Renaming no longer changes modified date on server

Dylan Wulf 2015-09-27 13:48:29 -04:00
parent 8e98249716
commit 7e222b9515
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ bool Syncer2::Rename( Resource *res, fs::path new_p)
hdr2.Add( "Content-Type: application/json" );
http::ValResponse vrsp ;
long http_code = 0;
http_code = m_http->Put( feeds::files + "/" + res->ResourceID(), json_meta, &vrsp, hdr2 ) ;
//Don't want to change the modified date since we're only renaming.
http_code = m_http->Put( feeds::files + "/" + res->ResourceID() + "?modifiedDateBehavior=noChange", json_meta, &vrsp, hdr2 ) ;
valr = vrsp.Response();
assert( !( valr["id"].Str().empty() ) );