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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A simple tool for mounting sample file systems, used by the tests in
// samples/.
package main
import (
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:01:16 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
2015-07-24 07:02:55 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
var fType = flag.String("type", "", "The name of the samples/ sub-dir.")
var fMountPoint = flag.String("mount_point", "", "Path to mount point.")
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
var fReadyFile = flag.Uint64("ready_file", 0, "FD to signal when ready.")
2015-03-24 01:46:05 +03:00
var fFlushesFile = flag.Uint64("flushfs.flushes_file", 0, "")
var fFsyncsFile = flag.Uint64("flushfs.fsyncs_file", 0, "")
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
var fFlushError = flag.Int("flushfs.flush_error", 0, "")
var fFsyncError = flag.Int("flushfs.fsync_error", 0, "")
2015-03-23 07:54:20 +03:00
2015-05-18 02:55:39 +03:00
var fReadOnly = flag.Bool("read_only", false, "Mount in read-only mode.")
var fDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debug logging.")
2015-05-18 02:55:39 +03:00
func makeFlushFS() (fuse.Server, error) {
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
// Check the flags.
2015-03-24 01:46:05 +03:00
if *fFlushesFile == 0 || *fFsyncsFile == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("You must set the flushfs flags.")
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
2015-03-24 01:46:05 +03:00
// Set up the files.
flushes := os.NewFile(uintptr(*fFlushesFile), "(flushes file)")
fsyncs := os.NewFile(uintptr(*fFsyncsFile), "(fsyncs file)")
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
// Set up errors.
var flushErr error
var fsyncErr error
if *fFlushError != 0 {
2015-07-24 07:02:55 +03:00
flushErr = syscall.Errno(*fFlushError)
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
if *fFsyncError != 0 {
2015-07-24 07:02:55 +03:00
fsyncErr = syscall.Errno(*fFsyncError)
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
// Report flushes and fsyncs by writing the contents followed by a newline.
report := func(f *os.File, outErr error) func(string) error {
return func(s string) error {
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
buf := []byte(s)
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if _, err := f.Write(buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Write: %v", err)
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
return outErr
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
2015-03-23 07:54:20 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
reportFlush := report(flushes, flushErr)
reportFsync := report(fsyncs, fsyncErr)
// Create the file system.
return flushfs.NewFileSystem(reportFlush, reportFsync)
2015-03-23 08:08:46 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:01:16 +03:00
func makeFS() (fuse.Server, error) {
2015-03-23 08:01:16 +03:00
switch *fType {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown FS type: %v", *fType)
2015-03-23 08:01:16 +03:00
case "flushfs":
return makeFlushFS()
2015-03-23 08:01:16 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
func getReadyFile() (*os.File, error) {
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
if *fReadyFile == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("You must set --ready_file.")
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
return os.NewFile(uintptr(*fReadyFile), "(ready file)"), nil
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
func main() {
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
// Allow parallelism in the file system implementation, to help flush out
// bugs like https://github.com/jacobsa/fuse/issues/4.
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
// Grab the file to signal when ready.
readyFile, err := getReadyFile()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("getReadyFile: %v", err)
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
// Create an appropriate file system.
2015-03-24 08:17:56 +03:00
server, err := makeFS()
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("makeFS: %v", err)
// Mount the file system.
if *fMountPoint == "" {
log.Fatalf("You must set --mount_point.")
2015-05-18 02:55:39 +03:00
cfg := &fuse.MountConfig{
ReadOnly: *fReadOnly,
if *fDebug {
cfg.DebugLogger = log.New(os.Stderr, "fuse: ", 0)
2015-05-18 02:55:39 +03:00
mfs, err := fuse.Mount(*fMountPoint, server, cfg)
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Mount: %v", err)
2015-03-24 02:08:17 +03:00
// Signal that it is ready.
_, err = readyFile.Write([]byte("x"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("readyFile.Write: %v", err)
2015-03-23 08:00:12 +03:00
// Wait for it to be unmounted.
if err = mfs.Join(context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Join: %v", err)