I have a strange feeling nobody will be bothered enough to spend

time with non-composited minimize/shade animations.

svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=633222
Luboš Luňák 2007-02-13 15:11:59 +00:00
parent 82c96c4bc7
commit a5e508590a
4 changed files with 225 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -193,8 +193,10 @@ Effects TODO
+ minimize/shade effects
- to replace the ones from KWin core
- Client::animateMinimizeOrUnminimize()
- Client::setShade()
/ - minimizing
- check support for it and the avoid_animation flag
+ - shading
- shading will probably need special support
/ zoom effect
- enlarge a portion of the screen

View File

@ -558,10 +558,6 @@ void Client::minimize( bool avoid_animation )
Notify::raise( Notify::Minimize );
// SELI mainClients().isEmpty() ??? - and in unminimize() too
if ( mainClients().isEmpty() && isOnCurrentDesktop() && isShown( true ) && !avoid_animation )
animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( true ); // was visible or shaded
minimized = true;
@ -569,7 +565,7 @@ void Client::minimize( bool avoid_animation )
workspace()->updateMinimizedOfTransients( this );
workspace()->updateFocusChains( this, Workspace::FocusChainMakeLast );
if( effects )
if( effects && !avoid_animation ) // TODO shouldn't it tell effects at least about the change?
effects->windowMinimized( effectWindow());
@ -580,16 +576,11 @@ void Client::unminimize( bool avoid_animation )
Notify::raise( Notify::UnMinimize );
minimized = false;
if( isOnCurrentDesktop() && isShown( true ))
if( mainClients().isEmpty() && !avoid_animation )
animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( false );
workspace()->updateMinimizedOfTransients( this );
if( effects )
if( effects && !avoid_animation )
effects->windowUnminimized( effectWindow());
@ -613,130 +604,6 @@ QRect Client::iconGeometry() const
extern bool blockAnimation;
void Client::animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( bool minimize )
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning implement kwin animation
if ( 1 || blockAnimation )
if ( !options->animateMinimize )
if( decoration != NULL && decoration->animateMinimize( minimize ))
return; // decoration did it
// the function is a bit tricky since it will ensure that an
// animation action needs always the same time regardless of the
// performance of the machine or the X-Server.
float lf,rf,tf,bf,step;
int speed = options->animateMinimizeSpeed;
if ( speed > 10 )
speed = 10;
if ( speed < 0 )
speed = 0;
step = 40. * (11 - speed );
QRect icongeom = iconGeometry();
if ( !icongeom.isValid() )
QPixmap pm = animationPixmap( minimize ? width() : icongeom.width() );
QRect before, after;
if ( minimize )
before = QRect( x(), y(), width(), pm.height() );
after = QRect( icongeom.x(), icongeom.y(), icongeom.width(), pm.height() );
before = QRect( icongeom.x(), icongeom.y(), icongeom.width(), pm.height() );
after = QRect( x(), y(), width(), pm.height() );
lf = (after.left() - before.left())/step;
rf = (after.right() - before.right())/step;
tf = (after.top() - before.top())/step;
bf = (after.bottom() - before.bottom())/step;
QRect area = before;
QRect area2;
QPixmap pm2;
QTime t;
float diff;
QPainter p ( workspace()->desktopWidget() );
bool need_to_clear = false;
QPixmap pm3;
if (area2 != area)
pm = animationPixmap( area.width() );
pm2 = QPixmap::grabWindow( rootWindow(), area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height() );
p.drawPixmap( area.x(), area.y(), pm );
if ( need_to_clear )
p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm3 );
need_to_clear = false;
area2 = area;
XSync( display(), false );
diff = t.elapsed();
if (diff > step)
diff = step;
area.setLeft(before.left() + int(diff*lf));
area.setRight(before.right() + int(diff*rf));
area.setTop(before.top() + int(diff*tf));
area.setBottom(before.bottom() + int(diff*bf));
if (area2 != area )
if ( area2.intersects( area ) )
p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm2 );
{ // no overlap, we can clear later to avoid flicker
pm3 = pm2;
need_to_clear = true;
} while ( t.elapsed() < step);
if (area2 == area || need_to_clear )
p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm2 );
The pixmap shown during (un)minimalization animation
QPixmap Client::animationPixmap( int w )
QFont font = options->font(isActive());
QFontMetrics fm( font );
QPixmap pm( w, fm.lineSpacing() );
pm.fill( options->color(Options::ColorTitleBar, isActive() || isMinimized() ) );
QPainter p( &pm );
p.setPen(options->color(Options::ColorFont, isActive() || isMinimized() ));
p.drawText( pm.rect(), Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::TextSingleLine, caption() );
return pm;
bool Client::isShadeable() const
return !isSpecialWindow() && !noBorder();
@ -775,13 +642,11 @@ void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
// decorations may turn off some borders when shaded
decoration->borders( border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom );
int as = options->animateShade? 10 : 1;
// TODO all this unmapping, resizing etc. feels too much duplicated from elsewhere
if ( isShade())
{ // shade_mode == ShadeNormal
workspace()->addRepaint( geometry());
// shade
int h = height();
shade_geometry_change = true;
QSize s( sizeForClientSize( QSize( clientSize())));
s.setHeight( border_top + border_bottom );
@ -789,19 +654,6 @@ void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
XUnmapWindow( display(), wrapper );
XUnmapWindow( display(), client );
XSelectInput( display(), wrapper, ClientWinMask | SubstructureNotifyMask );
// FRAME repaint( false );
// bool wasStaticContents = testWFlags( WStaticContents );
// setWFlags( WStaticContents );
int step = qMax( 4, QABS( h - s.height() ) / as )+1;
h -= step;
XResizeWindow( display(), frameId(), s.width(), h );
resizeDecoration( QSize( s.width(), h ));
} while ( h > s.height() + step );
// if ( !wasStaticContents )
// clearWFlags( WStaticContents );
plainResize( s );
shade_geometry_change = false;
if( isActive())
@ -814,24 +666,8 @@ void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
int h = height();
shade_geometry_change = true;
QSize s( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()));
// FRAME bool wasStaticContents = testWFlags( WStaticContents );
// setWFlags( WStaticContents );
int step = qMax( 4, QABS( h - s.height() ) / as )+1;
h += step;
XResizeWindow( display(), frameId(), s.width(), h );
resizeDecoration( QSize( s.width(), h ));
// assume a border
// we do not have time to wait for X to send us paint events
// FRAME repaint( 0, h - step-5, width(), step+5, true);
} while ( h < s.height() - step );
// if ( !wasStaticContents )
// clearWFlags( WStaticContents );
shade_geometry_change = false;
plainResize( s );
if( shade_mode == ShadeHover || shade_mode == ShadeActivated )

