +0x352ff389, 0x2bf653e0, 0xa4a6cc35, 0x4d211cfc, 0xeda0b37d, 0x14c0e6d8, +0xe457aaea, 0x1c6ed15f, 0x155d3b90, 0x7f43aed4, 0x289a98f9, 0x42246910, +0x62d047f5, 0x75714462, 0xe2c2a4df, 0x9dfc0f13, 0x03361f4c, 0xc55b5ca7, +0x9dd89720, 0x17376073, 0xfb6ee849, 0x280e697e, 0x57b24f3a, 0x2089b956, +0xa8baa602, 0x5b7ab88c, 0xd69f8b56, 0x64f80d52, 0x223427b9, 0xfd393c95, +0xb074 + +e = +18444 + +k = +6144 + +ncb = +18528 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18448_crc24a.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18448_crc24a.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..345d1410 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e18448_crc24a.data @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0x3d8353bc, +0x0d005559, 0xd457eb38, 0xb1931313, 0xd4f12824, 0xcc444f1b, 0x5f + +output0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0x3d8353bc, +0x0d005559, 0xd457eb38, 0xb1931313, 0xd4f12824, 0xcc444f1b, 0xa533d85f, +0x4fde63ac, 0x10ea20a0, 0xe6da8721, 0xbfde5b08, 0x9c3739da, 0xb6dc015a, +0x427db088, 0xdfdb8e6f, 0x756be6c1, 0x21f5297b, 0x06135665, 0xc1602b7d, +0x049536c5, 0xbbb3b801, 0x0cdb0c19, 0x7b2ad622, 0xfee8218f, 0xc5c7f123, +0x8abd3301, 0xa15b534d, 0x29dd2053, 0xd409abf9, 0x3ef19d6b, 0x70a3cbc2, +0x7a51423a, 0x4505b2ad, 0xdc74c75e, 0x068751a9, 0xb0b56437, 0x14a10371, +0x76af806f, 0xa8a47e19, 0x7c97a26e, 0x7998a3d6, 0xdc1ad1e2, 0xb532a301, +0xca8a3e7d, 0xd0aef374, 0x204990c0, 0xc7011aec, 0xa69151ea, 0x53390026, +0x7bf0d762, 0x735c2202, 0x64159e54, 0x5a3b1a56, 0x9ef1def2, 0x0ab8a961, +0x587b0886, 0xb8cc5975, 0x2a5a0f23, 0x069d05be, 0x9cc3c207, 0x40ef1a02, +0x4fae3f5b, 0x1f127aae, 0xd4e6d411, 0x17ac43ef, 0xe4bf891b, 0xfbb21765, +0x2c560c7e, 0x8561988c, 0x73a01032, 0x0cfef73a, 0x694c4991, 0x885d7a3f, +0x4218d1ff, 0xc2efaffb, 0xaf9d9715, 0xf76de6b2, 0xcce8e8ff, 0x370e3800, +0x493675eb, 0xd8fbcbda, 0xa5b382c2, 0x86c8f1ea, 0x3d724ea4, 0xb067034c, +0x6491d87e, 0x1a745ce4, 0xbb27180b, 0x1a2f0acc, 0xac4b7b3b, 0xe324578b, +0xc87928df, 0x9c1de566, 0x0ce2a17d, 0xaf2e13ce, 0x146a8659, 0x8727f6ae, +0xe2df7d03, 0x1a8e4cb4, 0xfa590976, 0x13a7c236, 0xc07489d0, 0xbe905e17, +0xafeb3d4b, 0x201e73f2, 0x5bdca12e, 0x3e15a852, 0xbcfc3271, 0x5d398410, +0x6bfacc15, 0x011fc61f, 0x43e43fd7, 0x0640717c, 0x96bfb3ff, 0x158eac19, +0x3b852e91, 0x74f9ceda, 0xcac71326, 0xfc0e312a, 0x20e8137b, 0xa1162611, +0x239ac7fe, 0xb9d00f8a, 0xea0b5241, 0x019f0d25, 0xc5153264, 0xb48a5547, +0xe54e339f, 0x17a6cca5, 0x5065af0d, 0x5ce648b9, 0xb457b342, 0xc1cb3f0e, +0x28d03c8b, 0x5144ed7a, 0xdb80779f, 0x53ce1b87, 0xbc071147, 0xbfe46c11, +0x7296785e, 0x83e4a63e, 0xc58982e9, 0x9538c5b9, 0xf14abaaa, 0xd915124c, +0x73540cd6, 0xe333696b, 0x58f9e00a, 0xd4dad10f, 0xc0de1420, 0x355e2bdc, +0xb2faa8fd, 0xbe6a12f1, 0x45d415cc, 0x47f5aed9, 0x4754e770, 0x2bb07385, +0x41374352, 0xf80beb47, 0xef02f35c, 0xc9c1b86e, 0x94b5785b, 0xba33123f, +0x7e39f0c9, 0x028a9286, 0x7d52c9f1, 0x06f04da6, 0xbc6a68d1, 0xfc70bace, +0x95b6a129, 0xfff224bb, 0x701ef3fb, 0x3309286f, 0x544ae8c1, 0xdca62c4a, +0xf8862ee2, 0xf9e3cd29, 0x2c07cce2, 0x8d93652a, 0xf47e4611, 0x4635f586, +0x1c03e0f4, 0x819724c7, 0x96b2a3f0, 0xeeb1ad95, 0xff08e517, 0xbd4ba6ed, +0x49ddb12d, 0x365734b5, 0x5edf7459, 0x2ee117a9, 0x067b9462, 0xb703685f, +0x72499876, 0xb71dd772, 0x5d02b478, 0x4b6fed1d, 0x2df232c1, 0xb9dea0ff, +0x1618c046, 0x0adda94b, 0xd271e560, 0xd120ba30, 0x6dfecc73, 0x4e751af7, +0x0e7a6b63, 0xa1ad5dad, 0xb41201b1, 0x245f3e86, 0x3a5114ac, 0x5cd532c9, +0x27ff9c3a, 0x7a847392, 0x6b2d0514, 0x82d0cc45, 0x30779ba2, 0x3f0c8156, +0x9bce6106, 0x3511b2b4, 0x82dbef90, 0xac19def9, 0x5f11d43e, 0xa5899170, +0xdd137ff4, 0x188077ab, 0x53cec4c0, 0x6519988d, 0x2b07a0d5, 0x269ec4ae, +0x29c2bc5a, 0x4a0206c6, 0xf8fba9f5, 0x61309433, 0x402bf26c, 0xce401562, +0xf7eb46da, 0x4d9ad0c0, 0xf99fc69b, 0x1b670e56, 0x327bb1c8, 0x5f7db32c, +0x4c96b615, 0x041e0960, 0x190ef525, 0xede526f8, 0x59eb88e1, 0x355e5454, +0x8289d63c, 0xf848c2ad, 0x5bfc881f, 0xf161d01e, 0x5a921d49, 0xc202a8ad, +0xaa9e9dc4, 0x8211e14d, 0xea945bc4, 0xa5a59180, 0x7ffd5bd0, 0xd6c107bc, +0x3d0e84af, 0x04d13d34, 0xa21f54a3, 0xfcea787b, 0xbe61865b, 0xbe0d9899, +0x336bb04d, 0xf843ae66, 0x8d400981, 0x4359b845, 0xdbda44dd, 0x27392d92, +0x05780a7b, 0xe6dd7f03, 0x13137173, 0x9b623a85, 0x2428f035, 0x996f04de, +0x74613a87, 0x924aa956, 0x4661e3ad, 0x506ce2d3, 0xa59e7aba, 0x34fd455d, +0x70d613c6, 0x094610b9, 0x06e176ee, 0xb4f0842c, 0xc53680f4, 0xd9e2920b, +0xe0ddcd46, 0x8e4c1618, 0xb5c83878, 0x7b5107a3, 0xb75c33c0, 0xa62868d3, +0x804e47d9, 0xcefc87fc, 0xca5e125d, 0x3ed40ea7, 0xe72d3663, 0x06620539, +0x314993c2, 0x99f417d9, 0x4819151c, 0x7d46c8a2, 0x95a81dc9, 0x61898a53, +0x8226bb8c, 0x4907a616, 0x91eb32f7, 0x5430c6a1, 0x390ca234, 0x599f02ff, +0x315a4cc8, 0xc15d9e2b, 0x1c7a8788, 0x2074d5ea, 0xc063a30d, 0x5532e1f5, +0xd3820192, 0x916a7b03, 0x32422c07, 0x2ae2cc41, 0x96cb84c5, 0x2bab3d29, +0x0edc0add, 0x408e4981, 0x2606b671, 0x63dca006, 0x8f4261d9, 0xbfe4623b, +0x60174b80, 0x50230b0d, 0x9d4c7af3, 0x2edb3482, 0x24d8d087, 0x1b673b02, +0xe28b7132, 0xc6c8cb36, 0x5794e3f3, 0x808c3887, 0xf9f64a32, 0xfca10213, +0xff29e373, 0x54bf19a6, 0x16014860, 0x356d4398, 0xe8d0d630, 0x4c8100c0, +0x7b68a462, 0x6cc95c68, 0x3becad35, 0xb2c6b4c3, 0x740aef1c, 0x4f37f2d5, +0xc9d3c805, 0x6e4e533d, 0xf7647967, 0x91856de5, 0x87e7e428, 0xddf2fe07, +0x69016442, 0xe0132159, 0x1afae2a2, 0x63b6d719, 0x08d20a21, 0x48ee7113, +0x2fb2d853, 0xa532ffc8, 0x8296dee2, 0x0dfaf2fa, 0x060d531c, 0xa756d04c, +0x3efed03e, 0xbe9436db, 0x5b9e8a48, 0x0a37ea61, 0x718f4362, 0xebcc9742, +0x78aa2e7c, 0x4b19f7b8, 0x308b9af0, 0x915247e9, 0xc079aa48, 0x5230e578, +0x862d6de7, 0xbe0801d0, 0x8ab11c9d, 0xaf1d7feb, 0xe9d15530, 0x44651202, +0xc006 + +e = +18448 + +k = +6144 + +ncb = +18528 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24A_ATTACH + +expected_status = +OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e32256_crc24b_rm.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e32256_crc24b_rm.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ce68b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e32256_crc24b_rm.data @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0xe5e0a392, 0x6f5468f1, 0xc8f1c505, 0x4502caf2, 0x23df5578, 0xc2f29afe, 0x06838d34, 0x264eab9b, +0x1e97c133, 0xabad27aa, 0x684fa9b4, 0x0fed735e, 0x6ab6bcad, 0x9c3e401a, 0x66a63035, 0xa72f7f6b, +0x509d2953, 0xf03c574a, 0x48f12185, 0x27318395, 0x008fc1ce, 0x7efcf19d, 0x0120de12, 0x6ed28bff, +0x2044547a, 0x04d95124, 0x6baf2e1e, 0x60d93509, 0x299aa27f, 0x8b67d93a, 0xc33d9631, 0xe468dbe1, +0x1a82d0b6, 0x8ee2ff7b, 0x39298170, 0x33a90b6a, 0x273d17f7, 0xb4368615, 0x60c390b8, 0x24696570, +0xa1f4abcc, 0x08b68dd0, 0x91f8c883, 0xc9ceed85, 0x6467da9b, 0x48dfae24, 0xf4ff4992, 0x8c8200cf, +0xaac02792, 0xf506f71d, 0x096df98a, 0x3074be38, 0x9b675626, 0x4ccace33, 0x50f0f60d, 0xf4b59cc4, +0x748a8799, 0x9032c151, 0x1fb945f6, 0x01bd098a, 0x90a7907b, 0xe086172c, 0x7ed3dc8d, 0xea0dd126, +0xf9b35bc1, 0x8ad4e233, 0x37b5e1a1, 0x95bf8c3a, 0x9d288b43, 0x23a860f1, 0x4e993fc3, 0x3c774bd4, +0xe411be48, 0x22ab80c7, 0x9dd09a47, 0xc9e6988e, 0xb4cbf0b2, 0xb9e2a389, 0xf1494438, 0x2c87638b, +0x892468ec, 0x7915d1aa, 0x4d9cb9c4, 0x643a388e, 0x48c4358f, 0x937ad5a1, 0xdae53508, 0xa1305607, +0xbfb63a5c, 0xb4bb9324, 0x71daab0b, 0xa582346b, 0x0e5402e1, 0x75af83e7, 0x2b241b17, 0xfa17aca1, +0x9637cb2e, 0xc61fe511, 0x093934f7, 0x4b703b44, 0x992ab229, 0x4ddc99b5, 0xe2be6b60, 0xa2217861, +0x8f621931, 0x272c0ec6, 0x23a4d5b2, 0xc6f4e002, 0xb76397c0, 0xc00e3c01, 0xb89d29b3, 0x5e9bc984, +0x00391d56, 0x55fae02f, 0x4bc4bc9d, 0x9a147b22, 0x0fb492ed, 0x753dc9a6, 0x9f493eec, 0x6e135dc2, +0x0eeca515, 0x1c1512f9, 0xb88075e3, 0x326a97f0, 0xc755faf5, 0x06b7961b, 0xbd50fd69, 0x5f071c92, +0x2806c099, 0xe364f4ab, 0x2c4a114a, 0x7655b100, 0xf5e66750, 0xf9212705, 0x245e3b8d, 0xb0f1fb0d, +0xd7be9558, 0x27030e24, 0x9ea9b62e, 0xbde9be45, 0xce0adae6, 0xc28780a4, 0x1664ccde, 0xa7a62e3f, +0xa4f8ec00, 0x964e813c, 0x108c95e0, 0x097fe10b, 0x08da3505, 0xde413158, 0x046a31c0, 0xd9cdd804, +0xdfbdff9a, 0xfd77493f, 0xdffb2388, 0xe2ffa111, 0x29eb6ac7, 0xf9e1ac68, 0xc2ed68c7, 0x34d65405, +0x25f187ba, 0x3df23a2c, 0x96a2a5a9, 0x2bef4b26, 0x28d1c41d, 0xf380c0f1, 0xc4d5456e, 0x6b699c28, +0x0aafd6b3, 0xf88f3078, 0x114438d0, 0x93836544, 0xebd5767d, 0x9185b5c2, 0x593e4fe7, 0x29d3348c, +0x881f16c4, 0x77e33d03, 0x6794bbf5, 0x6b6c38f3, 0xa860673a, 0xb1d2d152, 0x08f9f310, 0x82c37500, +0xce0ae34c, 0xd5478e86, 0xcfe1adfc, 0xfaf06d37, 0xf7e21bfc, 0x3b077287, 0x45b33c08, 0x41 + +output0 = +0x25832957, 0x1235fe50, 0xa3b0b09b, 0x0bb7c797, 0xce815b03, 0x7b702251, 0x2c25fc60, 0x23ac55e0, +0x8bea35cb, 0xe33b833c, 0xec1d38a4, 0xb59acb59, 0x0f1fa8b7, 0xcb77fce6, 0x6564fc78, 0x9e6c39cc, +0x94f1bed1, 0xe02684ad, 0x074045a4, 0x4dc9b344, 0xd187bed8, 0x2a129ecb, 0xf6c5bd4d, 0xf98d5c26, +0x78addaae, 0xbe87f7d2, 0xf42a7df6, 0xa4683306, 0xbfa9b509, 0x3a67ddfe, 0x013d68d5, 0xb2a1fb8a, +0x0dfc5da7, 0x792f6b24, 0xaa220ec2, 0x6cb0a7a4, 0xd6e5ea4a, 0x1cd6156c, 0x9bac3cad, 0x926a3950, +0x658815b0, 0x2a2e4349, 0x9684d70f, 0x67a62f63, 0x7a8aae48, 0x8aa046e5, 0x3cad66d5, 0xe7e269b8, +0x95a9a8ca, 0x426f46ae, 0xf780d265, 0x2e0d244d, 0x5480bc07, 0x66554568, 0x938aeda7, 0x1144006c, +0x450320b3, 0xce9dfce9, 0x59a277a8, 0xde38cc1a, 0x1cd2bd60, 0x0079ca20, 0x58dd4633, 0x55398bbd, +0x5fcf982f, 0xdbbd3e30, 0xdcaab5e4, 0xc368c59f, 0xfba8e7d2, 0x9902b581, 0x2ec0a87f, 0x0ebea4ee, +0x13bb2fd2, 0xbc1df5be, 0xe34baa5e, 0x4a66fc5d, 0x7fc9d926, 0x1d2dc178, 0xe780752f, 0x160e82fd, +0x2e6205ba, 0x3d2fd1d7, 0x22b03620, 0x1c1ce57b, 0x5a8f8e09, 0xc9522523, 0x712e5cc0, 0xa27b10ad, +0x52d2df01, 0x3fe886d6, 0x29f37f12, 0x479e3783, 0xa37a445c, 0x338f9df1, 0x74dca176, 0x11acbbc4, +0xac50920a, 0xe9375593, 0xc483a084, 0xed281b58, 0x21ea3cd3, 0x5cf2e76a, 0x50c5e5f4, 0x68d14253, +0x374cea8e, 0xf3533631, 0xb8f1bece, 0x3a188078, 0xb15325de, 0x989b4e70, 0x40f142f9, 0x4a55cc30, +0x72a442b2, 0xe583a6c7, 0x4cb90a7d, 0xe19187c0, 0x899ea4e0, 0x42598555, 0x7d012357, 0x3e9cd281, +0x75094cbb, 0x80afef50, 0x8a834f90, 0xa6182605, 0xdfb7c49e, 0xde57caf6, 0x62720457, 0x5a40705e, +0x2728f823, 0xde22d20c, 0x8389268a, 0x2aad9f81, 0xa376314c, 0xd9288769, 0xa7a1cc5d, 0x1dcdb0ed, +0x0b23e2d8, 0x024e9165, 0x0e375ea5, 0x27c561c7, 0x48687976, 0xe97021bc, 0xbf82aea2, 0x6cb87bd3, +0xaa3f7ed5, 0x1e5c3aaf, 0xccad60b5, 0xb672d5da, 0xde0ff047, 0xf7cd4216, 0x45220a3b, 0x060d16c7, +0xb6dc8617, 0xc10d9dc7, 0x3d229a69, 0x8deea79a, 0xda6883e1, 0x610f41f9, 0xfa0f57f0, 0x6f97b547, +0xf00577ee, 0xe1be3d28, 0x809810e0, 0x7d4b8416, 0xdcc82557, 0xce6a01b1, 0xbc4cb663, 0x8bc88eac, +0xab9e918d, 0x6ec29c41, 0xbd0e745e, 0xa97bc23e, 0x1e1370c2, 0xc2744139, 0xf5d2f67b, 0x9d5ae9dd, +0x1040a10a, 0x1b54944c, 0x9a6810b1, 0xc7079d11, 0x8c89d60d, 0xc9523c76, 0x304b7adc, 0x2fd915eb, +0x076192e8, 0x8cbd3bc1, 0x90440a9c, 0x81961a26, 0x6a53f026, 0xd2b07ce5, 0xc72e767a, 0x9d47c3d9, +0xab2b7cb3, 0xf4b3aeec, 0x18441c12, 0x56b3007f, 0x81c3cfff, 0x128b72ed, 0x214dee41, 0xc735baeb, +0x89cf54e7, 0xcdfce851, 0x77cc0a00, 0x57cc6e0a, 0x7ffc8dad, 0xb036445b, 0x0699a9f7, 0x8781d7b5, +0xdd0f9d01, 0x43f01de8, 0x6a2e7dee, 0xf802d6b3, 0x10094fc1, 0x954cf6ad, 0xd7aee91a, 0x1e3369c8, +0x2acd8c15, 0x3303a61d, 0x79344e4d, 0x1253cd91, 0x34c34c77, 0xbd075dce, 0xe0fdd1cc, 0xf9015c56, +0x931b9096, 0x604f4bbf, 0x3b1d991a, 0x24007891, 0x7c0c1709, 0xe0d43230, 0x11821166, 0xf21e2558, +0x2c37009d, 0x98718786, 0xa9a112e6, 0xd7e20b10, 0xfe917f72, 0xb76101ff, 0x42a8d327, 0x9039f71b, +0x6d1628cb, 0xfd01251c, 0x6f0572a2, 0xb36a7e7a, 0x2b1a4556, 0xe679b027, 0x313573d0, 0xb5f7c20c, +0xc8d1530a, 0x338e756e, 0xe6befc47, 0xfe12dccd, 0x6ad1e5b7, 0x40b078ff, 0x96aaacba, 0xedfdeb8f, +0x8da3673a, 0xc965882e, 0xa4dec6e9, 0x7bace08f, 0xf144852a, 0xd5d787d0, 0x204d32e6, 0x733098aa, +0x12f3a53a, 0xe060086d, 0x3ab1739a, 0xd391e860, 0xc23d9687, 0x0d3a84e0, 0x855ea4cf, 0x0d0ea5b7, +0xfd082430, 0x70df7cb4, 0xe712f026, 0x84ce32ac, 0x67b04602, 0xac0b1faa, 0xed119dcd, 0x184afb0b, +0x9abbefd2, 0x41b3e2f9, 0xe18d5703, 0x6e5f4de7, 0xb47380a2, 0x239a3714, 0x810bb522, 0x5ad95c77, +0xe4b37e0c, 0x1cc200a6, 0x404c4390, 0x90533af1, 0xb49f2403, 0x1dada65f, 0x96f86d1b, 0x58f679a9, +0x1fe3c66d, 0xcc5eb28d, 0x504b7aff, 0x7c18a397, 0x47ad4d5f, 0x348f12c5, 0x80bac6e0, 0x47bb3c74, +0xccf16f02, 0xa932a5af, 0x51ebb452, 0x25808fcc, 0x47d14a43, 0xf0c2a0af, 0x30f938b5, 0x428420c7, +0x61a66d9c, 0x082caa4f, 0xd9c74e3d, 0xb4d161b9, 0xb409f331, 0x14245a44, 0xddb67f1e, 0x1018c62c, +0xc1e58e6d, 0x4ba86bd6, 0xf4a282aa, 0x4a85f90d, 0xbf0efb7b, 0x03706f08, 0xbe06a5f2, 0xe37f45f1, +0xcbc4001c, 0x14decb05, 0xf3c6050f, 0xd1df33d7, 0xdab729c7, 0x8898dad3, 0x4a44a313, 0x30bee51e, +0xd67b07ef, 0xf233eb19, 0x4c52bca3, 0x5d824a4b, 0x275faf2b, 0x428f8a95, 0x03f70c8b, 0x609e4036, +0x59ce2147, 0xc7eecc6b, 0xa22d21c2, 0xc5764d9a, 0xb4524bc6, 0x6d9bdfc9, 0x0918b4f7, 0x62bb8022, +0x7a98bdcc, 0xc963131d, 0x949036b8, 0x649ae51d, 0x93038d33, 0xe26cb45e, 0x4813516a, 0xc06c759c, +0xfa6a9793, 0xdd59c686, 0x37b4b5b0, 0x66a02fac, 0xde159ecf, 0x90cdb66e, 0x1c9f7f94, 0x3a31f69e, +0xcd93bc45, 0x32744ee0, 0x0f6ae2b1, 0x3bc9e963, 0x8cddbae4, 0x8f9517ff, 0x7d304ec1, 0x344e0357, +0x7cd2ed30, 0x1f9fa3a4, 0x9dbeb67b, 0x59253b51, 0x41b6911a, 0x12b574af, 0x62a777da, 0x9a6c834a, +0xaa16081d, 0x3f105c37, 0x6eac5dc0, 0x76e56fd1, 0x67bffbfb, 0xce069b80, 0x8fe970b1, 0x61945ee0, +0xaf9d44c2, 0xf2cd16cc, 0x07a768c5, 0xd6eecaa6, 0x6e8ce063, 0x4b30b443, 0x360822c9, 0xa6442b33, +0xf02d09a0, 0x22056421, 0xc552aa94, 0x1346ea1a, 0xab6c54a1, 0x35a69bdf, 0xfc6095ea, 0xbde0d55a, +0x1b433ec0, 0x137483a0, 0x8c1cb29d, 0xf2bc4e17, 0x45df6882, 0xbd702bc9, 0xabbead61, 0xc97ef61d, +0x01b68438, 0xbdd10231, 0x2e046323, 0x80e619bd, 0xa5126a2a, 0x74106e0d, 0x9e57b499, 0xcb275127, +0x9e01f21e, 0xbaf4a744, 0x38604f7e, 0xa85493d6, 0x9a4b4541, 0x3f397269, 0xdde71734, 0x157dfe98, +0x40334ad9, 0xc889f52f, 0xbddf4d23, 0xd2200018, 0x2a4b7180, 0x8a1a357f, 0xcd6af7e4, 0x1426b52b, +0x2a45481f, 0xfc38394c, 0x05123e4e, 0xa0215834, 0xe2c2306e, 0x4ee9fe1a, 0x6bbbf30c, 0x19a39072, +0x846b0bdf, 0xde4ef7f9, 0x47f1d67c, 0xf507e9e8, 0x14c1f617, 0xaa756ccf, 0xececc02a, 0x183cd616, +0x9d4bac81, 0xd959d1ea, 0xefb81e2b, 0xd8ca27fc, 0x5c7e9eb4, 0x64d5d550, 0x32ed3c41, 0x8f62e8a8, +0x5e2b65c5, 0x0a7e5e1b, 0x88abb657, 0x781ee74a, 0x840c27fd, 0xec83df4c, 0x163acaf0, 0xb2649960, +0x2a706f9a, 0x5226c811, 0x5bcb501c, 0xb87caa99, 0xecb4a37e, 0x8927c424, 0xfea9ac62, 0x17da41d1, +0x571c5987, 0x4217ea55, 0x5043b664, 0x18fb3ece, 0xfb2d13b9, 0xb6599d4b, 0xbb8a536d, 0xa719683f, +0x81cc2d0f, 0xc888f1d3, 0xccb0a428, 0xd2cdff48, 0x0b3440e6, 0x45700619, 0xcea80987, 0xa5ad1cc3, +0xd29deaf7, 0x4a8c95af, 0x9ac63a98, 0xf46d26b0, 0xf9a09352, 0x5f8b3fb7, 0x367c8da1, 0x3244b6a2, +0x9634b973, 0x27292ae5, 0xc4f7ae33, 0x9b73a4f7, 0x086a8bb4, 0x616cd17b, 0x74fdb210, 0x5f483d60, +0xf7666630, 0x107cd026, 0xfa2a4a07, 0x171b319e, 0x509d50c8, 0xf2d15061, 0x981d5759, 0xf23bc5c6, +0xe9befe22, 0x1e784009, 0x7cda3751, 0x1c5b2b69, 0x3ba09115, 0x756f1ef5, 0x2b47353b, 0x553a33d9, +0x1f029262, 0x6393d0ee, 0x97e01180, 0x0c53980c, 0x5da79e34, 0x1e0b53c4, 0x06a9f2ba, 0x622181b0, +0x4898ac50, 0x874c780e, 0xf8cc5072, 0x4a5a63ca, 0xf6dea6a2, 0xc3134004, 0x4505bae6, 0xc3f4b638, +0x0dda8e07, 0x0c4135bf, 0x61e80f25, 0x4b31a76c, 0xd91f0d09, 0x4ba0d577, 0xc95d0086, 0x21a61725, +0x16862c1f, 0x9588795d, 0x6ecde7c4, 0x353288cd, 0x94e4647e, 0xeceaba51, 0x7c602ff8, 0xbba48cef, +0x6556c6bf, 0xde912190, 0x86602d55, 0xf549554a, 0xd4d52081, 0x9728c5db, 0x7d09e129, 0x068008ab, +0x353a6ea4, 0x90b44e4e, 0x5c97a08a, 0x6293b3c7, 0xa3e4114b, 0x7ce44646, 0x8f2b0269, 0x291ca1bb, +0x98721528, 0xe30f5532, 0x0bbb2951, 0x7b7c390a, 0xb835b070, 0x2712e51c, 0xc20fb607, 0x5a05ce52, +0x5eb33cc2, 0x33c8b3a8, 0x81433abe, 0xb99cc5de, 0x817a5bab, 0xc76ffef0, 0xc68fb77c, 0x96c35c46, +0xef1bedc9, 0x42d84a19, 0x54440a6e, 0x3c4b7400, 0xe88bdd94, 0xe1b91c7d, 0xdcdba422, 0xc865625f, +0xaaed9adf, 0x782f8dd7, 0xd267ef7b, 0x366340af, 0x5a9b408a, 0xd6edff9b, 0x8356ad73, 0xbaaf18d0, +0xdf752a1b, 0xb246d2c0, 0xe2209cf7, 0x7b4aaa2a, 0xaeaec406, 0x5dc1665d, 0xcad3ca61, 0x9603b5c9, +0x58012ba9, 0x32945486, 0x78fda0e2, 0xfa326649, 0xe88a7466, 0x6a54aea7, 0x6a56ad08, 0x9e86cbd3, +0x8aaa7c2e, 0x66e45a99, 0x285d26f4, 0x40d2740f, 0xc87be0d2, 0x55844605, 0xd87e6a56, 0x04c036a9, +0x00321b41, 0xc99f5e34, 0x7a87eadc, 0xc3ac9125, 0xdd0be68d, 0xa70cc221, 0x6d340390, 0xb3d88bd5, +0x8cf95295, 0xeb03f3f5, 0x5a4bbedd, 0x56fcc9ad, 0x7a2e3d8c, 0x501bb88f, 0x8cfa9729, 0x4beaee02, +0xfb22ede0, 0x51ef3bb1, 0xa4eac5db, 0xc6df35be, 0x9c6da264, 0x128cf797, 0x58f7d2d1, 0x20d87f0e, +0x56a06be1, 0x127ded22, 0x6b03d2f3, 0x51be2702, 0xe898c0c1, 0x5532a2f5, 0xc2059c2c, 0x07d11ae7, +0xfd1d20ba, 0x6e682d25, 0xff27f183, 0x79339832, 0x47c475e4, 0xd8193faa, 0x1d6a37f3, 0xba4b4cc7, +0x25a910c1, 0x5335c90a, 0x084a987e, 0xb281453c, 0xce33dd8e, 0x7fae16a2, 0x5c4ecf25, 0x2d340555, +0xa4ee8816, 0x651373c3, 0xefeb3c3f, 0x0188871b, 0x55e2ad83, 0xe904173b, 0x2f948fb9, 0xc50c0314, +0x2a24ab54, 0x687a2c47, 0xabd0573e, 0x7908cc94, 0x490a1e1e, 0x555895e8, 0x30722594, 0x291dd817, +0xc0b4ebc3, 0xfa0e5597, 0xf80409f8, 0x6152a038, 0x4bec698a, 0xa56cff7d, 0x4770e57d, 0x04e72526, +0x823fa205, 0x22cd7082, 0x68a2e82d, 0xfa193898, 0x17c3a4d2, 0x7298366a, 0xcadc958d, 0x0cdb7e1a, +0x228eddd1, 0x1459b630, 0xe3552ae0, 0x1c76ec70, 0x96677752, 0x17c28b84, 0xe82a9a0e, 0xbb37fd2b, +0xe357cd86, 0xa5f3aafa, 0x0a56ebc1, 0x57adcddc, 0x007f642b, 0x2c64e1fd, 0xa2b073df, 0x60715c24, +0x6d7861d0, 0xd0796ccb, 0xa29916dc, 0x7eaad923, 0x3618dee8, 0x1094af8d, 0x70051ff6, 0x597ba4ff, +0x70e7fe76, 0xdb83025f, 0x09011eee, 0x44680188, 0x5c72d5b7, 0x1610cb8d, 0x643be6ac, 0xecc8cacb, +0x19d9b888, 0xcc19b4ea, 0x40e7e526, 0x27ecd3eb, 0x01279cba, 0x1794e331, 0x6dbf274c, 0x95de5d2f, +0x14aad0a9, 0x45c90401, 0x0611bb41, 0xd019a189, 0x68dd707c, 0xc563c798, 0xa4c79d2c, 0x5db10eb3, +0x2689fe92, 0xbb137c10, 0xa4c0c9d8, 0xa9610249, 0x056f1268, 0xcb57ae36, 0x62a7270d, 0x349c7dec, +0xc237db79, 0xebcabeba, 0xc421413f, 0x0bf08741, 0xfcfc6f35, 0x28d71e38, 0xe41e24b1, 0xa3bb1ed2, +0x4c757e5c, 0x8f1e95f8, 0xac00d0cc, 0xeca670c7, 0xdfd87ac5, 0x43b4f5c7, 0x997a0f6b, 0x785d6b90, +0xd0197018, 0xdf81defd, 0xd2e73e04, 0x603dabe6, 0xf0148c2f, 0x64df0a91, 0x9aae51c9, 0x93867ced, +0xcc58e131, 0x60daa1d2, 0xe3d43433, 0xd51c9947, 0xcc742731, 0xd0e54c33, 0x1fcddc7b, 0xc06505de, +0x0169991f, 0xb4f43bb9, 0x91a901f6, 0x8017b9d3, 0x70914002, 0x2d03c3c7, 0x1861064e, 0x51821521, +0x03d029ef, 0x7768c872, 0x2a618e19, 0xbe00911a, 0xf927772d, 0x16f0ef1f, 0x3a7d721b, 0x73bf2184, +0x81b20c99, 0x50c2d166, 0x2027da1f, 0xe6a7f756, 0x516435ab, 0x077bb2a2, 0x33076d9e, 0x2fcc1053, +0x3da5507b, 0x58e7861c, 0xcb7f34e3, 0xc1dd6cee, 0x5d7eeb2f, 0x8bf7af16, 0xcaaa0b04, 0xbffe68a9, +0x7aa6d3de, 0x86e8d238, 0x6d9c9e5c, 0x0afe48ea, 0x54a8b2c7, 0x7d081d4f, 0x24635e7d, 0x83a90ad2, +0x5faa3307, 0x86d02631, 0x3ba7090e, 0x890ea613, 0x6379381d, 0x43082edc, 0x45fadca0, 0x507a5be8, +0x4002d3e0, 0xcd47db8f, 0x016f02f7, 0x2cc37a2e, 0x6b2440e8, 0xf0a17a06, 0xd1d9ccba, 0xb4bfd01e, +0xfb2e8da1, 0x2b9eafb9, 0x78351034, 0xd5741ede, 0x0728eaf6, 0x7943413b, 0x502b32a2, 0xcd7517b8, +0xebc7a095, 0x0c604a3e, 0x3404c921, 0xa5130fc4, 0x49320039, 0x6afa45fb, 0xdfb6d1d1, 0x9f976a89, +0x6edc8665, 0x25dbf831, 0xa4f7cfec, 0x317a09b5, 0xdaf4c587, 0x28517cd4, 0x6b0c4ef3, 0xcb4307a8, +0xff2670b4, 0x53faca1c, 0x4e2b952a, 0xf8c81cb5, 0xad345402, 0x0cfa7a14, 0x8f530b2f, 0x08720c93, +0xdac62944, 0xa2fa1466, 0xecd483c0, 0x1d969b7d, 0x301f431b, 0xa245449b, 0xfbe74141, 0x61ccd26d, +0xeed80681, 0xba661d5c, 0x2aa8ba84, 0x98df402f, 0xb0bfa754, 0xf786f0eb, 0x502a3f00, 0x5714ef6b, +0x0cc031fe, 0xbd5cb04c, 0x5cf040e1, 0x3d733d6f, 0x9b721cfd, 0xa93dad7d, 0x343a8188, 0x5beea144, +0x77f00ee3, 0xb39e61bd, 0xc53b2a3f, 0xa8b4c424, 0xf5bad225, 0xa85879f2, 0xcfb028f4, 0x09643370, +0x1c7204e6, 0xcebc96e5, 0x12227cec, 0xd7a429da, 0xb5645c6c, 0xf99d4c2b, 0x417bdfb6, 0x0b289280, +0xd9cb2cb6, 0x36d1a187, 0x69839b3c, 0x59de4109, 0xd03843a6, 0x46eb3539, 0x11a526ce, 0x56c78934, +0x763909cc, 0x656ca8af, 0x5b0bdb9d, 0xfac27a43, 0xe1f96c06, 0x6cebe65d, 0xf94709d9, 0x63efc9f1, +0xc95ba413, 0xe704de3c, 0x261e2b43, 0x9c3ef6a0, 0xad4bbe93, 0x79f1cfd8, 0xe314fc58, 0x3470d507, +0xdd0e43e3, 0x394aca27, 0x6bbbf7f1, 0xb213d5e9, 0x1ba99155, 0x4bf71a64, 0x7aa72d51, 0x36a82476, +0x81d0a1c9, 0xc175a36a, 0xda05fc03, 0xfe16edc6, 0xbbbf6f57, 0xb00978f6, 0x0e17eb6c, 0xe905fe98, +0x49241c46, 0x6cc1fcda, 0x8a562cdf, 0xae6c7a70, 0x083e66ed, 0x433be4c6, 0x2092bc04, 0xb4326383, +0x92006a4a, 0x401602df, 0xa54a2952, 0xa4ae512c, 0x46153a61, 0xbaf9bdca, 0x56a95e63, 0x5eadc50f, +0xe403dc0b, 0x3708ba31, 0x21db3941, 0xeb74c1c8, 0x8d2628cf, 0xb7925cf4, 0xdb1ad60b, 0x67dfb1ea, +0x4b8893ec, 0x2d101360, 0x3036d21b, 0x9ed1eb42, 0xa1a60268, 0xe1d6502a, 0x459b4907, 0x1275e279, +0x20efb17c, 0x7f4ae419, 0xf6e4a74b, 0x35698d03, 0x5414844a, 0x2397a6b9, 0x7e41f393, 0xe78fd97d + +e = +32256 + +k = +6144 + +ncb = +18528 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +1 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c2_k5952_r0_e17868_crc24b.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c2_k5952_r0_e17868_crc24b.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13006501 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c2_k5952_r0_e17868_crc24b.data @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0xaf9437bc, +0x341f8045, 0x93f6ff86, 0x2e019ec9, 0xc80116e8, 0xf984ff34, 0xe4f1be20, +0xfe455510, 0xc561cdba, 0x2d6f560f, 0xb239fd9d, 0xd254e343, 0x8090448a, +0xa724c4f1, 0xa00fe4f0, 0xf0379ac6, 0x0c61b383, 0x44b2228e, 0x9d223bc0, +0xe7cfbc38, 0x62ae6a40, 0x6f8d445c, 0xc6045eaf, 0x8507df18, 0xe64c057e, +0x4e589113, 0x3ba3bf55, 0x6a702b19, 0xea23af7d, 0xa1b98022, 0x7096c45c, +0xace3b8c1, 0x47ed7bb4, 0x198a2b8f, 0x586b57db, 0xbf9d24d4, 0x96054c66, +0x13f26306, 0x2a43524b, 0x1ecd419b, 0xb3a24852, 0x4ed7765f, 0x4c99fbe3, +0x6c3b9ebb, 0x1ef7bfeb, 0x0daf1256, 0xe9c90c7f, 0xbe067ed7, 0x469102ba, +0xedccc098, 0x96691fb1, 0x2a9b850f, 0x58aba5f2, 0x0bcad31d, 0x90b1f25b, +0x78a55fe4, 0xdd41e626, 0xdcba3e83, 0x2209d8a9, 0x6ee2f76f, 0x55643570, +0xd181a0ef, 0xd1b2790a, 0xc7793587, 0x3aebe10c, 0xbbde5fe0, 0x5c308948, +0x01439ece, 0x5319fbef, 0x10b0de1b, 0x6595f4f3, 0xa3e6a7c9, 0xf97b2e10, +0x4513cf3d, 0x8ded3394, 0x0949a772, 0x934f2269, 0x2b636628, 0x92101c68, +0x804dfd94, 0x178315be, 0x384adf65, 0xe64d11d3, 0xc44881c0, 0x7a8e7886, +0xb721c0c8, 0x6d0d0fc0, 0x97f0cc5a, 0x3c67c31f, 0x4906dd09, 0x6202c01a, +0xad8d6c5b, 0x53158056, 0x13704ed5, 0xa1dfeaaa, 0xb35e4b40, 0xd9c3e6fa, +0x0c9650ce, 0xbdfe5c22, 0x874bedb3, 0xbd07d0bd, 0x4eef4a4f, 0x2970d932, +0xfdd003ac, 0x609fbea4, 0xad817794, 0xb4ee9f96, 0x559b3faa, 0x1edcf35f, +0x8342e9fb, 0x69a73981, 0x5fc86a07, 0x929b45aa, 0x5c32e847, 0x43421484, +0x9962abf5, 0x8cf07ae4, 0xba7b556d, 0x2da42ac1, 0xac0eef6f, 0xdc118ef8, +0x6061597a, 0xc5f7a007, 0xb9b92c51, 0x87049008, 0x72c9da8a, 0x54dc48c6, +0xb4c4b392, 0x50204c8d, 0x00b2ef59, 0xcdac687c, 0xb2158dc3, 0x4f1c65e3, +0x8af22286, 0x4444ee49, 0x2d8921ce, 0x3c0a8d11, 0xb97325da, 0x056aec7b, +0xa96ca31b, 0x71a5febb, 0xa3166c47, 0x5e920dcd, 0xa58b2e61, 0x4d3b392f, +0x1b9b177b, 0x058b0dfa, 0x4bdc16ab, 0x8a4eeac3, 0xfbf2d2fc, 0x636f04a6, +0x75a14bda, 0xa28f1947, 0xf2f248e4, 0x934e7dd6, 0xeb4401cb, 0x37f693a2, +0xd1cb7e16, 0xbd5d9abb, 0x6f613f63, 0x9bfb5fd5, 0x6b70c5ea, 0xbdcc6c7a, +0x41efaee1, 0xf45d3965, 0x0499b12b, 0x7820873a, 0xed53961f, 0x303c4f04, +0x2e4bd363, 0x1bcdd589, 0xf7317de0, 0x7ba3d53a, 0x61fb36a8, 0x23e55b43, +0x0ef838e9, 0x7b9d91a3, 0x3cd7d835, 0x5f28e517, 0xa100fad7, 0xff39800d, +0xd7894433, 0xb61a62cd, 0xde618b70, 0x8560d770, 0xed02 + +output0 = +0x11d2bcac, 0x7715ae4d, 0xc9f4dbc6, 0x2fda3c1a, 0x09349b16, 0x2cd3c189, +0xe5650429, 0xc73c42c1, 0xe7336bb7, 0xbb7de593, 0x83f986aa, 0xc0ade12e, +0x6730b095, 0x78f7c059, 0xaa907199, 0x75c323d1, 0x7061f9ba, 0x97e067bf, +0xc155cd55, 0x6a4cb08d, 0x4260e2fa, 0xff35e496, 0x37f251d3, 0x02fd9f9e, +0x6f53345c, 0x790cda6d, 0x3b8549e4, 0x56d0c6ea, 0x70a38006, 0xfff18223, +0x6f2035b5, 0x6cf508d3, 0x98a0a308, 0x432353fc, 0x0eb818eb, 0xdd9a128b, +0xf92431b2, 0xad788286, 0xda07d5de, 0x44b4b3a8, 0xbe62fd67, 0x61a4eb54, +0x90d7ac9f, 0xc4d9a930, 0xfddc3c24, 0xf5e3b1c8, 0x38143538, 0xcb1d3062, +0xcae36df3, 0x50a73437, 0x542dcab7, 0x875973a0, 0x34690309, 0x49cb1ddb, +0xf8a62b92, 0x82af6103, 0xc9f8c928, 0x3835b822, 0x16b044a6, 0xdae89096, +0xa5be47d4, 0xaf61189e, 0x5cd70faf, 0x037331cf, 0xef7fa5f6, 0xb2f2b41a, +0xa6f222c6, 0xdb60fe4c, 0x2a857a9a, 0x0b821f9d, 0x348afd17, 0x7eecbaeb, +0x92bb9509, 0x8a3cec24, 0xd02549a2, 0x155ffa81, 0x2b7feac6, 0x3ee461e7, +0xc981f936, 0x89b544c7, 0x9a431e36, 0x62511734, 0x769f9647, 0x211a747e, +0x567abef4, 0xad87e2b4, 0xa3e0c3bf, 0x6d325dd5, 0xf561cc46, 0x39925735, +0x3d8abbfd, 0xc3724c88, 0x8bdf03c9, 0x1b02a12a, 0x4f233a0c, 0x9ca9444a, +0xc5d1f7e6, 0x4d995f37, 0xd9aefb32, 0xd0465248, 0x0f3a3b21, 0x62ea8c0c, +0x91f8d54e, 0x5cf75514, 0x14618a01, 0x8fe9b87e, 0xf2b424f9, 0x49724ce2, +0xa1464587, 0x5e00dc83, 0x59475455, 0x444119b1, 0x4fb9f036, 0x65fcbc1a, +0x1c63a990, 0x767a6114, 0xb0ede06a, 0xcfb91ae3, 0x7874af5f, 0xf78772a3, +0xa2932c81, 0x77f2759d, 0x930dc8f1, 0x95ce14a5, 0x134363ee, 0x61ee143f, +0xf0034b35, 0xfdc75fce, 0x3be2dcf3, 0xff3a07eb, 0xdc43f0eb, 0x23ba73bb, +0x45f7649e, 0xcacc297c, 0xa3dd98db, 0x058d46a9, 0x6bcfc154, 0x7be8e1e6, +0x618a4754, 0x8d193c46, 0xba39e1ce, 0xc3b85cfc, 0xd80d853b, 0x38d6440d, +0x9c1a6185, 0x90c9dfcb, 0x01c6e841, 0xeedfe6ac, 0x7b61a3ae, 0xad3924dd, +0x514bc1a8, 0x6ed60d7e, 0x1b74b79b, 0xea295947, 0x5f9a5d33, 0xcd24311f, +0x0bd3d10c, 0xd214ecfe, 0xcb37035d, 0x8ce95168, 0x7020cb52, 0xe432107d, +0x042d63ac, 0x6201c8dd, 0x4bea65a2, 0x1a3cf453, 0x5b8e868d, 0x3d653bb0, +0x24c1967e, 0x37f183a9, 0x3700e703, 0xb168a02b, 0x2592cd82, 0x5c0cdb66, +0x70b64ebd, 0xf8dcb9a7, 0x634a8335, 0x06642398, 0xfe2f4497, 0x2e775256, +0x30f85cbe, 0xf4d2fdaf, 0x46ca6c9d, 0x022097d6, 0xcedeb03e, 0xb4ca20bc, +0x4fde636c, 0x10ea20a0, 0xe6da8721, 0xbfde5b08, 0x9c3739da, 0xb6dc015a, +0x427db088, 0xdfdb8e6f, 0x756be6c1, 0x21f5297b, 0x06135665, 0xc1602b7d, +0x049536c5, 0xbbb3b801, 0x0cdb0c19, 0x7b2ad622, 0xfee8218f, 0xc5c7f123, +0x8abd3301, 0xa15b534d, 0x29dd2053, 0xd409abf9, 0x3ef19d6b, 0x70a3cbc2, +0x7a51423a, 0x4505b2ad, 0xdc74c75e, 0x068751a9, 0xb0b56437, 0x14a10371, +0x76af806f, 0xa8a47e19, 0x7c97a26e, 0x7998a3d6, 0xdc1ad1e2, 0xb532a301, +0xca8a3e7d, 0xd0aef374, 0x204990c0, 0xc7011aec, 0xa69151ea, 0x53390026, +0x7bf0d762, 0x735c2202, 0x64159e54, 0x5a3b1a56, 0x9ef1def2, 0x0ab8a961, +0x587b0886, 0xb8cc5975, 0x2a5a0f23, 0x069d05be, 0x9cc3c207, 0x40ef1a02, +0x4fae3f5b, 0x1f127aae, 0xd4e6d411, 0x17ac43ef, 0xe4bf891b, 0xfbb21765, +0x2c560c7e, 0x8561988c, 0x73a01032, 0x0cfef73a, 0x694c4991, 0x885d7a3f, +0x4218d1ff, 0xc2efaffb, 0xaf9d9715, 0xf76de6b2, 0xcce8e8ff, 0x370e3800, +0x493675eb, 0xd8fbcbda, 0xa5b382c2, 0x86c8f1ea, 0x3d724ea4, 0xb067034c, +0x6491d87e, 0x1a745ce4, 0xbb27180b, 0x1a2f0acc, 0xac4b7b3b, 0xe324578b, +0xc87928df, 0x9c1de566, 0x0ce2a17d, 0xaf2e13ce, 0x146a8659, 0x8727f6ae, +0xe2df7d03, 0x1a8e4cb4, 0xfa590976, 0x13a7c236, 0xc07489d0, 0xbe905e17, +0xafeb3d4b, 0x201e73f2, 0x5bdca12e, 0x3e15a852, 0xbcfc3271, 0x5d398410, +0x6bfacc15, 0x011fc61f, 0x43e43fd7, 0x0640717c, 0x96bfb3ff, 0x158eac19, +0x3b852e91, 0x74f9ceda, 0xcac71326, 0xfc0e312a, 0x20e8137b, 0xa1162611, +0x239ac7fe, 0xb9d00f8a, 0xea0b5241, 0x019f0d25, 0xc5153264, 0xb48a5547, +0xe54e339f, 0x17a6cca5, 0x5065af0d, 0x5ce648b9, 0xb457b342, 0xc1cb3f0e, +0x28d03c8b, 0x5144ed7a, 0xdb80779f, 0x53ce1b87, 0xbc071147, 0xbfe46c11, +0x7296785e, 0x83e4a63e, 0xc58982e9, 0x9538c5b9, 0xf14abaaa, 0xd915124c, +0x73540cd6, 0xe333696b, 0x58f9e00a, 0xd4dad10f, 0xc0de1420, 0x355e2bdc, +0xb2faa8fd, 0xbe6a12f1, 0x45d415cc, 0x47f5aed9, 0x4754e770, 0x2bb07385, +0x41374352, 0xf80beb47, 0xef02f35c, 0xc9c1b86e, 0x94b5785b, 0xba33123f, +0x7e39f0c9, 0x028a9286, 0x7d52c9f1, 0x06f04da6, 0xbc6a68d1, 0xfc70bace, +0x95b6a129, 0xfff224bb, 0x701ef3fb, 0x3309286f, 0x544ae8c1, 0xdca62c4a, +0xf8862ee2, 0xf9e3cd29, 0x2c07cce2, 0x8d93652a, 0xf47e4611, 0x4635f586, +0x1c03e0f4, 0x819724c7, 0x96b2a3f0, 0xeeb1ad95, 0xff08e517, 0xbd4ba6ed, +0x49ddb12d, 0x365734b5, 0x5edf7459, 0x2ee117a9, 0x067b9462, 0x549f6d5f, +0xe1dd8309, 0x12bb8e0a, 0x4382fe0f, 0x57fce11b, 0x1bc1c809, 0xd2741876, +0xcffd36b9, 0x45a64a67, 0xb77955d5, 0xb5825f24, 0x86eef2a8, 0xb66cac3b, +0xfec661f8, 0x531d5963, 0xa0a2f109, 0xe1795b68, 0x6bfd44e0, 0x0849af41, +0xf56d7d73, 0x3eab025f, 0xd109b015, 0xec24d23b, 0x8b3f603c, 0x648f421f, +0xc833f32a, 0x53cbda14, 0xb9b3fee4, 0xcf9ac8ab, 0x300f0548, 0xfe0bc595, +0x4f437a1a, 0xdacfae1f, 0x284e4a6d, 0x57815e28, 0x15d32b39, 0x68f85b97, +0x18b21602, 0x941259ef, 0x68598d90, 0x6dfd81db, 0xa8fc9a55, 0x60fef2b3, +0xcf07961b, 0x11b96588, 0xd9928a88, 0x2bbc72fd, 0x025f81b4, 0x44794d6d, +0x6a7420aa, 0xa73d4d89, 0x25b523ff, 0x521dbea3, 0xdacde374, 0xbf41776f, +0x9c1e3cb6, 0xb7b3499b, 0x8e154ed3, 0x1ac8f8c8, 0x4f2cf203, 0xa293c979, +0x2792a2e1, 0x329ca1dd, 0x01e1aa4a, 0x01a78d3e, 0x100c74ed, 0xb0db13c7, +0x99d53541, 0xd435a3b9, 0x898bd713, 0x069287bd, 0xe3175d24, 0xb09dc7fb, +0x7340d7d3, 0x81369cc3, 0x8f16a7a8, 0x43963d57, 0x58e0f6a3, 0x39803b6c, +0xa419a5ac, 0xf45fd6fa, 0xec389d5b, 0x636ce34f, 0x71405df6, 0xfc504724, +0xa3a3b192, 0x19df1379, 0xaf028f42, 0x3e1838e8, 0x6b7a64a9, 0xaa90ffee, +0x238ee398, 0x67eae4bd, 0x0a549a15, 0x125873d3, 0x00ece005, 0x9f7b2b8f, +0x7571f73c, 0x98940ab4, 0x192ed328, 0x8fae66da, 0x9063b323, 0x2542f666, +0x07ac7c8e, 0xce92857a, 0x3ded4b69, 0x50204cb4, 0x2a81cd17, 0xfd6ac536, +0xafb46424, 0xe802147b, 0x30a37858, 0x90697235, 0x1606e767, 0x26c1048e, +0x3a20df7b, 0xe127de97, 0x481abd6c, 0xc3a61d15, 0xbb2e929c, 0xd2ec0d65, +0xc0e53693, 0x500c2e9a, 0x316d0f4b, 0x18354452, 0xb2dd7728, 0x5a874b3e, +0x6dcf6f9c, 0x9d7c15ce, 0x1b25566d, 0xe13d6e7a, 0x9d9d06ae, 0x4d0e7d23, +0x33100e24, 0x7c20e0f8, 0x2cfc95bf, 0xb8e702a0, 0x5e60215b, 0xa516093e, +0x4cf3bed7, 0x4a0d6f56, 0xaf4901cc, 0xaeb7137e, 0x07d3c34d, 0x38641bc6, +0xf7366ca3, 0x6e01bd0d, 0x86818282, 0xf0f8712a, 0x431f57ad, 0x46b832c3, +0xec1893b8, 0xfa43c94f, 0x8b4c382a, 0x84cc0cec, 0x3f1016f3, 0xdbc7b88d, +0xa3c34e52, 0x50691492, 0x8b10e709, 0x5c5db670, 0xcda5888b, 0xa1ef2917, +0x1d4689ba, 0xc6470dcc, 0x7010373d, 0x4f27b426, 0x06b0de9d, 0xba83e005, +0x97cd5aad, 0xc1d0f41a, 0x01bae35a, 0xb30c805e, 0x8d7982eb, 0xe1a7b51d, +0x88a9f4d2, 0x7a6742a8, 0x0d9cb569, 0x06e9bc87, 0xf8c93b93, 0x89f3e80a, +0x96b971de, 0xcd548ef1, 0x5fbeb12a, 0x39c798e3, 0x90183352, 0x9b2476a7, +0x9437b0ae, 0x1f8045af, 0xf6ff8634, 0x019ec993, 0x0116e82e, 0x84ff34c8, +0xf1be20f9, 0x455510e4, 0x61cdbafe, 0x6f560fc5, 0x39fd9d2d, 0x54e343b2, +0x90448ad2, 0x24c4f180, 0x0fe4f0a7, 0x379ac6a0, 0x61b383f0, 0xb2228e0c, +0x223bc044, 0xcfbc389d, 0xae6a40e7, 0x8d445c62, 0x045eaf6f, 0x07df18c6, +0x4c057e85, 0x589113e6, 0xa3bf554e, 0x702b193b, 0x23af7d6a, 0xb98022ea, +0x96c45ca1, 0xe3b8c170, 0xed7bb4ac, 0x8a2b8f47, 0x6b57db19, 0x9d24d458, +0x054c66bf, 0xf2630696, 0x43524b13, 0xcd419b2a, 0xa248521e, 0xd7765fb3, +0x99fbe34e, 0x3b9ebb4c, 0xf7bfeb6c, 0xaf12561e, 0xc90c7f0d, 0x067ed7e9, +0x9102babe, 0xccc09846, 0x691fb1ed, 0x9b850f96, 0xaba5f22a, 0xcad31d58, +0xb1f25b0b, 0xa55fe490, 0x41e62678, 0xba3e83dd, 0x09d8a9dc, 0xe2f76f22, +0x6435706e, 0x81a0ef55, 0xb2790ad1, 0x793587d1, 0xebe10cc7, 0xde5fe03a, +0x308948bb, 0x439ece5c, 0x19fbef01, 0xb0de1b53, 0x95f4f310, 0xe6a7c965, +0x7b2e10a3, 0x13cf3df9, 0xed339445, 0x49a7728d, 0x4f226909, 0x63662893, +0x101c682b, 0x4dfd9492, 0x8315be80, 0x4adf6517, 0x4d11d338, 0x4881c0e6, +0x8e7886c4, 0x21c0c87a, 0x0d0fc0b7, 0xf0cc5a6d, 0x67c31f97, 0x06dd093c, +0x02c01a49, 0x8d6c5b62, 0x158056ad, 0x704ed553, 0xdfeaaa13, 0x5e4b40a1, +0xc3e6fab3, 0x9650ced9, 0xfe5c220c, 0x4bedb3bd, 0x07d0bd87, 0xef4a4fbd, +0x70d9324e, 0xd003ac29, 0x9fbea4fd, 0x81779460, 0xee9f96ad, 0x9b3faab4, +0xdcf35f55, 0x42e9fb1e, 0xa7398183, 0xc86a0769, 0x9b45aa5f, 0x32e84792, +0x4214845c, 0x62abf543, 0xf07ae499, 0x7b556d8c, 0xa42ac1ba, 0x0eef6f2d, +0x118ef8ac, 0x61597adc, 0xf7a00760, 0xb92c51c5, 0x049008b9, 0xc9da8a87, +0xdc48c672, 0xc4b39254, 0x204c8db4, 0xb2ef5950, 0xac687c00, 0x158dc3cd, +0x1c65e3b2, 0xf222864f, 0x44ee498a, 0x8921ce44, 0x0a8d112d, 0x7325da3c, +0x6aec7bb9, 0x6ca31b05, 0xa5febba9, 0x166c4771, 0x920dcda3, 0x8b2e615e, +0x3b392fa5, 0x9b177b4d, 0x8b0dfa1b, 0xdc16ab05, 0x4eeac34b, 0xf2d2fc8a, +0x6f04a6fb, 0xa14bda63, 0x8f194775, 0xf248e4a2, 0x4e7dd6f2, 0x4401cb93, +0xf693a2eb, 0xcb7e1637, 0x5d9abbd1, 0x613f63bd, 0xfb5fd56f, 0x70c5ea9b, +0xcc6c7a6b, 0xefaee1bd, 0x5d396541, 0x99b12bf4, 0x20873a04, 0x53961f78, +0x3c4f04ed, 0x4bd36330, 0xcdd5892e, 0x317de01b, 0xa3d53af7, 0xfb36a87b, +0xe55b4361, 0xf838e923, 0x9d91a30e, 0xd7d8357b, 0x28e5173c, 0x00fad75f, +0x39800da1, 0x894433ff, 0x1a62cdd7, 0x618b70b6, 0x60d770de, 0xbaed0285, +0x7bd24f54, 0x96a33975, 0x6884bd60, 0xeb75cf39, 0x19dd058a, 0xd4b8f064, +0x045178ca, 0xd9e3c1de, 0x91b494a6, 0x3316ac81, 0xb926c7d8, 0xc190f058, +0xce70a42c, 0x54f3b3c4, 0x79b20d90, 0x75177ad7, 0x9f010f51, 0x889a4fd5, +0x8fbbc8f0, 0xf1340040, 0xc22acb69, 0xe1473a0a, 0x52ddd7e3, 0x4cd54494, +0x4eb7a9ed, 0xd35e6a65, 0x3236b14c, 0x89786899, 0x3dc59704, 0x51d674be, +0xbcf13659, 0x6ef6266e, 0xf50ef497, 0x141354bc, 0xc8a42e76, 0x59b14233, +0x8b6cad7d, 0x061d8efe, 0xaca42513, 0x161cee21, 0xfeac5471, 0x4c499d31, +0xac2892cb, 0x9bacf4c5, 0xfff36588, 0x898f7a06, 0xad87be87, 0xebe7cb95, +0xa52b5fdf, 0x9f1f3945, 0xad435317, 0x1b316bcc, 0x8e6c0fd3, 0x767981d6, +0x1f86412b, 0x32b457f5, 0x30ab14db, 0x7120e8ae, 0x3972f57e, 0x2268af9d, +0xf45e5738, 0xc48bd523, 0x76726cae, 0x10bcdaa2, 0x49dcbe96, 0x8e28c545, +0x25fd1cc8, 0xc272f106, 0x1a34497e, 0x5f850d98, 0x92e324e4, 0x7e59f811, +0x0bba7ff0, 0x86b3b23f, 0x29558cee, 0xcbd55b0d, 0x15c10dc2, 0xd6617dd5, +0x41168898, 0x920132eb, 0xd10f51c6, 0xdc6eba51, 0xa07f89cc, 0xfcea8627, +0x44a52afa, 0x03d4230b, 0xdbb998d8, 0xf30d2a06, 0x08d35aeb, 0x9597f9bc, +0x720d2689, 0xf64314dd, 0xcadd04c5, 0x9cab9213, 0x22205cca, 0xd6cc196e, +0xa820e3c8, 0x7c262f92, 0xaf481f6b, 0xcecc0fe6, 0x2ec0b33a, 0x20aebc0a, +0xb5699b4b, 0xe0a559ba, 0xb9cd5224, 0x9f7ceb48, 0x35807e3c, 0x30be0794, +0x05463d41, 0x0e10046f, 0x776e71d6, 0xc6bac22d, 0xfee7f911, 0x3bc76715, +0x5024f666, 0x88a07482, 0x7dc55ed7, 0x3ee1d3b6, 0xec419af3, 0x4cd0e39f, +0x988f3802, 0x23baa080, 0xef9ce568, 0xf46ff60f, 0x2efcb093, 0x23b5b12a, +0xd5fb68c7, 0x58d45968, 0x6dce76cd, 0xf82c5a91, 0xfe6a2bf7, 0x0303b383, +0xf1b1196a, 0xa18d6d69, 0xb0025e33, 0x3f51e6c7, 0x0263bac1, 0x87743b29, +0x8f62b573, 0x7a80ad05, 0x95869387, 0x33e6a0f5, 0x50950449, 0x5da456ad, +0xb2ab1617, 0x7b345bf9, 0x7f923fd1, 0x4ca337fe, 0x95ccf61b, 0xfd8221ca, +0x0f19808f, 0x80029266, 0x915a3c47, 0x415045d7, 0x92f91b36, 0xd23576e5, +0x74a5652e, 0xe3d7288c, 0xba8213f7, 0x3a0ecd53, 0xa34fa01a, 0x62b4db3b, +0x3a96a793, 0xcef7b0da, 0xb64b8d17, 0x8716c3ed, 0xbd0ab055, 0xa6896492, +0x1250e75b, 0xb2bce1a7, 0x4100ca8f, 0x2e05625f, 0x8eb5bc83, 0x3dac8027, +0x62b3376d, 0xd6b2cc64, 0x4c9502dc, 0x6c1cfcbe, 0x380c1dce, 0x2b238ea8, +0x7051d59b, 0x580b122d, 0x6174b6e5, 0x4353d726, 0xba555765, 0xb645490f, +0x58427e5f, 0x06fc96e1, 0xae8f4528, 0xab0fee5e, 0x5de960b3, 0x63e79c19, +0x8552eeb8, 0x9344db26, 0x3326d17c, 0xa4174885, 0x6fe45472, 0x7bd20a9e, +0xa5e4aba0, 0x77b509af, 0x22f64240, 0x40bc5144, 0x57ca1b2d, 0xc1260090, +0x008997aa, 0xe8029716, 0x6efb01f3, 0xc73e1366, 0x9de737ff, 0x1b5fabe8, +0x957bb682, 0x5e27f5a5, 0x7777491a, 0x9b6fc6c1, 0xb0802205, 0x16e94d46, +0x58079aee, 0x2b24c4c4, 0xfffb2e7b, 0x7c5560e1, 0xe1ad3009, 0x6a0c0027, +0x09aea741, 0x9af375a6, 0x7106b7bf, 0x1cdcff69, 0xa007f9c2, 0x6f7729c0, +0xeac4297f, 0x8622ede7, 0x89346bfa, 0xc24674b5, 0xd1eabf00, 0xfa6b2d39, +0x04b0c153, 0x6adf49dc, 0x48ea0937, 0xae771ea6, 0xd4208255, 0x4052586d, +0x9c6aa640, 0x9adbb652, 0x017d8661, 0xb20855f0, 0x1e2ed7b6, 0x70af7f25, +0x354df0de, 0xf2fdfde7, 0x0844478c, 0x63993fb2, 0xc49e71ae, 0x1e15ae81, +0x932ad241, 0xba83cf8f, 0xc7e227f3, 0xd1171a85, 0x63ea34a0, 0xe74f042b, +0xd88173d9, 0xba7d8443, 0x9d47c6c4, 0xbe282a93, 0x6142fbac, 0x69307e44, +0xbb86a7f1, 0x9fa3418f, 0x3a3eadce, 0x9804167b, 0x2d5eb47a, 0x5aa2372d, +0x66eb8e1c, 0xf56da1fd, 0x3753eee9, 0xac78c709, 0x787ae648, 0x42d4fa7f, +0x5a036af5, 0xfc6dfa54, 0x269f1195, 0xef1c698d, 0x2932b2d6, 0xba10b26c, +0xf9b58396, 0x8f04a38a, 0x31c1264d, 0xf11c5ac6, 0x693d8ef6, 0x25b1d015, +0x01c06e8f, 0x9c250a6f, 0x4b8fffcd, 0x1eff0743, 0x5a4974ec, 0x9d2d24c1, +0x5562b2ae, 0x2a5b2deb, 0xd4a32596, 0x8ec43665, 0xde3ae654, 0x99e979d0, +0xb6250c7c, 0x478a2891, 0xe1d6c035, 0x1dc453e8, 0xc7490c8d, 0xd4e85297, +0x8fa94952, 0xc863cde8, 0x724dbbc8, 0x89ba9607, 0x0144ba1b, 0x3fed833c, +0xd16278d4, 0x0080f227, 0xfbe241c5, 0x61892e7f, 0x503dced0, 0xa54d6ea5, +0xcb5024a3, 0x591e11d1, 0xabeb85db, 0xc8314e58, 0xfb7792cb, 0xc70e5ada, +0xcc07e739, 0xdb3ad4d6, 0x7a2d24e8, 0x2a0e216a, 0xa04aa774, 0x1762ac59, +0xed53f5f9, 0x261a791e, 0x7a4102ae, 0x4650dcc9, 0xffa48ffa, 0x35a8f4e1, +0x98e0f041, 0x3e3a9a83, 0xfb43c8e9, 0x7e0e6a1e, 0x06f718e5, 0x6812c114, +0xaf21e4a1, 0x10ce04ca, 0x6e465a05, 0x250758f2, 