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2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// See the file LICENSE for copyright and licensing information.
// Adapted from Plan 9 from User Space's src/cmd/9pfuse/fuse.c,
// which carries this notice:
// The files in this directory are subject to the following license.
// The author of this software is Russ Cox.
// Copyright (c) 2006 Russ Cox
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
// purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
// is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
// or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
// documentation for such software.
// Package fuse enables writing FUSE file systems on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD.
// On OS X, it requires OSXFUSE (http://osxfuse.github.com/).
// There are two approaches to writing a FUSE file system. The first is to speak
// the low-level message protocol, reading from a Conn using ReadRequest and
// writing using the various Respond methods. This approach is closest to
// the actual interaction with the kernel and can be the simplest one in contexts
// such as protocol translators.
// Servers of synthesized file systems tend to share common
// bookkeeping abstracted away by the second approach, which is to
// call fs.Serve to serve the FUSE protocol using an implementation of
// the service methods in the interfaces FS* (file system), Node* (file
// or directory), and Handle* (opened file or directory).
// There are a daunting number of such methods that can be written,
// but few are required.
// The specific methods are described in the documentation for those interfaces.
// The hellofs subdirectory contains a simple illustration of the fs.Serve approach.
// Service Methods
// The required and optional methods for the FS, Node, and Handle interfaces
// have the general form
// Op(ctx context.Context, req *OpRequest, resp *OpResponse) error
// where Op is the name of a FUSE operation. Op reads request
// parameters from req and writes results to resp. An operation whose
// only result is the error result omits the resp parameter.
// Multiple goroutines may call service methods simultaneously; the
// methods being called are responsible for appropriate
// synchronization.
// The operation must not hold on to the request or response,
// including any []byte fields such as WriteRequest.Data or
// SetxattrRequest.Xattr.
// Errors
// Operations can return errors. The FUSE interface can only
// communicate POSIX errno error numbers to file system clients, the
// message is not visible to file system clients. The returned error
// can implement ErrorNumber to control the errno returned. Without
// ErrorNumber, a generic errno (EIO) is returned.
// Error messages will be visible in the debug log as part of the
// response.
// Interrupted Operations
// In some file systems, some operations
// may take an undetermined amount of time. For example, a Read waiting for
// a network message or a matching Write might wait indefinitely. If the request
// is cancelled and no longer needed, the context will be cancelled.
// Blocking operations should select on a receive from ctx.Done() and attempt to
// abort the operation early if the receive succeeds (meaning the channel is closed).
// To indicate that the operation failed because it was aborted, return fuse.EINTR.
// If an operation does not block for an indefinite amount of time, supporting
// cancellation is not necessary.
// Authentication
// All requests types embed a Header, meaning that the method can
// inspect req.Pid, req.Uid, and req.Gid as necessary to implement
// permission checking. The kernel FUSE layer normally prevents other
// users from accessing the FUSE file system (to change this, see
// AllowOther, AllowRoot), but does not enforce access modes (to
// change this, see DefaultPermissions).
// Mount Options
// Behavior and metadata of the mounted file system can be changed by
// passing MountOption values to Mount.
2015-07-23 08:53:23 +03:00
package fuseshim
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
import (
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// A Conn represents a connection to a mounted FUSE file system.
type Conn struct {
// Ready is closed when the mount is complete or has failed.
Ready <-chan struct{}
// MountError stores any error from the mount process. Only valid
// after Ready is closed.
MountError error
// File handle for kernel communication. Only safe to access if
// rio or wio is held.
dev *os.File
wio sync.RWMutex
rio sync.RWMutex
// Protocol version negotiated with InitRequest/InitResponse.
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
proto fusekernel.Protocol
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// Mount mounts a new FUSE connection on the named directory
// and returns a connection for reading and writing FUSE messages.
// After a successful return, caller must call Close to free
// resources.
// Even on successful return, the new mount is not guaranteed to be
// visible until after Conn.Ready is closed. See Conn.MountError for
// possible errors. Incoming requests on Conn must be served to make
// progress.
func Mount(dir string, options ...MountOption) (*Conn, error) {
conf := mountConfig{
options: make(map[string]string),
for _, option := range options {
if err := option(&conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
ready := make(chan struct{}, 1)
c := &Conn{
Ready: ready,
f, err := mount(dir, &conf, ready, &c.MountError)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.dev = f
if err := initMount(c, &conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
type OldVersionError struct {
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
Kernel fusekernel.Protocol
LibraryMin fusekernel.Protocol
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
func (e *OldVersionError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("kernel FUSE version is too old: %v < %v", e.Kernel, e.LibraryMin)
func initMount(c *Conn, conf *mountConfig) error {
req, err := c.ReadRequest()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("missing init, got EOF")
return err
r, ok := req.(*InitRequest)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing init, got: %T", req)
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
min := fusekernel.Protocol{fusekernel.ProtoVersionMinMajor, fusekernel.ProtoVersionMinMinor}
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if r.Kernel.LT(min) {
return &OldVersionError{
Kernel: r.Kernel,
LibraryMin: min,
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
proto := fusekernel.Protocol{fusekernel.ProtoVersionMaxMajor, fusekernel.ProtoVersionMaxMinor}
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if r.Kernel.LT(proto) {
// Kernel doesn't support the latest version we have.
proto = r.Kernel
c.proto = proto
s := &InitResponse{
Library: proto,
MaxReadahead: conf.maxReadahead,
MaxWrite: maxWrite,
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.InitBigWrites | conf.initFlags,
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return nil
// A Request represents a single FUSE request received from the kernel.
// Use a type switch to determine the specific kind.
// A request of unrecognized type will have concrete type *Header.
type Request interface {
// Hdr returns the Header associated with this request.
Hdr() *Header
// RespondError responds to the request with the given error.
String() string
// A RequestID identifies an active FUSE request.
type RequestID uint64
// A NodeID is a number identifying a directory or file.
