
448 lines
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grive: an GPL program to sync a local directory with Google Drive
Copyright (C) 2012 Wan Wai Ho
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "Node.hh"
#include "Error.hh"
#include "NodeSet.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
// debugging
#include <iostream>
namespace gr { namespace xml {
class Node::Impl
private :
typedef std::vector<Impl*> ImplVec ;
public :
typedef ImplVec::iterator iterator ;
typedef ImplVec::const_iterator const_iterator ;
public :
Impl() : m_ref(1), m_type( element )
Impl( const std::string& str, Type type, const std::string& value = "" ) :
m_type( type ),
m_name( str ),
m_value( value )
std::for_each( m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), std::mem_fun( &Impl::Release ) ) ;
Impl* AddRef()
++m_ref ;
return this ;
void Release()
if ( --m_ref == 0 )
delete this ;
std::size_t RefCount() const
assert( m_ref > 0 ) ;
return m_ref ;
void Add( Impl *child )
assert( child != 0 ) ;
assert( child->m_type >= element && child->m_type <= text ) ;
ImplVec *map[] = { &m_element, &m_attr, 0 } ;
if ( map[child->m_type] != 0 )
ImplVec& vec = *map[child->m_type] ;
std::pair<iterator,iterator> p =
std::equal_range( vec.begin(), vec.end(), child, Comp() ) ;
// cannot allow duplicate attribute nodes
if ( child->m_type == attr && p.first != p.second )
throw Error() << expt::ErrMsg( "duplicate attribute " + child->m_name ) ;
vec.insert( p.second, child ) ;
m_children.push_back( child ) ;
Range Find( const std::string& name )
assert( !name.empty() ) ;
return name[0] == '@'
? Find( m_attr, name.substr(1) )
: Find( m_element, name ) ;
Impl* FindAttr( const std::string& name )
std::pair<iterator,iterator> r = Find( m_attr, name ) ;
return r.first != r.second ? *r.first : 0 ;
iterator Begin()
return m_children.begin() ;
iterator End()
return m_children.end() ;
const_iterator Begin() const
return m_children.begin() ;
const_iterator End() const
return m_children.end() ;
std::size_t Size() const
return m_children.size() ;
Range Attr()
return std::make_pair( m_attr.begin(), m_attr.end() ) ;
const std::string& Name() const
return m_name ;
std::string Value() const
assert( m_type != element || m_value.empty() ) ;
std::string value = m_value ;
for ( const_iterator i = Begin() ; i != End() ; ++i )
value += (*i)->Value() ;
return value ;
void Value( const std::string& val )
m_value = val ;
Type GetType() const
return m_type ;
struct Comp
bool operator()( Impl *p1, Impl *p2 ) const
return p1->Name() < p2->Name() ;
} ;
private :
Range Find( ImplVec& map, const std::string& name )
Impl tmp( name , element ) ;
return std::equal_range( map.begin(), map.end(), &tmp, Comp() ) ;
private :
std::size_t m_ref ;
Type m_type ;
std::string m_name ;
std::string m_value ;
ImplVec m_element, m_attr ;
ImplVec m_children ;
} ;
Node::iterator::iterator( ImplVec::iterator i )// : iterator_adaptor(i)
base_reference() = i ;
Node::iterator::reference Node::iterator::dereference() const
Impl *p = *base_reference() ;
assert( p != 0 ) ;
return Node( p->AddRef() ) ;
Node::Node() : m_ptr( new Impl )
Node::Node( const Node& node ) : m_ptr( node.m_ptr->AddRef() )
Node::Node( Impl *impl ) : m_ptr( impl )
Node Node::Element( const std::string& name )
return Node( new Impl( name, element ) ) ;
Node Node::Text( const std::string& name )
return Node( new Impl( name, text ) ) ;
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
m_ptr->Release() ;
Node& Node::operator=( const Node& node )
Node tmp( node ) ;
Swap( tmp ) ;
return *this ;
void Node::Swap( Node& node )
std::swap( node.m_ptr, m_ptr ) ;
bool Node::IsCompatible( Type parent, Type child )
static const bool map[][3] =
// element, attr, text
{ true, true, true }, // element
{ false, false, true }, // attribute
{ false, false, false } // text
