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2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
package geos
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lgeos_c
#include "geos_c.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
2013-05-23 19:53:58 +04:00
extern void goLogString(char *msg);
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
extern void debug_wrap(const char *fmt, ...);
extern GEOSContextHandle_t initGEOS_r_debug();
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
extern void initGEOS_debug();
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
import "C"
import (
2013-05-23 19:53:58 +04:00
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
2013-05-23 19:53:58 +04:00
var log = logging.NewLogger("GEOS")
//export goLogString
func goLogString(msg *C.char) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
type Geos struct {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
v C.GEOSContextHandle_t
type Geom struct {
v *C.GEOSGeometry
type CreateError string
type Error string
func (e Error) Error() string {
return string(e)
func (e CreateError) Error() string {
return string(e)
func NewGeos() *Geos {
geos := &Geos{}
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
geos.v = C.initGEOS_r_debug()
return geos
func (this *Geos) Finish() {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
if this.v != nil {
this.v = nil
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
func init() {
Init global GEOS handle for non _r calls.
In theory we need to always call the _r functions
with a thread/goroutine-local GEOS instance to get thread
safe behaviour. Some functions don't need a GEOS instance though
and we can make use of that e.g. to call GEOSGeom_destroy in
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
type CoordSeq struct {
v *C.GEOSCoordSequence
func (this *Geos) CreateCoordSeq(size, dim uint32) (*CoordSeq, error) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
result := C.GEOSCoordSeq_create_r(this.v, C.uint(size), C.uint(dim))
if result == nil {
return nil, CreateError("could not create CoordSeq")
return &CoordSeq{result}, nil
func (this *CoordSeq) SetXY(handle *Geos, i uint32, x, y float64) error {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
if C.GEOSCoordSeq_setX_r(handle.v, this.v, C.uint(i), C.double(x)) == 0 {
return Error("unable to SetY")
if C.GEOSCoordSeq_setY_r(handle.v, this.v, C.uint(i), C.double(y)) == 0 {
return Error("unable to SetX")
return nil
func (this *CoordSeq) AsPoint(handle *Geos) (*Geom, error) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
geom := C.GEOSGeom_createPoint_r(handle.v, this.v)
if geom == nil {
return nil, CreateError("unable to create Point")
return &Geom{geom}, nil
func (this *CoordSeq) AsLineString(handle *Geos) (*Geom, error) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
geom := C.GEOSGeom_createLineString_r(handle.v, this.v)
if geom == nil {
return nil, CreateError("unable to create LineString")
return &Geom{geom}, nil
func (this *CoordSeq) AsLinearRing(handle *Geos) (*Geom, error) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
ring := C.GEOSGeom_createLinearRing_r(handle.v, this.v)
if ring == nil {
return nil, CreateError("unable to create LinearRing")
return &Geom{ring}, nil
func (this *Geos) CreatePolygon(shell *Geom, holes []*Geom) *Geom {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
if len(holes) > 0 {
panic("holes not implemented")
polygon := C.GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(this.v, shell.v, nil, 0)
if polygon == nil {
return nil
return &Geom{polygon}
func (this *Geos) FromWkt(wkt string) (geom *Geom) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
wktC := C.CString(wkt)
return &Geom{C.GEOSGeomFromWKT_r(this.v, wktC)}
func (this *Geos) Buffer(geom *Geom, size float64) *Geom {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
return &Geom{C.GEOSBuffer_r(this.v, geom.v, C.double(size), 50)}
func (this *Geos) Contains(a, b *Geom) bool {
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
result := C.GEOSContains_r(this.v, a.v, b.v)
if result == 1 {
return true
