
293 lines
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grive: an GPL program to sync a local directory with Google Drive
Copyright (C) 2012 Wan Wai Ho
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "util/Config.hh"
#include "util/ProgressBar.hh"
#include "base/Drive.hh"
#include "drive2/Syncer2.hh"
#include "http/CurlAgent.hh"
#include "protocol/AuthAgent.hh"
#include "protocol/OAuth2.hh"
#include "json/Val.hh"
#include "bfd/Backtrace.hh"
#include "util/Exception.hh"
#include "util/log/Log.hh"
#include "util/log/CompositeLog.hh"
#include "util/log/DefaultLog.hh"
// boost header
#include <boost/exception/all.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
// initializing libgcrypt, must be done in executable
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
const std::string default_id = APP_ID ;
const std::string default_secret = APP_SECRET ;
using namespace gr ;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
// libgcrypt insist this to be done in application, not library
void InitGCrypt()
if ( !gcry_check_version(GCRYPT_VERSION) )
throw std::runtime_error( "libgcrypt version mismatch" ) ;
// disable secure memory
gcry_control(GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0);
// tell Libgcrypt that initialization has completed
void InitLog( const po::variables_map& vm )
std::unique_ptr<log::CompositeLog> comp_log( new log::CompositeLog ) ;
std::unique_ptr<LogBase> def_log( new log::DefaultLog );
LogBase* console_log = comp_log->Add( def_log ) ;
if ( vm.count( "log" ) )
std::unique_ptr<LogBase> file_log( new log::DefaultLog( vm["log"].as<std::string>() ) ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::debug ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::verbose ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::info ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::warning ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::error ) ;
file_log->Enable( log::critical ) ;
// log grive version to log file
file_log->Log( log::Fmt("grive version " VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__), log::verbose ) ;
file_log->Log( log::Fmt("current time: %1%") % DateTime::Now(), log::verbose ) ;
comp_log->Add( file_log ) ;
if ( vm.count( "verbose" ) )
console_log->Enable( log::verbose ) ;
if ( vm.count( "debug" ) )
console_log->Enable( log::verbose ) ;
console_log->Enable( log::debug ) ;
LogBase::Inst( comp_log.release() ) ;
int Main( int argc, char **argv )
InitGCrypt() ;
// construct the program options
po::options_description desc( "Grive options" );
( "help,h", "Produce help message" )
( "version,v", "Display Grive version" )
( "auth,a", "Request authorization token" )
( "id,i", po::value<std::string>(), "Authentication ID")
( "secret,e", po::value<std::string>(), "Authentication secret")
( "print-url", "Only print url for request")
( "path,p", po::value<std::string>(), "Path to working copy root")
( "dir,s", po::value<std::string>(), "Single subdirectory to sync")
( "verbose,V", "Verbose mode. Enable more messages than normal.")
( "log-http", po::value<std::string>(), "Log all HTTP responses in this file for debugging.")
( "new-rev", "Create new revisions in server for updated files.")
( "debug,d", "Enable debug level messages. Implies -v.")
( "log,l", po::value<std::string>(), "Set log output filename." )
( "force,f", "Force grive to always download a file from Google Drive "
"instead of uploading it." )
( "upload-only,u", "Do not download anything from Google Drive, only upload local changes" )
( "no-remote-new,n", "Download only files that are changed in Google Drive and already exist locally" )
( "dry-run", "Only detect which files need to be uploaded/downloaded, "
"without actually performing them." )
( "upload-speed,U", po::value<unsigned>(), "Limit upload speed in kbytes per second" )
( "download-speed,D", po::value<unsigned>(), "Limit download speed in kbytes per second" )
( "progress-bar,P", "Enable progress bar for upload/download of files")
po::variables_map vm;
po::store( po::parse_command_line( argc, argv, desc ), vm );
catch( po::error &e )
std::cerr << "Options are incorrect. Use -h for help\n";
return -1;
po::notify( vm );
// simple commands that doesn't require log or config
if ( vm.count("help") )
std::cout << desc << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
else if ( vm.count( "version" ) )
<< "grive version " << VERSION << ' ' << __DATE__ << ' ' << __TIME__ << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
// initialize logging
InitLog( vm ) ;
Config config( vm ) ;
Log( "config file name %1%", config.Filename(), log::verbose );
std::unique_ptr<http::Agent> http( new http::CurlAgent );
if ( vm.count( "log-http" ) )
http->SetLog( new http::ResponseLog( vm["log-http"].as<std::string>(), ".txt" ) );
std::unique_ptr<ProgressBar> pb;
if ( vm.count( "progress-bar" ) )
pb.reset( new ProgressBar() );
http->SetProgressReporter( pb.get() );
if ( vm.count( "auth" ) )
std::string id = vm.count( "id" ) > 0
? vm["id"].as<std::string>()
: default_id ;
std::string secret = vm.count( "secret" ) > 0
? vm["secret"].as<std::string>()
: default_secret ;
OAuth2 token( http.get(), id, secret ) ;
if ( vm.count("print-url") )
std::cout << token.MakeAuthURL() << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
<< "-----------------------\n"
<< "Please go to this URL and get an authentication code:\n\n"
<< token.MakeAuthURL()
<< std::endl ;
<< "\n-----------------------\n"
<< "Please input the authentication code here: " << std::endl ;
std::string code ;
std::cin >> code ;
token.Auth( code ) ;
// save to config
config.Set( "id", Val( id ) ) ;
config.Set( "secret", Val( secret ) ) ;
config.Set( "refresh_token", Val( token.RefreshToken() ) ) ;
config.Save() ;
std::string refresh_token ;
std::string id ;
std::string secret ;
refresh_token = config.Get("refresh_token").Str() ;
id = config.Get("id").Str() ;
secret = config.Get("secret").Str() ;
catch ( Exception& e )
"Please run grive with the \"-a\" option if this is the "
"first time you're accessing your Google Drive!",
log::critical ) ;
return -1;
OAuth2 token( http.get(), refresh_token, id, secret ) ;
AuthAgent agent( token, http.get() ) ;
v2::Syncer2 syncer( &agent );
if ( vm.count( "upload-speed" ) > 0 )
agent.SetUploadSpeed( vm["upload-speed"].as<unsigned>() * 1000 );
if ( vm.count( "download-speed" ) > 0 )
agent.SetDownloadSpeed( vm["download-speed"].as<unsigned>() * 1000 );
DateTime startTime = DateTime::Now();
Log( "\nStarted at %1%", startTime, log::info );
Drive drive( &syncer, config.GetAll() );
drive.DetectChanges() ;
if ( vm.count( "dry-run" ) == 0 )
// The progress bar should just be enabled when actual file transfers take place
if ( pb )
pb->setShowProgressBar( true ) ;
drive.Update() ;
if ( pb )
pb->setShowProgressBar( false ) ;
drive.SaveState() ;
drive.DryRun() ;
config.Save() ;
DateTime endTime = DateTime::Now();
"Finished at %1% (%2% seconds)",
endTime.Sec() - startTime.Sec(),
log::info );
return 0 ;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
return Main( argc, argv ) ;
catch ( Exception& e )
Log( "exception: %1%", boost::diagnostic_information(e), log::critical ) ;
catch ( std::exception& e )
Log( "exception: %1%", e.what(), log::critical ) ;
catch ( ... )
Log( "unexpected exception", log::critical ) ;
return -1 ;