// hsbench.go // Copyright (c) 2017 Wasabi Technology, Inc. // Copyright (c) 2019 Red Hat Inc. package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/md5" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/tls" "encoding/base64" "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "code.cloudfoundry.org/bytefmt" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/s3" ) // Global variables var access_key, secret_key, url_host, bucket_prefix, object_prefix, region, modes, output, json_output, sizeArg string var buckets []string var duration_secs, threads, loops int var object_data []byte var object_data_md5 string var running_threads, bucket_count, object_count, object_size, op_counter int64 var object_count_flag bool var endtime time.Time var interval float64 // Our HTTP transport used for the roundtripper below var HTTPTransport http.RoundTripper = &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, Dial: (&net.Dialer{ Timeout: 30 * time.Second, KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, }).Dial, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second, ExpectContinueTimeout: 0, // Allow an unlimited number of idle connections MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 4096, MaxIdleConns: 0, // But limit their idle time IdleConnTimeout: time.Minute, // Ignore TLS errors TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, } var httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: HTTPTransport} func getS3Client() *s3.S3 { // Build our config creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(access_key, secret_key, "") loglevel := aws.LogOff // Build the rest of the configuration awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String(region), Endpoint: aws.String(url_host), Credentials: creds, LogLevel: &loglevel, S3ForcePathStyle: aws.Bool(true), S3Disable100Continue: aws.Bool(true), // Comment following to use default transport HTTPClient: &http.Client{Transport: HTTPTransport}, } session := session.New(awsConfig) client := s3.New(session) if client == nil { log.Fatalf("FATAL: Unable to create new client.") } // Return success return client } // canonicalAmzHeaders -- return the x-amz headers canonicalized func canonicalAmzHeaders(req *http.Request) string { // Parse out all x-amz headers var headers []string for header := range req.Header { norm := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(header)) if strings.HasPrefix(norm, "x-amz") { headers = append(headers, norm) } } // Put them in sorted order sort.Strings(headers) // Now add back the values for n, header := range headers { headers[n] = header + ":" + strings.Replace(req.Header.Get(header), "\n", " ", -1) } // Finally, put them back together if len(headers) > 0 { return strings.Join(headers, "\n") + "\n" } else { return "" } } func hmacSHA1(key []byte, content string) []byte { mac := hmac.New(sha1.New, key) mac.Write([]byte(content)) return mac.Sum(nil) } func setSignature(req *http.Request) { // Setup default parameters dateHdr := time.Now().UTC().Format("20060102T150405Z") req.Header.Set("X-Amz-Date", dateHdr) // Get the canonical resource and header canonicalResource := req.URL.EscapedPath() canonicalHeaders := canonicalAmzHeaders(req) stringToSign := req.Method + "\n" + req.Header.Get("Content-MD5") + "\n" + req.Header.Get("Content-Type") + "\n\n" + canonicalHeaders + canonicalResource hash := hmacSHA1([]byte(secret_key), stringToSign) signature := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash) req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("AWS %s:%s", access_key, signature)) } type IntervalStats struct { loop int name string mode string bytes int64 slowdowns int64 intervalNano int64 latNano []int64 } func (is *IntervalStats) makeOutputStats() OutputStats { // Compute and log the stats ops := len(is.latNano) totalLat := int64(0); minLat := float64(0); maxLat := float64(0); NinetyNineLat := float64(0); avgLat := float64(0); if ops > 0 { minLat = float64(is.latNano[0]) / 1000000 maxLat = float64(is.latNano[ops - 1]) / 1000000 for i := range is.latNano { totalLat += is.latNano[i] } avgLat = float64(totalLat) / float64(ops) / 1000000 NintyNineLatNano := is.latNano[int64(math.Round(0.99*float64(ops))) - 1] NinetyNineLat = float64(NintyNineLatNano) / 1000000 } seconds := float64(is.intervalNano) / 1000000000 mbps := float64(is.bytes) / seconds / bytefmt.MEGABYTE iops := float64(ops) / seconds return OutputStats{ is.loop, is.name, seconds, is.mode, ops, mbps, iops, minLat, avgLat, NinetyNineLat, maxLat, is.slowdowns} } type OutputStats struct { Loop int IntervalName string Seconds float64 Mode string Ops int Mbps float64 Iops float64 MinLat float64 AvgLat float64 NinetyNineLat float64 MaxLat float64 Slowdowns int64 } func (o *OutputStats) log() { log.Printf( "Loop: %d, Int: %s, Dur(s): %.1f, Mode: %s, Ops: %d, MB/s: %.2f, IO/s: %.0f, Lat(ms): [ min: %.1f, avg: %.1f, 99%%: %.1f, max: %.1f ], Slowdowns: %d", o.Loop, o.IntervalName, o.Seconds, o.Mode, o.Ops, o.Mbps, o.Iops, o.MinLat, o.AvgLat, o.NinetyNineLat, o.MaxLat, o.Slowdowns) } func (o *OutputStats) csv_header(w *csv.Writer) { if w == nil { log.Fatal("OutputStats passed nil CSV writer") } s := []string{ "Loop", "Inteval", "Duration(s)", "Mode", "Ops", "MB/s", "IO/s", "Min Latency (ms)", "Avg Latency(ms)", "99% Latency(ms)", "Max Latency(ms)", "Slowdowns"} if err := w.Write(s); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing to CSV writer: ", err) } } func (o *OutputStats) csv(w *csv.Writer) { if w == nil { log.Fatal("OutputStats Passed nil csv writer") } s := []string { strconv.Itoa(o.Loop), o.IntervalName, strconv.FormatFloat(o.Seconds, 'f', 2, 64), o.Mode, strconv.Itoa(o.Ops), strconv.FormatFloat(o.Mbps, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(o.Iops, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(o.MinLat, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(o.AvgLat, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(o.NinetyNineLat, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatFloat(o.MaxLat, 'f', 2, 64), strconv.FormatInt(o.Slowdowns, 10)} if err := w.Write(s); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing to CSV writer: ",err) } } func (o *OutputStats) json(jfile *os.File) { if jfile == nil { log.Fatal("OutputStats passed nil JSON file") } jdata, err := json.Marshal(o) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error marshaling JSON: ", err) } log.Println(string(jdata)) _, err = jfile.WriteString(string(jdata) + "\n") if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing to JSON file: ", err) } } type ThreadStats struct { start int64 curInterval int64 intervals []IntervalStats } func makeThreadStats(s int64, loop int, mode string, intervalNano int64) ThreadStats { ts := ThreadStats{s, 0, []IntervalStats{}} ts.intervals = append(ts.intervals, IntervalStats{loop, "0", mode, 0, 0, intervalNano, []int64{}}) return ts } func (ts *ThreadStats) updateIntervals(loop int, mode string, intervalNano int64) int64 { // Interval statistics disabled, so just return the current interval if intervalNano < 0 { return ts.curInterval } for ts.start + intervalNano*(ts.curInterval+1) < time.Now().UnixNano() { ts.curInterval++ ts.intervals = append( ts.intervals, IntervalStats{ loop, strconv.FormatInt(ts.curInterval, 10), mode, 0, 0, intervalNano, []int64{}}) } return ts.curInterval } func (ts *ThreadStats) finish() { ts.curInterval = -1 } type Stats struct { // threads threads int // The loop we are in loop int // Test mode being run mode string // start time in nanoseconds startNano int64 // end time in nanoseconds endNano int64 // Duration in nanoseconds for each interval intervalNano int64 // Per-thread statistics threadStats []ThreadStats // a map of per-interval thread completion counters intervalCompletions sync.Map // a counter of how many threads have finished updating stats entirely completions int32 } func makeStats(loop int, mode string, threads int, intervalNano int64) Stats { start := time.Now().UnixNano() s := Stats{threads, loop, mode, start, 0, intervalNano, []ThreadStats{}, sync.Map{}, 0} for i := 0; i < threads; i++ { s.threadStats = append(s.threadStats, makeThreadStats(start, s.loop, s.mode, s.intervalNano)) s.updateIntervals(i) } return s } func (stats *Stats) makeOutputStats(i int64) (OutputStats, bool) { // Check bounds first if stats.intervalNano < 0 || i < 0 { return OutputStats{}, false } // Not safe to log if not all writers have completed. value, ok := stats.intervalCompletions.Load(i) if !ok { return OutputStats{}, false } cp, ok := value.(*int32) if !ok { return OutputStats{}, false } count := atomic.LoadInt32(cp) if count < int32(stats.threads) { return OutputStats{}, false } bytes := int64(0) ops := int64(0) slowdowns := int64(0) for t := 0; t < stats.threads; t++ { bytes += stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].bytes ops += int64(len(stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].latNano)) slowdowns += stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].slowdowns } // Aggregate the per-thread Latency slice tmpLat := make([]int64, ops) var c int for t := 0; t < stats.threads; t++ { c += copy(tmpLat[c:], stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].latNano) } sort.Slice(tmpLat, func(i, j int) bool { return tmpLat[i] < tmpLat[j] }) is := IntervalStats{stats.loop, strconv.FormatInt(i, 10), stats.mode, bytes, slowdowns, stats.intervalNano, tmpLat} return is.makeOutputStats(), true } func (stats *Stats) makeTotalStats() (OutputStats, bool) { // Not safe to log if not all writers have completed. completions := atomic.LoadInt32(&stats.completions) if (completions < int32(threads)) { log.Printf("log, completions: %d", completions) return OutputStats{}, false } bytes := int64(0) ops := int64(0) slowdowns := int64(0); for t := 0; t < stats.threads; t++ { for i := 0; i < len(stats.threadStats[t].intervals); i++ { bytes += stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].bytes ops += int64(len(stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].latNano)) slowdowns += stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].slowdowns } } // Aggregate the per-thread Latency slice tmpLat := make([]int64, ops) var c int for t := 0; t < stats.threads; t++ { for i := 0; i < len(stats.threadStats[t].intervals); i++ { c += copy(tmpLat[c:], stats.threadStats[t].intervals[i].latNano) } } sort.Slice(tmpLat, func(i, j int) bool { return tmpLat[i] < tmpLat[j] }) is := IntervalStats{stats.loop, "TOTAL", stats.mode, bytes, slowdowns, stats.endNano - stats.startNano, tmpLat} return is.makeOutputStats(), true } // Only safe to call from the calling thread func (stats *Stats) updateIntervals(thread_num int) int64 { curInterval := stats.threadStats[thread_num].curInterval newInterval := stats.threadStats[thread_num].updateIntervals(stats.loop, stats.mode, stats.intervalNano) // Finish has already been called if curInterval < 0 { return -1 } for i := curInterval; i < newInterval; i++ { // load or store the current value value, _ := stats.intervalCompletions.LoadOrStore(i, new(int32)) cp, ok := value.(*int32) if !ok { log.Printf("updateIntervals: got data of type %T but wanted *int32", value) continue } count := atomic.AddInt32(cp, 1) if count == int32(stats.threads) { if is, ok := stats.makeOutputStats(i); ok { is.log() } } } return newInterval } func (stats *Stats) addOp(thread_num int, bytes int64, latNano int64) { // Interval statistics cur := stats.threadStats[thread_num].curInterval if cur < 0 { return } stats.threadStats[thread_num].intervals[cur].bytes += bytes stats.threadStats[thread_num].intervals[cur].latNano = append(stats.threadStats[thread_num].intervals[cur].latNano, latNano) } func (stats *Stats) addSlowDown(thread_num int) { cur := stats.threadStats[thread_num].curInterval stats.threadStats[thread_num].intervals[cur].slowdowns++ } func (stats *Stats) finish(thread_num int) { stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) stats.threadStats[thread_num].finish() count := atomic.AddInt32(&stats.completions, 1) if count == int32(stats.threads) { stats.endNano = time.Now().UnixNano() } } func runUpload(thread_num int, fendtime time.Time, stats *Stats) { errcnt := 0 svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { if duration_secs > -1 && time.Now().After(endtime) { break } objnum := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) bucket_num := objnum % int64(bucket_count) if object_count > -1 && objnum >= object_count { objnum = atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } fileobj := bytes.NewReader(object_data) key := fmt.Sprintf("%s%012d", object_prefix, objnum) r := &s3.PutObjectInput{ Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num], Key: &key, Body: fileobj, } start := time.Now().UnixNano() req, _ := svc.PutObjectRequest(r) // Disable payload checksum calculation (very expensive) req.HTTPRequest.Header.Add("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD") err := req.Send() end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) if err != nil { errcnt++ stats.addSlowDown(thread_num); atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) log.Printf("upload err", err) } else { // Update the stats stats.addOp(thread_num, object_size, end-start) } if errcnt > 2 { break } } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } func runDownload(thread_num int, fendtime time.Time, stats *Stats) { errcnt := 0 svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { if duration_secs > -1 && time.Now().After(endtime) { break } objnum := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) if object_count > -1 && objnum >= object_count { atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } bucket_num := objnum % int64(bucket_count) key := fmt.Sprintf("%s%012d", object_prefix, objnum) r := &s3.GetObjectInput{ Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num], Key: &key, } start := time.Now().UnixNano() req, resp := svc.GetObjectRequest(r) err := req.Send() end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) if err != nil { errcnt++ stats.addSlowDown(thread_num); log.Printf("download err", err) } else { // Update the stats stats.addOp(thread_num, object_size, end-start) } if err == nil { _, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body) } if errcnt > 2 { break } } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } func runDelete(thread_num int, stats *Stats) { errcnt := 0 svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { if duration_secs > -1 && time.Now().After(endtime) { break } objnum := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) if object_count > -1 && objnum >= object_count { atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } bucket_num := objnum % int64(bucket_count) key := fmt.Sprintf("%s%012d", object_prefix, objnum) r := &s3.DeleteObjectInput{ Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num], Key: &key, } start := time.Now().UnixNano() req, out := svc.DeleteObjectRequest(r) err := req.Send() end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) if err != nil { errcnt++ stats.addSlowDown(thread_num); log.Printf("delete err", err, "out", out.String()) } else { // Update the stats