View File

@ -273,8 +273,6 @@ class Client
void setCursor( Position m );
void setCursor( const QCursor& c );
void animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( bool minimize );
QPixmap animationPixmap( int w );
// transparent stuff
void drawbound( const QRect& geom );
void clearbound();

View File

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "tabbox.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "unmanaged.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include <QWhatsThis>
#include <QApplication>
@ -83,6 +86,10 @@ void WinInfo::changeState( unsigned long state, unsigned long mask )
m_client->setFullScreen( true, false );
void WinInfo::disable()
m_client = NULL; // only used when the object is passed to Deleted
// ****************************************
// RootInfo
@ -199,15 +206,10 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
XUngrabKeyboard( display(), xTime() );
if( e->type == PropertyNotify || e->type == ClientMessage )
if ( e->type == PropertyNotify || e->type == ClientMessage )
unsigned long dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROPERTIES_SIZE ];
rootInfo->event( e, dirty, NETRootInfo::PROPERTIES_SIZE );
if( dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::DesktopNames )
if( dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2DesktopLayout )
setDesktopLayout( rootInfo->desktopLayoutOrientation(), rootInfo->desktopLayoutColumnsRows().width(),
rootInfo->desktopLayoutColumnsRows().height(), rootInfo->desktopLayoutCorner());
if ( netCheck( e ) )
return true;
// events that should be handled before Clients can get them
@ -223,6 +225,8 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
tab_box->handleMouseEvent( e );
return true;
if( effects && effects->checkInputWindowEvent( e ))
return true;
case KeyPress:
@ -267,6 +271,11 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
if( c->windowEvent( e ))
return true;
else if( Unmanaged* c = findUnmanaged( WindowMatchPredicate( e->xany.window )))
if( c->windowEvent( e ))
return true;
Window special = findSpecialEventWindow( e );
@ -324,13 +333,8 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
return true;
return ( e->xunmap.event != e->xunmap.window ); // hide wm typical event from Qt
case MapNotify:
return ( e->xmap.event != e->xmap.window ); // hide wm typical event from Qt
case ReparentNotify:
//do not confuse Qt with these events. After all, _we_ are the
@ -380,6 +384,19 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
case MapNotify:
if( e->xmap.override_redirect )
Unmanaged* c = findUnmanaged( WindowMatchPredicate( e->xmap.window ));
if( c == NULL )
c = createUnmanaged( e->xmap.window );
if( c )
return c->windowEvent( e );
return ( e->xmap.event != e->xmap.window ); // hide wm typical event from Qt
case EnterNotify:
if ( QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() )
@ -456,7 +473,29 @@ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
if( electricBorder( e ))
return true;
case MappingNotify:
XRefreshKeyboardMapping( &e->xmapping );
case Expose:
if( e->xexpose.window == rootWindow() && compositing()) // root window needs repainting
addRepaint( e->xexpose.x, e->xexpose.y, e->xexpose.width, e->xexpose.height );
if( e->type == Extensions::randrNotifyEvent() && Extensions::randrAvailable() )
XRRUpdateConfiguration( e );
if( compositing() )
// desktopResized() should take care of when the size or
// shape of the desktop has changed, but we also want to
// catch refresh rate changes
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( setupCompositing() ) );
return false;
@ -496,6 +535,20 @@ Window Workspace::findSpecialEventWindow( XEvent* e )
Handles client messages sent to the workspace
bool Workspace::netCheck( XEvent* e )
unsigned int dirty = rootInfo->event( e );
if ( dirty & NET::DesktopNames )
return dirty != 0;
// ****************************************
// Client
// ****************************************
@ -508,6 +561,7 @@ bool Client::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
