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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: jacobsa@google.com (Aaron Jacobs)
2015-02-27 00:57:18 +03:00
package fuse
import (
2015-02-27 01:32:18 +03:00
bazilfuse "bazil.org/fuse"
// An interface that must be implemented by file systems to be mounted with
// FUSE. See also the comments on request and response structs.
// Not all methods need to have interesting implementations. Embed a field of
// type fuseutil.NotImplementedFileSystem to inherit defaults that return
// ENOSYS to the kernel.
// Must be safe for concurrent access via all methods.
type FileSystem interface {
// Look up a child by name within a parent directory. The kernel calls this
// when resolving user paths to dentry structs, which are then cached.
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
ctx context.Context,
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
req *LookUpInodeRequest) (*LookUpInodeResponse, error)
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
// Forget an inode ID previously issued (e.g. by LookUpInode). The kernel
// calls this when removing an inode from its internal caches.
ctx context.Context,
req *ForgetInodeRequest) (*ForgetInodeResponse, error)
// Open a directory inode. The kernel calls this method when setting up a
// struct file for a particular inode with type directory, usually in
// response to an open(2) call from a user-space process.
ctx context.Context,
req *OpenDirRequest) (*OpenDirResponse, error)
2015-02-27 03:11:31 +03:00
// Read entries from a directory previously opened with OpenDir.
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
ctx context.Context,
req *ReadDirRequest) (*ReadDirResponse, error)
2015-02-27 01:52:34 +03:00
// Release a previously-minted handle. The kernel calls this when there are
// no more references to an open file: all file descriptors are closed and
// all memory mappings are unmapped.
// The kernel guarantees that the handle ID will not be used in further calls
// to the file system (unless it is reissued by the file system).
ctx context.Context,
req *ReleaseHandleRequest) (*ReleaseHandleResponse, error)
// Simple types
// A 64-bit number used to uniquely identify a file or directory in the file
// system. File systems may mint inode IDs with any value except for
// RootInodeID.
// This corresponds to struct inode::i_no in the VFS layer.
// (Cf. http://goo.gl/tvYyQt)
type InodeID uint64
// A distinguished inode ID that identifies the root of the file system, e.g.
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
// in a request to OpenDir or LookUpInode. Unlike all other inode IDs, which
// are minted by the file system, the FUSE VFS layer may send a request for
// this ID without the file system ever having referenced it in a previous
// response.
2015-02-27 01:32:18 +03:00
const RootInodeID InodeID = InodeID(bazilfuse.RootID)
2015-02-27 02:43:58 +03:00
// Attributes for a file or directory inode. Corresponds to struct inode (cf.
// http://goo.gl/tvYyQt).
type InodeAttributes struct {
// The size of the file in bytes.
Size uint64
// A generation number for an inode. Irrelevant for file systems that won't be
// exported over NFS. For those that will and that reuse inode IDs when they
// become free, the generation number must change when an ID is reused.
// This corresponds to struct inode::i_generation in the VFS layer.
// (Cf. http://goo.gl/tvYyQt)
// Some related reading:
// http://fuse.sourceforge.net/doxygen/structfuse__entry__param.html
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/11071996/1505451
// http://goo.gl/CqvwyX
// http://julipedia.meroh.net/2005/09/nfs-file-handles.html
// http://goo.gl/wvo3MB
type GenerationNumber uint64
2015-02-27 02:43:58 +03:00
// An opaque 64-bit number used to identify a particular open handle to a file
// or directory.
// This corresponds to fuse_file_info::fh.
type HandleID uint64
2015-02-27 03:03:19 +03:00
// An offset into an open directory handle. This is opaque to FUSE, and can be
// used for whatever purpose the file system desires. See notes on
// ReadDirRequest.Offset for details.
type DirOffset uint64
// Requests and responses
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
type LookUpInodeRequest struct {
// The ID of the directory inode to which the child belongs.
Parent InodeID
// The name of the child of interest, relative to the parent. For example, in
// this directory structure:
// foo/
// bar/
// baz
// the file system may receive a request to look up the child named "bar" for
// the parent foo/.