// It must be unique among IDs returned in LookupResponses
// that have not yet been forgotten by ForgetRequests.
type NodeID uint64
// A HandleID is a number identifying an open directory or file.
// It only needs to be unique while the directory or file is open.
type HandleID uint64
// The RootID identifies the root directory of a FUSE file system.
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
const RootID NodeID = fusekernel.RootID
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// A Header describes the basic information sent in every request.
type Header struct {
Conn *Conn `json:"-"` // connection this request was received on
ID RequestID // unique ID for request
Node NodeID // file or directory the request is about
Uid uint32 // user ID of process making request
Gid uint32 // group ID of process making request
Pid uint32 // process ID of process making request
// for returning to reqPool
msg *message
func (h *Header) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ID=%#x Node=%#x Uid=%d Gid=%d Pid=%d", h.ID, h.Node, h.Uid, h.Gid, h.Pid)
func (h *Header) Hdr() *Header {
return h
func (h *Header) noResponse() {
func (h *Header) respond(msg []byte) {
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.OutHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Unique = uint64(h.ID)
// An ErrorNumber is an error with a specific error number.
// Operations may return an error value that implements ErrorNumber to
// control what specific error number (errno) to return.
type ErrorNumber interface {
// Errno returns the the error number (errno) for this error.
Errno() Errno
const (
// ENOSYS indicates that the call is not supported.
ENOSYS = Errno(syscall.ENOSYS)
// ESTALE is used by Serve to respond to violations of the FUSE protocol.
ESTALE = Errno(syscall.ESTALE)
ENOENT = Errno(syscall.ENOENT)
EIO = Errno(syscall.EIO)
EPERM = Errno(syscall.EPERM)
// EINTR indicates request was interrupted by an InterruptRequest.
// See also fs.Intr.
EINTR = Errno(syscall.EINTR)
ERANGE = Errno(syscall.ERANGE)
ENOTSUP = Errno(syscall.ENOTSUP)
EEXIST = Errno(syscall.EEXIST)
// DefaultErrno is the errno used when error returned does not
// implement ErrorNumber.
const DefaultErrno = EIO
var errnoNames = map[Errno]string{
// Errno implements Error and ErrorNumber using a syscall.Errno.
type Errno syscall.Errno
var _ = ErrorNumber(Errno(0))
var _ = error(Errno(0))
func (e Errno) Errno() Errno {
return e
func (e Errno) String() string {
return syscall.Errno(e).Error()
func (e Errno) Error() string {
return syscall.Errno(e).Error()
// ErrnoName returns the short non-numeric identifier for this errno.
// For example, "EIO".
func (e Errno) ErrnoName() string {
s := errnoNames[e]
if s == "" {
s = fmt.Sprint(e.Errno())
return s
func (e Errno) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
s := e.ErrnoName()
return []byte(s), nil
func (h *Header) RespondError(err error) {
errno := DefaultErrno
if ferr, ok := err.(ErrorNumber); ok {
errno = ferr.Errno()
// FUSE uses negative errors!
// TODO: File bug report against OSXFUSE: positive error causes kernel panic.
buf := newBuffer(0)
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
hOut := (*fusekernel.OutHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
hOut.Error = -int32(errno)
// All requests read from the kernel, without data, are shorter than
// this.
var maxRequestSize = syscall.Getpagesize()
var bufSize = maxRequestSize + maxWrite
// reqPool is a pool of messages.
// Lifetime of a logical message is from getMessage to putMessage.
// getMessage is called by ReadRequest. putMessage is called by
// Conn.ReadRequest, Request.Respond, or Request.RespondError.
// Messages in the pool are guaranteed to have conn and off zeroed,
// buf allocated and len==bufSize, and hdr set.
var reqPool struct {
Mu sync.Mutex
Freelist []*message
func allocMessage() *message {
m := &message{buf: make([]byte, bufSize)}
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
m.hdr = (*fusekernel.InHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.buf[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return m
func getMessage(c *Conn) (m *message) {
l := len(reqPool.Freelist)
if l != 0 {
m = reqPool.Freelist[l-1]
reqPool.Freelist = reqPool.Freelist[:l-1]
if m == nil {
m = allocMessage()
m.conn = c
return m
func putMessage(m *message) {
m.buf = m.buf[:bufSize]
m.conn = nil
m.off = 0
reqPool.Freelist = append(reqPool.Freelist, m)
// a message represents the bytes of a single FUSE message
type message struct {
conn *Conn
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
buf []byte // all bytes
hdr *fusekernel.InHeader // header
off int // offset for reading additional fields
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
func (m *message) len() uintptr {
return uintptr(len(m.buf) - m.off)
func (m *message) data() unsafe.Pointer {
var p unsafe.Pointer
if m.off < len(m.buf) {
p = unsafe.Pointer(&m.buf[m.off])
return p
func (m *message) bytes() []byte {
return m.buf[m.off:]
func (m *message) Header() Header {
h := m.hdr
return Header{
Conn: m.conn,
ID: RequestID(h.Unique),
Node: NodeID(h.Nodeid),
Uid: h.Uid,
Gid: h.Gid,
Pid: h.Pid,
msg: m,
// fileMode returns a Go os.FileMode from a Unix mode.
func fileMode(unixMode uint32) os.FileMode {
mode := os.FileMode(unixMode & 0777)
switch unixMode & syscall.S_IFMT {
case syscall.S_IFREG:
// nothing
case syscall.S_IFDIR:
mode |= os.ModeDir
case syscall.S_IFCHR:
mode |= os.ModeCharDevice | os.ModeDevice
case syscall.S_IFBLK:
mode |= os.ModeDevice
case syscall.S_IFIFO:
mode |= os.ModeNamedPipe
case syscall.S_IFLNK:
mode |= os.ModeSymlink
case syscall.S_IFSOCK:
mode |= os.ModeSocket
// no idea
mode |= os.ModeDevice
if unixMode&syscall.S_ISUID != 0 {
mode |= os.ModeSetuid
if unixMode&syscall.S_ISGID != 0 {
mode |= os.ModeSetgid
return mode
type noOpcode struct {
Opcode uint32
func (m noOpcode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("No opcode %v", m.Opcode)
type malformedMessage struct {
func (malformedMessage) String() string {
return "malformed message"
// Close closes the FUSE connection.