if( e->xany.window == window()) // avoid doing stuff on frame or wrapper
unsigned long dirty[ 2 ];
double old_opacity = opacity();
info->event( e, dirty, 2 ); // pass through the NET stuff
if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMName ) != 0 )
@ -538,6 +592,21 @@ bool Client::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
if( demandAttentionKNotifyTimer != NULL )
if( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2Opacity )
if( compositing())
scene->windowOpacityChanged( this );
if( effects )
effects->windowOpacityChanged( effectWindow(), old_opacity );
{ // forward to the frame if there's possibly another compositing manager running
NETWinInfo i( display(), frameId(), rootWindow(), 0 );
i.setOpacity( info->opacity());
// TODO move all focus handling stuff to separate file?
@ -618,15 +687,23 @@ bool Client::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
case VisibilityNotify:
visibilityNotifyEvent( &e->xvisibility );
if( e->xany.window == window())
if( e->type == Shape::shapeEvent() )
is_shape = Shape::hasShape( window()); // workaround for #19644
if( e->type == Extensions::shapeNotifyEvent() )
detectShape( window()); // workaround for #19644
if( e->xany.window == frameId())
if( e->type == Extensions::damageNotifyEvent())
damageNotifyEvent( reinterpret_cast< XDamageNotifyEvent* >( e ));
return true; // eat all events
@ -728,8 +805,6 @@ void Client::destroyNotifyEvent( XDestroyWindowEvent* e )
bool blockAnimation = false;
Handles client messages for the client window
@ -742,14 +817,13 @@ void Client::clientMessageEvent( XClientMessageEvent* e )
if( isTopMenu() && workspace()->managingTopMenus())
return; // kwin controls these
if( e->data.l[ 1 ] )
blockAnimation = true;
bool avoid_animation = ( e->data.l[ 1 ] );
if( e->data.l[ 0 ] == IconicState )
else if( e->data.l[ 0 ] == NormalState )
{ // copied from mapRequest()
if( isMinimized())
unminimize( avoid_animation );
if( isShade())
setShade( ShadeNone );
if( !isOnCurrentDesktop())
@ -760,7 +834,6 @@ void Client::clientMessageEvent( XClientMessageEvent* e )
blockAnimation = false;
else if ( e->message_type == atoms->wm_change_state)
@ -829,6 +902,7 @@ void Client::configureRequestEvent( XConfigureRequestEvent* e )
void Client::propertyNotifyEvent( XPropertyEvent* e )
Toplevel::propertyNotifyEvent( e );
if( e->window != window())
return; // ignore frame/wrapper
switch ( e->atom )
@ -852,10 +926,6 @@ void Client::propertyNotifyEvent( XPropertyEvent* e )
if ( e->atom == atoms->wm_protocols )
else if (e->atom == atoms->wm_client_leader )
else if( e->atom == atoms->wm_window_role )
window_role = staticWindowRole( window());
else if( e->atom == atoms->motif_wm_hints )
@ -995,13 +1065,18 @@ void Client::ungrabButton( int modifier )
void Client::updateMouseGrab()
if( workspace()->globalShortcutsDisabled())
XUngrabButton( display(), AnyButton, AnyModifier, wrapperId());
// keep grab for the simple click without modifiers if needed
if( !( !options->clickRaise || not_obscured ))
grabButton( None );
if( isActive() && !workspace()->forcedGlobalMouseGrab()) // see Workspace::establishTabBoxGrab()
// remove the grab for no modifiers only if the window
// is unobscured or if the user doesn't want click raise
// (it is unobscured if it the topmost in the unconstrained stacking order, i.e. it is
// the most recently raised window)
bool not_obscured = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop(), true, false ) == this;
if( !options->clickRaise || not_obscured )
ungrabButton( None );
@ -1021,37 +1096,6 @@ void Client::updateMouseGrab()
int qtToX11Button( Qt::ButtonState button )
if( button == Qt::LeftButton )
return Button1;
else if( button == Qt::MidButton )
return Button2;
else if( button == Qt::RightButton )
return Button3;
return AnyButton;
int qtToX11State( Qt::ButtonState buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )
int ret = 0;
if( buttons & Qt::LeftButton )
ret |= Button1Mask;
if( buttons & Qt::MidButton )
ret |= Button2Mask;
if( buttons & Qt::RightButton )
ret |= Button3Mask;
if( modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier )
ret |= ShiftMask;
if( modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier )
ret |= ControlMask;
if( modifiers & Qt::AltModifier )
ret |= KKeyServer::modXAlt();
if( modifiers & Qt::MetaModifier )
ret |= KKeyServer::modXMeta();
return ret;
// Qt propagates mouse events up the widget hierachy, which means events
// for the decoration window cannot be (easily) intercepted as X11 events
bool Client::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e )
@ -1095,6 +1139,15 @@ bool Client::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e )
// on the decoration widget.
if( ev->size() != size())
return true;
// HACK: Avoid decoration redraw delays. On resize Qt sets WA_WStateConfigPending
// which delays all painting until a matching ConfigureNotify event comes.
// But this process itself is the window manager, so it's not needed
// to wait for that event, the geometry is known.
// Note that if Qt in the future changes how this flag is handled and what it
// triggers then this may potentionally break things. See mainly QETWidget::translateConfigEvent().
decoration->widget()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_ConfigPending, false );
return false;
return false;
@ -1436,6 +1489,17 @@ void Client::focusOutEvent( XFocusOutEvent* e )
setActive( false );
void Client::visibilityNotifyEvent( XVisibilityEvent * e)
if( e->window != frameId())
return; // care only about the whole frame
bool new_not_obscured = e->state == VisibilityUnobscured;
if( not_obscured == new_not_obscured )
not_obscured = new_not_obscured;
// performs _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE
void Client::NETMoveResize( int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction )
@ -1497,7 +1561,7 @@ void Client::keyPressEvent( uint key_code )
bool is_alt = key_code & Qt::ALT;
key_code = key_code & 0xffff;
int delta = is_control?1:is_alt?32:8;
QPoint pos = QCursor::pos();
QPoint pos = cursorPos();
switch ( key_code )
case Qt::Key_Left:
@ -1530,6 +1594,98 @@ void Client::keyPressEvent( uint key_code )
QCursor::setPos( pos );
// ****************************************
// Unmanaged
// ****************************************
bool Unmanaged::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
double old_opacity = opacity();
unsigned long dirty[ 2 ];
info->event( e, dirty, 2 ); // pass through the NET stuff
if( dirty[ NETWinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2Opacity )
if( compositing())
scene->windowOpacityChanged( this );
if( effects )
effects->windowOpacityChanged( effectWindow(), old_opacity );
switch (e->type)
case UnmapNotify:
unmapNotifyEvent( &e->xunmap );
case MapNotify:
mapNotifyEvent( &e->xmap );
case ConfigureNotify:
configureNotifyEvent( &e->xconfigure );
case PropertyNotify:
propertyNotifyEvent( &e->xproperty );
if( e->type == Extensions::shapeNotifyEvent() )
detectShape( window());
if( compositing() )
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
if( e->type == Extensions::damageNotifyEvent())
damageNotifyEvent( reinterpret_cast< XDamageNotifyEvent* >( e ));
return false; // don't eat events, even our own unmanaged widgets are tracked
void Unmanaged::mapNotifyEvent( XMapEvent* )
void Unmanaged::unmapNotifyEvent( XUnmapEvent* )
void Unmanaged::configureNotifyEvent( XConfigureEvent* e )
if( effects )
effects->checkInputWindowStacking(); // keep them on top
QRect newgeom( e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height );
if( newgeom == geom )
workspace()->addRepaint( geometry()); // damage old area
geom = newgeom;
if( scene != NULL )
scene->windowGeometryShapeChanged( this );
// ****************************************
// Toplevel
// ****************************************
void Toplevel::propertyNotifyEvent( XPropertyEvent* e )
if( e->window != window())
return; // ignore frame/wrapper
switch ( e->atom )
if (e->atom == atoms->wm_client_leader )
else if( e->atom == atoms->wm_window_role )
// ****************************************
// Group
// ****************************************