update tag filtering

Oliver Tonnhofer 2017-05-09 15:55:21 +02:00
parent 698a4fc05c
commit b4cf7b91f3
4 changed files with 121 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ func (m *Mapping) extraTags(tableType TableType, tags map[Key]bool) {
tags["area"] = true
func (m *Mapping) ElementFilters() map[string][]ElementFilter {
result := make(map[string][]ElementFilter)
type tableFilters map[string][]ElementFilter
func (m *Mapping) addTypedFilters(tableType TableType, filters tableFilters) {
var areaTags map[Key]struct{}
var linearTags map[Key]struct{}
if m.Areas.AreaTags != nil {
@ -295,6 +295,9 @@ func (m *Mapping) ElementFilters() map[string][]ElementFilter {
for name, t := range m.Tables {
if t.Type != GeometryTable && t.Type != tableType {
if t.Type == LineStringTable && areaTags != nil {
f := func(tags element.Tags, key Key, closed bool) bool {
if closed {
@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ func (m *Mapping) ElementFilters() map[string][]ElementFilter {
return true
result[name] = append(result[name], f)
filters[name] = append(filters[name], f)
if t.Type == PolygonTable && linearTags != nil {
f := func(tags element.Tags, key Key, closed bool) bool {
@ -323,9 +326,13 @@ func (m *Mapping) ElementFilters() map[string][]ElementFilter {
return true
result[name] = append(result[name], f)
filters[name] = append(filters[name], f)
func (m *Mapping) addFilters(filters tableFilters) {
for name, t := range m.Tables {
if t.Filters == nil {
@ -339,9 +346,8 @@ func (m *Mapping) ElementFilters() map[string][]ElementFilter {
return true
result[name] = append(result[name], f)
filters[name] = append(filters[name], f)
return result

View File

@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ func (m *Mapping) RelationTagFilter() TagFilterer {
return newExcludeFilter(m.Tags.Exclude)
mappings := make(map[Key]map[Value][]OrderedDestTable)
m.mappings("linestring", mappings)
m.mappings("polygon", mappings)
tags := make(map[Key]bool)
m.extraTags("linestring", tags)
m.extraTags("polygon", tags)
// do not filter out type tag
// do not filter out type tag for common relations
mappings["type"] = map[Value][]OrderedDestTable{
"multipolygon": []OrderedDestTable{},
"boundary": []OrderedDestTable{},
"land_area": []OrderedDestTable{},
return &RelationTagFilter{TagFilter{mappings, tags}}
m.mappings("linestring", mappings)
m.mappings("polygon", mappings)
tags := make(map[Key]bool)
m.extraTags("linestring", tags)
m.extraTags("polygon", tags)
return &TagFilter{mappings, tags}
type TagFilter struct {
@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ type TagFilter struct {
extraTags map[Key]bool
type RelationTagFilter struct {
type ExcludeFilter struct {
keys map[Key]struct{}
matches []string
@ -79,8 +75,8 @@ func newExcludeFilter(tags []Key) *ExcludeFilter {
return &f
func (f *ExcludeFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool {
for k, _ := range *tags {
func (f *ExcludeFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) {
for k := range *tags {
if _, ok := f.keys[Key(k)]; ok {
delete(*tags, k)
} else if f.matches != nil {
@ -92,26 +88,22 @@ func (f *ExcludeFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool {
return true
type TagFilterer interface {
Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool
Filter(tags *element.Tags)
func (f *TagFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool {
func (f *TagFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) {
if tags == nil {
return false
foundMapping := false
for k, v := range *tags {
values, ok := f.mappings[Key(k)]
if ok {
if _, ok := values["__any__"]; ok {
foundMapping = true
} else if _, ok := values[Value(v)]; ok {
foundMapping = true
} else if _, ok := f.extraTags[Key(k)]; !ok {
delete(*tags, k)
@ -120,58 +112,4 @@ func (f *TagFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool {
delete(*tags, k)
if foundMapping {
return true
} else {
*tags = nil
return false
func (f *RelationTagFilter) Filter(tags *element.Tags) bool {
if tags == nil {
return false
// TODO improve filtering for relation/relation_member mappings
// right now this only works with tags.load_all:true
if t, ok := (*tags)["type"]; ok {
if t != "multipolygon" && t != "boundary" && t != "land_area" {
*tags = nil
return false
if t == "boundary" {
if _, ok := (*tags)["boundary"]; !ok {
// a lot of the boundary relations are not multipolygon
// only import with boundary tags (e.g. boundary=administrative)
*tags = nil
return false
} else {
*tags = nil
return false
tagCount := len(*tags)
// we removed tags...
if len(*tags) < tagCount {
expectedTags := 0
if _, ok := (*tags)["name"]; ok {
expectedTags += 1
if _, ok := (*tags)["type"]; ok {
expectedTags += 1
if len(*tags) == expectedTags {
// but no tags except name and type are left
// remove all, otherwise tags from longest
// way/ring would be used during MP building
*tags = nil
return false
// always return true here since we found a matching type
return true