0xfdf02f68, 0x426ec74c, +0x51e44567, 0x17e637cc, 0x9da657e4, 0x39ecef6e, 0xd31c4423, 0x12bc06b4, +0x35af82e0, 0x76379d09, 0x7fb7aa1e, 0x0b73e469, 0x7b3697a4, 0x6bbbca38, +0x018d2e07, 0x8d74a290, 0x02e00314, 0xdc9d1f4f, 0x62cbdd73, 0xd1173c86, +0x62c1d5f2, 0xdfb16100, 0x37cc28e8, 0x43954e64, 0xeaa699d9, 0x0cd0a997, +0xa0f26045 + +ea = +17868 + +eb = +17868 + +cab = +2 + +c = +2 + +c_neg = +0 + +k_pos = +5952 + +k_neg = +5888 + +ncb_pos = +17952 + +ncb_neg = +17760 + +r = +0 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +0 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH + +expected_status = +OK diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c3_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c3_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e17429d --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c3_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0xb0fe86aa, 0xffbf2968, 0x4f55a631, 0xf2152dbc, 0x195a49a5, 0xa4aa7c6c, +0x48a7be38, 0xd32c84f2, 0xb040da60, 0xb39eb07c, 0x3443aad6, 0x19f52e13, +0xb2914341, 0x0d5dfdb3, 0x1ba8aec0, 0x62d0c7be, 0x1d55475c, 0x10f7dd79, +0x967e5333, 0xc0d524c1, 0xdca8da87, 0x1146ecf7, 0xfa09a85c, 0x83be800f, +0x11b814cc, 0x362a4704, 0x4f22e7ce, 0x9985a0e2, 0x9de4be72, 0x488a45b3, +0x6996ade2, 0xdb18c09a, 0x487d62a3, 0x94f82d13, 0xa0743f83, 0x75d2f5dd, +0x0e470346, 0x6e2ec2e5, 0x1a67fe5f, 0xc369330d, 0x860e8766, 0x42c110f6, +0x804a9985, 0x55db02b4, 0xb899fc5c, 0x57811d20, 0xda4f1f9d, 0x2a2efc30, +0x953e7487, 0x4b0c3065, 0x247d5d47, 0xdde382e7, 0x1d6d2ad7, 0x4358ac24, +0x2d0fd97f, 0x1483821e, 0xf6c74ee5, 0x23b5c2f4, 0x95d4a5fc, 0x486f370b, +0x8dbae43d, 0x248f17d5, 0x2df76099, 0xd19ec872, 0xf592aa0e, 0x8de04c3c, +0x3ada94fb, 0x9dd001a3, 0x2b4db6d1, 0x791cf495, 0x57dc764b, 0x21789f1f, +0x0d38adf5, 0xd8cefdc2, 0xed98f8bf, 0x024bc4ed, 0x4f9d3062, 0x332d27c5, +0xde70ad4e, 0xd85872d2, 0x5d0e29c0, 0xa4fd1887, 0x3fa67ba1, 0x46b9b008, +0x055bbf61, 0xf78e59f0, 0x287d2e3b, 0x5b473fe7, 0xd7ad6e04, 0x9cdf4986, +0x830432ae, 0xffded1ba, 0x35c00f77, 0xcf0a6648, 0x196c03aa, 0xba4e2dd3, +0xdaf70fe4, 0x883de2cd, 0xedc3b52e, 0x14e638c1, 0xe607103a, 0xc4cfb700, +0x4ed9843d, 0xc442a0cb, 0xc0d3bba2, 0x36789ba8, 0x9c9b7a24, 0xb943b6a4, +0x8f2c6879, 0x0fb16a0c, 0x2677bada, 0xd14f2f7e, 0x662ec398, 0x1e37b7ae, +0x8ad0312d, 0x21adb6a1, 0x072a11fd, 0x7ae828d1, 0xb510655f, 0x09f7b477, +0x10a175fc, 0xb7086f51, 0x24546af3, 0xfae81b50, 0xcb328832, 0x63693615, +0xa37c3678, 0x15fb6364, 0xb5f75a78, 0xfa9aa5f6, 0x03804a0e, 0x1d245890, +0x06d6cdcd, 0x7485a3c7, 0x35a008ae, 0x1abeaf1c, 0xd9c55966, 0x2b694666, +0x5341f2df, 0xcb647280, 0xfb88d81e, 0xf99a44d0, 0xb0585534, 0x0877b530, +0x752ab39a, 0xd493d8bc, 0xfaa6a57a, 0xccb7c008, 0x9c35994b, 0xb8 + +output0 = +0xb0fe86aa, 0xffbf2968, 0x4f55a631, 0xf2152dbc, 0x195a49a5, 0xa4aa7c6c, +0x48a7be38, 0xd32c84f2, 0xb040da60, 0xb39eb07c, 0x3443aad6, 0x19f52e13, +0xb2914341, 0x0d5dfdb3, 0x1ba8aec0, 0x62d0c7be, 0x1d55475c, 0x10f7dd79, +0x967e5333, 0xc0d524c1, 0xdca8da87, 0x1146ecf7, 0xfa09a85c, 0x83be800f, +0x11b814cc, 0x362a4704, 0x4f22e7ce, 0x9985a0e2, 0x9de4be72, 0x488a45b3, +0x6996ade2, 0xdb18c09a, 0x487d62a3, 0x94f82d13, 0xa0743f83, 0x75d2f5dd, +0x0e470346, 0x6e2ec2e5, 0x1a67fe5f, 0xc369330d, 0x860e8766, 0x42c110f6, +0x804a9985, 0x55db02b4, 0xb899fc5c, 0x57811d20, 0xda4f1f9d, 0x2a2efc30, +0x953e7487, 0x4b0c3065, 0x247d5d47, 0xdde382e7, 0x1d6d2ad7, 0x4358ac24, +0x2d0fd97f, 0x1483821e, 0xf6c74ee5, 0x23b5c2f4, 0x95d4a5fc, 0x486f370b, +0x8dbae43d, 0x248f17d5, 0x2df76099, 0xd19ec872, 0xf592aa0e, 0x8de04c3c, +0x3ada94fb, 0x9dd001a3, 0x2b4db6d1, 0x791cf495, 0x57dc764b, 0x21789f1f, +0x0d38adf5, 0xd8cefdc2, 0xed98f8bf, 0x024bc4ed, 0x4f9d3062, 0x332d27c5, +0xde70ad4e, 0xd85872d2, 0x5d0e29c0, 0xa4fd1887, 0x3fa67ba1, 0x46b9b008, +0x055bbf61, 0xf78e59f0, 0x287d2e3b, 0x5b473fe7, 0xd7ad6e04, 0x9cdf4986, +0x830432ae, 0xffded1ba, 0x35c00f77, 0xcf0a6648, 0x196c03aa, 0xba4e2dd3, +0xdaf70fe4, 0x883de2cd, 0xedc3b52e, 0x14e638c1, 0xe607103a, 0xc4cfb700, +0x4ed9843d, 0xc442a0cb, 0xc0d3bba2, 0x36789ba8, 0x9c9b7a24, 0xb943b6a4, +0x8f2c6879, 0x0fb16a0c, 0x2677bada, 0xd14f2f7e, 0x662ec398, 0x1e37b7ae, +0x8ad0312d, 0x21adb6a1, 0x072a11fd, 0x7ae828d1, 0xb510655f, 0x09f7b477, +0x10a175fc, 0xb7086f51, 0x24546af3, 0xfae81b50, 0xcb328832, 0x63693615, +0xa37c3678, 0x15fb6364, 0xb5f75a78, 0xfa9aa5f6, 0x03804a0e, 0x1d245890, +0x06d6cdcd, 0x7485a3c7, 0x35a008ae, 0x1abeaf1c, 0xd9c55966, 0x2b694666, +0x5341f2df, 0xcb647280, 0xfb88d81e, 0xf99a44d0, 0xb0585534, 0x0877b530, +0x752ab39a, 0xd493d8bc, 0xfaa6a57a, 0xccb7c008, 0x9c35994b, 0x47ee26b8, +0x94f624ac, 0xa3bd4876, 0xf7d4854e, 0x8871d433, 0x9321d942, 0x7b626be8, +0x72c934b0, 0x3b7af8a4, 0x5102c29f, 0x710e4dbc, 0x99708292, 0x1458c4c1, +0x61026bc5, 0xe776e388, 0x4a0222b3, 0x760e5aaf, 0x662f3583, 0x5ab1005b, +0xe527ef70, 0x4170d611, 0x307bebc4, 0xfdd00caf, 0xbaae1044, 0xcab4d459, +0x38281dcf, 0x90580c89, 0x49cf5986, 0xa27da769, 0xceced49b, 0x5ea37953, +0x8a7e6c1c, 0x1e01b4e2, 0xe08026ae, 0x3754534a, 0x903b0ecf, 0x65f97a55, +0x90798ed9, 0x9d1133bc, 0xe356a39f, 0xe47acbce, 0x01ccf326, 0x1954fd3d, +0x240e69f8, 0x1da20bb4, 0xe1ab1684, 0x44c65d48, 0xd265e6c2, 0x51d4ef07, +0x000970ef, 0xfeb939f4, 0x5dcc0132, 0x2bd27ae5, 0xba5dbd25, 0xa9d190e4, +0x61556bec, 0x7fd6caba, 0x7fe312cb, 0xdd319413, 0x92a5dbbf, 0x17e61915, +0x56067b67, 0x3dc348c0, 0x58c17fe0, 0xbe6bffcc, 0xd379026c, 0xc4174780, +0xcce7f026, 0xb74b7eb0, 0xe4d5f625, 0x6bc16d3b, 0xff3e300e, 0x83f0d55a, +0xf2e537df, 0x75c18f78, 0xa5458d1a, 0x47c778b0, 0x92eb8716, 0xcb5816fd, +0xc2cc7079, 0xa7f1dc75, 0xed9e5ffa, 0xb7d6747f, 0xa2dc6907, 0x99b4d187, +0x69f3138a, 0xbd285a1f, 0xb8ee18e0, 0x734b77a5, 0xc0700f69, 0x6c72a77a, +0x76609ba9, 0xcfae9b73, 0x2cd329f0, 0x0d45aa12, 0x419fbcd7, 0x03e00f00, +0x0effee99, 0x7f879eb4, 0x29a4c8df, 0x4432400a, 0x22b9cf55, 0xa1c4c645, +0x200251b0, 0xff293906, 0xe11288e2, 0xde1e8ec7, 0x675752d1, 0x9630743e, +0xd848c67e, 0x1eedfda9, 0x58b954fc, 0xa0dc7f1c, 0x0aea313e, 0x062b9449, +0x0f17e57f, 0x96def6ec, 0x2ba45f14, 0xd9a5f8c5, 0x231483c8, 0x29b8783e, +0xa6d24594, 0x1a62ffcd, 0x54c87a7f, 0x6fa9ca9a, 0xfff0f890, 0x51d6ae46, +0xa96e82b0, 0x68cd9808, 0x56214df5, 0x2169defa, 0x72c1ecce, 0x2448e3c9, +0x8eb2b3b3, 0x62c89c11, 0xbba20ee2, 0xea33f53a, 0x8b96a6b8, 0x9d33d551, +0x363bd14e, 0x5fdd2b5f, 0xf8187546, 0xb692beab, 0x8df6b4c0, 0x753e2302, +0xb90f7a37, 0x2b6bac6a, 0x13a07bc5, 0xb67f6d2b, 0x47b21569, 0xc2ab143f, +0xf86ce30a, 0xde2dab70, 0x6f258860, 0x2878735c, 0x2aaeac20, 0xda80fb3e, +0xe7a8ccf6, 0xbf011844, 0x40a610f8, 0x82f3fdf7, 0xadc4ec2c, 0xb8551030, +0x76004380, 0xa384ff18, 0x080cf587, 0x6c4991d3, 0x2daea9aa, 0xa92d0c4f, +0x4a9d117e, 0x2761f025, 0x96b40443, 0x57a82be4, 0x62374c44, 0x55dc64ae, +0x28aa9f0c, 0x03a3b963, 0x41dbaa26, 0xb3c23735, 0x971cbd31, 0x939a9f80, +0x76439fdc, 0xa9df79d6, 0x926ae3e2, 0x5ee75745, 0xf2396e52, 0xe18bd816, +0x3f9834b9, 0x816a07bc, 0x8f873310, 0x45cf9b96, 0x0ce634dd, 0xe64a16d9, +0x2733775a, 0x2b648c7e, 0xe600ee8e, 0xd99d8ae3, 0x10dadf2a, 0x904d3f87, +0x3963e9e7, 0x47fcce89, 0xc256c898, 0x7db6cb66, 0xe1611a8b, 0xed81b10d, +0x75eff974, 0x8a0a3d67, 0xa44311ff, 0x6f876783, 0x43dc93ce, 0x88616a33, +0xa8706e8f, 0x33a2cbed, 0x3a6d20c3, 0x55175086, 0x39680945, 0x2d779a7b, +0x0818a4ce, 0x55558918, 0xf7c08d35, 0x980a3038, 0x9cf068db, 0x3385d333, +0xd81b33fb, 0x188018d5, 0x47c57bd3, 0x9ec2324f, 0x6901cd77, 0xc3bac44f, +0x4d96aba8, 0x9094da5b, 0xa67a1353, 0x1fdfc4db, 0xa2fbeefa, 0xab4828e3, +0x37d1db45, 0x0d33b3e9, 0x1ad72bb9, 0x7257bf9c, 0x2ec35167, 0xa4488b7f, +0xf9dae588, 0x1038905a, 0x88ddf410, 0xaac11693, 0x24ac025d, 0x56cefbb5, +0x6afe7f59, 0xc7f989e8, 0x15872570, 0x1bf16cdb, 0xfe9c93ce, 0x1fc9a076, +0x85d37185, 0x1078cd31, 0xe1cd0327, 0x6d5315bc, 0x298cd836, 0xc8e21f06, +0xe561c32d, 0x8ec404b4, 0x4d39bfbb, 0x24ede8c8, 0x451d6034, 0x3bafeea2, +0x202f0ccf, 0x1fad37ce, 0xf04b5693, 0xeee57cd9, 0x5ef70007, 0x018e8a4f, +0xfa61c9a9, 0x09989fcf, 0xe66b558b, 0x966efd48, 0x7525021d, 0xe7978b5e, +0x7eb1d6dc, 0xa10c5e5b, 0xb7815e69, 0x7d486cfb, 0xcffdeb2a, 0x7375cb32, +0x599008dc, 0xff91c796, 0x560ed4ad, 0x14e9a876, 0xfccf6a66, 0xa58be028, +0xea9d408b, 0x3afc373b, 0xee008458, 0x19b6042e, 0x84806314, 0x431a4ba4, +0x009ad6a1, 0xd7c62bf4, 0x1bebecba, 0x5c662f69, 0x83bfdea1, 0x45872a9a, +0x00c9 + + +ea = +14412 + +eb = +14412 + +cab = +4 + +c = +4 + +c_neg = +0 + +k_pos = +4800 + +k_neg = +4736 + +ncb_pos = +14496 + +ncb_neg = +14304 + +r = +2 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +0 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH + +expected_status = +OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c4_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c4_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff95a3f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/test_vectors/turbo_enc_c4_k4800_r2_e14412_crc24b.data @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation + +op_type = +RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC + +input0 = +0xb0fe86aa, 0xffbf2968, 0x4f55a631, 0xf2152dbc, 0x195a49a5, 0xa4aa7c6c, +0x48a7be38, 0xd32c84f2, 0xb040da60, 0xb39eb07c, 0x3443aad6, 0x19f52e13, +0xb2914341, 0x0d5dfdb3, 0x1ba8aec0, 0x62d0c7be, 0x1d55475c, 0x10f7dd79, +0x967e5333, 0xc0d524c1, 0xdca8da87, 0x1146ecf7, 0xfa09a85c, 0x83be800f, +0x11b814cc, 0x362a4704, 0x4f22e7ce, 0x9985a0e2, 0x9de4be72, 0x488a45b3, +0x6996ade2, 0xdb18c09a, 0x487d62a3, 0x94f82d13, 0xa0743f83, 0x75d2f5dd, +0x0e470346, 0x6e2ec2e5, 0x1a67fe5f, 0xc369330d, 0x860e8766, 0x42c110f6, +0x804a9985, 0x55db02b4, 0xb899fc5c, 0x57811d20, 0xda4f1f9d, 0x2a2efc30, +0x953e7487, 0x4b0c3065, 0x247d5d47, 0xdde382e7, 0x1d6d2ad7, 0x4358ac24, +0x2d0fd97f, 0x1483821e, 0xf6c74ee5, 0x23b5c2f4, 0x95d4a5fc, 0x486f370b, +0x8dbae43d, 0x248f17d5, 0x2df76099, 0xd19ec872, 0xf592aa0e, 0x8de04c3c, +0x3ada94fb, 0x9dd001a3, 0x2b4db6d1, 0x791cf495, 0x57dc764b, 0x21789f1f, +0x0d38adf5, 0xd8cefdc2, 0xed98f8bf, 0x024bc4ed, 0x4f9d3062, 0x332d27c5, +0xde70ad4e, 0xd85872d2, 0x5d0e29c0, 0xa4fd1887, 0x3fa67ba1, 0x46b9b008, +0x055bbf61, 0xf78e59f0, 0x287d2e3b, 0x5b473fe7, 0xd7ad6e04, 0x9cdf4986, +0x830432ae, 0xffded1ba, 0x35c00f77, 0xcf0a6648, 0x196c03aa, 0xba4e2dd3, +0xdaf70fe4, 0x883de2cd, 0xedc3b52e, 0x14e638c1, 0xe607103a, 0xc4cfb700, +0x4ed9843d, 0xc442a0cb, 0xc0d3bba2, 0x36789ba8, 0x9c9b7a24, 0xb943b6a4, +0x8f2c6879, 0x0fb16a0c, 0x2677bada, 0xd14f2f7e, 0x662ec398, 0x1e37b7ae, +0x8ad0312d, 0x21adb6a1, 0x072a11fd, 0x7ae828d1, 0xb510655f, 0x09f7b477, +0x10a175fc, 0xb7086f51, 0x24546af3, 0xfae81b50, 0xcb328832, 0x63693615, +0xa37c3678, 0x15fb6364, 0xb5f75a78, 0xfa9aa5f6, 0x03804a0e, 0x1d245890, +0x06d6cdcd, 0x7485a3c7, 0x35a008ae, 0x1abeaf1c, 0xd9c55966, 0x2b694666, +0x5341f2df, 0xcb647280, 0xfb88d81e, 0xf99a44d0, 0xb0585534, 0x0877b530, +0x752ab39a, 0xd493d8bc, 0xfaa6a57a, 0xccb7c008, 0x9c35994b, 0x9cca47b8, +0xff47dda2, 0xa557841a, 0x7459fb6a, 0x93ec6495, 0x0ef7e6d2, 0xa8a6e6d4, +0x46364f91, 0xd52c5776, 0x4dfd0d25, 0xd458c769, 0x24864930, 0xf7789991, +0xfcc231f2, 0xc8e4cfd0, 0x50975038, 0x989398d1, 0x04504b14, 0x5e529570, +0xf8c17202, 0xaf459a8a, 0xac2fecb2, 0x0eb3a176, 0xf6bac24f, 0x6fbddade, +0x42456542, 0x83c10198, 0xbea4efaf, 0xff2f2966, 0x5edae82b, 0x09c27f13, +0xa094c3b4, 0xc53b810e, 0x7f1cc39d, 0x25731c8a, 0x8d34b6ee, 0x5fb78b80, +0x2980eef8, 0x7b76a9fb, 0x37bfacb9, 0x80f7a0ea, 0xd1e3e69d, 0xcda19b8b, +0x9af26246, 0xf55495cf, 0x6f45ad1b, 0xfe2cb329, 0xc33cb7e6, 0x67bbde4a, +0x32310c7b, 0x80e6b00a, 0xdd4004d2, 0x0e0eb8b6, 0x6f8d951f, 0xb196cb40, +0x6dbe29dd, 0xa138a375, 0xd4f5b058, 0x69ea638f, 0x50438a7a, 0xe5530eb3, +0x527cb218, 0xbfa67b9d, 0x7efb86df, 0x724ed65b, 0x38006782, 0x6a9924a4, +0x749955c2, 0x5cb82627, 0xa74ceecb, 0x89eb103d, 0x89a12973, 0x660613c4, +0x8bdf96ae, 0xf08afcce, 0xa4023081, 0x79c6786c, 0x8026bdf0, 0x621f29a1, +0xa8d8d3ec, 0x4ee5d537, 0xda83c99f, 0x9a69d0a8, 0xae027f9a, 0x639d9cc9, +0xe80e2be1, 0x89d78cfb, 0x862fabb7, 0xb248c138, 0x3fe35f29, 0xf8b74cc6, +0x27741dcf, 0xf9236485, 0x05225155, 0x4ed40ee6, 0xb30e4a95, 0x7d890ee0, +0x0a97eb0d, 0xe7877652, 0x3de6fa67, 0xa3a5961e, 0x1bdf2af5, 0x5a7dcbbe, +0x1641f1af, 0x4db5845b, 0x735761f2, 0x32a1431e, 0xab1e00b1, 0x495ddeb7, +0xb480f29c, 0x47d83714, 0x8ba04129, 0x8c96062e, 0x657e7f7f, 0x30dfba23, +0xfd4ee1bc, 0x9ffe10b1, 0xc917d2db, 0x18f0bd8d, 0x4b6c35d7, 0x54896222, +0x7ce0f6c6, 0xb7813f4a, 0x71c52b4b, 0xac65da3a, 0x9aef9b4e, 0x85f9657e, +0x62ba1965, 0xa1e39267, 0x40f66fb2, 0x10433b94, 0x851df333, 0xf0c6aa26, +0xe0e19368, 0x5a706636, 0xf5de1e8c, 0x5ebc735a, 0x0967ef39, 0xf76c1fb7, +0xe53f7f16, 0x51f2c4eb, 0x047dda3d, 0x73518b4a, 0x3ad90dd3, 0xaee51fc1, +0x78f01060, 0x98d1502c, 0x990d5499, 0x7a19453c, 0x104c + +output0 = +0xb0fe86aa, 0xffbf2968, 0x4f55a631, 0xf2152dbc, 0x195a49a5, 0xa4aa7c6c, +0x48a7be38, 0xd32c84f2, 0xb040da60, 0xb39eb07c, 0x3443aad6, 0x19f52e13, +0xb2914341, 0x0d5dfdb3, 0x1ba8aec0, 0x62d0c7be, 0x1d55475c, 0x10f7dd79, +0x967e5333, 0xc0d524c1, 0xdca8da87, 0x1146ecf7, 0xfa09a85c, 0x83be800f, +0x11b814cc, 0x362a4704, 0x4f22e7ce, 0x9985a0e2, 0x9de4be72, 0x488a45b3, +0x6996ade2, 0xdb18c09a, 0x487d62a3, 0x94f82d13, 0xa0743f83, 0x75d2f5dd, +0x0e470346, 0x6e2ec2e5, 0x1a67fe5f, 0xc369330d, 0x860e8766, 0x42c110f6, +0x804a9985, 0x55db02b4, 0xb899fc5c, 0x57811d20, 0xda4f1f9d, 0x2a2efc30, +0x953e7487, 0x4b0c3065, 0x247d5d47, 0xdde382e7, 0x1d6d2ad7, 0x4358ac24, +0x2d0fd97f, 0x1483821e, 0xf6c74ee5, 0x23b5c2f4, 0x95d4a5fc, 0x486f370b, +0x8dbae43d, 0x248f17d5, 0x2df76099, 0xd19ec872, 0xf592aa0e, 0x8de04c3c, +0x3ada94fb, 0x9dd001a3, 0x2b4db6d1, 0x791cf495, 0x57dc764b, 0x21789f1f, +0x0d38adf5, 0xd8cefdc2, 0xed98f8bf, 0x024bc4ed, 0x4f9d3062, 0x332d27c5, +0xde70ad4e, 0xd85872d2, 0x5d0e29c0, 0xa4fd1887, 0x3fa67ba1, 0x46b9b008, +0x055bbf61, 0xf78e59f0, 0x287d2e3b, 0x5b473fe7, 0xd7ad6e04, 0x9cdf4986, +0x830432ae, 0xffded1ba, 0x35c00f77, 0xcf0a6648, 0x196c03aa, 0xba4e2dd3, +0xdaf70fe4, 0x883de2cd, 0xedc3b52e, 0x14e638c1, 0xe607103a, 0xc4cfb700, +0x4ed9843d, 0xc442a0cb, 0xc0d3bba2, 0x36789ba8, 0x9c9b7a24, 0xb943b6a4, +0x8f2c6879, 0x0fb16a0c, 0x2677bada, 0xd14f2f7e, 0x662ec398, 0x1e37b7ae, +0x8ad0312d, 0x21adb6a1, 0x072a11fd, 0x7ae828d1, 0xb510655f, 0x09f7b477, +0x10a175fc, 0xb7086f51, 0x24546af3, 0xfae81b50, 0xcb328832, 0x63693615, +0xa37c3678, 0x15fb6364, 0xb5f75a78, 0xfa9aa5f6, 0x03804a0e, 0x1d245890, +0x06d6cdcd, 0x7485a3c7, 0x35a008ae, 0x1abeaf1c, 0xd9c55966, 0x2b694666, +0x5341f2df, 0xcb647280, 0xfb88d81e, 0xf99a44d0, 0xb0585534, 0x0877b530, +0x752ab39a, 0xd493d8bc, 0xfaa6a57a, 0xccb7c008, 0x9c35994b, 0x47ee26b8, +0x94f624ac, 0xa3bd4876, 0xf7d4854e, 0x8871d433, 0x9321d942, 0x7b626be8, +0x72c934b0, 0x3b7af8a4, 0x5102c29f, 0x710e4dbc, 0x99708292, 0x1458c4c1, +0x61026bc5, 0xe776e388, 0x4a0222b3, 0x760e5aaf, 0x662f3583, 0x5ab1005b, +0xe527ef70, 0x4170d611, 0x307bebc4, 0xfdd00caf, 0xbaae1044, 0xcab4d459, +0x38281dcf, 0x90580c89, 0x49cf5986, 0xa27da769, 0xceced49b, 0x5ea37953, +0x8a7e6c1c, 0x1e01b4e2, 0xe08026ae, 0x3754534a, 0x903b0ecf, 0x65f97a55, +0x90798ed9, 0x9d1133bc, 0xe356a39f, 0xe47acbce, 0x01ccf326, 0x1954fd3d, +0x240e69f8, 0x1da20bb4, 0xe1ab1684, 0x44c65d48, 0xd265e6c2, 0x51d4ef07, +0x000970ef, 0xfeb939f4, 0x5dcc0132, 0x2bd27ae5, 0xba5dbd25, 0xa9d190e4, +0x61556bec, 0x7fd6caba, 0x7fe312cb, 0xdd319413, 0x92a5dbbf, 0x17e61915, +0x56067b67, 0x3dc348c0, 0x58c17fe0, 0xbe6bffcc, 0xd379026c, 0xc4174780, +0xcce7f026, 0xb74b7eb0, 0xe4d5f625, 0x6bc16d3b, 0xff3e300e, 0x83f0d55a, +0xf2e537df, 0x75c18f78, 0xa5458d1a, 0x47c778b0, 0x92eb8716, 0xcb5816fd, +0xc2cc7079, 0xa7f1dc75, 0xed9e5ffa, 0xb7d6747f, 0xa2dc6907, 0x99b4d187, +0x69f3138a, 0xbd285a1f, 0xb8ee18e0, 0x734b77a5, 0xc0700f69, 0x6c72a77a, +0x76609ba9, 0xcfae9b73, 0x2cd329f0, 0x0d45aa12, 0x419fbcd7, 0x03e00f00, +0x0effee99, 0x7f879eb4, 0x29a4c8df, 0x4432400a, 0x22b9cf55, 0xa1c4c645, +0x200251b0, 0xff293906, 0xe11288e2, 0xde1e8ec7, 0x675752d1, 0x9630743e, +0xd848c67e, 0x1eedfda9, 0x58b954fc, 0xa0dc7f1c, 0x0aea313e, 0x062b9449, +0x0f17e57f, 0x96def6ec, 0x2ba45f14, 0xd9a5f8c5, 0x231483c8, 0x29b8783e, +0xa6d24594, 0x1a62ffcd, 0x54c87a7f, 0x6fa9ca9a, 0xfff0f890, 0x51d6ae46, +0xa96e82b0, 0x68cd9808, 0x56214df5, 0x2169defa, 0x72c1ecce, 0x2448e3c9, +0x8eb2b3b3, 0x62c89c11, 0xbba20ee2, 0xea33f53a, 0x8b96a6b8, 0x9d33d551, +0x363bd14e, 0x5fdd2b5f, 0xf8187546, 0xb692beab, 0x8df6b4c0, 0x753e2302, +0xb90f7a37, 0x2b6bac6a, 0x13a07bc5, 0xb67f6d2b, 0x47b21569, 0xc2ab143f, +0xf86ce30a, 0xde2dab70, 0x6f258860, 0x2878735c, 0x2aaeac20, 0xda80fb3e, +0xe7a8ccf6, 0xbf011844, 0x40a610f8, 0x82f3fdf7, 0xadc4ec2c, 0xb8551030, +0x76004380, 0xa384ff18, 0x080cf587, 0x6c4991d3, 0x2daea9aa, 0xa92d0c4f, +0x4a9d117e, 0x2761f025, 0x96b40443, 0x57a82be4, 0x62374c44, 0x55dc64ae, +0x28aa9f0c, 0x03a3b963, 0x41dbaa26, 0xb3c23735, 0x971cbd31, 0x939a9f80, +0x76439fdc, 0xa9df79d6, 0x926ae3e2, 0x5ee75745, 0xf2396e52, 0xe18bd816, +0x3f9834b9, 0x816a07bc, 0x8f873310, 0x45cf9b96, 0x0ce634dd, 0xe64a16d9, +0x2733775a, 0x2b648c7e, 0xe600ee8e, 0xd99d8ae3, 0x10dadf2a, 0x904d3f87, +0x3963e9e7, 0x47fcce89, 0xc256c898, 0x7db6cb66, 0xe1611a8b, 0xed81b10d, +0x75eff974, 0x8a0a3d67, 0xa44311ff, 0x6f876783, 0x43dc93ce, 0x88616a33, +0xa8706e8f, 0x33a2cbed, 0x3a6d20c3, 0x55175086, 0x39680945, 0x2d779a7b, +0x0818a4ce, 0x55558918, 0xf7c08d35, 0x980a3038, 0x9cf068db, 0x3385d333, +0xd81b33fb, 0x188018d5, 0x47c57bd3, 0x9ec2324f, 0x6901cd77, 0xc3bac44f, +0x4d96aba8, 0x9094da5b, 0xa67a1353, 0x1fdfc4db, 0xa2fbeefa, 0xab4828e3, +0x37d1db45, 0x0d33b3e9, 0x1ad72bb9, 0x7257bf9c, 0x2ec35167, 0xa4488b7f, +0xf9dae588, 0x1038905a, 0x88ddf410, 0xaac11693, 0x24ac025d, 0x56cefbb5, +0x6afe7f59, 0xc7f989e8, 0x15872570, 0x1bf16cdb, 0xfe9c93ce, 0x1fc9a076, +0x85d37185, 0x1078cd31, 0xe1cd0327, 0x6d5315bc, 0x298cd836, 0xc8e21f06, +0xe561c32d, 0x8ec404b4, 0x4d39bfbb, 0x24ede8c8, 0x451d6034, 0x3bafeea2, +0x202f0ccf, 0x1fad37ce, 0xf04b5693, 0xeee57cd9, 0x5ef70007, 0x018e8a4f, +0xfa61c9a9, 0x09989fcf, 0xe66b558b, 0x966efd48, 0x7525021d, 0xe7978b5e, +0x7eb1d6dc, 0xa10c5e5b, 0xb7815e69, 0x7d486cfb, 0xcffdeb2a, 0x7375cb32, +0x599008dc, 0xff91c796, 0x560ed4ad, 0x14e9a876, 0xfccf6a66, 0xa58be028, +0xea9d408b, 0x3afc373b, 0xee008458, 0x19b6042e, 0x84806314, 0x431a4ba4, +0x009ad6a1, 0xd7c62bf4, 0x1bebecba, 0x5c662f69, 0x83bfdea1, 0x45872a9a, +0xca4700c9, 0x47dda29c, 0x57841aff, 0x59fb6aa5, 0xec649574, 0xf7e6d293, +0xa6e6d40e, 0x364f91a8, 0x2c577646, 0xfd0d25d5, 0x58c7694d, 0x864930d4, +0x78999124, 0xc231f2f7, 0xe4cfd0fc, 0x975038c8, 0x9398d150, 0x504b1498, +0x52957004, 0xc172025e, 0x459a8af8, 0x2fecb2af, 0xb3a176ac, 0xbac24f0e, +0xbddadef6, 0x4565426f, 0xc1019842, 0xa4efaf83, 0x2f2966be, 0xdae82bff, +0xc27f135e, 0x94c3b409, 0x3b810ea0, 0x1cc39dc5, 0x731c8a7f, 0x34b6ee25, +0xb78b808d, 0x80eef85f, 0x76a9fb29, 0xbfacb97b, 0xf7a0ea37, 0xe3e69d80, +0xa19b8bd1, 0xf26246cd, 0x5495cf9a, 0x45ad1bf5, 0x2cb3296f, 0x3cb7e6fe, +0xbbde4ac3, 0x310c7b67, 0xe6b00a32, 0x4004d280, 0x0eb8b6dd, 0x8d951f0e, +0x96cb406f, 0xbe29ddb1, 0x38a3756d, 0xf5b058a1, 0xea638fd4, 0x438a7a69, +0x530eb350, 0x7cb218e5, 0xa67b9d52, 0xfb86dfbf, 0x4ed65b7e, 0x00678272, +0x9924a438, 0x9955c26a, 0xb8262774, 0x4ceecb5c, 0xeb103da7, 0xa1297389, +0x0613c489, 0xdf96ae66, 0x8afcce8b, 0x023081f0, 0xc6786ca4, 0x26bdf079, +0x1f29a180, 0xd8d3ec62, 0xe5d537a8, 0x83c99f4e, 0x69d0a8da, 0x027f9a9a, +0x9d9cc9ae, 0x0e2be163, 0xd78cfbe8, 0x2fabb789, 0x48c13886, 0xe35f29b2, +0xb74cc63f, 0x741dcff8, 0x23648527, 0x225155f9, 0xd40ee605, 0x0e4a954e, +0x890ee0b3, 0x97eb0d7d, 0x8776520a, 0xe6fa67e7, 0xa5961e3d, 0xdf2af5a3, +0x7dcbbe1b, 0x41f1af5a, 0xb5845b16, 0x5761f24d, 0xa1431e73, 0x1e00b132, +0x5ddeb7ab, 0x80f29c49, 0xd83714b4, 0xa0412947, 0x96062e8b, 0x7e7f7f8c, +0xdfba2365, 0x4ee1bc30, 0xfe10b1fd, 0x17d2db9f, 0xf0bd8dc9, 0x6c35d718, +0x8962224b, 0xe0f6c654, 0x813f4a7c, 0xc52b4bb7, 0x65da3a71, 0xef9b4eac, +0xf9657e9a, 0xba196585, 0xe3926762, 0xf66fb2a1, 0x433b9440, 0x1df33310, +0xc6aa2685, 0xe19368f0, 0x706636e0, 0xde1e8c5a, 0xbc735af5, 0x67ef395e, +0x6c1fb709, 0x3f7f16f7, 0xf2c4ebe5, 0x7dda3d51, 0x518b4a04, 0xd90dd373, +0xe51fc13a, 0xf01060ae, 0xd1502c78, 0x0d549998, 0x19453c99, 0x52104c7a, +0xc477d443, 0xce6910c0, 0x0dc163b4, 0x1dc4dab2, 0x5c4dbc0c, 0x6145ced9, +0xf02e295b, 0x60196b15, 0x2aa68b89, 0x9ff0dd3b, 0xe4b874ce, 0x9175ec6c, +0x9b629234, 0x644ce81d, 0x359fac36, 0x5211675f, 0xd24c092f, 0x1de9385e, +0x1352b7e5, 0x8d650e83, 0x7057d366, 0x43371dd2, 0x61678e6e, 0xd436279b, +0x267562b6, 0xabaf1706, 0x814bd74e, 0x3269cbda, 0x0a34b3cd, 0xa74c3d1a, +0xd3b098c8, 0x02030412, 0xd75d7207, 0x519d1b3d, 0x1958436b, 0x69ba4221, +0x81b6b4cf, 0xb83234e4, 0x7e652d03, 0x63bcf36e, 0xefecb5f7, 0x60550e08, +0x394963ce, 0xfd6f2b38, 0x1342c68b, 0xbc39f1ca, 0x21bdd863, 0x59ade0af, +0x2d0c793a, 0xa74702d4, 0xc00885f9, 0xc73c27af, 0x6566ea9e, 0xa31e0f7c, +0x499f1706, 0xe19617ad, 0x0e19900a, 0x0a8d3669, 0xcc482af9, 0x5eb35096, +0x269b51c1, 0x80d1145b, 0x4be232ff, 0x3d31fc83, 0x89127a6c, 0x90af3379, +0x7726d002, 0x35f15151, 0x8393c3b5, 0x27a9ada8, 0x25940510, 0x05c49bf1, +0xc7c1b886, 0xdb00826f, 0xf658f61f, 0xe5d77d98, 0xa637b6fb, 0x2f515fa5, +0xb1f80c38, 0xe082d248, 0x4220acd0, 0x06360060, 0xcf42c277, 0xf5972529, +0xf7e274fb, 0xfe41cc28, 0xde661de0, 0xa157bd26, 0x8e1f4788, 0x35c4111a, +0x11a7360e, 0x751188e8, 0x544d9fc3, 0x33d853cd, 0x754542f7, 0x05d9979b, +0x73e59071, 0x4909bb7e, 0x64ae94be, 0x0eb4c8e9, 0xacb903fe, 0xc716288e, +0x1e914aa8, 0x19d127bd, 0x913a6dd4, 0x6af354d9, 0x72c29a95, 0x2fa731a5, +0x9f206402, 0xa44abe92, 0xeb090ab4, 0x85b7584c, 0xf27cd398, 0x3b828e38, +0x0cb8dd56, 0x37657f3c, 0x78fa0f2a, 0x3df7a0cb, 0x2621740f, 0x4d92422f, +0x334a8fa2, 0x124f947d, 0x31be3505, 0xf6a1e561, 0x5d0c4087, 0x62971b45, +0x312472a7, 0x933af4e3, 0x45c28196, 0x8ddd4f00, 0xa5ec20fb, 0x9acde751, +0x23ac64e8, 0xbea00461, 0xf9d65eac, 0xe21db306, 0xcacb4f76, 0x83950ca3, +0x66069329, 0xf7d72838, 0x5d13a747, 0x5c9ca583, 0x1d9d225e, 0xb2c705fe, +0xd0fac625, 0x0a73b38e, 0xec8d6692, 0x0bb64587, 0xf147c00c, 0xcdd6020c, +0x1608cede, 0xb531a423, 0x1c8b1b08, 0xdd74f03e, 0x6d3076fb, 0x2dcaaa44, +0xe869582b, 0x0f19cde9, 0x44d15927, 0xee751f17, 0x655f24c4, 0x7508164e, +0xab414b0d, 0x381d3525, 0x7a18cb74, 0xc91e435a, 0xb3397aa0, 0xa5567595, +0x1da36e52, 0xb43ba598, 0x3ef0d4fd, 0x11d348c4, 0xfcb4cbfa, 0xa3dee1a7, +0x8c6be341, 0xefafff59, 0xeaa95a58, 0x01ba74bb, 0x5b1d3193, 0x2ac942bb, +0xbb5816ca, 0xe79720dd, 0x1683bbad, 0xea2f3992, 0xa89cdd39, 0x3a389386, +0xc54d671f, 0xe8564365, 0x373196e0, 0xc08acfd2, 0x32f556b2, 0x15340220, +0x817d0d1b, 0x4b9afaa3, 0xd3bbf932, 0x6c9ddf75, 0x0fca9bea, 0x2cd2d913, +0x026e3647, 0x6e769b35, 0xdab34e6e, 0xc9b75a74, 0xfdc90304, 0xc6442959, +0xa8f44fb4, 0x73fb26de, 0x833d2d60, 0x8cf7a461, 0xdc5c4bf9, 0x1bce371f, +0xd1d6b743, 0xc1124cae, 0xf4d33161, 0x696956a5, 0xa5ce9c72, 0x5f84e109, +0xa0dae0ff, 0xdfdf169e, 0xb734307c, 0x25843b5d, 0x0b710ae4, 0xafd25b2b, +0xc013b89b, 0x5246e064, 0xeb28ab92, 0x4f92747c, 0x2f3c0c8b, 0x3268720d, +0xef638533, 0xd0fc40ab, 0x5d29c943, 0x3fd9b311, 0x6833bf43, 0xa188ad03, +0xacba3ad2, 0x9696f4da, 0x07b1b2fa, 0xb8f925f6, 0x082573f4, 0x506b5c0e, +0xe290e707, 0x80933f06, 0x38dcad25, 0x276ab82f, 0x788f3a2c, 0x4b0e14bc, +0xc1b38b43, 0x962a0efe, 0x77f19522, 0xd5bd951b, 0x90415ed2, 0x67a6a806, +0x82d0503f, 0x814e505f, 0x6448341a, 0x2c88ba72, 0x1f783411, 0x5dcfc5d9, +0x15cea1e2, 0x351ebdaa, 0xff083e5e, 0x173297d6, 0xbdadb9f2, 0xe82ebe50, +0x33fff936, 0xaed0e402, 0xcd08e297, 0xeefee410, 0x023aedc0, 0x493fdd4c, +0xd4454937, 0xa4c21893, 0xf9740292, 0x14308130, 0x2aa05568, 0xbd88a714, +0x3f264976, 0x62203300, 0x5d9aa0bf, 0x3b9be4b0, 0xcb1c6dff, 0xe7f5ded8, +0xb6ce0ec7, 0xdc1f094b, 0x0f93747c, 0x1768e49a, 0x1d7ebe93, 0x25d53887, +0x144a1fe2, 0x32bc280c, 0x1d0b7884, 0x106b8928, 0x5aa38780, 0x87ca0d93, +0x11a81f71, 0xe0957877, 0xb21fb0f7, 0x1e5a7ac0, 0x09db53a1, 0x5210dd59, +0xa0566364 + +ea = +14412 + +eb = +14412 + +cab = +4 + +c = +4 + +c_neg = +0 + +k_pos = +4800 + +k_neg = +4736 + +ncb_pos = +14496 + +ncb_neg = +14304 + +r = +2 + +rv_index = +0 + +code_block_mode = +0 + +op_flags = +RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH + +expected_status = +OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_dec_default.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_dec_default.data new file mode 120000 index 00000000..371cbc69 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_dec_default.data @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_vectors/turbo_dec_c1_k6144_r0_e10376_crc24b_sbd_negllr_high_snr.data \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_enc_default.data b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_enc_default.data new file mode 120000 index 00000000..5587f9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-bbdev/turbo_enc_default.data @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_vectors/turbo_enc_c1_k6144_r0_e32256_crc24b_rm.data \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/Makefile b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/Makefile index c75d7ed1..78135f38 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/Makefile @@ -1,32 +1,5 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk @@ -34,6 +7,8 @@ include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk APP = dpdk-test-crypto-perf CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API +CFLAGS += -O3 # all source are stored in SRCS-y SRCS-y := main.c diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf.h index c9f7f817..db58228d 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.c index 23d30ca3..44808f50 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -41,7 +13,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_null_cipher(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector __rte_unused, - uint16_t iv_offset __rte_unused) + uint16_t iv_offset __rte_unused, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; @@ -62,7 +34,12 @@ cperf_set_ops_null_cipher(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, dst_buf_offset); /* cipher parameters */ - sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->cipher.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; sym_op->cipher.data.offset = 0; } @@ -75,7 +52,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_null_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector __rte_unused, - uint16_t iv_offset __rte_unused) + uint16_t iv_offset __rte_unused, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; @@ -96,7 +73,12 @@ cperf_set_ops_null_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, dst_buf_offset); /* auth parameters */ - sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->auth.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; sym_op->auth.data.offset = 0; } @@ -109,7 +91,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_cipher(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector, - uint16_t iv_offset) + uint16_t iv_offset, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; @@ -130,12 +112,17 @@ cperf_set_ops_cipher(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, dst_buf_offset); /* cipher parameters */ + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->cipher.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_SNOW3G_UEA2 || options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_KASUMI_F8 || options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_ZUC_EEA3) - sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size << 3; - else - sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + sym_op->cipher.data.length <<= 3; sym_op->cipher.data.offset = 0; } @@ -160,7 +147,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector, - uint16_t iv_offset) + uint16_t iv_offset, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; @@ -225,12 +212,17 @@ cperf_set_ops_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, } + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->auth.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SNOW3G_UIA2 || options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_KASUMI_F9 || options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_ZUC_EIA3) - sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size << 3; - else - sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + sym_op->auth.data.length <<= 3; sym_op->auth.data.offset = 0; } @@ -255,7 +247,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_cipher_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector, - uint16_t iv_offset) + uint16_t iv_offset, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; @@ -276,12 +268,17 @@ cperf_set_ops_cipher_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, dst_buf_offset); /* cipher parameters */ + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->cipher.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_SNOW3G_UEA2 || options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_KASUMI_F8 || options->cipher_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_ZUC_EEA3) - sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size << 3; - else - sym_op->cipher.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + sym_op->cipher.data.length <<= 3; sym_op->cipher.data.offset = 0; @@ -321,12 +318,17 @@ cperf_set_ops_cipher_auth(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(buf, offset); } + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->auth.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SNOW3G_UIA2 || options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_KASUMI_F9 || options->auth_algo == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_ZUC_EIA3) - sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size << 3; - else - sym_op->auth.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + sym_op->auth.data.length <<= 3; sym_op->auth.data.offset = 0; } @@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ cperf_set_ops_aead(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector, - uint16_t iv_offset) + uint16_t iv_offset, uint32_t *imix_idx) { uint16_t i; /* AAD is placed after the IV */ @@ -384,7 +386,12 @@ cperf_set_ops_aead(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, dst_buf_offset); /* AEAD parameters */ - sym_op->aead.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; + if (options->imix_distribution_count) { + sym_op->aead.data.length = + options->imix_buffer_sizes[*imix_idx]; + *imix_idx = (*imix_idx + 1) % options->pool_sz; + } else + sym_op->aead.data.length = options->test_buffer_size; sym_op->aead.data.offset = 0; sym_op->aead.aad.data = rte_crypto_op_ctod_offset(ops[i], @@ -507,6 +514,7 @@ cperf_create_session(struct rte_mempool *sess_mp, auth_xform.next = NULL; auth_xform.auth.algo = options->auth_algo; auth_xform.auth.op = options->auth_op; + auth_xform.auth.iv.offset = iv_offset; /* auth different than null */ if (options->auth_algo != RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_NULL) { @@ -561,6 +569,8 @@ cperf_create_session(struct rte_mempool *sess_mp, auth_xform.next = NULL; auth_xform.auth.algo = options->auth_algo; auth_xform.auth.op = options->auth_op; + auth_xform.auth.iv.offset = iv_offset + + cipher_xform.cipher.iv.length; /* auth different than null */ if (options->auth_algo != RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_NULL) { diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.h index 94951cc3..29e109f2 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_OPS_ @@ -51,7 +23,7 @@ typedef int (*cperf_populate_ops_t)(struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session *sess, const struct cperf_options *options, const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector, - uint16_t iv_offset); + uint16_t iv_offset, uint32_t *imix_idx); struct cperf_op_fns { cperf_sessions_create_t sess_create; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options.h index da4fb47c..f5bf03c8 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options.h @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + */ #ifndef _CPERF_OPTIONS_ #define _CPERF_OPTIONS_ #include +#include #define CPERF_PTEST_TYPE ("ptest") #define CPERF_SILENT ("silent") @@ -13,6 +17,7 @@ #define CPERF_BUFFER_SIZE ("buffer-sz") #define CPERF_SEGMENT_SIZE ("segment-sz") #define CPERF_DESC_NB ("desc-nb") +#define CPERF_IMIX ("imix") #define CPERF_DEVTYPE ("devtype") #define CPERF_OPTYPE ("optype") @@ -71,8 +76,11 @@ struct cperf_options { uint32_t pool_sz; uint32_t total_ops; + uint32_t headroom_sz; + uint32_t tailroom_sz; uint32_t segment_sz; uint32_t test_buffer_size; + uint32_t *imix_buffer_sizes; uint32_t nb_descriptors; uint16_t nb_qps; @@ -102,7 +110,7 @@ struct cperf_options { uint16_t digest_sz; - char device_type[RTE_CRYPTODEV_NAME_LEN]; + char device_type[RTE_CRYPTODEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; enum cperf_op_type op_type; char *test_file; @@ -122,6 +130,8 @@ struct cperf_options { /* pmd-cyclecount specific options */ uint32_t pmdcc_delay; + uint32_t imix_distribution_list[MAX_LIST]; + uint8_t imix_distribution_count; }; void diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options_parsing.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options_parsing.c index ad43e84c..7a5aa06a 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options_parsing.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options_parsing.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -57,6 +29,7 @@ usage(char *progname) " --total-ops N: set the number of total operations performed\n" " --burst-sz N: set the number of packets per burst\n" " --buffer-sz N: set the size of a single packet\n" + " --imix N: set the distribution of packet sizes\n" " --segment-sz N: set the size of the segment to use\n" " --desc-nb N: set number of descriptors for each crypto device\n" " --devtype TYPE: set crypto device type to use\n" @@ -243,6 +216,8 @@ parse_list(const char *arg, uint32_t *list, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max) char *token; uint32_t number; uint8_t count = 0; + uint32_t temp_min; + uint32_t temp_max; char *copy_arg = strdup(arg); @@ -261,8 +236,8 @@ parse_list(const char *arg, uint32_t *list, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max) goto err_list; list[count++] = number; - *min = number; - *max = number; + temp_min = number; + temp_max = number; } else goto err_list; @@ -283,14 +258,19 @@ parse_list(const char *arg, uint32_t *list, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max) list[count++] = number; - if (number < *min) - *min = number; - if (number > *max) - *max = number; + if (number < temp_min) + temp_min = number; + if (number > temp_max) + temp_max = number; token = strtok(NULL, ","); } + if (min) + *min = temp_min; + if (max) + *max = temp_max; + free(copy_arg); return count; @@ -386,6 +366,29 @@ parse_segment_sz(struct cperf_options *opts, const char *arg) return 0; } +static int +parse_imix(struct cperf_options *opts, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parse_list(arg, opts->imix_distribution_list, + NULL, NULL); + if (ret < 0) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "failed to parse imix distribution\n"); + return -1; + } + + opts->imix_distribution_count = ret; + + if (opts->imix_distribution_count <= 1) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "imix distribution should have " + "at least two entries\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + static int parse_desc_nb(struct cperf_options *opts, const char *arg) { @@ -722,6 +725,7 @@ static struct option lgopts[] = { { CPERF_SEGMENT_SIZE, required_argument, 0, 0 }, { CPERF_DESC_NB, required_argument, 0, 0 }, + { CPERF_IMIX, required_argument, 0, 0 }, { CPERF_DEVTYPE, required_argument, 0, 0 }, { CPERF_OPTYPE, required_argument, 0, 0 }, @@ -786,6 +790,7 @@ cperf_options_default(struct cperf_options *opts) */ opts->segment_sz = 0; + opts->imix_distribution_count = 0; strncpy(opts->device_type, "crypto_aesni_mb", sizeof(opts->device_type)); opts->nb_qps = 1; @@ -835,6 +840,7 @@ cperf_opts_parse_long(int opt_idx, struct cperf_options *opts) { CPERF_OPTYPE, parse_op_type }, { CPERF_SESSIONLESS, parse_sessionless }, { CPERF_OUT_OF_PLACE, parse_out_of_place }, + { CPERF_IMIX, parse_imix }, { CPERF_TEST_FILE, parse_test_file }, { CPERF_TEST_NAME, parse_test_name }, { CPERF_CIPHER_ALGO, parse_cipher_algo }, @@ -973,6 +979,14 @@ cperf_options_check(struct cperf_options *options) return -EINVAL; } + if ((options->imix_distribution_count != 0) && + (options->imix_distribution_count != + options->buffer_size_count)) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "IMIX distribution must have the same " + "number of buffer sizes\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (options->test == CPERF_TEST_TYPE_VERIFY && options->test_file == NULL) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Define path to the file with test" @@ -1025,6 +1039,13 @@ cperf_options_check(struct cperf_options *options) return -EINVAL; } + if (options->test == CPERF_TEST_TYPE_VERIFY && + options->imix_distribution_count > 0) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "IMIX is not allowed when " + "using the verify test.