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
defer c.wio.Unlock()
defer c.rio.Unlock()
return c.dev.Close()
// caller must hold wio or rio
func (c *Conn) fd() int {
return int(c.dev.Fd())
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
func (c *Conn) Protocol() fusekernel.Protocol {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return c.proto
// ReadRequest returns the next FUSE request from the kernel.
// Caller must call either Request.Respond or Request.RespondError in
// a reasonable time. Caller must not retain Request after that call.
func (c *Conn) ReadRequest() (Request, error) {
m := getMessage(c)
n, err := syscall.Read(c.fd(), m.buf)
if err == syscall.EINTR {
// OSXFUSE sends EINTR to userspace when a request interrupt
// completed before it got sent to userspace?
goto loop
if err != nil && err != syscall.ENODEV {
return nil, err
if n <= 0 {
return nil, io.EOF
m.buf = m.buf[:n]
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
if n < fusekernel.InHeaderSize {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return nil, errors.New("fuse: message too short")
// FreeBSD FUSE sends a short length in the header
// for FUSE_INIT even though the actual read length is correct.
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
if n == fusekernel.InHeaderSize+fusekernel.InitInSize && m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpInit && m.hdr.Len < uint32(n) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
m.hdr.Len = uint32(n)
// OSXFUSE sometimes sends the wrong m.hdr.Len in a FUSE_WRITE message.
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
if m.hdr.Len < uint32(n) && m.hdr.Len >= uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.WriteIn{})) && m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpWrite {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
m.hdr.Len = uint32(n)
if m.hdr.Len != uint32(n) {
// prepare error message before returning m to pool
err := fmt.Errorf("fuse: read %d opcode %d but expected %d", n, m.hdr.Opcode, m.hdr.Len)
return nil, err
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
m.off = fusekernel.InHeaderSize
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// Convert to data structures.
// Do not trust kernel to hand us well-formed data.
var req Request
switch m.hdr.Opcode {
goto unrecognized
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpLookup:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := m.bytes()
n := len(buf)
if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
goto corrupt
req = &LookupRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Name: string(buf[:n-1]),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpForget:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.ForgetIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &ForgetRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
N: in.Nlookup,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpGetattr:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
switch {
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
case c.proto.LT(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 9}):
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
req = &GetattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.GetattrIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &GetattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.GetattrFlags(in.GetattrFlags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpSetattr:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.SetattrIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &SetattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
Valid: fusekernel.SetattrValid(in.Valid),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
Size: in.Size,
Atime: time.Unix(int64(in.Atime), int64(in.AtimeNsec)),
Mtime: time.Unix(int64(in.Mtime), int64(in.MtimeNsec)),
Mode: fileMode(in.Mode),
Uid: in.Uid,
Gid: in.Gid,
Bkuptime: in.BkupTime(),
Chgtime: in.Chgtime(),
Flags: in.Flags(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpReadlink:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if len(m.bytes()) > 0 {
goto corrupt
req = &ReadlinkRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpSymlink:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// m.bytes() is "newName\0target\0"
names := m.bytes()
if len(names) == 0 || names[len(names)-1] != 0 {
goto corrupt
i := bytes.IndexByte(names, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
newName, target := names[0:i], names[i+1:len(names)-1]
req = &SymlinkRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
NewName: string(newName),
Target: string(target),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpLink:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.LinkIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
newName := m.bytes()[unsafe.Sizeof(*in):]
if len(newName) < 2 || newName[len(newName)-1] != 0 {
goto corrupt
newName = newName[:len(newName)-1]
req = &LinkRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
OldNode: NodeID(in.Oldnodeid),
NewName: string(newName),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpMknod:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.MknodInSize(c.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < size {
goto corrupt
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.MknodIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
name := m.bytes()[size:]
if len(name) < 2 || name[len(name)-1] != '\x00' {
goto corrupt
name = name[:len(name)-1]
r := &MknodRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Mode: fileMode(in.Mode),
Rdev: in.Rdev,
Name: string(name),
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if c.proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 12}) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
r.Umask = fileMode(in.Umask) & os.ModePerm
req = r
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpMkdir:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.MkdirInSize(c.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < size {
goto corrupt
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.MkdirIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
name := m.bytes()[size:]
i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
r := &MkdirRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Name: string(name[:i]),
// observed on Linux: mkdirIn.Mode & syscall.S_IFMT == 0,
// and this causes fileMode to go into it's "no idea"
// code branch; enforce type to directory
Mode: fileMode((in.Mode &^ syscall.S_IFMT) | syscall.S_IFDIR),
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if c.proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 12}) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
r.Umask = fileMode(in.Umask) & os.ModePerm
req = r
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpUnlink, fusekernel.OpRmdir:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := m.bytes()
n := len(buf)
if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
goto corrupt
req = &RemoveRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Name: string(buf[:n-1]),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
Dir: m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpRmdir,
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpRename:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.RenameIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
newDirNodeID := NodeID(in.Newdir)
oldNew := m.bytes()[unsafe.Sizeof(*in):]
// oldNew should be "old\x00new\x00"
if len(oldNew) < 4 {
goto corrupt
if oldNew[len(oldNew)-1] != '\x00' {
goto corrupt
i := bytes.IndexByte(oldNew, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
oldName, newName := string(oldNew[:i]), string(oldNew[i+1:len(oldNew)-1])
req = &RenameRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
NewDir: newDirNodeID,
OldName: oldName,
NewName: newName,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpOpendir, fusekernel.OpOpen:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.OpenIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &OpenRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
Dir: m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpOpendir,
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.OpenFlags(in.Flags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpRead, fusekernel.OpReaddir:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.ReadIn)(m.data())
if m.len() < fusekernel.ReadInSize(c.proto) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
goto corrupt
r := &ReadRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
Dir: m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpReaddir,
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
Offset: int64(in.Offset),
Size: int(in.Size),
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if c.proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 9}) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
r.Flags = fusekernel.ReadFlags(in.ReadFlags)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
r.LockOwner = in.LockOwner
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
r.FileFlags = fusekernel.OpenFlags(in.Flags)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
req = r
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpWrite:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.WriteIn)(m.data())
