
864 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memfs
import (
type memFS struct {
// The UID and GID that every inode receives.
uid uint32
gid uint32
// Mutable state
mu syncutil.InvariantMutex
// The collection of live inodes, indexed by ID. IDs of free inodes that may
// be re-used have nil entries. No ID less than fuseops.RootInodeID is ever
// used.
// All inodes are protected by the file system mutex.
// INVARIANT: For each inode in, in.CheckInvariants() does not panic.
// INVARIANT: len(inodes) > fuseops.RootInodeID
// INVARIANT: For all i < fuseops.RootInodeID, inodes[i] == nil
// INVARIANT: inodes[fuseops.RootInodeID] != nil
// INVARIANT: inodes[fuseops.RootInodeID].isDir()
inodes []*inode // GUARDED_BY(mu)
// A list of inode IDs within inodes available for reuse, not including the
// reserved IDs less than fuseops.RootInodeID.
// INVARIANT: This is all and only indices i of 'inodes' such that i >
// fuseops.RootInodeID and inodes[i] == nil
freeInodes []fuseops.InodeID // GUARDED_BY(mu)
// Create a file system that stores data and metadata in memory.
// The supplied UID/GID pair will own the root inode. This file system does no
// permissions checking, and should therefore be mounted with the
// default_permissions option.
func NewMemFS(
uid uint32,
gid uint32) fuse.Server {
// Set up the basic struct.
fs := &memFS{
inodes: make([]*inode, fuseops.RootInodeID+1),
uid: uid,
gid: gid,
// Set up the root inode.
rootAttrs := fuseops.InodeAttributes{
Mode: 0700 | os.ModeDir,
Uid: uid,
Gid: gid,
fs.inodes[fuseops.RootInodeID] = newInode(rootAttrs)
// Set up invariant checking.
fs.mu = syncutil.NewInvariantMutex(fs.checkInvariants)
return fuseutil.NewFileSystemServer(fs)
// Helpers
func (fs *memFS) checkInvariants() {
// Check reserved inodes.
for i := 0; i < fuseops.RootInodeID; i++ {
if fs.inodes[i] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Non-nil inode for ID: %v", i))
// Check the root inode.
if !fs.inodes[fuseops.RootInodeID].isDir() {
panic("Expected root to be a directory.")
// Build our own list of free IDs.
freeIDsEncountered := make(map[fuseops.InodeID]struct{})
for i := fuseops.RootInodeID + 1; i < len(fs.inodes); i++ {
inode := fs.inodes[i]
if inode == nil {
freeIDsEncountered[fuseops.InodeID(i)] = struct{}{}
// Check fs.freeInodes.
if len(fs.freeInodes) != len(freeIDsEncountered) {
"Length mismatch: %v vs. %v",
for _, id := range fs.freeInodes {
if _, ok := freeIDsEncountered[id]; !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexected free inode ID: %v", id))
// INVARIANT: For each inode in, in.CheckInvariants() does not panic.
for _, in := range fs.inodes {
// Find the given inode. Panic if it doesn't exist.
func (fs *memFS) getInodeOrDie(id fuseops.InodeID) *inode {
inode := fs.inodes[id]
if inode == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown inode: %v", id))
return inode
// Allocate a new inode, assigning it an ID that is not in use.
func (fs *memFS) allocateInode(
attrs fuseops.InodeAttributes) (id fuseops.InodeID, inode *inode) {
// Create the inode.
inode = newInode(attrs)
// Re-use a free ID if possible. Otherwise mint a new one.
numFree := len(fs.freeInodes)
if numFree != 0 {
id = fs.freeInodes[numFree-1]
fs.freeInodes = fs.freeInodes[:numFree-1]
fs.inodes[id] = inode
} else {
id = fuseops.InodeID(len(fs.inodes))
fs.inodes = append(fs.inodes, inode)
return id, inode
func (fs *memFS) deallocateInode(id fuseops.InodeID) {
fs.freeInodes = append(fs.freeInodes, id)
fs.inodes[id] = nil
// FileSystem methods
func (fs *memFS) StatFS(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.StatFSOp) error {
return nil
func (fs *memFS) LookUpInode(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.LookUpInodeOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent directory.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Does the directory have an entry with the given name?
childID, _, ok := inode.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if !ok {
return fuse.ENOENT
// Grab the child.
child := fs.getInodeOrDie(childID)
// Fill in the response.
op.Entry.Child = childID
op.Entry.Attributes = child.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.Entry.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
op.Entry.EntryExpiration = op.Entry.AttributesExpiration
return nil
func (fs *memFS) GetInodeAttributes(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.GetInodeAttributesOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the inode.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Fill in the response.
op.Attributes = inode.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
return nil
func (fs *memFS) SetInodeAttributes(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.SetInodeAttributesOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
var err error
if op.Size != nil && op.Handle == nil && *op.Size != 0 {
// require that truncate to non-zero has to be ftruncate()
// but allow open(O_TRUNC)
err = syscall.EBADF
// Grab the inode.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Handle the request.
inode.SetAttributes(op.Size, op.Mode, op.Mtime)
// Fill in the response.
op.Attributes = inode.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
return err
func (fs *memFS) MkDir(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.MkDirOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Ensure that the name doesn't already exist, so we don't wind up with a
// duplicate.