View File

@ -19,20 +19,37 @@ func init() {
func stringMapEquals(t *testing.T, expected, actual map[string]string) {
if len(expected) != len(actual) {
t.Fatalf("different length in %v and %v\n", expected, actual)
t.Errorf("different length in %v and %v\n", expected, actual)
for k, v := range expected {
if actualV, ok := actual[k]; ok {
if actualV != v {
t.Fatalf("%s != %s in %v and %v\n", v, actualV, expected, actual)
t.Errorf("%s != %s in %v and %v\n", v, actualV, expected, actual)
} else {
t.Fatalf("%s not in %v\n", k, actual)
t.Errorf("%s not in %v\n", k, actual)
func stringMapEqual(expected, actual map[string]string) bool {
if len(expected) != len(actual) {
return false
for k, v := range expected {
if actualV, ok := actual[k]; ok {
if actualV != v {
return false
} else {
return false
return true
func matchesEqual(t *testing.T, expected []Match, actual []Match) {
expectedMatches := make(map[DestTable]Match)
actualMatches := make(map[DestTable]Match)
@ -62,194 +79,78 @@ func matchesEqual(t *testing.T, expected []Match, actual []Match) {
func TestTagFilterNodes(t *testing.T) {
var tags element.Tags
tests := []struct {
tags element.Tags
expected element.Tags
{tags: element.Tags{}, expected: element.Tags{}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "unknown"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "unknown", "population": "1000"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "population": "1000"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "population": "1000"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "population": "1000"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "unknown": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "bus_stop"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "bus_stop"}},
nodes := mapping.NodeTagFilter()
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
for i, test := range tests {
if !stringMapEqual(test.tags, test.expected) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for case %d: %v != %v", i+1, test.tags, test.expected)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "baz"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "unknown"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "population": "1000"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "population": "1000"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "unknown"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "bus_stop"}
if nodes.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "bus_stop"}, tags)
func TestTagFilterWays(t *testing.T) {
var tags element.Tags
tests := []struct {
tags element.Tags
expected element.Tags
{tags: element.Tags{}, expected: element.Tags{}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "unknown"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "whatever"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "whatever"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track", "unknown": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "track"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track", "oneway": "yes", "tunnel": "1"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track", "oneway": "yes", "tunnel": "1"}},
ways := mapping.WayTagFilter()
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
for i, test := range tests {
if !stringMapEqual(test.tags, test.expected) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for case %d: %v != %v", i+1, test.tags, test.expected)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "baz"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "unknown"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track", "oneway": "yes", "tunnel": "1"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track", "oneway": "yes", "tunnel": "1"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "place": "village", "highway": "track"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "highway": "track"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "railway": "tram", "highway": "secondary"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "railway": "tram", "highway": "secondary"}, tags)
// with __any__ value
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "yes"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "yes"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "whatever"}
if ways.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "building": "whatever"}, tags)
func TestTagFilterRelations(t *testing.T) {
var tags element.Tags
tests := []struct {
tags element.Tags
expected element.Tags
{tags: element.Tags{}, expected: element.Tags{}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "foo"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "unknown"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "multipolygon"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "multipolygon"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "type": "multipolygon"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "type": "multipolygon"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "type": "boundary"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "type": "boundary"}},
{tags: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "boundary"}, expected: element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "boundary"}},
relations := mapping.RelationTagFilter()
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
for i, test := range tests {