} ;
assert( parent >= element && parent <= text ) ;
assert( child >= element && child <= text ) ;
return map[parent][child] ;
Node Node::AddElement( const std::string& name )
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( IsCompatible( GetType(), element) ) ;
Impl *child = new Impl( name, element ) ;
m_ptr->Add( child->AddRef() ) ;
return Node( child ) ;
Node Node::AddText( const std::string& str )
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( IsCompatible( GetType(), text ) ) ;
Impl *child = new Impl( "#text", text, str ) ;
m_ptr->Add( child->AddRef() ) ;
return Node( child ) ;
void Node::AddAttribute( const std::string& name, const std::string& val )
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( GetType() == element ) ;
m_ptr->Add( new Impl( name, attr, val ) ) ;
void Node::AddNode( const Node& node )
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( node.m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( IsCompatible( GetType(), node.GetType() ) ) ;
m_ptr->Add( node.m_ptr->AddRef() ) ;
void Node::AddNode( iterator first, iterator last )
for ( iterator i = first ; i != last ; ++i )
AddNode( *i ) ;
NodeSet Node::operator[]( const std::string& name ) const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
assert( !name.empty() ) ;
Range is = m_ptr->Find( name ) ;
return NodeSet( iterator(is.first), iterator(is.second) ) ;
std::size_t Node::RefCount() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return m_ptr->RefCount() ;
Node::Type Node::GetType() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return m_ptr->GetType() ;
const std::string& Node::Name() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return m_ptr->Name() ;
std::string Node::Value() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return m_ptr->Value() ;
Node::operator std::string() const
return Value() ;
bool Node::operator==( const std::string& value ) const
return Value() == value ;
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Node& node )
if ( node.GetType() == Node::element )
os << '<' << node.Name() ;
// print attributes
NodeSet attrs = node.Attr() ;
if ( !attrs.empty() )
os << ' ' << attrs ;
os << '>' ;
// recursively print children
for ( Node::iterator i = node.begin() ; i != node.end() ; ++i )
if ( (*i).GetType() != Node::attr )
os << *i ;
os << "</" << node.Name() << '>' ;
else if ( node.GetType() == Node::attr )
os << node.Name() << "=\"" ;
Node::PrintString( os, node.Value() ) ;
os << "\"" ;
Node::PrintString( os, node.Value() ) ;
return os ;
std::ostream& Node::PrintString( std::ostream& os, const std::string& s )
for ( std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin() ; i != s.end() ; ++i )
Node::PrintChar( os, *i ) ;
return os ;
std::ostream& Node::PrintChar( std::ostream& os, char c )
switch ( c )
case '\"': os << "&quot;" ; break ;
case '\'': os << "&apos;" ; break ;
case '&': os << "&amp;" ; break ;
case '<': os << "&lt;" ; break ;
case '>': os << "&gt;" ; break ;
default : os << c ; break ;
return os ;
Node::iterator Node::begin() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return iterator( m_ptr->Begin() ) ;
Node::iterator Node::end() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return iterator( m_ptr->End() ) ;
std::size_t Node::size() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return m_ptr->Size() ;
NodeSet Node::Children() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
return NodeSet( begin(), end() ) ;
NodeSet Node::Attr() const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
Range is = m_ptr->Attr() ;
return NodeSet( iterator(is.first), iterator(is.second) ) ;
std::string Node::Attr( const std::string& attr ) const
assert( m_ptr != 0 ) ;
Impl *imp = m_ptr->FindAttr( attr ) ;
return imp != 0 ? imp->Value() : "" ;
} } // end namespace