
528 lines
11 KiB

grive: an GPL program to sync a local directory with Google Drive
Copyright (C) 2012 Wan Wai Ho
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "Json.hh"
#include "util/DataStream.hh"
// needs to include stdint.h before json-c to avoid macro re-def warning
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
// disable macro re-def warning for json-c headers
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4005)
#include <json_tokener.h>
#include <linkhash.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
namespace gr {
Json::Json( ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_object() )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_object" )
) ;
Json::Json( const char *str ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_string( str ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_string" )
<< ValueErr( str )
) ;
/** Note that json_object_new_string_len() is not used.
struct json_object* Json::InitStr( const char *str, std::size_t n )
struct json_object *j = ::json_object_new_string( str ) ;
if ( j == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_string_len" )
<< ValueErr( std::string(str, n) )
) ;
return j ;
template <>
Json::Json( const std::string& str ) :
m_json( InitStr( str.c_str(), str.size() ) )
template <>
Json::Json( const double& val ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_double( val ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_double" )
<< ValueErr( val )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const boost::int32_t& l ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_int( l ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_int" )
<< ValueErr( l )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const boost::int64_t& l ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_int64( l ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_int64" )
<< ValueErr( l )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const boost::uint32_t& l ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_int( static_cast<int>(l) ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_int" )
<< ValueErr( l )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const boost::uint64_t& l ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_int64( l ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_int64" )
<< ValueErr( l )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const std::vector<Json>& arr ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_array( ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( Error() << JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_array" ) ) ;
for ( std::vector<Json>::const_iterator i = arr.begin() ; i != arr.end() ; ++i )
Add( *i ) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const bool& b ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_boolean( b ) )
if ( m_json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_boolean" )
<< ValueErr( b )
) ;
template <>
Json::Json( const Object& obj ) :
m_json( ::json_object_new_object() )
if ( m_json == 0 )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( Error() << JsonCApi_( "json_object_new_object" ) ) ;
for ( Object::const_iterator i = obj.begin() ; i != obj.end() ; ++i )
Add( i->first, i->second ) ;
Json::Json( struct json_object *json, NotOwned ) :
m_json( json )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
Json::Json( struct json_object *json ) :
m_json( json )
assert( json != 0 ) ;
::json_object_get( m_json ) ;
Json::Json( const Json& rhs ) :
m_json( rhs.m_json )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
::json_object_get( m_json ) ;
Json::~Json( )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
if ( m_json != 0 )
::json_object_put( m_json ) ;
Json& Json::operator=( const Json& rhs )
Json tmp( rhs ) ;
Swap( tmp ) ;
return *this ;
void Json::Swap( Json& other )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
assert( other.m_json != 0 ) ;
std::swap( m_json, other.m_json ) ;
Json Json::operator[]( const std::string& key ) const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
struct json_object *j = 0 ;
if ( !::json_object_object_get_ex( m_json, key.c_str(), &j ) )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_object_get" )
<< KeyNotFound_( key )
<< Json_( ::json_object_to_json_string(m_json) ) ) ;
assert( j != 0 ) ;
return Json( j ) ;
Json Json::operator[]( const std::size_t& idx ) const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
struct json_object *j = ::json_object_array_get_idx( m_json, idx ) ;
if ( j == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_object_array_get_idx" )
<< OutOfRange_( idx )
<< Json_( ::json_object_to_json_string(m_json) ) ) ;
return Json( j ) ;
bool Json::Has( const std::string& key ) const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_object_get_ex( m_json, key.c_str(), 0 ) == TRUE ;
bool Json::Get( const std::string& key, Json& json ) const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
struct json_object *j = 0 ;