if !stringMapEqual(test.tags, test.expected) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for case %d: %v != %v", i+1, test.tags, test.expected)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "unknown": "baz"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "unknown"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "multipolygon"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "multipolygon"}, tags)
// skip multipolygon with filtered tags, otherwise tags from
// longest way would be used
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "unknown", "type": "multipolygon"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "park", "type": "multipolygon"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "type": "multipolygon", "landuse": "park"}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "multipolygon"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "multipolygon"}, tags)
// boundary relation for boundary
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "boundary"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "boundary"}, tags)
// boundary relation for non boundary
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "landuse": "farm", "type": "boundary"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
/* skip boundary with filtered tags, otherwise tags from longest way would
be used */
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "boundary": "unknown", "type": "boundary"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{}, tags)
tags = element.Tags{"name": "foo", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "boundary"}
if relations.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("unexpected filter response for", tags)
stringMapEquals(t, element.Tags{"name": "foo", "boundary": "administrative", "type": "boundary"}, tags)
func TestPointMatcher(t *testing.T) {
@ -400,61 +301,6 @@ func TestMatcherMappingOrder(t *testing.T) {
matchesEqual(t, []Match{{"amenity", "university", DestTable{Name: "landusages"}, nil}}, polys.MatchRelation(&elem))
func TestFilterNodes(t *testing.T) {
var tags element.Tags
// test name only
tags = make(element.Tags)
tags["name"] = "foo"
points := mapping.NodeTagFilter()
if points.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("Filter result not false")
if len(tags) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Filter result not empty")
// test name + unmapped tags
tags = make(element.Tags)
tags["name"] = "foo"
tags["boring"] = "true"
if points.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("Filter result not false")
if len(tags) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Filter result not empty")
// test fields only, but no mapping
tags = make(element.Tags)
tags["population"] = "0"
tags["name"] = "foo"
tags["boring"] = "true"
if points.Filter(&tags) != false {
t.Fatal("Filter result true", tags)
if len(tags) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Filter result not empty", tags)
// ... not with mapped tag (place)
tags = make(element.Tags)
tags["population"] = "0"
tags["name"] = "foo"
tags["boring"] = "true"
tags["place"] = "village"
if points.Filter(&tags) != true {
t.Fatal("Filter result true", tags)
if len(tags) != 3 && tags["population"] == "0" && tags["name"] == "foo" && tags["place"] == "village" {
t.Fatal("Filter result not expected", tags)
func TestExcludeFilter(t *testing.T) {
var f TagFilterer
var tags element.Tags
@ -495,9 +341,7 @@ func BenchmarkFilterNodes(b *testing.B) {
tags["boring"] = "true"
points := mapping.NodeTagFilter()
if points.Filter(&tags) != true {
b.Fatal("Filter result true", tags)
if len(tags) != 2 && tags["population"] == "0" && tags["name"] == "foo" {
b.Fatal("Filter result not expected", tags)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import (
func (m *Mapping) PointMatcher() NodeMatcher {
mappings := make(TagTables)
m.mappings(PointTable, mappings)
filters := m.ElementFilters()
filters := make(tableFilters)
m.addTypedFilters(PointTable, filters)
return &tagMatcher{
mappings: mappings,
tables: m.tables(PointTable),
@ -20,7 +22,9 @@ func (m *Mapping) PointMatcher() NodeMatcher {
func (m *Mapping) LineStringMatcher() WayMatcher {
mappings := make(TagTables)
m.mappings(LineStringTable, mappings)
filters := m.ElementFilters()
filters := make(tableFilters)
m.addTypedFilters(LineStringTable, filters)
return &tagMatcher{
mappings: mappings,
tables: m.tables(LineStringTable),
@ -32,7 +36,9 @@ func (m *Mapping) LineStringMatcher() WayMatcher {
func (m *Mapping) PolygonMatcher() RelWayMatcher {
mappings := make(TagTables)
m.mappings(PolygonTable, mappings)
filters := m.ElementFilters()
filters := make(tableFilters)
m.addTypedFilters(PolygonTable, filters)
return &tagMatcher{
mappings: mappings,
tables: m.tables(PolygonTable),
@ -44,7 +50,10 @@ func (m *Mapping) PolygonMatcher() RelWayMatcher {
func (m *Mapping) RelationMatcher() RelationMatcher {
mappings := make(TagTables)
m.mappings(RelationTable, mappings)
filters := m.ElementFilters()
filters := make(tableFilters)
m.addTypedFilters(PolygonTable, filters)
m.addTypedFilters(RelationTable, filters)
return &tagMatcher{
mappings: mappings,
tables: m.tables(RelationTable),
@ -56,7 +65,9 @@ func (m *Mapping) RelationMatcher() RelationMatcher {
func (m *Mapping) RelationMemberMatcher() RelationMatcher {
mappings := make(TagTables)
m.mappings(RelationMemberTable, mappings)
filters := m.ElementFilters()
filters := make(tableFilters)
m.addTypedFilters(RelationMemberTable, filters)
return &tagMatcher{
mappings: mappings,
tables: m.tables(RelationMemberTable),