/* grive: an GPL program to sync a local directory with Google Drive Copyright (C) 2012 Wan Wai Ho This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "Drive.hh" #include "CommonUri.hh" #include "Entry.hh" #include "Feed.hh" #include "http/CurlAgent.hh" #include "http/ResponseLog.hh" #include "http/XmlResponse.hh" #include "protocol/Json.hh" #include "protocol/OAuth2.hh" #include "util/Destroy.hh" #include "util/log/Log.hh" #include "xml/Node.hh" #include "xml/NodeSet.hh" #include // standard C++ library #include #include #include #include #include #include // for debugging only #include namespace gr { namespace { const std::string state_file = ".grive_state" ; } Drive::Drive( OAuth2& auth, const Json& options ) : m_auth( auth ), m_state( state_file, options ) { m_http_hdr.Add( "Authorization: Bearer " + m_auth.AccessToken() ) ; m_http_hdr.Add( "GData-Version: 3.0" ) ; Log( "Reading local directories", log::info ) ; m_state.FromLocal( "." ) ; http::CurlAgent http ; long prev_stamp = m_state.ChangeStamp() ; // get metadata http::XmlResponse xrsp ; // http::ResponseLog log( "meta-", ".xml", &xrsp ) ; http.Get( "https://docs.google.com/feeds/metadata/default", &xrsp, m_http_hdr ) ; Trace( "return %1%", xrsp.Response()["docs:largestChangestamp"] ) ; m_state.ChangeStamp( std::atoi(xrsp.Response()["docs:largestChangestamp"]["@value"].front().Value().c_str()) ) ; SyncFolders( &http ) ; Log( "Reading remote server file list", log::info ) ; http.Get( feed_base + "?showfolders=true&showroot=true", &xrsp, m_http_hdr ) ; xml::Node resp = xrsp.Response() ; m_resume_link = resp["link"]. Find( "@rel", "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#resumable-create-media" )["@href"] ; Feed feed( resp ) ; do { std::for_each( feed.begin(), feed.end(), boost::bind( &Drive::FromRemote, this, _1 ) ) ; } while ( feed.GetNext( &http, m_http_hdr ) ) ; // pull the changes feed if ( prev_stamp != -1 ) { boost::format changes_uri( "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/changes?start-index=%1%" ) ; // http::ResponseLog log2( "changes-", ".xml", &xrsp ) ; http.Get( (changes_uri%(prev_stamp+1)).str(), &xrsp, m_http_hdr ) ; Feed changes( xrsp.Response() ) ; std::for_each( changes.begin(), changes.end(), boost::bind( &Drive::FromChange, this, _1 ) ) ; } } void Drive::FromRemote( const Entry& entry ) { // entries from change feed does not have the parent HREF, // so these checkings are done in normal entries only Resource *parent = m_state.FindByHref( entry.ParentHref() ) ; if ( parent != 0 && !parent->IsFolder() ) Log( "warning: entry %1% has parent %2% which is not a folder, ignored", entry.Title(), parent->Name(), log::verbose ) ; else if ( parent == 0 || !parent->IsInRootTree() ) Log( "file \"%1%\" parent doesn't exist, ignored", entry.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else FromEntry( entry ) ; } void Drive::FromEntry( const Entry& entry ) { std::string fn = entry.Filename() ; // common checkings if ( fn.empty() || entry.ContentSrc().empty() ) Log( "file \"%1%\" is a google document, ignored", entry.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else if ( fn.find('/') != fn.npos ) Log( "file \"%1%\" contains a slash in its name, ignored", entry.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else if ( entry.ParentHrefs().size() != 1 ) Log( "file \"%1%\" has multiple parents, ignored", entry.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else m_state.FromRemote( entry ) ; } void Drive::FromChange( const Entry& entry ) { if ( entry.IsRemoved() ) Log( "file \"%1%\" represents a deletion, ignored", entry.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else FromEntry( entry ) ; } void Drive::SaveState() { m_state.Write( state_file ) ; } void Drive::SyncFolders( http::Agent *http ) { assert( http != 0 ) ; Log( "Synchronizing folders", log::info ) ; http::XmlResponse xml ; // http::ResponseLog log( "dir-", ".xml", &xml ) ; http->Get( feed_base + "/-/folder?max-results=50&showroot=true", &xml, m_http_hdr ) ; Feed feed( xml.Response() ) ; do { // first, get all collections from the query result for ( Feed::iterator i = feed.begin() ; i != feed.end() ; ++i ) { Entry e( *i ) ; if ( e.Kind() == "folder" ) { if ( e.ParentHrefs().size() != 1 ) Log( "folder \"%1%\" has multiple parents, ignored", e.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else if ( e.Title().find('/') != std::string::npos ) Log( "folder \"%1%\" contains a slash in its name, ignored", e.Title(), log::verbose ) ; else m_state.FromRemote( e ) ; } } } while ( feed.GetNext( http, m_http_hdr ) ) ; m_state.ResolveEntry() ; } void Drive::Update() { Log( "Synchronizing files", log::info ) ; http::CurlAgent http ; m_state.Sync( &http, m_http_hdr ) ; } } // end of namespace