\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (options->op_type == CPERF_CIPHER_THEN_AUTH) { if (options->cipher_op != RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT && options->auth_op != diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.c index 328744ef..e803dc10 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.c @@ -1,36 +1,9 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #include +#include #include "cperf_test_common.h" @@ -38,12 +11,15 @@ struct obj_params { uint32_t src_buf_offset; uint32_t dst_buf_offset; uint16_t segment_sz; + uint16_t headroom_sz; + uint16_t data_len; uint16_t segments_nb; }; static void fill_single_seg_mbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m, struct rte_mempool *mp, - void *obj, uint32_t mbuf_offset, uint16_t segment_sz) + void *obj, uint32_t mbuf_offset, uint16_t segment_sz, + uint16_t headroom, uint16_t data_len) { uint32_t mbuf_hdr_size = sizeof(struct rte_mbuf); @@ -53,10 +29,10 @@ fill_single_seg_mbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m, struct rte_mempool *mp, m->buf_iova = rte_mempool_virt2iova(obj) + mbuf_offset + mbuf_hdr_size; m->buf_len = segment_sz; - m->data_len = segment_sz; + m->data_len = data_len; - /* No headroom needed for the buffer */ - m->data_off = 0; + /* Use headroom specified for the buffer */ + m->data_off = headroom; /* init some constant fields */ m->pool = mp; @@ -69,7 +45,7 @@ fill_single_seg_mbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m, struct rte_mempool *mp, static void fill_multi_seg_mbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m, struct rte_mempool *mp, void *obj, uint32_t mbuf_offset, uint16_t segment_sz, - uint16_t segments_nb) + uint16_t headroom, uint16_t data_len, uint16_t segments_nb) { uint16_t mbuf_hdr_size = sizeof(struct rte_mbuf); uint16_t remaining_segments = segments_nb; @@ -84,10 +60,10 @@ fill_multi_seg_mbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m, struct rte_mempool *mp, m->buf_iova = next_seg_phys_addr; next_seg_phys_addr += mbuf_hdr_size + segment_sz; m->buf_len = segment_sz; - m->data_len = segment_sz; + m->data_len = data_len; - /* No headroom needed for the buffer */ - m->data_off = 0; + /* Use headroom specified for the buffer */ + m->data_off = headroom; /* init some constant fields */ m->pool = mp; @@ -119,17 +95,19 @@ mempool_obj_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, op->type = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC; op->status = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_NOT_PROCESSED; op->sess_type = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_WITH_SESSION; - op->phys_addr = rte_mem_virt2phy(obj); + op->phys_addr = rte_mem_virt2iova(obj); op->mempool = mp; /* Set source buffer */ op->sym->m_src = m; if (params->segments_nb == 1) fill_single_seg_mbuf(m, mp, obj, params->src_buf_offset, - params->segment_sz); + params->segment_sz, params->headroom_sz, + params->data_len); else fill_multi_seg_mbuf(m, mp, obj, params->src_buf_offset, - params->segment_sz, params->segments_nb); + params->segment_sz, params->headroom_sz, + params->data_len, params->segments_nb); /* Set destination buffer */ @@ -137,7 +115,8 @@ mempool_obj_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, m = (struct rte_mbuf *) ((uint8_t *) obj + params->dst_buf_offset); fill_single_seg_mbuf(m, mp, obj, params->dst_buf_offset, - params->segment_sz); + params->segment_sz, params->headroom_sz, + params->data_len); op->sym->m_dst = m; } else op->sym->m_dst = NULL; @@ -152,6 +131,7 @@ cperf_alloc_common_memory(const struct cperf_options *options, uint32_t *dst_buf_offset, struct rte_mempool **pool) { + const char *mp_ops_name; char pool_name[32] = ""; int ret; @@ -198,6 +178,11 @@ cperf_alloc_common_memory(const struct cperf_options *options, struct obj_params params = { .segment_sz = options->segment_sz, + .headroom_sz = options->headroom_sz, + /* Data len = segment size - (headroom + tailroom) */ + .data_len = options->segment_sz - + options->headroom_sz - + options->tailroom_sz, .segments_nb = segments_nb, .src_buf_offset = crypto_op_total_size_padded, .dst_buf_offset = 0 @@ -221,8 +206,10 @@ cperf_alloc_common_memory(const struct cperf_options *options, return -1; } + mp_ops_name = rte_mbuf_best_mempool_ops(); + ret = rte_mempool_set_ops_byname(*pool, - RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_OPS, NULL); + mp_ops_name, NULL); if (ret != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Error setting mempool handler for device %u\n", diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.h index 4cee7852..3ace0d2e 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_common.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_TEST_COMMON_H_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c index ca2a4ba6..c9c98dc5 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -154,6 +126,7 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg) struct cperf_latency_ctx *ctx = arg; uint16_t test_burst_size; uint8_t burst_size_idx = 0; + uint32_t imix_idx = 0; static int only_once; @@ -218,7 +191,7 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg) burst_size) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Failed to allocate more crypto operations " - "from the the crypto operation pool.\n" + "from the crypto operation pool.\n" "Consider increasing the pool size " "with --pool-sz\n"); return -1; @@ -228,7 +201,8 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg) (ctx->populate_ops)(ops, ctx->src_buf_offset, ctx->dst_buf_offset, burst_size, ctx->sess, ctx->options, - ctx->test_vector, iv_offset); + ctx->test_vector, iv_offset, + &imix_idx); tsc_start = rte_rdtsc_precise(); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.h index 1bbedb4e..d3fc3218 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_LATENCY_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c index 9b41724a..c8d16db6 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -169,10 +141,11 @@ pmd_cyclecount_bench_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, uint32_t cur_op, uint32_t iter_ops_needed = RTE_MIN(state->opts->nb_descriptors, iter_ops_left); uint32_t cur_iter_op; + uint32_t imix_idx = 0; for (cur_iter_op = 0; cur_iter_op < iter_ops_needed; cur_iter_op += test_burst_size) { - uint32_t burst_size = RTE_MIN(state->opts->total_ops - cur_op, + uint32_t burst_size = RTE_MIN(iter_ops_needed - cur_iter_op, test_burst_size); struct rte_crypto_op **ops = &state->ctx->ops[cur_iter_op]; @@ -181,7 +154,7 @@ pmd_cyclecount_bench_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, uint32_t cur_op, burst_size) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Failed to allocate more crypto operations " - "from the the crypto operation pool.\n" + "from the crypto operation pool.\n" "Consider increasing the pool size " "with --pool-sz\n"); return -1; @@ -193,7 +166,8 @@ pmd_cyclecount_bench_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, uint32_t cur_op, state->ctx->dst_buf_offset, burst_size, state->ctx->sess, state->opts, - state->ctx->test_vector, iv_offset); + state->ctx->test_vector, iv_offset, + &imix_idx); #ifdef CPERF_LINEARIZATION_ENABLE /* Check if source mbufs require coalescing */ @@ -218,6 +192,7 @@ pmd_cyclecount_build_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, uint32_t iter_ops_needed, uint16_t test_burst_size) { uint32_t cur_iter_op; + uint32_t imix_idx = 0; for (cur_iter_op = 0; cur_iter_op < iter_ops_needed; cur_iter_op += test_burst_size) { @@ -230,7 +205,7 @@ pmd_cyclecount_build_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, burst_size) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Failed to allocate more crypto operations " - "from the the crypto operation pool.\n" + "from the crypto operation pool.\n" "Consider increasing the pool size " "with --pool-sz\n"); return -1; @@ -242,7 +217,8 @@ pmd_cyclecount_build_ops(struct pmd_cyclecount_state *state, state->ctx->dst_buf_offset, burst_size, state->ctx->sess, state->opts, - state->ctx->test_vector, iv_offset); + state->ctx->test_vector, iv_offset, + &imix_idx); } return 0; } diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.h index 93f0eae0..beb44199 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_TEST_PMD_CYCLECOUNT_H_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c index b84dc630..8766d6e9 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -120,6 +92,7 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx) struct cperf_throughput_ctx *ctx = test_ctx; uint16_t test_burst_size; uint8_t burst_size_idx = 0; + uint32_t imix_idx = 0; static int only_once; @@ -182,7 +155,7 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx) ops_needed) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Failed to allocate more crypto operations " - "from the the crypto operation pool.\n" + "from the crypto operation pool.\n" "Consider increasing the pool size " "with --pool-sz\n"); return -1; @@ -193,7 +166,7 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx) ctx->dst_buf_offset, ops_needed, ctx->sess, ctx->options, ctx->test_vector, - iv_offset); + iv_offset, &imix_idx); /** * When ops_needed is smaller than ops_enqd, the diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.h index 987d0c31..439ec8e5 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_THROUGHPUT_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.c index d4736f9e..92932a23 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifdef RTE_EXEC_ENV_BSDAPP #define _WITH_GETLINE @@ -534,8 +506,7 @@ parse_file(struct cperf_test_vector *vector, struct cperf_options *opts) if (entry == NULL) return -1; - memset(entry, 0, strlen(line) + 1); - strncpy(entry, line, strlen(line)); + strcpy(entry, line); /* check if entry ends with , or = */ if (entry[strlen(entry) - 1] == ',' @@ -552,8 +523,8 @@ parse_file(struct cperf_test_vector *vector, struct cperf_options *opts) if (entry_extended == NULL) goto err; entry = entry_extended; - - strncat(entry, line, strlen(line)); + /* entry has been allocated accordingly */ + strcpy(&entry[strlen(entry)], line); if (entry[strlen(entry) - 1] != ',') break; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.h index e3df98bd..247b1422 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vector_parsing.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef APP_CRYPTO_PERF_CPERF_TEST_VECTOR_PARSING_H_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.c index fa911ff6..1af95249 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -447,13 +419,19 @@ cperf_test_vector_get_dummy(struct cperf_options *options) t_vec->cipher_key.length = 0; t_vec->ciphertext.data = plaintext; t_vec->cipher_key.data = NULL; - t_vec->cipher_iv.data = NULL; } else { t_vec->cipher_key.length = options->cipher_key_sz; t_vec->ciphertext.data = ciphertext; t_vec->cipher_key.data = cipher_key; - t_vec->cipher_iv.data = rte_malloc(NULL, options->cipher_iv_sz, - 16); + } + + /* Init IV data ptr */ + t_vec->cipher_iv.data = NULL; + + if (options->cipher_iv_sz != 0) { + /* Set IV parameters */ + t_vec->cipher_iv.data = rte_malloc(NULL, + options->cipher_iv_sz, 16); if (t_vec->cipher_iv.data == NULL) { rte_free(t_vec); return NULL; @@ -461,17 +439,7 @@ cperf_test_vector_get_dummy(struct cperf_options *options) memcpy(t_vec->cipher_iv.data, iv, options->cipher_iv_sz); } t_vec->ciphertext.length = options->max_buffer_size; - - /* Set IV parameters */ - t_vec->cipher_iv.data = rte_malloc(NULL, options->cipher_iv_sz, - 16); - if (options->cipher_iv_sz && t_vec->cipher_iv.data == NULL) { - rte_free(t_vec); - return NULL; - } - memcpy(t_vec->cipher_iv.data, iv, options->cipher_iv_sz); t_vec->cipher_iv.length = options->cipher_iv_sz; - t_vec->data.cipher_offset = 0; t_vec->data.cipher_length = options->max_buffer_size; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.h index cb5d8284..6f10823e 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_vectors.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_TEST_VECTRORS_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c index 6945c8b4..9134b921 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include @@ -264,6 +236,7 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx) uint64_t i; uint16_t ops_unused = 0; + uint32_t imix_idx = 0; struct rte_crypto_op *ops[ctx->options->max_burst_size]; struct rte_crypto_op *ops_processed[ctx->options->max_burst_size]; @@ -307,7 +280,7 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx) ops_needed) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, "Failed to allocate more crypto operations " - "from the the crypto operation pool.\n" + "from the crypto operation pool.\n" "Consider increasing the pool size " "with --pool-sz\n"); return -1; @@ -317,7 +290,7 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx) (ctx->populate_ops)(ops, ctx->src_buf_offset, ctx->dst_buf_offset, ops_needed, ctx->sess, ctx->options, - ctx->test_vector, iv_offset); + ctx->test_vector, iv_offset, &imix_idx); /* Populate the mbuf with the test vector, for verification */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.h b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.h index e67b48d3..9f70ad87 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _CPERF_VERIFY_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/main.c b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/main.c index 29373f5b..953e058c 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/main.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/main.c @@ -1,38 +1,12 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include #include +#include +#include #include #include #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_CRYPTO_SCHEDULER @@ -47,8 +21,6 @@ #include "cperf_test_verify.h" #include "cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.h" -#define NUM_SESSIONS 2048 -#define SESS_MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE 64 const char *cperf_test_type_strs[] = { [CPERF_TEST_TYPE_THROUGHPUT] = "throughput", @@ -93,6 +65,7 @@ cperf_initialize_cryptodev(struct cperf_options *opts, uint8_t *enabled_cdevs, struct rte_mempool *session_pool_socket[]) { uint8_t enabled_cdev_count = 0, nb_lcores, cdev_id; + uint32_t sessions_needed = 0; unsigned int i, j; int ret; @@ -106,18 +79,24 @@ cperf_initialize_cryptodev(struct cperf_options *opts, uint8_t *enabled_cdevs, nb_lcores = rte_lcore_count() - 1; - if (enabled_cdev_count > nb_lcores) { - printf("Number of capable crypto devices (%d) " - "has to be less or equal to number of slave " - "cores (%d)\n", enabled_cdev_count, nb_lcores); + if (nb_lcores < 1) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, + "Number of enabled cores need to be higher than 1\n"); return -EINVAL; } + /* + * Use less number of devices, + * if there are more available than cores. + */ + if (enabled_cdev_count > nb_lcores) + enabled_cdev_count = nb_lcores; + /* Create a mempool shared by all the devices */ uint32_t max_sess_size = 0, sess_size; for (cdev_id = 0; cdev_id < rte_cryptodev_count(); cdev_id++) { - sess_size = rte_cryptodev_get_private_session_size(cdev_id); + sess_size = rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size(cdev_id); if (sess_size > max_sess_size) max_sess_size = sess_size; } @@ -169,17 +148,62 @@ cperf_initialize_cryptodev(struct cperf_options *opts, uint8_t *enabled_cdevs, .nb_descriptors = opts->nb_descriptors }; + /** + * Device info specifies the min headroom and tailroom + * requirement for the crypto PMD. This need to be honoured + * by the application, while creating mbuf. + */ + if (opts->headroom_sz < cdev_info.min_mbuf_headroom_req) { + /* Update headroom */ + opts->headroom_sz = cdev_info.min_mbuf_headroom_req; + } + if (opts->tailroom_sz < cdev_info.min_mbuf_tailroom_req) { + /* Update tailroom */ + opts->tailroom_sz = cdev_info.min_mbuf_tailroom_req; + } + + /* Update segment size to include headroom & tailroom */ + opts->segment_sz += (opts->headroom_sz + opts->tailroom_sz); + + uint32_t dev_max_nb_sess = cdev_info.sym.max_nb_sessions; + /* + * Two sessions objects are required for each session + * (one for the header, one for the private data) + */ + if (!strcmp((const char *)opts->device_type, + "crypto_scheduler")) { +#ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_CRYPTO_SCHEDULER + uint32_t nb_slaves = + rte_cryptodev_scheduler_slaves_get(cdev_id, + NULL); + + sessions_needed = 2 * enabled_cdev_count * + opts->nb_qps * nb_slaves; +#endif + } else + sessions_needed = 2 * enabled_cdev_count * + opts->nb_qps; + + /* + * A single session is required per queue pair + * in each device + */ + if (dev_max_nb_sess != 0 && dev_max_nb_sess < opts->nb_qps) { + RTE_LOG(ERR, USER1, + "Device does not support at least " + "%u sessions\n", opts->nb_qps); + return -ENOTSUP; + } if (session_pool_socket[socket_id] == NULL) { char mp_name[RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE]; struct rte_mempool *sess_mp; snprintf(mp_name, RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE, "sess_mp_%u", socket_id); - sess_mp = rte_mempool_create(mp_name, - NUM_SESSIONS, + sessions_needed, max_sess_size, - SESS_MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE, + 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, socket_id, 0); @@ -318,7 +342,9 @@ cperf_check_test_vector(struct cperf_options *opts, return -1; if (test_vec->ciphertext.length < opts->max_buffer_size) return -1; - if (test_vec->cipher_iv.data == NULL) + /* Cipher IV is only required for some algorithms */ + if (opts->cipher_iv_sz && + test_vec->cipher_iv.data == NULL) return -1; if (test_vec->cipher_iv.length != opts->cipher_iv_sz) return -1; @@ -333,7 +359,9 @@ cperf_check_test_vector(struct cperf_options *opts, return -1; if (test_vec->plaintext.length < opts->max_buffer_size) return -1; - if (test_vec->auth_key.data == NULL) + /* Auth key is only required for some algorithms */ + if (opts->auth_key_sz && + test_vec->auth_key.data == NULL) return -1; if (test_vec->auth_key.length != opts->auth_key_sz) return -1; @@ -397,6 +425,10 @@ cperf_check_test_vector(struct cperf_options *opts, return -1; if (test_vec->ciphertext.length < opts->max_buffer_size) return -1; + if (test_vec->aead_key.data == NULL) + return -1; + if (test_vec->aead_key.length != opts->aead_key_sz) + return -1; if (test_vec->aead_iv.data == NULL) return -1; if (test_vec->aead_iv.length != opts->aead_iv_sz) @@ -536,13 +568,45 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) i++; } - /* Get first size from range or list */ - if (opts.inc_buffer_size != 0) - opts.test_buffer_size = opts.min_buffer_size; - else - opts.test_buffer_size = opts.buffer_size_list[0]; + if (opts.imix_distribution_count != 0) { + uint8_t buffer_size_count = opts.buffer_size_count; + uint16_t distribution_total[buffer_size_count]; + uint32_t op_idx; + uint32_t test_average_size = 0; + const uint32_t *buffer_size_list = opts.buffer_size_list; + const uint32_t *imix_distribution_list = opts.imix_distribution_list; + + opts.imix_buffer_sizes = rte_malloc(NULL, + sizeof(uint32_t) * opts.pool_sz, + 0); + /* + * Calculate accumulated distribution of + * probabilities per packet size + */ + distribution_total[0] = imix_distribution_list[0]; + for (i = 1; i < buffer_size_count; i++) + distribution_total[i] = imix_distribution_list[i] + + distribution_total[i-1]; + + /* Calculate a random sequence of packet sizes, based on distribution */ + for (op_idx = 0; op_idx < opts.pool_sz; op_idx++) { + uint16_t random_number = rte_rand() % + distribution_total[buffer_size_count - 1]; + for (i = 0; i < buffer_size_count; i++) + if (random_number < distribution_total[i]) + break; + + opts.imix_buffer_sizes[op_idx] = buffer_size_list[i]; + } + + /* Calculate average buffer size for the IMIX distribution */ + for (i = 0; i < buffer_size_count; i++) + test_average_size += buffer_size_list[i] * + imix_distribution_list[i]; + + opts.test_buffer_size = test_average_size / + distribution_total[buffer_size_count - 1]; - while (opts.test_buffer_size <= opts.max_buffer_size) { i = 0; RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { @@ -561,14 +625,43 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id); i++; } + } else { /* Get next size from range or list */ if (opts.inc_buffer_size != 0) - opts.test_buffer_size += opts.inc_buffer_size; - else { - if (++buffer_size_idx == opts.buffer_size_count) - break; - opts.test_buffer_size = opts.buffer_size_list[buffer_size_idx]; + opts.test_buffer_size = opts.min_buffer_size; + else + opts.test_buffer_size = opts.buffer_size_list[0]; + + while (opts.test_buffer_size <= opts.max_buffer_size) { + i = 0; + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + + if (i == total_nb_qps) + break; + + rte_eal_remote_launch(cperf_testmap[opts.test].runner, + ctx[i], lcore_id); + i++; + } + i = 0; + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + + if (i == total_nb_qps) + break; + rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id); + i++; + } + + /* Get next size from range or list */ + if (opts.inc_buffer_size != 0) + opts.test_buffer_size += opts.inc_buffer_size; + else { + if (++buffer_size_idx == opts.buffer_size_count) + break; + opts.test_buffer_size = + opts.buffer_size_list[buffer_size_idx]; + } } } @@ -597,8 +690,6 @@ err: if (i == total_nb_qps) break; - cdev_id = enabled_cdevs[i]; - if (ctx[i] && cperf_testmap[opts.test].destructor) cperf_testmap[opts.test].destructor(ctx[i]); i++; @@ -607,7 +698,7 @@ err: for (i = 0; i < nb_cryptodevs && i < RTE_CRYPTO_MAX_DEVS; i++) rte_cryptodev_stop(enabled_cdevs[i]); - + rte_free(opts.imix_buffer_sizes); free_test_vector(t_vec, &opts); printf("\n"); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/meson.build b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d735b186 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-crypto-perf/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + +allow_experimental_apis = true +sources = files('cperf_ops.c', + 'cperf_options_parsing.c', + 'cperf_test_common.c', + 'cperf_test_latency.c', + 'cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c', + 'cperf_test_throughput.c', + 'cperf_test_vector_parsing.c', + 'cperf_test_vectors.c', + 'cperf_test_verify.c', + 'main.c') +deps += ['cryptodev'] diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/Makefile b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/Makefile index dcb2ac47..cb659110 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/Makefile @@ -1,37 +1,12 @@ -# BSD LICENSE +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc # -# Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc. All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk APP = dpdk-test-eventdev +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API CFLAGS += -O3 CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) @@ -51,4 +26,8 @@ SRCS-y += test_perf_common.c SRCS-y += test_perf_queue.c SRCS-y += test_perf_atq.c +SRCS-y += test_pipeline_common.c +SRCS-y += test_pipeline_queue.c +SRCS-y += test_pipeline_atq.c + include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.app.mk diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h index 0fadab4a..21d3c103 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_common.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #ifndef _EVT_COMMON_ @@ -94,41 +66,36 @@ evt_has_all_types_queue(uint8_t dev_id) } static inline int -evt_service_setup(uint8_t dev_id) +evt_service_setup(uint32_t service_id) { - uint32_t service_id; int32_t core_cnt; unsigned int lcore = 0; uint32_t core_array[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; uint8_t cnt; uint8_t min_cnt = UINT8_MAX; - if (evt_has_distributed_sched(dev_id)) - return 0; - if (!rte_service_lcore_count()) return -ENOENT; - if (!rte_event_dev_service_id_get(dev_id, &service_id)) { - core_cnt = rte_service_lcore_list(core_array, - RTE_MAX_LCORE); - if (core_cnt < 0) - return -ENOENT; - /* Get the core which has least number of services running. */ - while (core_cnt--) { - /* Reset default mapping */ - rte_service_map_lcore_set(service_id, - core_array[core_cnt], 0); - cnt = rte_service_lcore_count_services( - core_array[core_cnt]); - if (cnt < min_cnt) { - lcore = core_array[core_cnt]; - min_cnt = cnt; - } + core_cnt = rte_service_lcore_list(core_array, + RTE_MAX_LCORE); + if (core_cnt < 0) + return -ENOENT; + /* Get the core which has least number of services running. */ + while (core_cnt--) { + /* Reset default mapping */ + rte_service_map_lcore_set(service_id, + core_array[core_cnt], 0); + cnt = rte_service_lcore_count_services( + core_array[core_cnt]); + if (cnt < min_cnt) { + lcore = core_array[core_cnt]; + min_cnt = cnt; } - if (rte_service_map_lcore_set(service_id, lcore, 1)) - return -ENOENT; } + if (rte_service_map_lcore_set(service_id, lcore, 1)) + return -ENOENT; + return 0; } diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_main.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_main.c index 1c3a7fae..a8d304ba 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_main.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_main.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include @@ -48,26 +20,41 @@ struct evt_test *test; static void signal_handler(int signum) { - if (signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) { + int i; + static uint8_t once; + + if ((signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) && !once) { + once = true; printf("\nSignal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum); - /* request all lcores to exit from the main loop */ - *(int *)test->test_priv = true; - rte_wmb(); - rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); + if (test != NULL) { + /* request all lcores to exit from the main loop */ + *(int *)test->test_priv = true; + rte_wmb(); - if (test->ops.eventdev_destroy) - test->ops.eventdev_destroy(test, &opt); + if (test->ops.ethdev_destroy) + test->ops.ethdev_destroy(test, &opt); - if (test->ops.ethdev_destroy) - test->ops.ethdev_destroy(test, &opt); + rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); - if (test->ops.mempool_destroy) - test->ops.mempool_destroy(test, &opt); + if (test->ops.test_result) + test->ops.test_result(test, &opt); - if (test->ops.test_destroy) - test->ops.test_destroy(test, &opt); + if (opt.prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) + rte_eth_dev_close(i); + } + + if (test->ops.eventdev_destroy) + test->ops.eventdev_destroy(test, &opt); + + if (test->ops.mempool_destroy) + test->ops.mempool_destroy(test, &opt); + + if (test->ops.test_destroy) + test->ops.test_destroy(test, &opt); + } /* exit with the expected status */ signal(signum, SIG_DFL); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c index e2187dfc..cfa43a16 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include @@ -55,6 +27,12 @@ evt_options_default(struct evt_options *opt) opt->pool_sz = 16 * 1024; opt->wkr_deq_dep = 16; opt->nb_pkts = (1ULL << 26); /* do ~64M packets */ + opt->nb_timers = 1E8; + opt->nb_timer_adptrs = 1; + opt->timer_tick_nsec = 1E3; /* 1000ns ~ 1us */ + opt->max_tmo_nsec = 1E5; /* 100000ns ~100us */ + opt->expiry_nsec = 1E4; /* 10000ns ~10us */ + opt->prod_type = EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT; } typedef int (*option_parser_t)(struct evt_options *opt, @@ -106,6 +84,29 @@ evt_parse_queue_priority(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg __rte_unused) return 0; } +static int +evt_parse_eth_prod_type(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg __rte_unused) +{ + opt->prod_type = EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR; + return 0; +} + +static int +evt_parse_timer_prod_type(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg __rte_unused) +{ + opt->prod_type = EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR; + return 0; +} + +static int +evt_parse_timer_prod_type_burst(struct evt_options *opt, + const char *arg __rte_unused) +{ + opt->prod_type = EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR; + opt->timdev_use_burst = 1; + return 0; +} + static int evt_parse_test_name(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) { @@ -139,6 +140,56 @@ evt_parse_nb_pkts(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) return ret; } +static int +evt_parse_nb_timers(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parser_read_uint64(&(opt->nb_timers), arg); + + return ret; +} + +static int +evt_parse_timer_tick_nsec(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parser_read_uint64(&(opt->timer_tick_nsec), arg); + + return ret; +} + +static int +evt_parse_max_tmo_nsec(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parser_read_uint64(&(opt->max_tmo_nsec), arg); + + return ret; +} + +static int +evt_parse_expiry_nsec(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parser_read_uint64(&(opt->expiry_nsec), arg); + + return ret; +} + +static int +evt_parse_nb_timer_adptrs(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) +{ + int ret; + + ret = parser_read_uint8(&(opt->nb_timer_adptrs), arg); + + return ret; +} + static int evt_parse_pool_sz(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) { @@ -189,6 +240,17 @@ usage(char *program) "\t--worker_deq_depth : dequeue depth of the worker\n" "\t--fwd_latency : perform fwd_latency measurement\n" "\t--queue_priority : enable queue priority\n" + "\t--prod_type_ethdev : use ethernet device as producer.\n" + "\t--prod_type_timerdev : use event timer device as producer.\n" + "\t expity_nsec would be the timeout\n" + "\t in ns.\n" + "\t--prod_type_timerdev_burst : use timer device as producer\n" + "\t burst mode.\n" + "\t--nb_timers : number of timers to arm.\n" + "\t--nb_timer_adptrs : number of timer adapters to use.\n" + "\t--timer_tick_nsec : timer tick interval in ns.\n" + "\t--max_tmo_nsec : max timeout interval in ns.\n" + "\t--expiry_nsec : event timer expiry ns.\n" ); printf("available tests:\n"); evt_test_dump_names(); @@ -236,21 +298,29 @@ evt_parse_sched_type_list(struct evt_options *opt, const char *arg) } static struct option lgopts[] = { - { EVT_NB_FLOWS, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_DEVICE, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_VERBOSE, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_TEST, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_PROD_LCORES, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_WORK_LCORES, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_SOCKET_ID, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_POOL_SZ, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_NB_PKTS, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_WKR_DEQ_DEP, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_SCHED_TYPE_LIST, 1, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_FWD_LATENCY, 0, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, 0, 0, 0 }, - { EVT_HELP, 0, 0, 0 }, - { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } + { EVT_NB_FLOWS, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_DEVICE, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_VERBOSE, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_TEST, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_PROD_LCORES, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_WORK_LCORES, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_SOCKET_ID, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_POOL_SZ, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_NB_PKTS, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_WKR_DEQ_DEP, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_SCHED_TYPE_LIST, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_FWD_LATENCY, 0, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, 0, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_PROD_ETHDEV, 0, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV, 0, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV_BURST, 0, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_NB_TIMERS, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_NB_TIMER_ADPTRS, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_TIMER_TICK_NSEC, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_MAX_TMO_NSEC, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_EXPIRY_NSEC, 1, 0, 0 }, + { EVT_HELP, 0, 0, 0 }, + { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; static int @@ -272,11 +342,19 @@ evt_opts_parse_long(int opt_idx, struct evt_options *opt) { EVT_SCHED_TYPE_LIST, evt_parse_sched_type_list}, { EVT_FWD_LATENCY, evt_parse_fwd_latency}, { EVT_QUEUE_PRIORITY, evt_parse_queue_priority}, + { EVT_PROD_ETHDEV, evt_parse_eth_prod_type}, + { EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV, evt_parse_timer_prod_type}, + { EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV_BURST, evt_parse_timer_prod_type_burst}, + { EVT_NB_TIMERS, evt_parse_nb_timers}, + { EVT_NB_TIMER_ADPTRS, evt_parse_nb_timer_adptrs}, + { EVT_TIMER_TICK_NSEC, evt_parse_timer_tick_nsec}, + { EVT_MAX_TMO_NSEC, evt_parse_max_tmo_nsec}, + { EVT_EXPIRY_NSEC, evt_parse_expiry_nsec}, }; for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(parsermap); i++) { if (strncmp(lgopts[opt_idx].name, parsermap[i].lgopt_name, - strlen(parsermap[i].lgopt_name)) == 0) + strlen(lgopts[opt_idx].name)) == 0) return parsermap[i].parser_fn(opt, optarg); } @@ -322,6 +400,7 @@ evt_options_dump(struct evt_options *opt) evt_dump("pool_sz", "%d", opt->pool_sz); evt_dump("master lcore", "%d", rte_get_master_lcore()); evt_dump("nb_pkts", "%"PRIu64, opt->nb_pkts); + evt_dump("nb_timers", "%"PRIu64, opt->nb_timers); evt_dump_begin("available lcores"); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(lcore_id) printf("%d ", lcore_id); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h index a9a91252..f3de48a1 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_options.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #ifndef _EVT_OPTIONS_ @@ -37,6 +9,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -58,8 +31,24 @@ #define EVT_SCHED_TYPE_LIST ("stlist") #define EVT_FWD_LATENCY ("fwd_latency") #define EVT_QUEUE_PRIORITY ("queue_priority") +#define EVT_PROD_ETHDEV ("prod_type_ethdev") +#define EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV ("prod_type_timerdev") +#define EVT_PROD_TIMERDEV_BURST ("prod_type_timerdev_burst") +#define EVT_NB_TIMERS ("nb_timers") +#define EVT_NB_TIMER_ADPTRS ("nb_timer_adptrs") +#define EVT_TIMER_TICK_NSEC ("timer_tick_nsec") +#define EVT_MAX_TMO_NSEC ("max_tmo_nsec") +#define EVT_EXPIRY_NSEC ("expiry_nsec") #define EVT_HELP ("help") +enum evt_prod_type { + EVT_PROD_TYPE_NONE, + EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT, /* Producer type Synthetic i.e. CPU. */ + EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR, /* Producer type Eth Rx Adapter. */ + EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR, /* Producer type Timer Adapter. */ + EVT_PROD_TYPE_MAX, +}; + struct evt_options { #define EVT_TEST_NAME_MAX_LEN 32 char test_name[EVT_TEST_NAME_MAX_LEN]; @@ -72,10 +61,19 @@ struct evt_options { int nb_stages; int verbose_level; uint64_t nb_pkts; + uint8_t nb_timer_adptrs; + uint64_t nb_timers; + uint64_t timer_tick_nsec; + uint64_t optm_timer_tick_nsec; + uint64_t max_tmo_nsec; + uint64_t expiry_nsec; uint16_t wkr_deq_dep; uint8_t dev_id; uint32_t fwd_latency:1; uint32_t q_priority:1; + enum evt_prod_type prod_type; + uint8_t timdev_use_burst; + uint8_t timdev_cnt; }; void evt_options_default(struct evt_options *opt); @@ -266,4 +264,42 @@ evt_dump_sched_type_list(struct evt_options *opt) evt_dump_end; } +#define EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN 50 +static inline void +evt_dump_producer_type(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + char name[EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN]; + + switch (opt->prod_type) { + default: + case EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT: + snprintf(name, EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN, + "Synthetic producer lcores"); + break; + case EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR: + snprintf(name, EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN, + "Ethdev Rx Adapter producers"); + evt_dump("nb_ethdev", "%d", rte_eth_dev_count_avail()); + break; + case EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR: + if (opt->timdev_use_burst) + snprintf(name, EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN, + "Event timer adapter burst mode producer"); + else + snprintf(name, EVT_PROD_MAX_NAME_LEN, + "Event timer adapter producer"); + evt_dump("nb_timer_adapters", "%d", opt->nb_timer_adptrs); + evt_dump("max_tmo_nsec", "%"PRIu64"", opt->max_tmo_nsec); + evt_dump("expiry_nsec", "%"PRIu64"", opt->expiry_nsec); + if (opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec) + evt_dump("optm_timer_tick_nsec", "%"PRIu64"", + opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec); + else + evt_dump("timer_tick_nsec", "%"PRIu64"", + opt->timer_tick_nsec); + break; + } + evt_dump("prod_type", "%s", name); +} + #endif /* _EVT_OPTIONS_ */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.c index 3a432233..72d6228b 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc. 