if m.len() < fusekernel.WriteInSize(c.proto) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
goto corrupt
r := &WriteRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
Offset: int64(in.Offset),
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.WriteFlags(in.WriteFlags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if c.proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 9}) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
r.LockOwner = in.LockOwner
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
r.FileFlags = fusekernel.OpenFlags(in.Flags)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
buf := m.bytes()[fusekernel.WriteInSize(c.proto):]
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if uint32(len(buf)) < in.Size {
goto corrupt
r.Data = buf
req = r
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpStatfs:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
req = &StatfsRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpRelease, fusekernel.OpReleasedir:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.ReleaseIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &ReleaseRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
Dir: m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpReleasedir,
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.OpenFlags(in.Flags),
ReleaseFlags: fusekernel.ReleaseFlags(in.ReleaseFlags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
LockOwner: in.LockOwner,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpFsync, fusekernel.OpFsyncdir:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.FsyncIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &FsyncRequest{
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
Dir: m.hdr.Opcode == fusekernel.OpFsyncdir,
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Header: m.Header(),
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
Flags: in.FsyncFlags,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpSetxattr:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.SetxattrIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
m.off += int(unsafe.Sizeof(*in))
name := m.bytes()
i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
xattr := name[i+1:]
if uint32(len(xattr)) < in.Size {
goto corrupt
xattr = xattr[:in.Size]
req = &SetxattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Flags: in.Flags,
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
Position: in.GetPosition(),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Name: string(name[:i]),
Xattr: xattr,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpGetxattr:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.GetxattrIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
name := m.bytes()[unsafe.Sizeof(*in):]
i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
req = &GetxattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Name: string(name[:i]),
Size: in.Size,
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
Position: in.GetPosition(),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpListxattr:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.GetxattrIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &ListxattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Size: in.Size,
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
Position: in.GetPosition(),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpRemovexattr:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := m.bytes()
n := len(buf)
if n == 0 || buf[n-1] != '\x00' {
goto corrupt
req = &RemovexattrRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Name: string(buf[:n-1]),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpFlush:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.FlushIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &FlushRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Handle: HandleID(in.Fh),
Flags: in.FlushFlags,
LockOwner: in.LockOwner,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpInit:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.InitIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &InitRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
Kernel: fusekernel.Protocol{in.Major, in.Minor},
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
MaxReadahead: in.MaxReadahead,
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.InitFlags(in.Flags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpGetlk:
case fusekernel.OpSetlk:
case fusekernel.OpSetlkw:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpAccess:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.AccessIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &AccessRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
Mask: in.Mask,
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpCreate:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.CreateInSize(c.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < size {
goto corrupt
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.CreateIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
name := m.bytes()[size:]
i := bytes.IndexByte(name, '\x00')
if i < 0 {
goto corrupt
r := &CreateRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
Flags: fusekernel.OpenFlags(in.Flags),
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Mode: fileMode(in.Mode),
Name: string(name[:i]),
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if c.proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 12}) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
r.Umask = fileMode(in.Umask) & os.ModePerm
req = r
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpInterrupt:
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
in := (*fusekernel.InterruptIn)(m.data())
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if m.len() < unsafe.Sizeof(*in) {
goto corrupt
req = &InterruptRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
IntrID: RequestID(in.Unique),
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpBmap:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpDestroy:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
req = &DestroyRequest{
Header: m.Header(),
// OS X
2015-07-23 09:01:45 +03:00
case fusekernel.OpSetvolname:
case fusekernel.OpGetxtimes:
case fusekernel.OpExchange:
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return req, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fuse: malformed message")
// Unrecognized message.
// Assume higher-level code will send a "no idea what you mean" error.
h := m.Header()
return &h, nil
type bugShortKernelWrite struct {
Written int64
Length int64
Error string
Stack string
func (b bugShortKernelWrite) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("short kernel write: written=%d/%d error=%q stack=\n%s", b.Written, b.Length, b.Error, b.Stack)
type bugKernelWriteError struct {
Error string
Stack string
func (b bugKernelWriteError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("kernel write error: error=%q stack=\n%s", b.Error, b.Stack)
// safe to call even with nil error
func errorString(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return ""
return err.Error()
func (c *Conn) writeToKernel(msg []byte) error {
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.OutHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Len = uint32(len(msg))
defer c.wio.RUnlock()
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
_, err := syscall.Write(c.fd(), msg)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
return err
func (c *Conn) respond(msg []byte) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
type notCachedError struct{}
func (notCachedError) Error() string {
return "node not cached"
var _ ErrorNumber = notCachedError{}
func (notCachedError) Errno() Errno {
// Behave just like if the original syscall.ENOENT had been passed
// straight through.
return ENOENT
var (
ErrNotCached = notCachedError{}
// sendInvalidate sends an invalidate notification to kernel.
// A returned ENOENT is translated to a friendlier error.
func (c *Conn) sendInvalidate(msg []byte) error {
switch err := c.writeToKernel(msg); err {
case syscall.ENOENT:
return ErrNotCached
return err
// InvalidateNode invalidates the kernel cache of the attributes and a
// range of the data of a node.
// Giving offset 0 and size -1 means all data. To invalidate just the
// attributes, give offset 0 and size 0.
// Returns ErrNotCached if the kernel is not currently caching the
// node.
func (c *Conn) InvalidateNode(nodeID NodeID, off int64, size int64) error {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.NotifyInvalInodeOut{}))
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
h := (*fusekernel.OutHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// h.Unique is 0
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
h.Error = fusekernel.NotifyCodeInvalInode
out := (*fusekernel.NotifyInvalInodeOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.NotifyInvalInodeOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Ino = uint64(nodeID)
out.Off = off
out.Len = size
return c.sendInvalidate(buf)
// InvalidateEntry invalidates the kernel cache of the directory entry
// identified by parent directory node ID and entry basename.
