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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memfs
import (
// Common attributes for files and directories.
type inode struct {
// Dependencies
clock timeutil.Clock
// Mutable state
mu syncutil.InvariantMutex
// The current attributes of this inode.
// INVARIANT: attrs.Mode &^ (os.ModePerm|os.ModeDir|os.ModeSymlink) == 0
// INVARIANT: !(isDir() && isSymlink())
// INVARIANT: attrs.Size == len(contents)
attrs fuseops.InodeAttributes // GUARDED_BY(mu)
// For directories, entries describing the children of the directory. Unused
// entries are of type DT_Unknown.
// This array can never be shortened, nor can its elements be moved, because
// we use its indices for Dirent.Offset, which is exposed to the user who
// might be calling readdir in a loop while concurrently modifying the
// directory. Unused entries can, however, be reused.
// INVARIANT: If !isDir(), len(entries) == 0
// INVARIANT: For each i, entries[i].Offset == i+1
// INVARIANT: Contains no duplicate names in used entries.
entries []fuseutil.Dirent // GUARDED_BY(mu)
// For files, the current contents of the file.
// INVARIANT: If !isFile(), len(contents) == 0
contents []byte // GUARDED_BY(mu)
// For symlinks, the target of the symlink.
// INVARIANT: If !isSymlink(), len(target) == 0
target string
// Helpers
// Create a new inode with the supplied attributes, which need not contain
// time-related information (the inode object will take care of that).
func newInode(
clock timeutil.Clock,
attrs fuseops.InodeAttributes) (in *inode) {
// Update time info.
now := clock.Now()
attrs.Mtime = now
attrs.Crtime = now
// Create the object.
in = &inode{
clock: clock,
dir: (attrs.Mode&os.ModeDir != 0),
attributes: attrs,
in.mu = syncutil.NewInvariantMutex(in.checkInvariants)
func (in *inode) checkInvariants() {
// INVARIANT: attrs.Mode &^ (os.ModePerm|os.ModeDir|os.ModeSymlink) == 0
if !(in.attrs.Mode&^(os.ModePerm|os.ModeDir|os.ModeSymlink) == 0) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected mode: %v", in.attrs.Mode))
// INVARIANT: !(isDir() && isSymlink())
if in.isDir() && in.isSymlink() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected mode: %v", in.attrs.Mode))
// INVARIANT: attrs.Size == len(contents)
if in.attrs.Size != len(in.contents) {
"Size mismatch: %d vs. %d",
// INVARIANT: If !isDir(), len(entries) == 0
if !in.isDir() && len(entries) != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected entries length: %d", len(entries)))
// INVARIANT: For each i, entries[i].Offset == i+1
for i, e := range in.entries {
if !(e.Offset == i+1) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected offset for index %d: %d", i, e.Offset))
// INVARIANT: Contains no duplicate names in used entries.
childNames := make(map[string]struct{})
for i, e := range inode.entries {
if e.Type != fuseutil.DT_Unknown {
if _, ok := childNames[e.Name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate name: %s", e.Name))
childNames[e.Name] = struct{}{}
// INVARIANT: If !isFile(), len(contents) == 0
if !in.isFile() && len(in.contents) != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected length: %d", len(in.contents)))
// INVARIANT: If !isSymlink(), len(target) == 0
if !in.isSymlink() && len(in.target) != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected target length: %d", len(in.target)))
func (in *inode) isDir() bool {
return in.attrs.Mode&os.ModeDir != 0
func (in *inode) isSymlink() bool {
return in.attrs.Mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0
func (in *inode) isFile() bool {
return !(in.isDir() || in.isSymlink())
// Public methods
// Return the number of children of the directory.
// REQUIRES: inode.dir
func (inode *inode) Len() (n int) {
for _, e := range inode.entries {
if e.Type != fuseutil.DT_Unknown {
// Find an entry for the given child name and return its inode ID.