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.h index 17bdd165..f07d2c33 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/evt_test.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #ifndef _EVT_TEST_ @@ -105,8 +77,7 @@ void evt_test_dump_names(void); #define EVT_TEST_REGISTER(nm) \ static struct evt_test_entry _evt_test_entry_ ##nm; \ -RTE_INIT(evt_test_ ##nm); \ -static void evt_test_ ##nm(void) \ +RTE_INIT(evt_test_ ##nm) \ { \ _evt_test_entry_ ##nm.test.name = RTE_STR(nm);\ memcpy(&_evt_test_entry_ ##nm.test.ops, &nm, \ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/meson.build b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a81dcd13 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc + +allow_experimental_apis = true +sources = files('evt_main.c', + 'evt_options.c', + 'evt_test.c', + 'parser.c', + 'test_order_common.c', + 'test_order_atq.c', + 'test_order_queue.c', + 'test_perf_common.c', + 'test_perf_atq.c', + 'test_perf_queue.c') +deps += 'eventdev' diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/parser.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/parser.h index 75a5a3b4..673ff22d 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/parser.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/parser.h @@ -1,34 +1,5 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef __INCLUDE_PARSER_H__ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_atq.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_atq.c index 4ee0dea8..4a8546e7 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_atq.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_atq.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include @@ -35,7 +7,7 @@ #include "test_order_common.h" -/* See http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void order_atq_process_stage_0(struct rte_event *const ev) @@ -179,10 +151,14 @@ order_atq_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) if (ret) return ret; - ret = evt_service_setup(opt->dev_id); - if (ret) { - evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); - return ret; + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } } ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.c index 7cfe7fac..8a342013 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include "test_order_common.h" diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.h index 57bc76e0..22a1cc83 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_common.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #ifndef _TEST_ORDER_COMMON_ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_queue.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_queue.c index eef69a4c..a272c7a5 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_queue.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_order_queue.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include @@ -35,7 +7,7 @@ #include "test_order_common.h" -/* See http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void order_queue_process_stage_0(struct rte_event *const ev) @@ -192,10 +164,14 @@ order_queue_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) if (ret) return ret; - ret = evt_service_setup(opt->dev_id); - if (ret) { - evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); - return ret; + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } } ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_atq.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_atq.c index 0e9f2db0..b76ca605 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_atq.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_atq.c @@ -1,44 +1,17 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include "test_perf_common.h" -/* See http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ static inline int atq_nb_event_queues(struct evt_options *opt) { /* nb_queues = number of producers */ - return evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + return opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR ? + rte_eth_dev_count_avail() : evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void @@ -70,15 +43,12 @@ perf_atq_worker(void *arg, const int enable_fwd_latency) while (t->done == false) { uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); - if (enable_fwd_latency) - rte_prefetch0(ev.event_ptr); - if (!event) { rte_pause(); continue; } - if (enable_fwd_latency) + if (enable_fwd_latency && !prod_timer_type) /* first stage in pipeline, mark ts to compute fwd latency */ atq_mark_fwd_latency(&ev); @@ -117,7 +87,7 @@ perf_atq_worker_burst(void *arg, const int enable_fwd_latency) } for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { - if (enable_fwd_latency) { + if (enable_fwd_latency && !prod_timer_type) { rte_prefetch0(ev[i+1].event_ptr); /* first stage in pipeline. * mark time stamp to compute fwd latency @@ -185,14 +155,33 @@ perf_atq_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) { int ret; uint8_t queue; + uint8_t nb_queues; + uint8_t nb_ports; + struct rte_event_dev_info dev_info; + + nb_ports = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + nb_ports += (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR || + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) ? 0 : + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + + nb_queues = atq_nb_event_queues(opt); + + memset(&dev_info, 0, sizeof(struct rte_event_dev_info)); + ret = rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &dev_info); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to get eventdev info %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } const struct rte_event_dev_config config = { - .nb_event_queues = atq_nb_event_queues(opt), - .nb_event_ports = perf_nb_event_ports(opt), - .nb_events_limit = 4096, + .nb_event_queues = nb_queues, + .nb_event_ports = nb_ports, + .nb_events_limit = dev_info.max_num_events, .nb_event_queue_flows = opt->nb_flows, - .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = 128, - .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = 128, + .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = + dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = + dev_info.max_event_port_enqueue_depth, }; ret = rte_event_dev_configure(opt->dev_id, &config); @@ -208,7 +197,7 @@ perf_atq_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) .nb_atomic_order_sequences = opt->nb_flows, }; /* queue configurations */ - for (queue = 0; queue < atq_nb_event_queues(opt); queue++) { + for (queue = 0; queue < nb_queues; queue++) { ret = rte_event_queue_setup(opt->dev_id, queue, &q_conf); if (ret) { evt_err("failed to setup queue=%d", queue); @@ -216,15 +205,29 @@ perf_atq_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) } } - ret = perf_event_dev_port_setup(test, opt, 1 /* stride */, - atq_nb_event_queues(opt)); + if (opt->wkr_deq_dep > dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth) + opt->wkr_deq_dep = dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth; + + /* port configuration */ + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf = { + .dequeue_depth = opt->wkr_deq_dep, + .enqueue_depth = dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .new_event_threshold = dev_info.max_num_events, + }; + + ret = perf_event_dev_port_setup(test, opt, 1 /* stride */, nb_queues, + &p_conf); if (ret) return ret; - ret = evt_service_setup(opt->dev_id); - if (ret) { - evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); - return ret; + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } } ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); @@ -271,11 +274,13 @@ static const struct evt_test_ops perf_atq = { .opt_check = perf_atq_opt_check, .opt_dump = perf_atq_opt_dump, .test_setup = perf_test_setup, + .ethdev_setup = perf_ethdev_setup, .mempool_setup = perf_mempool_setup, .eventdev_setup = perf_atq_eventdev_setup, .launch_lcores = perf_atq_launch_lcores, .eventdev_destroy = perf_eventdev_destroy, .mempool_destroy = perf_mempool_destroy, + .ethdev_destroy = perf_ethdev_destroy, .test_result = perf_test_result, .test_destroy = perf_test_destroy, }; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c index e77b4723..86187753 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.c @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include "test_perf_common.h" @@ -36,8 +8,20 @@ int perf_test_result(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) { RTE_SET_USED(opt); + int i; + uint64_t total = 0; struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); + printf("Packet distribution across worker cores :\n"); + for (i = 0; i < t->nb_workers; i++) + total += t->worker[i].processed_pkts; + for (i = 0; i < t->nb_workers; i++) + printf("Worker %d packets: "CLGRN"%"PRIx64" "CLNRM"percentage:" + CLGRN" %3.2f\n"CLNRM, i, + t->worker[i].processed_pkts, + (((double)t->worker[i].processed_pkts)/total) + * 100); + return t->result; } @@ -88,6 +72,145 @@ perf_producer(void *arg) return 0; } +static inline int +perf_event_timer_producer(void *arg) +{ + struct prod_data *p = arg; + struct test_perf *t = p->t; + struct evt_options *opt = t->opt; + uint32_t flow_counter = 0; + uint64_t count = 0; + uint64_t arm_latency = 0; + const uint8_t nb_timer_adptrs = opt->nb_timer_adptrs; + const uint32_t nb_flows = t->nb_flows; + const uint64_t nb_timers = opt->nb_timers; + struct rte_mempool *pool = t->pool; + struct perf_elt *m; + struct rte_event_timer_adapter **adptr = t->timer_adptr; + struct rte_event_timer tim; + uint64_t timeout_ticks = opt->expiry_nsec / opt->timer_tick_nsec; + + memset(&tim, 0, sizeof(struct rte_event_timer)); + timeout_ticks = opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec ? + (timeout_ticks * opt->timer_tick_nsec) + / opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec : timeout_ticks; + timeout_ticks += timeout_ticks ? 0 : 1; + tim.ev.event_type = RTE_EVENT_TYPE_TIMER; + tim.ev.op = RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW; + tim.ev.sched_type = t->opt->sched_type_list[0]; + tim.ev.queue_id = p->queue_id; + tim.ev.priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL; + tim.state = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_NOT_ARMED; + tim.timeout_ticks = timeout_ticks; + + if (opt->verbose_level > 1) + printf("%s(): lcore %d\n", __func__, rte_lcore_id()); + + while (count < nb_timers && t->done == false) { + if (rte_mempool_get(pool, (void **)&m) < 0) + continue; + + m->tim = tim; + m->tim.ev.flow_id = flow_counter++ % nb_flows; + m->tim.ev.event_ptr = m; + m->timestamp = rte_get_timer_cycles(); + while (rte_event_timer_arm_burst( + adptr[flow_counter % nb_timer_adptrs], + (struct rte_event_timer **)&m, 1) != 1) { + if (t->done) + break; + rte_pause(); + m->timestamp = rte_get_timer_cycles(); + } + arm_latency += rte_get_timer_cycles() - m->timestamp; + count++; + } + fflush(stdout); + rte_delay_ms(1000); + printf("%s(): lcore %d Average event timer arm latency = %.3f us\n", + __func__, rte_lcore_id(), (float)(arm_latency / count) / + (rte_get_timer_hz() / 1000000)); + return 0; +} + +static inline int +perf_event_timer_producer_burst(void *arg) +{ + int i; + struct prod_data *p = arg; + struct test_perf *t = p->t; + struct evt_options *opt = t->opt; + uint32_t flow_counter = 0; + uint64_t count = 0; + uint64_t arm_latency = 0; + const uint8_t nb_timer_adptrs = opt->nb_timer_adptrs; + const uint32_t nb_flows = t->nb_flows; + const uint64_t nb_timers = opt->nb_timers; + struct rte_mempool *pool = t->pool; + struct perf_elt *m[BURST_SIZE + 1] = {NULL}; + struct rte_event_timer_adapter **adptr = t->timer_adptr; + struct rte_event_timer tim; + uint64_t timeout_ticks = opt->expiry_nsec / opt->timer_tick_nsec; + + memset(&tim, 0, sizeof(struct rte_event_timer)); + timeout_ticks = opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec ? + (timeout_ticks * opt->timer_tick_nsec) + / opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec : timeout_ticks; + timeout_ticks += timeout_ticks ? 0 : 1; + tim.ev.event_type = RTE_EVENT_TYPE_TIMER; + tim.ev.op = RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW; + tim.ev.sched_type = t->opt->sched_type_list[0]; + tim.ev.queue_id = p->queue_id; + tim.ev.priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL; + tim.state = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_NOT_ARMED; + tim.timeout_ticks = timeout_ticks; + + if (opt->verbose_level > 1) + printf("%s(): lcore %d\n", __func__, rte_lcore_id()); + + while (count < nb_timers && t->done == false) { + if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(pool, (void **)m, BURST_SIZE) < 0) + continue; + for (i = 0; i < BURST_SIZE; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(m[i + 1]); + m[i]->tim = tim; + m[i]->tim.ev.flow_id = flow_counter++ % nb_flows; + m[i]->tim.ev.event_ptr = m[i]; + m[i]->timestamp = rte_get_timer_cycles(); + } + rte_event_timer_arm_tmo_tick_burst( + adptr[flow_counter % nb_timer_adptrs], + (struct rte_event_timer **)m, + tim.timeout_ticks, + BURST_SIZE); + arm_latency += rte_get_timer_cycles() - m[i - 1]->timestamp; + count += BURST_SIZE; + } + fflush(stdout); + rte_delay_ms(1000); + printf("%s(): lcore %d Average event timer arm latency = %.3f us\n", + __func__, rte_lcore_id(), (float)(arm_latency / count) / + (rte_get_timer_hz() / 1000000)); + return 0; +} + +static int +perf_producer_wrapper(void *arg) +{ + struct prod_data *p = arg; + struct test_perf *t = p->t; + /* Launch the producer function only in case of synthetic producer. */ + if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT) + return perf_producer(arg); + else if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR && + !t->opt->timdev_use_burst) + return perf_event_timer_producer(arg); + else if (t->opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR && + t->opt->timdev_use_burst) + return perf_event_timer_producer_burst(arg); + return 0; +} + static inline uint64_t processed_pkts(struct test_perf *t) { @@ -142,8 +265,8 @@ perf_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, if (!(opt->plcores[lcore_id])) continue; - ret = rte_eal_remote_launch(perf_producer, &t->prod[port_idx], - lcore_id); + ret = rte_eal_remote_launch(perf_producer_wrapper, + &t->prod[port_idx], lcore_id); if (ret) { evt_err("failed to launch perf_producer %d", lcore_id); return ret; @@ -151,8 +274,7 @@ perf_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, port_idx++; } - const uint64_t total_pkts = opt->nb_pkts * - evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + const uint64_t total_pkts = t->outstand_pkts; uint64_t dead_lock_cycles = rte_get_timer_cycles(); int64_t dead_lock_remaining = total_pkts; @@ -193,14 +315,19 @@ perf_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, fflush(stdout); if (remaining <= 0) { - t->done = true; t->result = EVT_TEST_SUCCESS; - rte_smp_wmb(); - break; + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT || + opt->prod_type == + EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) { + t->done = true; + rte_smp_wmb(); + break; + } } } - if (new_cycles - dead_lock_cycles > dead_lock_sample) { + if (new_cycles - dead_lock_cycles > dead_lock_sample && + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT) { remaining = t->outstand_pkts - processed_pkts(t); if (dead_lock_remaining == remaining) { rte_event_dev_dump(opt->dev_id, stdout); @@ -217,21 +344,142 @@ perf_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, return 0; } +static int +perf_event_rx_adapter_setup(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t stride, + struct rte_event_port_conf prod_conf) +{ + int ret = 0; + uint16_t prod; + struct rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_conf queue_conf; + + memset(&queue_conf, 0, + sizeof(struct rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_conf)); + queue_conf.ev.sched_type = opt->sched_type_list[0]; + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + uint32_t cap; + + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_caps_get(opt->dev_id, + prod, &cap); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to get event rx adapter[%d]" + " capabilities", + opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + queue_conf.ev.queue_id = prod * stride; + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_create(prod, opt->dev_id, + &prod_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to create rx adapter[%d]", prod); + return ret; + } + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_add(prod, prod, -1, + &queue_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to add rx queues to adapter[%d]", prod); + return ret; + } + + if (!(cap & RTE_EVENT_ETH_RX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT)) { + uint32_t service_id; + + rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_service_id_get(prod, + &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Failed to setup service core" + " for Rx adapter\n"); + return ret; + } + } + + ret = rte_eth_dev_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Ethernet dev [%d] failed to start." + " Using synthetic producer", prod); + return ret; + } + + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Rx adapter[%d] start failed", prod); + return ret; + } + printf("%s: Port[%d] using Rx adapter[%d] started\n", __func__, + prod, prod); + } + + return ret; +} + +static int +perf_event_timer_adapter_setup(struct test_perf *t) +{ + int i; + int ret; + struct rte_event_timer_adapter_info adapter_info; + struct rte_event_timer_adapter *wl; + uint8_t nb_producers = evt_nr_active_lcores(t->opt->plcores); + uint8_t flags = RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ADAPTER_F_ADJUST_RES; + + if (nb_producers == 1) + flags |= RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ADAPTER_F_SP_PUT; + + for (i = 0; i < t->opt->nb_timer_adptrs; i++) { + struct rte_event_timer_adapter_conf config = { + .event_dev_id = t->opt->dev_id, + .timer_adapter_id = i, + .timer_tick_ns = t->opt->timer_tick_nsec, + .max_tmo_ns = t->opt->max_tmo_nsec, + .nb_timers = 2 * 1024 * 1024, + .flags = flags, + }; + + wl = rte_event_timer_adapter_create(&config); + if (wl == NULL) { + evt_err("failed to create event timer ring %d", i); + return rte_errno; + } + + memset(&adapter_info, 0, + sizeof(struct rte_event_timer_adapter_info)); + rte_event_timer_adapter_get_info(wl, &adapter_info); + t->opt->optm_timer_tick_nsec = adapter_info.min_resolution_ns; + + if (!(adapter_info.caps & + RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT)) { + uint32_t service_id; + + rte_event_timer_adapter_service_id_get(wl, + &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Failed to setup service core" + " for timer adapter\n"); + return ret; + } + rte_service_runstate_set(service_id, 1); + } + + ret = rte_event_timer_adapter_start(wl); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to Start event timer adapter %d", i); + return ret; + } + t->timer_adptr[i] = wl; + } + return 0; +} + int perf_event_dev_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, - uint8_t stride, uint8_t nb_queues) + uint8_t stride, uint8_t nb_queues, + const struct rte_event_port_conf *port_conf) { struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); - uint8_t port, prod; + uint16_t port, prod; int ret = -1; - /* port configuration */ - const struct rte_event_port_conf wkr_p_conf = { - .dequeue_depth = opt->wkr_deq_dep, - .enqueue_depth = 64, - .new_event_threshold = 4096, - }; - /* setup one port per worker, linking to all queues */ for (port = 0; port < evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); port++) { @@ -243,7 +491,7 @@ perf_event_dev_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, w->processed_pkts = 0; w->latency = 0; - ret = rte_event_port_setup(opt->dev_id, port, &wkr_p_conf); + ret = rte_event_port_setup(opt->dev_id, port, port_conf); if (ret) { evt_err("failed to setup port %d", port); return ret; @@ -257,26 +505,45 @@ perf_event_dev_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, } /* port for producers, no links */ - const struct rte_event_port_conf prod_conf = { - .dequeue_depth = 8, - .enqueue_depth = 32, - .new_event_threshold = 1200, - }; - prod = 0; - for ( ; port < perf_nb_event_ports(opt); port++) { - struct prod_data *p = &t->prod[port]; - - p->dev_id = opt->dev_id; - p->port_id = port; - p->queue_id = prod * stride; - p->t = t; - - ret = rte_event_port_setup(opt->dev_id, port, &prod_conf); - if (ret) { - evt_err("failed to setup port %d", port); - return ret; + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR) { + for ( ; port < perf_nb_event_ports(opt); port++) { + struct prod_data *p = &t->prod[port]; + p->t = t; + } + + ret = perf_event_rx_adapter_setup(opt, stride, *port_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + } else if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) { + prod = 0; + for ( ; port < perf_nb_event_ports(opt); port++) { + struct prod_data *p = &t->prod[port]; + p->queue_id = prod * stride; + p->t = t; + prod++; + } + + ret = perf_event_timer_adapter_setup(t); + if (ret) + return ret; + } else { + prod = 0; + for ( ; port < perf_nb_event_ports(opt); port++) { + struct prod_data *p = &t->prod[port]; + + p->dev_id = opt->dev_id; + p->port_id = port; + p->queue_id = prod * stride; + p->t = t; + + ret = rte_event_port_setup(opt->dev_id, port, + port_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to setup port %d", port); + return ret; + } + prod++; } - prod++; } return ret; @@ -287,8 +554,10 @@ perf_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues) { unsigned int lcores; - /* N producer + N worker + 1 master */ - lcores = 3; + /* N producer + N worker + 1 master when producer cores are used + * Else N worker + 1 master when Rx adapter is used + */ + lcores = opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT ? 3 : 2; if (rte_lcore_count() < lcores) { evt_err("test need minimum %d lcores", lcores); @@ -313,18 +582,21 @@ perf_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues) return -1; } - /* Validate producer lcores */ - if (evt_lcores_has_overlap(opt->plcores, rte_get_master_lcore())) { - evt_err("producer lcores overlaps with master lcore"); - return -1; - } - if (evt_has_disabled_lcore(opt->plcores)) { - evt_err("one or more producer lcores are not enabled"); - return -1; - } - if (!evt_has_active_lcore(opt->plcores)) { - evt_err("minimum one producer is required"); - return -1; + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT) { + /* Validate producer lcores */ + if (evt_lcores_has_overlap(opt->plcores, + rte_get_master_lcore())) { + evt_err("producer lcores overlaps with master lcore"); + return -1; + } + if (evt_has_disabled_lcore(opt->plcores)) { + evt_err("one or more producer lcores are not enabled"); + return -1; + } + if (!evt_has_active_lcore(opt->plcores)) { + evt_err("minimum one producer is required"); + return -1; + } } if (evt_has_invalid_stage(opt)) @@ -343,10 +615,13 @@ perf_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues) } /* Fixups */ - if (opt->nb_stages == 1 && opt->fwd_latency) { + if ((opt->nb_stages == 1 && + opt->prod_type != EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) && + opt->fwd_latency) { evt_info("fwd_latency is valid when nb_stages > 1, disabling"); opt->fwd_latency = 0; } + if (opt->fwd_latency && !opt->q_priority) { evt_info("enabled queue priority for latency measurement"); opt->q_priority = 1; @@ -369,13 +644,19 @@ perf_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t nb_queues) evt_dump("nb_evdev_queues", "%d", nb_queues); evt_dump_queue_priority(opt); evt_dump_sched_type_list(opt); + evt_dump_producer_type(opt); } void perf_eventdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) { - RTE_SET_USED(test); + int i; + struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) { + for (i = 0; i < opt->nb_timer_adptrs; i++) + rte_event_timer_adapter_stop(t->timer_adptr[i]); + } rte_event_dev_stop(opt->dev_id); rte_event_dev_close(opt->dev_id); } @@ -387,18 +668,115 @@ perf_elt_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void *arg __rte_unused, memset(obj, 0, mp->elt_size); } +#define NB_RX_DESC 128 +#define NB_TX_DESC 512 +int +perf_ethdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + uint16_t i; + struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); + struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = { + .rxmode = { + .mq_mode = ETH_MQ_RX_RSS, + .max_rx_pkt_len = ETHER_MAX_LEN, + .split_hdr_size = 0, + }, + .rx_adv_conf = { + .rss_conf = { + .rss_key = NULL, + .rss_hf = ETH_RSS_IP, + }, + }, + }; + + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT || + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) + return 0; + + if (!rte_eth_dev_count_avail()) { + evt_err("No ethernet ports found."); + return -ENODEV; + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; + struct rte_eth_conf local_port_conf = port_conf; + + rte_eth_dev_info_get(i, &dev_info); + + local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf &= + dev_info.flow_type_rss_offloads; + if (local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf != + port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf) { + evt_info("Port %u modified RSS hash function based on hardware support," + "requested:%#"PRIx64" configured:%#"PRIx64"\n", + i, + port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf, + local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf); + } + + if (rte_eth_dev_configure(i, 1, 1, &local_port_conf) < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to configure eth port [%d]", i); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(i, 0, NB_RX_DESC, + rte_socket_id(), NULL, t->pool) < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to setup eth port [%d] rx_queue: %d.", + i, 0); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(i, 0, NB_TX_DESC, + rte_socket_id(), NULL) < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to setup eth port [%d] tx_queue: %d.", + i, 0); + return -EINVAL; + } + + rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(i); + } + + return 0; +} + +void perf_ethdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + uint16_t i; + RTE_SET_USED(test); + + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_stop(i); + rte_eth_dev_stop(i); + } + } +} + int perf_mempool_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) { struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); - t->pool = rte_mempool_create(test->name, /* mempool name */ + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_SYNT || + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) { + t->pool = rte_mempool_create(test->name, /* mempool name */ opt->pool_sz, /* number of elements*/ sizeof(struct perf_elt), /* element size*/ 512, /* cache size*/ 0, NULL, NULL, perf_elt_init, /* obj constructor */ NULL, opt->socket_id, 0); /* flags */ + } else { + t->pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(test->name, /* mempool name */ + opt->pool_sz, /* number of elements*/ + 512, /* cache size*/ + 0, + RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, + opt->socket_id); /* flags */ + + } + if (t->pool == NULL) { evt_err("failed to create mempool"); return -ENOMEM; @@ -431,10 +809,18 @@ perf_test_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) struct test_perf *t = evt_test_priv(test); - t->outstand_pkts = opt->nb_pkts * evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + if (opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR) { + t->outstand_pkts = opt->nb_timers * + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + t->nb_pkts = opt->nb_timers; + } else { + t->outstand_pkts = opt->nb_pkts * + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + t->nb_pkts = opt->nb_pkts; + } + t->nb_workers = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); t->done = false; - t->nb_pkts = opt->nb_pkts; t->nb_flows = opt->nb_flows; t->result = EVT_TEST_FAILED; t->opt = opt; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.h index c6fc70cd..d8fbee6d 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.h +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_common.h @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #ifndef _TEST_PERF_COMMON_ @@ -38,7 +10,10 @@ #include #include +#include #include +#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -65,6 +40,7 @@ struct prod_data { struct test_perf *t; } __rte_cache_aligned; + struct test_perf { /* Don't change the offset of "done". Signal handler use this memory * to terminate all lcores work. @@ -80,10 +56,18 @@ struct test_perf { struct worker_data worker[EVT_MAX_PORTS]; struct evt_options *opt; uint8_t sched_type_list[EVT_MAX_STAGES] __rte_cache_aligned; + struct rte_event_timer_adapter *timer_adptr[ + RTE_EVENT_TIMER_ADAPTER_NUM_MAX] __rte_cache_aligned; } __rte_cache_aligned; struct perf_elt { - uint64_t timestamp; + union { + struct rte_event_timer tim; + struct { + char pad[offsetof(struct rte_event_timer, user_meta)]; + uint64_t timestamp; + }; + }; } __rte_cache_aligned; #define BURST_SIZE 16 @@ -94,6 +78,8 @@ struct perf_elt { struct evt_options *opt = t->opt;\ const uint8_t dev = w->dev_id;\ const uint8_t port = w->port_id;\ + const uint8_t prod_timer_type = \ + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR;\ uint8_t *const sched_type_list = &t->sched_type_list[0];\ struct rte_mempool *const pool = t->pool;\ const uint8_t nb_stages = t->opt->nb_stages;\ @@ -156,15 +142,18 @@ perf_nb_event_ports(struct evt_options *opt) int perf_test_result(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); int perf_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues); int perf_test_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +int perf_ethdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); int perf_mempool_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); int perf_event_dev_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, - uint8_t stride, uint8_t nb_queues); + uint8_t stride, uint8_t nb_queues, + const struct rte_event_port_conf *port_conf); int perf_event_dev_service_setup(uint8_t dev_id); int perf_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, int (*worker)(void *)); void perf_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t nb_queues); void perf_test_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); void perf_eventdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +void perf_ethdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); void perf_mempool_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); #endif /* _TEST_PERF_COMMON_ */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_queue.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_queue.c index d843eea1..8efdec6f 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_queue.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_perf_queue.c @@ -1,44 +1,18 @@ -/* - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright (C) Cavium, Inc 2017. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Cavium, Inc nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include "test_perf_common.h" -/* See http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ static inline int perf_queue_nb_event_queues(struct evt_options *opt) { /* nb_queues = number of producers * number of stages */ - return evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores) * opt->nb_stages; + uint8_t nb_prod = opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR ? + rte_eth_dev_count_avail() : evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + return nb_prod * opt->nb_stages; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void @@ -75,7 +49,7 @@ perf_queue_worker(void *arg, const int enable_fwd_latency) rte_pause(); continue; } - if (enable_fwd_latency) + if (enable_fwd_latency && !prod_timer_type) /* first q in pipeline, mark timestamp to compute fwd latency */ mark_fwd_latency(&ev, nb_stages); @@ -114,7 +88,7 @@ perf_queue_worker_burst(void *arg, const int enable_fwd_latency) } for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { - if (enable_fwd_latency) { + if (enable_fwd_latency && !prod_timer_type) { rte_prefetch0(ev[i+1].event_ptr); /* first queue in pipeline. * mark time stamp to compute fwd latency @@ -182,14 +156,33 @@ perf_queue_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) uint8_t queue; int nb_stages = opt->nb_stages; int ret; + int nb_ports; + int nb_queues; + struct rte_event_dev_info dev_info; + + nb_ports = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + nb_ports += opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR || + opt->prod_type == EVT_PROD_TYPE_EVENT_TIMER_ADPTR ? 0 : + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->plcores); + + nb_queues = perf_queue_nb_event_queues(opt); + + memset(&dev_info, 0, sizeof(struct rte_event_dev_info)); + ret = rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &dev_info); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to get eventdev info %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } const struct rte_event_dev_config config = { - .nb_event_queues = perf_queue_nb_event_queues(opt), - .nb_event_ports = perf_nb_event_ports(opt), - .nb_events_limit = 4096, + .nb_event_queues = nb_queues, + .nb_event_ports = nb_ports, + .nb_events_limit = dev_info.max_num_events, .nb_event_queue_flows = opt->nb_flows, - .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = 128, - .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = 128, + .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = + dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = + dev_info.max_event_port_enqueue_depth, }; ret = rte_event_dev_configure(opt->dev_id, &config); @@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ perf_queue_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) .nb_atomic_order_sequences = opt->nb_flows, }; /* queue configurations */ - for (queue = 0; queue < perf_queue_nb_event_queues(opt); queue++) { + for (queue = 0; queue < nb_queues; queue++) { q_conf.schedule_type = (opt->sched_type_list[queue % nb_stages]); @@ -227,15 +220,29 @@ perf_queue_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) } } + if (opt->wkr_deq_dep > dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth) + opt->wkr_deq_dep = dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth; + + /* port configuration */ + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf = { + .dequeue_depth = opt->wkr_deq_dep, + .enqueue_depth = dev_info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .new_event_threshold = dev_info.max_num_events, + }; + ret = perf_event_dev_port_setup(test, opt, nb_stages /* stride */, - perf_queue_nb_event_queues(opt)); + nb_queues, &p_conf); if (ret) return ret; - ret = evt_service_setup(opt->dev_id); - if (ret) { - evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); - return ret; + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } } ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); @@ -283,10 +290,12 @@ static const struct evt_test_ops perf_queue = { .opt_dump = perf_queue_opt_dump, .test_setup = perf_test_setup, .mempool_setup = perf_mempool_setup, + .ethdev_setup = perf_ethdev_setup, .eventdev_setup = perf_queue_eventdev_setup, .launch_lcores = perf_queue_launch_lcores, .eventdev_destroy = perf_eventdev_destroy, .mempool_destroy = perf_mempool_destroy, + .ethdev_destroy = perf_ethdev_destroy, .test_result = perf_test_result, .test_destroy = perf_test_destroy, }; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_atq.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_atq.