// Kernel may or may not cache directory listings. To invalidate
// those, use InvalidateNode to invalidate all of the data for a
// directory. (As of 2015-06, Linux FUSE does not cache directory
// listings.)
// Returns ErrNotCached if the kernel is not currently caching the
// node.
func (c *Conn) InvalidateEntry(parent NodeID, name string) error {
const maxUint32 = ^uint32(0)
if uint64(len(name)) > uint64(maxUint32) {
// very unlikely, but we don't want to silently truncate
return syscall.ENAMETOOLONG
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.NotifyInvalEntryOut{}) + uintptr(len(name)) + 1)
2015-07-23 08:59:29 +03:00
h := (*fusekernel.OutHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// h.Unique is 0
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
h.Error = fusekernel.NotifyCodeInvalEntry
out := (*fusekernel.NotifyInvalEntryOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.NotifyInvalEntryOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Parent = uint64(parent)
out.Namelen = uint32(len(name))
buf = append(buf, name...)
buf = append(buf, '\x00')
return c.sendInvalidate(buf)
// An InitRequest is the first request sent on a FUSE file system.
type InitRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
Kernel fusekernel.Protocol
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// Maximum readahead in bytes that the kernel plans to use.
MaxReadahead uint32
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.InitFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
var _ = Request(&InitRequest{})
func (r *InitRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Init [%s] %v ra=%d fl=%v", &r.Header, r.Kernel, r.MaxReadahead, r.Flags)
// An InitResponse is the response to an InitRequest.
type InitResponse struct {
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
Library fusekernel.Protocol
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// Maximum readahead in bytes that the kernel can use. Ignored if
// greater than InitRequest.MaxReadahead.
MaxReadahead uint32
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.InitFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
// Maximum size of a single write operation.
// Linux enforces a minimum of 4 KiB.
MaxWrite uint32
func (r *InitResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Init %+v", *r)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *InitRequest) Respond(resp *InitResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.InitOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.InitOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.InitOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Major = resp.Library.Major
out.Minor = resp.Library.Minor
out.MaxReadahead = resp.MaxReadahead
out.Flags = uint32(resp.Flags)
out.MaxWrite = resp.MaxWrite
// MaxWrite larger than our receive buffer would just lead to
// errors on large writes.
if out.MaxWrite > maxWrite {
out.MaxWrite = maxWrite
// A StatfsRequest requests information about the mounted file system.
type StatfsRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
var _ = Request(&StatfsRequest{})
func (r *StatfsRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Statfs [%s]", &r.Header)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *StatfsRequest) Respond(resp *StatfsResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.StatfsOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.StatfsOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.StatfsOut{})))
out.St = fusekernel.Kstatfs{
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Blocks: resp.Blocks,
Bfree: resp.Bfree,
Bavail: resp.Bavail,
Files: resp.Files,
Bsize: resp.Bsize,
Namelen: resp.Namelen,
Frsize: resp.Frsize,
// A StatfsResponse is the response to a StatfsRequest.
type StatfsResponse struct {
Blocks uint64 // Total data blocks in file system.
Bfree uint64 // Free blocks in file system.
Bavail uint64 // Free blocks in file system if you're not root.
Files uint64 // Total files in file system.
Ffree uint64 // Free files in file system.
Bsize uint32 // Block size
Namelen uint32 // Maximum file name length?
Frsize uint32 // Fragment size, smallest addressable data size in the file system.
func (r *StatfsResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Statfs %+v", *r)
// An AccessRequest asks whether the file can be accessed
// for the purpose specified by the mask.
type AccessRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Mask uint32
var _ = Request(&AccessRequest{})
func (r *AccessRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Access [%s] mask=%#x", &r.Header, r.Mask)
// Respond replies to the request indicating that access is allowed.
// To deny access, use RespondError.
func (r *AccessRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// An Attr is the metadata for a single file or directory.
type Attr struct {
Valid time.Duration // how long Attr can be cached
Inode uint64 // inode number
Size uint64 // size in bytes
Blocks uint64 // size in 512-byte units
Atime time.Time // time of last access
Mtime time.Time // time of last modification
Ctime time.Time // time of last inode change
Crtime time.Time // time of creation (OS X only)
Mode os.FileMode // file mode
Nlink uint32 // number of links
Uid uint32 // owner uid
Gid uint32 // group gid
Rdev uint32 // device numbers
Flags uint32 // chflags(2) flags (OS X only)
BlockSize uint32 // preferred blocksize for filesystem I/O
func unix(t time.Time) (sec uint64, nsec uint32) {
nano := t.UnixNano()
sec = uint64(nano / 1e9)
nsec = uint32(nano % 1e9)
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
func (a *Attr) attr(out *fusekernel.Attr, proto fusekernel.Protocol) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Ino = a.Inode
out.Size = a.Size
out.Blocks = a.Blocks
out.Atime, out.AtimeNsec = unix(a.Atime)
out.Mtime, out.MtimeNsec = unix(a.Mtime)
out.Ctime, out.CtimeNsec = unix(a.Ctime)
out.Mode = uint32(a.Mode) & 0777
switch {
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFREG
case a.Mode&os.ModeDir != 0:
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFDIR
case a.Mode&os.ModeDevice != 0:
if a.Mode&os.ModeCharDevice != 0 {
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFCHR
} else {
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFBLK
case a.Mode&os.ModeNamedPipe != 0:
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFIFO
case a.Mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0:
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFLNK
case a.Mode&os.ModeSocket != 0:
out.Mode |= syscall.S_IFSOCK
if a.Mode&os.ModeSetuid != 0 {
out.Mode |= syscall.S_ISUID
if a.Mode&os.ModeSetgid != 0 {
out.Mode |= syscall.S_ISGID
out.Nlink = a.Nlink
out.Uid = a.Uid
out.Gid = a.Gid
out.Rdev = a.Rdev
2015-07-23 08:55:54 +03:00
if proto.GE(fusekernel.Protocol{7, 9}) {
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Blksize = a.BlockSize
// A GetattrRequest asks for the metadata for the file denoted by r.Node.
type GetattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.GetattrFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle HandleID
var _ = Request(&GetattrRequest{})
func (r *GetattrRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Getattr [%s] %#x fl=%v", &r.Header, r.Handle, r.Flags)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *GetattrRequest) Respond(resp *GetattrResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.AttrOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.AttrOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A GetattrResponse is the response to a GetattrRequest.
type GetattrResponse struct {
Attr Attr // file attributes
func (r *GetattrResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Getattr %+v", *r)
// A GetxattrRequest asks for the extended attributes associated with r.Node.
type GetxattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
// Maximum size to return.
Size uint32
// Name of the attribute requested.
Name string
// Offset within extended attributes.
// Only valid for OS X, and then only with the resource fork
// attribute.
Position uint32
var _ = Request(&GetxattrRequest{})
func (r *GetxattrRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Getxattr [%s] %q %d @%d", &r.Header, r.Name, r.Size, r.Position)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *GetxattrRequest) Respond(resp *GetxattrResponse) {
if r.Size == 0 {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.GetxattrOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.GetxattrOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.GetxattrOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Size = uint32(len(resp.Xattr))
} else {
buf := newBuffer(uintptr(len(resp.Xattr)))
buf = append(buf, resp.Xattr...)
// A GetxattrResponse is the response to a GetxattrRequest.
type GetxattrResponse struct {
Xattr []byte
func (r *GetxattrResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Getxattr %x", r.Xattr)
// A ListxattrRequest asks to list the extended attributes associated with r.Node.
type ListxattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Size uint32 // maximum size to return
Position uint32 // offset within attribute list
var _ = Request(&ListxattrRequest{})
func (r *ListxattrRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Listxattr [%s] %d @%d", &r.Header, r.Size, r.Position)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *ListxattrRequest) Respond(resp *ListxattrResponse) {
if r.Size == 0 {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.GetxattrOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.GetxattrOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.GetxattrOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Size = uint32(len(resp.Xattr))
} else {
buf := newBuffer(uintptr(len(resp.Xattr)))
buf = append(buf, resp.Xattr...)
// A ListxattrResponse is the response to a ListxattrRequest.
type ListxattrResponse struct {
Xattr []byte
func (r *ListxattrResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Listxattr %x", r.Xattr)
// Append adds an extended attribute name to the response.
func (r *ListxattrResponse) Append(names ...string) {
for _, name := range names {
r.Xattr = append(r.Xattr, name...)
r.Xattr = append(r.Xattr, '\x00')
// A RemovexattrRequest asks to remove an extended attribute associated with r.Node.
type RemovexattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string // name of extended attribute
var _ = Request(&RemovexattrRequest{})
func (r *RemovexattrRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Removexattr [%s] %q", &r.Header, r.Name)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the attribute was removed.
func (r *RemovexattrRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A SetxattrRequest asks to set an extended attribute associated with a file.
type SetxattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
// Flags can make the request fail if attribute does/not already
// exist. Unfortunately, the constants are platform-specific and
// not exposed by Go1.2. Look for XATTR_CREATE, XATTR_REPLACE.
// TODO improve this later
// TODO XATTR_REPLACE and not exist -> ENODATA
Flags uint32
// Offset within extended attributes.
// Only valid for OS X, and then only with the resource fork
// attribute.
Position uint32
Name string
Xattr []byte
var _ = Request(&SetxattrRequest{})
func trunc(b []byte, max int) ([]byte, string) {
if len(b) > max {
return b[:max], "..."
return b, ""
func (r *SetxattrRequest) String() string {
xattr, tail := trunc(r.Xattr, 16)
return fmt.Sprintf("Setxattr [%s] %q %x%s fl=%v @%#x", &r.Header, r.Name, xattr, tail, r.Flags, r.Position)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the extended attribute was set.
func (r *SetxattrRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A LookupRequest asks to look up the given name in the directory named by r.Node.
type LookupRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string
var _ = Request(&LookupRequest{})
func (r *LookupRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Lookup [%s] %q", &r.Header, r.Name)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *LookupRequest) Respond(resp *LookupResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A LookupResponse is the response to a LookupRequest.
type LookupResponse struct {
Node NodeID
Generation uint64
EntryValid time.Duration
Attr Attr
func (r *LookupResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Lookup %+v", *r)
// An OpenRequest asks to open a file or directory
type OpenRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Dir bool // is this Opendir?
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.OpenFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
var _ = Request(&OpenRequest{})
func (r *OpenRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Open [%s] dir=%v fl=%v", &r.Header, r.Dir, r.Flags)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *OpenRequest) Respond(resp *OpenResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.OpenOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Fh = uint64(resp.Handle)
out.OpenFlags = uint32(resp.Flags)
// A OpenResponse is the response to a OpenRequest.
type OpenResponse struct {
Handle HandleID
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.OpenResponseFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
func (r *OpenResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Open %+v", *r)
// A CreateRequest asks to create and open a file (not a directory).
type CreateRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.OpenFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Mode os.FileMode
Umask os.FileMode
var _ = Request(&CreateRequest{})
func (r *CreateRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Create [%s] %q fl=%v mode=%v umask=%v", &r.Header, r.Name, r.Flags, r.Mode, r.Umask)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *CreateRequest) Respond(resp *CreateResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
eSize := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(eSize + unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{}))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
e := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(eSize))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
e.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
e.Generation = resp.Generation
e.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
e.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
e.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
e.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&e.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
o := (*fusekernel.OpenOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
o.Fh = uint64(resp.Handle)
o.OpenFlags = uint32(resp.Flags)
// A CreateResponse is the response to a CreateRequest.