_, _, exists := parent.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if exists {
return fuse.EEXIST
// Set up attributes from the child.
childAttrs := fuseops.InodeAttributes{
Nlink: 1,
Mode: op.Mode,
Uid: fs.uid,
Gid: fs.gid,
// Allocate a child.
childID, child := fs.allocateInode(childAttrs)
// Add an entry in the parent.
parent.AddChild(childID, op.Name, fuseutil.DT_Directory)
// Fill in the response.
op.Entry.Child = childID
op.Entry.Attributes = child.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.Entry.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
op.Entry.EntryExpiration = op.Entry.AttributesExpiration
return nil
func (fs *memFS) MkNode(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.MkNodeOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
var err error
op.Entry, err = fs.createFile(op.Parent, op.Name, op.Mode)
return err
func (fs *memFS) createFile(
parentID fuseops.InodeID,
name string,
mode os.FileMode) (fuseops.ChildInodeEntry, error) {
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(parentID)
// Ensure that the name doesn't already exist, so we don't wind up with a
// duplicate.
_, _, exists := parent.LookUpChild(name)
if exists {
return fuseops.ChildInodeEntry{}, fuse.EEXIST
// Set up attributes for the child.
now := time.Now()
childAttrs := fuseops.InodeAttributes{
Nlink: 1,
Mode: mode,
Atime: now,
Mtime: now,
Ctime: now,
Crtime: now,
Uid: fs.uid,
Gid: fs.gid,
// Allocate a child.
childID, child := fs.allocateInode(childAttrs)
// Add an entry in the parent.
parent.AddChild(childID, name, fuseutil.DT_File)
// Fill in the response entry.
var entry fuseops.ChildInodeEntry
entry.Child = childID
entry.Attributes = child.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
entry.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
entry.EntryExpiration = entry.AttributesExpiration
return entry, nil
func (fs *memFS) CreateFile(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.CreateFileOp) (err error) {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
// CreateFileOp should have a valid pid in context.
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
op.Entry, err = fs.createFile(op.Parent, op.Name, op.Mode)
return err
func (fs *memFS) CreateSymlink(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.CreateSymlinkOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Ensure that the name doesn't already exist, so we don't wind up with a
// duplicate.
_, _, exists := parent.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if exists {
return fuse.EEXIST
// Set up attributes from the child.
now := time.Now()
childAttrs := fuseops.InodeAttributes{
Nlink: 1,
Mode: 0444 | os.ModeSymlink,
Atime: now,
Mtime: now,
Ctime: now,
Crtime: now,
Uid: fs.uid,
Gid: fs.gid,
// Allocate a child.
childID, child := fs.allocateInode(childAttrs)
// Set up its target.
child.target = op.Target
// Add an entry in the parent.
parent.AddChild(childID, op.Name, fuseutil.DT_Link)
// Fill in the response entry.
op.Entry.Child = childID
op.Entry.Attributes = child.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.Entry.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
op.Entry.EntryExpiration = op.Entry.AttributesExpiration
return nil
func (fs *memFS) CreateLink(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.CreateLinkOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Ensure that the name doesn't already exist, so we don't wind up with a
// duplicate.
_, _, exists := parent.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if exists {
return fuse.EEXIST
// Get the target inode to be linked
target := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Target)
// Update the attributes
now := time.Now()
target.attrs.Ctime = now
// Add an entry in the parent.
parent.AddChild(op.Target, op.Name, fuseutil.DT_File)
// Return the response.
op.Entry.Child = op.Target
op.Entry.Attributes = target.attrs
// We don't spontaneously mutate, so the kernel can cache as long as it wants
// (since it also handles invalidation).
op.Entry.AttributesExpiration = time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
op.Entry.EntryExpiration = op.Entry.AttributesExpiration
return nil
func (fs *memFS) Rename(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.RenameOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Ask the old parent for the child's inode ID and type.
oldParent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.OldParent)
childID, childType, ok := oldParent.LookUpChild(op.OldName)
if !ok {
return fuse.ENOENT
// If the new name exists already in the new parent, make sure it's not a
// non-empty directory, then delete it.
newParent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.NewParent)
existingID, _, ok := newParent.LookUpChild(op.NewName)
if ok {
existing := fs.getInodeOrDie(existingID)
var buf [4096]byte
if existing.isDir() && existing.ReadDir(buf[:], 0) > 0 {
return fuse.ENOTEMPTY
// Link the new name.