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc4cb3bb --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_atq.c @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +/* + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright 2017 Cavium, Inc. + */ + +#include "test_pipeline_common.h" + +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ + +static __rte_always_inline int +pipeline_atq_nb_event_queues(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + + return rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + ev.queue_id = tx_queue[ev.mbuf->port]; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_burst_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev[i].mbuf, 0); + } + + pipeline_event_tx_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + w->processed_pkts += nb_rx; + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_burst_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev[i].mbuf, 0); + ev[i].queue_id = tx_queue[ev[i].mbuf->port]; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + w->processed_pkts += nb_rx; + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + cq_id = ev.sub_event_type % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + continue; + } + + ev.sub_event_type++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, sched_type_list[cq_id]); + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + cq_id = ev.sub_event_type % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + ev.queue_id = tx_queue[ev.mbuf->port]; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + w->processed_pkts++; + } else { + ev.sub_event_type++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, sched_type_list[cq_id]); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_burst_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + cq_id = ev[i].sub_event_type % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev[i]); + ev[i].op = RTE_EVENT_OP_RELEASE; + w->processed_pkts++; + continue; + } + + ev[i].sub_event_type++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], sched_type_list[cq_id]); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_burst_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + cq_id = ev[i].sub_event_type % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + w->processed_pkts++; + ev[i].queue_id = tx_queue[ev[i].mbuf->port]; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], + RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + } else { + ev[i].sub_event_type++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], + sched_type_list[cq_id]); + } + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +worker_wrapper(void *arg) +{ + struct worker_data *w = arg; + struct evt_options *opt = w->t->opt; + const bool burst = evt_has_burst_mode(w->dev_id); + const bool internal_port = w->t->internal_port; + const uint8_t nb_stages = opt->nb_stages; + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + + if (nb_stages == 1) { + if (!burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_tx(arg); + else if (!burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_fwd(arg); + else if (burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_burst_tx(arg); + else if (burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_single_stage_burst_fwd(arg); + } else { + if (!burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_tx(arg); + else if (!burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_fwd(arg); + if (burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_burst_tx(arg); + else if (burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_atq_worker_multi_stage_burst_fwd(arg); + } + + rte_panic("invalid worker\n"); +} + +static int +pipeline_atq_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + return pipeline_launch_lcores(test, opt, worker_wrapper); +} + +static int +pipeline_atq_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + int ret; + int nb_ports; + int nb_queues; + uint8_t queue; + uint8_t tx_evqueue_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; + uint8_t queue_arr[RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV]; + uint8_t nb_worker_queues = 0; + uint8_t tx_evport_id = 0; + uint16_t prod = 0; + struct rte_event_dev_info info; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + nb_ports = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + nb_queues = rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); + + memset(tx_evqueue_id, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS); + memset(queue_arr, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV); + /* One queue for Tx adapter per port */ + if (!t->internal_port) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + tx_evqueue_id[prod] = nb_queues; + nb_queues++; + } + } + + rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &info); + + const struct rte_event_dev_config config = { + .nb_event_queues = nb_queues, + .nb_event_ports = nb_ports, + .nb_events_limit = info.max_num_events, + .nb_event_queue_flows = opt->nb_flows, + .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = + info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = + info.max_event_port_enqueue_depth, + }; + ret = rte_event_dev_configure(opt->dev_id, &config); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to configure eventdev %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + + struct rte_event_queue_conf q_conf = { + .priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL, + .nb_atomic_flows = opt->nb_flows, + .nb_atomic_order_sequences = opt->nb_flows, + }; + /* queue configurations */ + for (queue = 0; queue < nb_queues; queue++) { + q_conf.event_queue_cfg = RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES; + + if (!t->internal_port) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + if (queue == tx_evqueue_id[prod]) { + q_conf.event_queue_cfg = + RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_SINGLE_LINK; + } else { + queue_arr[nb_worker_queues] = queue; + nb_worker_queues++; + } + } + } + + ret = rte_event_queue_setup(opt->dev_id, queue, &q_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to setup queue=%d", queue); + return ret; + } + } + + if (opt->wkr_deq_dep > info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth) + opt->wkr_deq_dep = info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth; + + /* port configuration */ + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf = { + .dequeue_depth = opt->wkr_deq_dep, + .enqueue_depth = info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .new_event_threshold = info.max_num_events, + }; + + if (!t->internal_port) + ret = pipeline_event_port_setup(test, opt, queue_arr, + nb_worker_queues, p_conf); + else + ret = pipeline_event_port_setup(test, opt, NULL, nb_queues, + p_conf); + + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* + * The pipelines are setup in the following manner: + * + * eth_dev_count = 2, nb_stages = 2, atq mode + * + * eth0, eth1 have Internal port capability : + * queues = 2 + * stride = 1 + * + * event queue pipelines: + * eth0 -> q0 ->Tx + * eth1 -> q1 ->Tx + * + * q0, q1 are configured as ATQ so, all the different stages can + * be enqueued on the same queue. + * + * eth0, eth1 use Tx adapters service core : + * queues = 4 + * stride = 1 + * + * event queue pipelines: + * eth0 -> q0 -> q2 -> Tx + * eth1 -> q1 -> q3 -> Tx + * + * q0, q1 are configured as stated above. + * q2, q3 configured as SINGLE_LINK. + */ + ret = pipeline_event_rx_adapter_setup(opt, 1, p_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = pipeline_event_tx_adapter_setup(opt, p_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } + } + + /* Connect the tx_evqueue_id to the Tx adapter port */ + if (!t->internal_port) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_event_port_get(prod, + &tx_evport_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Unable to get Tx adapter[%d]", prod); + return ret; + } + + if (rte_event_port_link(opt->dev_id, tx_evport_id, + &tx_evqueue_id[prod], + NULL, 1) != 1) { + evt_err("Unable to link Tx adptr[%d] evprt[%d]", + prod, tx_evport_id); + return ret; + } + } + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_eth_dev_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Ethernet dev [%d] failed to start." + " Using synthetic producer", prod); + return ret; + } + } + + ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to start eventdev %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Rx adapter[%d] start failed", prod); + return ret; + } + + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Tx adapter[%d] start failed", prod); + return ret; + } + } + + memcpy(t->tx_evqueue_id, tx_evqueue_id, sizeof(uint8_t) * + RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS); + + return 0; +} + +static void +pipeline_atq_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + pipeline_opt_dump(opt, pipeline_atq_nb_event_queues(opt)); +} + +static int +pipeline_atq_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + return pipeline_opt_check(opt, pipeline_atq_nb_event_queues(opt)); +} + +static bool +pipeline_atq_capability_check(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + struct rte_event_dev_info dev_info; + + rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &dev_info); + if (dev_info.max_event_queues < pipeline_atq_nb_event_queues(opt) || + dev_info.max_event_ports < + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores)) { + evt_err("not enough eventdev queues=%d/%d or ports=%d/%d", + pipeline_atq_nb_event_queues(opt), + dev_info.max_event_queues, + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores), + dev_info.max_event_ports); + } + + return true; +} + +static const struct evt_test_ops pipeline_atq = { + .cap_check = pipeline_atq_capability_check, + .opt_check = pipeline_atq_opt_check, + .opt_dump = pipeline_atq_opt_dump, + .test_setup = pipeline_test_setup, + .mempool_setup = pipeline_mempool_setup, + .ethdev_setup = pipeline_ethdev_setup, + .eventdev_setup = pipeline_atq_eventdev_setup, + .launch_lcores = pipeline_atq_launch_lcores, + .eventdev_destroy = pipeline_eventdev_destroy, + .mempool_destroy = pipeline_mempool_destroy, + .ethdev_destroy = pipeline_ethdev_destroy, + .test_result = pipeline_test_result, + .test_destroy = pipeline_test_destroy, +}; + +EVT_TEST_REGISTER(pipeline_atq); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5db3ffde --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.c @@ -0,0 +1,467 @@ +/* + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright 2017 Cavium, Inc. + */ + +#include "test_pipeline_common.h" + +int +pipeline_test_result(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + int i; + uint64_t total = 0; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + evt_info("Packet distribution across worker cores :"); + for (i = 0; i < t->nb_workers; i++) + total += t->worker[i].processed_pkts; + for (i = 0; i < t->nb_workers; i++) + evt_info("Worker %d packets: "CLGRN"%"PRIx64""CLNRM" percentage:" + CLGRN" %3.2f"CLNRM, i, + t->worker[i].processed_pkts, + (((double)t->worker[i].processed_pkts)/total) + * 100); + return t->result; +} + +void +pipeline_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t nb_queues) +{ + evt_dump("nb_worker_lcores", "%d", evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores)); + evt_dump_worker_lcores(opt); + evt_dump_nb_stages(opt); + evt_dump("nb_evdev_ports", "%d", pipeline_nb_event_ports(opt)); + evt_dump("nb_evdev_queues", "%d", nb_queues); + evt_dump_queue_priority(opt); + evt_dump_sched_type_list(opt); + evt_dump_producer_type(opt); +} + +static inline uint64_t +processed_pkts(struct test_pipeline *t) +{ + uint8_t i; + uint64_t total = 0; + + rte_smp_rmb(); + for (i = 0; i < t->nb_workers; i++) + total += t->worker[i].processed_pkts; + + return total; +} + +int +pipeline_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, + int (*worker)(void *)) +{ + int ret, lcore_id; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + int port_idx = 0; + /* launch workers */ + RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(lcore_id) { + if (!(opt->wlcores[lcore_id])) + continue; + + ret = rte_eal_remote_launch(worker, + &t->worker[port_idx], lcore_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to launch worker %d", lcore_id); + return ret; + } + port_idx++; + } + + uint64_t perf_cycles = rte_get_timer_cycles(); + const uint64_t perf_sample = rte_get_timer_hz(); + + static float total_mpps; + static uint64_t samples; + + uint64_t prev_pkts = 0; + + while (t->done == false) { + const uint64_t new_cycles = rte_get_timer_cycles(); + + if ((new_cycles - perf_cycles) > perf_sample) { + const uint64_t curr_pkts = processed_pkts(t); + + float mpps = (float)(curr_pkts - prev_pkts)/1000000; + + prev_pkts = curr_pkts; + perf_cycles = new_cycles; + total_mpps += mpps; + ++samples; + printf(CLGRN"\r%.3f mpps avg %.3f mpps"CLNRM, + mpps, total_mpps/samples); + fflush(stdout); + } + } + printf("\n"); + return 0; +} + +int +pipeline_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues) +{ + unsigned int lcores; + /* + * N worker + 1 master + */ + lcores = 2; + + if (!rte_eth_dev_count_avail()) { + evt_err("test needs minimum 1 ethernet dev"); + return -1; + } + + if (rte_lcore_count() < lcores) { + evt_err("test need minimum %d lcores", lcores); + return -1; + } + + /* Validate worker lcores */ + if (evt_lcores_has_overlap(opt->wlcores, rte_get_master_lcore())) { + evt_err("worker lcores overlaps with master lcore"); + return -1; + } + if (evt_has_disabled_lcore(opt->wlcores)) { + evt_err("one or more workers lcores are not enabled"); + return -1; + } + if (!evt_has_active_lcore(opt->wlcores)) { + evt_err("minimum one worker is required"); + return -1; + } + + if (nb_queues > EVT_MAX_QUEUES) { + evt_err("number of queues exceeds %d", EVT_MAX_QUEUES); + return -1; + } + if (pipeline_nb_event_ports(opt) > EVT_MAX_PORTS) { + evt_err("number of ports exceeds %d", EVT_MAX_PORTS); + return -1; + } + + if (evt_has_invalid_stage(opt)) + return -1; + + if (evt_has_invalid_sched_type(opt)) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +#define NB_RX_DESC 128 +#define NB_TX_DESC 512 +int +pipeline_ethdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + uint16_t i; + uint8_t nb_queues = 1; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + struct rte_eth_rxconf rx_conf; + struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = { + .rxmode = { + .mq_mode = ETH_MQ_RX_RSS, + .max_rx_pkt_len = ETHER_MAX_LEN, + }, + .rx_adv_conf = { + .rss_conf = { + .rss_key = NULL, + .rss_hf = ETH_RSS_IP, + }, + }, + }; + + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + if (!rte_eth_dev_count_avail()) { + evt_err("No ethernet ports found."); + return -ENODEV; + } + + t->internal_port = 1; + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; + struct rte_eth_conf local_port_conf = port_conf; + uint32_t caps = 0; + + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_caps_get(opt->dev_id, i, &caps); + if (!(caps & RTE_EVENT_ETH_TX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT)) + t->internal_port = 0; + + rte_eth_dev_info_get(i, &dev_info); + rx_conf = dev_info.default_rxconf; + rx_conf.offloads = port_conf.rxmode.offloads; + + local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf &= + dev_info.flow_type_rss_offloads; + if (local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf != + port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf) { + evt_info("Port %u modified RSS hash function based on hardware support," + "requested:%#"PRIx64" configured:%#"PRIx64"", + i, + port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf, + local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf); + } + + if (rte_eth_dev_configure(i, nb_queues, nb_queues, + &local_port_conf) + < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to configure eth port [%d]", i); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(i, 0, NB_RX_DESC, + rte_socket_id(), &rx_conf, t->pool) < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to setup eth port [%d] rx_queue: %d.", + i, 0); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(i, 0, NB_TX_DESC, + rte_socket_id(), NULL) < 0) { + evt_err("Failed to setup eth port [%d] tx_queue: %d.", + i, 0); + return -EINVAL; + } + + rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(i); + } + + return 0; +} + +int +pipeline_event_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, + uint8_t *queue_arr, uint8_t nb_queues, + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf) +{ + int ret; + uint8_t port; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + + /* setup one port per worker, linking to all queues */ + for (port = 0; port < evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); port++) { + struct worker_data *w = &t->worker[port]; + + w->dev_id = opt->dev_id; + w->port_id = port; + w->t = t; + w->processed_pkts = 0; + + ret = rte_event_port_setup(opt->dev_id, port, &p_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to setup port %d", port); + return ret; + } + + if (rte_event_port_link(opt->dev_id, port, queue_arr, NULL, + nb_queues) != nb_queues) + goto link_fail; + } + + return 0; + +link_fail: + evt_err("failed to link queues to port %d", port); + return -EINVAL; +} + +int +pipeline_event_rx_adapter_setup(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t stride, + struct rte_event_port_conf prod_conf) +{ + int ret = 0; + uint16_t prod; + struct rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_conf queue_conf; + + memset(&queue_conf, 0, + sizeof(struct rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_conf)); + queue_conf.ev.sched_type = opt->sched_type_list[0]; + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + uint32_t cap; + + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_caps_get(opt->dev_id, + prod, &cap); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to get event rx adapter[%d]" + " capabilities", + opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + queue_conf.ev.queue_id = prod * stride; + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_create(prod, opt->dev_id, + &prod_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to create rx adapter[%d]", prod); + return ret; + } + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_add(prod, prod, -1, + &queue_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to add rx queues to adapter[%d]", prod); + return ret; + } + + if (!(cap & RTE_EVENT_ETH_RX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT)) { + uint32_t service_id; + + rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_service_id_get(prod, + &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Failed to setup service core" + " for Rx adapter"); + return ret; + } + } + + evt_info("Port[%d] using Rx adapter[%d] configured", prod, + prod); + } + + return ret; +} + +int +pipeline_event_tx_adapter_setup(struct evt_options *opt, + struct rte_event_port_conf port_conf) +{ + int ret = 0; + uint16_t consm; + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(consm) { + uint32_t cap; + + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_caps_get(opt->dev_id, + consm, &cap); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to get event tx adapter[%d] caps", + consm); + return ret; + } + + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_create(consm, opt->dev_id, + &port_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to create tx adapter[%d]", consm); + return ret; + } + + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_queue_add(consm, consm, -1); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to add tx queues to adapter[%d]", + consm); + return ret; + } + + if (!(cap & RTE_EVENT_ETH_TX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT)) { + uint32_t service_id; + + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_service_id_get(consm, + &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Failed to setup service core" + " for Tx adapter\n"); + return ret; + } + } + + evt_info("Port[%d] using Tx adapter[%d] Configured", consm, + consm); + } + + return ret; +} + +void +pipeline_ethdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + uint16_t i; + RTE_SET_USED(test); + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_stop(i); + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_stop(i); + rte_eth_dev_stop(i); + } +} + +void +pipeline_eventdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(test); + + rte_event_dev_close(opt->dev_id); +} + +int +pipeline_mempool_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + t->pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(test->name, /* mempool name */ + opt->pool_sz, /* number of elements*/ + 512, /* cache size*/ + 0, + RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, + opt->socket_id); /* flags */ + + if (t->pool == NULL) { + evt_err("failed to create mempool"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + return 0; +} + +void +pipeline_mempool_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + rte_mempool_free(t->pool); +} + +int +pipeline_test_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + void *test_pipeline; + + test_pipeline = rte_zmalloc_socket(test->name, + sizeof(struct test_pipeline), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, + opt->socket_id); + if (test_pipeline == NULL) { + evt_err("failed to allocate test_pipeline memory"); + goto nomem; + } + test->test_priv = test_pipeline; + + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + t->nb_workers = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + t->outstand_pkts = opt->nb_pkts * evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + t->done = false; + t->nb_flows = opt->nb_flows; + t->result = EVT_TEST_FAILED; + t->opt = opt; + opt->prod_type = EVT_PROD_TYPE_ETH_RX_ADPTR; + memcpy(t->sched_type_list, opt->sched_type_list, + sizeof(opt->sched_type_list)); + return 0; +nomem: + return -ENOMEM; +} + +void +pipeline_test_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + + rte_free(test->test_priv); +} diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.h b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0440b9e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +/* + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright 2017 Cavium, Inc. + */ + +#ifndef _TEST_PIPELINE_COMMON_ +#define _TEST_PIPELINE_COMMON_ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "evt_common.h" +#include "evt_options.h" +#include "evt_test.h" + +struct test_pipeline; + +struct worker_data { + uint64_t processed_pkts; + uint8_t dev_id; + uint8_t port_id; + struct test_pipeline *t; +} __rte_cache_aligned; + +struct test_pipeline { + /* Don't change the offset of "done". Signal handler use this memory + * to terminate all lcores work. + */ + int done; + uint8_t nb_workers; + uint8_t internal_port; + uint8_t tx_evqueue_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; + enum evt_test_result result; + uint32_t nb_flows; + uint64_t outstand_pkts; + struct rte_mempool *pool; + struct worker_data worker[EVT_MAX_PORTS]; + struct evt_options *opt; + uint8_t sched_type_list[EVT_MAX_STAGES] __rte_cache_aligned; +} __rte_cache_aligned; + +#define BURST_SIZE 16 + +#define PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_INIT \ + struct worker_data *w = arg; \ + struct test_pipeline *t = w->t; \ + const uint8_t dev = w->dev_id; \ + const uint8_t port = w->port_id; \ + struct rte_event ev __rte_cache_aligned + +#define PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_BURST_INIT \ + int i; \ + struct worker_data *w = arg; \ + struct test_pipeline *t = w->t; \ + const uint8_t dev = w->dev_id; \ + const uint8_t port = w->port_id; \ + struct rte_event ev[BURST_SIZE + 1] __rte_cache_aligned + +#define PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_INIT \ + struct worker_data *w = arg; \ + struct test_pipeline *t = w->t; \ + uint8_t cq_id; \ + const uint8_t dev = w->dev_id; \ + const uint8_t port = w->port_id; \ + const uint8_t last_queue = t->opt->nb_stages - 1; \ + uint8_t *const sched_type_list = &t->sched_type_list[0]; \ + const uint8_t nb_stages = t->opt->nb_stages + 1; \ + struct rte_event ev __rte_cache_aligned + +#define PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_BURST_INIT \ + int i; \ + struct worker_data *w = arg; \ + struct test_pipeline *t = w->t; \ + uint8_t cq_id; \ + const uint8_t dev = w->dev_id; \ + const uint8_t port = w->port_id; \ + const uint8_t last_queue = t->opt->nb_stages - 1; \ + uint8_t *const sched_type_list = &t->sched_type_list[0]; \ + const uint8_t nb_stages = t->opt->nb_stages + 1; \ + struct rte_event ev[BURST_SIZE + 1] __rte_cache_aligned + +static __rte_always_inline void +pipeline_fwd_event(struct rte_event *ev, uint8_t sched) +{ + ev->event_type = RTE_EVENT_TYPE_CPU; + ev->op = RTE_EVENT_OP_FORWARD; + ev->sched_type = sched; +} + +static __rte_always_inline void +pipeline_event_tx(const uint8_t dev, const uint8_t port, + struct rte_event * const ev) +{ + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev->mbuf, 0); + while (!rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_enqueue(dev, port, ev, 1)) + rte_pause(); +} + +static __rte_always_inline void +pipeline_event_tx_burst(const uint8_t dev, const uint8_t port, + struct rte_event *ev, const uint16_t nb_rx) +{ + uint16_t enq; + + enq = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_enqueue(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + while (enq < nb_rx) { + enq += rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_enqueue(dev, port, + ev + enq, nb_rx - enq); + } +} + +static __rte_always_inline void +pipeline_event_enqueue(const uint8_t dev, const uint8_t port, + struct rte_event *ev) +{ + while (rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, 1) != 1) + rte_pause(); +} + +static __rte_always_inline void +pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(const uint8_t dev, const uint8_t port, + struct rte_event *ev, const uint16_t nb_rx) +{ + uint16_t enq; + + enq = rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + while (enq < nb_rx) { + enq += rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, + ev + enq, nb_rx - enq); + } +} + +static inline int +pipeline_nb_event_ports(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + return evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); +} + +int pipeline_test_result(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +int pipeline_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt, uint64_t nb_queues); +int pipeline_test_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +int pipeline_ethdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +int pipeline_event_rx_adapter_setup(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t stride, + struct rte_event_port_conf prod_conf); +int pipeline_event_tx_adapter_setup(struct evt_options *opt, + struct rte_event_port_conf prod_conf); +int pipeline_mempool_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +int pipeline_event_port_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, + uint8_t *queue_arr, uint8_t nb_queues, + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf); +int pipeline_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt, + int (*worker)(void *)); +void pipeline_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt, uint8_t nb_queues); +void pipeline_test_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +void pipeline_eventdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +void pipeline_ethdev_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); +void pipeline_mempool_destroy(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt); + +#endif /* _TEST_PIPELINE_COMMON_ */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_queue.c b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_queue.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e35e9eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-eventdev/test_pipeline_queue.c @@ -0,0 +1,542 @@ +/* + * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright 2017 Cavium, Inc. + */ + +#include "test_pipeline_common.h" + +/* See http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/tools/testeventdev.html for test details */ + +static __rte_always_inline int +pipeline_queue_nb_event_queues(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + uint16_t eth_count = rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); + + return (eth_count * opt->nb_stages) + eth_count; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + if (ev.sched_type == RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + } else { + ev.queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + ev.queue_id = tx_queue[ev.mbuf->port]; + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev.mbuf, 0); + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_burst_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + if (ev[i].sched_type == RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev[i]); + ev[i].op = RTE_EVENT_OP_RELEASE; + w->processed_pkts++; + } else { + ev[i].queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], + RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + } + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_burst_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_SINGLE_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + ev[i].queue_id = tx_queue[ev[i].mbuf->port]; + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev[i].mbuf, 0); + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + w->processed_pkts += nb_rx; + } + + return 0; +} + + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + cq_id = ev.queue_id % nb_stages; + + if (ev.queue_id == tx_queue[ev.mbuf->port]) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev); + w->processed_pkts++; + continue; + } + + ev.queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, cq_id != last_queue ? + sched_type_list[cq_id] : + RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t event = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, &ev, 1, 0); + + if (!event) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + cq_id = ev.queue_id % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + ev.queue_id = tx_queue[ev.mbuf->port]; + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev.mbuf, 0); + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + w->processed_pkts++; + } else { + ev.queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev, sched_type_list[cq_id]); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue(dev, port, &ev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_burst_tx(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + cq_id = ev[i].queue_id % nb_stages; + + if (ev[i].queue_id == tx_queue[ev[i].mbuf->port]) { + pipeline_event_tx(dev, port, &ev[i]); + ev[i].op = RTE_EVENT_OP_RELEASE; + w->processed_pkts++; + continue; + } + + ev[i].queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], cq_id != last_queue ? + sched_type_list[cq_id] : + RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + } + + return 0; +} + +static __rte_noinline int +pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_burst_fwd(void *arg) +{ + PIPELINE_WORKER_MULTI_STAGE_BURST_INIT; + const uint8_t *tx_queue = t->tx_evqueue_id; + + while (t->done == false) { + uint16_t nb_rx = rte_event_dequeue_burst(dev, port, ev, + BURST_SIZE, 0); + + if (!nb_rx) { + rte_pause(); + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nb_rx; i++) { + rte_prefetch0(ev[i + 1].mbuf); + cq_id = ev[i].queue_id % nb_stages; + + if (cq_id == last_queue) { + ev[i].queue_id = tx_queue[ev[i].mbuf->port]; + rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_txq_set(ev[i].mbuf, 0); + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], + RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC); + w->processed_pkts++; + } else { + ev[i].queue_id++; + pipeline_fwd_event(&ev[i], + sched_type_list[cq_id]); + } + } + + pipeline_event_enqueue_burst(dev, port, ev, nb_rx); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +worker_wrapper(void *arg) +{ + struct worker_data *w = arg; + struct evt_options *opt = w->t->opt; + const bool burst = evt_has_burst_mode(w->dev_id); + const bool internal_port = w->t->internal_port; + const uint8_t nb_stages = opt->nb_stages; + RTE_SET_USED(opt); + + if (nb_stages == 1) { + if (!burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_tx(arg); + else if (!burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_fwd(arg); + else if (burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_burst_tx(arg); + else if (burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_single_stage_burst_fwd( + arg); + } else { + if (!burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_tx(arg); + else if (!burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_fwd(arg); + else if (burst && internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_burst_tx(arg); + else if (burst && !internal_port) + return pipeline_queue_worker_multi_stage_burst_fwd(arg); + + } + rte_panic("invalid worker\n"); +} + +static int +pipeline_queue_launch_lcores(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + return pipeline_launch_lcores(test, opt, worker_wrapper); +} + +static int +pipeline_queue_eventdev_setup(struct evt_test *test, struct evt_options *opt) +{ + int ret; + int nb_ports; + int nb_queues; + int nb_stages = opt->nb_stages; + uint8_t queue; + uint8_t tx_evport_id = 0; + uint8_t tx_evqueue_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS]; + uint8_t queue_arr[RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV]; + uint8_t nb_worker_queues = 0; + uint16_t prod = 0; + struct rte_event_dev_info info; + struct test_pipeline *t = evt_test_priv(test); + + nb_ports = evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores); + nb_queues = rte_eth_dev_count_avail() * (nb_stages); + + /* One queue for Tx adapter per port */ + nb_queues += rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); + + memset(tx_evqueue_id, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS); + memset(queue_arr, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV); + + rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &info); + const struct rte_event_dev_config config = { + .nb_event_queues = nb_queues, + .nb_event_ports = nb_ports, + .nb_events_limit = info.max_num_events, + .nb_event_queue_flows = opt->nb_flows, + .nb_event_port_dequeue_depth = + info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .nb_event_port_enqueue_depth = + info.max_event_port_enqueue_depth, + }; + ret = rte_event_dev_configure(opt->dev_id, &config); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to configure eventdev %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + + struct rte_event_queue_conf q_conf = { + .priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL, + .nb_atomic_flows = opt->nb_flows, + .nb_atomic_order_sequences = opt->nb_flows, + }; + /* queue configurations */ + for (queue = 0; queue < nb_queues; queue++) { + uint8_t slot; + + q_conf.event_queue_cfg = 0; + slot = queue % (nb_stages + 1); + if (slot == nb_stages) { + q_conf.schedule_type = RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC; + if (!t->internal_port) { + q_conf.event_queue_cfg = + RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_SINGLE_LINK; + } + tx_evqueue_id[prod++] = queue; + } else { + q_conf.schedule_type = opt->sched_type_list[slot]; + queue_arr[nb_worker_queues] = queue; + nb_worker_queues++; + } + + ret = rte_event_queue_setup(opt->dev_id, queue, &q_conf); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to setup queue=%d", queue); + return ret; + } + } + + if (opt->wkr_deq_dep > info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth) + opt->wkr_deq_dep = info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth; + + /* port configuration */ + const struct rte_event_port_conf p_conf = { + .dequeue_depth = opt->wkr_deq_dep, + .enqueue_depth = info.max_event_port_dequeue_depth, + .new_event_threshold = info.max_num_events, + }; + + if (!t->internal_port) { + ret = pipeline_event_port_setup(test, opt, queue_arr, + nb_worker_queues, p_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + } else + ret = pipeline_event_port_setup(test, opt, NULL, nb_queues, + p_conf); + + if (ret) + return ret; + /* + * The pipelines are setup in the following manner: + * + * eth_dev_count = 2, nb_stages = 2. + * + * queues = 6 + * stride = 3 + * + * event queue pipelines: + * eth0 -> q0 -> q1 -> (q2->tx) + * eth1 -> q3 -> q4 -> (q5->tx) + * + * q2, q5 configured as ATOMIC | SINGLE_LINK + * + */ + ret = pipeline_event_rx_adapter_setup(opt, nb_stages + 1, p_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = pipeline_event_tx_adapter_setup(opt, p_conf); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (!evt_has_distributed_sched(opt->dev_id)) { + uint32_t