Name string
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
type LookUpInodeResponse struct {
// The ID of the child inode. The file system must ensure that the returned
// inode ID remains valid until a later call to ForgetInode.
Child InodeID
// A generation number for this incarnation of the inode with the given ID.
// See comments on type GenerationNumber for more.
Generation GenerationNumber
// Current ttributes for the child inode.
Attributes InodeAttributes
// The FUSE VFS layer in the kernel maintains a cache of file attributes,
// used whenever up to date information about size, mode, etc. is needed.
// For example, this is the abridged call chain for fstat(2):
// * (http://goo.gl/tKBH1p) fstat calls vfs_fstat.
// * (http://goo.gl/3HeITq) vfs_fstat eventuall calls vfs_getattr_nosec.
// * (http://goo.gl/DccFQr) vfs_getattr_nosec calls i_op->getattr.
// * (http://goo.gl/dpKkst) fuse_getattr calls fuse_update_attributes.
// * (http://goo.gl/yNlqPw) fuse_update_attributes uses the values in the
// struct inode if allowed, otherwise calling out to the user-space code.
// In addition to obvious cases like fstat, this is also used in more subtle
// cases like updating size information before seeking (http://goo.gl/2nnMFa)
// or reading (http://goo.gl/FQSWs8).
// Most 'real' file systems do not set inode_operations::getattr, and
// therefore vfs_getattr_nosec calls generic_fillattr which simply grabs the
// information from the inode struct. This makes sense because these file
// systems cannot spontaneously change; all modifications go through the
// kernel which can update the inode struct as appropriate.
// In contrast, a FUSE file system may have spontaneous changes, so it calls
// out to user space to fetch attributes. However this is expensive, so the
// FUSE layer in the kernel caches the attributes if requested.
// This field controls when the attributes returned in this response and
// stashed in the struct inode should be re-queried. Leave at the zero value
// to disable caching.
// More reading:
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/21540315/1505451
AttributesExpiration time.Time
// The time until which the kernel may maintain an entry for this name to
// inode mapping in its dentry cache. After this time, it will revalidate the
// dentry.
// As in the discussion of attribute caching above, unlike real file systems,
// FUSE file systems may spontaneously change their name -> inode mapping.
// Therefore the FUSE VFS layer uses dentry_operations::d_revalidate
// (http://goo.gl/dVea0h) to intercept lookups and revalidate by calling the
2015-02-27 01:48:30 +03:00
// user-space LookUpInode method. However the latter may be slow, so it
// caches the entries until the time defined by this field.
// Example code walk:
// * (http://goo.gl/M2G3tO) lookup_dcache calls d_revalidate if enabled.
// * (http://goo.gl/ef0Elu) fuse_dentry_revalidate just uses the dentry's
// inode if fuse_dentry_time(entry) hasn't passed. Otherwise it sends a
// lookup request.
// Leave at the zero value to disable caching.
EntryExpiration time.Time
type ForgetInodeRequest struct {
// The inode to be forgotten. The kernel guarantees that the node ID will not
// be used in further calls to the file system (unless it is reissued by the
// file system).
ID InodeID
type ForgetInodeResponse struct {
2015-02-27 01:47:32 +03:00
type OpenDirRequest struct {
// The ID of the inode to be opened.
Inode InodeID
// Mode and options flags.
Flags bazilfuse.OpenFlags
type OpenDirResponse struct {
// An opaque ID that will be echoed in follow-up calls for this directory
// using the same struct file in the kernel. In practice this usually means
// follow-up calls using the file descriptor returned by open(2).
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
// The handle may be supplied to the following methods:
// * ReadDir
// * ReleaseHandle
2015-02-27 01:47:32 +03:00
// The file system must ensure this ID remains valid until a later call to
// ReleaseHandle.
Handle HandleID
2015-02-27 01:52:34 +03:00
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
type ReadDirRequest struct {
// The directory inode that we are reading, and the handle previously
// returned by OpenDir when opening that inode.
Inode InodeID
Handle HandleID
// The offset within the directory at which to read.