// REQUIRES: inode.dir
func (inode *inode) LookUpChild(name string) (id fuseops.InodeID, ok bool) {
index, ok := inode.findChild(name)
if ok {
id = inode.entries[index].Inode
// Add an entry for a child.
// REQUIRES: inode.dir
// REQUIRES: dt != fuseutil.DT_Unknown
func (inode *inode) AddChild(
id fuseops.InodeID,
name string,
dt fuseutil.DirentType) {
var index int
// Update the modification time.
inode.attributes.Mtime = inode.clock.Now()
// No matter where we place the entry, make sure it has the correct Offset
// field.
defer func() {
inode.entries[index].Offset = fuseops.DirOffset(index + 1)
// Set up the entry.
e := fuseutil.Dirent{
Inode: id,
Name: name,
Type: dt,
// Look for a gap in which we can insert it.
for index = range inode.entries {
if inode.entries[index].Type == fuseutil.DT_Unknown {
inode.entries[index] = e
// Append it to the end.
index = len(inode.entries)
inode.entries = append(inode.entries, e)
// Remove an entry for a child.
// REQUIRES: inode.dir
// REQUIRES: An entry for the given name exists.
func (inode *inode) RemoveChild(name string) {
// Update the modification time.
inode.attributes.Mtime = inode.clock.Now()
// Find the entry.
i, ok := inode.findChild(name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown child: %s", name))
// Mark it as unused.
inode.entries[i] = fuseutil.Dirent{
Type: fuseutil.DT_Unknown,
Offset: fuseops.DirOffset(i + 1),
// Serve a ReadDir request.
// REQUIRES: inode.dir
func (inode *inode) ReadDir(offset int, size int) (data []byte, err error) {
if !inode.dir {
panic("ReadDir called on non-directory.")
for i := offset; i < len(inode.entries); i++ {
e := inode.entries[i]
// Skip unused entries.
if e.Type == fuseutil.DT_Unknown {
data = fuseutil.AppendDirent(data, inode.entries[i])
// Trim and stop early if we've exceeded the requested size.
if len(data) > size {
data = data[:size]
// Read from the file's contents. See documentation for ioutil.ReaderAt.
// REQUIRES: !inode.dir
func (inode *inode) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
if inode.dir {
panic("ReadAt called on directory.")
// Ensure the offset is in range.
if off > int64(len(inode.contents)) {
err = io.EOF
// Read what we can.
n = copy(p, inode.contents[off:])
if n < len(p) {
err = io.EOF
// Write to the file's contents. See documentation for ioutil.WriterAt.
// REQUIRES: !inode.dir
func (inode *inode) WriteAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
if inode.dir {
panic("WriteAt called on directory.")
// Update the modification time.
inode.attributes.Mtime = inode.clock.Now()
// Ensure that the contents slice is long enough.
newLen := int(off) + len(p)
if len(inode.contents) < newLen {
padding := make([]byte, newLen-len(inode.contents))
inode.contents = append(inode.contents, padding...)
inode.attributes.Size = uint64(newLen)
// Copy in the data.
n = copy(inode.contents[off:], p)
// Sanity check.
if n != len(p) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected short copy: %v", n))
// Update attributes from non-nil parameters.
func (inode *inode) SetAttributes(
size *uint64,
mode *os.FileMode,
mtime *time.Time) {
// Update the modification time.
inode.attributes.Mtime = inode.clock.Now()
// Truncate?
if size != nil {
intSize := int(*size)
// Update contents.
if intSize <= len(inode.contents) {
inode.contents = inode.contents[:intSize]
} else {
padding := make([]byte, intSize-len(inode.contents))
inode.contents = append(inode.contents, padding...)
// Update attributes.
inode.attributes.Size = *size
// Change mode?
if mode != nil {
inode.attributes.Mode = *mode
// Change mtime?
if mtime != nil {
inode.attributes.Mtime = *mtime