service_id; + rte_event_dev_service_id_get(opt->dev_id, &service_id); + ret = evt_service_setup(service_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("No service lcore found to run event dev."); + return ret; + } + } + + /* Connect the tx_evqueue_id to the Tx adapter port */ + if (!t->internal_port) { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_event_port_get(prod, + &tx_evport_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Unable to get Tx adptr[%d] evprt[%d]", + prod, tx_evport_id); + return ret; + } + + if (rte_event_port_link(opt->dev_id, tx_evport_id, + &tx_evqueue_id[prod], + NULL, 1) != 1) { + evt_err("Unable to link Tx adptr[%d] evprt[%d]", + prod, tx_evport_id); + return ret; + } + } + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_eth_dev_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Ethernet dev [%d] failed to start." + " Using synthetic producer", prod); + return ret; + } + + } + + ret = rte_event_dev_start(opt->dev_id); + if (ret) { + evt_err("failed to start eventdev %d", opt->dev_id); + return ret; + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(prod) { + ret = rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Rx adapter[%d] start failed", prod); + return ret; + } + + ret = rte_event_eth_tx_adapter_start(prod); + if (ret) { + evt_err("Tx adapter[%d] start failed", prod); + return ret; + } + } + + memcpy(t->tx_evqueue_id, tx_evqueue_id, sizeof(uint8_t) * + RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS); + + return 0; +} + +static void +pipeline_queue_opt_dump(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + pipeline_opt_dump(opt, pipeline_queue_nb_event_queues(opt)); +} + +static int +pipeline_queue_opt_check(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + return pipeline_opt_check(opt, pipeline_queue_nb_event_queues(opt)); +} + +static bool +pipeline_queue_capability_check(struct evt_options *opt) +{ + struct rte_event_dev_info dev_info; + + rte_event_dev_info_get(opt->dev_id, &dev_info); + if (dev_info.max_event_queues < pipeline_queue_nb_event_queues(opt) || + dev_info.max_event_ports < + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores)) { + evt_err("not enough eventdev queues=%d/%d or ports=%d/%d", + pipeline_queue_nb_event_queues(opt), + dev_info.max_event_queues, + evt_nr_active_lcores(opt->wlcores), + dev_info.max_event_ports); + } + + return true; +} + +static const struct evt_test_ops pipeline_queue = { + .cap_check = pipeline_queue_capability_check, + .opt_check = pipeline_queue_opt_check, + .opt_dump = pipeline_queue_opt_dump, + .test_setup = pipeline_test_setup, + .mempool_setup = pipeline_mempool_setup, + .ethdev_setup = pipeline_ethdev_setup, + .eventdev_setup = pipeline_queue_eventdev_setup, + .launch_lcores = pipeline_queue_launch_lcores, + .eventdev_destroy = pipeline_eventdev_destroy, + .mempool_destroy = pipeline_mempool_destroy, + .ethdev_destroy = pipeline_ethdev_destroy, + .test_result = pipeline_test_result, + .test_destroy = pipeline_test_destroy, +}; + +EVT_TEST_REGISTER(pipeline_queue); diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/Makefile b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/Makefile index 4993c918..d5258eae 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/Makefile +++ b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/Makefile @@ -1,33 +1,5 @@ -# BSD LICENSE -# -# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -# are met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -# from this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.vars.mk @@ -38,8 +10,10 @@ ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_TEST_PMD),y) # APP = testpmd +CFLAGS += -DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API CFLAGS += -O3 CFLAGS += $(WERROR_FLAGS) +CFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-declarations # # all source are stored in SRCS-y @@ -59,10 +33,13 @@ SRCS-y += rxonly.c SRCS-y += txonly.c SRCS-y += csumonly.c SRCS-y += icmpecho.c +SRCS-y += noisy_vnf.c SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IEEE1588) += ieee1588fwd.c +SRCS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_BPF) += bpf_cmd.c +SRCS-y += util.c -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_SOFTNIC)$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_SCHED),yy) -SRCS-y += tm.c +ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_SOFTNIC), y) +SRCS-y += softnicfwd.c endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB),y) @@ -71,6 +48,12 @@ ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_BOND),y) LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_bond endif +ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_BUS)$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_PMD),yy) +LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_dpaa +LDLIBS += -lrte_bus_dpaa +LDLIBS += -lrte_mempool_dpaa +endif + ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD),y) LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_ixgbe endif @@ -89,8 +72,6 @@ endif endif -CFLAGS_cmdline.o := -D_GNU_SOURCE - include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.app.mk endif diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.c b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..830bfc13 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.c @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "testpmd.h" + +static const struct rte_bpf_xsym bpf_xsym[] = { + { + .name = RTE_STR(stdout), + .type = RTE_BPF_XTYPE_VAR, + .var = { + .val = &stdout, + .desc = { + .type = RTE_BPF_ARG_PTR, + .size = sizeof(stdout), + }, + }, + }, + { + .name = RTE_STR(rte_pktmbuf_dump), + .type = RTE_BPF_XTYPE_FUNC, + .func = { + .val = (void *)rte_pktmbuf_dump, + .nb_args = 3, + .args = { + [0] = { + .type = RTE_BPF_ARG_RAW, + .size = sizeof(uintptr_t), + }, + [1] = { + .type = RTE_BPF_ARG_PTR_MBUF, + .size = sizeof(struct rte_mbuf), + }, + [2] = { + .type = RTE_BPF_ARG_RAW, + .size = sizeof(uint32_t), + }, + }, + }, + }, +}; + +/* *** load BPF program *** */ +struct cmd_bpf_ld_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t bpf; + cmdline_fixed_string_t dir; + uint8_t port; + uint16_t queue; + cmdline_fixed_string_t op; + cmdline_fixed_string_t flags; + cmdline_fixed_string_t prm; +}; + +static void +bpf_parse_flags(const char *str, struct rte_bpf_arg *arg, uint32_t *flags) +{ + uint32_t i, v; + + *flags = RTE_BPF_ETH_F_NONE; + arg->type = RTE_BPF_ARG_PTR; + arg->size = mbuf_data_size; + + for (i = 0; str[i] != 0; i++) { + v = toupper(str[i]); + if (v == 'J') + *flags |= RTE_BPF_ETH_F_JIT; + else if (v == 'M') { + arg->type = RTE_BPF_ARG_PTR_MBUF; + arg->size = sizeof(struct rte_mbuf); + arg->buf_size = mbuf_data_size; + } else if (v == '-') + continue; + else + printf("unknown flag: \'%c\'", v); + } +} + +static void cmd_operate_bpf_ld_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + int32_t rc; + uint32_t flags; + struct cmd_bpf_ld_result *res; + struct rte_bpf_prm prm; + const char *fname, *sname; + + res = parsed_result; + memset(&prm, 0, sizeof(prm)); + prm.xsym = bpf_xsym; + prm.nb_xsym = RTE_DIM(bpf_xsym); + + bpf_parse_flags(res->flags, &prm.prog_arg, &flags); + fname = res->prm; + sname = ".text"; + + if (strcmp(res->dir, "rx") == 0) { + rc = rte_bpf_eth_rx_elf_load(res->port, res->queue, &prm, + fname, sname, flags); + printf("%d:%s\n", rc, strerror(-rc)); + } else if (strcmp(res->dir, "tx") == 0) { + rc = rte_bpf_eth_tx_elf_load(res->port, res->queue, &prm, + fname, sname, flags); + printf("%d:%s\n", rc, strerror(-rc)); + } else + printf("invalid value: %s\n", res->dir); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_load_bpf_start = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, + bpf, "bpf-load"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_load_bpf_dir = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, + dir, "rx#tx"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_load_bpf_port = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, port, UINT8); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_load_bpf_queue = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, queue, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_load_bpf_flags = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, + flags, NULL); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_load_bpf_prm = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_ld_result, + prm, NULL); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_operate_bpf_ld_parse = { + .f = cmd_operate_bpf_ld_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "bpf-load rx|tx ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_start, + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_dir, + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_port, + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_queue, + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_flags, + (void *)&cmd_load_bpf_prm, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/* *** unload BPF program *** */ +struct cmd_bpf_unld_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t bpf; + cmdline_fixed_string_t dir; + uint8_t port; + uint16_t queue; +}; + +static void cmd_operate_bpf_unld_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_bpf_unld_result *res; + + res = parsed_result; + + if (strcmp(res->dir, "rx") == 0) + rte_bpf_eth_rx_unload(res->port, res->queue); + else if (strcmp(res->dir, "tx") == 0) + rte_bpf_eth_tx_unload(res->port, res->queue); + else + printf("invalid value: %s\n", res->dir); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_unload_bpf_start = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_unld_result, + bpf, "bpf-unload"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_unload_bpf_dir = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_unld_result, + dir, "rx#tx"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_unload_bpf_port = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_unld_result, port, UINT8); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_unload_bpf_queue = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_bpf_unld_result, queue, UINT16); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_operate_bpf_unld_parse = { + .f = cmd_operate_bpf_unld_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "bpf-unload rx|tx ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_unload_bpf_start, + (void *)&cmd_unload_bpf_dir, + (void *)&cmd_unload_bpf_port, + (void *)&cmd_unload_bpf_queue, + NULL, + }, +}; diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.h b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ee4c9f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/bpf_cmd.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation + */ + +#ifndef _BPF_CMD_H_ +#define _BPF_CMD_H_ + +#ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BPF + + /* BPF CLI */ +extern cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_operate_bpf_ld_parse; +extern cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_operate_bpf_unld_parse; + +#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_BPF */ + +#endif /* _BPF_CMD_H_ */ diff --git a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c index b3c3f241..12750741 100644 --- a/dpdk/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c +++ b/dpdk/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c @@ -1,35 +1,6 @@ -/*- - * BSD LICENSE - * - * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - * Copyright(c) 2014 6WIND S.A. - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * - * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in - * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the - * distribution. - * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its - * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT - * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, - * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT - * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation. + * Copyright(c) 2014 6WIND S.A. */ #include @@ -89,6 +60,9 @@ #include #include #endif +#if defined RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_BUS && defined RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_PMD +#include +#endif #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD #include #endif @@ -101,6 +75,7 @@ #include "testpmd.h" #include "cmdline_mtr.h" #include "cmdline_tm.h" +#include "bpf_cmd.h" static struct cmdline *testpmd_cl; @@ -192,7 +167,7 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "Display:\n" "--------\n\n" - "show port (info|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap) (port_id|all)\n" + "show port (info|stats|summary|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap) (port_id|all)\n" " Display information for port_id, or all.\n\n" "show port X rss reta (size) (mask0,mask1,...)\n" @@ -200,11 +175,8 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " by masks on port X. size is used to indicate the" " hardware supported reta size\n\n" - "show port rss-hash ipv4|ipv4-frag|ipv4-tcp|ipv4-udp|" - "ipv4-sctp|ipv4-other|ipv6|ipv6-frag|ipv6-tcp|ipv6-udp|ipv6-sctp|" - "ipv6-other|l2-payload|ipv6-ex|ipv6-tcp-ex|ipv6-udp-ex [key]\n" - " Display the RSS hash functions and RSS hash key" - " of port X\n\n" + "show port (port_id) rss-hash [key]\n" + " Display the RSS hash functions and RSS hash key of port\n\n" "clear port (info|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap) (port_id|all)\n" " Clear information for port_id, or all.\n\n" @@ -271,6 +243,9 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "set verbose (level)\n" " Set the debug verbosity level X.\n\n" + "set log global|(type) (level)\n" + " Set the log level.\n\n" + "set nbport (num)\n" " Set number of ports.\n\n" @@ -305,6 +280,9 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "set portlist (x[,y]*)\n" " Set the list of forwarding ports.\n\n" + "set port setup on (iterator|event)\n" + " Select how attached port is retrieved for setup.\n\n" + "set tx loopback (port_id) (on|off)\n" " Enable or disable tx loopback.\n\n" @@ -419,12 +397,13 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " Disable hardware insertion of a VLAN header in" " packets sent on a port.\n\n" - "csum set (ip|udp|tcp|sctp|outer-ip) (hw|sw) (port_id)\n" + "csum set (ip|udp|tcp|sctp|outer-ip|outer-udp) (hw|sw) (port_id)\n" " Select hardware or software calculation of the" " checksum when transmitting a packet using the" " csum forward engine.\n" " ip|udp|tcp|sctp always concern the inner layer.\n" " outer-ip concerns the outer IP layer in" + " outer-udp concerns the outer UDP layer in" " case the packet is recognized as a tunnel packet by" " the forward engine (vxlan, gre and ipip are supported)\n" " Please check the NIC datasheet for HW limits.\n\n" @@ -486,6 +465,9 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "set vf mac addr (port_id) (vf_id) (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)\n" " Set the MAC address for a VF from the PF.\n\n" + "set eth-peer (port_id) (peer_addr)\n" + " set the peer address for certain port.\n\n" + "set port (port_id) uta (mac_address|all) (on|off)\n" " Add/Remove a or all unicast hash filter(s)" "from port X.\n\n" @@ -665,10 +647,10 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " Set default traffic Management hierarchy on a port\n\n" #endif - "ddp add (port_id) (profile_path[,output_path])\n" + "ddp add (port_id) (profile_path[,backup_profile_path])\n" " Load a profile package on a port\n\n" - "ddp del (port_id) (profile_path)\n" + "ddp del (port_id) (backup_profile_path)\n" " Delete a profile package from a port\n\n" "ptype mapping get (port_id) (valid_only)\n" @@ -698,7 +680,10 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "set port (port_id) queue-region flush (on|off)\n" " flush all queue region related configuration\n\n" - "add port meter profile srtcm_rfc2697 (port_id) (profile_id) (cir) (cbs) (ebs) (color_aware)\n" + "show port meter cap (port_id)\n" + " Show port meter capability information\n\n" + + "add port meter profile srtcm_rfc2697 (port_id) (profile_id) (cir) (cbs) (ebs)\n" " meter profile add - srtcm rfc 2697\n\n" "add port meter profile trtcm_rfc2698 (port_id) (profile_id) (cir) (pir) (cbs) (pbs)\n" @@ -710,16 +695,30 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "del port meter profile (port_id) (profile_id)\n" " meter profile delete\n\n" - "set port meter (port_id) (mtr_id) (profile_id) (g_action) (y_action) (r_action) (stats_mask) (shared)\n" + "create port meter (port_id) (mtr_id) (profile_id) (meter_enable)\n" + "(g_action) (y_action) (r_action) (stats_mask) (shared)\n" + "(use_pre_meter_color) [(dscp_tbl_entry0) (dscp_tbl_entry1)...\n" + "(dscp_tbl_entry63)]\n" " meter create\n\n" + "enable port meter (port_id) (mtr_id)\n" + " meter enable\n\n" + + "disable port meter (port_id) (mtr_id)\n" + " meter disable\n\n" + "del port meter (port_id) (mtr_id)\n" " meter delete\n\n" "set port meter profile (port_id) (mtr_id) (profile_id)\n" " meter update meter profile\n\n" - "set port meter policer action (port_id) (mtr_id) (color) (action)\n" + "set port meter dscp table (port_id) (mtr_id) [(dscp_tbl_entry0)\n" + "(dscp_tbl_entry1)...(dscp_tbl_entry63)]\n" + " update meter dscp table entries\n\n" + + "set port meter policer action (port_id) (mtr_id) (action_mask)\n" + "(action0) [(action1) (action2)]\n" " meter update policer action\n\n" "set port meter stats mask (port_id) (mtr_id) (stats_mask)\n" @@ -729,7 +728,8 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " show all queue region related configuration info\n\n" "add port tm node shaper profile (port_id) (shaper_profile_id)" - " (tb_rate) (tb_size) (packet_length_adjust)\n" + " (cmit_tb_rate) (cmit_tb_size) (peak_tb_rate) (peak_tb_size)" + " (packet_length_adjust)\n" " Add port tm node private shaper profile.\n\n" "del port tm node shaper profile (port_id) (shaper_profile_id)\n" @@ -774,9 +774,36 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " (priority) (weight)\n" " Set port tm node parent.\n\n" + "suspend port tm node (port_id) (node_id)" + " Suspend tm node.\n\n" + + "resume port tm node (port_id) (node_id)" + " Resume tm node.\n\n" + "port tm hierarchy commit (port_id) (clean_on_fail)\n" " Commit tm hierarchy.\n\n" + "vxlan ip-version (ipv4|ipv6) vni (vni) udp-src" + " (udp-src) udp-dst (udp-dst) ip-src (ip-src) ip-dst" + " (ip-dst) eth-src (eth-src) eth-dst (eth-dst)\n" + " Configure the VXLAN encapsulation for flows.\n\n" + + "vxlan-with-vlan ip-version (ipv4|ipv6) vni (vni)" + " udp-src (udp-src) udp-dst (udp-dst) ip-src (ip-src)" + " ip-dst (ip-dst) vlan-tci (vlan-tci) eth-src (eth-src)" + " eth-dst (eth-dst)\n" + " Configure the VXLAN encapsulation for flows.\n\n" + + "nvgre ip-version (ipv4|ipv6) tni (tni) ip-src" + " (ip-src) ip-dst (ip-dst) eth-src (eth-src) eth-dst" + " (eth-dst)\n" + " Configure the NVGRE encapsulation for flows.\n\n" + + "nvgre-with-vlan ip-version (ipv4|ipv6) tni (tni)" + " ip-src (ip-src) ip-dst (ip-dst) vlan-tci (vlan-tci)" + " eth-src (eth-src) eth-dst (eth-dst)\n" + " Configure the NVGRE encapsulation for flows.\n\n" + , list_pkt_forwarding_modes() ); } @@ -809,6 +836,9 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " duplex (half|full|auto)\n" " Set speed and duplex for all ports or port_id\n\n" + "port config (port_id|all) loopback (mode)\n" + " Set loopback mode for all ports or port_id\n\n" + "port config all (rxq|txq|rxd|txd) (value)\n" " Set number for rxq/txq/rxd/txd.\n\n" @@ -821,8 +851,8 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " Set crc-strip/scatter/rx-checksum/hardware-vlan/drop_en" " for ports.\n\n" - "port config all rss (all|ip|tcp|udp|sctp|ether|port|vxlan|" - "geneve|nvgre|none|)\n" + "port config all rss (all|default|ip|tcp|udp|sctp|" + "ether|port|vxlan|geneve|nvgre|none|)\n" " Set the RSS mode.\n\n" "port config port-id rss reta (hash,queue)[,(hash,queue)]\n" @@ -846,10 +876,22 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "port config mtu X value\n" " Set the MTU of port X to a given value\n\n" + "port config (port_id) (rxq|txq) (queue_id) ring_size (value)\n" + " Set a rx/tx queue's ring size configuration, the new" + " value will take effect after command that (re-)start the port" + " or command that setup the specific queue\n\n" + "port (port_id) (rxq|txq) (queue_id) (start|stop)\n" " Start/stop a rx/tx queue of port X. Only take effect" " when port X is started\n\n" + "port (port_id) (rxq|txq) (queue_id) deferred_start (on|off)\n" + " Switch on/off a deferred start of port X rx/tx queue. Only" + " take effect when port X is stopped.\n\n" + + "port (port_id) (rxq|txq) (queue_id) setup\n" + " Setup a rx/tx queue of port X.\n\n" + "port config (port_id|all) l2-tunnel E-tag ether-type" " (value)\n" " Set the value of E-tag ether-type.\n\n" @@ -864,6 +906,18 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, "port config (port_id) pctype mapping update" " (pctype_id_0[,pctype_id_1]*) (flow_type_id)\n" " Update a flow type to pctype mapping item on a port\n\n" + + "port config (port_id) pctype (pctype_id) hash_inset|" + "fdir_inset|fdir_flx_inset get|set|clear field\n" + " (field_idx)\n" + " Configure RSS|FDIR|FDIR_FLX input set for some pctype\n\n" + + "port config (port_id) pctype (pctype_id) hash_inset|" + "fdir_inset|fdir_flx_inset clear all" + " Clear RSS|FDIR|FDIR_FLX input set completely for some pctype\n\n" + + "port config (port_id) udp_tunnel_port add|rm vxlan|geneve (udp_port)\n\n" + " Add/remove UDP tunnel port for tunneling offload\n\n" ); } @@ -979,6 +1033,11 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result, " queue (queue_id) fd_id (fd_id_value)\n" " Add/Del a Tunnel flow director filter.\n\n" + "flow_director_filter (port_id) mode raw (add|del|update)" + " flow (flow_id) (drop|fwd) queue (queue_id)" + " fd_id (fd_id_value) packet (packet file name)\n" + " Add/Del a raw type flow director filter.\n\n" + "flush_flow_director (port_id)\n" " Flush all flow director entries of a device.\n\n" @@ -1194,6 +1253,59 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_operate_specific_port = { }, }; +/* *** enable port setup (after attach) via iterator or event *** */ +struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t setup; + cmdline_fixed_string_t on; + cmdline_fixed_string_t mode; +}; + +static void cmd_set_port_setup_on_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result *res = parsed_result; + + if (strcmp(res->mode, "event") == 0) + setup_on_probe_event = true; + else if (strcmp(res->mode, "iterator") == 0) + setup_on_probe_event = false; + else + printf("Unknown mode\n"); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_port_setup_on_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result, + set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_port_setup_on_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result, + port, "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_port_setup_on_setup = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result, + setup, "setup"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_port_setup_on_on = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result, + on, "on"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_port_setup_on_mode = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_port_setup_on_result, + mode, "iterator#event"); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_port_setup_on = { + .f = cmd_set_port_setup_on_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set port setup on iterator|event", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_port_setup_on_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_port_setup_on_port, + (void *)&cmd_set_port_setup_on_setup, + (void *)&cmd_set_port_setup_on_on, + (void *)&cmd_set_port_setup_on_mode, + NULL, + }, +}; + /* *** attach a specified port *** */ struct cmd_operate_attach_port_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; @@ -1250,7 +1362,7 @@ static void cmd_operate_detach_port_parsed(void *parsed_result, struct cmd_operate_detach_port_result *res = parsed_result; if (!strcmp(res->keyword, "detach")) - detach_port(res->port_id); + detach_port_device(res->port_id); else printf("Unknown parameter\n"); } @@ -1404,7 +1516,7 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_speed_all = { struct cmd_config_speed_specific { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; cmdline_fixed_string_t keyword; - uint8_t id; + portid_t id; cmdline_fixed_string_t item1; cmdline_fixed_string_t item2; cmdline_fixed_string_t value1; @@ -1444,7 +1556,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_speed_specific_keyword = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_speed_specific, keyword, "config"); cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_speed_specific_id = - TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_speed_specific, id, UINT8); + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_speed_specific, id, UINT16); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_speed_specific_item1 = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_speed_specific, item1, "speed"); @@ -1476,6 +1588,122 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_speed_specific = { }, }; +/* *** configure loopback for all ports *** */ +struct cmd_config_loopback_all { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t keyword; + cmdline_fixed_string_t all; + cmdline_fixed_string_t item; + uint32_t mode; +}; + +static void +cmd_config_loopback_all_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_config_loopback_all *res = parsed_result; + portid_t pid; + + if (!all_ports_stopped()) { + printf("Please stop all ports first\n"); + return; + } + + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(pid) { + ports[pid].dev_conf.lpbk_mode = res->mode; + } + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(RTE_PORT_ALL, 1, 1); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_all_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_all, port, "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_all_keyword = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_all, keyword, + "config"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_all_all = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_all, all, "all"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_all_item = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_all, item, + "loopback"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_loopback_all_mode = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_all, mode, UINT32); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_loopback_all = { + .f = cmd_config_loopback_all_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port config all loopback ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_all_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_all_keyword, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_all_all, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_all_item, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_all_mode, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/* *** configure loopback for specific port *** */ +struct cmd_config_loopback_specific { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t keyword; + uint16_t port_id; + cmdline_fixed_string_t item; + uint32_t mode; +}; + +static void +cmd_config_loopback_specific_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_config_loopback_specific *res = parsed_result; + + if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) + return; + + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %u first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.lpbk_mode = res->mode; + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); +} + + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_specific_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_specific, port, + "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_specific_keyword = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_specific, keyword, + "config"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_loopback_specific_id = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_specific, port_id, + UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_loopback_specific_item = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_specific, item, + "loopback"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_loopback_specific_mode = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_loopback_specific, mode, + UINT32); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_loopback_specific = { + .f = cmd_config_loopback_specific_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port config loopback ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_specific_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_specific_keyword, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_specific_id, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_specific_item, + (void *)&cmd_config_loopback_specific_mode, + NULL, + }, +}; + /* *** configure txq/rxq, txd/rxd *** */ struct cmd_config_rx_tx { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; @@ -1581,29 +1809,36 @@ cmd_config_max_pkt_len_parsed(void *parsed_result, __attribute__((unused)) void *data) { struct cmd_config_max_pkt_len_result *res = parsed_result; + portid_t pid; if (!all_ports_stopped()) { printf("Please stop all ports first\n"); return; } - if (!strcmp(res->name, "max-pkt-len")) { - if (res->value < ETHER_MIN_LEN) { - printf("max-pkt-len can not be less than %d\n", - ETHER_MIN_LEN); + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(pid) { + struct rte_port *port = &ports[pid]; + uint64_t rx_offloads = port->dev_conf.rxmode.offloads; + + if (!strcmp(res->name, "max-pkt-len")) { + if (res->value < ETHER_MIN_LEN) { + printf("max-pkt-len can not be less than %d\n", + ETHER_MIN_LEN); + return; + } + if (res->value == port->dev_conf.rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len) + return; + + port->dev_conf.rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len = res->value; + if (res->value > ETHER_MAX_LEN) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_JUMBO_FRAME; + else + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_JUMBO_FRAME; + port->dev_conf.rxmode.offloads = rx_offloads; + } else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); return; } - if (res->value == rx_mode.max_rx_pkt_len) - return; - - rx_mode.max_rx_pkt_len = res->value; - if (res->value > ETHER_MAX_LEN) - rx_mode.jumbo_frame = 1; - else - rx_mode.jumbo_frame = 0; - } else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; } init_port_config(); @@ -1707,100 +1942,107 @@ cmd_config_rx_mode_flag_parsed(void *parsed_result, __attribute__((unused)) void *data) { struct cmd_config_rx_mode_flag *res = parsed_result; + portid_t pid; if (!all_ports_stopped()) { printf("Please stop all ports first\n"); return; } - if (!strcmp(res->name, "crc-strip")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_strip_crc = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_strip_crc = 0; - else { + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(pid) { + struct rte_port *port; + uint64_t rx_offloads; + + port = &ports[pid]; + rx_offloads = port->dev_conf.rxmode.offloads; + if (!strcmp(res->name, "crc-strip")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) { + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC; + } else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) { + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC; + } else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "scatter")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) { + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_SCATTER; + } else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) { + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_SCATTER; + } else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "rx-cksum")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "rx-timestamp")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TIMESTAMP; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TIMESTAMP; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) { + rx_offloads |= (DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER | + DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP); + } else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) { + rx_offloads &= ~(DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER | + DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP); + } else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-filter")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-strip")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-extend")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_offloads |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_EXTEND; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_offloads &= ~DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_EXTEND; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "drop-en")) { + if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) + rx_drop_en = 1; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) + rx_drop_en = 0; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + } else { printf("Unknown parameter\n"); return; } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "scatter")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.enable_scatter = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.enable_scatter = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "rx-cksum")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_ip_checksum = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_ip_checksum = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "rx-timestamp")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_timestamp = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_timestamp = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) { - rx_mode.hw_vlan_filter = 1; - rx_mode.hw_vlan_strip = 1; - } - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) { - rx_mode.hw_vlan_filter = 0; - rx_mode.hw_vlan_strip = 0; - } - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-filter")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_filter = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_filter = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-strip")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_strip = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_strip = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "hw-vlan-extend")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_extend = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_mode.hw_vlan_extend = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else if (!strcmp(res->name, "drop-en")) { - if (!strcmp(res->value, "on")) - rx_drop_en = 1; - else if (!strcmp(res->value, "off")) - rx_drop_en = 0; - else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - } else { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; + port->dev_conf.rxmode.offloads = rx_offloads; } init_port_config(); @@ -1854,8 +2096,11 @@ cmd_config_rss_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_config_rss *res = parsed_result; struct rte_eth_rss_conf rss_conf = { .rss_key_len = 0, }; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info = { .flow_type_rss_offloads = 0, }; + int use_default = 0; + int all_updated = 1; int diag; - uint8_t i; + uint16_t i; if (!strcmp(res->value, "all")) rss_conf.rss_hf = ETH_RSS_IP | ETH_RSS_TCP | @@ -1881,6 +2126,8 @@ cmd_config_rss_parsed(void *parsed_result, rss_conf.rss_hf = ETH_RSS_NVGRE; else if (!strcmp(res->value, "none")) rss_conf.rss_hf = 0; + else if (!strcmp(res->value, "default")) + use_default = 1; else if (isdigit(res->value[0]) && atoi(res->value) > 0 && atoi(res->value) < 64) rss_conf.rss_hf = 1ULL << atoi(res->value); @@ -1889,13 +2136,32 @@ cmd_config_rss_parsed(void *parsed_result, return; } rss_conf.rss_key = NULL; - for (i = 0; i < rte_eth_dev_count(); i++) { - diag = rte_eth_dev_rss_hash_update(i, &rss_conf); - if (diag < 0) + /* Update global configuration for RSS types. */ + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) { + struct rte_eth_rss_conf local_rss_conf; + + rte_eth_dev_info_get(i, &dev_info); + if (use_default) + rss_conf.rss_hf = dev_info.flow_type_rss_offloads; + + local_rss_conf = rss_conf; + local_rss_conf.rss_hf = rss_conf.rss_hf & + dev_info.flow_type_rss_offloads; + if (local_rss_conf.rss_hf != rss_conf.rss_hf) { + printf("Port %u modified RSS hash function based on hardware support," + "requested:%#"PRIx64" configured:%#"PRIx64"\n", + i, rss_conf.rss_hf, local_rss_conf.rss_hf); + } + diag = rte_eth_dev_rss_hash_update(i, &local_rss_conf); + if (diag < 0) { + all_updated = 0; printf("Configuration of RSS hash at ethernet port %d " "failed with error (%d): %s.