stats.addOp(thread_num, object_size, end-start) } if errcnt > 2 { break } } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } func runBucketDelete(thread_num int, stats *Stats) { svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { bucket_num := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) if bucket_num >= bucket_count { atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } r := &s3.DeleteBucketInput{ Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num], } start := time.Now().UnixNano() _, err := svc.DeleteBucket(r) end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) if err != nil { break } stats.addOp(thread_num, 0, end-start) } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } var cfg *aws.Config func runBucketsInit(thread_num int, stats *Stats) { svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { bucket_num := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) if bucket_num >= bucket_count { atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } start := time.Now().UnixNano() in := &s3.CreateBucketInput{Bucket: aws.String(buckets[bucket_num])} _, err := svc.CreateBucket(in) end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) if err != nil { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), s3.ErrCodeBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "BucketAlreadyExists") { log.Fatalf("FATAL: Unable to create bucket %s (is your access and secret correct?): %v", buckets[bucket_num], err) } } stats.addOp(thread_num, 0, end-start) } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } func runBucketsClear(thread_num int, stats *Stats) { svc := s3.New(session.New(), cfg) for { bucket_num := atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, 1) if bucket_num >= bucket_count { atomic.AddInt64(&op_counter, -1) break } out, err := svc.ListObjects(&s3.ListObjectsInput{Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num]}) if err != nil { break } n := len(out.Contents) for n > 0 { for _, v := range out.Contents { start := time.Now().UnixNano() svc.DeleteObject(&s3.DeleteObjectInput{ Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num], Key: v.Key, }) end := time.Now().UnixNano() stats.updateIntervals(thread_num) stats.addOp(thread_num, *v.Size, end-start) } out, err = svc.ListObjects(&s3.ListObjectsInput{Bucket: &buckets[bucket_num]}) if err != nil { break } n = len(out.Contents) } } stats.finish(thread_num) atomic.AddInt64(&running_threads, -1) } func runWrapper(loop int, r rune) []OutputStats { op_counter = -1 running_threads = int64(threads) intervalNano := int64(interval*1000000000) endtime = time.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(duration_secs)) var stats Stats // If we perviously set the object count after running a put // test, set the object count back to -1 for the new put test. if r == 'p' && object_count_flag { object_count = -1 object_count_flag = false } switch r { case 'c': log.Printf("Running Loop %d BUCKET CLEAR TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "BCLR", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runBucketsClear(n, &stats); } case 'x': log.Printf("Running Loop %d BUCKET DELETE TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "BDEL", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runBucketDelete(n, &stats); } case 'i': log.Printf("Running Loop %d BUCKET INIT TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "BINIT", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runBucketsInit(n, &stats); } case 'p': log.Printf("Running Loop %d OBJECT PUT TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "PUT", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runUpload(n, endtime, &stats); } case 'g': log.Printf("Running Loop %d OBJECT GET TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "GET", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runDownload(n, endtime, &stats); } case 'd': log.Printf("Running Loop %d OBJECT DELETE TEST", loop) stats = makeStats(loop, "DEL", threads, intervalNano) for n := 0; n < threads; n++ { go runDelete(n, &stats); } } // Wait for it to finish for atomic.LoadInt64(&running_threads) > 0 { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } // If the user didn't set the object_count, we can set it here // to limit subsequent get/del tests to valid objects only. if r == 'p' && object_count < 0 { object_count = op_counter + 1 object_count_flag = true } // Create the Output Stats os := make([]OutputStats, 0) for i := int64(0); i >= 0; i++ { if o, ok := stats.makeOutputStats(i); ok { os = append(os, o) } else { break } } if o, ok := stats.makeTotalStats(); ok { o.log() os = append(os, o) } return os } func init() { // Parse command line myflag := flag.NewFlagSet("myflag", flag.ExitOnError) myflag.StringVar(&access_key, "a", os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), "Access key") myflag.StringVar(&secret_key, "s", os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), "Secret key") myflag.StringVar(&url_host, "u", os.Getenv("AWS_HOST"), "URL for host with method prefix") myflag.StringVar(&object_prefix, "op", "", "Prefix