if ( ::json_object_object_get_ex( m_json, key.c_str(), &j ) )
assert( j != 0 ) ;
Json tmp( j ) ;
json.Swap( tmp ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
void Json::Add( const std::string& key, const Json& json )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
assert( json.m_json != 0 ) ;
::json_object_get( json.m_json ) ;
::json_object_object_add( m_json, key.c_str(), json.m_json ) ;
void Json::Add( const Json& json )
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
assert( json.m_json != 0 ) ;
::json_object_get( json.m_json ) ;
::json_object_array_add( m_json, json.m_json ) ;
bool Json::Bool() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_get_boolean( m_json ) == TRUE ;
template <>
bool Json::Is<bool>() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_is_type( m_json, json_type_boolean ) == TRUE ;
template <>
bool Json::As<bool>() const
return Bool() ;
std::string Json::Str() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_get_string( m_json ) ;
template <>
bool Json::Is<std::string>() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_is_type( m_json, json_type_string ) == TRUE ;
template <>
std::string Json::As<std::string>() const
return Str() ;
int Json::Int() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_get_int( m_json ) ;
template <>
bool Json::Is<int>() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_is_type( m_json, json_type_int ) == TRUE ;
template <>
boost::int32_t Json::As<boost::int32_t>() const
return Int() ;
template <>
boost::uint32_t Json::As<boost::uint32_t>() const
return static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(Int()) ;
template <>
boost::int64_t Json::As<boost::int64_t>() const
return ::json_object_get_int64( m_json ) ;
template <>
boost::uint64_t Json::As<boost::uint64_t>() const
return ::json_object_get_int64( m_json ) ;
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Json& json )
assert( json.m_json != 0 ) ;
return os << ::json_object_to_json_string( json.m_json ) ;
void Json::Write( DataStream *out ) const
assert( out != 0 ) ;
const char *str = ::json_object_to_json_string( m_json ) ;
out->Write( str, std::strlen(str) ) ;
Json::Type Json::DataType() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return static_cast<Type>( ::json_object_get_type( m_json ) ) ;
Json::Object Json::AsObject() const
Object result ;
json_object_object_foreach( m_json, key, val )
result.insert( Object::value_type( key, Json( val ) ) ) ;
return result ;
template <>
bool Json::Is<Json::Object>() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_is_type( m_json, json_type_object ) == TRUE ;
template <>
Json::Object Json::As<Json::Object>() const
return AsObject() ;
Json::Array Json::AsArray() const
std::size_t count = ::json_object_array_length( m_json ) ;
Array result ;
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i )
result.push_back( Json( ::json_object_array_get_idx( m_json, i ) ) ) ;
return result ;
template <>
bool Json::Is<Json::Array>() const
assert( m_json != 0 ) ;
return ::json_object_is_type( m_json, json_type_array ) == TRUE ;
template <>
Json::Array Json::As<Json::Array>() const
return AsArray() ;
/// Finds an element in the array.
/// \pre "this" is an array
/// \return *this[i] if *this[i][key] == value
Json Json::FindInArray( const std::string& key, const std::string& value ) const
std::size_t count = ::json_object_array_length( m_json ) ;
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i )
Json item( ::json_object_array_get_idx( m_json, i ) ) ;
if ( item.Has(key) && item[key].Str() == value )
return item ;
<< JsonCApi_( "Json::FindInArray" )
<< KeyNotFound_( key )
<< Value_(value)
) ;
// shut off compiler warnings
return Json() ;
bool Json::FindInArray( const std::string& key, const std::string& value, Json& result ) const
result = FindInArray( key, value ) ;
return true ;
catch ( Error& )
return false ;
Json Json::Parse( const std::string& str )
struct json_object *json = ::json_tokener_parse( str.c_str() ) ;
if ( json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_tokener_parse" )
<< ValueErr( str )
) ;
return Json( json, NotOwned() ) ;
/// Parse a file. The file is loaded from file system.
/// \throw Error expt::ErrMsg contains a human-readable message describing the
/// error.
Json Json::Parse( DataStream *in )
assert( in != 0 ) ;
struct json_tokener *tok = ::json_tokener_new() ;
struct json_object *json = 0 ;
char buf[1024] ;
std::size_t count = 0 ;
while ( (count = in->Read( buf, sizeof(buf) ) ) > 0 )
json = ::json_tokener_parse_ex( tok, buf, count ) ;
// check for parse error
if ( ::json_tokener_get_error(tok) == ::json_tokener_continue )
break ;
// save the error code and free the tokener before throwing exceptions
::json_tokener_error err = ::json_tokener_get_error(tok) ;
::json_tokener_free( tok ) ; tok = 0 ;
if ( err != json_tokener_success || json == 0 )
<< JsonCApi_( "json_tokener_parse" )
<< ErrMsg_( ::json_tokener_error_desc(err) )
) ;
return Json( json, NotOwned() ) ;