\n", i, -diag, strerror(-diag)); + } } + if (all_updated && !use_default) + rss_hf = rss_conf.rss_hf; } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_rss_port = @@ -1913,7 +2179,7 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_rss = { .f = cmd_config_rss_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "port config all rss " - "all|ip|tcp|udp|sctp|ether|port|vxlan|geneve|nvgre|none|", + "all|default|ip|tcp|udp|sctp|ether|port|vxlan|geneve|nvgre|none|", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_config_rss_port, (void *)&cmd_config_rss_keyword, @@ -2042,6 +2308,102 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_rss_hash_key = { }, }; +/* *** configure port rxq/txq ring size *** */ +struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t config; + portid_t portid; + cmdline_fixed_string_t rxtxq; + uint16_t qid; + cmdline_fixed_string_t rsize; + uint16_t size; +}; + +static void +cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_port *port; + uint8_t isrx; + + if (port_id_is_invalid(res->portid, ENABLED_WARN)) + return; + + if (res->portid == (portid_t)RTE_PORT_ALL) { + printf("Invalid port id\n"); + return; + } + + port = &ports[res->portid]; + + if (!strcmp(res->rxtxq, "rxq")) + isrx = 1; + else if (!strcmp(res->rxtxq, "txq")) + isrx = 0; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + + if (isrx && rx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) + return; + else if (!isrx && tx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) + return; + + if (isrx && res->size != 0 && res->size <= rx_free_thresh) { + printf("Invalid rx ring_size, must > rx_free_thresh: %d\n", + rx_free_thresh); + return; + } + + if (isrx) + port->nb_rx_desc[res->qid] = res->size; + else + port->nb_tx_desc[res->qid] = res->size; + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->portid, 0, 1); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + port, "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_config = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + config, "config"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_portid = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + portid, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_rxtxq = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + rxtxq, "rxq#txq"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_qid = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + qid, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_rsize = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + rsize, "ring_size"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_size = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size, + size, UINT16); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size = { + .f = cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port config rxq|txq ring_size ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_config, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_portid, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_rxtxq, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_qid, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_rsize, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_ring_size_size, + NULL, + }, +}; + /* *** configure port rxq/txq start/stop *** */ struct cmd_config_rxtx_queue { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; @@ -2127,7 +2489,7 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_rxtx_queue = { .data = NULL, .help_str = "port rxq|txq start|stop", .tokens = { - (void *)&cmd_config_speed_all_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_queue_port, (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_queue_portid, (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_queue_rxtxq, (void *)&cmd_config_rxtx_queue_qid, @@ -2136,6 +2498,203 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_rxtx_queue = { }, }; +/* *** configure port rxq/txq deferred start on/off *** */ +struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + portid_t port_id; + cmdline_fixed_string_t rxtxq; + uint16_t qid; + cmdline_fixed_string_t opname; + cmdline_fixed_string_t state; +}; + +static void +cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_port *port; + uint8_t isrx; + uint8_t ison; + uint8_t needreconfig = 0; + + if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) + return; + + if (port_is_started(res->port_id) != 0) { + printf("Please stop port %u first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + + port = &ports[res->port_id]; + + isrx = !strcmp(res->rxtxq, "rxq"); + + if (isrx && rx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) + return; + else if (!isrx && tx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) + return; + + ison = !strcmp(res->state, "on"); + + if (isrx && port->rx_conf[res->qid].rx_deferred_start != ison) { + port->rx_conf[res->qid].rx_deferred_start = ison; + needreconfig = 1; + } else if (!isrx && port->tx_conf[res->qid].tx_deferred_start != ison) { + port->tx_conf[res->qid].tx_deferred_start = ison; + needreconfig = 1; + } + + if (needreconfig) + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 0, 1); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + port, "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_port_id = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + port_id, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_rxtxq = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + rxtxq, "rxq#txq"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_qid = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + qid, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_opname = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + opname, "deferred_start"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_state = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue, + state, "on#off"); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue = { + .f = cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port rxq|txq deferred_start on|off", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_port_id, + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_rxtxq, + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_qid, + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_opname, + (void *)&cmd_config_deferred_start_rxtx_queue_state, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/* *** configure port rxq/txq setup *** */ +struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + portid_t portid; + cmdline_fixed_string_t rxtxq; + uint16_t qid; + cmdline_fixed_string_t setup; +}; + +/* Common CLI fields for queue setup */ +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue, port, "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_portid = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue, portid, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_rxtxq = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue, rxtxq, "rxq#txq"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_qid = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue, qid, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_setup = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue, setup, "setup"); + +static void +cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_parsed( + void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_setup_rxtx_queue *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_port *port; + struct rte_mempool *mp; + unsigned int socket_id; + uint8_t isrx = 0; + int ret; + + if (port_id_is_invalid(res->portid, ENABLED_WARN)) + return; + + if (res->portid == (portid_t)RTE_PORT_ALL) { + printf("Invalid port id\n"); + return; + } + + if (!strcmp(res->rxtxq, "rxq")) + isrx = 1; + else if (!strcmp(res->rxtxq, "txq")) + isrx = 0; + else { + printf("Unknown parameter\n"); + return; + } + + if (isrx && rx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) { + printf("Invalid rx queue\n"); + return; + } else if (!isrx && tx_queue_id_is_invalid(res->qid)) { + printf("Invalid tx queue\n"); + return; + } + + port = &ports[res->portid]; + if (isrx) { + socket_id = rxring_numa[res->portid]; + if (!numa_support || socket_id == NUMA_NO_CONFIG) + socket_id = port->socket_id; + + mp = mbuf_pool_find(socket_id); + if (mp == NULL) { + printf("Failed to setup RX queue: " + "No mempool allocation" + " on the socket %d\n", + rxring_numa[res->portid]); + return; + } + ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(res->portid, + res->qid, + port->nb_rx_desc[res->qid], + socket_id, + &port->rx_conf[res->qid], + mp); + if (ret) + printf("Failed to setup RX queue\n"); + } else { + socket_id = txring_numa[res->portid]; + if (!numa_support || socket_id == NUMA_NO_CONFIG) + socket_id = port->socket_id; + + ret = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(res->portid, + res->qid, + port->nb_tx_desc[res->qid], + socket_id, + &port->tx_conf[res->qid]); + if (ret) + printf("Failed to setup TX queue\n"); + } +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_setup_rxtx_queue = { + .f = cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port rxq|txq setup", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_port, + (void *)&cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_portid, + (void *)&cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_rxtxq, + (void *)&cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_qid, + (void *)&cmd_setup_rxtx_queue_setup, + NULL, + }, +}; + + /* *** Configure RSS RETA *** */ struct cmd_config_rss_reta { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; @@ -2400,8 +2959,7 @@ static void cmd_showport_rss_hash_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_showport_rss_hash *res = parsed_result; - port_rss_hash_conf_show(res->port_id, res->rss_type, - show_rss_key != NULL); + port_rss_hash_conf_show(res->port_id, show_rss_key != NULL); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_show = @@ -2413,28 +2971,18 @@ cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_port_id = cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_rss_hash, rss_hash, "rss-hash"); -cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash_info = - TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_rss_hash, rss_type, - "ipv4#ipv4-frag#ipv4-tcp#ipv4-udp#ipv4-sctp#" - "ipv4-other#ipv6#ipv6-frag#ipv6-tcp#ipv6-udp#" - "ipv6-sctp#ipv6-other#l2-payload#ipv6-ex#" - "ipv6-tcp-ex#ipv6-udp-ex"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_key = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_rss_hash, key, "key"); cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_showport_rss_hash = { .f = cmd_showport_rss_hash_parsed, .data = NULL, - .help_str = "show port rss-hash " - "ipv4|ipv4-frag|ipv4-tcp|ipv4-udp|ipv4-sctp|ipv4-other|" - "ipv6|ipv6-frag|ipv6-tcp|ipv6-udp|ipv6-sctp|ipv6-other|" - "l2-payload|ipv6-ex|ipv6-tcp-ex|ipv6-udp-ex", + .help_str = "show port rss-hash", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_show, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_port, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_port_id, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash, - (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash_info, NULL, }, }; @@ -2442,16 +2990,12 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_showport_rss_hash = { cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_showport_rss_hash_key = { .f = cmd_showport_rss_hash_parsed, .data = (void *)1, - .help_str = "show port rss-hash " - "ipv4|ipv4-frag|ipv4-tcp|ipv4-udp|ipv4-sctp|ipv4-other|" - "ipv6|ipv6-frag|ipv6-tcp|ipv6-udp|ipv6-sctp|ipv6-other|" - "l2-payload|ipv6-ex|ipv6-tcp-ex|ipv6-udp-ex key", + .help_str = "show port rss-hash key", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_show, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_port, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_port_id, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash, - (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_hash_info, (void *)&cmd_showport_rss_hash_rss_key, NULL, }, @@ -2574,6 +3118,8 @@ cmd_config_burst_parsed(void *parsed_result, __attribute__((unused)) void *data) { struct cmd_config_burst *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; + uint16_t rec_nb_pkts; if (!all_ports_stopped()) { printf("Please stop all ports first\n"); @@ -2581,11 +3127,34 @@ cmd_config_burst_parsed(void *parsed_result, } if (!strcmp(res->name, "burst")) { - if (res->value < 1 || res->value > MAX_PKT_BURST) { + if (res->value == 0) { + /* If user gives a value of zero, query the PMD for + * its recommended Rx burst size. Testpmd uses a single + * size for all ports, so assume all ports are the same + * NIC model and use the values from Port 0. + */ + rte_eth_dev_info_get(0, &dev_info); + rec_nb_pkts = dev_info.default_rxportconf.burst_size; + + if (rec_nb_pkts == 0) { + printf("PMD does not recommend a burst size.\n" + "User provided value must be between" + " 1 and %d\n", MAX_PKT_BURST); + return; + } else if (rec_nb_pkts > MAX_PKT_BURST) { + printf("PMD recommended burst size of %d" + " exceeds maximum value of %d\n", + rec_nb_pkts, MAX_PKT_BURST); + return; + } + printf("Using PMD-provided burst value of %d\n", + rec_nb_pkts); + nb_pkt_per_burst = rec_nb_pkts; + } else if (res->value > MAX_PKT_BURST) { printf("burst must be >= 1 && <= %d\n", MAX_PKT_BURST); return; - } - nb_pkt_per_burst = res->value; + } else + nb_pkt_per_burst = res->value; } else { printf("Unknown parameter\n"); return; @@ -3004,6 +3573,55 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_numbers = { }, }; +/* *** SET LOG LEVEL CONFIGURATION *** */ + +struct cmd_set_log_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t log; + cmdline_fixed_string_t type; + uint32_t level; +}; + +static void +cmd_set_log_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_log_result *res; + int ret; + + res = parsed_result; + if (!strcmp(res->type, "global")) + rte_log_set_global_level(res->level); + else { + ret = rte_log_set_level_regexp(res->type, res->level); + if (ret < 0) + printf("Unable to set log level\n"); + } +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_log_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_log_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_log_log = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_log_result, log, "log"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_log_type = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_log_result, type, NULL); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_log_level = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_log_result, level, UINT32); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_log = { + .f = cmd_set_log_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set log global| ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_log_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_log_log, + (void *)&cmd_set_log_type, + (void *)&cmd_set_log_level, + NULL, + }, +}; + /* *** SET SEGMENT LENGTHS OF TXONLY PACKETS *** */ struct cmd_set_txpkts_result { @@ -3091,74 +3709,6 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_txsplit = { }, }; -/* *** CONFIG TX QUEUE FLAGS *** */ - -struct cmd_config_txqflags_result { - cmdline_fixed_string_t port; - cmdline_fixed_string_t config; - cmdline_fixed_string_t all; - cmdline_fixed_string_t what; - int32_t hexvalue; -}; - -static void cmd_config_txqflags_parsed(void *parsed_result, - __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, - __attribute__((unused)) void *data) -{ - struct cmd_config_txqflags_result *res = parsed_result; - - if (!all_ports_stopped()) { - printf("Please stop all ports first\n"); - return; - } - - if (strcmp(res->what, "txqflags")) { - printf("Unknown parameter\n"); - return; - } - - if (res->hexvalue >= 0) { - txq_flags = res->hexvalue; - } else { - printf("txqflags must be >= 0\n"); - return; - } - - init_port_config(); - - cmd_reconfig_device_queue(RTE_PORT_ALL, 1, 1); -} - -cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_txqflags_port = - TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_txqflags_result, port, - "port"); -cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_txqflags_config = - TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_txqflags_result, config, - "config"); -cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_txqflags_all = - TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_txqflags_result, all, - "all"); -cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_txqflags_what = - TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_txqflags_result, what, - "txqflags"); -cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_txqflags_value = - TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_txqflags_result, - hexvalue, INT32); - -cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_config_txqflags = { - .f = cmd_config_txqflags_parsed, - .data = NULL, - .help_str = "port config all txqflags ", - .tokens = { - (void *)&cmd_config_txqflags_port, - (void *)&cmd_config_txqflags_config, - (void *)&cmd_config_txqflags_all, - (void *)&cmd_config_txqflags_what, - (void *)&cmd_config_txqflags_value, - NULL, - }, -}; - /* *** ADD/REMOVE ALL VLAN IDENTIFIERS TO/FROM A PORT VLAN RX FILTER *** */ struct cmd_rx_vlan_filter_all_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t rx_vlan; @@ -3438,7 +3988,14 @@ cmd_tx_vlan_set_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_tx_vlan_set_result *res = parsed_result; + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + tx_vlan_set(res->port_id, res->vlan_id); + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_tx_vlan_set_tx_vlan = @@ -3485,7 +4042,14 @@ cmd_tx_vlan_set_qinq_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_tx_vlan_set_qinq_result *res = parsed_result; + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + tx_qinq_set(res->port_id, res->vlan_id, res->vlan_id_outer); + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_tx_vlan_set_qinq_tx_vlan = @@ -3591,7 +4155,14 @@ cmd_tx_vlan_reset_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_tx_vlan_reset_result *res = parsed_result; + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + tx_vlan_reset(res->port_id); + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_tx_vlan_reset_tx_vlan = @@ -3631,49 +4202,57 @@ static void csum_show(int port_id) { struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; - uint16_t ol_flags; + uint64_t tx_offloads; - ol_flags = ports[port_id].tx_ol_flags; + tx_offloads = ports[port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads; printf("Parse tunnel is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_PARSE_TUNNEL) ? "on" : "off"); + (ports[port_id].parse_tunnel) ? "on" : "off"); printf("IP checksum offload is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); printf("UDP checksum offload is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); printf("TCP checksum offload is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); printf("SCTP checksum offload is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); printf("Outer-Ip checksum offload is %s\n", - (ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); + printf("Outer-Udp checksum offload is %s\n", + (tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM) ? "hw" : "sw"); /* display warnings if configuration is not supported by the NIC */ rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info); - if ((ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_CKSUM) && + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM) && (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM) == 0) { printf("Warning: hardware IP checksum enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", port_id); } - if ((ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) && + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) && (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM) == 0) { printf("Warning: hardware UDP checksum enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", port_id); } - if ((ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) && + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) && (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM) == 0) { printf("Warning: hardware TCP checksum enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", port_id); } - if ((ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM) && + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM) && (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM) == 0) { printf("Warning: hardware SCTP checksum enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", port_id); } - if ((ol_flags & TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IP_CKSUM) && + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM) && (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM) == 0) { printf("Warning: hardware outer IP checksum enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", port_id); } + if ((tx_offloads & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM) && + (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM) + == 0) { + printf("Warning: hardware outer UDP checksum enabled but not " + "supported by port %d\n", port_id); + } } static void @@ -3683,36 +4262,87 @@ cmd_csum_parsed(void *parsed_result, { struct cmd_csum_result *res = parsed_result; int hw = 0; - uint16_t mask = 0; + uint64_t csum_offloads = 0; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) { printf("invalid port %d\n", res->port_id); return; } + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } + rte_eth_dev_info_get(res->port_id, &dev_info); if (!strcmp(res->mode, "set")) { if (!strcmp(res->hwsw, "hw")) hw = 1; if (!strcmp(res->proto, "ip")) { - mask = TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_CKSUM; + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("IP checksum offload is not supported " + "by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } } else if (!strcmp(res->proto, "udp")) { - mask = TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM; + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("UDP checksum offload is not supported " + "by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } } else if (!strcmp(res->proto, "tcp")) { - mask = TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM; + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("TCP checksum offload is not supported " + "by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } } else if (!strcmp(res->proto, "sctp")) { - mask = TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM; + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("SCTP checksum offload is not supported " + "by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } } else if (!strcmp(res->proto, "outer-ip")) { - mask = TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IP_CKSUM; + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("Outer IP checksum offload is not " + "supported by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } + } else if (!strcmp(res->proto, "outer-udp")) { + if (hw == 0 || (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM)) { + csum_offloads |= + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM; + } else { + printf("Outer UDP checksum offload is not " + "supported by port %u\n", res->port_id); + } } - if (hw) - ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags |= mask; - else - ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags &= (~mask); + if (hw) { + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads |= + csum_offloads; + } else { + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads &= + (~csum_offloads); + } } csum_show(res->port_id); + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_csum = @@ -3723,7 +4353,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_mode = mode, "set"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_proto = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_csum_result, - proto, "ip#tcp#udp#sctp#outer-ip"); + proto, "ip#tcp#udp#sctp#outer-ip#outer-udp"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_hwsw = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_csum_result, hwsw, "hw#sw"); @@ -3734,7 +4364,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_csum_portid = cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_csum_set = { .f = cmd_csum_parsed, .data = NULL, - .help_str = "csum set ip|tcp|udp|sctp|outer-ip hw|sw : " + .help_str = "csum set ip|tcp|udp|sctp|outer-ip|outer-udp hw|sw : " "Enable/Disable hardware calculation of L3/L4 checksum when " "using csum forward engine", .tokens = { @@ -3782,11 +4412,9 @@ cmd_csum_tunnel_parsed(void *parsed_result, return; if (!strcmp(res->onoff, "on")) - ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags |= - TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_PARSE_TUNNEL; + ports[res->port_id].parse_tunnel = 1; else - ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags &= - (~TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_PARSE_TUNNEL); + ports[res->port_id].parse_tunnel = 0; csum_show(res->port_id); } @@ -3796,7 +4424,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_tunnel_csum = csum, "csum"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_tunnel_parse = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_csum_tunnel_result, - parse, "parse_tunnel"); + parse, "parse-tunnel"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_csum_tunnel_onoff = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_csum_tunnel_result, onoff, "on#off"); @@ -3807,7 +4435,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_csum_tunnel_portid = cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_csum_tunnel = { .f = cmd_csum_tunnel_parsed, .data = NULL, - .help_str = "csum parse_tunnel on|off : " + .help_str = "csum parse-tunnel on|off : " "Enable/Disable parsing of tunnels for csum engine", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_csum_tunnel_csum, @@ -3836,15 +4464,32 @@ cmd_tso_set_parsed(void *parsed_result, if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) return; + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } if (!strcmp(res->mode, "set")) ports[res->port_id].tso_segsz = res->tso_segsz; - if (ports[res->port_id].tso_segsz == 0) + rte_eth_dev_info_get(res->port_id, &dev_info); + if ((ports[res->port_id].tso_segsz != 0) && + (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO) == 0) { + printf("Error: TSO is not supported by port %d\n", + res->port_id); + return; + } + + if (ports[res->port_id].tso_segsz == 0) { + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads &= + ~DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO; printf("TSO for non-tunneled packets is disabled\n"); - else + } else { + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads |= + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO; printf("TSO segment size for non-tunneled packets is %d\n", ports[res->port_id].tso_segsz); + } /* display warnings if configuration is not supported by the NIC */ rte_eth_dev_info_get(res->port_id, &dev_info); @@ -3853,6 +4498,8 @@ cmd_tso_set_parsed(void *parsed_result, printf("Warning: TSO enabled but not " "supported by port %d\n", res->port_id); } + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_tso_set_tso = @@ -3909,24 +4556,31 @@ struct cmd_tunnel_tso_set_result { portid_t port_id; }; -static void +static struct rte_eth_dev_info check_tunnel_tso_nic_support(portid_t port_id) { struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info); if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_VXLAN_TNL_TSO)) - printf("Warning: TSO enabled but VXLAN TUNNEL TSO not " - "supported by port %d\n", port_id); + printf("Warning: VXLAN TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GRE_TNL_TSO)) - printf("Warning: TSO enabled but GRE TUNNEL TSO not " - "supported by port %d\n", port_id); + printf("Warning: GRE TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPIP_TNL_TSO)) - printf("Warning: TSO enabled but IPIP TUNNEL TSO not " - "supported by port %d\n", port_id); + printf("Warning: IPIP TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GENEVE_TNL_TSO)) - printf("Warning: TSO enabled but GENEVE TUNNEL TSO not " - "supported by port %d\n", port_id); + printf("Warning: GENEVE TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); + if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_TNL_TSO)) + printf("Warning: IP TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); + if (!(dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TNL_TSO)) + printf("Warning: UDP TUNNEL TSO not supported therefore " + "not enabled for port %d\n", port_id); + return dev_info; } static void @@ -3935,16 +4589,38 @@ cmd_tunnel_tso_set_parsed(void *parsed_result, __attribute__((unused)) void *data) { struct cmd_tunnel_tso_set_result *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) return; + if (!port_is_stopped(res->port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", res->port_id); + return; + } if (!strcmp(res->mode, "set")) ports[res->port_id].tunnel_tso_segsz = res->tso_segsz; - if (ports[res->port_id].tunnel_tso_segsz == 0) + dev_info = check_tunnel_tso_nic_support(res->port_id); + if (ports[res->port_id].tunnel_tso_segsz == 0) { + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads &= + ~(DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_VXLAN_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GRE_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPIP_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GENEVE_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TNL_TSO); printf("TSO for tunneled packets is disabled\n"); - else { + } else { + uint64_t tso_offloads = (DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_VXLAN_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GRE_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPIP_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_GENEVE_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_TNL_TSO | + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TNL_TSO); + + ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads |= + (tso_offloads & dev_info.tx_offload_capa); printf("TSO segment size for tunneled packets is %d\n", ports[res->port_id].tunnel_tso_segsz); @@ -3959,17 +4635,17 @@ cmd_tunnel_tso_set_parsed(void *parsed_result, * is not necessary for IPv6 tunneled pkts because there's no * checksum in IP header anymore. */ - check_tunnel_tso_nic_support(res->port_id); - if (!(ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags & - TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_PARSE_TUNNEL)) + if (!ports[res->port_id].parse_tunnel) printf("Warning: csum parse_tunnel must be set " "so that tunneled packets are recognized\n"); - if (!(ports[res->port_id].tx_ol_flags & - TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IP_CKSUM)) + if (!