// result == 2 -> exception (already logged to console)
return false
func (this *Geos) ExteriorRing(geom *Geom) *Geom {
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
ring := C.GEOSGetExteriorRing_r(this.v, geom.v)
if ring == nil {
return nil
return &Geom{ring}
func (this *Geos) Polygon(exterior *Geom, interiors []*Geom) *Geom {
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
if len(interiors) == 0 {
geom := C.GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(this.v, exterior.v, nil, C.uint(0))
if geom == nil {
return nil
2013-05-22 17:24:58 +04:00
err := C.GEOSNormalize_r(this.v, geom)
if err != 0 {
return nil
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
return &Geom{geom}
interiorPtr := make([]*C.GEOSGeometry, len(interiors))
for i, geom := range interiors {
interiorPtr[i] = geom.v
geom := C.GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(this.v, exterior.v, &interiorPtr[0], C.uint(len(interiors)))
if geom == nil {
return nil
2013-05-22 17:24:58 +04:00
err := C.GEOSNormalize_r(this.v, geom)
if err != 0 {
return nil
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
return &Geom{geom}
func (this *Geos) MultiPolygon(polygons []*Geom) *Geom {
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
polygonPtr := make([]*C.GEOSGeometry, len(polygons))
for i, geom := range polygons {
polygonPtr[i] = geom.v
geom := C.GEOSGeom_createCollection_r(this.v, C.GEOS_MULTIPOLYGON, &polygonPtr[0], C.uint(len(polygons)))
if geom == nil {
return nil
return &Geom{geom}
func (this *Geos) AsWkt(geom *Geom) string {
str := C.GEOSGeomToWKT_r(this.v, geom.v)
result := C.GoString(str)
return result
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
func (this *Geos) AsWkb(geom *Geom) []byte {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
var size C.size_t
buf := C.GEOSGeomToWKB_buf_r(this.v, geom.v, &size)
if buf == nil {
return nil
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
result := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(buf),
return result
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
func (this *Geos) FromWkb(wkb []byte) *Geom {
2013-05-24 12:03:31 +04:00
geom := C.GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf((*C.uchar)(&wkb[0]), C.size_t(len(wkb)))
if geom == nil {
return nil
return &Geom{geom}
func (this *Geos) IsValid(geom *Geom) bool {
2013-05-12 14:37:55 +04:00
if C.GEOSisValid_r(this.v, geom.v) == 1 {
return true
return false
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
func (this *Geom) Area() float64 {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
var area C.double
2013-05-16 14:17:21 +04:00
if ret := C.GEOSArea(this.v, &area); ret == 1 {
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
return float64(area)
} else {
return 0
func (this *Geom) Bounds() *Bounds {
geom := C.GEOSEnvelope(this.v)
if geom == nil {
return nil
extRing := C.GEOSGetExteriorRing(geom)
if extRing == nil {
return nil
cs := C.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(extRing)
var csLen C.uint
C.GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(cs, &csLen)
minx := 1.e+20
maxx := -1e+20
miny := 1.e+20
maxy := -1e+20
var temp C.double
for i := 0; i < int(csLen); i++ {
C.GEOSCoordSeq_getX(cs, C.uint(i), &temp)
x := float64(temp)
if x < minx {
minx = x
if x > maxx {
maxx = x
C.GEOSCoordSeq_getY(cs, C.uint(i), &temp)
y := float64(temp)
if y < miny {
miny = y
if y > maxy {
maxy = y
return &Bounds{minx, miny, maxx, maxy}
type Bounds struct {
MinX float64
MinY float64
MaxX float64
MaxY float64
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
func (this *Geos) Destroy(geom *Geom) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
if geom.v != nil {
C.GEOSGeom_destroy_r(this.v, geom.v)
geom.v = nil
} else {
panic("double free?")
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
func destroyGeom(geom *Geom) {
func (this *Geos) DestroyLater(geom *Geom) {
2013-05-15 11:49:38 +04:00
runtime.SetFinalizer(geom, destroyGeom)
func (this *Geos) DestroyCoordSeq(coordSeq *CoordSeq) {
2013-05-06 21:24:49 +04:00
if coordSeq.v != nil {
C.GEOSCoordSeq_destroy_r(this.v, coordSeq.v)
coordSeq.v = nil
} else {
panic("double free?")