'"', "\\" => "\\", '/' => '/', 'b' => "\b", 'f' => "\f", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 't' => "\t", ]; protected $buffer = ''; protected $totalOffset = 0; protected $offset = 0; protected $in = []; // [ [ 0 => extern or eof, 1 => type, 2 => value, 3 => current hash key ] ] protected $read; public function __construct($read) { $this->read = $read; } public function enterObject() { $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer === '') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected end of stream at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset)); } if (($c = $this->buffer[$this->offset]) !== '{') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset++; $this->skipWhitespace(); $st = $this->buffer[$this->offset] === '}' ? 2 : 1; if ($st == 2) { $this->offset++; } $this->in[] = [ $st, self::OBJ, NULL, false ]; } public function enterArray() { $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer === '') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected end of stream at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset)); } if (($c = $this->buffer[$this->offset]) !== '[') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset++; $this->skipWhitespace(); $st = $this->buffer[$this->offset] === ']' ? 2 : 1; if ($st == 2) { $this->offset++; } $this->in[] = [ $st, self::ARR, NULL, false ]; } public function exitObject() { if (!$this->isEnded()) { throw new JSONStreamException('object not ended yet'); } if ($this->in[count($this->in)-1][1] != self::OBJ) { throw new JSONStreamException('not inside object'); } array_pop($this->in); if ($this->in) { $this->pushValue($v); } } public function exitArray() { if (!$this->isEnded()) { throw new JSONStreamException('array not ended yet'); } if ($this->in[count($this->in)-1][1] != self::ARR) { throw new JSONStreamException('not inside array'); } array_pop($this->in); if ($this->in) { $this->pushValue($v); } } public function isEnded() { return !$this->in || $this->in[count($this->in)-1][0] == 2; } public function readValue(&$value) { if ($this->isEnded()) { // Refuse to read anything until exitObject() / exitArray() return false; } $n = count($this->in); do { $v = $this->readToken(); } while (count($this->in) > $n); $value = $v; return ($this->in[count($this->in)-1][0] == 1); } public function unreadBuffer() { $this->totalOffset += strlen($this->buffer); $s = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; $this->offset = 0; return $s; } public function restart() { $this->totalOffset = 0; $this->buffer = ''; $this->offset = 0; $this->in = []; } protected function read() { $r = $this->read; return $r(); } protected function skipWhitespace() { while (true) { if ($this->offset == strlen($this->buffer)) { $this->totalOffset += strlen($this->buffer); $this->buffer = $this->read(); $this->offset = 0; } $c = $this->buffer[$this->offset]; if (ctype_space($c)) { $m = NULL; preg_match('/\s+/sA', $this->buffer, $m, 0, $this->offset); if (!$m) { return; } $this->offset += strlen($m[0]); } else { return; } } } protected function readToken() { $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer === '') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected end of stream at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset)); } $c = $this->buffer[$this->offset]; if ($c === '[') { $this->offset++; $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] === ']') { $this->offset++; $v = []; } else { $this->in[] = [ 0, self::ARR, [], NULL ]; return NULL; } } elseif ($c === '{') { $this->offset++; $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] === '}') { $this->offset++; $v = []; } else { $this->in[] = [ 0, self::OBJ, [], NULL ]; return NULL; } } elseif ($c === '"') { $this->offset++; $v = ''; if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-6) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } while (preg_match('/(?:[^"\\\\]+|\\\\[\\\\"\/bfnrt]|(?:\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})+)/As', $this->buffer, $m, 0, $this->offset)) { $this->offset += strlen($m[0]); if ($m[0][0] == "\\") { if ($m[0] == 'u') $v .= mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', str_replace('\\u', '', $m[0])), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE'); else { $v .= self::$esc[$m[0][1]]; } } else { $v .= $m[0]; } if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-6) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } } if (($m = substr($this->buffer, $this->offset, 1)) != '"') { if ($m) throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$m); else throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected end of stream at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset)); } else { $this->offset++; } } elseif ($c === 't') { if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-5) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } if (substr($this->buffer, $this->offset, 4) !== 'true') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset += 4; $v = true; } elseif ($c === 'f') { if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-6) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } if (substr($this->buffer, $this->offset, 5) !== 'false') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset += 5; $v = false; } elseif ($c === 'n') { if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-5) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } if (substr($this->buffer, $this->offset, 4) !== 'null') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset += 4; $v = NULL; } elseif (ctype_digit($c) || $c == '-') { if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer)-64) { $this->buffer .= $this->read(); } if (!preg_match('/-?(?:\d+)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?/As', $this->buffer, $m, 0, $this->offset)) { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset += strlen($m[0]); $v = 0+$m[0]; } else { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->pushValue($v); return $v; } protected function pushValue(&$v) { redo: $last = &$this->in[count($this->in)-1]; if ($last[1] == self::ARR) { if (!$last[0]) { $last[2][] = $v; } $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] == ',') { $this->offset++; } $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] == ']') { $this->offset++; if ($last[0] == 0) { $v = $last[2]; array_pop($this->in); if ($this->in) { goto redo; } } else { $last[0] = 2; // end of value, caller must call exitObject / exitArray } } } elseif ($last[1] == self::OBJ) { if (!$last[3]) { if (!is_string($v)) { if (is_array($v)) { throw new JSONStreamException('object key must be a string, but it is '.json_encode($v, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); } elseif ($v === true) { $v = 'true'; } elseif ($v === false) { $v = 'false'; } elseif ($v === NULL) { $v = 'null'; } } if ($last[0]) { $last[3] = true; } else { $last[3] = $v; } $this->skipWhitespace(); if (($c = $this->buffer[$this->offset]) != ':') { throw new JSONStreamException('unexpected token at offset '.($this->totalOffset + $this->offset).': '.$c); } $this->offset++; } else { if (!$last[0]) { $last[2][$last[3]] = $v; } $last[3] = NULL; $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] == ',') { $this->offset++; } $this->skipWhitespace(); if ($this->buffer[$this->offset] == '}') { $this->offset++; if ($last[0] == 0) { $v = $last[2]; array_pop($this->in); if ($this->in) { goto redo; } } else { $last[0] = 2; // end of value, caller must call exitObject / exitArray } } } } } }