for objects") myflag.StringVar(&bucket_prefix, "bp", "hotsauce_bench", "Prefix for buckets") myflag.StringVar(®ion, "r", "us-east-1", "Region for testing") myflag.StringVar(&modes, "m", "cxipgdx", "Run modes in order. See NOTES for more info") myflag.StringVar(&output, "o", "", "Write CSV output to this file") myflag.StringVar(&json_output, "j", "", "Write JSON output to this file") myflag.Int64Var(&object_count, "n", -1, "Maximum number of objects <-1 for unlimited>") myflag.Int64Var(&bucket_count, "b", 1, "Number of buckets to distribute IOs across") myflag.IntVar(&duration_secs, "d", 60, "Maximum test duration in seconds <-1 for unlimited>") myflag.IntVar(&threads, "t", 1, "Number of threads to run") myflag.IntVar(&loops, "l", 1, "Number of times to repeat test") myflag.StringVar(&sizeArg, "z", "1M", "Size of objects in bytes with postfix K, M, and G") myflag.Float64Var(&interval, "ri", 1.0, "Number of seconds between report intervals") // define custom usage output with notes notes := ` NOTES: - Valid mode types for the -m mode string are: c: clear all existing objects from buckets (requires lookups) x: delete buckets i: initialize buckets p: put objects in buckets g: get objects from buckets d: delete objects from buckets These modes are processed in-order and can be repeated, ie "ippgd" will initialize the buckets, put the objects, reput the objects, get the objects, and then delete the objects. The repeat flag will repeat this whole process the specified number of times. ` myflag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "\nUSAGE: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "OPTIONS:\n") myflag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), notes); } if err := myflag.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil { os.Exit(1) } // Check the arguments if object_count < 0 && duration_secs < 0 { log.Fatal("The number of objects and duration can not both be unlimited") } if access_key == "" { log.Fatal("Missing argument -a for access key.") } if secret_key == "" { log.Fatal("Missing argument -s for secret key.") } if url_host == "" { log.Fatal("Missing argument -s for host endpoint.") } invalid_mode := false for _, r := range modes { if ( r != 'i' && r != 'c' && r != 'p' && r != 'g' && r != 'd' && r != 'x') { s := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid mode '%s' passed to -m", string(r)) log.Printf(s) invalid_mode = true } } if invalid_mode { log.Fatal("Invalid modes passed to -m, see help for details.") } var err error var size uint64 if size, err = bytefmt.ToBytes(sizeArg); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Invalid -z argument for object size: %v", err) } object_size = int64(size) } func initData() { // Initialize data for the bucket object_data = make([]byte, object_size) rand.Read(object_data) hasher := md5.New() hasher.Write(object_data) object_data_md5 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) } func main() { // Hello log.Printf("Hotsauce S3 Benchmark Version 0.1") cfg = &aws.Config{ Endpoint: aws.String(url_host), Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(access_key, secret_key, ""), Region: aws.String(region), // DisableParamValidation: aws.Bool(true), DisableComputeChecksums: aws.Bool(true), S3ForcePathStyle: aws.Bool(true), } // Echo the parameters log.Printf("Parameters:") log.Printf("url=%s", url_host) log.Printf("object_prefix=%s", object_prefix) log.Printf("bucket_prefix=%s", bucket_prefix) log.Printf("region=%s", region) log.Printf("modes=%s", modes) log.Printf("output=%s", output) log.Printf("json_output=%s", json_output) log.Printf("object_count=%d", object_count) log.Printf("bucket_count=%d", bucket_count) log.Printf("duration=%d", duration_secs) log.Printf("threads=%d", threads) log.Printf("loops=%d", loops) log.Printf("size=%s", sizeArg) log.Printf("interval=%f", interval) // Init Data initData() // Setup the slice of buckets for i := int64(0); i < bucket_count; i++ { buckets = append(buckets, fmt.Sprintf("%s%012d", bucket_prefix, i)) } // Loop running the tests oStats := make([]OutputStats, 0) for loop := 0; loop < loops; loop++ { for _, r := range modes { oStats = append(oStats, runWrapper(loop, r)...) } } // Write CSV Output if output != "" { file, err := os.OpenFile(output, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0777) defer file.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not open CSV file for writing.") } else { csvWriter := csv.NewWriter(file) for i, o := range oStats { if i == 0 { o.csv_header(csvWriter) } o.csv(csvWriter) } csvWriter.Flush() } } // Write JSON output if json_output != "" { file, err := os.OpenFile(json_output, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0777) defer file.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not open JSON file for writing.") } data, err := json.Marshal(oStats) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error marshaling JSON: ", err) } _, err = file.Write(data) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing to JSON file: ", err) } file.Sync() } }