// Warning: this field is not necessarily a count of bytes. Its legal values
// are defined by the results returned in ReadDirResponse. See the notes
// below and the notes on that struct.
// In the Linux kernel this ultimately comes from file::f_pos, which starts
// at zero and is set by llseek and by the final consumed result returned by
// each call to ReadDir:
// * (http://goo.gl/2nWJPL) iterate_dir, which is called by getdents(2) and
// readdir(2), sets dir_context::pos to file::f_pos before calling
// f_op->iterate, and then does the opposite assignment afterward.
// * (http://goo.gl/rTQVSL) fuse_readdir, which implements iterate for fuse
// directories, passes dir_context::pos as the offset to fuse_read_fill,
// which passes it on to user-space. fuse_readdir later calls
// parse_dirfile with the same context.
// * (http://goo.gl/vU5ukv) For each returned result (except perhaps the
// last, which may be truncated by the page boundary), parse_dirfile
// updates dir_context::pos with fuse_dirent::off.
2015-02-27 03:01:07 +03:00
// It is affected by the Posix directory stream interfaces in the following
// manner:
// * (http://goo.gl/fQhbyn, http://goo.gl/ns1kDF) opendir initially causes
// filepos to be set to zero.
// * (http://goo.gl/ezNKyR, http://goo.gl/xOmDv0) readdir allows the user
// to iterate through the directory one entry at a time. As each entry is
// consumed, its d_off field is stored in __dirstream::filepos.
// * (http://goo.gl/WEOXG8, http://goo.gl/rjSXl3) telldir allows the user
// to obtain the d_off field from the most recently returned entry.
// * (http://goo.gl/WG3nDZ, http://goo.gl/Lp0U6W) seekdir allows the user
// to seek backward to an offset previously returned by telldir. It
// stores the new offset in filepos, and calls llseek to update the
// kernel's struct file.
// * (http://goo.gl/gONQhz, http://goo.gl/VlrQkc) rewinddir allows the user
// to go back to the beginning of the directory, obtaining a fresh view.
// It updates filepos and calls llseek to update the kernel's struct
// file.
// Unfortunately, FUSE offers no way to intercept seeks
// (http://goo.gl/H6gEXa), so there is no way to cause seekdir or rewinddir
// to fail. Additionally, there is no way to distinguish an explicit
// rewinddir followed by readdir from the initial readdir, or a rewinddir
// from a seekdir to the value returned by telldir just after opendir.
// Luckily, Posix is vague about what the user will see if they seek
// backwards, and requires the user not to seek to an old offset after a
// rewind. The only requirement on freshness is that rewinddir results in
// something that looks like a newly-opened directory. So FUSE file systems
// may e.g. cache an entire fresh listing for each ReadDir with a zero
// offset, and return array offsets into that cached listing.
Offset DirOffset
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
2015-02-27 03:11:12 +03:00
// The maximum number of bytes to return in ReadDirResponse.Data. A smaller
// number is acceptable.
Size int
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
type ReadDirResponse struct {
// A buffer consisting of a sequence of FUSE directory entries in the format
// generated by fuse_add_direntry (http://goo.gl/qCcHCV), which is consumed
2015-02-27 03:01:07 +03:00
// by parse_dirfile (http://goo.gl/2WUmD2). Use fuseutil.AppendDirent to
// generate this data.
2015-02-27 02:43:01 +03:00
// The buffer must not exceed the length specified in ReadDirRequest.Size. It
// is okay for the final entry to be truncated; parse_dirfile copes with this
// by ignoring the partial record.
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// Each entry returned exposes a directory offset to the user that may later
// show up in ReadDirRequest.Offset. See notes on that field for more
// information.
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// An empty buffer indicates the end of the directory has been reached.
2015-02-27 03:01:07 +03:00
Data []byte
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2015-02-27 01:52:34 +03:00
type ReleaseHandleRequest struct {
// The handle ID to be released. The kernel guarantees that this ID will not
// be used in further calls to the file system (unless it is reissued by the
// file system).
Handle HandleID
type ReleaseHandleResponse struct {