update system tests documentation

Oliver Tonnhofer 2015-08-05 09:10:28 +02:00
parent e29be21f51
commit a70b4019f2
1 changed files with 17 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -244,10 +244,24 @@ You can report any issues at: <https://github.com/omniscale/imposm3/issues>
#### System tests ####
There is a system test that imports and updates OSM data and verifies the database content.
This test is written in Python and requires `nose`, `shapely` and `psycopg2`. You also need `osmosis` to create test PBF files.
There are system test that import and update OSM data and verify the database content.
##### Dependencies #####
These tests are written in Python and requires `nose`, `shapely` and `psycopg2`.
On a recent Ubuntu can install the following packages for that: `python-nose python-shapely python-psycopg2`
Or you can [install a Python virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation.html):
virtualenv imposm3test
source imposm3test/bin/activate
pip install nose shapely psycopg2
You also need `osmosis` to create test PBF files.
There is a Makefile that (re)builds `imposm3` and creates all test files if necessary and then runs the test itself.
make test
WARNING: It uses your local PostgeSQL database (`import` schema), if you have one. Change the database with the standard PGXXX environment variables.
Call `make test-system` to skip the unit tests.
WARNING: It uses your local PostgeSQL database (`import` schema). Change the database with the standard `PGDATABASE`, `PGHOST`, etc. environment variables.