// It describes the created node and opened handle.
type CreateResponse struct {
func (r *CreateResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Create %+v", *r)
// A MkdirRequest asks to create (but not open) a directory.
type MkdirRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string
Mode os.FileMode
Umask os.FileMode
var _ = Request(&MkdirRequest{})
func (r *MkdirRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Mkdir [%s] %q mode=%v umask=%v", &r.Header, r.Name, r.Mode, r.Umask)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *MkdirRequest) Respond(resp *MkdirResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A MkdirResponse is the response to a MkdirRequest.
type MkdirResponse struct {
func (r *MkdirResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Mkdir %+v", *r)
// A ReadRequest asks to read from an open file.
type ReadRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Dir bool // is this Readdir?
Handle HandleID
Offset int64
Size int
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.ReadFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
LockOwner uint64
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
FileFlags fusekernel.OpenFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
var _ = Request(&ReadRequest{})
func (r *ReadRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Read [%s] %#x %d @%#x dir=%v fl=%v lock=%d ffl=%v", &r.Header, r.Handle, r.Size, r.Offset, r.Dir, r.Flags, r.LockOwner, r.FileFlags)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *ReadRequest) Respond(resp *ReadResponse) {
buf := newBuffer(uintptr(len(resp.Data)))
buf = append(buf, resp.Data...)
// A ReadResponse is the response to a ReadRequest.
type ReadResponse struct {
Data []byte
func (r *ReadResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Read %d", len(r.Data))
type jsonReadResponse struct {
Len uint64
func (r *ReadResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
j := jsonReadResponse{
Len: uint64(len(r.Data)),
return json.Marshal(j)
// A ReleaseRequest asks to release (close) an open file handle.
type ReleaseRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Dir bool // is this Releasedir?
Handle HandleID
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.OpenFlags // flags from OpenRequest
ReleaseFlags fusekernel.ReleaseFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
LockOwner uint32
var _ = Request(&ReleaseRequest{})
func (r *ReleaseRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Release [%s] %#x fl=%v rfl=%v owner=%#x", &r.Header, r.Handle, r.Flags, r.ReleaseFlags, r.LockOwner)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the handle has been released.
func (r *ReleaseRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A DestroyRequest is sent by the kernel when unmounting the file system.
// No more requests will be received after this one, but it should still be
// responded to.
type DestroyRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
var _ = Request(&DestroyRequest{})
func (r *DestroyRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Destroy [%s]", &r.Header)
// Respond replies to the request.
func (r *DestroyRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A ForgetRequest is sent by the kernel when forgetting about r.Node
// as returned by r.N lookup requests.
type ForgetRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
N uint64
var _ = Request(&ForgetRequest{})
func (r *ForgetRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Forget [%s] %d", &r.Header, r.N)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the forgetfulness has been recorded.
func (r *ForgetRequest) Respond() {
// Don't reply to forget messages.
// A Dirent represents a single directory entry.
type Dirent struct {
// Inode this entry names.
Inode uint64
// Type of the entry, for example DT_File.
// Setting this is optional. The zero value (DT_Unknown) means
// callers will just need to do a Getattr when the type is
// needed. Providing a type can speed up operations
// significantly.
Type DirentType
// Name of the entry
Name string
// Type of an entry in a directory listing.
type DirentType uint32
const (
// These don't quite match os.FileMode; especially there's an
// explicit unknown, instead of zero value meaning file. They
// are also not quite syscall.DT_*; nothing says the FUSE
// protocol follows those, and even if they were, we don't
// want each fs to fiddle with syscall.
// The shift by 12 is hardcoded in the FUSE userspace
// low-level C library, so it's safe here.
DT_Unknown DirentType = 0
DT_Socket DirentType = syscall.S_IFSOCK >> 12
DT_Link DirentType = syscall.S_IFLNK >> 12
DT_File DirentType = syscall.S_IFREG >> 12
DT_Block DirentType = syscall.S_IFBLK >> 12
DT_Dir DirentType = syscall.S_IFDIR >> 12
DT_Char DirentType = syscall.S_IFCHR >> 12
DT_FIFO DirentType = syscall.S_IFIFO >> 12
func (t DirentType) String() string {
switch t {
case DT_Unknown:
return "unknown"
case DT_Socket:
return "socket"
case DT_Link:
return "link"
case DT_File:
return "file"
case DT_Block:
return "block"
case DT_Dir:
return "dir"
case DT_Char:
return "char"
case DT_FIFO:
return "fifo"
return "invalid"
// AppendDirent appends the encoded form of a directory entry to data
// and returns the resulting slice.
func AppendDirent(data []byte, dir Dirent) []byte {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
de := fusekernel.Dirent{
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Ino: dir.Inode,
Namelen: uint32(len(dir.Name)),
Type: uint32(dir.Type),
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
de.Off = uint64(len(data) + fusekernel.DirentSize + (len(dir.Name)+7)&^7)
data = append(data, (*[fusekernel.DirentSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&de))[:]...)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
data = append(data, dir.Name...)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
n := fusekernel.DirentSize + uintptr(len(dir.Name))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
if n%8 != 0 {
var pad [8]byte
data = append(data, pad[:8-n%8]...)
return data
// A WriteRequest asks to write to an open file.
type WriteRequest struct {
Handle HandleID
Offset int64
Data []byte
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.WriteFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
LockOwner uint64
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
FileFlags fusekernel.OpenFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
var _ = Request(&WriteRequest{})
func (r *WriteRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Write [%s] %#x %d @%d fl=%v lock=%d ffl=%v", &r.Header, r.Handle, len(r.Data), r.Offset, r.Flags, r.LockOwner, r.FileFlags)
type jsonWriteRequest struct {
Handle HandleID
Offset int64
Len uint64
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Flags fusekernel.WriteFlags
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
func (r *WriteRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
j := jsonWriteRequest{
Handle: r.Handle,
Offset: r.Offset,
Len: uint64(len(r.Data)),
Flags: r.Flags,
return json.Marshal(j)
// Respond replies to the request with the given response.