(ports[res->port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads & + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM)) printf("Warning: csum set outer-ip must be set to hw " "if outer L3 is IPv4; not necessary for IPv6\n"); } + + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(res->port_id, 1, 1); } cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_tunnel_tso_set_tso = @@ -4294,8 +4970,9 @@ cmd_gso_show_parsed(void *parsed_result, if (gso_ports[res->cmd_pid].enable) { printf("Max GSO'd packet size: %uB\n" "Supported GSO types: TCP/IPv4, " - "VxLAN with inner TCP/IPv4 packet, " - "GRE with inner TCP/IPv4 packet\n", + "UDP/IPv4, VxLAN with inner " + "TCP/IPv4 packet, GRE with inner " + "TCP/IPv4 packet\n", gso_max_segment_size); } else printf("GSO is not enabled on Port %u\n", res->cmd_pid); @@ -5297,9 +5974,11 @@ static void cmd_create_bonded_device_parsed(void *parsed_result, port_id); /* Update number of ports */ - nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count(); + nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count_avail(); reconfig(port_id, res->socket); rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(port_id); + ports[port_id].need_setup = 0; + ports[port_id].port_status = RTE_PORT_STOPPED; } } @@ -5406,11 +6085,6 @@ static void cmd_set_bond_mon_period_parsed(void *parsed_result, struct cmd_set_bond_mon_period_result *res = parsed_result; int ret; - if (res->port_num >= nb_ports) { - printf("Port id %d must be less than %d\n", res->port_num, nb_ports); - return; - } - ret = rte_eth_bond_link_monitoring_set(res->port_num, res->period_ms); /* check the return value and print it if is < 0 */ @@ -5467,12 +6141,6 @@ cmd_set_bonding_agg_mode(void *parsed_result, struct cmd_set_bonding_agg_mode_policy_result *res = parsed_result; uint8_t policy = AGG_BANDWIDTH; - if (res->port_num >= nb_ports) { - printf("Port id %d must be less than %d\n", - res->port_num, nb_ports); - return; - } - if (!strcmp(res->policy, "bandwidth")) policy = AGG_BANDWIDTH; else if (!strcmp(res->policy, "stable")) @@ -5755,7 +6423,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_setpromisc_portall = "all"); cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_setpromisc_portnum = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_promisc_mode_result, port_num, - UINT8); + UINT16); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_setpromisc_mode = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_promisc_mode_result, mode, "on#off"); @@ -6552,6 +7220,11 @@ static void cmd_showportall_parsed(void *parsed_result, } else if (!strcmp(res->what, "info")) RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) port_infos_display(i); + else if (!strcmp(res->what, "summary")) { + port_summary_header_display(); + RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) + port_summary_display(i); + } else if (!strcmp(res->what, "stats")) RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(i) nic_stats_display(i); @@ -6579,14 +7252,14 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showportall_port = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showportall_result, port, "port"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showportall_what = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showportall_result, what, - "info#stats#xstats#fdir#stat_qmap#dcb_tc#cap"); + "info#summary#stats#xstats#fdir#stat_qmap#dcb_tc#cap"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showportall_all = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showportall_result, all, "all"); cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_showportall = { .f = cmd_showportall_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "show|clear port " - "info|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap all", + "info|summary|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap all", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_showportall_show, (void *)&cmd_showportall_port, @@ -6616,6 +7289,10 @@ static void cmd_showport_parsed(void *parsed_result, nic_xstats_clear(res->portnum); } else if (!strcmp(res->what, "info")) port_infos_display(res->portnum); + else if (!strcmp(res->what, "summary")) { + port_summary_header_display(); + port_summary_display(res->portnum); + } else if (!strcmp(res->what, "stats")) nic_stats_display(res->portnum); else if (!strcmp(res->what, "xstats")) @@ -6637,7 +7314,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_port = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_result, port, "port"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_showport_what = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_result, what, - "info#stats#xstats#fdir#stat_qmap#dcb_tc#cap"); + "info#summary#stats#xstats#fdir#stat_qmap#dcb_tc#cap"); cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_showport_portnum = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_showport_result, portnum, UINT16); @@ -6645,7 +7322,7 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_showport = { .f = cmd_showport_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "show|clear port " - "info|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap " + "info|summary|stats|xstats|fdir|stat_qmap|dcb_tc|cap " "", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_showport_show, @@ -7052,7 +7729,6 @@ static void cmd_quit_parsed(__attribute__((unused)) void *parsed_result, struct cmdline *cl, __attribute__((unused)) void *data) { - pmd_test_exit(); cmdline_quit(cl); } @@ -7124,6 +7800,50 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_mac_addr = { }, }; +/* *** SET THE PEER ADDRESS FOR CERTAIN PORT *** */ +struct cmd_eth_peer_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t eth_peer; + portid_t port_id; + cmdline_fixed_string_t peer_addr; +}; + +static void cmd_set_eth_peer_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_eth_peer_result *res = parsed_result; + + if (test_done == 0) { + printf("Please stop forwarding first\n"); + return; + } + if (!strcmp(res->eth_peer, "eth-peer")) { + set_fwd_eth_peer(res->port_id, res->peer_addr); + fwd_config_setup(); + } +} +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_eth_peer_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_eth_peer_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_eth_peer = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_eth_peer_result, eth_peer, "eth-peer"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_eth_peer_port_id = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_eth_peer_result, port_id, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_eth_peer_addr = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_eth_peer_result, peer_addr, NULL); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_fwd_eth_peer = { + .f = cmd_set_eth_peer_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set eth-peer ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_eth_peer_set, + (void *)&cmd_eth_peer, + (void *)&cmd_eth_peer_port_id, + (void *)&cmd_eth_peer_addr, + NULL, + }, +}; /* *** CONFIGURE QUEUE STATS COUNTER MAPPINGS *** */ struct cmd_set_qmap_result { @@ -8129,6 +8849,89 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_tunnel_udp_config = { }, }; +struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port { + cmdline_fixed_string_t port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t config; + portid_t port_id; + cmdline_fixed_string_t udp_tunnel_port; + cmdline_fixed_string_t action; + cmdline_fixed_string_t tunnel_type; + uint16_t udp_port; +}; + +static void +cmd_cfg_tunnel_udp_port_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port *res = parsed_result; + struct rte_eth_udp_tunnel tunnel_udp; + int ret = 0; + + if (port_id_is_invalid(res->port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) + return; + + tunnel_udp.udp_port = res->udp_port; + + if (!strcmp(res->tunnel_type, "vxlan")) { + tunnel_udp.prot_type = RTE_TUNNEL_TYPE_VXLAN; + } else if (!strcmp(res->tunnel_type, "geneve")) { + tunnel_udp.prot_type = RTE_TUNNEL_TYPE_GENEVE; + } else { + printf("Invalid tunnel type\n"); + return; + } + + if (!strcmp(res->action, "add")) + ret = rte_eth_dev_udp_tunnel_port_add(res->port_id, + &tunnel_udp); + else + ret = rte_eth_dev_udp_tunnel_port_delete(res->port_id, + &tunnel_udp); + + if (ret < 0) + printf("udp tunneling port add error: (%s)\n", strerror(-ret)); +} + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, port, + "port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_config = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, config, + "config"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_port_id = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, port_id, + UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_tunnel_port = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, + udp_tunnel_port, + "udp_tunnel_port"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_action = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, action, + "add#rm"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_tunnel_type = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, tunnel_type, + "vxlan#geneve"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port, udp_port, + UINT16); + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_cfg_tunnel_udp_port = { + .f = cmd_cfg_tunnel_udp_port_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "port config udp_tunnel_port add|rm vxlan|geneve ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_config, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_port_id, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_tunnel_port, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_action, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_tunnel_type, + (void *)&cmd_config_tunnel_udp_port_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + /* *** GLOBAL CONFIG *** */ struct cmd_global_config_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t cmd; @@ -8472,7 +9275,7 @@ static void cmd_dump_parsed(void *parsed_result, else if (!strcmp(res->dump, "dump_mempool")) rte_mempool_list_dump(stdout); else if (!strcmp(res->dump, "dump_devargs")) - rte_eal_devargs_dump(stdout); + rte_devargs_dump(stdout); else if (!strcmp(res->dump, "dump_log_types")) rte_log_dump(stdout); } @@ -9773,6 +10576,8 @@ struct cmd_flow_director_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t tunnel_type; cmdline_fixed_string_t tunnel_id; uint32_t tunnel_id_value; + cmdline_fixed_string_t packet; + char filepath[]; }; static inline int @@ -9922,8 +10727,62 @@ cmd_flow_director_filter_parsed(void *parsed_result, return; } } else { - if (strcmp(res->mode_value, "IP")) { - printf("Please set mode to IP.\n"); + if (!strcmp(res->mode_value, "raw")) { +#ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD + struct rte_pmd_i40e_flow_type_mapping + mapping[RTE_PMD_I40E_FLOW_TYPE_MAX]; + struct rte_pmd_i40e_pkt_template_conf conf; + uint16_t flow_type = str2flowtype(res->flow_type); + uint16_t i, port = res->port_id; + uint8_t add; + + memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(conf)); + + if (flow_type == RTE_ETH_FLOW_UNKNOWN) { + printf("Invalid flow type specified.\n"); + return; + } + ret = rte_pmd_i40e_flow_type_mapping_get(res->port_id, + mapping); + if (ret) + return; + if (mapping[flow_type].pctype == 0ULL) { + printf("Invalid flow type specified.\n"); + return; + } + for (i = 0; i < RTE_PMD_I40E_PCTYPE_MAX; i++) { + if (mapping[flow_type].pctype & (1ULL << i)) { + conf.input.pctype = i; + break; + } + } + + conf.input.packet = open_file(res->filepath, + &conf.input.length); + if (!conf.input.packet) + return; + if (!strcmp(res->drop, "drop")) + conf.action.behavior = + RTE_PMD_I40E_PKT_TEMPLATE_REJECT; + else + conf.action.behavior = + RTE_PMD_I40E_PKT_TEMPLATE_ACCEPT; + conf.action.report_status = + RTE_PMD_I40E_PKT_TEMPLATE_REPORT_ID; + conf.action.rx_queue = res->queue_id; + conf.soft_id = res->fd_id_value; + add = strcmp(res->ops, "del") ? 1 : 0; + ret = rte_pmd_i40e_flow_add_del_packet_template(port, + &conf, + add); + if (ret < 0) + printf("flow director config error: (%s)\n", + strerror(-ret)); + close_file(conf.input.packet); +#endif + return; + } else if (strcmp(res->mode_value, "IP")) { + printf("Please set mode to IP or raw.\n"); return; } entry.input.flow_type = str2flowtype(res->flow_type); @@ -10095,8 +10954,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_flow = flow, "flow"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_flow_type = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, - flow_type, "ipv4-other#ipv4-frag#ipv4-tcp#ipv4-udp#ipv4-sctp#" - "ipv6-other#ipv6-frag#ipv6-tcp#ipv6-udp#ipv6-sctp#l2_payload"); + flow_type, NULL); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_ether = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, ether, "ether"); @@ -10188,6 +11046,9 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_mode_mac_vlan = cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_mode_tunnel = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, mode_value, "Tunnel"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_mode_raw = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, + mode_value, "raw"); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_mac = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, mac, "mac"); @@ -10206,6 +11067,12 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_tunnel_id = cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_flow_director_tunnel_id_value = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, tunnel_id_value, UINT32); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_packet = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, + packet, "packet"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_flow_director_filepath = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_flow_director_result, + filepath, NULL); cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_add_del_ip_flow_director = { .f = cmd_flow_director_filter_parsed, @@ -10409,6 +11276,30 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_add_del_tunnel_flow_director = { }, }; +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_add_del_raw_flow_director = { + .f = cmd_flow_director_filter_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "flow_director_filter ... : Add or delete a raw flow " + "director entry on NIC", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_filter, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_port_id, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_mode, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_mode_raw, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_ops, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_flow, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_flow_type, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_drop, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_queue, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_queue_id, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_fd_id, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_fd_id_value, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_packet, + (void *)&cmd_flow_director_filepath, + NULL, + }, +}; + struct cmd_flush_flow_director_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t flush_flow_director; portid_t port_id; @@ -10488,11 +11379,6 @@ cmd_flow_director_mask_parsed(void *parsed_result, struct rte_eth_fdir_masks *mask; struct rte_port *port; - if (res->port_id > nb_ports) { - printf("Invalid port, range is [0, %d]\n", nb_ports - 1); - return; - } - port = &ports[res->port_id]; /** Check if the port is not started **/ if (port->port_status != RTE_PORT_STOPPED) { @@ -10685,15 +11571,10 @@ cmd_flow_director_flex_mask_parsed(void *parsed_result, struct rte_eth_fdir_info fdir_info; struct rte_eth_fdir_flex_mask flex_mask; struct rte_port *port; - uint32_t flow_type_mask; + uint64_t flow_type_mask; uint16_t i; int ret; - if (res->port_id > nb_ports) { - printf("Invalid port, range is [0, %d]\n", nb_ports - 1); - return; - } - port = &ports[res->port_id]; /** Check if the port is not started **/ if (port->port_status != RTE_PORT_STOPPED) { @@ -10738,7 +11619,7 @@ cmd_flow_director_flex_mask_parsed(void *parsed_result, return; } for (i = RTE_ETH_FLOW_UNKNOWN; i < RTE_ETH_FLOW_MAX; i++) { - if (flow_type_mask & (1 << i)) { + if (flow_type_mask & (1ULL << i)) { flex_mask.flow_type = i; fdir_set_flex_mask(res->port_id, &flex_mask); } @@ -10747,7 +11628,7 @@ cmd_flow_director_flex_mask_parsed(void *parsed_result, return; } flex_mask.flow_type = str2flowtype(res->flow_type); - if (!(flow_type_mask & (1 << flex_mask.flow_type))) { + if (!(flow_type_mask & (1ULL << flex_mask.flow_type))) { printf("Flow type %s not supported on port %d\n", res->flow_type, res->port_id); return; @@ -10845,11 +11726,6 @@ cmd_flow_director_flxpld_parsed(void *parsed_result, struct rte_port *port; int ret = 0; - if (res->port_id > nb_ports) { - printf("Invalid port, range is [0, %d]\n", nb_ports - 1); - return; - } - port = &ports[res->port_id]; /** Check if the port is not started **/ if (port->port_status != RTE_PORT_STOPPED) { @@ -11109,10 +11985,10 @@ cmd_get_hash_global_config_parsed(void *parsed_result, } for (i = 0; i < RTE_ETH_FLOW_MAX; i++) { - idx = i / UINT32_BIT; - offset = i % UINT32_BIT; + idx = i / UINT64_BIT; + offset = i % UINT64_BIT; if (!(info.info.global_conf.valid_bit_mask[idx] & - (1UL << offset))) + (1ULL << offset))) continue; str = flowtype_to_str(i); if (!str) @@ -11120,7 +11996,7 @@ cmd_get_hash_global_config_parsed(void *parsed_result, printf("Symmetric hash is %s globally for flow type %s " "by port %d\n", ((info.info.global_conf.sym_hash_enable_mask[idx] & - (1UL << offset)) ? "enabled" : "disabled"), str, + (1ULL << offset)) ? "enabled" : "disabled"), str, res->port_id); } } @@ -11181,12 +12057,12 @@ cmd_set_hash_global_config_parsed(void *parsed_result, RTE_ETH_HASH_FUNCTION_DEFAULT; ftype = str2flowtype(res->flow_type); - idx = ftype / (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint32_t)); - offset = ftype % (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint32_t)); - info.info.global_conf.valid_bit_mask[idx] |= (1UL << offset); + idx = ftype / UINT64_BIT; + offset = ftype % UINT64_BIT; + info.info.global_conf.valid_bit_mask[idx] |= (1ULL << offset); if (!strcmp(res->enable, "enable")) info.info.global_conf.sym_hash_enable_mask[idx] |= - (1UL << offset); + (1ULL << offset); ret = rte_eth_dev_filter_ctrl(res->port_id, RTE_ETH_FILTER_HASH, RTE_ETH_FILTER_SET, &info); if (ret < 0) @@ -11491,7 +12367,7 @@ struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; cmdline_fixed_string_t config; cmdline_fixed_string_t all; - uint8_t id; + portid_t id; cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel; cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel_type; cmdline_fixed_string_t eth_type; @@ -11513,7 +12389,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_all_str = cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_id = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_result, - id, UINT8); + id, UINT16); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_l2_tunnel = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_eth_type_result, @@ -11626,7 +12502,7 @@ struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t port; cmdline_fixed_string_t config; cmdline_fixed_string_t all; - uint8_t id; + portid_t id; cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel; cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_tunnel_type; cmdline_fixed_string_t en_dis; @@ -11647,7 +12523,7 @@ cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_all_str = cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_id = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result, - id, UINT8); + id, UINT16); cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_l2_tunnel = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER (struct cmd_config_l2_tunnel_en_dis_result, @@ -12624,6 +13500,10 @@ cmd_set_tx_loopback_parsed( if (ret == -ENOTSUP) ret = rte_pmd_bnxt_set_tx_loopback(res->port_id, is_on); #endif +#if defined RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_BUS && defined RTE_LIBRTE_DPAA_PMD + if (ret == -ENOTSUP) + ret = rte_pmd_dpaa_set_tx_loopback(res->port_id, is_on); +#endif switch (ret) { case 0: @@ -13008,19 +13888,29 @@ cmd_set_macsec_offload_on_parsed( portid_t port_id = res->port_id; int en = (strcmp(res->en_on_off, "on") == 0) ? 1 : 0; int rp = (strcmp(res->rp_on_off, "on") == 0) ? 1 : 0; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; if (port_id_is_invalid(port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) return; + if (!port_is_stopped(port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", port_id); + return; + } - ports[port_id].tx_ol_flags |= TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC; + rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info); + if (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT) { #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD - ret = rte_pmd_ixgbe_macsec_enable(port_id, en, rp); + ret = rte_pmd_ixgbe_macsec_enable(port_id, en, rp); #endif + } RTE_SET_USED(en); RTE_SET_USED(rp); switch (ret) { case 0: + ports[port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads |= + DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT; + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(port_id, 1, 1); break; case -ENODEV: printf("invalid port_id %d\n", port_id); @@ -13091,18 +13981,27 @@ cmd_set_macsec_offload_off_parsed( { struct cmd_macsec_offload_off_result *res = parsed_result; int ret = -ENOTSUP; + struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info; portid_t port_id = res->port_id; if (port_id_is_invalid(port_id, ENABLED_WARN)) return; + if (!port_is_stopped(port_id)) { + printf("Please stop port %d first\n", port_id); + return; + } - ports[port_id].tx_ol_flags &= ~TESTPMD_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC; + rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info); + if (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT) { #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD - ret = rte_pmd_ixgbe_macsec_disable(port_id); + ret = rte_pmd_ixgbe_macsec_disable(port_id); #endif - + } switch (ret) { case 0: + ports[port_id].dev_conf.txmode.offloads &= + ~DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT; + cmd_reconfig_device_queue(port_id, 1, 1); break; case -ENODEV: printf("invalid port_id %d\n", port_id); @@ -14096,20 +14995,14 @@ static void cmd_set_port_tm_hierarchy_default_parsed(void *parsed_result, p = &ports[port_id]; - /* Port tm flag */ - if (p->softport.tm_flag == 0) { - printf(" tm not enabled on port %u (error)\n", port_id); - return; - } - /* Forward mode: tm */ - if (strcmp(cur_fwd_config.fwd_eng->fwd_mode_name, "tm")) { - printf(" tm mode not enabled(error)\n"); + if (strcmp(cur_fwd_config.fwd_eng->fwd_mode_name, "softnic")) { + printf(" softnicfwd mode not enabled(error)\n"); return; } /* Set the default tm hierarchy */ - p->softport.tm.default_hierarchy_enable = 1; + p->softport.default_tm_hierarchy_enable = 1; } cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_port_tm_hierarchy_default = { @@ -14128,6 +15021,951 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_port_tm_hierarchy_default = { }; #endif +/** Set VXLAN encapsulation details */ +struct cmd_set_vxlan_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t vxlan; + cmdline_fixed_string_t pos_token; + cmdline_fixed_string_t ip_version; + uint32_t vlan_present:1; + uint32_t vni; + uint16_t udp_src; + uint16_t udp_dst; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_src; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_dst; + uint16_t tci; + struct ether_addr eth_src; + struct ether_addr eth_dst; +}; + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_vxlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, vxlan, "vxlan"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_vxlan_with_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, vxlan, + "vxlan-with-vlan"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "ip-version"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version_value = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, ip_version, + "ipv4#ipv6"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_vni = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "vni"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_vxlan_vni_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, vni, UINT32); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "udp-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, udp_src, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "udp-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, udp_dst, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "ip-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, ip_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "ip-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, ip_dst); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "vlan-tci"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_vxlan_vlan_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, tci, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "eth-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, eth_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, pos_token, + "eth-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_vxlan_result, eth_dst); + +static void cmd_set_vxlan_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_vxlan_result *res = parsed_result; + union { + uint32_t vxlan_id; + uint8_t vni[4]; + } id = { + .vxlan_id = rte_cpu_to_be_32(res->vni) & RTE_BE32(0x00ffffff), + }; + + if (strcmp(res->vxlan, "vxlan") == 0) + vxlan_encap_conf.select_vlan = 0; + else if (strcmp(res->vxlan, "vxlan-with-vlan") == 0) + vxlan_encap_conf.select_vlan = 1; + if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv4") == 0) + vxlan_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 1; + else if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv6") == 0) + vxlan_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 0; + else + return; + rte_memcpy(vxlan_encap_conf.vni, &id.vni[1], 3); + vxlan_encap_conf.udp_src = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->udp_src); + vxlan_encap_conf.udp_dst = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->udp_dst); + if (vxlan_encap_conf.select_ipv4) { + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_src, vxlan_encap_conf.ipv4_src); + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_dst, vxlan_encap_conf.ipv4_dst); + } else { + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_src, vxlan_encap_conf.ipv6_src); + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_dst, vxlan_encap_conf.ipv6_dst); + } + if (vxlan_encap_conf.select_vlan) + vxlan_encap_conf.vlan_tci = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->tci); + rte_memcpy(vxlan_encap_conf.eth_src, res->eth_src.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); + rte_memcpy(vxlan_encap_conf.eth_dst, res->eth_dst.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_vxlan = { + .f = cmd_set_vxlan_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set vxlan ip-version ipv4|ipv6 vni udp-src" + " udp-dst ip-src ip-dst " + " eth-src eth-dst ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vxlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vni, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vni_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_vxlan_with_vlan = { + .f = cmd_set_vxlan_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set vxlan-with-vlan ip-version ipv4|ipv6 vni " + " udp-src udp-dst ip-src ip-dst" + " vlan-tci eth-src eth-dst" + " ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vxlan_with_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vni, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vni_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_udp_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_ip_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_vlan_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_vxlan_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/** Set NVGRE encapsulation details */ +struct cmd_set_nvgre_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t nvgre; + cmdline_fixed_string_t pos_token; + cmdline_fixed_string_t ip_version; + uint32_t tni; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_src; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_dst; + uint16_t tci; + struct ether_addr eth_src; + struct ether_addr eth_dst; +}; + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_nvgre = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, nvgre, "nvgre"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_nvgre_with_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, nvgre, + "nvgre-with-vlan"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "ip-version"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version_value = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, ip_version, + "ipv4#ipv6"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_tni = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "tni"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_nvgre_tni_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, tni, UINT32); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "ip-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, ip_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "ip-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, ip_dst); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "vlan-tci"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_nvgre_vlan_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, tci, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "eth-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, eth_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, pos_token, + "eth-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_nvgre_result, eth_dst); + +static void cmd_set_nvgre_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_nvgre_result *res = parsed_result; + union { + uint32_t nvgre_tni; + uint8_t tni[4]; + } id = { + .nvgre_tni = rte_cpu_to_be_32(res->tni) & RTE_BE32(0x00ffffff), + }; + + if (strcmp(res->nvgre, "nvgre") == 0) + nvgre_encap_conf.select_vlan = 0; + else if (strcmp(res->nvgre, "nvgre-with-vlan") == 0) + nvgre_encap_conf.select_vlan = 1; + if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv4") == 0) + nvgre_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 1; + else if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv6") == 0) + nvgre_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 0; + else + return; + rte_memcpy(nvgre_encap_conf.tni, &id.tni[1], 3); + if (nvgre_encap_conf.select_ipv4) { + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_src, nvgre_encap_conf.ipv4_src); + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_dst, nvgre_encap_conf.ipv4_dst); + } else { + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_src, nvgre_encap_conf.ipv6_src); + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_dst, nvgre_encap_conf.ipv6_dst); + } + if (nvgre_encap_conf.select_vlan) + nvgre_encap_conf.vlan_tci = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->tci); + rte_memcpy(nvgre_encap_conf.eth_src, res->eth_src.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); + rte_memcpy(nvgre_encap_conf.eth_dst, res->eth_dst.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_nvgre = { + .f = cmd_set_nvgre_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set nvgre ip-version tni ip-src" + " ip-dst eth-src " + " eth-dst ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_nvgre, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_tni, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_tni_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_nvgre_with_vlan = { + .f = cmd_set_nvgre_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set nvgre-with-vlan ip-version tni " + " ip-src ip-dst vlan-tci " + " eth-src eth-dst ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_nvgre_with_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_tni, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_tni_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_ip_dst_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_vlan_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_nvgre_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/** Set L2 encapsulation details */ +struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_encap; + cmdline_fixed_string_t pos_token; + cmdline_fixed_string_t ip_version; + uint32_t vlan_present:1; + uint16_t tci; + struct ether_addr eth_src; + struct ether_addr eth_dst; +}; + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_l2_encap = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, l2_encap, "l2_encap"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_l2_encap_with_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, l2_encap, + "l2_encap-with-vlan"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, pos_token, + "ip-version"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version_value = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, ip_version, + "ipv4#ipv6"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, pos_token, + "vlan-tci"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_l2_encap_vlan_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, tci, UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, pos_token, + "eth-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, eth_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, pos_token, + "eth-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result, eth_dst); + +static void cmd_set_l2_encap_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_l2_encap_result *res = parsed_result; + + if (strcmp(res->l2_encap, "l2_encap") == 0) + l2_encap_conf.select_vlan = 0; + else if (strcmp(res->l2_encap, "l2_encap-with-vlan") == 0) + l2_encap_conf.select_vlan = 1; + if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv4") == 0) + l2_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 1; + else if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv6") == 0) + l2_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 0; + else + return; + if (l2_encap_conf.select_vlan) + l2_encap_conf.vlan_tci = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->tci); + rte_memcpy(l2_encap_conf.eth_src, res->eth_src.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); + rte_memcpy(l2_encap_conf.eth_dst, res->eth_dst.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_l2_encap = { + .f = cmd_set_l2_encap_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set l2_encap ip-version ipv4|ipv6" + " eth-src eth-dst ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_l2_encap, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_l2_encap_with_vlan = { + .f = cmd_set_l2_encap_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set l2_encap-with-vlan ip-version ipv4|ipv6" + " vlan-tci eth-src eth-dst ", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_l2_encap_with_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_ip_version_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_vlan, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_vlan_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_src_value, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_encap_eth_dst_value, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/** Set L2 decapsulation details */ +struct cmd_set_l2_decap_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t l2_decap; + cmdline_fixed_string_t pos_token; + uint32_t vlan_present:1; +}; + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_decap_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_decap_result, set, "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_decap_l2_decap = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_decap_result, l2_decap, + "l2_decap"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_l2_decap_l2_decap_with_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_l2_decap_result, l2_decap, + "l2_decap-with-vlan"); + +static void cmd_set_l2_decap_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_l2_decap_result *res = parsed_result; + + if (strcmp(res->l2_decap, "l2_decap") == 0) + l2_decap_conf.select_vlan = 0; + else if (strcmp(res->l2_decap, "l2_decap-with-vlan") == 0) + l2_decap_conf.select_vlan = 1; +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_l2_decap = { + .f = cmd_set_l2_decap_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set l2_decap", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_decap_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_decap_l2_decap, + NULL, + }, +}; + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_l2_decap_with_vlan = { + .f = cmd_set_l2_decap_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set l2_decap-with-vlan", + .tokens = { + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_decap_set, + (void *)&cmd_set_l2_decap_l2_decap_with_vlan, + NULL, + }, +}; + +/** Set MPLSoGRE encapsulation details */ +struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result { + cmdline_fixed_string_t set; + cmdline_fixed_string_t mplsogre; + cmdline_fixed_string_t pos_token; + cmdline_fixed_string_t ip_version; + uint32_t vlan_present:1; + uint32_t label; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_src; + cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_dst; + uint16_t tci; + struct ether_addr eth_src; + struct ether_addr eth_dst; +}; + +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_set = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, set, + "set"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_mplsogre_encap = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, mplsogre, + "mplsogre_encap"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_mplsogre_encap_with_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + mplsogre, "mplsogre_encap-with-vlan"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_version = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "ip-version"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_version_value = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + ip_version, "ipv4#ipv6"); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_label = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "label"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_label_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, label, + UINT32); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "ip-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_src_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, ip_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "ip-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_ip_dst_value = + TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, ip_dst); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_vlan = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "vlan-tci"); +cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_vlan_value = + TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, tci, + UINT16); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_eth_src = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "eth-src"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_eth_src_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + eth_src); +cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_eth_dst = + TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + pos_token, "eth-dst"); +cmdline_parse_token_etheraddr_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_eth_dst_value = + TOKEN_ETHERADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result, + eth_dst); + +static void cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_parsed(void *parsed_result, + __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl, + __attribute__((unused)) void *data) +{ + struct cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_result *res = parsed_result; + union { + uint32_t mplsogre_label; + uint8_t label[3]; + } id = { + .mplsogre_label = + rte_cpu_to_be_32(res->label) & RTE_BE32(0x00ffffff), + }; + + if (strcmp(res->mplsogre, "mplsogre_encap") == 0) + mplsogre_encap_conf.select_vlan = 0; + else if (strcmp(res->mplsogre, "mplsogre_encap-with-vlan") == 0) + mplsogre_encap_conf.select_vlan = 1; + if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv4") == 0) + mplsogre_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 1; + else if (strcmp(res->ip_version, "ipv6") == 0) + mplsogre_encap_conf.select_ipv4 = 0; + else + return; + rte_memcpy(mplsogre_encap_conf.label, &id.label[1], 3); + if (mplsogre_encap_conf.select_ipv4) { + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_src, mplsogre_encap_conf.ipv4_src); + IPV4_ADDR_TO_UINT(res->ip_dst, mplsogre_encap_conf.ipv4_dst); + } else { + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_src, mplsogre_encap_conf.ipv6_src); + IPV6_ADDR_TO_ARRAY(res->ip_dst, mplsogre_encap_conf.ipv6_dst); + } + if (mplsogre_encap_conf.select_vlan) + mplsogre_encap_conf.vlan_tci = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->tci); + rte_memcpy(mplsogre_encap_conf.eth_src, res->eth_src.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); + rte_memcpy(mplsogre_encap_conf.eth_dst, res->eth_dst.addr_bytes, + ETHER_ADDR_LEN); +} + +cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_set_mplsogre_encap = { + .f = cmd_set_mplsogre_encap_parsed, + .data = NULL, + .help_str = "set mplsogre_encap ip-version ipv4|ipv6 label