// Finally, remove the old name from the old parent.
return nil
func (fs *memFS) RmDir(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.RmDirOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Find the child within the parent.
childID, _, ok := parent.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if !ok {
return fuse.ENOENT
// Grab the child.
child := fs.getInodeOrDie(childID)
// Make sure the child is empty.
if child.Len() != 0 {
return fuse.ENOTEMPTY
// Remove the entry within the parent.
// Mark the child as unlinked.
return nil
func (fs *memFS) Unlink(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.UnlinkOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the parent, which we will update shortly.
parent := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Parent)
// Find the child within the parent.
childID, _, ok := parent.LookUpChild(op.Name)
if !ok {
return fuse.ENOENT
// Grab the child.
child := fs.getInodeOrDie(childID)
// Remove the entry within the parent.
// Mark the child as unlinked.
return nil
func (fs *memFS) OpenDir(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.OpenDirOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// We don't mutate spontaneosuly, so if the VFS layer has asked for an
// inode that doesn't exist, something screwed up earlier (a lookup, a
// cache invalidation, etc.).
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
if !inode.isDir() {
panic("Found non-dir.")
return nil
func (fs *memFS) ReadDir(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.ReadDirOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Grab the directory.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Serve the request.
op.BytesRead = inode.ReadDir(op.Dst, int(op.Offset))
return nil
func (fs *memFS) OpenFile(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.OpenFileOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
// OpenFileOp should have a valid pid in context.
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// We don't mutate spontaneosuly, so if the VFS layer has asked for an
// inode that doesn't exist, something screwed up earlier (a lookup, a
// cache invalidation, etc.).
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
if !inode.isFile() {
panic("Found non-file.")
return nil
func (fs *memFS) ReadFile(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.ReadFileOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Find the inode in question.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Serve the request.
var err error
op.Data = [][]byte{ make([]byte, op.Size) }
op.BytesRead, err = inode.ReadAt(op.Data[0], op.Offset)
// Don't return EOF errors; we just indicate EOF to fuse using a short read.
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return err
func (fs *memFS) WriteFile(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.WriteFileOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Find the inode in question.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Serve the request.
_, err := inode.WriteAt(op.Data, op.Offset)
return err
func (fs *memFS) FlushFile(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.FlushFileOp) (err error) {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
// FlushFileOp should have a valid pid in context.
return fuse.EINVAL
func (fs *memFS) ReadSymlink(
ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.ReadSymlinkOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
// Find the inode in question.
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
// Serve the request.
op.Target = inode.target
return nil
func (fs *memFS) GetXattr(ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.GetXattrOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
if value, ok := inode.xattrs[op.Name]; ok {
op.BytesRead = len(value)
if len(op.Dst) >= len(value) {
copy(op.Dst, value)
} else if len(op.Dst) != 0 {
return syscall.ERANGE
} else {
return fuse.ENOATTR
return nil
func (fs *memFS) ListXattr(ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.ListXattrOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
dst := op.Dst[:]
for key := range inode.xattrs {
keyLen := len(key) + 1
if len(dst) >= keyLen {
copy(dst, key)
dst = dst[keyLen:]
} else if len(op.Dst) != 0 {
return syscall.ERANGE
op.BytesRead += keyLen
return nil
func (fs *memFS) RemoveXattr(ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.RemoveXattrOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
if _, ok := inode.xattrs[op.Name]; ok {
delete(inode.xattrs, op.Name)
} else {
return fuse.ENOATTR
return nil
func (fs *memFS) SetXattr(ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.SetXattrOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
_, ok := inode.xattrs[op.Name]
switch op.Flags {
case unix.XATTR_CREATE:
if ok {
return fuse.EEXIST
case unix.XATTR_REPLACE:
if !ok {
return fuse.ENOATTR
value := make([]byte, len(op.Value))
copy(value, op.Value)
inode.xattrs[op.Name] = value
return nil
func (fs *memFS) Fallocate(ctx context.Context,
op *fuseops.FallocateOp) error {
if op.OpContext.Pid == 0 {
return fuse.EINVAL
defer fs.mu.Unlock()
inode := fs.getInodeOrDie(op.Inode)
inode.Fallocate(op.Mode, op.Offset, op.Length)
return nil