diff --git a/samples/memfs/memfs_test.go b/samples/memfs/memfs_test.go index 204f096..9c10b93 100644 --- a/samples/memfs/memfs_test.go +++ b/samples/memfs/memfs_test.go @@ -481,7 +481,62 @@ func (t *MemFSTest) ModifyExistingFile_InRoot() { } func (t *MemFSTest) ModifyExistingFile_InSubDir() { - AssertTrue(false, "TODO") + var err error + var n int + var fi os.FileInfo + var stat *syscall.Stat_t + + // Create a sub-directory. + dirName := path.Join(t.mfs.Dir(), "dir") + err = os.Mkdir(dirName, 0700) + AssertEq(nil, err) + + // Write a file. + fileName := path.Join(dirName, "foo") + + createTime := t.clock.Now() + err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte("Jello, world!"), 0600) + AssertEq(nil, err) + + // Simulate time advancing. + t.clock.AdvanceTime(time.Second) + + // Open the file and modify it. + f, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY, 0400) + t.toClose = append(t.toClose, f) + AssertEq(nil, err) + + modifyTime := t.clock.Now() + n, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("H"), 0) + AssertEq(nil, err) + AssertEq(1, n) + + // Simulate time advancing. + t.clock.AdvanceTime(time.Second) + + // Stat the file. + fi, err = os.Stat(fileName) + stat = fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t) + + AssertEq(nil, err) + ExpectEq("foo", fi.Name()) + ExpectEq(len("Hello, world!"), fi.Size()) + ExpectEq(0600, fi.Mode()) + ExpectEq(0, fi.ModTime().Sub(modifyTime)) + ExpectFalse(fi.IsDir()) + + ExpectNe(0, stat.Ino) + ExpectEq(1, stat.Nlink) + ExpectEq(currentUid(), stat.Uid) + ExpectEq(currentGid(), stat.Gid) + ExpectEq(len("Hello, world!"), stat.Size) + ExpectEq(0, timespecToTime(stat.Mtimespec).Sub(modifyTime)) + ExpectEq(0, timespecToTime(stat.Birthtimespec).Sub(createTime)) + + // Read the file back. + slice, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName) + AssertEq(nil, err) + ExpectEq("Hello, world!", string(slice)) } func (t *MemFSTest) UnlinkFile_Exists() {