func (r *WriteRequest) Respond(resp *WriteResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.WriteOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.WriteOut)(buf.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.WriteOut{})))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Size = uint32(resp.Size)
// A WriteResponse replies to a write indicating how many bytes were written.
type WriteResponse struct {
Size int
func (r *WriteResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Write %+v", *r)
// A SetattrRequest asks to change one or more attributes associated with a file,
// as indicated by Valid.
type SetattrRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
2015-07-23 08:58:40 +03:00
Valid fusekernel.SetattrValid
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
Handle HandleID
Size uint64
Atime time.Time
Mtime time.Time
Mode os.FileMode
Uid uint32
Gid uint32
// OS X only
Bkuptime time.Time
Chgtime time.Time
Crtime time.Time
Flags uint32 // see chflags(2)
var _ = Request(&SetattrRequest{})
func (r *SetattrRequest) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Setattr [%s]", &r.Header)
if r.Valid.Mode() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " mode=%v", r.Mode)
if r.Valid.Uid() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " uid=%d", r.Uid)
if r.Valid.Gid() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " gid=%d", r.Gid)
if r.Valid.Size() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " size=%d", r.Size)
if r.Valid.Atime() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " atime=%v", r.Atime)
if r.Valid.AtimeNow() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " atime=now")
if r.Valid.Mtime() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " mtime=%v", r.Mtime)
if r.Valid.MtimeNow() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " mtime=now")
if r.Valid.Handle() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " handle=%#x", r.Handle)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " handle=INVALID-%#x", r.Handle)
if r.Valid.LockOwner() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " lockowner")
if r.Valid.Crtime() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " crtime=%v", r.Crtime)
if r.Valid.Chgtime() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " chgtime=%v", r.Chgtime)
if r.Valid.Bkuptime() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " bkuptime=%v", r.Bkuptime)
if r.Valid.Flags() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " flags=%#x", r.Flags)
return buf.String()
// Respond replies to the request with the given response,
// giving the updated attributes.
func (r *SetattrRequest) Respond(resp *SetattrResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.AttrOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.AttrOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A SetattrResponse is the response to a SetattrRequest.
type SetattrResponse struct {
Attr Attr // file attributes
func (r *SetattrResponse) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Setattr %+v", *r)
// A FlushRequest asks for the current state of an open file to be flushed
// to storage, as when a file descriptor is being closed. A single opened Handle
// may receive multiple FlushRequests over its lifetime.
type FlushRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Handle HandleID
Flags uint32
LockOwner uint64
var _ = Request(&FlushRequest{})
func (r *FlushRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Flush [%s] %#x fl=%#x lk=%#x", &r.Header, r.Handle, r.Flags, r.LockOwner)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the flush succeeded.
func (r *FlushRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A RemoveRequest asks to remove a file or directory from the
// directory r.Node.
type RemoveRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string // name of the entry to remove
Dir bool // is this rmdir?
var _ = Request(&RemoveRequest{})
func (r *RemoveRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Remove [%s] %q dir=%v", &r.Header, r.Name, r.Dir)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the file was removed.
func (r *RemoveRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// A SymlinkRequest is a request to create a symlink making NewName point to Target.
type SymlinkRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
NewName, Target string
var _ = Request(&SymlinkRequest{})
func (r *SymlinkRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Symlink [%s] from %q to target %q", &r.Header, r.NewName, r.Target)
// Respond replies to the request, indicating that the symlink was created.
func (r *SymlinkRequest) Respond(resp *SymlinkResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A SymlinkResponse is the response to a SymlinkRequest.
type SymlinkResponse struct {
// A ReadlinkRequest is a request to read a symlink's target.
type ReadlinkRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
var _ = Request(&ReadlinkRequest{})
func (r *ReadlinkRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Readlink [%s]", &r.Header)
func (r *ReadlinkRequest) Respond(target string) {
buf := newBuffer(uintptr(len(target)))
buf = append(buf, target...)
// A LinkRequest is a request to create a hard link.
type LinkRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
OldNode NodeID
NewName string
var _ = Request(&LinkRequest{})
func (r *LinkRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Link [%s] node %d to %q", &r.Header, r.OldNode, r.NewName)
func (r *LinkRequest) Respond(resp *LookupResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// A RenameRequest is a request to rename a file.
type RenameRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
NewDir NodeID
OldName, NewName string
var _ = Request(&RenameRequest{})
func (r *RenameRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Rename [%s] from %q to dirnode %d %q", &r.Header, r.OldName, r.NewDir, r.NewName)
func (r *RenameRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
type MknodRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Name string
Mode os.FileMode
Rdev uint32
Umask os.FileMode
var _ = Request(&MknodRequest{})
func (r *MknodRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Mknod [%s] Name %q mode=%v umask=%v rdev=%d", &r.Header, r.Name, r.Mode, r.Umask, r.Rdev)
func (r *MknodRequest) Respond(resp *LookupResponse) {
2015-07-23 09:11:50 +03:00
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(r.Header.Conn.proto)
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
buf := newBuffer(size)
2015-07-23 09:16:42 +03:00
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.alloc(size))
2015-07-23 08:52:04 +03:00
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
type FsyncRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
Handle HandleID
// TODO bit 1 is datasync, not well documented upstream
Flags uint32
Dir bool
var _ = Request(&FsyncRequest{})
func (r *FsyncRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Fsync [%s] Handle %v Flags %v", &r.Header, r.Handle, r.Flags)
func (r *FsyncRequest) Respond() {
buf := newBuffer(0)
// An InterruptRequest is a request to interrupt another pending request. The
// response to that request should return an error status of EINTR.
type InterruptRequest struct {
Header `json:"-"`
IntrID RequestID // ID of the request to be interrupt.
var _ = Request(&InterruptRequest{})
func (r *InterruptRequest) Respond() {
// nothing to do here
func (r *InterruptRequest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Interrupt [%s] ID %v", &r.Header, r.IntrID)