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* gf_unit.c
* Performs unit testing for gf arithmetic
#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "gf.h"
#include "gf_int.h"
#include "gf_method.h"
#include "gf_rand.h"
#include "gf_general.h"
#define REGION_SIZE (16384)
void problem(char *s)
fprintf(stderr, "Unit test failed.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
void usage(char *s)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: gf_unit w tests seed [method] - does unit testing in GF(2^w)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Legal w are: 1 - 32, 64 and 128\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Tests may be any combination of:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " A: All\n");
fprintf(stderr, " S: Single operations (multiplication/division)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " R: Region operations\n");
fprintf(stderr, " V: Verbose Output\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Use -1 for time(0) as a seed.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "For method specification, type gf_methods\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if (s != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int w, i, verbose, single, region, tested, top;
int start, end, xor;
gf_t gf, gf_def;
time_t t0;
gf_internal_t *h;
gf_general_t *a, *b, *c, *d, *ai, *bi;
char as[50], bs[50], cs[50], ds[50], ais[50], bis[50];
uint32_t mask;
char *ra, *rb, *rc, *rd, *target;
int align;
if (argc < 4) usage(NULL);
if (sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &w) == 0) usage("Bad w\n");
if (sscanf(argv[3], "%ld", &t0) == 0) usage("Bad seed\n");
if (t0 == -1) t0 = time(0);
if (w > 32 && w != 64 && w != 128) usage("Bad w");
if (create_gf_from_argv(&gf, w, argc, argv, 4) == 0) usage("Bad Method");
for (i = 0; i < strlen(argv[2]); i++) {
if (strchr("ASRV", argv[2][i]) == NULL) usage("Bad test\n");
h = (gf_internal_t *) gf.scratch;
a = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
b = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
c = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
d = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
ai = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
bi = (gf_general_t *) malloc(sizeof(gf_general_t));
ra = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*REGION_SIZE);
rb = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*REGION_SIZE);
rc = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*REGION_SIZE);
rd = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*REGION_SIZE);
if (w <= 32) {
mask = 0;
for (i = 0; i < w; i++) mask |= (1 << i);
verbose = (strchr(argv[2], 'V') != NULL);
single = (strchr(argv[2], 'S') != NULL || strchr(argv[2], 'A') != NULL);
region = (strchr(argv[2], 'R') != NULL || strchr(argv[2], 'A') != NULL);
if (!gf_init_easy(&gf_def, w, GF_MULT_DEFAULT)) problem("No default for this value of w");
if (verbose) printf("Seed: %ld\n", t0);
if (single) {
if (gf.multiply.w32 == NULL) problem("No multiplication operation defined.");
if (verbose) { printf("Testing single multiplications/divisions.\n"); fflush(stdout); }
if (w <= 10) {
top = (1 << w)*(1 << w);
} else {
top = 1024*1024;
for (i = 0; i < top; i++) {
if (w <= 10) {
a->w32 = i % (1 << w);
b->w32 = (i >> w);
} else if (i < 10) {
gf_general_set_zero(a, w);
gf_general_set_random(b, w, 1);
} else if (i < 20) {
gf_general_set_random(a, w, 1);
gf_general_set_zero(b, w);
} else if (i < 30) {
gf_general_set_one(a, w);
gf_general_set_random(b, w, 1);
} else if (i < 40) {
gf_general_set_random(a, w, 1);
gf_general_set_one(b, w);
} else {
gf_general_set_random(a, w, 1);
gf_general_set_random(b, w, 1);
tested = 0;
gf_general_multiply(&gf, a, b, c);
/* If this is not composite, then first test against the default: */
if (h->mult_type != GF_MULT_COMPOSITE) {
tested = 1;
gf_general_multiply(&gf_def, a, b, d);
if (!gf_general_are_equal(c, d, w)) {
gf_general_val_to_s(a, w, as);
gf_general_val_to_s(b, w, bs);
gf_general_val_to_s(c, w, cs);
gf_general_val_to_s(d, w, ds);
printf("Error in single multiplication (all numbers in hex):\n\n");
printf(" gf.multiply(gf, %s, %s) = %s\n", as, bs, cs);
printf(" The default gf multiplier returned %s\n", ds);
/* Now, we also need to double-check by other means, in case the default is wanky,
and when we're performing composite operations. Start with 0 and 1, where we know
what the result should be. */
if (gf_general_is_zero(a, w) || gf_general_is_zero(b, w) ||
gf_general_is_one(a, w) || gf_general_is_one(b, w)) {
tested = 1;
if (((gf_general_is_zero(a, w) || gf_general_is_zero(b, w)) && !gf_general_is_zero(c, w)) ||
(gf_general_is_one(a, w) && !gf_general_are_equal(b, c, w)) ||
(gf_general_is_one(b, w) && !gf_general_are_equal(a, c, w))) {
gf_general_val_to_s(a, w, as);
gf_general_val_to_s(b, w, bs);
gf_general_val_to_s(c, w, cs);
printf("Error in single multiplication (all numbers in hex):\n\n");
printf(" gf.multiply(gf, %s, %s) = %s, which is clearly wrong.\n", as, bs, cs);
/* Dumb check to make sure that it's not returning numbers that are too big: */
if (w < 32 && (c->w32 & mask) != c->w32) {
gf_general_val_to_s(a, w, as);
gf_general_val_to_s(b, w, bs);
gf_general_val_to_s(c, w, cs);
printf("Error in single multiplication (all numbers in hex):\n\n");
printf(" gf.multiply.w32(gf, %s, %s) = %s, which is too big.\n", as, bs, cs);
if (region) {
if (verbose) { printf("Testing region multiplications\n"); fflush(stdout); }
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
if (i < 20) {
gf_general_set_zero(a, w);
} else if (i < 40) {
gf_general_set_one(a, w);
} else {
gf_general_set_random(a, w, 1);
MOA_Fill_Random_Region(ra, REGION_SIZE);
MOA_Fill_Random_Region(rb, REGION_SIZE);
xor = i%2;
align = w/8;
if (align == 0) align = 1;
if (align > 16) align = 16;
if ((h->region_type & GF_REGION_CAUCHY) || (w < 32 && w != 4 && w != 8 && w != 16)) {
start = MOA_Random_W(5, 1);
end = REGION_SIZE - MOA_Random_W(5, 1);
target = rb;
while ((end-start)%w != 0) end--;
} else {
start = MOA_Random_W(5, 1) * align;
end = REGION_SIZE - (MOA_Random_W(5, 1) * align);
if (h->mult_type == GF_MULT_COMPOSITE && (h->region_type & GF_REGION_ALTMAP)) {
target = rb ;
} else {
target = ((i%4)/2) ? rb : ra;
memcpy(rc, ra, REGION_SIZE);
memcpy(rd, target, REGION_SIZE);
gf_general_do_region_multiply(&gf, a, ra+start, target+start, end-start, xor);
gf_general_do_region_check(&gf, a, rc+start, rd+start, target+start, end-start, xor);