package geos /* #cgo LDFLAGS: -lgeos_c #include "geos_c.h" #include */ import "C" type PreparedGeom struct { v *C.GEOSPreparedGeometry } func (this *Geos) Prepare(geom *Geom) *PreparedGeom { prep := C.GEOSPrepare_r(this.v, geom.v) if prep == nil { return nil } return &PreparedGeom{prep} } func (this *Geos) PreparedContains(a *PreparedGeom, b *Geom) bool { result := C.GEOSPreparedContains_r(this.v, a.v, b.v) if result == 1 { return true } // result == 2 -> exception (already logged to console) return false } func (this *Geos) PreparedIntersects(a *PreparedGeom, b *Geom) bool { result := C.GEOSPreparedIntersects_r(this.v, a.v, b.v) if result == 1 { return true } // result == 2 -> exception (already logged to console) return false }