/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @filename kqueue.h * @info kqueue for micro thread manage */ #ifndef _KQUEUE_PROXY___ #define _KQUEUE_PROXY___ #include #include #include #include "ff_api.h" #include #include using std::set; using std::vector; #define kqueue_assert(statement) //#define kqueue_assert(statement) assert(statement) namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD { #define KQ_EVENT_NONE 0 #define KQ_EVENT_READ 1 #define KQ_EVENT_WRITE 2 /******************************************************************************/ /* 操作系统头文件适配定义 */ /******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief add more detail for linux , freebsd and University of California * @info queue.h version 8.3 (suse) diff version 8.5 (tlinux) */ #ifndef TAILQ_CONCAT #define TAILQ_EMPTY(head) ((head)->tqh_first == NULL) #define TAILQ_FIRST(head) ((head)->tqh_first) #define TAILQ_NEXT(elm, field) ((elm)->field.tqe_next) #define TAILQ_LAST(head, headname) \ (*(((struct headname *)((head)->tqh_last))->tqh_last)) #define TAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field) \ for ((var) = TAILQ_FIRST((head)); \ (var); \ (var) = TAILQ_NEXT((var), field)) #define TAILQ_CONCAT(head1, head2, field) \ do { \ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(head2)) { \ *(head1)->tqh_last = (head2)->tqh_first; \ (head2)->tqh_first->field.tqe_prev = (head1)->tqh_last; \ (head1)->tqh_last = (head2)->tqh_last; \ TAILQ_INIT((head2)); \ } \ } while (0) #endif #ifndef TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE // tlinux no this define #define TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar) \ for ((var) = TAILQ_FIRST((head)); \ (var) && ((tvar) = TAILQ_NEXT((var), field), 1); \ (var) = (tvar)) #endif /******************************************************************************/ /* Kqueue proxy 定义与实现部分 */ /******************************************************************************/ class KqueueProxy; class MicroThread; /** * @brief kqueue通知对象基类定义 */ class KqueuerObj { protected: int _fd; int _events; int _revents; int _type; MicroThread* _thread; public: TAILQ_ENTRY(KqueuerObj) _entry; explicit KqueuerObj(int fd = -1) { _fd = fd; _events = 0; _revents = 0; _type = 0; _thread = NULL; }; virtual ~KqueuerObj(){}; virtual int InputNotify(); virtual int OutputNotify(); virtual int HangupNotify(); virtual int KqueueCtlAdd(void* args); virtual int KqueueCtlDel(void* args); /** * @brief fd打开可读事件侦听 */ void EnableInput() { _events |= KQ_EVENT_READ; }; /** * @brief fd打开可写事件侦听 */ void EnableOutput() { _events |= KQ_EVENT_WRITE; }; /** * @brief fd关闭可读事件侦听 */ void DisableInput() { _events &= ~KQ_EVENT_READ; }; /** * @brief fd关闭可写事件侦听 */ void DisableOutput() { _events &= ~KQ_EVENT_WRITE; }; /** * @brief 系统socket设置读取封装 */ int GetOsfd() { return _fd; }; void SetOsfd(int fd) { _fd = fd; }; /** * @brief 监听事件与收到事件的访问方法 */ int GetEvents() { return _events; }; void SetRcvEvents(int revents) { _revents = revents; }; int GetRcvEvents() { return _revents; }; /** * @brief 工厂管理方法, 获取真实类型 */ int GetNtfyType() { return _type; }; virtual void Reset() { _fd = -1; _events = 0; _revents = 0; _type = 0; _thread = NULL; }; /** * @brief 设置与获取所属的微线程句柄接口 * @param thread 关联的线程指针 */ void SetOwnerThread(MicroThread* thread) { _thread = thread; }; MicroThread* GetOwnerThread() { return _thread; }; }; typedef TAILQ_HEAD(__KqFdList, KqueuerObj) KqObjList; ///< 高效的双链管理 typedef struct kevent KqEvent; ///< 重定义一下kqueue event /** * @brief EPOLL支持同一FD多个线程侦听, 建立一个引用计数数组, 元素定义 * @info 引用计数弊大于利, 没有实际意义, 字段保留, 功能移除掉 20150623 */ class KqFdRef { private: int _wr_ref; ///< 监听写的引用计数 int _rd_ref; ///< 监听读的引用计数 int _events; ///< 当前正在侦听的事件列表 int _revents; ///< 当前该fd收到的事件信息, 仅在epoll_wait后处理中有效 KqueuerObj* _kqobj; ///< 单独注册调度器对象,一个fd关联一个对象 public: /** * @brief 构造与析构函数 */ KqFdRef() { _wr_ref = 0; _rd_ref = 0; _events = 0; _revents = 0; _kqobj = NULL; }; ~KqFdRef(){}; /** * @brief 监听事件获取与设置接口 */ void SetListenEvents(int events) { _events = events; }; int GetListenEvents() { return _events; }; /** * @brief 监听对象获取与设置接口 */ void SetNotifyObj(KqueuerObj* ntfy) { _kqobj = ntfy; }; KqueuerObj* GetNotifyObj() { return _kqobj; }; /** * @brief 监听引用计数的更新 */ void AttachEvents(int event) { if (event & KQ_EVENT_READ) { _rd_ref++; } if (event & KQ_EVENT_WRITE){ _wr_ref++; } }; void DetachEvents(int event) { if (event & KQ_EVENT_READ) { if (_rd_ref > 0) { _rd_ref--; } else { _rd_ref = 0; } } if (event & KQ_EVENT_WRITE){ if (_wr_ref > 0) { _wr_ref--; } else { _wr_ref = 0; } } }; /** * @brief 获取引用计数 */ int ReadRefCnt() { return _rd_ref; }; int WriteRefCnt() { return _wr_ref; }; }; class KqueueProxy { public: static const int DEFAULT_MAX_FD_NUM = 100000; private: int _kqfd; int _maxfd; KqEvent* _evtlist; KqFdRef* _kqrefs; public: KqueueProxy(); virtual ~KqueueProxy(){}; int InitKqueue(int max_num); void TermKqueue(void); virtual int KqueueGetTimeout(void) { return 0; }; virtual bool KqueueSchedule(KqObjList* fdlist, KqueuerObj* fd, int timeout) { return false; }; bool KqueueAdd(KqObjList& fdset); bool KqueueDel(KqObjList& fdset); void KqueueDispatch(void); bool KqueueAddObj(KqueuerObj* obj); bool KqueueDelObj(KqueuerObj* obj); bool KqueueCtrlAdd(int fd, int new_events); bool KqueueCtrlDel(int fd, int new_events); bool KqueueCtrlDelRef(int fd, int new_events, bool use_ref); KqFdRef* KqFdRefGet(int fd) { return ((fd >= _maxfd) || (fd < 0)) ? (KqFdRef*)NULL : &_kqrefs[fd]; } void KqueueNtfyReg(int fd, KqueuerObj* obj) { KqFdRef* ref = KqFdRefGet(fd); if (ref) { ref->SetNotifyObj(obj); } }; protected: void KqueueRcvEventList(int evtfdnum); }; } #endif