dist: trusty sudo: false language: go go: - "1.9.x" - "1.10.x" # we use this for releases, see deploy.on.condition below - tip matrix: allow_failures: - go: tip fast_finish: true env: global: - GEOS_VERSION=3.6.2 - PROTOBUF_VERSION=3.5.1 - LEVELDB_VERSION=1.21 # TODO: update before_script when 1.21 is released # NOTE increase DEPS_REVISION everytime one of the compiled deps changes! - DEPS_REVISION=1 # PREFIX is where we install our compiled deps - PREFIX=${HOME}/local-${DEPS_REVISION} # tell Go to find our compiled deps - CGO_CFLAGS=-I${PREFIX}/include - CGO_LDFLAGS=-L${PREFIX}/lib - LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PREFIX}/lib # PKG_DIR is where we assemble the final package for releases - PKG_DIR=/tmp/imposm_packaging - PGUSER=postgres # enable ccache by updating PATH - PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH - CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp/.ccache-temp cache: directories: - ${HOME}/.ccache - ${PREFIX} addons: postgresql: "9.5" apt: # List of whitelisted in travis packages for ubuntu-trusty can be found here: # https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-package-whitelist/blob/master/ubuntu-trusty packages: - postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.3 - osmosis - chrpath before_script: - psql -U postgres -c 'create database travis' || true - psql -U postgres -c "create extension if not exists postgis" - psql -U postgres -c "create extension if not exists hstore" before_install: - ccache --show-stats # build GEOS - | if [[ ! -e ${PREFIX}/lib/libgeos_c.so ]]; then curl -fsSL http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-${GEOS_VERSION}.tar.bz2 | \ tar -jxf - -C ${HOME}/build cd ${HOME}/build/geos-${GEOS_VERSION} ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX make -j2 make install fi # build LevelDB - | if [[ ! -e ${PREFIX}/lib/libleveldb.so ]]; then mkdir -p ${HOME}/build/leveldb curl -fsSL https://github.com/google/leveldb/archive/master.tar.gz | \ tar -zxf - --strip-components 1 -C ${HOME}/build/leveldb mkdir -p ${HOME}/build/leveldb/build cd ${HOME}/build/leveldb/build cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 && make -j 2 mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/{lib,include} cp -R ${HOME}/build/leveldb/build/liblevel* ${PREFIX}/lib/ cp -R ${HOME}/build/leveldb/include/leveldb ${PREFIX}/include/ fi - ccache --show-stats script: - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} - LEVELDB_POST_121=1 make before_deploy: - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} - mkdir -p ${PKG_DIR}/lib # copy files - cp imposm ${PKG_DIR} - ln -s imposm ${PKG_DIR}/imposm3 - cp README.md ${PKG_DIR} - cp example-mapping.json ${PKG_DIR}/mapping.json # copy/link libs - cd ${PREFIX}/lib - cp libgeos_c.so ${PKG_DIR}/lib - ln -s libgeos_c.so ${PKG_DIR}/lib/libgeos_c.so.1 - cp libgeos.so ${PKG_DIR}/lib - ln -s libgeos.so ${PKG_DIR}/lib/libgeos-${GEOS_VERSION}.so - cp -R libleveldb.so* ${PKG_DIR}/lib # update RPATH of libgeos_c.so so that is points to our libgeos.so - chrpath ${PKG_DIR}/lib/libgeos_c.so -r '${ORIGIN}' # create tar.gz - BUILD_VERSION=`${PKG_DIR}/imposm version`-linux-x86-64 - mv ${PKG_DIR} /tmp/imposm-${BUILD_VERSION} - cd /tmp && tar zcvf imposm-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz imposm-${BUILD_VERSION} # move back to build dir for deploy - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: fBhtCy6vdxxxuLYuJWXeTHJb3SAZCCbUJncIvR9ZOLCDWMJAPBnzPoqJFbByWzl6XghVRwhy9fe/82vzqByKiB/AQpqGqBxlwA9dSsqvSQcQxomAoHKKfZVdOuxM2bLDW3v5pJpmFtCMwhWjgwIOb9WxnBVeLxBbsq2Ox49tgHw= file: /tmp/imposm-${BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz skip_cleanup: true on: repo: omniscale/imposm3 tags: true condition: $TRAVIS_GO_VERSION =~ ^1\.10(\.[0-9]+)?$